Relativity Set01
Relativity Set01
Relativity Set01
Part 1:
1. Show that Maxwell’s equations are not invariant under the Galilei
2. Use the K-calculus and arrive at the relativistic composition law from the formula
kAC = kAB kBC .
3. Use Lorentz transformation to show that perpendicular lines in one frame need
not be perpendicular in another frame. Now if S and S’ are in standard
configuration with v = aC (0 < a < 1) and a rod at rest in S’ makes an angle
30° with O’x’ and 45° with Ox, find a.
4. Show that a vector orthogonal to a timelike vector is spacelike.
5. Derive the k-factor from the Lorentz transformation. Referring to figure below, a
photon is emitted at time T and received in a frame moving away at time kT .
The time t is the time T plus the time for the photon to travel the distance x,
t = T + x/c. Incorporate the Lorentz transformation which relates the
coordinates assigned to the same event and show that k is given by:
k= 1−β
Part 2:
Problem Set 1 1
1. How fast has a sphere of diameter D to be moved to pass through a circular hole
(diameter d) in a plane sheet of paper?
3. Group Theory
a. Expand Rz (δθ), Ry (δθy ),Rx (δθx )(rotation around each axis in 3D) for δθs
being infinitesimal and find the generators of the group SO(3).
c. Do the same for Lorentz transformations (you don’t have to repeat the
rotation part, just derive the relations for boosts)
4. Show that the sum of two timelike vectors, both pointing into the future (i.e. with
positive timelike components) is again timelike and pointing into the future.
βAB +βBC kAC −1
5. Derive equation βAC = 1+βAB βBC
from βAC = 2
kAC +1
(You can use : k = 1−β
Problem Set 1 2