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SB3 Audio Script

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Audio Script

UNIT 1 Edgar: Dancing?

Lucia: Yeah! Remember? We used to go out all the
Page 8, Listen, Exercises A and B time. We went out dancing every weekend.
Marco: Great game. Is this the Atlas league? I’ve heard Edgar: That was a long time ago!
about them. Lucia: I know. But listen. I heard about a new
Edwin: Yes. I love to come here and watch them. restaurant, El Diamente. They play norteno,
Marco: Do they play every Saturday? tejana, and mariachi—all the music we like.
Edwin: Yes, unless it rains. By the way, my name is Edgar: But I can’t dance anymore. You know I’ve got
Edwin. back problems.
Marco: Hi, I’m Marco. Nice to meet you. Lucia: Please, Edgar…
Edwin: Nice to meet you, too. Do you live around Edgar: Oh…all right.... After all, it is our anniversary.
here? Lucia: Oh, Edgar, you remembered! I love you!
Marco: Nearby. I live in Southside. I’m originally from Listen. I’ll ask Mom to baby-sit right now
Brazil. before you change your mind!
Page 8, Listen, Exercise C
Edwin: Oh, yeah? There’s a guy in the league from
Brazil. He’s over there, number 4. Page 28, Listen, Exercises A, B, and C
Marco: Wait a minute, I know him! He’s from my Gustavo: So, Carmen, what’s going on with you?
town, Corumba . . . Hey! Hector! It’s me, Carmen: You’ll never guess! I’m going back to school.
Marco! Hi! Uh-oh. He lost the ball. Gustavo: Really?
Page 14, Listen, Exercises A and B Carmen: Uh-huh. I’m going to take night classes this
Roger: This is 101.9 Radio New York. We turn now to
Gustavo: Yeah? Where?
events for the weekend. Ellen, could you tell us
Carmen: At Los Angeles City College.
about the West Indian–American Day parade?
Gustavo: That’s great. What will you study?
Ellen: Certainly, Roger. The annual West Indian–
Carmen: Well, I want to be a nurse. I’d like to get an
American Day parade takes place this Labor
associate’s degree.
Day weekend, on Monday, Labor Day.
Gustavo: What classes do you have to take for that?
Thousands of people will dance in beautiful
Carmen: Well, first I have to take basic classes, like
costumes down Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn,
biology. Then I can apply to the clinical
New York. The costumes make this an exciting
event. And don’t forget the free music. You
Gustavo: How long will that take?
will hear calypso, rap, and reggae music played
Carmen: I’m going to go part-time. If I work really
on guitars and steel drums. Last but not least,
hard, I might get the degree in three years.
don’t miss the food. This parade has terrific
Gustavo: Well, good luck. Here’s an orange.
Caribbean food at low prices. You might want
Carmen: An orange? Why an orange?
to try some rice and peas, or a little curried
Gustavo: Don’t you know? Student nurses have to
chicken or goat.
practice giving shots. And they always start on
Roger: So, Monday, Labor Day, head to Brooklyn!
an orange.
Enjoy the sights, sounds, and the tastes of the
Carmen: Oh! Thanks.
West Indian–American Day Parade.
Page 34, Listen, Exercises A and B
Page 20, Listen, Exercises A and B Sheng: So, Min, how’s work?
Eva: Lucia: Edgar, are you working tomorrow? Min: Oh, my new boss is terrible. I work hard, but
Edgar: No, I have the weekend off. he complains about my work a lot. Then he
Lucia: But you usually work on Saturdays. keeps me late, and I usually miss my bus. I’m
Edgar: I do, but I asked for this weekend off. going to look for a new job.
Lucia: That’s great. Let’s go out. Why don’t we go Sheng: I’m sorry to hear that. So are you looking for a
dancing! job here at the community center?


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Min: Yes, there are always good job postings on UNIT 3
the bulletin board here.
Sheng: Maybe you can go to a temp agency, too. Page 48, Listen, Exercise A
Sometimes if you get a temporary job Ted: You’re listening to WKVS, Radio Chicago.
through a temp agency, it can become Our guest today is Kendra Williams.
permanent. Kendra is a teacher in the Chicago public
schools, and she’s written a great book
Page 34, Listen, Exercise C called Helping Your Child in School.
Sheng: Hey! Here’s a job for you. It’s a sales job. Welcome.
Min: Really? What does it say? Kendra: Thank you, Ted.
Sheng: It says, “Full-time sales. Must be good with
people. Good location. Flexible hours.” Page 48, Listen, Exercises B and C
Min: Where is it? Ted: So, Kendra. What advice do you have for
Sheng: It’s at an electronics store. parents who want to help their kids in
Min: That’s great! I have electronics experience. I school?
think I’ll call them. What’s the number? Kendra: Well, the first thing I tell parents is to
Sheng: It’s 555-5432. get involved with their children’s school.
Min: What? That’s my work number. That ad For example, join the parent-teacher
must be for my job! organization, and go to school events.
Some parents might feel they can’t
Page 41, Listen, Exercises A, B, and C participate. Maybe they have an accent, or
And now some announcements from the Long Beach their grammar isn’t perfect. That doesn’t
Community Center. Free classes in English and matter. You have the right to ask questions.
computers will start again on Wednesday, September And you should go to all meetings and
10. We’re giving English placement tests on September parent teacher conferences so you’ll know
8 and 9 for new students. Space is limited, so come what’s happening in the classroom.
early. Classes are free, but you need to register in Ted: Any other advice to help children succeed
advance. at school?
Kendra: Yes. I believe parents should help their
During the months of September and October, children with their homework. Look it
there will be a mural painting project at the corner over. Talk about it.
of 5th Avenue and Dupont. This will be a special Ted: Hmm. I’ll bet parents will learn a lot, too.
group project for people of all ages to improve our Kendra: Yes. They probably will.
neighborhood. We’ll be painting the mural every Ted: OK. This is all good advice. But what about
weekend from 9 until 5. Volunteers are welcome. To other problems, Kendra, that aren’t about
sign up, please call extension 6 or just drop by. schoolwork? For example, what should
a parent do if other children are picking
Finally, on Saturday, October 1, we’re starting a food on their child? Or if the area around the
and clothing drive. Please bring in any cans or packages school isn’t safe?
of food or clean clothes you don’t need. And if you have Kendra: Those are really important questions, Ted.
time, please sign up to help distribute the food and Well, first, they should write a note to the
clothes on October 20. teacher. If the teacher can’t help, the parent
can see the vice principal. One of the vice
If you have any questions, please visit us at 89 Main principal’s jobs is to make the school safe.
Street, call us at 555-1234, or e-mail us at lbcc@gmail. He or she can discipline students. So, get
com. to know your child’s school and the vice
principal and teachers. They can often help.
Ted: Well, thank you so much. Your suggestions
are very helpful. I’m sure our listeners have
a lot of questions. After this commercial
break, Kendra will answer questions. So
call us at 1-800-555-WKVS …


