MortarsTechnicalGuide Online
MortarsTechnicalGuide Online
MortarsTechnicalGuide Online
David Young
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
sea and community, and pay respects to them and their cultures, and to their Elders – past, present and emerging.
1 Introduction 2
1.1 Key terms used in this guide 3
2 The basics 4
2.1 What makes a good mortar? 4
2.2 Mortar materials and mixes 5
2.3 Repointing mortar joints 8
2.4 Questions and answers 9
2.5 Repointing lime mortar joints: 11 key points 10
2.6 The dos and don’ts of repointing mortar joints 12
Contents i
9.6 Void ratio and its impact on mixes 48
9.7 Assessing sands for their suitability 49
9.8 Blending sands 51
9.9 Other aggregates 52
9.10 Mineral fillers 54
9.11 Making do with poor sands 55
10 Water 56
11 Admixtures and additives 57
11.1 Plasticisers, air-entrainers, water-retainers 57
11.2 Bonding agents 58
12 Pigments and colouring agents 59
12.1 Matching colours of existing mortars 60
13 Mortar mixes 61
13.1 Traditional mixes 61
13.2 Composition mortars 62
13.3 Durability 63
13.4 Choosing the right mix – significance 63
13.5 Choosing the right mix – compatibility 64
13.6 Choosing the right mix – applying the criteria 65
13.7 A range of mortar mixes 68
14 Workability 72
14.1 Plasticity 72
14.2 Water retentivity 72
14.3 Achieving workability 73
15 Mortar mixing 76
15.1 Traditional mixing 76
15.2 Contemporary mixing 78
15.3 Off-site preparation and maturing of mixes 79
16 Special jointing materials 80
16.1 Mason’s putty 80
16.2 Elastomeric sealants (mastics) 81
17 Investigation and analysis of mortars 82
17.1 Being clear about the purpose 82
17.2 Mapping and sampling the walls 82
17.3 Visual analysis, photography, stereomicroscopy 84
17.4 Acid digestion and analysis of aggregates 85
17.5 Thin-section (polarised light) microscopy 85
17.6 XRD and SEM/EDX 86
17.7 Wet chemical analysis 86
17.8 Testing for salts 87
17.9 Other tests 87
17.10 Getting useful test results 87
17.11 Using the test results 88
29 Glossary 120
31 Index 133
Contents iii
Figures v
Figures (cont.)
A note about the photographs: Photographs which show the inside of historic
mortars have been made possible because of the use of abrasive cleaning (by
others) which has removed surfaces, exposing the interior of joints. Cleaning
methods have included high-pressure water blasting, sand blasting and grinding.
Most of these treatments are damaging and can significantly reduce the life of
traditional masonry.
AS Australian Standard
AS/NZS Australian/New Zealand Standard
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials (standard)
BCA Building Code of Australia
BS British Standard
DPC damp-proof course
EDX energy dispersive X-ray (sometimes EDS)
EN European Standard (literally European ‘Norm’)
FTIR Fourier transform infrared (spectroscopy)
g/L grams per litre
GB blended cement
GGBFS ground granulated blast-furnace slag
GL general purpose limestone cement
GP general purpose cement
HE high early strength cement
ICPOES inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
IRA initial rate of absorption
Nicola Ashurst, Susan Balderstone, David Beauchamp, Beril Bicer-Simsir, William Blackledge, Barrie Cooper,
Ed Coppo, Andrew Daly, Donald Ellsmore, Alan Forster, George Gibbons, Jacqui Goddard, Meredith Gould, John
Greenshields, Caspar Groot, Katie Hicks, Stafford Holmes, Liz Holt, John Hughes, Douglas Johnston, Bill Jordan,
Alan Kelsall, Jake & Kris Krawczyk, Andrew Klenke, Mike Lawrence, Barbara Lubelli, Kim Lukomski, Peter McKenzie,
Stuart McLennan, Rudi Meuwissen, Jinx Miles, Philip Morey, Greg Owen, Sam Pentelow, Libby Robertson, David
Rowe, Stephen Schrapel, Joy Singh, Jasper Swann, David West, Ray Wiltshire, Linda Young, Building Limes Forum,
Centennial Stone Program – NSW Public Works Mortars Research Project 2011/2012, Heritage Council of NSW’s
Technical Advisory Group, Heritage Council of Victoria’s Technical Advisory Committee, Longford Academy,
Scottish Lime Centre, West Dean College.
Special thanks to Ian Brocklebank, Michelle Glynn, Paul Livesey, Elisha Long, Gerard Lynch and William Revie.
Figure 1: How not to repoint a wall. As well as being unsightly, this example breaks all the rules. Repointing should match the colour, the
materials and the finish of the mortar joints. The original lime mortar had deteriorated due to salt attack and rising damp, and its repairer
should have recognised the need for the wall to dry out through the joints and for salts to be controlled. Responding to all these factors
means using a lime mortar with a clean, well-graded sand. By using a stiff, yet plastic, mortar (which is essential for all repointing), and by
placing it with tools that fit within the joints (caulking or finger trowels), repointing can be undertaken without any mortar smears on the face
of the brickwork. The cement mortar used here will be too inelastic to allow for small movements and too impermeable to permit drying
through the joints. The bricks can be expected to decay.
1 Introduction
binders and Mortars are made from a binder (such as lime or cement) or a
aggregates combination of these (composition mortar or ‘compo’) and an
aggregate, which is generally sand but may include some crushed stone.
Water is used to make the mortar plastic until it stiffens and hardens.
limes Lime binders come in several forms, and it is important to be clear > See Chapter 5 ‘Limes’
about the differences between them and the sometimes confusing
terminology. Limes may be non-hydraulic or hydraulic.
non-hydraulic Non-hydraulic (or pure) limes were the most commonly used limes in
limes Australian building. Generally described just as lime, the term ‘non-
hydraulic’ means they do not harden by reacting with water, in contrast
to hydraulic limes and cements, which do. Non-hydraulic (or pure) limes > See Section 5.2 ‘Non-hydraulic (pure)
come in three distinct forms: limes and the lime cycle’
• quicklime, which is slaked with the sand
• a wet putty, described as slaked lime putty or just lime putty
• a dry powder, known as hydrated lime, or builder’s lime: ‘dry hydrate’
is sometimes used to distinguish it from putty.
hydraulic limes Hydraulic limes can be thought of as a cross between non-hydraulic > See Section 5.7 ‘Hydraulic limes’
limes and cements. Some of the chemicals in a hydraulic lime harden by
reacting with water (like cement) producing a stronger binder than
non-hydraulic limes. There are natural hydraulic limes and artificial ones,
depending on the source of their raw materials.
cements Cements differ from hydraulic limes in consisting mainly of hydraulic > See Chapter 6 ‘Cements’
materials. Like hydraulic limes, there are natural and artificial cements.
There was some use of natural cement in Australia in the nineteenth
century, until Portland cement (an artificial cement) became more
widely used.
pozzolanic Pozzolanic materials have little or no binding power of their own, but > See Chapter 7 ‘Pozzolanic materials’
materials when mixed with non-hydraulic lime they make some of it hydraulic and
so increase the strength of the resulting binder.
void ratio The void ratio is the amount of voids (or air) in a measure of dry sand, > See Section 9.6 ‘Void ratio and its
and it is an important factor determining the correct proportioning of a impact on mixes’
mortar mix and hence its workability and water retentivity.
compatibility Whether for repairs or new building, mortars should always be > See Section 13.5 ‘Choosing the right
compatible with the adjacent masonry. This means having appropriate mix – compatibility’
physical properties, such as strength, elasticity, porosity and
permeability. Repair needs may dictate that these properties should be
different from those of the original.
workability This describes the relative ease with which a fresh mortar can be spread > See Chapter 14 ‘Workability’
and worked. It is not a single, measurable property but a combination of
several properties, particularly plasticity and water retentivity.
repointing Repointing is the process of replacing the outer part of a mortar joint. > See Part 3 ‘Repointing mortar joints’
It may be applied to joints that were originally laid and finished in a
single mortar (jointing), or to joints that were finished in two stages by
raking out some bedding mortar and adding a pointing mortar (pointing).
It is commonly undertaken in response to loss of the existing material.
Introduction 3
PART 1 Introduction and the basics
2 The basics
Traditional mortar mixes are frequently stated as being one-part lime to three-
parts sand (1:3), but the truth is more nuanced than this simple ratio suggests.
Analysis of historic mortars shows much richer mixes, commonly in the range
1:1.5 to 1:2.5. Part of the explanation is that traditional mix proportions were in > See Section 13.1 ‘Traditional mixes’
fact 1:3 quicklime to sand, which results in a mix of about 1:2 lime to sand,
because the quicklime expands on slaking.
Also relevant is the quality of the sand, particularly its size grading and particle > See Chapter 9 ‘Sands and other
size. A 1:3 mix is appropriate for a well-graded sand, but richer mixes (like 1:2.5 or aggregates’, particularly Section 9.6
1:2) may be required for poorly graded, or uniform sands. As the size of the sand ‘Void ratio and its impact on mixes’
grains gets finer, their surface area increases (for the same volume of sand) and
the proportion of lime binder must be increased to compensate. Very fine sands
may require mixes as rich as 1:1.5 or 1:1.
Many late-nineteenth-century cement mortars were specified to be 1:2 or 1:3 > See Section 6.3 ‘Portland cement
cement to sand. This was in an era when Portland cements were quite different through time’ and Chapter 8
and much weaker than they are today. A modern cement mortar made with ‘Comparison of lime and cement
washed, well-graded sand in these proportions will not only be difficult to work binders’
with; it will also be too strong, too brittle and too impermeable for most
masonry materials.
The basics 5
PART 1 Introduction and the basics
> See Section 13.2 ‘Composition mortars’ Composition mortars have been widely used by those seeking to combine the
advantages of cement (faster hardening and greater strength) and lime
(workability). However, recent research and field trials have shown that weaker
mixes (such as 1:3:12) are not as durable as pure lime mortars and that cement
inhibits the curing of the lime by blocking pores in the mortar.
This guide recommends the 1:3:12 mix no longer be used. There are several
alternatives to this mix if greater strengths than those provided by pure lime
mortars are required: the use of natural hydraulic limes (NHLs) or of pozzolanic
> See Section 5.7 ‘Hydraulic limes’ and materials, which are added to pure lime mortars to produce results similar to
Chapter 7 ‘Pozzolanic materials’ hydraulic limes.
One of the challenges of repairing older buildings is that their materials are
often very different from those in common use today. For example, bricks today
> See Chapter 4 ‘Mortars in Australia are generally much stronger, denser and less porous than those used in the
– then and now’ nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Yet most people working on buildings,
whether as specifiers (such as architects and engineers) or as contractors and
tradespeople (such as bricklayers and stonemasons) have been trained to use
contemporary materials, and they may not be aware of the damage they can do
by using modern materials on older walls.
The Building Code of Australia now forms Uncritical adherence to the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of the Building Code
part of the National Construction Code: of Australia (and on the Australian Standards on which parts of them are based)
see Box 10 ‘Mortars and Australian can compound this problem, as they reflect contemporary practice and
Standards’ and Box 11 ‘Mortars and the materials. Bricks and mortar are made differently today, but old bricks and
Building Code of Australia’. stones (like sandstone and limestone) haven’t changed – they need mortars, and
construction and repair practices, that are compatible with their relatively
porous nature.
Some of the materials used to repair the mortar joints of older buildings are not
commonly used in contemporary building practice:
• Mature lime putty is a dense, wet putty that has considerable advantages
over the more-common dry-powder form of hydrated lime. Its fine particle
size makes it more workable and more reactive. It is used in mortars, the set
coat of plasters and in limewashes.
• Natural hydraulic lime (NHL), which is only available in dry powder form, can
be thought of as a cross between pure lime and cement. However, it has
advantages that are not achieved by mixing cement and pure lime together.
Figure 4 shows bags of NHL from various European manufacturers.
• Good sand is an essential element of any mortar. Figure 5 shows a sand that
has been sieved through progressively finer mesh sizes and separated into
different grades. That there is a range of particle sizes shows that it is well
graded, and that means it will make a workable mortar, despite the presence Figure 3: Mature lime putty.
of the coarser grains. Well-graded sands washed free of clay are a key
component of good repair mortars.
The basics 7
PART 1 Introduction and the basics
> See Section 5.6 ‘Setting of lime mortars’, Curing of lime mortars is critical. Lime hardens by absorbing carbon dioxide
Chapter 22 ‘Pre-wetting’ and Chapter 24 from the atmosphere, in the presence of water. If the work is allowed to dry out
‘Protection and curing’ prematurely, hardening will cease, leaving the mortar weak and prone to decay.
It is essential to thoroughly pre-wet raked-out joints and maintain damp curing
conditions for at least four weeks. The Australian climate can make this difficult,
so you need to consider how this can be best achieved.
Q Why
should I use or specify A trength is often not an issue, particularly when repointing, as lime
lime when cement is so much mortars have adequate strength for traditional brick and stone masonry.
stronger? On the other hand, modern, cement-based mortars can be too strong,
leading to cracking in the bricks or stones, rather than through the joints
where it is less obvious and more readily repaired. Mortars should always
be weaker than the adjacent masonry. Also, walls need to breathe: any
moisture in the wall should dry out through the joints, which need to be
more permeable than the adjacent masonry. Lime mortars are much better
at allowing breathing than are mortars made of cement, or cement-and-
lime compositions.
Q When should I use cement? A I f the building was constructed with cement in the mortar, then it may be
appropriate to repair it with cement. However, the proportion in the mix
will need to be considerably reduced to account for the high strength of
modern cements and to make the new mortar compatible with the
masonry. In some circumstances, it may be better to use a hydraulic lime
or a lime and pozzolan mix. Some repairs to lime-mortared buildings (such
as undersetting for salt damp) require early hardening and justify the use
of cements. In such instances, the quick-setting characteristics of natural
cement may be advantageous.
Q Why
should I use coarse, sharp A ricklaying sands, which are fine grained and rich in clay, produce weak
sands? Bricklaying sands are so mortars with low bond strengths and poor breathing characteristics. In
much easier to work. contrast, well-graded, coarse, sharp sands produce strong and durable
mortars that bond well to the adjacent masonry. By using lime, you can
regain the workability lost with the change to cement. The workability of
lime, cement and composition mortars can be improved with the correct
use of mineral fillers (e.g. ground limestone) and water-retaining and
air-entraining admixtures.
Q When
I tried using lime putty, a A our mix may have been too wet or the putty insufficiently matured.
milky stain spread over the Always use dry sand and lime putty that has been matured for at least four
brickwork. How can I stop this months. Drain the putty or carefully pour off the watery material from the
happening? top and use only stiff putty that will stand like feta cheese rather than run
like thin cream. There is enough water in a stiff putty to make mortar for
repointing. Do not add more. When the mix is stiff (yet still workable), the
lime will not bleed (‘leak’) over the face of the brickwork, and so staining
should not occur.
Why all the fuss about curing? A ell they did actually, or at least some of them did: expressing concern
I’ll bet they didn’t worry about that hot weather was bad for new brickwork. Also, there is a big difference
curing 100 years ago when they between building a wall and repointing it. When the wall was built, porous
built this place. bricks or stones were soaked or dipped in water to ‘kill’ their excessive
suction and so the whole wall was wet through. The wall dried slowly, and
the moisture in the bricks and stones helped the curing of the mortar.
When we come to repoint them, most walls are relatively dry, so we need
to add water before (by pre-wetting), during and after the work to prevent
premature drying.
The basics 9
PART 1 Introduction and the basics
• Slaked lime putty is more workable – more plastic or • Add more putty, not water, if needed to improve
buttery – than hydrated lime. workability.
• Maturing putty before using it results in a finer particle • Pure lime mortars can be mixed well ahead, kept sealed
size, faster curing and better working properties: these and then knocked up for use.
are even more important for plaster and limewash. • The benefits of maturing the mix are greater than
• Lime putty mortars can be stronger and will be more maturing the putty separately.
elastic than those made with hydrated lime mortars. • Slaking quicklime with the sand (sand-slaking)
• The workability of hydrated lime can be improved by produces mixes with excellent workability, good
running it to a putty in water 24 hours before use – this strength and other desired characteristics.
is not slaking, but soaking – and do ensure the lime is • After maturing, knock up the mortar with similar tools
fresh. used in the original mixing (mattock handle, larry, or
• Excellent mortars can be made by the traditional forced action, handheld, or roller pan mixer), but do not
practice of sand-slaking quicklime. add water.
The basics 11
PART 1 Introduction and the basics
Figure 7: Traditional lime burning. A lime kiln at Susac Lime Supply, Carabooda, north of Perth, Western Australia. This may be the last
such lime kiln operating in Australia: most had ceased production by World War II.
Lime was the principal binder in mortars and plasters of nineteenth century Earth mortars, in which clay is the binder,
Australian buildings, and continued in this role in domestic construction until were widely used for laying masonry in
the mid-twentieth century. early buildings. Their joints were made
weatherproof by pointing with lime
Most of the lime used in Australia was the more common non-hydraulic variety, and sand.
though there was some local production and also importation of hydraulic limes.
Hydraulic limes were used in engineering works and other highly specified
structures, but the full extent of their use in Australia is not yet clear and needs
further research. The boundary between non-hydraulic limes and hydraulic
limes is gradational (see Section 8.1 ‘The lime–cement spectrum’) and some of
the older limes that would be classified as non-hydraulic are likely to have had a
small proportion of hydraulic components.
Portland cement was first imported in the 1850s but, along with the earlier,
natural cements, would, on account of the higher cost, have been reserved for
limited use on the more exposed parts of buildings (such as renders, mouldings
and cast work). Portland cement began to be used in the mortars of larger
buildings in the late nineteenth century. Its more widespread use came in the
early twentieth century with the advent of large-scale local production.
Major changes in building practices after World War II led to the predominant
use of cement in mortars, as cement-and-lime composition (compo) mortars. A
key reason for this was that cement hardened much faster, which enabled more
rapid construction. Increasing industrialisation also saw the decline of small-
scale lime burning (see Figure 7) and its replacement by larger operations
producing hydrated lime. As a result, sand-slaked lime mortars (and lime putties
for plasters and limewashes) were replaced by dry hydrated lime, with the added
convenience of its supply in paper bags, like cement. Today, building is only one
of many uses for hydrated lime, which is made from relatively pure limestone
and may be quite different to the limes used in the past.
Houses & small buildings Year Large buildings & engineered structures
Note: The larger the type size, the more dominant the usage. This is provisional
information and needs further research: exceptions and local variations are to be
expected. Note that cements used in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
were very different to modern cements (see Section 6.3 ‘Portland cement through time’).
The change from lime to cement meant a change from plastic, workable mortars
to materials that were more difficult to work with a trowel. To regain lost
workability, there was also a change in the use of sands in many areas, from
sharp and well-graded sands that were free of clay to soft sands that are fine
In some areas, the only available sands grained and clay rich. Clay-rich bricklaying sands produce poor-quality mortars
were of poor quality. Those using them of low durability. Despite this, they are used today with cement because they
adjusted their mixes to suit. See Section bring workability advantages: clay is even added to some sands with poor
9.11 ‘Making do with poor sands’. working properties.
