Block 2 - Updated Ansswer 2019
Block 2 - Updated Ansswer 2019
Block 2 - Updated Ansswer 2019
1 December 2012- Q3 Part (a) Plant Group ....................................................................................................................... 2
2 December 2014 – Question 4(a) Weston Co .................................................................................................................. 3
3 June 2013- Question 3 Part (a) Wexford Company ........................................................................................................ 5
4 DECEMBER 2014- QUESTION 5 (A).................................................................................................................................. 7
5 JUNE 2013- Q2 Part (a) RETRIEVER GROUP (13 MARKS) ................................................................................................ 8
6 December 2013- Q4 ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
7 December 2015- Q4 ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
8 JUNE 2015- Q4 .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
9 June 2014- Q4 ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
10 Dec 2016- Q4b........................................................................................................................................................... 17
11 September 2018........................................................................................................................................................ 18
12 June 2017- Q3A ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
13 June 2016 Q2 PART A ................................................................................................................................................ 21
14 June 18- Q3- ethical and professional issues ............................................................................................................ 23
15 Dec 17- Q3b- ethical and professional issues ........................................................................................................... 25
2. Specialism
Weller & Co has specialization in the telecom audit department which is an added advantage for the firm to
perform audit of Plant group, which is from the telecom industry
4. Client expectations
Cost effective audit:
The internal control would need to evaluated first by Weller & Co before any reliance can be put on the
strength of the Plant group governance. This is the first year audit which needs a thorough understanding
of the client system and a proper documentation. Moreover, the first year audit consume more resources
and sufficient time is spent on the audit to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. Thus a cost effective audit
is not possible rather the fees will be reasonable on basis of the above factors.
The proposed deadline of 31 May 2013 is achievable through engaging sufficient resources which will
ensure that the audit is completed within stipulated deadlines.
5. Fees and basis of fees
Weller should clearly inform Plant group management the basis of charging fees. The basis of fees will
depend upon the size and scale of group operations which will determine the team size. Further, being the
first year audit for Weller, it will increase the need to gather and document more evidence on client system
and financial statements.
2. Responsibility
As the entity is subjected to audit for the first time, Weston & Co should clearly put in their responsibilities
for the attention of management to reduce the expectation gap / or misconceptions. It should be informed
to the management that audit is done on a test basis and the auditor expresses a reasonable assurance on
the financial statements not an absolute assurance. The audit involve looking into material transaction and
the opinion is a reflection of the auditor judgment based upon material transactions only. Auditor has
access to all information and explanation and management is responsible to prepare the FS.
3. Expectations:
Not be too disruptive:
First year audit requires a greater use of professional skepticism in obtaining the knowledge of business
and its systems. Thus there is a high level of disruptions in the first year audit as the auditor has to question
more for obtaining knowledge of business. However, disruptions can be reduced to an acceptable level by
providing management a list of information needed before the start of audit.
Four months is a realistic deadline to complete the audit of Jones & Co considering it’s not a very large
entity and was establish just two year ago.
4(a) (ii) Issues in determining fees:
Student note: This is a 6 marks requirement, so a student needs to discuss 3 issues in relation to fees. Each
issue is worth 2 marks
The audit firm should carefully analyze the basis of fees before concluding on the fees to be set for the first
year audit of Jones Co. The audit firm should take into consideration, the size of the business (i.e. a small
company), and its control structure (i.e. one full time accountant means that controls over financial
statement would not be effective and FS would be prone to misstatements) and the use of the accounting
package (mean understanding the system and the use of CAAT in the audit) as factor to determine fees.
Further the audit firm would consider the need to verify the opening balances being the first year audit
(and finding no support from previous year’s limited assurance services as it was performed by unrelated
Jones want the audit fees to be quite low. The audit firm needs to justify Jones that the fees depends upon
the above said basis and the fees should be reasonable to cover the cost of the firm resources and work
including the profit margin. A low fees itself could compromise the quality of audit work.