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Page 55, Listen, Exercises A, B, and C Page 60, Listen, Exercise C
Beatriz: Hey, Rafael. How was school? Counselor: The four-year colleges want students
Rafael: OK. to take certain classes. That way they are
Beatriz: Just OK? prepared for college.
Rafael: Yeah. Mrs. Andrade: What classes does he need?
Beatriz: What’s wrong? You look really upset. Was it Counselor: Well, he has to take four years of
that homework for Mr. Meltzer? Did you get it English. He also needs three years
back? of social studies, math and science, as
Rafael: Yeah. I got an A on it. It’s not that. well as two years of a foreign language,
Beatriz: Then what happened in school? and a semester of computer science.
Rafael: Nothing. Mrs. Andrade: Two years of a foreign language? Bravlio
Beatriz: I know something happened. What is it? is fluent in Spanish. He can read it and
Rafael: It’s some boys in my grade…Tommy and Mark. write it.
Beatriz: What did they do? Counselor: Well if he passes a test in Spanish, he
Rafael: They took my lunch money. doesn’t have to take a foreign language.
Beatriz: When did that happen? He can take math and science.
Rafael: On the school playground. They said they
would beat me up, so I gave them my lunch UNIT 4
money. Then in school they called me stupid.
They called me a dummy. And they made fun Page 68, Listen, Exercises A and B
of my name. I hate school. I’m never going Have you ever thought about a career as a licensed
back. technician? Things break every day. Licensed technicians
are always needed to fix them. At ACME technical school,
Page 59, Listen to a Telephone Recording,
you’ll learn the skills you need to become a licensed
Exercises B and C technician. We offer programs in air conditioning,
Hello, you have reached Randolph High School. Please refrigeration, electronics, and automotive and computer
listen to the following options. technology. Classes are held days, nights, and weekends.
For the principal’s office, press 1. Study full-time or part-time in our state-of-the-art
For the vice principal’s office, press 2. labs. We offer financial aid to those who qualify. And
For the main office, press 3. all programs come with free job placement services.
For the counseling office, press 4 Employers call us every day looking for you. So what
For the health clinic, press 5 are you waiting for? Call now. 1-800-ACME-FIX. That
For directions to the school, press 6. number again is 1-800-A-C-M-E-F-I-X.
For the teacher’s room, press 7.
Page 74, Listen, Exercises A and B
Page 60, Listen, Exercises A and B James: It’s nice to meet you, Luis.
Counselor: Hello, Mrs. Andrade. How are you? Luis: Thank you, it’s nice to meet you, too, James.
Mrs. Andrade: Fine, thank you. James: So, I’m looking for a chef. Emilio, the assistant
Counselor: So let’s see, let me get Braulio’s file. His manager, recommended you. Can you tell me
grades were good this year, especially in about your past restaurant experience?
math and science. He’s a good student. Luis: Sure. I’ve been a line cook at El Norte
Mrs. Andrade: Thank you. He tries hard. restaurant for the last five years. I also owned
Counselor: Well, he’s going to finish high school my own café in Mexico City. And before that
soon. But what about afterward? What I worked in a couple of restaurants in Mexico
would you like to see for Braulio’s future? for several years.
Mrs. Andrade: We really want him to go to a four-year James: So why do you want to leave El Norte?
college. Luis: Well, I’ve worked there for four years. It’s
Counselor: Oh, that’s great. Well, in that case, we a very good restaurant, but I’m ready for
have to make sure he takes the right a change. And your restaurant has a great
courses. reputation.