The challenge for repairers of older buildings that were constructed with
lime is to:
• revert to the use of lime binders in place of cement
• revert to the use of good-quality building sands
• ensure everyone involved understands these materials.
All three must be progressed in unison for the results to be successful.
Ensuring that everyone understands the use of lime binders and good-quality
building sands is particularly important. Anyone working on buildings today,
whether as a specifier (such as an architect or engineer) or as a contractor or
tradesperson (such as a bricklayer or stonemason) will have been trained to
work with contemporary materials and may not be aware of the often very
different properties of traditional masonry materials.
Old bricks can be quite porous – 25–35% porosity is common for low-fired bricks
from the mid-nineteenth century – whereas modern, general-purpose extruded
bricks are more highly fired and have porosities around 7%, while exposure-
grade bricks can have less than 5% porosity. A strong, cement-based mortar
suitable for use with a modern, exposure-grade brick will lead to irreparable
Suction is determined by pore size and damage if used with a soft, porous brick, while a mortar appropriate for such a
distribution, as well as total porosity. brick will have insufficient bond strength for the low suction of a modern brick.
With the change in materials has come a change in work practices. Traditional
practices included pre-wetting the masonry units by hosing the stack and this
> See Chapter 10 ‘Water’, Section 14.2 was often followed by dipping them in a bucket of water, just prior to laying. The
‘Water retentivity’, and Chapter 21 aim was to reduce or ‘kill’ the suction of the brick or stone so it would not draw
‘Pre-wetting’ too much moisture from the mortar. If this was allowed to happen, the mortar
would dry prematurely leaving it friable, of low strength and poor durability.
With pre-wetting, the natural workability of the lime allowed the use of mortars
with a low water content.
In contrast, contemporary practice with modern bricks of low suction – with a
low initial rate of absorption, or ‘IRA’ – is not to pre-wet the bricks but to lay
them using mortar that has a maximum water content (consistent with good
bricklaying practice) so that the bricks absorb some water and pull some cement
in with the water, to create a good bond.
When repointing older walls made of porous materials, work practices need to
be appropriate for them. Also, some materials still in use today are very porous
(particularly sandstones, limestones and recycled older bricks). Mortars for
these materials need to be traditional porous mixes to be compatible with them,
and so produce walls that work as systems (as Chapter 3 explains).
Originally, the word ‘lime’ was used for sticky materials (such as glues and
pastes). Today the word has a variety of meanings, and in relation to mortars it is
used for both quicklime (calcium oxide) and for slaked or hydrated lime
(calcium hydroxide). There are different types of limes including non-hydraulic
limes and hydraulic limes and it is important to be clear about the distinction
between them.
To complicate things further, there are calcium limes and dolomitic limes. Don’t confuse building limes with
Dolomitic limes contain both calcium and magnesium and have more complex agricultural lime (ag-lime), which is just
chemistries than calcium limes. This guide does not cover dolomitic limes ground limestone and has no binding
because they are not common in Australia, though they are widely used overseas, power.
particularly in North America and parts of Europe.
Following sections explain the manufacture and properties of the various limes.
This guide focuses on non-hydraulic limes, as these were the materials used
most in Australian building. They remain widely available but in the modern
form of relatively pure hydrated lime. There are also several manufacturers of Although most non-hydraulic limes today
slaked lime putties. Although hydraulic limes were used here, they are not are pure limes, some early mortars were
currently made in Australia and are imported from Europe, where there are made with lean limes.
several manufacturers.
Limes 17
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
In traditional production, quicklime was slaked in more water than needed for
the reaction, resulting in the formation of a wet hydrate or putty known as
slaked lime putty or just lime putty. In modern hydrating plants, an old practice
has been mechanised: just enough water is added to the quicklime to produce
the dry powder known as hydrated lime, or builder’s lime. In theory, lime putty
and hydrated lime should be the same (after allowing for the water in the putty)
but in practice there are important differences, which the next section explains.
The chemical reactions that take place during the burning, slaking and hardening of non-hydraulic limes are set out here.
Burning (calcination)
Limestone (or marble, seashells or coral) is heated in a kiln to drive off carbon dioxide and produce quicklime:
Slaking (hydration)
The quicklime is then combined with water in the process known as slaking:
The reaction is strongly exothermic – it produces a lot of heat – and can be hazardous.
Hardening (carbonation)
Pure limes harden by slowly reabsorbing the carbon dioxide from the air, in a process known as carbonation:
In fact, there are two stages to this reaction, which is more correctly shown here. In the first stage, carbon dioxide
dissolves into the mixing water to form carbonic acid:
In the second stage, the lime dissolves into the acidic water and reacts to produce calcium carbonate:
The calcium carbonate precipitates out to form a mass of small crystals that bind to each other and to the aggregate,
while the excess water evaporates.
Limes 19
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
So far, we have looked at lime made from relatively pure sources of calcium
carbonate. These produce what are known as pure or high-calcium limes. Many
limestones contain other minerals (such as sand, silt or clay) in appreciable
quantities. Though geologically described as impurities, these additional
minerals may be beneficial in that they may react in the kiln to produce calcium
silicates and calcium aluminates which are stronger binders than lime. These are
hydraulic limes, which are discussed in Section 5.7.
Some materials remain unaltered in the kiln and contribute nothing to the
The underburnt centre (core) of some product. These underburnt or inert lumps are often removed by screening
lumps of quicklime may remain as calcium before the lime is used. A lime with appreciable inert material is known as a ‘lean
carbonate. Unless removed, they lime’, in contrast to a pure, high-calcium or ‘fat’ lime. These terms give an
effectively become part of the aggregate understanding of their workability and sand-carrying capacity:
(see Box 13 ‘Lime lumps’).
• a fat lime is readily worked because of its buttery or creamy consistency and
has a high sand-carrying capacity
• a lean lime is less workable and needs to be used with a smaller proportion of
sand to make a mortar with similar workability to that of a fat lime. Lean
limes are less common today.
Limes 21
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Lime putty (made from a high-calcium limestone) should have a bulk density of
least 1,350 g/L (1.35 kg/L). At this density, the lime will be a little under half the
weight of the putty (about 600 g in a litre of putty), while water will be a little
over half the weight (about 750 g in a litre of putty) and about three-quarters of
the volume of the putty.
Freshly made putties of lower densities will contain more water and less lime.
Consider, for example, a density of 1,270 g/L. This might seem close to 1,350 g/L,
but such a putty will have only three-quarters of the lime of the latter. These
differences will have a significant bearing on the actual proportions of binder to
aggregate in a mortar mix: in this case, a 1:3 mix would actually be a 1:4 mix, if
putty of the lower density were used.
While 1.35 kg/L is the minimum density for lime putty, the ideal is closer to
1.4 kg/L when the lime content will be about 675 g/L. Such a putty contains 50%
more lime than one with a density of 1.27 kg/L.
Commercially available Australian putties are generally less dense than 1.35 kg/L.
They should be drained before use to ensure only stiff putty remains, although
the lime slurry from on top should be retained, because it has potential uses,
which Section 19.1 ‘Batching’ explains. In cooler and damper climates, lime putty
> See Section 19.2 ‘Mixing’ for more is stored in woven polypropylene bulker bags, to allow it to drain. This is less
details about managing the water practical in the hotter, drier Australian climate as the putty would prematurely
content of putties and mixes dry out and carbonate.
Hydrated lime has a bulk density of 350–640 g/L – the wide range reflects
variability of the raw materials, as well as bulking of the dry powder. Fine, dry
powders can bulk up, increasing their volume substantially and giving a
Australian Standard 1672.1 assumes that a misleading impression of the actual amount of material present. In a hydrated
given volume of putty contains an equal lime with a density of 400 g/L, there is only two-thirds of the amount of lime
volume of hydrated lime: the implied present compared to a matured, dense putty (which is 600 g/L). For this reason,
densities are 1.285 kg/L for putty and mix proportions may need adjusting when using hydrated lime (see Section 19.1
480 g/L for hydrated lime (see Box 10 ‘Batching’). A mix made with hydrated lime may need to be as rich as 1:2 to be
‘Mortars and Australian Standards’). comparable with a 1:3 mix made with lime putty.
Densities of putties and dry hydrates can be straightforwardly measured by
weighing their known volumes. For example, take a container that will hold a
suitable volume that can be accurately measured: say, 1 or 2 litres. Weigh the
container empty. Fill it with lime putty or hydrated lime, level it off carefully and
weigh it again. Subtract the weight of the container and then divide the result in
grams by the volume in litres. As noted above, lime putty should be at least
1,350 g/L (1.35 kg/L). Transferring hydrated limes to the container will inevitably
lead to some bulking of the dry powder, but after tapping the sides of the
container to reduce the bulking effect, their compacted densities will typically
range from 450–640 g/L.
Sand-slaking can be a way of safely controlling the energy released from the
quicklime. Also, the heat generated by the slaking cleans up the sand and leads
to better contact with the lime. Section 19.2 explains how quicklime mortars are > Sand-slaking and the related hot lime
made by sand-slaking. These mixes can be stored in sealed containers and mortars are further explained in
allowed to mature before use, which improves their workability. Section 15.1 ‘Traditional mixing’.
Lime mortars should be kept quite damp for a week, during which time there will be
little or no carbonation (except at the surface), only the slow dissolving of carbon
dioxide into the mixing water. Then, as the mortar slowly dries, carbonation will
begin to occur as the lime dissolves into the now-acidic mixing water and reacts Excessive hot weather is bad for
to produce calcium carbonate (as explained in reactions 3a and 3b in Box 2). The brickwork. The best conditions for good
ideal curing conditions (after the initial week of wetting) are a temperature of work are in winter, when the atmosphere is
15–20˚C and relative humidity of 60–70%. These conditions are unlikely in the damp. The slow setting of the work is
hotter and drier months in Australia, and indeed for much of the year. Consequently, always to be aimed at.
it is usually necessary to modify the environment around a curing mortar. Haddon, 1908
Experience has shown that periodic wetting and drying will improve the hardening
of lime mortars. Cycles of wetting and drying can be deliberately applied as part of
a planned curing process, but such cycles might also happen naturally where rain
periodically strikes the wall. This is one reason why some sides of a building can be
better cured than others. The effect is commonly seen on chimneys which are more
exposed to the weather: the weather side is often better cured. Deterioration on
the lee side of a chimney might be partly due to incomplete hardening, but there
might be other factors at work, particularly salt attack (see Figure 34).
Recent laboratory research has demonstrated that repeated cycles of wetting and
drying can ensure thorough carbonation of a lime mortar, which can increase its
strength to nearly double that of an untreated sample. The same research
showed additional cycles of wetting and drying further increased the mortar’s
strength to about two and half times that of the untreated mortar. Importantly,
as well as further carbonation, the additional cycles also resulted in dissolution
and recrystallisation of the newly formed calcium carbonate, producing a
better-interlocked binder matrix that should be stronger and more durable. This > The steps needed to ensure thorough
confirms the effectiveness of the traditional practice of repeatedly wetting lime hardening of mortars are explained in
mortars, plasters and washes to accelerate their hardening. Chapter 24 ‘Protecting and curing’.
Limes 23
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
The chemistry of hydraulic limes is more complex than that of non-hydraulic limes, so for simplicity only reactions with
silica are shown below. Most hydraulic limes contain silicates, while some contain appreciable aluminates.
Burning (calcination)
Siliceous limestone is heated in a kiln, driving off carbon dioxide and producing quicklime (as for non-hydraulic limes, see
reaction 1 in Box 2). Some of the quicklime reacts with silica to form calcium silicate:
Di-calcium silicate is the mineral belite, which is also found in Portland cements (see Box 5 ‘Cement chemistry’).
The resulting mix of belite (di-calcium silicate) and quicklime (calcium oxide) is then slaked with just enough water to
hydrate the calcium oxide (as in reaction 2 in Box 2) but not so much as to cause a reaction with the silicate.
* Because the chemistry of this material is very complex, cement chemists use a simplified notation: C–S–H indicating calcium
silicate hydrate; see Box 5 for details.
The non-hydraulic component (hydrated lime) hardens by carbonation, as in reactions 3a and 3b in Box 2.
The resulting binder is a mixture of calcium silicate hydrate and calcium carbonate.
Limes 25
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Natural hydraulic limes (NHLs) have been classified in various ways, beginning with the early-nineteenth-century work of
Vicat who identified three classes or grades (later to be known as Feebly, Moderately and Eminently hydraulic limes),
based on their setting times in water and on the proportions of active clay and silica in the limestone. Some have used
the relative proportions of the component oxides to derive a Hydraulic Index and later a Cementation Index. Others
argue that classification should be based on the proportion of active silica and clay actually combined in the hydraulic
component, rather than the proportion in the raw material (which may include a portion that remains inert).
European Standard EN 459 uses a different approach, based on the compressive strength of a mortar made from the
NHL. There are three classes and while they can be roughly equated to those of Vicat, they cannot be directly compared
because modern NHLs are stronger than those of Vicat’s time, as Figure 14 shows.
Table 2 shows the strength and free lime (non-hydraulic) requirements of EN 459. It also shows the range of free lime
contents of typical materials. NHL stands for natural hydraulic lime – not to be confused with non-hydraulic lime.
EN 459 Compressive strength at 28 days Free lime (%)* Free lime (%)
notation (MPa) EN 459 typical
NHL 2 2 7 ≥ 35 35–60
NHL 5 5 15 ≥ 15 15–30
An issue with the EN 459 classification is that 28-day strengths in the range 5–7 MPa conform to all three classes,
apparently leaving no way of distinguishing between them. Similarly, the required minimum free lime content may also
fail to separate them, as can be seen from the right column of Table 2. However, it is important to understand that
EN 459 also provides conformity criteria for manufacturers, which effectively narrows each of the strength ranges to
the point where there is minimal overlap between them. The compliance ranges are 3.5 ≥ NHL 2 ≤ 5.8, 5.6 ≥ NHL 3.5 ≤ 8.3
and 8.2 ≥ NHL 5 ≤ 12.5 MPa.
EN 459 also provides for two other categories of lime with hydraulic properties:
• formulated lime (FL), which may include disclosed additions including cement or pozzolans to a natural hydraulic
lime and/or to a pure lime
• hydraulic lime (HL), which contains lime and other materials and for which there is no requirement to disclose its
Natural hydraulic limes are appropriate for use in heritage conservation and more broadly to repair older buildings.
Formulated limes may also be used, provided their components are fully disclosed and their properties understood.
Note: Recent research in the United Kingdom has shown widely varying test results between brands of NHL and between
classes from the same brand. Specifiers should seek up-to-date test data before deciding on a particular product.
Cements 27
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Figure 12: Hardened binders and pore blocking. Schematic representation of particles of hardened pure lime (left), hydraulic lime (centre)
and cement (right). The illustration on the right shows how needle-like crystals of cement largely fill the pore space between particles,
significantly reducing permeability. This is in contrast to pure lime, in which much of the pore structure remains open. The degree of partial
blocking of pores by natural hydraulic limes depends on their class: NHL 2 mortars are more permeable and NHL 5, less permeable.
To simplify a complex subject, cement chemists use a shorthand notation based on the first letter of the oxides:
C = CaO (quicklime), S = SiO₂ (silica), A = Al₂O₃ (alumina), F = FeO (iron oxide) and H = H₂O (water). The complex
calcium silicate hydrates and calcium aluminate hydrates that are the products of the reaction with water are notated
by C–S–H and C–A–H respectively, the dashes indicating variable proportions.
The principal components in ordinary (normal) Portland cements and their approximate proportions are shown in Table 3.
Tri-calcium silicate (alite) is the most important constituent of Portland cements. As well as being the dominant
material, it is the one responsible for the early strength development of the hardened cement paste. It is only formed
when kiln temperatures exceed about 1,250˚C, and so it is not generally found in hydraulic limes, except for a small
proportion in the highest class (NHL 5).
Di-calcium silicate (belite) is the second most important constituent. It reacts much more slowly than alite, but it can
ultimately lead to similar strengths after about a year of hardening. Belite forms at much-lower kiln temperatures than
alite and is a key component of natural hydraulic limes. It is the reason why they develop reasonable strengths, but do
so slowly.
Tri-calcium aluminate (aluminate) reacts rapidly with water, which is why gypsum is added to Portland cements to prevent
rapid hardening. It is less stable than the silicates, particularly in high-sulfate environments, and manufacturers reduce its
proportion when making sulfate-resisting cements. Calcium aluminates are also found in hydraulic limes and natural cements.
Tetra-calcium aluminoferrite (ferrite) is principally responsible for the grey colour of many cements, and manufacturers
minimise its proportion when making white and off-white cements. Ferrite contributes little to the overall strength
of cement.
Cements 29
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Blended cement (GB) takes advantage of the fact that while Portland cement
consists almost entirely of hydraulic materials, its hardening produces free lime,
which makes up about 20% of the hardened cement paste. By adding pozzolanic
materials (such as fly ash or ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS), as
Chapter 7 ‘Pozzolanic materials’ explains), the lime is converted to hydrated
By making use of by-products of other calcium silicates and aluminates that are similar to those produced by the
processes, blended cements have lower hardening of the cement itself. Although the early strength may be lower
environmental impacts than ordinary (because of slower-reacting pozzolans), the ultimate strength of blended cement
cement. can be significantly higher than that of Portland cement.
Special purpose cements can be either general purpose (GP) or blended (GB)
cements that are modified to meet the requirements of each type.
High early strength cements (HE) are produced by adjusting their chemistry
(more alite and aluminate), by grinding them more finely to make them more
reactive or by a combination of both. They are used where fast stripping of
concrete formwork is required and also in cold weather applications.
Low-heat cements (LH) are in a sense opposite to HE cements: to minimise
heat and expansive forces, they harden more slowly and have lower early
strengths, but may ultimately achieve higher strengths. Low-heat cements are
used in dams and other situations requiring massive concrete sections.
Sulfate-resisting cements (SR) are used where soils, groundwater and masonry
The scientific world has adopted the are high in sulfate salts and where soils contain minerals, such as pyrite (iron
American spelling of sulphur: hence sulfur, sulfide), that may degrade general purpose cements. They may be general purpose
sulfate and sulfide. cements (GP) with reduced proportions of aluminate, or blended cements (GB)
containing substantial proportions of GGBFS, fly ash or both.
White and off-white cements are not separately identified in the Australian
Standard, but their manufacture – finer grinding, and minimising ferrite with
consequent increased aluminate – often results in materials that also meet the
requirements of high early strength (HE) cement.
Slag cements are binders consisting mainly of GGBFS, which is a by-product of
making iron in a blast furnace. When combined with Portland cement, the
proportion of slag can be higher than 65% and still produce materials that meet
the requirements of AS 3972 for blended (GB) cements. Lower strength cements
consisting of slag and hydrated lime (and sometimes fly ash) are used in road
Cements 31
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Pozzolanic materials are binder additives used in mortars and concretes. They
have no binding power of their own, but when mixed with lime they make a
portion of the mix hydraulic, increasing its strength.
The name comes from Pozzuoli (near Naples in Italy) where the ancient Romans
used local volcanic ash to produce a hydraulic reaction with lime, enabling their
concrete to harden underwater. Ashes, pumice and similar volcanic materials
(collectively known as pozzuolana) have been traditional sources. Trass (formerly
tarras) is a German pozzolan derived from tuff, a compacted volcanic ash. The
volcanic Santorine (or Theran) earth from the Greek island of Santorini was first
used in about 700 BCE, and more recently to build the Suez Canal in the 1860s.
