Half Shade Polarimeter
Half Shade Polarimeter
Half Shade Polarimeter
To determine the specific rotation of sugar solution using half shade polarimeter .
Polarimeter, polarimeter tube, sodium vapour lamp, sodium vapour lamp power supply, measuring
flask, main’s cord, beaker, sucrose(sugar)powder, distilled water.
𝑙 = length of tube in dm
Half shade polarimeter is a simple and useful apparatus for understanding the concept of polarization.
With the help of Half shade polarimeter , polarization can be studied as well as analysed.
Half shade polarimeter is based on Biots law, When a plane polarized light is passed through an optically
active substance, the plane of polarization of light gets rotated. We can analyse polarization using an optically
active substance in both solid as well as in solution form.
Half shade polarimeter consists of three main components, a polarizer, a half wave plate and an
analyser. Polarizer is a polaroid used to produce a plane polarized light. Analyser is also a polaroid
used to read the angle of rotation as a result of optical activity. In order to find out the effect of
relative rotation between the polaroids on intensity of transmitted light, we are using a half wave
plate. A half wave plate is a crystal plate that separates the incident light wave into ordinary and
extra-ordinary light waves. And the plate thickness is such as produce a phase difference of 180 0
between the ordinary and extra-ordinary light waves. Comparing the brightness of the two halves of
half wave plate, one can easily find out the optical rotation produced by an optically active substance
in solution form.
If half wave plate is excluded from the arrangement, we can still read the angle of rotation by comparing
the positions of minimum intensity. The positions of minimum intensity are read separately for
distilled water and for an optically active substance in solution form. But this measurement will be
correct only up to ±20 since eye is unable to judge the exact position of minimum intensity of image.
Thus for better accuracy, half shade polarimeter is used which involves comparing the brightness of two halves
in the field of view.
1. First connect the sodium vapour lamp power supply with mains. Then connect it with the light source
enclosure with the help of main’s cord. Then switch ON the power supply.
2. Wait for 30minutes till the lamp glows bright yellowish.
3. Place the Teflon plate end of polarimeter in front of the sodium lamp.
4. Adjust their level to bright illuminate the Teflon plate of polarimeter normally.
5. Now clean the polarimeter tube and fill it with distilled water.
6. Place the tube horizontally inside the space provided for polarimeter tube in the centre of
polarimeter. Have a view through the polarimeter’s analyser end and adjust it for maximum intensity.
7. Observe two halves of different illumination in the field of view as shown in figure.
8. Rotate the analyser by 3600 to find four positions of equal brightness or uniform illumination. Out of
these four, two positions are comparatively brighter on a rotation difference of 180 0. We have to read
these two positions only.
9. Rotate then analyser along clockwise direction to obtain the first position of uniform illumination.
Note the circular scale reading.
10. Further rotate the analyser in the clockwise direction to obtain second position. Again read the
circular scale.
11. Now moving along the anticlockwise direction, re-obtain the first and second positions of uniform
illumination. Read the two positions again.
Never connect the sodium vapour lamp directly to the main power supply.
Avoid formulation of air bubble inside polarimeter tube. If bubble is formed, keep the tube
horizontal to trap the bubble within the central bulge.
The value of specific rotation at room at room temperature S = deg ml g-1dm-1