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Page 74, Listen, Exercise C Page 81, Listen, Exercise B
James: Oh, so you’ve heard of the restaurant? Val: You’re listening to ON THE AIR. I’m Val
Luis: Of course. Everyone knows PJ’s has great food. Korey. We’re here today talking about the
James: Thank you. Now, tell me more about your rights of employees with Leon Vasquez. Leon
experience. Have you ever planned menus or is a career counselor at Greenville Adult
prepared meals for large groups of people? School. Today he’s going to talk about our
Luis: Yes, I have. We serve a hundred people a night rights at job interviews. Leon, what kinds of
at El Norte. questions are illegal for an employer to ask at a
James: And have you managed staff? job interview?
Luis: Sure, when I owned my café. Leon: Well, first of all, interviewers are not allowed
to ask a person’s age.
Page 81, Listen, Exercise A Val: Really? Why is that? You can usually tell a
Val: I’m Val Korey. We’re here today with Leon person’s age just by looking at them.
Vasquez talking about the rights of employees. Leon: That’s true, but it’s still illegal for an employer
Leon is a career counselor at the Greenville to ask your age. It’s a way to protect older
Adult School. Today he’s going to talk about workers from discrimination.
our rights at job interviews. Leon, what Val: I see. Can you give us another example of an
questions are illegal for an employer to ask at a illegal question?
job interview? Leon: All right, here’s a common one. Employers are
Leon: Well, first of all, interviewers are not allowed not allowed to ask if someone is married or
to ask a person’s age. has children.
Val: Really? Why is that? You can usually tell a Val: Why would employers want to know that?
person’s age just by looking at them. Leon: The employer might think that if someone has
Leon: That’s true, but it’s still illegal for an employer little children, they won’t be dependable. They
to ask your age. It’s a way to protect older may think the mother or father will call in sick
workers from discrimination. too often, or come in late.
Val: I see. Can you give us another example of an
illegal question? Page 81, Listen, Exercise C
Leon: All right, here’s a common one. Employers are Val: So questions about age and family are not
not allowed to ask if someone is married or allowed. Are there other types of illegal
has children. questions?
Val: Why would employers want to know that? Leon: Yes. There are many. For example, employers
Leon: The employer might think that if someone has can’t ask questions about religion, race, age, or
little children, they won’t be dependable. They national origin.
may think the mother or father will call in sick Val: Really? You mean an employer isn’t allowed to
too often, or come in late. ask, “Where were you born?”
Val: So, questions about age and family are not Leon: That’s correct.
allowed. Are there other types of illegal Val: How interesting. I had no idea. Well, thanks,
questions? Leon. We have to take a break now. We’ll be
Leon: Yes. There are many. For example, employers back after this commercial break with your
can’t ask questions about religion, race, age, or questions for Leon Vasquez.
national origin.
Val: Really? You mean an employer isn’t allowed to UNIT 5
ask, “Where were you born?”
Leon: That’s correct. Page 88, Listen, Exercise A
Val: How interesting. I had no idea. Well, thanks,
Leon. We have to take a break now. We’ll be Announcement 1:
back after this commercial break with your Announcer: Flight number 385 leaving for Bogota will
questions for Leon Vasquez. begin the boarding procedure at Gate 13A.
Passengers with small children or needing
special assistance, may pre-board now.
Mother: Carlos, take your bag. We can board now.


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Announcement 2: Ken: Hey, Amy. Where are you?
Announcer: Attention passengers on flight number Amy: Over here, next to the taxi stand. How
289 to San Diego. Flight number 289 has come I don’t see you? Oh, there you are.
been canceled. You’re wearing that polo shirt I gave you.
Passenger A: Excuse me, I couldn’t hear the It looks good.
announcement. Did you hear what they Ken: It looks good? I look good.
said? Amy: OK, do you have all your bags?
Passenger B: Flight 289 was canceled. Ken: Yeah. Wait a minute. This bag isn’t mine!
Passenger A: They canceled a flight! Wait, that’s our Page 101, Listen, Exercise A
Announcer: Bus number 908 from Jacksonville to
Passenger C: Oh, no, we’ll miss the wedding!
Miami has been canceled due to bad
Announcement 3: weather conditions. The next bus to
Announcer: Attention passengers on flight number Miami, bus number 918, will be leaving at
870 to Caracas. The departure gate has 3:30 from gate
changed. Flight number 870 will now be number 24.
departing from gate 22. Page 101, Listen, Exercises B and C
Mother: What are we going to do? Samara won’t
Announcer: Bus number 908 from Jacksonville to
be able to walk that far. She’s only 3.
Miami has been canceled due to bad
Father: Don’t worry, I can carry her.
weather conditions. The next bus to
Announcement 4: Miami, bus number 918, will be leaving at
Passenger A: We’re late! 3:30 from gate number 24.
Passenger B: Wait, Julio. I can’t run that fast! Mrs. Ramirez: Hello?
Passenger A: Keep running! Carlos: Hi, Mom. It’s me.
Announcer: Attention passengers: Flight number 901 Mrs. Ramirez: Carlos! We can’t wait to see you.
is experiencing a mechanical difficulty. Carlos: Listen, Mama. I have bad news and good
Boarding has been delayed. Flight news. I can’t take the two o’ clock bus. I
number 901 will board in approximately missed it. I’m taking a bus at 3:30.
30 minutes. Mrs. Ramirez: Oh, Carlos. I made a big dinner, and
Passenger A: You can stop running, Julio. everyone’s coming. You won’t be able to
eat with us.
Page 94, Listen, Exercises A and B Carlos: I know, Mom, but we’ll still be able to
Ken: Hey, Amy. It’s me, Ken. I’m on BART. spend the whole Christmas day together
Sorry, I’m running late. There was a tomorrow. I’ve got good news too . . .
30-minute delay. A train got stuck at 24th I’ll be back next month for your 70th
Street. birthday.
Amy: That’s too bad. So, what time are you Mrs. Ramirez: You will? Oh, that’s great. But Carlos,
arriving then? would you do me a little favor?
Ken: I think about 3:30. Which station should I Carlos: Sure, Mom.
get off at? Mrs. Ramirez: Don’t tell anyone it’s my 70th birthday.
Amy: The Lake Merritt Station. Call me when Carlos: Of course not, Mom. Anyway, no one
you get there. I’ll park and wait for you. would believe you’re 70.
Oh, I forgot to tell you. My car isn’t
Page 101, Listen, Exercise C
running, but my mom will let me borrow
hers. I’ll be in a red Toyota Corolla. Carlos: Listen, Mom. I have bad news and good
Ken: Great. See you soon. news. I can’t take the two o’ clock bus. I
missed it. I’m taking a bus at 3:30.
Page 94, Listen, Exercise C Mrs. Ramirez: Oh, Carlos. I made a big Christmas Eve
Amy: Hello? dinner, and everyone’s coming. You won’t
be able to eat with us.