The Romans also crushed clay bricks and tiles for use as pozzolans in their mortars.
Modern pozzolans include by-products (such as fly ash from coal-burning power
stations and GGBFS), as well as deliberately manufactured materials (such as
metakaolin, which is calcined [heated] clay). All these materials contain very Rice husks are burnt as a fuel in many
fine-grained, glassy particles of reactive silica and alumina. Even though they are Asian countries, leaving a silica-rich ash
mixed cold, they are sufficiently reactive when combined with calcium hydroxide that can be a reactive pozzolan.
to produce hydrated calcium silicates and calcium aluminates, which are similar
to the hardened products of hydraulic limes and cements.
Pozzolans are widely used today in blended cements (GB). These cements
commonly contain 25–30% of fly ash or GGBFS, to consume the free lime > See Section 6.4 ‘Types of Portland and
produced during the hardening of the cement. blended cements’
Pozzolans also have a role in the repair of lime mortars. Modern limes are
relatively pure and therefore non-hydraulic, whereas some traditional
production of lime mortars may have resulted in slightly to weakly hydraulic
materials with increased strengths, compared to pure limes. Combining
pozzolans with modern limes can be a way of producing materials with similar
properties to some of those used traditionally.
The use of pozzolans requires an understanding of their relative reactivities.
Pozzolans ranked from most reactive to least reactive include metakaolin, silica
fume, fly ash, GGBFS, pozzuolana, trass and brick dust.
This ranking of reactivities is approximate: reactivity depends on several factors
including the fineness to which the pozzolan is ground and the inherent variability
of the material. For example, variations in clay minerals, firing temperatures and
particle size make some brick dusts more pozzolanic than others, while some may AS/NZS 3582.1 Supplementary cementitious
not be pozzolanic at all. To be suitable, bricks should be fired at temperatures materials provides for three grades of fly
below about 900˚C. Most bricks made in Australia today are fired at higher ash, depending on particle size. Coarser
temperatures, making them unsuitable for use as pozzolans. (less reactive) grades are preferred.
The more reactive a pozzolan, the more hydraulic will be the resulting binder.
This is important when considering mix proportions. While there is currently
insufficient research data to confirm the appropriate proportions of common
pozzolans when combined with lime, indicative proportions for producing a
binder similar to a weakly to moderately hydraulic lime are:
• metakaolin, 5% (1/20 part)
• fly ash or GGBFS, 10% (1/10 part)
• trass, 20% (1/5 part).
Pozzolanic materials 33
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Using half these proportions (e.g. 5% of fly ash or GGBFS) will be appropriate
for many repointing applications, producing slightly to weakly hydraulic mixes.
Understanding the reactivities of pozzolans is also important when we consider
the permeability (breathing characteristics) of the resultant mortar. As with
natural hydraulic limes, the more reactive the pozzolan, the less permeable the
resulting mortar will be. Similarly, the higher the proportion of pozzolan in the
mix, the greater will be the reduction in permeability. As Figure 12 shows, these
reductions in permeability occur because the hydraulic components grow into
and partially block the pore space between the particles of lime.
Just as with cement, it’s important to resist the temptation to add a bit
more pozzolan to a mix to make it that little bit stronger. The benefits of
moving from cements to limes can be undone by the overuse of reactive
and highly reactive pozzolans.
Pozzolans are measured as a proportion of the lime content, not of the total
mortar (coarse stuff). To convert to approximate proportions of coarse stuff,
divide by the sand content. For example, for pozzolan at the rate of 10% of the
lime, a 1:3 mix will have 3.3% of the total. A 1:2.5 mix will have 4% and a 1:2 mix
will have 5% pozzolan.
Materials such as crushed bricks and pozzuolana may make other contributions
to a mortar mix. While only the finer particle sizes (generally less than about
75 µm) will be pozzolanic, the coarser particles may add colour and a desirable
degree of porosity to a mortar. The coarser fractions of these materials should be
> Section 9.9 ‘Other aggregates’ considered as part of the aggregate, while the finer (reactive) fractions should
be considered as part of the binder matrix.
Several of these materials are not strictly pozzolans but what are known as
latent hydraulic cements. This is because they already contain some lime, which
can induce a slow (but inadequate) hydraulic reaction without adding further
lime. They include GGBFS and some high-lime fly ashes. Pozzolans and latent
hydraulic cements are collectively known as supplementary cementitious
materials (SCMs) and are covered in AS 3582.
Like cements, pozzolans contain salts, which may contribute to salt attack decay
of masonry. Fly ash may contain sulfates derived from sulfur in the coal. GGBFS
may contain sulfide minerals, which eventually oxidise to sulfates after the
hydration reaction. Further, gypsum (calcium sulfate) is often added to GGBFS
Small amounts of sulfide minerals in to increase early strength development. In chemical analyses, sulfate
GGBFS may produce a blue-green colour concentration will often be expressed as sulfur trioxide (SO₃). For conservation
after hardening. The colour fades to work, pozzolans should contain less than 2% sulfide or sulfur trioxide, or
off-white on exposure. 3% gypsum (CaSO₄.2H₂O).
Figure 14: The lime–cement spectrum. The diagram shows the continuous range of materials from pure (non-hydraulic) lime on the left
through the hydraulic limes to modern cements on the right. Their increasing strength and other properties are shown against firing
temperatures and the changes in their lime and silicate chemistry. The diagram simplifies complex data and boundaries are approximate only.
Note: there is a wide range of properties within each group, particularly among the hydraulic limes, which includes natural hydraulic limes
and lime and pozzolan mixes.
These photographs and diagrams illustrate some common problems with using cement in mortars. Both examples are
from a mid-nineteenth-century sandstone building that was built in lime mortar and repointed in the mid-to-late-twentieth
century in a rich cement mortar.
As the image in Figure 15 shows, because the cement repointing mortar is relatively impermeable, moisture from within
the masonry is forced to evaporate through the adjacent stones, leading to decay of the sandstone as salts are
precipitated within its pores. The diagram on the right shows a section through the wall, illustrating the paths moisture
is forced to take because of the dense mortar.
In Figure 16, the inelastic cement repointing provides no cushioning action for the stones, while the high thermal
expansion of the cement imposes stresses, producing a pinching effect, as the wall surface heats relative to the body of
the wall behind it. Salt attack will be contributing to the spalling action, as it has to the decay on either side of the
spalling area, where spalled sections of the stones have already fallen away, taking the repointing with them and
exposing the softer, lime-based bedding mortar behind.
. . . no mortar can be good unless the sand has the right qualities. Clean, sharp
and coarse sand is always good for mortar, and most other sands are not.
Powys, 1929
Sands make up the greater part of mortars, and their selection can be critical to
achieving workable and durable results. Yet the attention paid to sands is often
cursory. A thorough understanding of sands is essential to the successful Soft, bricklaying sands that contain clay
specification and practical use of mortars, particularly those based on lime are not suitable for use with lime binders:
binders. Testing conducted 100 years ago showed that the strength of a lime washed concrete or plastering sands are
mortar could be doubled by the choice of an appropriate sand. preferred.
Although pure quartz is clear, many quartz sands have yellow and red colours
due to very small amounts of different iron minerals dispersed through the
quartz (Figure 17). However, as Figure 27 shows, the colour of some quartz sands
is due to thin clay and iron oxide coatings on the surface of otherwise clear
grains. If the coatings are weakly bonded to the grains, the sand will not make a
good mortar: washing might be enough to remove the coating, and with it the
Standard classification schemes (such as colour. Some sands require double (or even triple) washing to remove clay
the Munsell Colour system) are used to coatings. The overall colour of many sands and the mortars made from them is
describe the colour of sands. due to the colour of the finer particles.
9.2 Impurities
Sands should be free of impurities, which commonly include organic matter,
salts, friable materials, clays and fine silts. Organic matter (such as leaf and tree
litter, loam and humic material from soils) is avoided by carefully selecting the
sand during quarrying and by washing and screening it.
Salts are a problem, as they may lead to salt attack decay of the masonry. Sands
from beaches and coastal dunes should be washed with fresh water. Sands
excavated from the dry beds of ephemeral inland streams can also contain salt.
There is more information about salts in Another source of contamination can be sand containing sulfide minerals, such
Salt attack and rising damp: a guide to salt as pyrite (iron sulfide), which oxidise when exposed to air to form sulfate salts.
damp in historic and older buildings, These can cause aggressive salt attack. Friable materials (such as shale, clay
another guide in this series. lumps, mud stones and weathered micas) will produce weak mortars and should
be avoided. Too many very fine particles will weaken a mortar (see Section 9.5
‘Clays and silts – fines’).
Sands with angular to subangular surface textures are described as sharp because The best (sand) will be the one that crackles
they feel sharp or abrasive when rubbed by hand. Some sands are described as when rubbed in the hand, while the one
soft, but that’s not the direct opposite of a sharp sand. A soft sand is fine grained which has earth in it will not be rough
and often contains humic (soil) material, and may also be described as loamy. enough: the sand will be suitable if, when
Soft and rounded sands will make weak mortars with poor bonding wrapped up in a white cloth and then
shaken out, the cloth is not stained and no
characteristics. The clay content of soft or loamy sands makes them quite
earth is left on it.
workable, as Chapter 14 ‘Workability’ explains, so they are popular for cement-
based mortars. In contrast, sharp sands are more difficult to work, and they may Vitruvius, c. 30–20 BCE
need richer mixes with more binder or the judicious use of admixtures.
The angularity or roundness of the surface is one aspect of grain shape. The
other is the degree of sphericity, or conversely the degree of elongation. While
this property is more an issue for coarse aggregates, there are some sands to > See Section 9.6 ‘Void ratio and its
which it may apply. Sand with a high proportion of elongate shell fragments will impact on mixes’ and Section 14.2
be difficult to work and will have a high void ratio and poor water retentivity. ‘Water retentivity’
The amount of sand retained on each sieve is weighed and the proportions of
each size expressed as a percentage of the total. The results can be presented in
different ways. The most common is a simple table. The most technical way is a
cumulative size-grading plot and the most readily understood is a histogram.
Figure 20 shows histograms and cumulative size-grading plots for the well-graded
and poorly graded sands in Figure 19.
Figure 20: Histograms and cumulative plots of sand size gradings. These are the same sands as shown above in Figure 19. Note that
the bars of the histograms correspond with the intervals in the cumulative plots below: the <75 µm (silt and clay) fraction at the left of the
histograms represents the ‘fines’ material that is not shown to the left of the cumulative plots.
Sands and other aggregates 43
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Size-grading limits
As there is no Australian Standard for mortar sand, Table 6 shows the size-
grading limits of two standards from other countries:
• ASTM C144 – 18 Standard specification for aggregate for masonry mortar
• BS 1200:1976 Specifications for building sands from natural sources: sands for
mortars for bricklaying.
% passing % passing
75 µm 0–5 0–5
Note: these limits are for natural sands as distinct from manufactured sands (made from
crushed rock) for which both standards permit greater proportions of fines (material less
than 75 µm). BS 1200 defines two gradings: that shown here is Type S, while Type G permits
finer sands and higher proportions of fines. Excessive fines can be a problem, which is
explained in the next section.
Figure 21 shows cumulative plots of the grading limits of the two standards in
Table 6. Pairs of lines for each standard define an envelope, the area within
which complying sands will plot. Also shown are the well-graded and poorly
graded sands from Figures 19 and 20.
As Figure 21 shows, the grading envelope for BS 1200(S) is relatively broad,
Sands for the base coats of plasters and whereas the ASTM C144 envelope is much tighter. The latter will produce
renders are often coarser, or they have well-graded, medium-to-coarse-grained sands which are appropriate for 10 mm
more coarse grains and fewer very fine wide mortar joints. However, it will exclude the fine-to-medium-grained sands
grains than those used for bedding mortars. which are needed for narrow (3 mm) joints. While the BS 1200(S) envelope
This is to avoid shrinkage cracking. allows for such finer sands, it is sufficiently wide to permit poorly graded sands,
as the example from Figures 19 and 20 shows.
This guide proposes two new size-grading specifications, set out in Box 7 (see
page 46). One is similar to ASTM C144 and suitable for normal (10 mm) joints,
and the other is suitable for the narrow (3 mm) joints commonly found in
ashlar masonry.
• very high surface areas reduce strength and can cause shrinkage Composition mortars can tolerate a small
proportion (<5%) of fines.
• reactive (expansive) clays cause shrinkage cracking as they dry
Where contemporary practice would add
• clays substantially reduce the bond strength of masonry clay to a poorly graded sand to improve its
• clays reduce pore sizes, decreasing breathing capacity. workability, ground limestone should be
added instead (see Section 9.10)
It is important to distinguish between clay minerals and clay-size particles.
Clay-size particles might be of clay or another mineral (such as quartz).
Similarly, silt-size particles might be of clay or another mineral. The use of the
same terms to describe grain size and mineralogy often leads to confusion. In
practice, many silts are quartz and most clay-size particles are indeed clay
minerals. Clay minerals can naturally clump together in larger particles and in
this form they can be particularly harmful, as they may survive dry-screening
intact and give a misleading impression of particle size. This is why washing
sands can be so important.
However, not all fines are problematic: a small proportion of medium-to-coarse
silts can be beneficial, filling smaller voids and improving the workability of the
mortar mix. Section 9.10 explains how adding ground limestone can improve
Clay minerals are layered and consist of tiny, flat, plate-like particles that slide
easily over each other, and are often greasy to touch. The structure of some clays
means they swell substantially when wet and shrink as they dry. Swelling clays,
which include the smectite group minerals such as montmorillonite, are the
components of reactive or expansive soils which cause cracking in buildings.
Though applicable to all mortars, the size-grading specifications proposed in Table 7 are particularly intended for lime
mortars, for which, clean, well-graded sands are preferred. There are two size gradings: a fine–medium sand for the
narrow (3 mm) joints found in ashlar masonry and a medium–coarse sand for normal (10 mm) joints. The specifications
are deliberately tight: their relatively narrow envelopes are intended produce well-graded sands and so overcome the
problem that poorly graded sands can meet current standards (see Section 9.4)
The grading of sands should be determined using the procedure set out in AS 1141 and compared with these specifications.
The results should be interpreted with an understanding of the aim: small variations from either envelope should not
preclude the use of a well-graded sand that is otherwise acceptable.
% passing % passing
75 µm 0–5 0–5
Figure 22: Proposed size-grading envelopes. Cumulative plots of proposed envelopes for fine–medium and medium–coarse
sands. The plot for a particular sand should ideally lie approximately parallel to the envelope boundaries. A medium-grained sand
suitable for 5–7 mm joints should plot close to the overlap between the two envelopes shown here. Sands may need to be screened
to reduce the maximum particle sizes to suit particular joint widths.
Material m² / g
Silt 1.0
As the table makes clear, the surface areas of clays are many times greater than
those of silts. The different surface areas of the clays are related to their mineral
structures, as are their swelling responses to water: the kaolin group are stable
while the smectite group are highly reactive.
Large surface areas are a concern because all available surfaces must be fully
coated with binder if a mortar is to achieve its maximum strength. Mortars made
with finer-grained aggregates require higher proportions of binder in the mix
than those made with coarser aggregates. When the aggregate contains a
substantial amount of clays, it is not possible to coat all of their surfaces, so
mortars made with them will have reduced strengths. Also, large surface areas
mean more water is needed to lubricate the particles in a mix, leading to the risk
of shrinkage cracking as the mortar dries.
Clays in a mortar mix significantly reduce the bond strength – the tensile This … (points) out the necessity of never
strength of the bond between the mortar and masonry units. Bond strength using, in the place of sand, which is a durable
depends on some water and binder penetrating into the surface and pores of the stony body, the scrapings of roads, old
masonry; plate-like clay minerals prevent this happening and produce a weak mortar, and other rubbish, from ancient
layer against the bricks or stones. While the compressive strength of mortars can buildings, which are frequently made use
of, as all of them consist, more or less, of
be increased by adding more binder, the bond strength – a key property of
muddy, soft, and minutely divided particles.
masonry – may not be improved.
Anon (Nicholson), 1823
Laboratory research has shown that adding clays to otherwise clean sands
increases the water demand of the mortar mix, resulting in an increase in the
porosity of the hardened mortar. Despite this increased porosity, the drying
behaviour of the mortar was impaired. Importantly, the pore size of pure lime
mortars was substantially reduced by adding clay, suggesting a reduction in their
breathing capacity and greater susceptibility to salt attack.
For these reasons, limits are required on the proportions of clays and fine silts in This discussion applies to mortars made
mortar sands. This guide recommends mortar sands should have a maximum from sand and a lime or cement-and-lime
of 5% of material passing a 75 µm sieve, with no more than 1% of clay-sized binder. It does not apply to mortars that
particles (<2 µm) and no swelling clays. Lime mortars should ideally have were principally earth, such as mortars
no clays at all. However, these limits should be interpreted with an understanding used with adobe (mud brick). In these, clay
is the binder and using clay to repair them
of the mineralogy and the size gradings. If all the <75 µm material is relatively
is entirely appropriate.
coarse silt and composed of quartz, then more than 5% may be acceptable. More
than 5% fines may also be acceptable where they consist of a mineral filler, such
as ground limestone or marble (see Section 9.10).
Despite these concerns, bricklaying sands that are often rich in clay are widely
used in contemporary construction. Builder’s clay or fireclay are commonly
added to mortar mixes, to improve workability. This is because the plate-like
Loamy sand will on no account be structure and the greasiness of clay minerals makes sand fatty and mortars
permitted even for admixture with sharp buttery. As Chapter 4 ‘Mortars in Australia – then and now’ explains, the need
for brick mortar. for such materials arose because of the difficulty of working cement, whereas in
1877 specification for a traditional practice the workability was provided by lime, and (where there was a
South Australian school choice) mortar sands were sharp, well graded and free of clay. Those who change
to lime mortars (particularly when using putty) must abandon the bad
practice of using clay-rich sands in favour of more appropriate materials.
The void ratio of a sand is an important factor that affects several key
aspects of mortars: their water retentivity, workability and the mix
proportions (ratio) of binder to sand.
Sands with high void ratios have poor water retentivity – their capacity to retain
mixing water against the suction of the masonry is low because there are relatively
large voids in the sand. A mortar made from such a ‘hungry’ sand will lose its
The workability of a ‘hungry’ sand can be workability and ‘go dead’ as the mixing water is drawn into the masonry. This will
improved by adding more binder or a prevent further working and risks poor bond strength and imperfect hardening.
mineral filler, or both (see Section 9.10 and In contrast, a mortar made from well-graded sands with smaller voids will retain
Chapter 14 ‘Workability’). mixing water and remain workable for longer, after it is applied to the masonry.
In a well-graded sand, the void ratio will be about 33%, or one-third of its
volume. When making a mortar, the aim is to fill all the void space with binder in
order to weatherproof the wall. This leads to mix proportions of 33 to 100, or
one-part binder to three-parts sand. This is the basis for the normal (and
nominal) 1:3 mix.