The fees cannot be linked to Jones Co success as this would result into a contingent fees (self-interest) and
IESBA codes does not permit a contingent fees.
Student guidance: three points have been drafted for guidance purpose which will help you in drafting the rest.
1. Quick look
The senior had a quick look at the final version of financial statements. This must had resulted into
ignorance of any misstatements within the financial statements because a quick look means the review was
carried in a rush.
2. No detailed review
The manager has given a wrong instruction to the senior instructing him not to perform a detailed review
of financial statements. This is a breach of relevant audit framework under which performing detailed
review of FS at completion stage is mandatory and in this case it was much important being a new audit
3. Low risk
The manager exercised a wrong judgment as he considered the audit to be low risk despite the fact it was
the first year audit of Bradley’s financial statements. First year audit can’t be low risk as auditor has less
knowledge of business making first year audit high risky engagement.
The audit of Retriever group, has several quality control issues in the way it was planned and performed. The
issues compromising the quality of the audit are discussed below:
Time pressured audit:
Generally time pressure audits are due to lack of planning and inadequate supervision. If audit is time pressured it
must had been conducted with a rush of things which must have compromised the sufficiency and appropriateness
of evidence gathered. Audits should be properly planned and executed with adequate supervision to avoid any
time pressure. (1)
Planned audit procedures
The manger can’t deviate from the planned procedures unless he has consulted the engagement partner.
Procedures planned should be performed and it seems that such an instruction from the manager was basically to
save time because already the audit is time pressured and the manager just want to get rush over things ignoring
evidence on director emoluments and share capital. Thus the audit lacked the appropriate supervision from the
audit manager. (1)
Sampling method
The manager instruction of not using the firm statistical method of sample selection is a breach of firm policies.
Moreover, picking a sample on judgmental basis normally increases the sampling risk and the sample could not be
representative of the trade receivable population. Junior has a lesser element of professional behavior and due care
and would not exercise an appropriate judgment for selecting samples. Again the wrong instruction demonstrate
inappropriate supervision by the audit manager. (1)
Task allocation
The task should be allocated carefully to the engagement team considering the task nature/ risk and the team
competence. Going concern is a risky area as it involves subjectivity/ management assumptions about future and
can’t be given to the junior staff. Junior must not have been skeptical while gathering evidence on going concern
and must not have evaluated things to an extent needed. Human resources is an element of engagement quality
control as wrong team allocation or task allocation may compromise the quality of audit. (1)
Review of work performed
Working papers should be reviewed by the manager particularly of the risky areas like going concern. Juniors can’t
review their own work as they don’t have enough professional competence to identify mistakes in their work and
this would result in mistakes or issues in work to go undetected. Review of working papers by manager is an
element of the engagement quality control as improper review of working paper will not only increase detection
risk for engagement but will also compromise the quality of audit(1)
6 DECEMBER 2013- Q4
NOTE1: recent changes in marking scheme now means that each ethical, professional and quality control issue is
worth 1 mark and if the examiner ask for recommend action, then each action is worth 1 mark. You need to follow
this marking scheme for Dec 2019 exams.
Note 2: There are lots of similarities in TetBury scenario with that of Wexford above (June 2011- Q3).
Tetbury- 8 MARKS
Industry competence
Chester & Co need to consider whether the audit firm has specialization in auditing financial service industry
before accepting the invitation from Juan (1.0).