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Carlos: I know, Mom, but we’ll still be able to Manuel: Pay the bill. Then, cancel your cell phone plan
spend the whole Christmas day together and pay the cancellation fee. Then switch to
tomorrow. I’ve got good news, Horizon. They have better plans.
too . . . I’ll be back next month for your Luis: Thanks, Manuel.
70th birthday.
Mrs. Ramirez: You will? Oh, that’s great. But Carlos, Page 114, Listen, Exercise B
would you do me a little favor? Luis: Manuel, I’ve got a big problem.
Carlos: Sure, Mom. Manuel: What’s wrong, Luis?
Mrs. Ramirez: Don’t tell anyone it’s my 70th birthday. Luis: I just got my cell phone bill. It was 653
Carlos: Of course not, Mom. Anyway, no one dollars!
would believe you’re 70. Manuel: What? How did that happen?
Luis: Well, last month I signed up for a cheaper
plan with Sunphone. The plan said 900
minutes for 99 dollars. The salesperson said I
Page 108, Listen, Exercises A and B could talk for 900 minutes during the day and
Emilio: Ana. Pull out the plug. unlimited minutes on nights and weekends.
Ana: What’s the matter? Manuel: So, what happened?
Emilio: I think something burning. Luis: Look at this bill. They charged me for both
Ana: Well, what is it? What do you think is wrong? nights and weekends.
Emilio: Maybe it’s the motor, or maybe the bag is full. Page 114, Listen, Exercise C
Did you change the bag?
Manuel: Did you call the company?
Ana: Of course I changed the bag. It’s just old.
Luis: I did. But they said there’s nothing they can
Emilio: When did we buy this vacuum? Do you think
do. It’s in my contract. The contract says 900
it’s still under warranty?
minutes a month total.
Ana: No way. This thing is at least five years old.
Manuel: Call the company back. Tell them you won’t
Emilio: I guess we’ll have to buy a new one, then.
Ana: Good. I never liked this vacuum anyway.
Luis: I did. They said they’ll shut off my phone.
Page 114, Listen, Exercise A What should I do?
Luis: Manuel, I’ve got a big problem. Manuel: Pay the bill. Then, cancel your cell phone plan
Manuel: What’s wrong, Luis? and pay the cancellation fee. Then switch to
Luis: I just got my cell phone bill. It was 653 Horizon. They have better plans.
dollars! Luis: Thanks, Manuel.
Manuel: What? How did that happen? Page 120, Listen, Exercises A and B
Luis: Last month I signed up for a cheaper plan
Clerk: May I help you?
with Sunphone. The plan said 900 minutes for
Rachel: Yes, I want to return this cell phone.
99 dollars. The salesperson said I could talk
Clerk: Sure . . .Is there anything wrong with it?
for 900 minutes during the day and unlimited
Rachel: The volume doesn’t work very well.
minutes on nights and weekends.
Clerk: OK. Will that be a refund or an exchange?
Manuel: So, what happened?
Luis: Look at this bill. They charged me for both Rachel: I’d like an exchange, please.
nights and weekends. Clerk: All right. Do you have your sales receipt?
Manuel: Did you call the company? Rachel: Yes, here it is. Could I exchange it for this
Luis: I did. But they said there’s nothing they can Simsung?
do. It’s in my contract. The contract says 900 Clerk: Sure, but that’s $30 more.
minutes a month total. Rachel: How about this Moondisk?
Clerk: That isn’t is quite as expensive…Let’s see, it’s
Manuel: Call the company back. Tell them you won’t
Rachel: I’ll take it. But do you have any in silver?
Luis: I did. They said they’ll shut off my phone.
Clerk: I’m sorry, we’re all out of silver.
What should I do?
Rachel: Could you call another store to see if they
have it in silver?
Clerk: Sure. No problem.


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UNIT 7 Li: How long will it take?
Mechanic: About 15 minutes longer.
Page 127, Word Play, Exercise A Li: OK.
Radio traffic announcer: The time is 2:51. This is Mechanic: By the way, did you see there’s a big dent
KFWB News on the 1s. Here’s a look at traffic in Los in the back of your car?
Angeles. There has just been an accident on the 110 Li: Oh, yeah I know. I keep it that way on
South at Manchester Avenue. Drivers are advised to purpose.
take alternate routes south, Vermont or Broadway. Mechanic: What? Why?
Li: Well, a lot of people drive Subarus, so it’s
Page 127, Word Play, Exercise B
easier for me to know it’s my car. When
Radio traffic announcer: The time is 2:51. This is KFWB I’m in a parking lot, I just look for the
News on the 1s. Here’s a look at traffic in Los dent, and I know it’s mine.
Angeles. There has just been an accident on the 110 Mechanic: Oh.
South at Manchester Avenue. Drivers are advised to
take alternate routes south, Vermont or Broadway. Page 134, Listen, Exercise A
Officer: Are you hurt, sir?
On Slauson Avenue East, there is a vehicle blocking Mr. Desmond: My neck is sore.
one lane causing a traffic jam. Officer: Do you need an ambulance?
Mr. Desmond: Nah, I’m OK.
On the 105 East, one lane is closed for road Officer: OK. License, registration, and insurance
construction from South Main Street to South please. Mr. Desmond, can you tell me
Central Avenue. There is a delay of 25 minutes. what happened?
Mr. Desmond: Yeah, I was slowing down to make a
On the 405 South, an accident is in the final stages right-hand turn onto Martine Avenue,
of being cleared at La Tijera Boulevard. and that car behind me was going too fast
and hit me. I think she was talking on her
This is KFWB traffic news on the 1s. The next report cell phone.
will be at 3:01. Officer: Thank you, Mr. Desmond. I’ve got to take
a statement from the other driver . . . Stay
Page 128, Listen, Exercise A
there until I finish writing the report . . .
Mechanic: So, what can I do for you? Are you hurt, Ma’am?
Li: I’d like an oil change. Ms. Yu: No, I’m all right, officer.
Mechanic: No problem. Officer: OK. May I see your license, registration,
Li: How much will that be? and insurance please?...Well, Ms. Yu, can
Mechanic: $29.95. you explain what happened?
Li: OK. How long will that take? Ms. Yu: Yes, officer. I was driving in the right
Mechanic: About half an hour. hand lane. There was nothing in front
Page 128, Listen, Exercise B of me. Suddenly this car came out of
nowhere—I think it came from the left
Mechanic: So, what can I do for you?
lane. It was slowing down in front of
Li: I’d like an oil change.
me to turn onto Martine Avenue. There
Mechanic: No problem.
wasn’t time for me to stop.
Li: How much will that be?
Officer: Were you talking on a cell phone?
Mechanic: $29.95.
Ms. Yu: Err . . . No . . .
Li: OK. How long will that take?
Officer: You realize that talking on a cell phone is
Mechanic: About half an hour.
against the law in California, right?
Li: Good.
Ms. Yu: Um, no, I didn’t know that. But I wasn’t
Mechanic: But when was the last time you had your
talking on the phone.
tires rotated?
Officer: Hmm. OK. I’m going to go fill out the
Li: Oh, I think about a year ago.
accident report. Wait here.
Mechanic: A year? Then we should rotate the tires.