Since the withdrawal of AS A123 – 1963 Mortar for masonry construction in 1995, Australian Standards have provided
little guidance on the suitability of sands for mortar.
AS A123 adopted the size-grading requirements of AS A77 – 1957 Aggregates for concrete, but relaxed the amount
passing a 75 µm sieve to allow a maximum of 10% of fines. This is the basis on which bricklaying sands have commonly
been specified. Current standards have no size-grading specifications.
AS 3700:2018 Masonry structures requires only that ‘Sand shall be free from materials deleterious to the mortar and to
embedded items, and shall be chosen to produce mortar that meets the requirements of this Standard.’ There is no
limit on the proportion of fine material (clay and silt) that is acceptable, other than that implied by the need to meet
‘the requirements of this Standard’.
AS 4773.2:2015 Masonry in small buildings: 2. Construction requires that ‘Sand shall be free from material harmful to the
mortar, grout, masonry units, reinforcement or any embedded items. Sand shall be well graded and … shall contain not
more than 10% of material passing the 75 micron sieve.’ And ‘Fireclay shall not be used (as an additive) unless the sand is
sharp and requires more workability.’ The standard requires that if fireclay is added, the proposed mix shall be tested
and achieve a minimum flexural strength.
This guide proposes new size-grading specifications for mortar sands. Box 7 sets out particle size distribution limits for a
fine–medium sand for narrow (3 mm) joints and a medium–coarse sand for normal (10 mm) joints.
Void ratios of about 40% occur in some sands (such as dune and beach sands) The actual proportion of binder used in a
which are poorly graded, with a narrow range of particle sizes. These sands mix may need to be different from what
require mix proportions of 40 to 100 – one-part binder to two-and-a-half-parts the void ratio indicates. With fine-grained
sand (1:2.5) – simply to fill the voids. Finer sands need higher proportions of sands it will be higher, to ensure coating of
binder (e.g. 1:2 and often as rich as 1:1.5 or even 1:1) to allow for the more all particles; for deliberately porous (i.e.
sacrificial) mixes, it will be lower.
uniform size grading and the progressively larger surface area of the sand.
Void ratios of about 30% and below suggest that the void space in an otherwise
well-graded sand is being partly filled with an excess of fines. Such sands may need
further washing and screening to make them suitable for building. Void ratios
can be readily measured with simple equipment, as explained in the next section.
Another aspect of void ratios and mix proportions needs explanation. When
making a 1:3 mix we begin with four parts of material – one of binder and three
of sand. When combined in the mix, the total volume is only three parts, as the In a bucket containing three parts of
binder occupies the void space in the sand. If we then measure the proportions (well-graded) sand, there are actually
in the hardened mortar, we will get one-third (or one part) of binder and only two-parts sand and one-part voids. It is not
two-thirds (or two parts) of sand: a ratio of 1:2 and not the 1:3 we started with. possible to separate the voids from a loose
Understanding this apparent change in proportions from components to sand!
hardened mortars is important when visually analysing existing mortars to
determine their original composition. A mortar that in cross section looks like it
contains equal amounts of binder and sand is closer to a 1:2 mix than to a 1:1 mix.
Looking closely
To get an accurate visual impression of a sand, it must be quite dry: damp sand
grains clump together, confusing an observer by looking larger and hiding their
surface texture with a layer of water.
To look closely, use a hand lens (loupe) of about 10x magnification (as shown in
Figure 49 and explained in Section 17.3 ‘Visual analysis, photography,
stereomicroscopy’). At this magnification it is possible to see clay coating on
grains (see Figures 18 and 27) and any aggregates or clumps of grains held
together by clay. The surface texture and grain shape (explained in Section 9.3)
can be assessed, and it’s also possible to get a first impression of the range of
particle sizes (explained in Section 9.4). Close-up photographs provide a good
record and, where it is possible to include a scale bar, enable a reasonably
accurate description of grain sizes (see Figure 27).
Feeling a sand
Feeling a sand is a very useful test. Sharpness can be judged by rubbing a dry or
slightly damp (but not wet) sand between thumb and fingers: does it crackle, or
is it soft? Rubbing the sand quite hard will also show if it has a significant
proportion of clay: if so, after brushing off the rest of the sand, it will leave a
smooth and often greasy residue on the fingers. Rubbing will also show whether
Figure 24: Settling test. A clay layer any coarse ‘grains’ are actually lumps of clay or clay-bound silt.
settled on top of a fine sand after shaking in
water. At 9% clay this sand is not suitable Estimating clays and fine silts
for use in mortars. The proportion of clays and fine silts can be estimated using settling tests, based on
the observation that finer particles settle more slowly in water than coarser particles.
The simplest method is to one-third fill a tall, straight-sided jar with sand, add
water until it’s two-thirds full and vigorously shake it for 30 seconds to separate
the grains. Put it on a stable base and allow it to settle out, which may be
overnight or even longer for very fine clay particles. While the boundary between
silts and sands may be difficult to judge, the distinction between them and the
overlying layer(s) of clay and possibly humic material will be clear, as Figure 24
shows. If the jar has a regular shape, the proportion of clay can be estimated
using a tape or ruler to measure the heights of the various layers.
A more accurate version of this test uses a laboratory measuring cylinder and a
1% salt solution so that the clay settles faster. AS 1141.33 explains the method.
Using a measuring cylinder allows the proportions to be easily read off.
Figure 26: Blending sands. Cumulative size-grading plots of a concrete sand, a bricklaying sand and a 2:1 blend of the two. The bricklaying
sand has too many fines to be used by itself, but by blending it with a cleaner sand the fines can be reduced to an amount acceptable for use
with composition mortars. Fewer fines are preferred for lime mortars and so 3:1 or 4:1 sand blends would be better than 2:1. The size-grading
envelopes (red and blue lines) are those proposed in Box 7 (Figure 22) for fine–medium and medium–coarse sands.
Controlling the proportion of fines and improving size gradings are not the only
opportunities blending can provide. Blending can be used to adjust the colour to
match an original, or to improve workability by including a proportion of a more
rounded sand in an otherwise angular material. A higher-quality sand that is
more expensive because it has had to be transported some distance could be
extended by blending it with a local, cheaper material. Figure 27 shows a sand
that could be improved by blending (and washing).
Porous aggregates
As well as contributing to colour and size grading, there are benefits from the use
of crushed bricks and stones where those materials are themselves porous.
Porous aggregates (or porous particulates) contribute in three ways:
• they assist carbonation and hydration of the binders by holding and retaining Very porous aggregates may increase the
additional water during application and initial stiffening water demand of a mortar mix.
• as the mortar dries during hardening, the additional porosity allows better
penetration by carbon dioxide and hence improved (and faster) carbonation
of non-hydraulic components
• the additional porosity increases the hardened mortar’s breathing capacity
and its resistance to salt attack.
Suitable raw materials for use as porous aggregates include older bricks with
high porosities and porous stones, such as limestones comprised of fossil
fragments which may themselves be porous. Both materials may have additional It is important to minimise the amount of
benefits: if low-fired, the finer fractions of brick particles may be pozzolanic (as very fine dust when using crushed
Chapter 7 ‘Pozzolanic materials’ explains), while the limestone, being chemically materials. Excessive fines will increase
alike with lime, produces stronger mortars (as the next section explains). water demand and the risk of shrinkage
Further, the angular, porous surface texture of crushed limestones will ensure a (see Section 9.5 ‘Clays and silts – fines’).
more tightly interlocked structure, again producing stronger mortars.
Figure 29: Adding limestone filler to improve size grading. A cumulative size-grading plot showing the effect of adding a one-sixth part
of ground limestone filler to a poorly graded sand. With the filler, the sand complies with the fine–medium specification shown here and
proposed in Box 7. More filler may be warranted, particularly if the aim is to make an alternative to mason’s putty (see Section 16.1). Ground
limestone or marble fillers should be used instead of clay or loam, which should never be used to improve the working qualities of a lime mortar.
Factors that may affect the approach to repairing mortars with poor sands
include the significance of the existing mortars (see Section 13.4 ‘Choosing the
right mix – significance’), the need to ensure compatibility with the masonry
units (see Section 13.5 ‘Choosing the right mix – compatibility’) and the practical
aspects covered in Part 3 of this guide. These include:
• procedures for matching previous mortars (Section 18.3)
• examples of ensuring compatibility (Section 18.4)
• matching joint profiles (Section 18.5)
• decisions about repairing small patches or larger areas (Section 18.6)
• making quicklime mortars by sand-slaking (Section 19.2).
10 Water
Water should be clean and free of organic matter, suspended particles and
excessive dissolved salts. Salts are a particular concern, and bore water should be
tested before use. 2,500 parts per million (0.25%) soluble salt is the maximum
that should be used, but much less is preferred: blend salty with fresh water if
needed. Ideally, water should be potable, or safe to drink.
There have been substantial changes in the use of water in mortars from
traditional to modern practice. Traditionally, mortars were prepared with a
relatively low water content, whereas in modern construction mortars are
prepared relatively wet. Understanding why this change has occurred is critical
for successfully repairing older buildings, and also for using traditional materials
in new construction.
Few workmen are sufficiently aware of the Traditionally, mortars were used relatively dry because the high plasticity of lime
advantage of wetting bricks before they provided the necessary workability. Mortars for pointing joints were prepared
are used; but experience has shown that even stiffer and drier than those used for laying bricks or stones. The high
works in which this practice has been porosity of many traditional materials (such as low-fired bricks, some
followed have been much stronger than sandstones and limestones) produces considerable suction, which tends to draw
others wherein it has been neglected. water from a mortar as it is laid; too much abstraction of water and the mix will
Anon (Nicholson), 1823 become impossible to work. Furthermore, loss of water from the mix leads to
premature drying and incomplete hardening of the mortar. These problems were
largely overcome by pre-wetting the masonry units before they were laid, either
by dipping them in buckets of water or by throwing or spraying water over them.
The water retained in the newly constructed wall provided a further benefit,
namely the improved hardening of the mortar.
Unfortunately, some dated specifications In contrast, contemporary bricklaying practice is not to pre-wet the bricks and
still require bricks to be wetted prior to to use mixes containing a maximum amount of water consistent with good
laying. Only bricks having very high water practice. This means not so much water that a brick ‘floats’ on the wet mix and
suction (the initial rate of absorption or fails to bond properly, or that the mix ‘falls apart’ and water leaks or bleeds out
IRA) need pre-wetting to reduce their of the mortar and stains the brickwork below. This change from dryish to
suction, and then only in hot and windy
much-wetter mixes is partly because of the need to improve the workability of
weather with a light water spray to
cement-based mortars, but it is mainly due to the much-lower porosities and
dampen the surface.
hence suctions – the initial rate of absorption, or IRA – of modern bricks. It is
Think Brick Aust., 2019
essential that some water is drawn into the masonry units (whether bricks or
stones) so that it pulls the binder with it and creates a good bond between the
masonry units and the mortar. Consequently, the approach taken with low IRA
materials like modern bricks is to encourage absorption by using dry bricks and
to ensure that workability is maintained for long enough to lay the bricks by
maximising the water content of the mortar.
This leads to the need to understand the suction or porosity of the masonry
units, whether for use in new building, reconstruction work or when repointing
joints. Also, it is important to recognise that different masonry materials in the
same wall may have very different suctions.
> For more discussion of these issues see Traditional practice should be followed when repairing traditional
Chapter 14 ‘Workability’, Chapter 21 materials: porous masonry requires thorough pre-wetting to control
‘Pre-wetting’ and Chapter 25 ‘Using suction.
lean or sacrificial mixes’.
Pigments are added to mortars where brickwork is tuck pointed: the stopping
mortar is coloured to match the bricks – commonly red but also cream and dark
brown – and a narrow white (or black or red pigmented) ribbon or bead of lime
and fine sand is applied over the top to give the impression of fine-jointed work Pencilling is the traditional term for
(see Figure 30). Red pigments were also used to colour pointing that was ruled painting joints with a thin brush (known as
with an incised groove and pencilled (see Figure 31). a pencil). See also Box 14 ‘Joint profiles’.
Dark-coloured stones (such as bluestone) were often finished with a dark mortar,
which contained one or a combination of coal ashes, charcoal, lampblack or coke
breeze, and were ruled and pencilled (see Box 14 ‘Joint profiles’ and Figure 57). The
joints in red brickwork were sometimes pointed in a dark mortar (see Figure 32).
When (the lime) has been slaked, the mortar should be mixed in such a
way that if quarry-sand is to be used, three parts of sand to one of lime
should be poured in; if using river or sea sand, two parts of sand should be
mixed with one of lime; this will be the right adjustment of the proportions
of the mixture. Furthermore, if anyone using river or sea sand were to add
in a third of ground-up and sifted fired brick, this will produce a mortar
better mixed for use.
Vitruvius, c. 30–20 BCE
Which sand?
Today, we understand the theory behind a 1:3 mix as being the amount of lime
required to coat all the sand grains and to fill the void space between them, to
produce a weatherproof joint. With well-graded sand, there will typically be
about 33% (one-third) of voids, and so the amount of lime required is one-third
of the volume of the sand. However, this only applies to well-graded sands. A
poorly graded sand with a void ratio of 40% will need a mix of 1:2.5 to fill the
voids. If the sand is fine grained, the mix will need to be richer still – 1:2 or 1:1.5,
or even 1:1 for very fine sands (see Section 9.6 ‘Void ratio and its impact on mixes’).
Which lime?
When planning to match a mortar, we naturally think in terms of commonly
available limes – hydrated lime and lime putty. Yet in the nineteenth and early
twentieth century, most mortar for brick and stonework was produced by slaking
quicklime together with the sand – sand-slaking, see Section 15.1 ‘Traditional > Making sand-slaked mixes is explained
mixing’. The significance of this is that the mortar proportion was a ratio of in Section 19.2 ‘Mixing’.
quicklime to sand, not lime putty or hydrated lime to sand. The use of the term
‘lime’ to mean both quicklime and slaked lime has helped confuse the issue.
Because quicklime expands on slaking, starting with a mix of 1:3 quicklime to
sand will produce a mortar in the range 1:1.5–1:2 slaked lime to sand. Chemical
analyses of many early mortars show rich mixes ranging between 1:1 and 1:3 (see
Box 13 ‘Lime lumps’ for examples of very rich mixes).
Another factor is how hydraulic was the quicklime: the more hydraulic, the less
it will expand on slaking, so the proportions were adjusted to account for this.
This explains why one source recommended the proportions of quicklime to
sand for mixes that were to be sand-slaked should be:
1:3 for fat, non-hydraulic limes
1:2.5 for feebly hydraulic limes
1:2 for moderately hydraulic limes.
What purpose?
To further complicate the picture, many specifications appropriately called for
different strength mixes for different parts of buildings, and particularly for the
use of richer mixtures for below the damp-proof course and for exposed
Mortar mixes 61
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
elements, such as copings. Mixes ranging from 1:1 to 1:3 were specified for both
lime and cement mortars.
So, while there is a sound (void ratio) basis for a modern 1:3 mix made with
dense lime putty, there were many traditional mixes. The question of which
mixes to use in the repair of old mortars is discussed in the following sections.
1 0.5 4.5 M4 S
Increasing strength
1 1 6 M3 N & brittleness
1 2 9 M2 O
permeability &
1 3 12 M1 K workability
Note: These mixes are for contemporary construction and are not recommended for the
normal repair of porous materials. See Box 10 ‘Mortars and Australian Standards’,
particularly about the nature and proportioning of the lime component.
These mixes preserve the 1:3 ratio of binder (cement plus lime) to sand, with
changing cement to lime ratios depending on the properties required. They
> See Section 9.6 ‘Void ratio and its assume well-graded sands: poorly graded sands may require richer mixes (such
impact on mixes’ as 1:1:5 instead of 1:1:6 and 1:2:7–8 instead of 1:2:9).
> See Chapter 6 ‘Cements’ and Chapter 8 Mixes like 1:2:9 and 1:3:12 have been widely specified by those seeking to replicate
‘Comparison of lime and cement lime mortars, with the added advantages of some cement. There are now
binders’ concerns about the suitability of such mixes for porous masonry.
This guide recommends that 1:3:12 mixes should no longer be used. Instead,
mortars based on pure limes with added pozzolans, or on natural hydraulic limes
should be used for circumstances where greater strengths are required than
those of pure lime mortars. For a given compressive strength, a hydraulic lime
mortar will have an equal or superior flexural (bending) strength and much
greater elasticity and permeability than a cement-and-lime composition mortar.
Sulfate-resisting (SR) or low-heat (LH) Mixes such as 1:2:9 and 1:1:6 may still have a role in repair work, such as in
cements should be considered instead of circumstances that need reasonably fast hardening (e.g. undersetting), or where
general purpose (GP) or blended cements the building or structure was constructed with a cement-based mortar and
(GB) where slower early hardening is strong, dense bricks or stones. But even in these situations, alternative solutions,
acceptable (see Section 6.7 ‘Which cement?’). such as the use of natural cements or the stronger classes of natural hydraulic
limes, may be more appropriate.
The lack of attention to curing that is all too common in Australia is likely,
particularly during hot or windy weather, to produce weak mortars in which only
a small proportion of the lime (and not all of the cement) is properly cured. In
these circumstances, 1:2:9 and 1:1:6 mixes are best thought of as cement mortars
> See Chapter 24 ‘Protection and curing’ containing lime as a workability aid.
More recent laboratory work in Portugal tested a range of mixes including pure These results may seem to be at odds with
lime, lime with pozzolans, hydraulic lime and cement-and-lime compositions. durability testing of contemporary
This work used an accelerated weathering test, which simulates salt attack with composition mortars, which shows that
a series of wetting and drying cycles. The results showed that pure lime mortars M4 mortars are more durable than M3,
performed better than those with pozzolanic additives and better than hydraulic and M3 more durable than M2. Both sets
limes. While directly translating these findings to real walls is not straightforward, of test results are valid: their different
outcomes are a product of different
this work also showed that 1:3:12, 1:2:9 and even 1:1:6 composition mixes
starting points for the research, as well as
performed poorly against sulfate salts, which are particularly aggressive. different test procedures.
Poor durability is the reason for the recommendation to no longer use 1:3:12
mixes. Mortars of equivalent strength, better elasticity and greater porosity and
permeability (and hence durability) can be made from pure lime with suitable
pozzolans or from natural hydraulic limes.
Improved durability has been demonstrated for lime mortars containing porous
particles in the aggregate (see Section 9.9 ‘Other aggregates’). Because they
provide additional pore space, the porous aggregates also improve the hardening
of the mortar, initially by holding water, and then by allowing more carbon > See also Section 5.6 ‘Setting of lime
dioxide to reach the carbonation front. mortars’
It’s also important to consider the durability conferred on a whole wall by using
a weaker mortar that protects the masonry units (see Section 13.5).
These principles imply matching the original materials, in terms of their nature,
> See Chapter 17 ‘Investigation and colour, texture, grain size and proportions. To do this well, the existing mortar
analysis of mortars’ needs to be closely studied and analysed to determine its make-up.
Significance cannot be the sole factor determining the choice of materials. Some
traditional materials are simply not available, or they are not available in the
The significance of the mortar also needs form they were in when used in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
to be weighed against the significance of Also, original materials may sometimes be accelerating deterioration of the
the whole building or structure and its fabric or unsuited to a changed physical environment. Further, where the
conservation needs. existing mortars were made of poor materials (e.g. sand containing a lot of silt
and clay), matching the existing mortar might be unwise because it could lead to
the need for more frequent repairs. These factors may force us to choose
alternative materials, and here the question of compatibility is critical.