Previous auditor
Chester & Co should also correspond with previous auditor by seeking Juan permission. If the permission is given,
the firm would directly seek from the previous auditor the reasons for resignation (1.0). If permission is not
granted, the firm should assess client integrity and should decline the invitation to perform audit (1.0)
Opening balances
The audit firm need to verify the opening balances if the engagement is accepted due to change of the auditor in
adherence with requirements of applicable standards on opening balances (1.0 M)
Client integrity issues
The disagreement on accounting treatment demonstrate Juan’s inappropriate behavior towards auditor and
disagreement itself increase the risk of misstatements in the financial statements (1.0M)
The investigation by financial service authority creates a negative client image or profile thereby bringing doubts
over client integrity (1.0). It would be difficult for Chester to take on a client with negative profile and recent
investigation makes TetBury a risky client. (1.0)
Advocacy threat
Giving business development advice to TetBury would result into advocacy threat as the firm would be promoting
client business interest .However; the business development advice is permissible in this case as the company is
small and owner managed with the use of separate engagement partners for advice and audit (1+1)
The firm should also assess the commercial attractiveness of the client in terms of fees income likely to be
generated from accepting engagement. The fee would not be very significant from TetBury considering the small
size of the business and being owner managed. (1.0)
Note: You need to score 8 marks. This is a tutorial guidance so the all points are solved for guidance.
Stratford – 6 marks
Advocacy threat
The request by the managing director Colin creates an advocacy threat because if the partner accompanies him to
meeting it will be seen as promoting client business interest. Further there could possibly be a legal consequence
to audit firm if the engagement partner is perceived as guarantying the company’s future prospects and Stratford
later default on loan repayment (1.0+1.0)
A partner other than the engagement partner can possibly attend the meeting with bank, considering the amount
of loan to be negotiated, its severity etc. (1.0)
Intimidation threat
Further, an intimidation threat is created as Colin has hinted to put the audit out to tender if the partner fails to
accompany him to meeting. The engagement partner should discuss the intimidation with those charged with
governance, as it brings doubts on client integrity and may even effect future of auditor client relationship.
Self-interest threat
Invoice relating to audit work is outstanding; create a self-interest threat as it is seen as a loan to client. The
engagement partner should discuss recovery plan or prospects of the outstanding fees before the start of the next
year audit engagement. In considering the recovery plan, the engagement partner should take into account the
amount of significance of the fees unpaid. (1.0+1.0)
Bunbury – 6 MARKS
Self-review threat
Performing an actuarial valuation service will give rise to self-review threat as the valuation will become a
component of the financial statement on which the auditor has to later express an opinion (1).
Self interest
Further the income generated by performing the actuarial valuation will give rise to self-interest threat. Income
will depend upon the complexity of service provided. (1).
The audit firm has necessary skills to perform actuarial valuation service as one of the partner is a qualified
actuary so the valuation can be performed with highest quality (1).
The pension liability last year was 0.3% of the total assets of Bunbury Company therefore its immaterial
component of the financial statements (1.0) and the audit firm can provide actuarial valuation services to Bunbury.
However separate teams should be in place for both audit and actuarial valuation (1.0)
Note: The max marks gain as per new marking scheme of 1, is 5 marks. The question in Dec 13 had a 1.5 marks
marking scheme per issue and 1 mark per action.
7 DECEMBER 2015- Q4
Student note: NOTE1: recent changes in marking scheme now means that each ethical, professional and quality
control issue is worth 1 mark and if the examiner ask for recommend action, then each action is worth 1 mark. You
need to follow this marking scheme for Dec 2019 exams.
Part a) – 7 marks
Discredit the service offered by others
An audit firm can place an advertisement in a quality national newspaper as part of increasing the firm clientele or
the firm income. However the advertisement should not bring discredit to the services provided by other firms. In
this advertisement the use of terms like, your accountant charging you too much for poor quality service, most
comprehensive range of service and leading tax team is evidence that such discredit exist.
Moreover, the audit firm cannot guarantee anything as audit firms only exist to provide assurance to their client.
Guarantee to be cheaper than your existing auditor means that the firm will indulge into the low balling practices
in order to win client. Low balling practices are not allowed as it compromise the audit quality
Business advice
Offering business advice is an advocacy threat as by providing the business advice the audit firm will be promoting
the client business interest. Advocacy is allowed for non-listed client with separate teams; however in case of listed
client advocacy is are generally prohibited.