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Page 134, Listen, Exercise B So what do you do after an accident? First, this
Officer: Are you hurt, sir? depends on whether you hit a parked car or a
Mr. Desmond: My neck is sore. moving car.
Officer: Do you need an ambulance?
Mr. Desmond: Nah, I’m OK. If you hit a parked car, try to find the owner. If you
Officer: OK. License, registration, and insurance can’t, you must leave a note for them on their car.
please. Mr. Desmond, can you tell me Write your name, telephone number, your address,
what happened? and write an explanation of the accident. You also
Mr. Desmond: Yeah, I was slowing down to make a need to report the accident to the local police.
right-hand turn onto Martine Avenue,
and that car behind me was going too fast If you hit another moving car, make sure everyone is
and hit me. I think she was talking on her OK. If someone is hurt, call 911 for an ambulance.
cell phone.
Officer: Thank you, Mr. Desmond. I gotta take a Now, what other details are you responsible for after
statement from the other driver. . . Stay an accident?
there until I finish writing the report.
When you have a car accident, you need to get
information for your insurance company. Write
Page 134, Listen, Exercise C down the other driver’s name, address, driver’s
Officer: Are you hurt, Ma’am? license number, license plate number, and insurance
Ms. Yu: No, I’m all right, officer. information and give them your information, too.
Officer: OK. May I see your license, registration, Make sure you also call the police. They will come
and insurance please?...Well, Ms. Yu, can and do a report of the accident. You must wait for
you explain what happened? them.
Ms. Yu: Yes, officer. I was driving in the right hand
lane. There was nothing in front of me. Next, look carefully at your car. Has it been
Suddenly this car came out of nowhere—I damaged? If you have a camera, take a photo of the
think it came from the left lane. It was damage.
slowing down in front of me to turn onto
Martine Avenue. There wasn’t time for me When the police come, tell the officer what
to stop. happened and do as he tells you. You will need to
Officer: Were you talking on a cell phone? show the officer your proof of auto insurance and
Ms. Yu: Err . . .No . . . your driver’s license. you don’t have these things,
Officer: You realize that talking on a cell phone is you may have to pay a fine. You might also lose your
against the law in California, right? driver’s license. When the police officer leaves, you
Ms. Yu: Um, no, I didn’t know that. But I wasn’t can go. But ask him where you can get a copy of the
talking on the phone. traffic report. You might need it later to show your
Officer: Hmm. OK. I’m going to go fill out the insurance company. Also, write down the officer’s
accident report. Wait here. name.

Page 141, Listen, Exercise A After the accident, remember, you have to call your
Tara: This is Tara O’Neil. . . .with “Tips for Drivers.” insurance company and report the accident.

We don’t like to think about car accidents, but it’s Thank you. Listen again next week for “Tips for
important to be ready if one happens. Do you know Drivers.”
what to do if you have a car accident?
First, you must stop any time that you have an
accident. This is for all kinds of accidents, with
moving cars, parked cars, and pedestrians. If you
hit something and don’t stop, this is a serious felony
called a hit-and-run. If you hit and run, you can go
to jail or lose your driver’s license.


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Page 141, Listen, Exercise B Thank you. Listen again next week for “Tips for
Tara: This is Tara O’Neil. . . .with “Tips for Drivers.” Drivers.”
We don’t like to think about car accidents, but Page 148, Listen, Exercises A and B
it’s important to be ready if one happens. Do you
Tanesha: Good morning. You’re listening to WFUT
know what else to do if you have a car accident?
radio. I’m Tanesha Wilson with Our Nation’s
First, you must stop any time that you ever have
Health. Today we’re talking about eating habits
an accident. This is for all kinds of accidents, with
of American workers.
moving cars, parked cars, and pedestrians. If you
hit something and don’t stop, this is a serious felony
According to a recent national survey, almost
called a hit and run. If you hit and run, you can go
1/3 of workers skip breakfast, lunch, or both
to jail or lose your driver’s license. So what do you
almost every weekday. This can cause serious
do after an accident? First, this depends on whether
health problems. The survey also shows 89%
you hit a parked car or a moving car. If you hit a
of the workers have a snack during the work
parked car, try to find the owner. If you can’t, you
day. And more than half of the snacks consist
must leave a note for them on their car. Write your
of junk food such as potato chips, candy,
name, telephone number, your address, and write an
or doughnuts. So why do people eat all of
explanation of the accident.
these snacks? The answer is, they’re hungry,
Page 141, Listen, Exercise C stressed, and they need energy. And now let’s
Tara: If you hit another moving car, make sure everyone is hear from some workers themselves. Here we
OK. If someone is hurt, call 911 for an ambulance. are in the Mount Sinai Hospital cafeteria in
Miami, Florida. Excuse me sir, do you work
Now, what other details are you responsible for after here?
an accident? Man: Yes, I do.
Tanesha: I’m Tanesha Wilson with WFUT radio. We’re
When you have a car accident, you need to get doing a report on eating habits. Would you
information for your insurance company. Write mind answering a few questions?
down the other driver’s name, address, driver’s Man: Not at all.
license number, license plate number, and insurance Tanesha: Great, thanks. Do you ever skip meals?
information and give them your information, too. Man: Well, sometimes I skip breakfast if I’m late to
Make sure you also call the police. They will come work.
and do a report of the accident. You must wait for Tanesha: And do you ever snack between meals?
them. Man: Sure. Doesn’t everyone?
Tanesha: I guess so. So, what kind of snack do you
Next, look carefully at your car. Has it been usually have at work? Fruit? Crackers?
damaged? If you have a camera, take a photo of the Man: No, I usually get something from the vending
damage. machines, like chips or cookies.
Tanesha: Thank you. Well, you heard it straight from
When the police come, tell the officer what the hospital staff in Mount Sinai Hospital in
happened and do as he tells you. You will need to Miami, Florida.
show the officer your proof of auto insurance and Page 153, Learn About Diabetes Exercises A and B
your driver’s license. If you don’t have these things,
Radio announcer: What do you know about Diabetes?
you may have to pay a fine. You might also lose your
Diabetes is a disease you can develop when the
driver’s license.
sugar levels in your body are too high. Most foods
we eat have sugar. Our bodies make something
When the police officer leaves, you can go. But ask
called insulin. This changes the sugar into the
him where you can get a copy of the traffic report.
energy we need for daily activities. When you have
You might need it later to show your insurance
diabetes, things go wrong. Your body does not make
company. Also, write down the officer’s name.
enough insulin or use it well.
After the accident, you have to call your insurance
company and report the accident.