Mortar mixes 65
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
In contrast, Figure 37 shows a sandstone wall about 10 years after repointing with a 1:1:6 composition mortar which is
not compatible with the stone. The sandstone is decaying because the relatively impermeable mortar is forcing
evaporation of dampness through the stones rather than the joints. As a result the stone faces are retreating due to salt
attack and the mortar now sits proud of the stones, producing the shadow lines seen here.
Compatibility 67
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Sand 2–3 parts 2–3 parts 1.5–2.5 parts 7–9 parts 3–5 parts 1–1.5 parts
Porous ± Por. agg. ± Por. agg. ± Por. agg. ± Por. agg. Por. agg.
aggregate replacing replacing replacing replacing replacing
0.5 part of sand 0.5 part of sand 0.5 part of sand 0.5–1 part of sand 0.5–1 part of sand
Filler ± Finely ground ± Finely ground ± Finely ground ± Finely ground Finely ground
limestone/marble limestone/marble limestone/marble limestone/marble limestone/marble
up to 0.5 part
Applications Bedding and Bedding mortars; NHL 2 pointing & Repointing of Repointing very Repointing narrow
repointing Repointing bedding mortars; strong materials weak materials, (3 mm) joints in
weak bricks bricks and NHL 3.5 mortars originally built and/or to control ashlar stonework
and stones stones if very exposed with cement high salt levels
Alternative Fresh hydrated Less pozzolan NHL + putty; 1:1:6 for Lime + 5% pozz. or NHL 2 + 25% putty
binders and lime, provided (e.g. half the NHL + pozzolan; bedding stronger NHL 2 + 25% putty for exposed
mixes its density is above %); Lime + pozzolan materials5; for exposed locations
allowed for NHL mixes NHL mixes locations
This table should be read in conjunction with the explanation on the preceding page and the advice in the remainder of this technical guide.
1. N
ominal mixes for NHLs (natural hydraulic limes) are richer than for pure limes because NHLs contain a proportion of inert material, and
so have less sand-carrying capacity.
2. S ection 6.7 ‘Which cement?’ discusses the types of cement that may be appropriate for use in repairs: e.g. blended, low-heat,
sulfate-resisting, or slag cements.
3. P
ozzolans are measured as a percentage of the lime content, not of the total mix; their proportion depends on their hydraulic reactivity
(Chapter 7 ‘Pozzolanic materials’).
4. C
ement + lime composition mortars should not be used for repointing lime mortar joints. Instead use pure lime, lime + pozzolan or
natural hydraulic lime mortars.
5. V
ery hard materials (such as granite) require more elastic lime mortars (such as types 2 or 3), to allow for thermal movement.
± This symbol means plus or minus, or with or without the pozzolan, porous aggregate, filler or admixture, depending on the circumstances.
Mortar mixes 69
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Developed primarily for new buildings and addressing contemporary building practices, the current Australian Standards
for masonry are AS 3700 Masonry structures and AS 4773 Masonry in small buildings. These require that cement and
building lime comply with:
• AS 3972 General purpose and blended cements
• AS 1316 Masonry cement
• AS 1672.1 Limes and limestones, Part 1: Limes for building.
AS 3700 and AS 4773 also have material requirements for sand (see Box 8), water and admixtures.
AS 3700 classifies mortars according to their proportions by volume into four classes: M1 to M4. Durability and structural
requirements are deemed to be met by mortars used in accordance with Table 11, which is extracted from AS 3700
tables 5.1 and 11.1. Note that Table 11 applies only to clay bricks and does not include mortars made from masonry cement.
General purpose M3 1 1 6
Protected M2 1 2 9
M1 1 3 12
– 1 3
AS 3700 requires that ‘Class M1 mortars shall be used only putty may contain 50% more lime than the same volume
for restoration of existing buildings that have been originally of hydrated lime (and may contain at least 25% more lime
constructed using this type of mortar’. Guidance provided than a putty conforming to AS 1672.1). Differing densities
in Appendix H of the standard says, ‘Type M1 mortars (i.e. of putties and powders must be taken into account
sand–lime mortars) do not possess suitable durability when specifying and batching mortars.
properties and, therefore, cannot generally be used to
Further, Australian Standards do not mention hydraulic
construct masonry in accordance with this Standard. They
limes: specifications for works that are to include natural
are permitted to be used only in masonry being constructed
hydraulic limes should reference EN 459 Building lime
to restore existing buildings that were initially built using
(see also Box 4). Binders made from lime and pozzolan
these mortars. Special approval or certification should be
are also not covered by Australian Standards.
obtained to construct a new building using Type M1 mortars
for cases where this is deemed desirable; for example, the Because of their understandable focus on new building,
construction of a new building as part of a reconstruction AS 3700 and AS 4773 don’t adequately deal with
of a complex of period buildings.’ traditional construction with porous materials. Such
construction requires permeable mortars of low-elastic
The advice that lime mortars ‘do not possess suitable
modulus (i.e. of high elasticity) that will act sacrificially
durability properties’ is not supported by the many
and also cushion the masonry units during subsequent
Australian examples that are in excellent condition after
deformation. Lime mortars have demonstrated their
more than 150 years, nor by much older examples from
suitability and durability in such construction over
around the world.
thousands of years.
There are several other difficulties with the application of
Accordingly, while AS 3700 and AS 4773 should be used
these standards to the repair of older buildings. The
for new buildings where composition mortars are
standards assume that a given volume of lime putty
appropriate, they are not suitable for traditional lime
contains an approximately-equal volume of hydrated lime
mortar construction including maintenance and
in dry powder form. However, as explained in Section 5.4
repair work.
‘Densities of lime putties and hydrated limes’, a dense
For simple repair work, such as repointing mortar joints, However, as explained in Boxes 8 and 10, there are several
the Building Code of Australia (BCA) may not be applicable, drawbacks with these standards in relation to the use of
but it is important to be clear about its role as a limes and sands in mortars, and so a different approach is
construction standard. required.
Now part of the National Construction Code (NCC), the Performance Solutions
frequently updated BCA is a uniform set of performance-
The Performance Solution (formerly Alternative Solution)
based technical provisions for the design and construction
approach of the BCA should be adopted where lime
of buildings and other structures throughout Australia.
mortars are specified and the nature and scale of the
The BCA is given legal effect by the building legislation and
works requires compliance. A Performance Solution must
regulations of each state and territory, and it is generally
be assessed according to one or more assessment
applied to new buildings and new building work only. The
methods which include:
application of the BCA to work on an existing building is
triggered when the scale of works reaches certain (a) evidence of suitability that the use of a material or
thresholds that vary between states and territories. In form of construction meets the relevant Performance
some states and territories it may be necessary to bring Requirements
an entire building into compliance due to the extent of
(b) verification by a calculation, a test, an inspection or
construction work, for example, where an existing building
other method that determines compliance with the
is to be substantially extended. In general, when works to
relevant requirements
an existing building comprise only maintenance and
repairs (such as repointing mortar joints), the BCA does (c) expert judgement by someone who has the
not need to be considered. qualifications and experience to determine whether
the solution complies with the requirements
Performance Requirements
(d) comparison with the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions.
The BCA contains mandatory Performance Requirements.
Those relevant to mortars are ‘P2.1.1 Structural stability A suitable approach is likely to be method (c) expert
and resistance’, and ‘P2.2.2 Weatherproofing’. Broadly, judgement based on (a) evidence including this technical
P2.1.1 requires buildings or structures to perform guide (approved by panels of experts and published by the
adequately under reasonably expected actions (loads), to Heritage Councils or heritage agencies of the six Australian
withstand extreme or frequently repeated actions and to states) and the evidence of the successful performance of
avoid causing damage to other properties by resisting the lime mortars in existing buildings. An appropriate expert
actions – including dead and live loads, wind, rain, will be someone with at least ten years of demonstrated
groundwater, earthquake, thermal effects, time-dependent experience in the investigation, assessment, repair and
effects and ground movement – to which the buildings or conservation of traditional masonry constructed with lime
structures may reasonably be expected to be subjected. mortars.
P2.2.2 requires external walls to prevent penetration of For most cases of repointing there are no structural issues,
water that could cause (a) unhealthy or dangerous which leaves only questions of fitness for purpose and
conditions, or loss of amenity for occupants, and (b) undue durability. As noted in Box 10, the many Australian buildings
dampness or deterioration of building elements. These that are in good condition after more than 150 years provide
requirements are drawn from Volume Two of the 2019 BCA ample evidence of the fitness for purpose and durability of
(the Housing Provisions). BP1.1 and FP1.4 in Volume One lime mortars. Selection and specification of materials for
of the NCC have similar requirements. mortars (including binder type, sand and other aggregates,
Satisfying the Performance Requirements and their proportions in the mix) should be based on the
advice in this guide, as should the methods of preparing,
There are three ways of satisfying the Performance mixing, pre-wetting, applying, protecting and curing them.
Requirements: by a Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution, by a The importance of producing mortars compatible with
Performance Solution, or by a combination of both. the masonry units cannot be overemphasised.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Solutions are deemed to comply with
the Performance Requirements. Volume Two of the 2019
BCA includes under Section 3 (Acceptable construction),
parts 3.3.1 and 3.3.4 in which Performance Requirements
P2.1.1 and P2.2.2 are satisfied by design and construction in
accordance with AS 3700 Masonry structures or AS 4773
Masonry in small buildings, Parts 1 and 2.
14 Workability
Finally, there’s the proportion of binder to sand: a mortar in which the binder
does not fill all the void spaces in the sand will still have ‘holes’ in it, and so lack
sufficient water retentivity. This is another reason why it’s important to measure
the void ratio of a sand and to adjust a mix from the nominal proportions to > See Section 9.6 ‘Void ratio and its
those that suit the particular sand (e.g. from a nominal 1:3 to 1:2.5 for a sand with impact on mixes’ and Chapter 25 ‘Using
a void ratio of 40%). lean or sacrificial mixes’
The required water retentivity for a particular mortar will depend on the suction
of the masonry units. Porous masonry with a high suction or IRA (such as older
bricks and some stones), will require a mortar with high water retentivity, so the
mortar remains plastic for long enough to lay and position the masonry units.
Conversely, modern bricks with relatively low IRAs will require mortars with
lower retentivity, so that sufficient water (and binder) will be drawn into the
bricks to ensure a good bond. > See Chapter 10 ‘Water’
Workability 73
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
These photographs of the joints of a mid-nineteenth-century brick stable in Tasmania show how the same lime mortar
can exhibit very different appearances depending on the circumstances. The joints are about 10 mm wide.
Figure 38 shows the original, finished surface of a mortar joint in remarkably good condition: the very sticky mortar
produced the ridged texture of the joint surface as the trowel was pulled away. Figure 39 shows a not-quite-so-sticky
batch of mortar which left a very smooth surface, which is now weathering: the harder surface skin is being lost,
exposing white lumps of lime and fine sand grains. The light reddish-brown colour of the original surfaces is largely due
to the accumulation of windblown dust.
Figure 38: Original surface of a sticky mortar. Figure 39: Beginning to lose the surface skin.
Figure 40: Internal view after abrasion. Figure 41: Covered in lichen.
Figure 40 shows an internal view of the mortar, where abrasion has revealed the lime lumps, coarse brown grit and fine
sand of which it is made. A break during construction can be seen between the perpend and the overlying bed joint.
Figure 41 is on the weather side of the stable. The joint and the bricks are slightly eroded, and the mortar is almost
entirely covered in a grey lichen, with only a few coarse grains showing through. The yellow lichen prefers the (silicate)
chemistry of the bricks. Though slightly eroded, the joint is still in good condition and needs no repair. The rate of damage
due to the lichens is low and their removal is not warranted: cleaning them off may do more damage than doing nothing.
Changing appearances 75
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
15 Mortar mixing
When you slake the lime, take care to wet it everywhere a little, but do not
over-wet it, and cover with sand every laying, or bed of lime, being about a
bushel at a time as you slake it up, that so the stream, or spirit of the lime,
may be kept in, and not flee away, but mix itself with the sand, which will
make the mortar much stronger, than if you slake all your lime first, and
throw on your sand altogether at last, as some use to do.
Moxon, 1703
Lime lumps 77
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Sand-slaking of quicklime should still be done today (see Section 19.2 ‘Mixing’)
though its use may be limited to more important projects. Soft-burnt quicklime
is preferred for its greater reactivity, and it should be slaked as soon as practicable
The ‘freshly slaked’ in some old after manufacture (i.e. freshly slaked) to retain maximum reactivity by minimising
specifications, actually meant slaked while the proportion that air-slakes and carbonates, whereupon it ceases to be a binder.
fresh rather than used straight after Rather than sand-slaking, most mortar for repairs today are likely to be mixed
slaking. A period of maturing of the mix from lime putties and from dry powders including pure and hydraulic limes,
was (and still is) beneficial, even for
pozzolans and cements.
hydraulic limes.
Making good mortars requires thorough, intimate mixing of the binder and the
sand, and this is particularly important for lime binders. Damp sands have a
minute layer of water bonded tightly around each grain; disrupting this water
layer so that the lime can bond with the sand takes considerable force. To avoid
this problem, it’s best to use dry sand.
Conventional rotary cement mixers cannot deliver the force required for
adequate mixing. However, they can be improved by adding dense, hard stones
or large-diameter steel balls (100–150 mm) to the mixer to provide a tumbling or
milling action. Lime mortars need prolonged mixing and knocking up times (of
20 minutes), compared to those commonly used for cement or composition
Better alternative mixers are roller pan mixers, forced action (screed) mixers
and handheld, helical-bladed mixers. Roller pan mixers consist of a pair of steel
wheels rotating around a mixing pan (see Figure 44). An important feature, not
shared by all such mills, is that the height of the wheels should be adjustable so
that the aggregate is not crushed during mixing. Forced action mixers have
relatively small blades rotating around a vertical axis (see Figure 45). The small
blades deliver a high pressure in a similar way to the stiletto heel. Purpose-made,
handheld, whisk-type mixers with helical blades can also be used for mortars;
their portability makes them very convenient for small batches and for knocking
up on scaffolds.
Small batches can also be mixed by hand. The simplest method is to use the
widened end of a mattock handle to pound the mix in a bucket or tub.
Mortar mixing 79
PART 2 Mortar materials and mixes
Decisions about repointing joints with mason’s putty will depend primarily on
compatibility. If the stones are dense materials (such as marble or granite) then
it may be appropriate to repoint with a putty that is similar to the original. On
the other hand, if the stones are porous materials (like sandstone and limestone)
then it will be better to use a mortar of lime putty and very fine sand to allow the
joints to breathe and so protect the stones. This is particularly important when
soluble salts are present in appreciable quantities or if there is a risk of water
> See Mortar type 6 (narrow joint) in percolating through the masonry. To limit shrinkage and improve permeability, a
Table 10 in Section 13.7 ‘A range of form of mason’s putty can be made with more sand, less whiting and without the
mortar mixes’ linseed oil.
Some proprietary mason’s putties incorporated asbestos fibres in their mix; if
there’s any doubt about the presence of asbestos, the putty should be analysed
before undertaking works. The same applies to lead white, which was sometimes
> See Figure 48 and Box 16 ‘Health and used to whiten the putty. Appropriate health and safety precautions must be
safety with mortars’ taken when raking out mason’s putty containing asbestos fibres or lead white.
For many years, laboratory investigations of mortar have been undertaken with
traditional, wet chemical analyses. While these still have a role, they are best
used in combination with microscopic techniques, which are increasingly the
preferred tool because of their capacity to tell so much more about the
chemistry and physical structure of the mortar.
The following sections explain the wide range of techniques available and the
circumstances in which they might be used. But first, it is important to be clear
about the purpose of testing and about the nature of the test results. Some tests
Some tests report their results in volume are qualitative: they identify what components are present, but not their amount.
proportions, while others report their Some tests are quantitative: they identify how much of a particular material is
results on a weight basis (see note to present, while others are semi-quantitative: they produce approximate results,
Table 12). which can be sufficient for many purposes.
Technique Purpose
Stereomicroscopy ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆ ◆◆
SEM/EDX ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
Thermal analysis ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
FTIR spectroscopy ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
The table shows how investigative and analytical techniques for mortars may vary depending on the purpose.
◆◆ indicates techniques that are most likely to provide useful information.
◆ indicates techniques that may be useful.
This is not meant to preclude the use of any particular technique including some not explained in this guide.
Note that visual methods (visual analysis, photography and microscopy) report their results on a volume basis, while chemical methods
(acid digestion, wet chemical, TDS, ion chromatography and others) report their results on a weight basis. The latter can then be converted
to volumes by using densities, but assumptions on densities should always be checked.
Figure 27 was taken through a 25x magnifier More powerful magnifiers in the range 15x–25x can be useful tools, particularly those
using a moderately priced 12-megapixel that incorporate a scale bar as that enables measurement of sand grain sizes, while
compact digital camera. The sands in the magnification is sufficient to observe key features of the mortar. The benefits
Figure 19 were photographed using a of magnifications higher than about 25x are offset by the unavoidably shallow
20-megapixel compact digital camera. depth of field – the distance between the nearest and furthest objects in focus.
Only the central 10% of each image is
shown in the figure. Compact digital cameras with good macro capabilities can produce images that
are adequate for most purposes. Close-up attachments for smart phone cameras
have potential. Very high magnifications can be obtained with handheld digital
microscopes connected directly to a computer. What they lack in image quality
– having a shallow depth of field and often low resolution – they make up for in
modest price and high magnification.
A crude scratch test has been used to try to distinguish lime mortars from
mortars containing cement, the theory being that a lime mortar will be readily
scratched whereas a cement-based mortar should not be. Tools range from a
pocketknife or screwdriver to a car key. This test is not appropriate: there are too
many variables that can affect the result. A well-made and well-cured lime
mortar can be difficult to scratch, while a cement mortar will be readily
scratched if it has insufficient cement, contains too much clay or was poorly
cured. A more sophisticated scratch test using a specially designed tool forms a
basis for classifying composition mortars in AS 3700.
Physical samples for testing should first be inspected in the laboratory using a
stereomicroscope, a binocular microscope that gives a relatively low
magnification view of the sample. This can provide useful information about the
components, texture and pore structure of the mortar. Stereomicroscopes can
magnify up to about 100 times and should be used as the first stage of more
advanced microscopy (see Section 17.5).
A pitfall with this method is that any carbonate mineral that is part of the
aggregate (such as limestone, marble or shells) will also be dissolved by the acid,
leaving no trace and giving a misleading impression of the proportions of
aggregate and binder in the mortar. The large lumps of lime commonly found in
many early mortars (see Box 13 ‘Lime lumps’) are also readily dissolved by acids.
Such mortars are best characterised by thin-section microscopy (see Section
17.5). An experienced person should be able to identify carbonate minerals in the
aggregate when examining the sample with a stereomicroscope, though finely
ground limestone (included as a filler) would not be identified this way.
sampling so they can better understand the nature of the task. Few laboratories
will have the resources to undertake the wide range of analytical techniques
discussed; many will subcontract out some tests to other laboratories. While
there are advantages in one laboratory conducting all the tests, the most
important issue is the experience of the lead analyst.