Free of cost
Audit firm cannot provide any professional service free of cost as it just not justify the quality of work performed
and the cost of resources used in that particular service. Moreover, free consultation is allowed as it is not a service
rather just an interaction to gather information about the service provider.
Chartered certified accountant
Lastly, in order for the firm to be a chartered certified accountant at least half the partners should be members of
ACCA which is not the case with Monet. Thus the audit firm is having a false claim of being an ACCA registered firm
Part b) - 7 marks
Renoir Company
Outstanding tax fees
Outstanding tax fees is a self-interest that as the outstanding fees is perceived as a loan to client. The fees should be
recovered before the start of the upcoming audit engagement and the engagement partner telephonic reminder is
an adequate safeguard in this regard.
Jim has criticized the previous conduct of audit by informing partner of interruptions faced during the last year
audit. These interruptions could be mitigated if a schedule of information is provided to the client before the start
of the current year audit.
Jim wants guarantee that this year audit will be less intrusive, more efficient and cheaper. The EP should discuss
with Jim that by providing schedule of information the audit firm can ensure that audit is less intrusive and more
efficient. However, in terms of providing a cheaper audit as from the last year the EP should carefully discuss the
basis of fees with Jim and justify Jim that the audit fees can only reduce if the basis of the fees so support.
Moreover, cheaper should be looked skeptically in terms of compromising the quality of audit engagement
EP should also justify Jim and that an audit firm can only provide assurance on the conditions set rather than giving
a guarantee.
Intimidation threat
Jim will seek an alternative auditor if the three condition set above are not guaranteed by the EP. This is an
intimidation threat as the FD is trying to influence the EP. The above actions initiated by EP would reduce the
intimidation threat as the partner has already agreed to most of the conditions set.
8 JUNE 2015- Q4
NOTE1: recent changes in marking scheme now means that each ethical, professional and quality control issue is
worth 1 mark and if the examiner ask for recommend action, then each action is worth 1 mark. You need to follow
this marking scheme for Dec 2019 exams.
Note: You need to do Part a/c yourself. For guidance Part b has been solved as it was on, offshoring and as students
you should have knowledge of what offshoring is and its permissibility.
9 JUNE 2014- Q4
NOTE1: recent changes in marking scheme now means that each ethical, professional and quality control issue is
worth 1 mark and if the examiner ask for recommend action, then each action is worth 1 mark. You need to follow
this marking scheme for Dec 2019 exams.
You need to do Part (a) / (b) as yourself. For guidance part C and part D has been solved, on outsourcing and its
impact on audit and business relationship
Q4 (c) (d)
Crow Company- 5 marks
The request to provide advice on business tender to Crow Company will give rise to an advocacy threat as the audit
firm will be promoting the Crow company business interest i.e. to supply Hatfield. Further the advice will result
into income generated from the service which will give rise to self-interest threat.
Crow and Hatfield are both clients of Ryder Company which can further bring the conflict of interest and
confidentiality issues among Crow and Hatfield as they will be prospective supplier and customer to one another.
Assuming Crow as non-listed, if the advice is provided to the company, the audit firm should ensure separate teams
are maintained for both companies to mitigate the conflict of interest issue.
Campbell – 7 marks
The potential business opportunity gives rise to close business friendship which is a familiarity threat. The
investment of cash as part of business opportunity will give rise to self-interest threat as it would be like the firm is
giving a loan to client.
Further, the firm does have competence to supply speakers for financial reporting, tax and audit as these are core
knowledge areas of the audit firm. The request to market the event would give rise to advocacy threat as the audit
firm would be promoting the business interest knowing the fact that the promotion would lead to better profits out
of the arrangement.
The share of profit equally gives rise to a self-interest threat as the audit firm would be significantly dependent on
the audit client for income generation.