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If you don’t have enough insulin, too much sugar Make sure that meals are not too large.
stays in your blood. Over time, this can cause Don’t give your children too many drinks or desserts
serious problems. For example, it can damage your with a lot of sugar or saturated fat.
eyes or cause heart disease. It can cause many other
serious problems. What else can you do to keep your children healthy?
The second important thing you can do is to
There are two types of diabetes—type 1 and type 2. increase your children’s physical activity.
More people have type 2 diabetes. Some early signs Children and teens should get 60 minutes of
of diabetes are: being very tired, very thirsty, or physical activity most days of the week. Remember
losing weight. People with type 2 diabetes often have that your children will follow your example. Make
no symptoms for a long time. Everyone should go sure that you are physically active and encourage
to the doctor regularly to be sure they do not have your children to join you.
it. The doctor can look for signs of diabetes with a
simple blood test. Here are examples of activities you can do with your
children: Take a walk, ride a bike, play soccer or
No one knows exactly what causes diabetes. We jump rope. Encourage your children to spend more
do know that diabetes runs in some families. time outside. Limit their time watching TV or on
Overweight people are also more likely to get the computer.
diabetes. There is no cure. Diabetes is a lifelong
disease. However, there are ways to help control it For Family Health Matters, I’m Bob Lyons.
and lead a healthy life. See your doctor regularly.
Watch your diet and weight carefully and eat fewer Page 154, Listen, Exercise B
sweet foods. Getting regular exercise is also very Bob: Good afternoon. This is Bob Lyons, from Family
important. Finally, because children can also get Health Matters.
diabetes, parents should watch their children’s diet
and weight, and take them to the doctor regularly. In the past ten years, more children have become
Eating healthy foods and getting exercise is just as overweight. In a recent study, the government found
important for children as it is for adults. that about 17 percent of children and adolescents
age 2 to 19 in the United States are overweight.
Page 154, Listen, Exercise A Being overweight can cause serious health problems,
Bob: Good afternoon. This is Bob Lyons, from Family like heart problems and type 2 diabetes.
Health Matters.
Why are so many children overweight? The answers
In the past ten years, more children have become are poor eating habits and not enough physical
overweight. In a recent study, the government found activity.
that about 17 percent of children and adolescents
age 2 to 19 in the United States are overweight. Page 154, Listen, Exercise C
Being overweight can cause serious health problems, Bob Lyons: So what can parents do to stop their children
like heart problems and type 2 diabetes. from becoming overweight or help them lose
Why are so many children overweight? The answers weight?
are poor eating habits and not enough physical
activity. So what can parents do to stop their Here are some tips: First, Encourage healthy eating
children from becoming overweight or help them habits. Give your children plenty of vegetables,
lose weight? fruits, and whole grain foods like whole wheat
bread. Make sure your children get plenty of low-fat
Here are some tips: dairy products and lean meats like chicken and fish.
First, encourage healthy eating habits. Beans are also good for protein. Make sure that
Give your children plenty of vegetables, fruits, and meals are not too large. Don’t give your children
whole grain foods like whole wheat bread. too many drinks or desserts with a lot of sugar or
Make sure your children get plenty of low-fat dairy saturated fat.
products and lean meats like chicken and fish.
Beans are also good for protein.