The more informed the client is, the better the outcome. Most laboratory
investigations work best when you already know something about the samples,
whether the information came from documentary evidence or from detailed
mapping of walls and recording of decay patterns. This gives the laboratory a
head start and enables it to suggest the most appropriate techniques. There’s
also the need for flexibility, to allow for changes to analytical techniques should
there be new discoveries.
Figure 51: Medieval masons at work. Detail of an illuminated manuscript depicting the construction of a church in France, 1448. The labourer
at the bottom right is knocking up some lime mortar with a larry (or mason’s hoe), having cut it off as a slice from the maturing heap of banked
mortar. This practice, including the kerbed, wooden platform (or stage) on which the mortar was mixed, was still in use in Australia in the late
nineteenth century (see Section 15.1 ‘Traditional mixing’). Chronique de Girart de Roussillon. Codex 2549, folio 164, Austrian National Library,
The colour of traditional limes was often an off-white or cream, whereas modern
(pure) limes are bright white and may need toning down with a small amount of
pigment to match the colours of the earlier materials. This can be achieved with
about 1/100 part of pigment (i.e. 1% of the lime). Suitable pigments may include
raw umber and yellow: try a 75:25 mix to begin with. Many other pigments are
available; always use natural earths or alkali-stable synthetic oxides (such as are > See Section 12.1 ‘Matching colours of
used with cement). Organic dyes should never be used, as they fade with time. existing mortars’
Sample biscuits
Small, biscuit-sized samples should be made for colour and texture matching.
They can be easily prepared by using metal poached egg rings or slices of PVC
pipe to hold the samples, which should be set on a plywood base to absorb some
of the moisture from the mortar. The samples should be cured properly by
keeping them damp for several days before allowing them to dry out slowly.
Rapid drying of an improperly cured mix will not give accurate results.
Make three specimens of each mix:
• one as a reference and backup
• one to snap in half to see the fresh inside appearance
• one to keep as a damp sample, also snapped in half.
Only the broken faces should be used for comparison, as they show the true
colour of the mortar as well as the texture imparted by the sand grains. After
thorough curing, the third sample can be kept damp for the duration of the
project to aid colour matching of new batches of mortar.
These are some of the more common Australian joint profiles. The first five are traditional profiles, while the last three
are from the second half of the twentieth century. While the weather-struck profile may be more sound (in terms of
water shedding) than overhand struck, it is not a traditional Australian profile and should not be applied to older
buildings. Neither should the ironed nor recessed joint profiles. The recessed profile is not suitable for use with porous
brick or stone, as it will promote water entry. Where bedding mortars were pointed (or stopped in the case of tuck
pointing), the depth of the pointing or stopping was typically only 2–6 mm. When repointing, joints should be raked out
to a depth of at least 2.5 times the joint width (i.e. 25 mm for 10 mm joints) to ensure good bonding with the masonry
units (see Chapter 20 ‘Raking and cutting out joints’).
Joint profiles 95
PART 3 Repointing mortar joints
Traditional practice commonly saw the use of more highly finished front walls, with a simpler finish used on side and
rear walls. This practice should be respected when undertaking repairs: don’t change the pointing styles to make them
‘better’ – match what was there originally.
Figures 58, 59 and 60 are examples of traditional practice. Figure 58 shows South Australian bluestone that has been
squared for the front walls, with smaller pieces used as rubble in the side walls. The pointing follows the same hierarchy:
ruled and pencilled on the front walls, with a plain, flush finish on the side walls. Similar detailing is seen around Australia
on walls of sandstone, limestone and bluestone. Figures 59 and 60 show flush-finished lime pointing to rubble bluestone
on the side wall of a house. This original pointing is almost 150 years old and is in good condition, though it is beginning
to retreat from the stones and will eventually require replacement. Figure 60 shows a closer view, with lime lumps and
large quartz grains in the mortar, and small pinning stones, which compact and tighten the joint (see Chapter 22
Figure 61, on the other hand, shows what not to do when repointing – the joints have been recessed to emphasise the
stones in a way that was never intended. As well as not respecting the traditional aesthetic, the less permeable cement
mortar will limit drying of the wall through the joints, and so will promote decay of the stones (see Section 13.5 ‘Choosing
the right mix – compatibility’).
19.1 Batching
Traditional practice involved the use of Accurate batching (or gauging) of mortars is essential to achieving good,
bottomless, wooden gauge boxes for each repeatable results. Mortars should never be shovel-batched: the inevitable
component of the mix. bulking up of dry powders will produce mixes very different from those
specified. Mortars should always be batched by volume using containers of
known measures kept expressly for the purpose.
Some argue for batching by weight, but this is impractical in many situations.
Nevertheless, the correct amount of dry powders (such as hydrated and
hydraulic limes) should initially be determined by weighing out the required
amounts, using the compacted density data supplied by the manufacturer.
Subsequent measures can then be based on repeating the same volume, but care
is still required to avoid further bulking up during measuring. Tap the sides of
measuring containers to minimise bulking of powders and sands.
Bagged products should ideally be used by the whole bag: it has a known weight
and therefore volume, based on its compacted density. Cutting bags in half is an
option for smaller batches – but measure it, don’t guess it.
Batching needs to account for the different amounts of lime present in putties
and dry hydrates. As explained in Section 5.4 ‘Densities of lime putties and
hydrated limes’, lime putty should have a density of at least 1,350 g/L (when each
Drain lime putties of limewater and creamy litre will contain about 600 grams of lime). To achieve this, Australian putties
slurry and use only stiff putty that will stand should be allowed to settle and then be carefully drained to remove the liquid
like feta cheese. See also ‘Managing the material – clear limewater and creamy slurry – from the top. The liquid shouldn’t
water content of mixes’ later in this chapter. be discarded: the creamy slurry can be used in knocking up, should the mix be too
stiff, and also for mixing dry materials (such as pozzolans and pigments) to a slurry
before adding them to the mortar mix. Clear limewater can be used to promote
curing and to consolidate weak brick, mortar and plaster. Many applications are
required: 30–50 may be needed when using limewater as a consolidant.
The densities of hydrated limes range from 350–640 g/L: that is, from about half
to the same amount of lime per litre as in a dense putty. This has to be taken into
account when batching: to make a mortar equivalent to a 1:3 mortar made with a
dense putty may require a mix as rich as 1:2 hydrated lime to sand.
The same principle applies to any fillers, pigments, pozzolans and admixtures,
such as air-entraining or water-retaining agents. If they are dry powders, they
should be mixed directly with other dry ingredients, but if lime putty (or a
sand-slaked quicklime mortar) is used they should be added in slurry form. If
there’s more than one dry component, they should be thoroughly mixed
together before adding them to the wet mix. This will improve their dispersal
and ensure a more uniform mix. Accurate proportioning of pigments,
pozzolans and admixtures is an essential aspect of making good mortars.
Dry rather than damp sand is preferred for three reasons. Dry sand ensures
better contact with the lime, because of the absence of a layer of water on the
sand grains (see Section 15.2 ‘Contemporary mixing’). Relatively stiff, dryish
mixes are needed for repointing work, and even slightly damp sand can be too
wet when mixed with lime putty. Further, using dry sand avoids any concern
about the bulking that occurs with damp sand.
Bulking of sand
Damp sand occupies a greater volume than dry sand. This is not because of the
additional volume of the water: add enough water to fully saturate the sand and
it will collapse back to the dry volume. The increase in volume, or bulking, is due
to forces related to surface tension which hold small amounts of water tightly
between the sand grains, so that it acts as a temporary (and weak) adhesive or
binder. The amount of bulking will vary with the type of sand, as well as with the
water content. Typically, damp sands show an increase of 10–30% over the dry
volume. Well-graded sand will bulk up less than a poorly graded sand.
Whenever there’s no choice but to use damp sand the amount of bulking
must be measured, and the mix proportions adjusted accordingly:
otherwise mixes will have too little sand.
19.2 Mixing
Beat all your mortar with a beater three or four times over before you use
it, for thereby you break all the knots of lime that go through the sieve,
and incorporate the sand and lime well together, and the air which the
beater forces into the mortar at every stroke, conduces very much to the
strength thereof.
If I might advise anyone that is minded to build well, or use strong mortar
for repairs, I would have them beat the mortar well, let it lie 2 or 3 days,
and then beat it well again when ‘tis to be used.
Moxon, 1703
Ideally, mortars should be mixed in a forced action (screed) mixer (see Figure
45), a roller pan mixer (see Figure 44) or with a handheld mixer. Normal rotary
cement mixers are not capable of delivering the pressure required to force the
binder and sand together and to displace water layers on the sand grains (see
Section 15.2 ‘Contemporary mixing’). Handheld mixers should be purpose-made;
normal drills will burn out quickly. Using a handheld mixer can be made easier
by whisking up the lime putty before adding the sand.
Hand methods of mixing include pounding and chopping lime putty into the
sand with a mason’s hoe (larry) in a suitable trough, or for small amounts with
the end of a mattock handle in a flexible tub. Pounding the relatively dry mix will
seem like a lost cause, but eventually there comes a magic moment when it all
goes sticky and hangs together. Simply turning over the ingredients with a shovel
will not produce satisfactory mortars. Considerable force is required: traditional
practice was to beat the mix with a piece of timber or the back of a spade.
Where practicable, lime mortars should be premixed and matured for as long as
possible in sealed containers. They will not go off, provided there is no hydraulic
component (such as hydraulic lime or pozzolan) in the mix.
Even when off-site premixing is not practicable, there are definite workability
gains to be made by short-term maturing of lime mortars before use. Pure lime
mortars can be stored indefinitely, while the lower classes of hydraulic limes can
> See Section 15.3 ‘Off-site preparation be stored for a day after mixing. Keep stored mortars cool and covered or sealed
and maturing of mixes’ to prevent them drying out.
After cooling, the slakes were covered overnight to keep out any rain. The next
day they were found to be still damp in parts, suggesting that the amount of
water was about right for this particular quicklime and the dry sand. Less water
should be added if the sand is damp. An advantage of this technique (unlike
using lime putty) is that you can start with damp sand, as the quicklime will dry
it (but you must allow for bulking).
The aim should be to add the full amount of water needed for the slake in the
one go, while avoiding adding too much. This will maximise the energy released
from the quicklime and so dry and clean up the sand, improving the contact
between sand and lime. Adding some of the water at the beginning and then
more later will result in the second addition cooling the slake and reducing the
heat available to the sand.
The mixes were then put through a forced action mixer (see Figure 45) and a
small amount of water (generally less than a litre) was added to produce stiff,
dryish mortars. Each slake produced about 70 litres of mortar – a result of the
expansion of the quicklime on slaking – making the effective mix proportions
close to 1:2.
The mixes were stored in 15-litre pails for later use. On opening after an
extended period of maturing, the mixes had expanded in the pails and were very
stiff – some quicklime had continued to slake during maturing – and a little more
water was needed to make them workable.
However, the main ways to achieve stiff mixes with lime putties are to use dry
sand and as dense a putty as possible. While prolonged maturation and gentle
Repeatedly pouring off the water that vibration in the back of the ute will help settle putties stored in drums or pails,
accumulates on top of the putty will help. they still may not produce putty that is sufficiently dense.
In colder climates, lime putty is matured in woven bulker bags through which
excess water can slowly drain, but this is not practicable in the hotter and drier
Australian climate. One option may be to drain putties by standing them in a
tightly woven sieve or bag of dense shade cloth suspended in a sturdy bin with a
tight-fitting lid to slow air getting to the lime.
An alternative to draining putties is to thicken them by adding hydrated lime
powder, a small amount at a time, while whisking the putty with a drill mixer in a
flexi-tub. To retain most of the workability advantages of the putty, limit the
hydrated lime to 10–15% of the total.
When putty mixes are too stiff, they should be made workable by adding more
putty and not by adding water. In a recent example, a fine sand was initially
assessed as needing a 1:2 putty to sand mix, but this balled up in the mixer and
produced solid marbles until more putty was added, bringing the mix proportions
closer to 1:1.5 and yielding a workable mix. This example highlights the need to
allow the tradesperson to adjust a mix on-site to make it workable: insisting on a
rigidly specified mix will not achieve good results.
19.3 Knocking up
The beating of mortar is of the utmost Turn out a well-matured lime mortar onto a board and it will be stiff and
consequence to its durability, and it would apparently unworkable. However, by thorough reworking or knocking up for at
appear that the effect produced by it, is least 10 minutes (using the same techniques as mixing) the workability will be
owing to something more than a mere greater than before. Don’t add water, add force. If after thorough knocking up a
mechanical mixture. lime mortar intended for repointing is still too stiff to use, its workability can be
Nicholson, 1850 improved by adding a small amount of lime putty, but not water.
Lime mortar should . . . (be) well knocked Workability of a lime mortar intended for laying masonry can be corrected by
up and left in large heaps fully ten days adding a small quantity of lime slurry drained from the putty. Where adding
before use. more water is undesirable (e.g. to limit shrinkage) the use of superplasticisers or
Haddon, 1908 air-entrainers may be warranted, see Chapter 11 ‘Admixtures and additives’ and
Chapter 14 ‘Workability’.
Admixtures and pozzolans are added to mixes during knocking up and should be
thoroughly incorporated into the mix. All dry, powdered materials should be
added in slurry form (see Section 19.1).
As distinct from reworking or knocking up, retempering is the bad practice of
trying to rejuvenate a mix that has already started to harden, by adding more
water and remixing it to the desired consistency. The resulting mortar will be
weaker than intended, as some of the chemical bonds that have started to form
will be broken. Retempering is a problem more commonly associated with
cement and composition mortars that have shorter pot lives. Water may be
added to mixes that are drying out too fast in warm weather, but only within the
time limits specified for the particular binder.
Since 2012, Australian work health and safety regulations have been aligned with the United Nations’ Globally Harmonised
System (GHS) of classification and labelling of chemicals. Under this system, limes, cements and some pozzolans are
classified as hazardous.
Always work from the top down when Good preparation is one of the key aspects of successful repointing: the failure
raking out and repointing. of work is often due to inadequate raking out of joints.
Although much original pointing was quite shallow – often only a few millimetres
in depth – repointing needs to be much deeper to be successful. This is because
the original pointing was applied when the wall was green – when the bedding
mortar and masonry were still damp – and the dampness helped the pointing
harden properly and bond well. Today when we repoint, we do so in much drier
walls and so need a greater mass of new material. This is partly to introduce and
retain more water and particularly to ensure sufficient contact area for a good
bond to the adjacent masonry.
Joints should be raked out to a depth that is at least 2.5 times their width.
This rule of thumb means that a normal 10 mm bed joint in brickwork should be
raked out to at least 25 mm. Wider joints generally don’t need to be raked out
Narrow 3 mm joints in ashlar stonework more than about 30 mm, though there are circumstances where greater depths
should be raked out to at least 20 mm. will be necessary. These may include rubble stonework where small pinning
stones have been inserted into the joints (see Figures 60 and 72). Raking out will
loosen them and so they will need to be carefully removed and put aside until
the repointing stage (see Chapter 22 ‘Repointing’). Where dampness and salt
attack have decayed the mortar, the raking depth may need to be much greater,
partly to remove decayed material and also to remove as much salt as possible
(see Chapter 26 ‘Deep repointing’).
The term ‘raking out’ derives from traditional practice when pointing new work:
the still-soft bedding mortars were readily raked out with simple tools. Softer
Tungsten-tipped ‘score and snap’ tools for mortars may still be raked out today, using chisels that are dragged along the
cutting cement fibreboard are ideal for joints or skates (rakers) which have wheels that run over the face of the bricks
removing lime mortars. and adjustable raking heads to control the depth.
However, it is often necessary to cut out much harder mortars, particularly previous
repointing with hard cement, and for that work we often need mechanical tools
as well as sharp, tungsten-tipped chisels. There have been arguments about the
use of mechanical tools, such as angle grinders and disc cutters: their high
torque can make them hard to control and they can kick or run off, damaging
adjacent bricks (see Figure 64). This can widen joints and leave bricks above and
below perpends with unsightly slots cut in them. This has led to some people
wanting to ban the use of machines and to limit all work to hand tools.
Thoroughly clean out the debris with a vacuum cleaner, followed by a low-pressure
water spray, which can double as the first stage of pre-wetting (see the next
Chapter). Capture as much mortar dust as possible before wetting the walls.
Fine white powders that get stuck in the pores of masonry units can be difficult
to remove and may remain visually intrusive.
If you lay bricks in hot dry weather, and it be (a) piece of work that you
would have very strong, dip every brick you lay, all over in a pail of water,
which will make the wall much stronger than if the bricks were laid dry.
Moxon, 1703
The common use of splash brushes (stock brushes) will deliver only a small
fraction of the water required for most old walls. Instead, use a hose fitted with a
fine spray nozzle or a garden sprayer with a good-capacity tank. A sprayer is
particularly useful for the last phase of pre-wetting if the nozzle can be placed
within the joint. This avoids wetting the face of the masonry, while adding water
to the back of the joint, where it is needed most.
A sprayer will also be useful where walls consist of materials of very different Pre-wetting is also needed when
porosities, e.g. granite blocks in lime mortar. Little or no pre-wetting is required reconstructing walls. When bricks and
for the granite, but the mortar at the back of the joint will need plenty. Similarly, stones are being reused or recycled from
walls of different masonry units, such as a bluestone wall with brick dressings, salvaged materials, it’s essential to remove
will need careful control of pre-wetting to ensure that the more-porous bricks dust and mortar residues from their
get sufficient water while the less-porous bluestone gets enough, but not too
much, dampening.
Building up a store of water in the wall has an additional purpose: that of
providing a moist environment to improve the hardening or curing of the lime
binder (see Chapter 24 ‘Protection and curing’).
Pre-wetting 107
PART 3 Repointing mortar joints
22 Repointing
Repointing 109
PART 3 Repointing mortar joints
23 Finishing joints
The process of finishing the joints is as important as using the right mix and
compacting it tightly into the back of the raked-out joints. Finishing gives the
work its character and can also affect its durability. When repointing old walls,
we may need to use techniques, such as tamping with stiff brushes, which are not
used in contemporary work. Finishing involves:
• matching a previous joint profile
• compacting (but not overworking) the surface
• keeping new work damp with fine water sprays
• scraping off any excess mortar
• possibly tamping with a stiff-bristled brush
• more spraying to maintain damp conditions.
Joints should be slightly overfilled with the pointing mortar and then left to
stiffen a little. Dampen the new work with a fine water spray as soon as possible
after pointing. Provided the mix has been made to a stiff, dryish consistency,
there will be no risk of lime washing down the face of the work unless excessive
water pressure is used. If lime does run down the face, it’s generally a sign the
mix was too wet to begin with.
Reference panels of each pointing style After allowing the mortar to stiffen a little, apply the correct profile to the joint
should be established at the beginning of (see Section 18.5 ‘Matching joint profiles’). Here the use of a pointing trowel to
the project and used as a basis for apply flush and struck finishes is entirely appropriate. As Box 15 explains, it’s
accepting or rejecting work (see Chapter 27 important to respect traditional practice and not attempt to ‘improve’ walls by
‘Specifying repointing’). applying joint profiles they never had. This particularly applies to side and rear
elevations, which were often finished with plain, flushed-up joints.
