Labor Finals Reviewer
Labor Finals Reviewer
Labor Finals Reviewer
Q:What do wages include? Art. 98. This title does not apply to the following. (FDP)
A:1. Remuneration/Earnings. 1. Farm tenancy or leasehold.
2.Fair and reasonable value of board, lodging, or other facilities customarily 2. Domestic service.
furnished by the employer to the employee. –such is deductible to the wages but it 3. Persons working in their respective homes in needle work or in any cottage
may not be so high that the employee will complain underpayment of wages. industry.
*FACILITIES vs. SUPPLEMENTS Art. 99. Minimum Wage – Those prescribed by the Regional Tripartite Wages and
-Facilities shall include articles or services for the benefit of the employee or his Productivity Boards.
family but shall not include tools of the trade or articles or service primarily for the
benefit of the employer and the conduct of his business. *Statutory minimum wage – is the lowest wage rate fixed by law that an employer
-Facilities are wage deductible, supplements are not. can pay his workers. Compensation which is less than such shall constitute
-Supplements constitute extra remuneration or special privileges or benefits given underpayment of wages.
to or received by the laborers over and above their ordinary earning or wages. Note: The minimum must be fair and just and shall by no means imply only the
-Facilities are items of expense necessary for the laborer’s and his family’s actual minimum. Some margin or lee way must be provided for contingencies and
existence and subsistence that by express provision of law, they form part of the rising prices of commodities. This is provided for by RA 6727 (Wage Rationalization
wage when furnished and deductible therefrom. Act) where there were wage orders issued for each region primarily designed for
-the distinction between the two does not lie in the kind but the purpose. the benefit of the low income earners.
-the payment of minimum wage is not dependent on the financial condition of
*Requirements for deducting value of Facilities! (CPF) the company. It is a mandatory requirement and not compliance of such is a clear
1. Proof must be shown that such facilities are customarily furnished by the trade. violation of our labor laws. It is a mandatory statutory obligaton on the part of the
2. Provision of deductible facilities must be voluntarily accepted in writing by the employer.
3. Facilities must be charged at fair and reasonable value. *Employees are not estopped to claim or receive deficiency of wages even if he
was paid with the lower wage without objection. He is not precluded from suing
*Salary vs. Gratuity for the difference between the amount received and the amount he should have
-A gratuity is something given freely, or without recompense, a gift; something received pursuant to the minimum wage laws.
voluntary given in return for a favor or services and purely out of generosity while
Salary is a compensation or remuneration given in exchange for labor/work. *Exempted from the minimum wage law. (H3-CR)
-Gratuity is not mandatory, Salary is. 1. Household and Domestic helpers.
2. Homeworkers engaged in needle work.
”Fair Day’s Wage for Fair day’s labor” – It simply means that If there is no work 3. Homeworkers engaged in any duly registered Cottage industries.
performed by the employee, there can be no wage or pay unless he is able, willing 4. Workers in duly registered Cooperative.
and ready to work but was prevented by the management to do so. Thus, where 5. Retail/Service establishments regularly employing not more than (10) workers.
the failure of the workers to work is not the fault of the employer, the burden for (Must apply for exemptions in the Regional board)
economic loss must not be shifted to the employer. Each party must bear his own
loss. Art. 100. Nondiminution of Benefits. (Refers to supplements & benefits) – in no
case shall the minimum wage law remove supplements or benefits enjoyed by
”Equal pay for equal work” – employees performing similar functions and employees before and after such passing.
responsibilities under similar working conditions should be paid under this
*To apply, the ff. must be present: (FCND) *Allowed:
1. The grant of the benefit must be founded on a policy or has ripened into a 1. Money/ Legal tender
practice over a long period. 2. Money order/check – if such manner of payment is customary.
2. The practice is consistent and deliberate. *Not allowed: (PVC-TTCA)
3. The practice is not due to error in the construction or application of a doubtful 1. Promissory Notes
or difficult question of law. 2. Vouchers
4. The diminution or discontinuance is done unilaterally by the employer. 3. Coupons
4. Tokens
*Exceptions to the NONDIMINUTION rule! (CRWN-CBP) 5. Tickets
1. Correction or errors. 6. Chits
2. Reclassification of Position. 7. Any object other than legal tender even if expressly requested by the employee.
3. Wage order compliance.
4. Negotiated Benefits. *Where the employee alleges non-payment of wages, the employer has the
5. Contingent benefits or conditional bonus. burden to prove such payment.
6. Benefits on reimbursement basis.
7. Productivity incentives. Art. 103. Time of Payment – once every two weeks, twice a month at intervals not
exceeding 16 days.
*THIRTEENTH MONTH PAY. Art. 104. Place of Payment
-It is mandatory regardless of absence of written contract. (GR) At the place of work or near the place of undertaking.
-13th month pay is a form of monetary benefit equivalent to the monthly basic Except:
compensation received by an employee, computed pro-rata according to the 1. By reason of deterioration of peace and order conditions.
number of months within a year that the employee has rendered service to the 2. When the employer provides free transportation.
employer. 3. under any analogous circumstances.
-All rank-and-file employees regardless of the nature of their employment, and 4. Payment through banks – if there is a written permission to the majority of
irrespective of the methods by which they are paid, provided they worked for at employees and when such bank is feasibly accessibly within the vicinity.
least one month during a calendar year.
“Contracting” refers to the completion or performance of a job, work, or service
*Piece-rate/Output-rate workers. within a given period.
*They are entitled to the ff.: (ANS-HMOPO-13) “Labor-only contracting” is not really contracting because the arrangement is
1. Applicable Statutory minimum daily rate. merely to recruit or place people to be employed, supervised, and paid by another
2. If unsupervised, they are not entitled to Night differential/SIL. They are entitled (essential element), who, therefore is the employer. (Prohibited)
if supervised. (5 days SIL)
3. Holiday Pay – equivalent to his average daily earnings for the last 7 consecutive *Elements of L-O-C. (Confirming elements)
working days immediately preceding the regular holiday provided it is not less than 1. The contractor or subcontractor does not have substantial capital or investment
the statutory minimum wage. which relates to the job, work or service to be performed by the employees
4. Meal and Rest periods. recruited, supplied or placed.
5. Overtime pay (conditional) 2. The contractor does not exercise the right to control over the performance of
6. Premium pay (conditional) the work of the contractual employee.
7. 13th Month Pay (exception to the exemption of payment to those who are paid a
fixed amount for performing specific work.) Q: When is one considered as a legitimate contractor?
8. Other benefits granted by law. A: If he is a job contractor and not a labor-only contractor and he is properly
registered in accordance with D.O. No. 18-02.
Art. 102. Forms of Payment.
*Examples of Independent Contractor. 3. Amount of deduction is fair and reasonable and shall not exceed the actual loss
1. Dealership or damage.
2. Commission Agent 4. Deduction from employee’s wage does not exceed 20% of the employees wage
3. Messengerial/Janitorial Service. in a week.