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What else can you do to keep your children healthy? UNIT 9
The second important thing you can do is to
increase your children’s physical activity. Children Page 168, Listen, Exercises A and B
and teens should get 60 minutes of physical Margo: OK, you need to be sure there are enough
activity most days of the week. Remember that supplies in the kitchen. First you do inventory.
your children will follow your example. Make sure Start with the things on the counter. See if
that you are physically active and encourage your there are enough paper cups and paper towels.
children to join you. If something is missing, check in the cabinets
and drawers.
Here are examples of activities you can do with your Jason: OK.
children: Take a walk, ride a bike, play soccer or Margo: If we don’t have enough, you need to order
jump rope. Encourage your children to spend more more.
time outside. Limit their time watching TV or on Jason: How do I do that?
the computer. Margo: You fill out an inventory sheet. Write down
what you need under item. Then write the
For Family Health Matters, I’m Bob Lyons. quantity or amount.
Jason: Which box shows quantity?
Page 160, Listen, Exercises A and B Margo: This one.
Dentist: Well, Ho, I looked at your X-rays. Your teeth Jason: OK. Then what do I do?
look pretty good, but when I cleaned them, Margo: Call Anthony. He’s our vendor. He sells us
your gums were bleeding a little bit. You our supplies. We give the order over the
probably need to floss more. Do you floss? phone. Now be careful. Sometimes people
Ho: Well, not that much. order the wrong amount. Make sure you get
Dentist: Try to floss more. Flossing keeps your gums the right quantity. Always check how many
healthy. come in a box. But the most important thing
Ho: Isn’t brushing my teeth enough? is, make sure we always have enough coffee.
Dentist: Brushing after every meal is important, too. The employees here are very unhappy without
But you can’t always get your teeth clean their coffee.
unless you floss. If you don’t get all the food Jason: Yes, Margo. I know what you mean.
off your teeth, it will turn to plaque and cause
cavities. And you can also get gum disease. Page 175, Exercises A, B, and C
Ho: What is gum disease? Bill: Carl, Tony is out of the office for a while and
Dentist: If you have too much bacteria in your mouth, he didn’t have time to finish a job. I need you
your gums get red and swollen. Look at this to do it for him.
picture. This is a picture of gum disease. Carl: No problem. What is it?
Ho: Ugh. Bill: I need you to look at a building…a
Dentist: OK, I think we’re done. Let me give you a condominium. I want you to take photos and
toothbrush to take home. finish the report for Tony. I’ll check it. The
Ho: Thanks. Do you also give away dental floss? bank wants the report by Friday, so we have to
Dentist: Sure, here you go. And here is your free work quickly.
toothbrush. Is your toothbrush at home soft or Carl: Is there anything else?
hard? Bill: No, that’s all. Oh…you asked to see me earlier
Ho: I think it’s a hard toothbrush…why? today.
Dentist: A soft one is better. It’s easier on your teeth. Carl: Yes, um...I was wondering if I could leave
See you next time. And make sure to floss. early next Friday. My son is graduating from
Ho: You had better believe I will. high school. We want to be there for the
Bill: Sure. I don’t see why not. Congratulations, by
the way.
Carl: Thanks, Bill.


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Page 180, Listen, Exercises A and B Office Assistant: Well, we’ve just had a cancellation. Can
Margo: Jason, Mr. Yang just called me. He said that you come here today at 4?
the copy machine next to his office isn’t Alvia: Is it possible to come at 5?
working. Office Assistant: I’m sorry, I don’t have anything for 5.
Jason: It isn’t? Alvia: OK, I’ll take the 4:00 appointment.
Margo: That’s right. Did you check all the copy Office Assistant: OK, great. See you this afternoon.
machines and printers this morning? Page 194, Exercises A and B
Jason: Well, I checked almost all of them, but maybe
Dr. Barnes: Good afternoon, Ms. Ledesma. What
I forgot about that one. I’m sorry.
seems to be the problem?
Margo: OK, Jason. I know you’re new here. But
Alvia: I feel terrible. I haven’t been sleeping well.
remember: You need to check all of the
I fall asleep and wake up after a couple of
copy machines and printers first thing when
you come in. We need to make sure they’re
Dr. Barnes: Hmm. Anything else?
working. If there’s a problem, we need to fix
Alvia: Well, I’ve been trying to lose weight
it. If we can’t fix it, we have to call service
like you said, but I can’t. I come home
exhausted, and I eat too much.
Jason: I understand, Margo. I’ll make it sure doesn’t
Dr. Barnes: Is anything bothering you?
happen again.
Alvia: My job. They fired two people last month,
Margo: OK, very good.
so the rest of us have been working twice as
UNIT 10 Dr. Barnes: Hmm. You do have a lot on your mind.
Page 188, Exercise A Well, let me examine you. Please step on
the scale.
Office Assistant: Hello. Westside Health Center.
Alvia: The scale? Do I have to?
Yao: Hi. This is Yao Chen. I have an
appointment with Dr. Barnes for today Page 194, Listen, Exercise C
at 4:00, but I need to cancel. Dr. Barnes: Ms. Ledesma, your blood pressure is
Office Assistant: OK, Mr. Chen. Would you like to high and you’ve gained a few pounds. I’ll
reschedule? give you some medication for high blood
Yao: Yes, I would. Can I come in next pressure, but you really have to watch what
Thursday at 3:00? you eat and do more exercise. Then you
Office Assistant: Sorry, we’re all booked. How about might not need the medicine. And you
Friday at 3:00? might even sleep better. Now, do you do
Yao: I think that’s OK. But let me call you any exercise?
back. I have to check with my boss. Alvia: Not much. In the evenings, I like to watch
Office Assistant: All right. Bye. TV. That’s how I relax.
Page 188, Exercise B Dr. Barnes: Well, try to get some exercise. Dancing,
even doing housework faster will help.
Office Assistant: Hello. Westside Health Center.
Here is some information on healthy
Alvia: Hi, I’d like to make an appointment
with Dr. Barnes.
Alvia: What about sleeping pills? Or pills to lose
Office Assistant: Who’s calling please?
Alvia: Alvia Ledesma.
Dr. Barnes: Let’s hold off on the pills. I don’t like
Office Assistant: Are you a new patient?
to prescribe pills unless they’re really
Alvia: No, I’m not.
Office Assistant: What’s the problem, Ms. Ledesma?
Alvia: I’m tired all the time, but I can’t sleep. I
feel awful, and I don’t know what to do.


