Gouy Method For Magnetic Susceptibility
Gouy Method For Magnetic Susceptibility
Gouy Method For Magnetic Susceptibility
To determine the magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic sample by measuring the
force exerted on the sample by a magnetic field gradient
The electron has an intrinsic angular momentum characterized by a quantum number
. The quantized angular momentum of a free electron is S
1 . The intrinsic
angular momentum can be crudely visualized as an intrinsic current loop which produced a
magnetic moment. Thus each electron in the universe is a tiny magnet. (You will learn more
about this in your quantum mechanics and atomic physics courses. Do not visualize the
electron like a spinning top. Spin angular momentum is a truly intrinsic fundamental;
property of the electron).
You maybe familiar with the filling of atomic shells for a many-electron atom
(Hunds rule, Aufbau principle etc). Configurations in which the shell is fully filled results in
zero net spin quantum number and net orbital angular momentum quantum number. Such
atoms, eg. Argon, Neon etc., do not have a net magnetic moment and referred to as
diagmagents. Atoms which do not have fully filled outer shell possess a net magnetic
moment (eg. Fe, Ni etc.). A collection of such atoms which forms a gas, liquid of solid is
magnetic since in the presence of an applied field the tiny moments can swing in the
direction of the field. This behavior is affected by the temperature of the sample (more on
this in your Statistical physics course). If the tiny moments do not interact with each other
the materials is referred to as a paramagnet. Interaction among moments results in
ferromagnets or antiferromagnets (You will read about the origins of ferromagnetism in
your statistical physics, condensed matter and atomic physics courses.1)
Consider a paramagnet at room temperature subject to a magnetic field H. An
obvious quantity of interest is the magnetization, M (magnetic moment (m) per unit
volume). The magnetic susceptibility () is defined as ratio of the magnetization to the
Just to get you interested we mention as astonishing fact: ferromagnetism arises due to a combination of
the Coulomb repulsion between electrons and how it is influenced by Paulis exclusion principle.
Ferromagnetism cannot be modeled by considering dipole-dipole interactions!
o H 2 o 1 m H 2
2 air 2o sample
Here m is the magnetic susceptibility. Which for small magnetic fields 3 is defined as
, where M is the magnetization.
where V is the volume of the sample. Connect equations (1) and (2).
If there is a gradient in the magnetic field along the z direction, the sample experiences a
force per unit volume given by (assuming m is uniform throughout the sample)
dU o m d
2 dz
Thus the force is produced by the non-uniform field. A simple way to produce a field
gradient is to use a specimen in the form of a long rod or tube filled with power or liquid
placed between the pole pieces of an electromagnet which produced a uniform magnetic
field as shown in the figure.
Since the length over which the uniform magnetic field is produced is much smaller than
the sample length, the sample experiences a field gradient. In this case the total force is given
F fAdz A
o m
H 22 A
o m
where l1-l2 is the length of the sample tube and A its area of cross-section and H1 and H2 are
the magnetic field strengths along the z axis as indicated in the above figure. Now think of a
physical balance in which the sample tube is hung from one side and is subject to a magnetic
field. The other side has the standard weight pan as shown in figure 1. When the magnetic
field is zero the weight of the sample is determined by the physical balance and is entirely
due to gravity. When the field is switched on the magnetic force manifests as an apparent
weight change of the sample (will the weight increase or decrease? How is this related to
magnetic nature of the sample?). The force can easily be measured in terms of a weight by
determining the new weight of the sample. This is known as a Guoy balance after the French
physicist Louis Georges Gouy. A modern version of the Guoy balance available in the
laboratory uses a digital balance instead of a physical balance.
Are you justified in neglecting H2? If you keep decreasing the amount of power you
take at what height does the method fail ? Verify this.
The Guoy balance, the powder specimen (FeCl2 or Fe2SO4) in a glass tube, dc power supply
for the magnet.
As before, find the weight of the filled glass tube in different applied magnetic fields
(both for the increasing and decreasing fields). (Why do this? When can you expect a
difference in readings taken for increasing and decreasing fields)
o m
H 22 A
o m
Plot a graph between m and H2 to determine the susceptibility. This gives the susceptibility
of a given volume. Compute the molar susceptibility of the sample. What is smallest
susceptibility change that can be measured in the instrument? Is this sufficient to detect
diamagnetism? Can you use this method for ferromagnets?
Are there gradients in the other two perpendicular directions? When can we neglect their
1. Reduce the current through the coils to zero slowly and then switch off the power
2. DO NOT change the distance between the pole-pieces.
3. Switch off the digital balance. The glass tube is taken out of the balance and kept on
the table. The power supply to the electro magnet is also turned off.
Table I
tube (gm)
Table II
coils (A)
Fig. 1. The conventional Guoy balance. NS is an electromagnet with power supply and AB is
the experimental glass tube. In your experiment the physical balance will be replaced
by an accurate digital balance.
1. Think of a way in which the susceptibility could be measured by holding the sample
fixed and working with moving magnets (Known as Evans design).
2. Think of other areas when magnetic forces play a role.