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Stat - TD1

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Statistics

I3–TD1 (2 Sessions)
(Descriptive Statistics)

1. How People Get Their News The Brunswick Research Organization surveyed 50 ran-
domly selected individuals and asked them the primary way they received the daily
news. Their choices were via newspaper (N), television (T), radio (R), or Internet (I).
Construct a categorical frequency distribution for the data and interpret the results.


2. College Completions The percentage (rounded to the nearest whole percent) of persons
from each state completing 4 years or more of college is listed below.

Percentage of persons completing 4 years of college

23 25 24 34 22 24 27 37 33 24
26 23 38 24 24 17 28 23 30 25
30 22 33 24 28 36 24 19 25 31
34 31 27 24 29 28 21 25 26 15
26 22 27 21 25 28 24 21 25 26

(a) Organize the data into a grouped frequency distribution with 5 classes.
(b) Find the relative frequency.
(c) Construct a histogram, frequency polygon, and ogive.

3. Activities While Driving A survey of 1200 drivers showed the percentage of respondents
who did the following while driving. Construct a vertical bar graph and a horizontal bar
graph for the data.

Drink beverage 80%

Talk on cell phone 73%
Eat a meal 41%
Experience road rage 23%
Smoke 21%

4. Space Launches The data show the number of U.S. space launches for the 10-year periods
from 1960 to 2009. Construct a time series graph for the data and analyze the graph.

Year 60–69 70–79 80–89 90–99 100–109

Launches 614 247 199 300 206

5. Spending of College Freshmen The average amounts spent by college freshmen for school
items are shown. Construct a pie graph for the data.

Electronics/computers $728
Dorm items $344
Clothing $141
Shoes $72

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Statistics

6. Peyton Manning’s Colts Career Peyton Manning played for the Indianapolis Colts for 14
years. (He did not play in 2011.) The data show the number of touch-downs he scored
for the years 1998–2010. Construct a dotplot for the data and comment on the graph.

26 33 27 49 31 27 33
26 26 29 28 31 33

7. The traffic situation in X-City is getting worse, and it is high time a solution was offered.
The company hired to work on the project took a survey of the estimated amount of
vehicles that move on the road daily and for various intervals. The result of this survey is
illustrated in the table below.

Time Cars Buses Bikes

1-2pm 37 45 42
2-3pm 44 34 26
3-4pm 23 39 27
4-5pm 29 41 48

Construct a multiple line graph to visualize the data. Hence, determine the vehicle with
the highest frequency and that with the lowest frequency.

8. The heights (in cm) of a sample of the students in a class are shown:

50 52 70 72 65 52 60
75 51 64 65 55 67 70

Find the mean, mode, median, inter quartile range, midrange, variance, and standard
deviation for the data.

9. Households of Four Television Networks A survey showed the number of viewers and
number of households of four television networks. Find the average number of viewers,
using the weighted mean.

Households 1.4 0.8 0.3 1.6

Viewers (in millions) 1.6 0.8 0.4 1.8

10. Magazines in Bookstores A survey of bookstores showed that the average number of
magazines carried is 56, with a standard deviation of 12. The same survey showed that
the average length of time each store had been in business was 6 years, with a standard
deviation of 2.5 years. Which is more variable, the number of magazines or the number
of years?

11. Average Earnings of Workers The average earnings of year-round full-time workers 25–34
years old with a bachelor’s degree or higher were $58,500 in 2003. If the standard deviation
is $11,200, what can you say about the percentage of these workers who earn.

(a) Between $47,300 and $69,700?

(b) More than $80,900?
(c) How likely is it that someone earns more than $100,000?

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Statistics

12. Costs to Train Employees For a certain type of job, it costs a company an average of $231
to train an employee to perform the task. The standard deviation is $5. Find the minimum
percentage of data values that will fall in the range of $219 to $243. Use Chebyshev’s

13. Exam Grades Which of these exam grades has a better relative position?

(a) A grade of 82 on a test with 𝑥¯ = 85 and 𝑠 = 6.

(b) A grade of 56 on a test with 𝑥¯ = 60 and 𝑠 = 5.

14. Check each data set for outliers.

(a) 14, 18, 27, 26, 19, 13, 5, 25

(b) 112, 157, 192, 116, 153, 129, 131

15. The following sample data are the midterm examination test scores for 30 students:

55 60 91 85 60 70 89 99 59 67
72 82 60 68 57 74 64 70 68 91
89 90 83 40 79 85 71 80 76 81

a. Find the mean, mode, median, variance, standard deviation, 𝑄 1 , and 𝑄 3 of the data.
b. Construct a frequency table with 5 classes.
c. Using the grouped data formula, find the mean, mode, median, variance, standard
deviation,𝑄 1 , and 𝑄3 for the table in part (b) and compare it to the results in part (a).
d. Construct a histogram and comment on the shape of the distribution.
e. Find the percentile values of 55, 60, and 74.

16. In recent years, due to low interest rates, many homeowners refinanced their home mort-
gages. Linda Lahey is a mortgage officer at Down River Federal Savings and Loan. Below
is the amount refinanced for 20 loans she processed last week. The data are reported in
thousands of dollars and arranged from smallest to largest.

59.2 59.5 61.6 65.5 66.6 72.9 74.8 77.3 79.2 83.7
85.6 85.8 86.6 87.0 87.1 90.2 93.3 98.6 100.2 100.7

a. Find the median, first quartile, and third quartile.

b. Find the 26th and 83rd percentiles.
c. Draw a box plot of the data and comment on the shape of the distribution.

17. Hours Worked The data shown here represent the number of hours that 12 part-time
employees at a toy store worked during the weeks before and after Christmas. Construct
two boxplots and compare the distributions.

Before 38 16 18 24 12 30 35 32 31 30 24 35
After 26 15 12 18 24 32 14 18 16 18 22 12

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