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Page 201, Listen, Exercises A, B, and C Second, figure out your expenses. Write down
Mrs. Garcia: Doctor, I’m worried about next week. all of the things you spend your money on each
Dr. Finkel: Don’t worry, Mrs. Garcia. I’ve done many month— for example, rent, food, car payments,
gall bladder operations. And you’ll feel a lot and utilities. Sometimes, you’ll have to make a
better afterwards. guess. For example, you may not know for sure
Mrs. Garcia: Oh, I’m not so worried about having the how much you spend on gas each month.
operation. I’m worried about being away
from home. My husband is not used The third step is to build savings into your
to taking care of the children. And I’m budget. You have to plan to save every month
worried about missing a month of work. for emergencies and for your long-term goals,
Dr. Finkel: I see. Maybe you could ask a relative or a like buying a house. Otherwise, you might not
friend to help out. save anything, or you might not save enough.
Mrs. Garcia: I was thinking about asking my niece, Before you decide how much you can save,
but she’s very busy. She has four children. look at your total expenses.
Maybe I could call Maria, my cousin. She
doesn’t have a job right now, so she could The last step is to check to see if your budget
probably come over to the house. is realistic. At the end of the month, compare
what you actually spent to the expenses you
wrote in your budget. If you spent more than
UNIT 11 you budgeted for, you may need to spend less.
Page 208, Listen, Exercises A, B, and C
Commercial: Are you tired of paying fees for your Remember, think about the big picture. What
checking account? Well, if you want free do you want for your family? What can you
checking, open an account with Zenith do to reach your goals? If you remember your
Bank! At Zenith Bank, we offer free reasons for saving, you’ll be more motivated to
checking when you have direct deposit or keep your budget.
bank online at least two times a month.
And if you open an account by April 3, you For Money Matters, I’m Adelyne Juste.
get a $50 cash bonus. So hurry! Come to Page 220, Listen, Exercises A and B
your nearest Zenith Bank. Or go online to
Valeria: Hello. W & M Management Company.
Roberto: Hi. I’m looking for a two-bedroom apartment.
Page 215, Listen, Exercises A, B, and C Valeria: OK, sure. How much do you want to spend?
Adelyne: I’m Adelyne Juste with Money Matters. Today Roberto: No more than $1200. And we need to live
we’re talking about budgets. Now, most people close to downtown.
don’t like to think about budgets. In fact, Valeria: Let me see. Hmm. I’ve got a great two
60% of Americans don’t have a budget and bedroom apartment on Cabela Avenue.
spend more than they have. They might live Roberto: Does it come with appliances?
this way for a while, but what happens in an Valeria: Yes, refrigerator and a gas stove.
emergency, such as a car accident? If you don’t Roberto: How much is the rent?
have a budget, you may not have money for an Valeria: $1100.
emergency. You’ll also have trouble reaching Roberto: Are utilities included?
your financial goals. So, if you want to create a Valeria: Yes, gas, electric and water.
budget, how do you get started? There are four Roberto: That sounds good! I’d like to come see it.
steps you need to take. Valeria: Fine. Our rental office is open from 9:00 to
5:00. What time is good for you?
First, you need to know your net income. In Roberto: How about 3:30?
other words, your take-home pay. Write down Valeria: Hmm. I have an appointment at 4:00. Can you
how much you make each month after taxes. be here by 3:00?


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Roberto: Yes, I can. Guide: Yes, the senators work there, in the Senate.
Valeria: Great. The office is at 10 Bryant Street on the Congress is made up of two parts, the Senate
first floor. and the House of Representatives. You might
Roberto: Great. See you then. see some senators or some members of the
House when we visit.
UNIT 12 2nd Tourist: What time is lunch?
Guide: We’ll have lunch after we visit Congress.
Page 228, Exercises A and B Then, after lunch, we’ll walk over to the
Tao: Hey, Hua. Supreme Court. Now, any questions?
Hua: Hi, Tao! How are you? It’s been a while since I 3rd Tourist: Can you explain . . . What exactly does the
ran into you. Supreme Court do?
Tao: I’m good. I just came back from a trip to Guide: Good question. The Supreme Court is the
Washington, D.C. highest court of our land. There are many
Hua: Really! I went there last year with my parents. courts in the U.S., but the Supreme Court
Tao: Yeah? So, Hua, what did you like seeing the is above all the other courts. The judges
most in Washington? there are called justices. They interpret
Hua: Hmm. I guess my favorite place was the White the laws and decide if the laws follow the
House. We went on a tour of the rooms inside. Constitution. Any more questions?
I liked seeing them—especially the Red Room, 2nd Tourist: Yes, is the restaurant we’re eating at any
the Blue Room, and the Oval Office. What good?
about you?
Page 240, Listen, Exercise A
Tao: I liked seeing the White House. But my
favorite place was the National Air and Space Guide: Now on your right you can see the Lincoln
Museum. Memorial. It was built as a memorial for
Hua: What did you see there? Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the
Tao: They’ve got a lot of things. Rocket ships, United States. Lincoln was one of our most
rocks from the moon and Mars, and lots of loved presidents.
airplanes. It has the largest collection of planes Tourist: Could you tell us about his life?
in the world. Guide: Sure. He was born in Kentucky in 1809. He
Hua: Wow, I’m sorry I missed it. I’ll have to go next came from a very poor family and had to
time. work hard his entire life. He taught himself
law and became a lawyer. He was known for
Page 234, Listen, Exercises A and B his honesty.
Guide: Hello, I’m Sandy Wheeler, your guide for Tourist: When was he elected president?
today. Welcome, everyone, to Washington, Guide: Lincoln was elected president in 1860.
D.C., our nation’s capital. This morning we’re The Civil War started soon after when the
going to visit three places. First, we’re going Southern states separated from the country.
to see the White House. At that time slaves worked in the south on
Child: That’s where the president and his family big farms called plantations. The Northern
live. states wanted to end slavery. In 1863 Lincoln
Guide: Um, right. We will arrive at the White House gave orders to free the slaves in the rebel
in just a few minutes. We’ll go inside and states. In 1864 he was re-elected president.
visit the famous rooms. Then, after we leave Unfortunately, in 1865 Lincoln was shot
the White House, our next stop will be the and killed. Many Americans were upset and
Capitol. That’s where Congress meets to saddened by his death. He was mourned by
make laws. many people.
1st Tourist: Is that where the senators work?


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