Compaction is an important part of finishing the joints, closing up the surface
and reducing the risk of shrinkage cracking. However, overworking with the
trowel should be avoided. Overworking brings too much binder to the surface
and forms a smooth skin (laitance) which will slow hardening by reducing the
permeability (or breathing capacity) of the surface. The smooth skin can be
broken up by working over the joints with wooden tools (see Figure 6), which
will raise the sand grains.
Lightly scrape off any excess mortar with the side of a trowel or small tool. Use
the small tool to trim mortar from holes in the face of the masonry units to
avoid the appearance of variable joint widths, while ensuring that the finished
profile won’t encourage water penetration into the joint.
Never finish a joint with mortar thinly feathered out over the masonry units. Not
only is it unsightly, it won’t last as it won’t harden well. The edges will open up
and let water into the joint. Instead, where some water shedding is required
(such as on string courses), finish the joint with a slight haunch as shown in
Figure 70.
Keep the new mortar well dampened. As it begins to harden, the amount of
water sprayed on each time can be increased, but take care not to disrupt the
surface with excessive water or pressure.
Figure 70: Avoiding feathered edges.
To avoid feathering, finish the tail of a joint
with a slight haunch, which can be shaped
by tamping with a bundle of bristles.
All mortars including those based on cement, hydraulic lime and pure lime need
attention to their curing if they are to perform as intended.
There is an erroneous perception among many in the industry that cement
doesn’t need curing, and this is often extended to composition mixes of cement
and lime (compo). The result is that many mortars are not properly hardened
> Section 13.2 ‘Composition mortars’ and will have low durability.
Very rapid drying may bring fines to the Rapid drying of any mortar will lead to early failure. In the case of cement and
surface of the joint, producing a distinct any hydraulic component in limes, this is because they harden by reacting with
skin (or crust) with reduced permeability, water. Insufficient water will lead to the formation of weak shells (like eggshells)
limiting further hardening. of hardened material surrounding uncured cement or lime, which may react only
very slowly or not at all. A similar situation applies to the non-hydraulic
component in limes, but here the reason is that water must be present for
> Section 5.6 ‘Setting of lime mortars’ carbon dioxide to react with the lime.
Newly repointed lime mortars that fail Limes harden much more slowly than cements and depend more on good curing
within 12 months of placement, exposing conditions being maintained. This applies equally to pure limes and hydraulic
friable mortar beneath a thin surface skin, limes. It is wrong to think that using pozzolans or natural hydraulic limes
are generally a sign of poor curing, though negates or reduces the need for good curing.
their failure may also be due to the
presence of salts in the masonry. Good curing practice includes:
• protecting work from adverse weather (wind, rain, heat and frost)
• tight enclosure of scaffolds, with misting systems in warm weather
• staging works around a building, to avoid hot sun on new work
• keeping new mortars quite damp for a week (wetting)
• a second week of ‘dry’ (but damp) curing
> Cyclic wetting and drying improves
hardening, see Section 5.6 ‘Setting of • a third week of thorough wetting
lime mortars’ • a fourth week of damp ‘drying’
2. ‘Drying’
Provide a week of protected ‘drying’. Rather than totally dry, the aim is to
maintain 60–70% RH against the walls. Providing protection against wind and
rain may be all that is required in cool, humid weather. However, in the warmer
and drier months, extra moisture will be needed, ideally supplied by timer-
controlled misting systems. In addition, walls should be lightly sprayed daily: Smartphone weather apps can be used to
this should be done around midday and again later in the day when the walls are monitor local humidities and adjust timing
‘breathing in’. of additional spraying.
3. Further wetting
Wet the walls again for a week. Rather than maintaining continuous dampness,
this week-long period can be undertaken as a series of thorough wetting events,
three or more times a day, with the background humidity being maintained at
60–70% RH as before.
4. Further ‘drying’
Maintain the same conditions as in stage 2 for a further week.
This four-week curing period should be the minimum for most projects. Any Curing may need to be extended during
proposal for a shorter period must be substantiated with evidence (such as cold weather to offset slower hydraulic
climate data) and not just assumed. reactions.
Improved results can be achieved by further cycles of wetting and drying, which
should be considered for projects where the climate will not assist the curing
process. These include exposed locations such as chimneys, towers and spires,
coastal environments where strong winds will dry mortars too quickly, and most
other sites during hot, dry weather.
If not proceeding with further cycles of wetting and drying, at least wet the walls
thoroughly several times as enclosures and scaffolding are being removed.
With normal mixes, the aim is to Lean mixes are those where the proportion of binder is less than the normal mix,
completely fill the voids in the sand with as determined by the properties of the sand, such as void ratio, grain shape and
binder. Additionally, fine-grained sands size. For example, 1:3.5 or 1:4 are lean mixes compared to a normal 1:3; or 1:3
require extra binder to ensure complete would be a lean mix when a normal mix is 1:2 because of a fine-grained sand and
coating of all particles (see Chapter 9, in a high void ratio. By contrast, a rich mix has a greater proportion of binder than
particular Section 9.6 ‘Void ratio and its
a normal mix. Sacrificial mixes are made deliberately lean to reduce their strength
impact on mixes’).
and increase their permeability, the latter to promote good breathing through
the mortar joints.
When lean mixes (whether deliberate or unintentional) are used on porous
bricks or stones, the mortar will stiffen rapidly and ‘go dead’ (i.e. be difficult to
work). This stiffening is not due to any chemical reaction but to the loss of the
Thorough pre-wetting is essential to mixing water due to the suction of the masonry and the poor water retentivity of
minimising the suction of porous masonry. the lean mix (see Section 14.2 ‘Water retentivity’). Where a particularly
permeable (i.e. sacrificial) mix was not intended, the mix should be corrected by
adding more binder up to at least the proportions suggested by the void ratio of
the sand. This will make the mortar workable for a much longer period after
being placed on or in the porous masonry. The richer mortar will stiffen and
harden more slowly, but it will if properly cured produce a stronger mortar.
Delaying the stiffening will mean that any tamping will have to be delayed by up
to several days, depending on the change of proportions and the weather
conditions. However, this may be beneficial if working on a large area where
> See Chapter 23 ‘Finishing joints’ there is a need to complete all the repointing before tamping.
Where the circumstances call for a deliberately lean sacrificial mortar, ways of
improving its workability include using air-entraining and water-retaining agents.
> See Chapter 14 ‘Workability’ and Air-entraining agents will improve the plasticity (‘spreadability’) of the mix.
Section 11.1 ‘Plasticisers, air-entrainers, Water-retainers (water thickeners) will slow the rate at which a porous substrate
water-retainers’ will draw water from the mix, prolonging the working time after it has been applied.
It is essential that admixtures such as air-entraining and water-retaining
agents are not overused as they can severely reduce bond strengths.
When using lime putty as the binder, it’s important to use only stiff material that
> See Section 5.4 ‘Densities of lime putties has been drained of excess water: only then will it contain sufficient lime to
and hydrated limes’, Section 14.2 ‘Water make a sound mortar. A putty that is too wet will produce a lean mix which may
retentivity’, Section 19.1 ‘Batching’ and initially feel workable, but when applied to a porous substrate will stiffen rapidly
Section 19.2 ‘Mixing’ as the water is lost.
Avoiding problems with unintentionally lean mixes requires:
• measuring the void ratio of the sand to determine mix proportions
• adjusting mix proportions to account for finer-grained sands
> See Section 5.4 ‘Densities of lime putties • draining lime putties and only using stiff material
and hydrated limes’ and Chapter 19
• taking account of bulking when using dry, powdered materials.
‘Batching, mixing and knocking up’
All lean mixes require particular attention to pre-wetting and curing: rapid
drying on porous substrates risks premature failure as hardening reactions
(carbonation and hydration) cease due to lack of water.
There will be occasions where mortar loss has exceeded the 20–30 mm depths
commonly associated with repointing. These might be caused by:
• salt attack and rising damp (salt damp) at the base of walls (see Figure 75)
• falling or penetrating damp that has dissolved lime and flushed mortar out of
joints and out of the cores of thick walls (see Figure 76)
• the burrowing action of lizards and ants, wasps and other insects.
Repairing walls in these situations will commonly need deep repointing, also Grouting may also be required, but it is
known as deep packing. outside the scope of this guide.
Figure 74: Steel tamping or deep-packing tools. While the aim is tightly compacted
mortar, tamping with these heavy, purpose-made tools needs to be done with care, as too
much force will break the bond of the remaining joint. Other packing devices include pieces
of wood or plywood for narrow joints. Mortars must be relatively dry and stiff if they are to
take up the load of overlying masonry and weatherproof the wall. The outer part of the joint
is finished in the way described in the previous chapters.
Deep repointing 115
PART 3 Repointing mortar joints
Specifications for repointing should be appropriate to the scale and importance of the job. Small, domestic-scale repointing
may warrant only a brief statement of the materials and mixes to be used and the various work methods to be employed,
including how the new work is to be protected and properly cured. Larger projects and work on places of heritage
significance should have comprehensive specifications for a range of works across the site. Such specifications should deal
with the following aspects of repointing.
• whether additional mixes are to be prepared for the • the method to be used, building up in layers for deeper
trials (see ‘10. Trials, samples, reference panels’ repointing
following) • use of any tape for masking the surface of the masonry.
• whether full bags are to be used for dry ingredients
7. Finishing the joints
• initial weighing to ensure correct quantities when dry
• joint profile(s) to be matched
• the method of finishing joints
• whether sands are to be dry or, if damp, the procedure
to be used to account for bulking • the degree of tamping and tools to be used
• the use of separate containers specifically for batching • any prohibition of the use of acid for cleaning up
• special requirements (e.g. a record or logging system) • any provision for the use of acid in specially approved
to manage the use of admixtures, to ensure they are circumstances.
used in the correct amounts
8. Protection and curing
• whether batching is to be done wet or dry and the
procedures for the addition of dry materials (e.g. • protection methods and the period of protection from
admixtures or pigments) to a wet mix. adverse weather
• unacceptable weather conditions for repointing and curing
3. Mixing and knocking up
• recording of temperature and humidity during works
• whether premixing and maturing is required and for
and curing
what period
• a week-long period of wetting (very damp) curing after
• what mixing equipment is to be used and for how long
• if hand mixing, the method(s) to be employed
• a week-long period of damp drying during which
• requirements for on-site storage of prepared mixes protection is to remain and relative humidity
• acceptable knocking up or reworking procedures maintained within acceptable limits
• procedures for adding hydraulic components and • whether additional spraying will be required during
admixtures damp drying
• flexibility (within limits) for the operator to adjust the • requirements for subsequent week-long cycles of
mix for workability wetting and drying
• controls on retempering of mixes containing cement. • separate listing of costs of protection and curing on
tender forms.
The last three decades have seen extensive international laboratory research and field trials on most aspects of traditional
mortars including work on lime putties, sand-slaked quicklime mixes, natural hydraulic limes and pozzolans. Chapter 30
‘Further reading’ includes some of the key historical sources, technical guides, research papers and conference proceedings
that document our continually evolving understanding of the field.
Among the principal insights are that:
• traditional masonry walls need to breathe and to do so through permeable mortars
• Portland cement blocks pores and restricts the breathing of mortars, plasters and renders
• the availability of suitable pozzolans and natural hydraulic limes removes the need to use any cement when repairing
lime mortars
• sands should be clean, sharp and well graded: this is not new, but it is often not contemporary practice
• using clayey sands (or worse, adding clay) to improve workability is bad practice: it significantly reduces bond strength,
durability and the breathing capacity of mortars
• plasticising, air-entraining and water-retaining admixtures can improve the working characteristics and durability of
some lime mortars
• porous particles in the aggregate can help retain water during placement and improve carbonation and breathing
• partly because of like bonding to like, crushed limestone aggregates produce stronger mortars than those made from
crushed sandstones
• using ground limestone or marble fillers can improve size grading of some sands and promote hardening of lime
• prolonged maturation of lime putties improves workability, while maturing mortar mixes improves their workability
and strength
• good practice with non-hydraulic limes (including putties and sand-slaked quicklime mixes) can make excellent,
durable materials
• porous masonry must be thoroughly pre-wetted and mortars well cured if they are to perform as intended.
As well as the heritage principle of replacing like with like, there are good performance reasons why lime mortars should be
used to repair older buildings. These relate to their compatibility with the adjacent masonry and the need for walls to work
as systems and not just as piles of stones or bricks.
There is still much to learn about traditional lime practice and about the properties of the available materials. There is even
more to be done passing on what is known to those who use it. The need for training extends across the industry, from
specifiers to estimators, project managers, builders, contractors and tradespeople. Making the substantial changes that are
needed will require a new level of understanding and engagement from all those involved in the process. Relearning and
maintaining traditional trade skills will be a key challenge in the face of the incessant tide of modern practice with its
quick-fix approach, which is so damaging to traditionally constructed buildings.
Conclusion 119
29 Glossary
admixture A substance, not including aggregate, binder or pozzolan, added to a mortar mix to modify its
properties. For example see air-entraining agent.
aggregate Hard, inert, granular material used as a filler in mortars and concrete: coarse aggregate =
gravel; fine aggregate = sand. It includes natural sand, sand produced by further crushing of
coarse aggregate, crushed brick and stone, and ground mineral filler.
agricultural lime Ground limestone used to sweeten acidic soils. It has no binding power and cannot be used for
mortars, except as a filler.
air-entraining agent Admixture for mortars to improve their durability, workability and the rate of carbonation of
lime mortars by increasing porosity. Air-entrainers can be used to partly overcome poor size
grading of some sands, particularly those with insufficient very fine sand-sized particles.
air lime Non-hydraulic or pure lime. A lime that hardens by reacting with carbon dioxide in the air
(carbonation). See also water lime.
air-slaking Slaking of quicklime due to the absorption of moisture from humid air. It is accompanied by
some carbonation and hence loss of binding power.
alkali-stable pigment Pigment that is stable in the alkaline conditions found in lime and cement mortars and
alumina Aluminium oxide: Al₂O₃. In this context, it is generally found in combination with silica as
aluminosilicates in clays and in pozzolans.
aluminosilicates Silicate minerals containing alumina, as in many clay minerals.
amorphous silica A glassy, non-crystalline form of silica that can be a reactive pozzolan.
argillaceous Rocks or sediments consisting of or containing clay.
artificial cement Cement (e.g. Portland cement) made from several raw materials that are blended together.
An old term, contrasting with natural cement.
arris An edge produced by the meeting of two surfaces on a brick or stone.
ashlar masonry Stone masonry dressed to fine tolerances and regular shapes and laid with narrow (nominal
3 mm) mortar joints.
autogenous healing The capacity of lime mortars to self-heal across small cracks, as a result of dissolution and
recrystallisation of some calcium carbonate binder.
batching Proportioning the constituent materials for a mortar mix.
bedding mortar Mortar used for laying masonry units (such as bricks, blocks, stones and terracotta). See also
pointing mortar.
bed joint A horizontal joint on which masonry units are bedded in mortar.
binder Materials, such as limes and cements, used in powder, paste or putty form, which harden to
hold the aggregate particles together and bind to the masonry units.
blended cement A composite cement containing Portland cement and pozzolanic additions, such as fly ash or
blue mortar Dark-coloured pointing mortar made from lime and sand (or used foundry sand) charcoal,
ashes and pigments (such as lampblack).
breathability See breathing (of walls), permeability and vapour permeability.
breathing (of walls) The exchange of air and water vapour between permeable masonry materials and the
atmosphere, due to changes in temperature and air pressure.
Glossary 121
cutting out Removing mortar from the face of a joint that is too hard to be raked out and must be cut out
with sharp chisels and/or mechanical tools.
damp-proof course A layer of impervious material (e.g. polyethylene) built into a wall to prevent the upward
(DPC) migration of water. Also called a dampcourse. Remedial damp-proofing may include chemical
deep packing Packing mortar into deeply eroded joints by tamping with purpose-made tools.
desalination The removal of salt, in this case from masonry materials.
dolomitic lime Lime made from a magnesian limestone or dolomite. In addition to calcium hydroxide, it
contains a significant proportion of magnesium hydroxide: Mg(OH)₂. EN 459 uses the
designation DL.
dry-slaking Slaking quicklime in sand with a minimum of water. See also sand-slaking.
durability The ability of materials to withstand the action of the weather over an extended period.
Durability is not necessarily related to strength.
efflorescence The crystallisation of white, powdery salts on the surface of masonry.
elastomeric sealant Elastic polymers (commonly known as mastics): viscous liquids that cure to become an
elastic, sealing compound. They are widely used in modern construction.
extreme dryness As dry as a lime-burner’s boot.
fat lime Pure, non-hydraulic lime, which is also called high-calcium lime and pure lime. See also lean
fines The portion of aggregate that passes through a 75 µm sieve. Fines consist of clays and silts.
fine stuff Lime and fine sand mixed together, generally for the final (setting) coat of lime plasters. Also
known as ‘setting stuff’. See also coarse stuff.
fly ash Fine, glassy ash, a by-product from burning pulverised coal. Highly siliceous, it is a reactive
pozzolan and used in blended cements.
formulated lime A term used in EN 459 for a hydraulic lime mainly consisting of air lime and/or natural
hydraulic lime with added hydraulic and/or pozzolanic material. EN 459 uses the designation FL.
gauging Measuring mortar materials in the correct proportions, traditionally by using gauge boxes. See
also batching. Also, adding cement or pozzolan to a pre-mixed lime mortar, hence the term
‘gauged with cement’.
‘go dead’ When a mortar loses its plasticity and becomes difficult to work.
granulometry Particle or grain size distribution. See also size grading of sand.
ground granulated Glassy, siliceous slag is a by-product of smelting ores in blast furnaces. When finely ground, it
blast-furnace slag is a reactive pozzolan and is used in blended cements. It is also written as GGBS and as ground
(GGBFS) slag. See also latent hydraulic cement.
ground slag Short form of ground granulated blast-furnace slag.
hard-burnt quicklime Quicklime produced by burning at higher temperatures than needed. It slakes slowly and is
less reactive than soft-burnt quicklime.
hardening The chemical hardening of a binder (such as lime or cement) to form a solid material. It
follows stiffening. See also setting.
high-calcium lime Pure lime. Quicklime or hydrated lime containing at least 80% available lime as CaO or
Ca(OH)₂ respectively. EN 459 uses the designation CL 90.
hot lime mortar Mortar made by slaking quicklime in conjunction with the sand, which is then used while still
hot or warm. See also hot-mixing and sand-slaking.
hot-mixing Making mortar by slaking quicklime with the sand, resulting in a hot mix. The terms sand-
slaking and hot lime mortar distinguish between those mortars that are used cold after a
period of maturing and those that are used while still hot or warm from the slaking process.
Glossary 123
limewash A coating material produced by thinning lime putty with water to a thin, milk-like consistency.