The sharing of profit on an equal basis and investing cash in client business are severe ethical threats which will
compromise the audit firm objectivity. Further a business relationship give rise to severe ethical issues which can’t
be properly mitigated through safeguards. Thus it would be better to refuse the request to enter the business
relationship due to its severity.
Mumbai Company
The request by the audit committee to provide a review of ICS give rise to a self-review threat as the audit firm
would be reluctant to perform test of controls later in the audit knowing their firm has already reviewed the
Further, a self-interest threat could be created from the income generated by providing further services to the firm
existing audit client.
Management responsibility
It is the management responsibility to design, implement and monitor the internal control system and is of the pre-
condition of audit. Thus by reviewing internal control system it may been seen that the auditor is stepping into the
responsibilities of the management
Conduct of previous audit
The audit firm has already signed the report, but it raises some question marks on the conduct of the previous
audit as to whether the audit firm has thoroughly reviewed client internal controls or not, or whether the
deficiencies were communicated or not.
The audit firm cannot provide review of internal controls system if they relate to financial reporting as the
company is listed, however it would be permissible to review them, if it relate to non-financial reporting with use
of separate teams.
NOTE1: recent changes in marking scheme now means that each ethical, professional and quality control issue is
worth 1 mark and if the examiner ask for recommend action, then each action is worth 1 mark. You need to follow
this marking scheme for Dec 2019 exams.
Sept 18- Q3 b
Team composition
The audit team assigned to the audit of Watson a second tier listed company seems inadequate as it just have two
staff members, the part qualified audit supervisor and an assistant which seems too less considering the client is a
public interest entity (1)
Part qualified supervisor
The supervisor is part qualified, means he has inadequate skills and expertise needed to perform audit of a listed
company and this is evident from the inappropriate decision he took on cash settled shared based payment plan
accounting treatment and its materiality. (1)
Temporary assigned audit manager
The temporary audit management assignment has come too late when Rodney the previous manager has felt ill at
the very start of audit. This demonstrate that the entire audit had been without a clear set of direction and
supervision needed. (1)
Wrong instruction
Rodney the previous manager has provided a clear lack of direction at the start of audit when he instructed to use
the prior year working papers if the audit team is in any doubts. Prior year audit working papers will not be
appropriate in giving guidance to any new issue or areas for current year audit like cash settled share based
payment. (1)
Share based payment scheme
There are multiple issues related to share based payment scheme as follow:
The share based payment scheme was not identified as a risky year at the planning stage brings into doubt the
overall quality of audit planning and direction at the start of audit. New events and transactions are considered as
risky areas at planning stage and thus the audit of Watson lack adequate planning. (1)
The audit supervisor has taken a wrong judgment on the materiality of the share based scheme by concluding its
immaterial taking into account the quantitative materiality i.e. $195,000 which is 0.36% of the profit and 0.84% of
the total assets. However the share appreciation rights were given to directors which makes them material by
nature (qualitative) irrespective of their amount. (1 for calculation of % of materiality and 1 for qualitative
Another issue with share based payment scheme was that the audit supervisor demonstrate inappropriate
professional behavior as he failed to identify that the accounting treatment adopted by the management for a cash
settled share based payment scheme is wrong, as the credit effect has been taken in equity when it should had been
taken in liability, thus liability is understated and equity is overstated. (1)
Moreover, the fair value of the share options to recognize the expense and liability should be taken at each year
end rather the fair value taken at the grant date was another issue where the supervisor went wrong with his
decision making. (1)
Work of expert
There are multiple issues with the approach taken by the audit supervisor to rely on the work of an expert:
- Firstly, the supervisor just filed the expert report without carrying out any audit procedures on the expert
report or in going through the assumption used by expert. (1)
- Secondly, the professional looking website itself cannot justify the competence and experience of the valuer,
as this must had been verified through the valuer certification in relevant field and his experience in the
relevant work (1)
- Thus inadequate evidence was gathered on the work of expert. (1)
Note: Selected answer has been given, complete any other point not addressed in answer below
Materiality level
The materiality level should be reviewed during the course of audit , to conclude whether there is an need to
change / or no need to change the materiality level initially assigned at the planning stage of audit and this should
be documented in the working papers. However, as materiality was not reviewed, it must had resulted in
performing inadequate work (either more or less).