It may include additives and pigments.
limewater A solution of lime in water, the clear liquid above a settled lime putty. It is used as a
consolidant for weak bricks, limestone, mortar and plaster.
loamy sand A soft sand containing clay, silt and humic (soil) material.
low-alkali cement Portland cement that contains low proportions of the alkalis, sodium and potassium, in order
to avoid alkali-silica reactions with aggregates.
masonry Clay bricks, concrete bricks or blocks, stone and terracotta (the masonry units) laid in mortar
to form walls or other structures.
masonry cement Cementitious material for use in mortars for masonry construction, containing Portland
cement with fillers and plasticisers or air-entraining agents to improve workability.
mason’s putty An Australian term for a putty-like mortar made with lime putty, whiting, linseed oil and very
fine sand (which is sometimes omitted). It is used in narrow-jointed ashlar masonry. It is also
known as oil putty.
mastic Waterproof, flexible sealant used in building applications. See also elastomeric sealant.
matrix The fine material in a mortar, including the binder and any pozzolan.
maturing The ageing of lime putty, leading to finer particle sizes and greater workability. Like wine, you
need to start with good material. It also applies to lime mortars which improve with maturing
before use.
milk of lime Lime putty thinned with water to a milk-like consistency. See also limewash.
mineralogy The scientific study of minerals.
mortar Any material that in wet, paste form can be used to lay masonry or make plasters and renders,
and which then stiffens and hardens. It applies to clay-bound materials as well as those bound
with limes or cement. Mortars generally consist of binder and aggregate.
mud Colloquial term for mortar.
natural cement Hydraulic cement made from a single, natural, raw material, commonly an argillaceous
limestone. It hardens rapidly due to its calcium aluminate components. It is also known as
Roman cement.
natural hydraulic lime Hydraulic lime made by calcining impure limestone that naturally contains silica or
(NHL) aluminosilicates in suitable proportions, without any additions. EN 459 uses the designation
non-hydraulic lime Relatively pure limes including lime putty and hydrated lime that harden by reacting with
carbon dioxide in the air (carbonation) rather than with water. Air lime, fat lime and high-
calcium lime are alternative terms for pure or non-hydraulic lime.
pencilling (brickwork) The use of a thin paintbrush, known as a pencil, to paint the ruled line (or other surface) of a
joint in white or black to contrast with the jointing or pointing mortar.
permeability The property of a porous material that allows gas (such as water vapour) and liquids (such as
water) to pass through it. Permeable materials breathe; impermeable materials don’t.
perpend A perpendicular, vertical or cross joint in masonry, often shortened to ‘perp’. See also bed joint.
pinning stones Small pieces of stone that are ‘pinned’ into wide joints in rubble stonework to compact the
mortar and reduce shrinkage.
plaster A mortar applied to walls and ceilings in a plastic state and which later hardens. External
plasters are commonly known as renders.
plaster setting coat The thin, finishing coat of internal plasters. It was made of lime putty and fine sand (fine stuff
or setting stuff) in early buildings and later of mixtures of lime putty and plaster of Paris
(gypsum plaster).
Glossary 125
sacrificial mortar A mortar designed to fail in preference to the adjacent masonry, and so protect it. A sacrificial
mortar will be significantly more porous and permeable, and of lower strength than the
masonry units.
salt attack The progressive decay of masonry materials due to cyclic crystallisation or hydration of
soluble salts within the pores of the material.
salt damp A term originating in South Australia that neatly combines the two discrete phenomena of salt
attack and rising damp.
sand-carrying The amount of sand that a binder can carry in a mix. A pure (fat) lime will carry up to three
capacity parts of well-graded sand. Because of the presence of some inert material, a natural hydraulic
lime will carry up to about two and a half parts of the same sand.
sand-slaking Slaking of quicklime in conjunction with the sand to produce a mortar, which is then matured
before use. It is also known as dry-slaking, when a minimum of water (sufficient only to slake
the quicklime) is used initially. See also hot-mixing.
setting The stiffening and hardening of a mortar, plaster or render to form a solid mass.
sharp sand Sand that is angular and so feels sharp when rubbed in the hand.
silica Silicon dioxide: SiO₂. When it is crystalline, it is the mineral quartz which is found in many
sands. When it is amorphous, it is a potentially reactive pozzolan.
silica fume A reactive form of amorphous silica used as a pozzolan in concretes.
silicates Minerals which contain silicon, oxygen and other elements, such as aluminium, calcium, iron,
magnesium and sodium.
siliceous Rocks or sediments consisting of or containing silica.
size grading of sand The distribution of particle sizes (grain sizes) in a sand. It is also known as granulometry. See
also sorting of sands, poorly graded sand and well-graded sand.
slag cement Cement based on GGBFS. It may also contain Portland cement.
slaked lime (putty) Lime putty or hydrated lime, both of which have been produced by slaking quicklime, though
the term is commonly limited to lime putty.
slaking Like a thirst, quicklime is slaked (or slacked) by adding water. The product of slaking
quicklime is slaked or hydrated lime.
slurry A thin mixture of solid material in water. Mortar mixes intended for grouting are made into
slurries by the addition of plasticisers.
soaking Making a form of lime putty by mixing hydrated lime powder with water and leaving it to
stand and settle out. This is not slaking.
soft-burnt quicklime Quicklime produced by burning (calcining) the raw material at relatively low temperatures,
ideally 900–950˚C. If pure, it will be very reactive when slaked. See also hard-burnt quicklime.
soft sand Sand that feels soft in the hand because it is fine grained and loam rich (clay, silt and
organics). It is not the direct opposite of a sharp sand.
sorting of sands A term used by geologists to describe the maturity of a sediment in a stream. Well-sorted sand
will have relatively uniform grain sizes whereas poorly sorted sand will have a broad range of
grain sizes. Sorting and grading are inversely related: a well-graded sand is poorly sorted, and a
poorly graded sand is well sorted.
specific surface area The total surface area of all the particles of a material (such as sand), measured for a standard
quantity (such as a gram weight).
stiffening The initial setting of a mortar as a result of the loss of water by suction into the masonry and
by evaporation. Stiffening is followed by hardening.
stopping A tuck-pointing term for the coloured mortar applied to the face of the bedding mortar joints,
before adding the tuck ribbon or bead.
Glossary 127
30 Further reading
Ward, J.D. & Maxwell, I. (eds) 1996. “The Historic Scotland ASTM C1324-20. Standard test method for examination and
international lime conference.” Proceedings of the analysis of hardened masonry mortar.
September 1995 conference. The Building Limes Forum and ASTM C1489-15. Standard specification for lime putty for
Historic Scotland, Lime News 4:1. structural purposes.
Wendler, E. & Charola, A.E. 2008. “Water and its interaction ASTM C1713-17. Standard specification for mortars for the
with porous inorganic building materials”. In: De Clercq, H. repair of historic masonry.
& Charola, A.E. (eds) Hydrophobe V: proceedings of the fifth
ASTM E2260-03(2012)e1. Standard guide for repointing
international conference on water-repellent treatment of building
(tuckpointing) historic masonry.
materials, Brussels, April 2008. Aedificatio Publishers,
Freiburg, Germany, pp 57–74. British Standards and related documents
Winnefeld, F. & Böttger, K.G. 2006. “How clayey fines in BS 1199 and 1200:1976 (AMD 5126, 1986). Specifications for
aggregates influence the properties of lime mortars”. building sands from natural sources. (Replaced by BS EN
Materials and Structures, Volume 39, No. 4, 433–443. 13139:2002, but remains current).
PD 6678:2005. Guide to the specification of masonry mortar.
PD 6682-3:2003. Aggregates – Part 3: Aggregates for mortar –
Guidance on the use of BS EN 13139.
HTC 2:2020. Repointing with lime mortars. Heritage Council Queensland Department of Environment and Science
of Victoria, Melbourne.
WA Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage – Historic
30.5 Audiovisual training materials Heritage
St Astier Limes. 2009. Making lime mortars. Building &
pointing with lime. The Master Stroke DVD Tutorial series historic-heritage
Scottish Lime Centre Trust. 2008. Traditional masonry
building repair. DVD format. (
Scottish Lime Centre Trust. 2021. Training video 2:
Repointing traditional masonry. Online (https://www.
Index 133
crushed porous limestone 10, 68, 74, see fines (clay and silt) 42–45, 47–51, 112 artificial 3, 25
also porous aggregate finger trowels 8, 11, 12, 108–109 classification 26
cultural significance see significance HL (as in EN 459) 26
flexural (bending) strength 4, 36, 49, 62
cumulative size-grading plots 42–46, 50, hydraulic reactivity see hydraulicity
fly ash 12, 30–31, 33–34, 68–69
51, 54
forced action mixer 10, 78–79, 99–101 I
curing 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23, 25, 32, 62, 68, 94,
107, 112–113, 114 formulate lime (FL) 25, 26 impurities (in limes) 20, 24
cutting out 11, 104–106 free lime 26, 27, 29, 30, 33 impurities (in sands) 39–40
frost damage protection 11, 57, 76, 112 incompatible mortar 65, 67, 81, 88
initial rate of absorption (IRA) 16, 56,
dampening 11, 56, 107, 110, see also G
72–73, 107, see also suction, controlling
pre-wetting gauging see batching
initial stiffening see stiffening
dampness 67, 68, 71, 90, 104, see also glazing putty 80
falling dampness, rising damp, salt ion chromatography 83, 87
damp grading of sands 39, 41–54, 72–73
iron sulfate see copperas
damp-proof course 61, 65, 116 grain shape 10, 12, 39–41, 48, 91, 114
iron sulfide 30, 40
decay mechanisms 34, 37, 38, 40, 63, granulometry 39, 41–54, 72–73
65–67, 81, 82–83, 90, 93 green vitriol see copperas J
deep packing see deep repointing ground granulated blast-furnace slag jointing tools (keys) 8, 12, 108–109
deep repointing 92, 101, 115–116 (GGBFS) 12, 30–32, 33–34, 37, 66, joint profiles 10, 59, 66, 93–95, 110–111
68–69, 93
density of limes 21–23, 24, 68–69, 70,
98–99 ground limestone see filler, mineral K
di-calcium silicate see belite ground slag see ground granulated kaolinite group minerals 47, 51
blast-furnace slag
disc cutter 104–105, see also angle grinder knocking up 10, 76, 78–79, 89, 98, 102
gypsum 27–28, 31, 34, 37
dissolution of lime 23, 116
dolomitic lime 17 H laitance 110–111
drying behaviour 14, 47, 67, 94, see also hardening 9, 11, 18–20, 23, 25, 28, 30–32,
lampblack 59–60, 96
premature drying, rapid drying 36–37, 53–54, 56, 57, see also stiffening
larry 10, 76, 79, 89, 100
drying wick see drying behaviour hazards 18–19, 103
latent hydraulic cement 34
dry-slaking 23, 76, see also sand-slaking health and safety 18, 80–81, 100, 103
lead white 80, 103
durability 4–5, 16, 57, 63, 65, 70, 110–111, 112 helical blade mixer 10, 78
lean lime 20
heritage significance see significance
E lean mix 72, 114
heritage value 55, 63, 65, 91, 94, 100, see
earth mortar 2, 5, 15, 47, 92, see also clay as also significance lime and pozzolan mortars 9, 25, 36–37,
a binder 64–65, 68–69
high-calcium lime 20, see also calcium
elasticity 3, 5, 10, 31, 36, 62–63, 69, 70, limes lime burning 5, 13, 15, 17
93, 115
hot-mixing 23, 76, see also sand-slaking lime–cement spectrum 35
elastomeric sealant 81, 103, 109
hot-weather work 9, 23, 112 lime cycle 20
eminently hydraulic lime 26, 35, see also
humidity 11, 23, 112–113 lime inclusions, knots see lime lumps
natural hydraulic lime
hungry mortar 52, 73 lime lumps 75–77, 85, 97, 100
European Standard EN 459 17, 24–26, 70
hungry sand 5, 48, 52 lime putty 3, 5, 7, 17–22, 36, 61, 68–69, 80,
evaporation 10, 23, 67, 113
exposure conditions/levels 4, 64–65, 68, 82 hydrated lime 3, 5, 15, 17–22, 24–25, 36, 61,
68–69 in practice 9, 10, 72–74, 76–79, 93,
exposure-grade bricks 5, 16, 70 98–102, 108, 114
in practice 10, 12, 72–73, 98–99, 102
limewash 7, 15, 21, 60, 63, 92, 103
F hydration 11, 18–20, 24–25, 36–37, 53,
112–113 linseed oil 57, 66, 80, 93
falling dampness 87, 90, 115
hydraulic cement see cement low-fired bricks 5, 16, 53, 64–65, 93
fat lime 20, 35, see also non-hydraulic lime
hydraulicity 25–26, 37, 68–69, 76, 86
feebly hydraulic lime 26, 35, see also M
natural hydraulic lime hydraulic index 26
masking tape 11, 108
ferrite 28, 30 hydraulic lime 3, 5, 6, 9, 15, 17, 20, 24–26,
28, 35–37, see also natural hydraulic mason’s hoe see larry
filler, mineral 5, 9, 30, 54, 68–69 lime mason’s putty 10, 54, 66, 80, 93
mortar mixers 10, 78–79, 99–101 pozzolans 3, 12, 25, 30, 33–34, 36–37, 53, 103 safety see health and safety
mortar mixes see mix proportions, in mortar mixes 33–34, 36–37, 62–65, salt attack decay 31, 34, 37, 40, 65–67, 81,
mortar types 68–69 87, 93
in practice 6, 9, 10, 12, 33–34, 98–102, salt damp 9, 12, 65, 115–116, see also rising
mortar saws see oscillating blade tools
112, 116 damp
mortar smears 8, 12, 107, 108
premature drying 8, 9, 11, 16, 56, 107, 114 salt testing 83, 87
mortar types 62, 64–66, 68–69
premixed mortar 21, 79, 100 sample biscuits 91
multi-tools see oscillating blade tools
pre-wetting 8, 9, 11, 16, 56, 92, 107, 114 sand 5, 7, 9, 10, 39–55
N protecting works 11, 12, 23, 25, 112–113 blending 51–52, 55
pure lime see non-hydraulic lime bricklaying 5, 9, 16, 48–49, 51
National Construction Code (NCC) see
Building Code of Australia clay content 42–45, 47–51, 112
putty see lime putty, mason’s putty
concrete 39, 49, 51
natural cement 3, 15, 27–28, 31–32
damp 10, 49, 99, 101
natural hydraulic lime (NHL) 3, 7, 24–26, Q
dry 9, 10, 78, 98–99, 101–102
28, 36–37, see also hydraulic lime quartz 39–40, 45, 47, 52, see also silica
dry-screened 39, 45
chemistry 25 quicklime 5, 10, 17–20, 23, 25, 61, 68–69, fines (clay and silt) 42–45, 47–51, 112
classification 24, 26 76, 78, 103
grain shape 10, 12, 39–41, 48, 91, 114
in mortar mixes 36–37, 62–66, 68–69, quicklime mortar 23, 55, 76, 100–101 hungry 5, 48, 52
in practice 6, 12, 72–73, 93, 108, 112, 116
impurities 39–40
non-hydraulic lime 3, 5, 15, 17–19, 35–36, R
plastering and rendering 39, 44
68, see also hydrated lime, lime raking out 11, 104–106 poorly graded 5, 41–46, 48–49, 54, 68,
putty, quicklime
rapid drying 72–73
of new mortars 11, 107, 112–113, see screening 39, 45, 46, 49, see also size
also premature drying grading
occupational health and safety see health sharp 9, 10, 16, 39–41, 52, 72–73, see
of walls after rain 4, 14, 65–66
and safety also surface texture
rapid-hardening cement 31
oscillating-blade tools 11, 104–105 size grading 39, 41–54, 72–73
reference panels 110–111 soft 5, 39–41, 49, see also surface texture
overdosing (of admixtures) 30, 57, 114
relative humidity see humidity specific surface area 47
overworking 110
render 15, 18, 21, 27, 31, 44, 63 surface texture 39–41, 53, 72
P repointing 1–12, 90–116 uniform 5, 10, 41, 43, 48, see also
poorly graded
particle size distribution see size grading joint filling 108–109
void ratio 3, 48–50, 52, 61, 68, 72–73, 114
pencilling 59, 96 joint finishing 110–111
washed 7, 10, 39–41, 49, 51
joint preparation 104–107
permeability 4, 14, 27–28, 34, 62–68, well-graded 5, 7, 10, 16, 40–46, 48–49,
85–86, 93–94, 110, 114 key decisions 90–97
61–62, 68, 72–74
Index 135
sand-carrying capacity 20, 69 smears see mortar smears pointing 108, 110
sand-slaking 10, 23, 55, 61, 76–78, 100–101 smectite 45, 47, 51 tuck pointing 4, 59, 95
scratch test 84 spalling (of edges) 12, 36, 38
sealant see elastomeric sealant specifications 44–46, 49, 117–118, see also
standards undersetting 9, 32, 62, 116
setting 23, see also hardening, stiffening
specific surface area (of aggregates) 47
settling test 50–51 V
standards see ASTM, Australian
selection of mortars 64–66, 68–69 visual analysis 83–84
Standards, British Standard BS 1200
shells (as aggregate) 39, 41, 52–53 and European Standard EN 459 void ratio 3, 48–50, 52, 61, 68, 72–73, 114
shrinkage 11, 52–53, 57, 79, 92, 102, 109 stereomicroscopy 83–85
shrinkage cracking 44–45, 47, 73, 80, stiffening 23, 114, see also hardening
85–86, 110–111 water demand 47, 53–54, 60
stopping mortar 4, 59, 95
sieve analysis (of aggregates) 41–45, see water lime see hydraulic lime
stucco 27, 60, 92
also size grading (of sands) water-retaining agent 57, 68–69, 74, 114
suction, controlling 9, 11, 16, 56, 57, 72–74,
sieves 39, 42, 44, 46, 49–50 water retentivity 36, 41, 48, 54, 72–74, 114
significance 53, 55, 63–66, 68, 82–83, 94, water thickener see water-retaining agent
sulfate salts 30–31, 34, 40, 52, 60, 63, 87
100, see also heritage value
swelling clay 45, 47, 51 weathered appearance see aged
silica 24–26, 33, 39, 54, 103 appearance
silicates 20, 24–25, 27–28, 30, 33, 35, 39, 75 T wet chemical analyses 82–83, 86
silt 39–40, 42–43, 45, 47, 49–50, 53, 55 tamping 11, 92, 96, 110–111 wetting and drying cycles 11, 23, 25,
size grading (of sands) 39, 41–54, 72–73 112–113
TDS (total dissolved solids) 83, 87
slag white cement 28, 30–31
thermal analysis 83, 87
cement 30, 32, 37, 69 whiting 80, 93
thermal expansion 12, 36, 38, 64, 67, 116
as a pozzolan 12, 30–32, 33–34, 37, 66, workability 3, 4, 7, 16, 20–21, 36, 41, 45, 48,
68–69, 93 thin section examination see polarised
54, 56, 57, 68, 72–74
light microscopy
slaked lime see non-hydraulic lime in practice 9, 10, 72–74, 79, 98–102,
trass 12, 33, 68–69 108, 114
slaked lime putty see lime putty
tri-calcium silicate see alite
slaking quicklime 18–20, 23, 55, 61, 76–78,
trowels X
100–101, 103
caulking, finger 8, 11, 12, 108–109 X-ray diffraction (XRD) 51, 83, 86–87
slurry 22, 79, 98–99, 102, 108