Physical verification
The most important assertion for a tangible asset is its existence which is only verified by having a physical
inspection of the asset. However, as no physical inspection has been carried out by the auditor, there is no evidence
that whether the packing machine exist or not and can even be fictitious
Purchase invoice / order
Purchase invoice can only verify the cost of the machine not its valuation as the valuation includes the depreciation
of the machine as well. Further, the order cannot verify the existence of the machine, thus the conclusion in the
working paper is wrong (1).
It seems that there had been no supervision of the audit work during the course of audit resulting in this wrong
conclusion. Supervision is an important element of quality control system and this the quality must had been
compromised. (1)
No further work needed
The audit team has perform inappropriate work on the packing machine, as the machine was not physically
verified nor the deprecation was calculated. Thus no further work is needed is a wrong conclusion as the
representation from the management cannot be a substitute of the evidence obtained directly by the auditor (1)
Same day review
Performing review of the working papers by the manager and the partner on the same day, must had resulted in a
haphazard approach or reviewing the working papers, as must had resulted in overlooking the important areas of
working papers as the process of conducted together. Review of working paper is an important element of the
engagement quality control, and thus the improper review must had compromised the quality of the review
Quick look
Quick look by the partner on the working papers of the senior could have resulted in overlooking important issues
pertaining to audit. The partner is responsible for conducted the review of working papers pertaining to risky
areas of the audit and this itself is an important elements of quality control system as this give the partner the
assurance to sign off the audit report. Thus the quick look must had compromised the quality an even increased the
overall audit risk
Mick Lantau
Joe recommended Stanley Company to take management consultancy services of his brother Mick results in
familiarity and self-interest threat to objectivity which comprise the independence of the engagement partner. Joe
has shown concern in promoting business of his brother during the course of the audit engagement and it seems he
is referring his brother business to his audit clients thus creating the self-interest threat.
The absence of evidence of authorization by the procurement manager in relation to the three purchase orders
represents an exception to the effective operation of an internal control on which the auditor intends to place
reliance. The review of the supporting documentation and the conclusion that the items were legitimate business
expenditure do not resolve the exception in the effective operation of the control. There is a risk that other
exceptions and further unauthorized purchases may have occurred which may not have been for legitimate
business purposes. The audit procedures therefore appear to have been inadequate.
The audit assistant should have reported the matter to the manager and partner for them to decide if further work
or risk analysis was required and who it should be reported to, i.e. those charged with governance, etc. This should
have also been picked up during the review of the working papers.
Prior to finalizing the audit, the audit team needs to assess the extent and significance of the internal control
deficiency and should consider increasing the original sample size and extending the audit testing. If the extended
testing identifies further exceptions in the effective operation of the control, the auditor should review whether a
controls based approach is appropriate and consider whether more substantive testing on the payables component
is required. The auditor should also consider including the matter in the report to management.
The auditor is required to communicate significant findings from the audit to those charged with governance.
These include significant difficulties encountered during the audit and any extensive unexpected effort required to
obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence. The absence of authorization by the procurement manager in relation
to the three purchase orders requires extended audit testing and represents a potentially significant deficiency in
the operation of internal controls. It therefore represents a potentially significant audit finding which should be
communicated to those charged with governance.
The personal taxi fares represent a fraudulent transaction by the petty cashier and should be reviewed in the light
of the auditor’s and management’s respective responsibilities in relation to the prevention and detection of fraud.
The existence of the fraud may also be further indication of a weak control environment. The auditor is responsible
for obtaining reasonable assurance that the financial statements taken as a whole are free from material
misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error.
The amount of $175 is clearly immaterial to the financial statements and therefore does not represent a potential
source of material error caused by fraud. The auditor should review the petty cash records for evidence of any
further irregularities and discuss the matters identified with management. However, if the auditor concludes that
the matter increases the overall assessment of fraud and control risk, management should be informed.
In spite of the immateriality of the amounts involved, however, the relationship of the audit assistant to the petty
cashier represents a familiarity threat. The failure of the audit assistant to highlight the matter prior to the
discussion with the engagement quality control reviewer may indicate a lack of professional integrity on the part of
the audit assistant. Primarily the audit engagement partner, has responsibility to monitor ethical requirements
throughout the audit process. The firm’s procedures for assigning staff to audit teams and for reporting personal
relationships with client staff should be reviewed in light of this responsibility.
An entity recognizes revenue when or as the entity satisfies a performance obligation by transferring a promised
good or service (i.e. an asset) to a customer. An asset is transferred when or as the customer obtains control of that
asset. On this basis therefore, revenue has been recognized too early and as a result revenues, receivables and
profits are overstated.
The error identified is in isolation immaterial to the financial statements at 0·2% of revenue (17,880/8·7 million).
The error should be extrapolated based on the incidence of errors identified and the level of sales to this particular
customer in order to assess the potential for a material misstatement.
Based on this assessment, the auditor should extend cut-off testing in order to assess further the potential for a
material error. The auditor should also confirm with management that the invoicing procedure is isolated to this
particular customer and consider extending their assessment and testing to any other customers as necessary.
All misstatements identified should be communicated to management and the auditor should request that they are
corrected. The non-compliance with the recognition criteria of IFRS 15 represents a significant finding from the
audit and should be communicated to those charged with governance according to ISA 260.
This risk is increased by the listed status of Davis Co and the auditor should not prepare tax calculations for listed
clients. Davis Co is a listed client and therefore, as auditors, the firm should not undertake any tax services
The auditor should therefore report the lack of skill and up to date knowledge of the finance director and the
implications of this for the recruitment and training procedures at the client. The auditor should also report the
independence issues identified above in relation to the finance director’s request for the auditor to calculate the tax
This is particularly relevant as the bank may wish to establish a number of facts relating to the suitability of
providing finance to Cheetah Co. As Cheetah Co’s auditor, these questions may be directed at the firm’s
representatives and the bank may take any response provided to their questions as assurance over these matters.
Management responsibility
Leopard & Co must also be careful that in providing services relating to the potential acquisition of Zebra Co and
the associated financing arrangements that the firm is not assuming a management responsibility.
The firm shall not assume a management responsibility for an audit client as the threats created would be so
significant that no safeguards could reduce the threats to an acceptable level.
A self-review threat arises where the outcome or consequences of a corporate finance service provided by the
audit firm may be material to the financial statements under review.
This is a particular problem as the transaction will directly affect the financial statements, which the audit team
will be responsible for auditing in consequent financial periods and therefore the audit team is likely to be more
accepting of information provided or may not investigate issues as thoroughly, as the team may feel that much of
this has been done via the due diligence.
Intimidation threat
The request by Cheetah Co to ensure that the interim review does not impede the application for a loan may be
perceived as intimidation by the client. It appears as though they are putting pressure on Leopard & Co to finish
the work based on the deadlines imposed by the bank.
This appears to be supported by a further threat relating to the upcoming tender for the audit. The management
team of Cheetah Co appears to be suggesting that failing to ensure the interim review is completed on time for the
loan decision may have an adverse impact on any consequent tender bid.
The firm should ascertain the purpose of attending the meeting with the bank; if there is any expectation that it
will provide assurances to the bank, then the request should be declined,
In order to reduce the risk of Leopard & Co assuming a management responsibility, the representation should also
state that Cheetah Co has assigned responsibility for the final decisions relating to the acquisition and financing to
a suitably experienced individual within the company.