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Chapter 8 Rizal

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Background of the Publication of the Noli
Toward the end of 1884, Rizal started to write Noli in Madrid and finished about one-
half of it. In Paris, 1885 while studying at the Universidad Central de Madrid, he
finished one-half of the second half. He finished the last fourth of Noli in Germany.
The last few chapter were written at Wilhelmsfeld in April-June 1886.

Violy finance Printing

Sick and penniless, Rizal had no hope of having it published, he received a
telegram from Dr. Maximo Viola that he was cominh to Berlin, Dr. Viola was a scion
of rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan. When Viola arrived before Christmas Day in
1887, he was shocked to find Rizal in poverty and was sick due to lack of proper
Viola gladly agreed to finance the printing cost of the Noli. He also loaned some
cash money for the living expenses. To save printing expenses, Rizal deleted
certain passages in his manuscript, including the whole chapter, Elias and Salome.
Printing of the Noli
Rizal with the help of Viola, supervised the printing of the Noli. Day by day, they
were at the printing shop proof-reading the printed pages. Noli came off the press
on March 21, 1887. First copies of the printed novel were sent to Rizal’s intimate
friends like Blumentritt, Dr. Antoni Ma. Regidor, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Mariano
Ponce and Felix R. Hidalgo.

On March 29, 1887. Rizal gave Viola the galley proofs of the Noli in token of his
appreciation and gratitude.

The Title of the Noli. Noli Me Tangere, which means “Touch Me Not” , was taken
from the bible, particularly the Gospel of St. John ( Chapter 20, Verses 13 to 28).
According to St. John, on the first Easter Sunday, St. Mary Magdalene visited the
Sepulcher, and to her Our Lord Jesus, Just risen from the dead said:
“Touch me Not”, I am not yet ascended to my Father, but go to my brethren and
say unto them. I ascend unto my Father and Your Father; and my God and your
Attackers and Defenders of the Noli

.Attackers: Defenders:
1. Fr. Jose Rodriguez, an Augustine priest 1. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
who published a series of eight (8) 2. Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor
pamphlets to discredit Noli. 3. Graciano Lopez Jaena
2. Father Font – printed and distributed 4. Mariano Ponce
copies to discredit the controversial 5. Father Sanchez, Rizal’s favorite teacher in the
novel. Ateneo
3. General Jose de Salamanca 6. Don Segismundo Moret, former Minister of
4. General Luis M. de Prado the Crown
5. Sr. Fernando Vida 7. Dr. Miguel Morayta, historian and stateman
6. Vicente Barrantes, the Spanish 8. Professor Blumentritt, scholar and educator
academician of Madrid who bitterly 9. Other Filipino reformists in foreign lands
criticized 10.Rev. Vicente Garcia , a Filipino priest-scholar
and a Tagalog translator
the Noli in an article published in La
11.Desiderio Magalong
Espana Moderna (Madrid newspaper) in
January 1890
9 most Important Characters in the Noli:

1. Crisostomo Ibarra

Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin, commonly called Ibarra, is Filipino-Spanish

and the only descendant of the wealthy Spaniard Don Rafael Ibarra. He was born and
grew up in the Philippines, but during his adolescence, spent seven years studying in
Europe. Those years prevented him from knowing what was happening in his country.
When he returned to the Philippines, he found his father had died and the corpse was
(supposedly) moved to a Chinese cemetery (but the body ended up in a river). He
heard tales of how helpful and kind his father had been and decided to honor the
memory of his father by doing as his father did.

2. Maria Clara
Maria Clara de los Santos y Alba is the most dominant yet weakest
representation of women in the setting. When thinking of Noli, the name of Maria
can be seen predominantly as the image of the ideal Filipino woman. Maria Clara is
the primary female character in the novel. She is the daughter of Capitan Tiago and
Dona Pia Alba. Dona Pia died while delivering Maria Clara.
9 most Important Characters in the Noli:

3. Padre Damaso Verdolagas ( commonly known as Padre Damaso/Padre Damaso

or Father Damaso), of Franciscan order, was the former curate of the parish church
of San Diego. He was the curate for almost twenty years before he replaced by much
younger Padre Salvi. Padre Damaso was known to be friendly with the Ibarra family,
so much that Crisostomo was surprised by what the former curate had done to Don

4. Kapitan Tiago
Don Santiago de los Santos commonly known as Kapitan Tiago, is the only son
of a wealthy trader in Malabon. Due to his mother’s cruelty, Kapitan Tiago did not
attain any formal education. He became a servant of a Dominican priest. When the
priest and his father died, Kapitan Tiago decided to assist in the family business of
trading before he met his wife Dona Pia Alba, who came from another wealthy family.
Because of their consistent devotion to Santa Clara in Obando, they were blessed
with a daughter who shared the same features as Padre Damaso, named Maria Clara
Kapitan Tiago owned numerous properties in Pampanga, Laguna and especially,
in San Diego.
9 most Important Characters in the Noli:

5. Pilosopo Tasyo
Don Anastacio commonly known as Filosofo tacio (Philosopher Tasyo) is one of
the most important charters in Noli. On the one hand, he is referred to as a
philosopher/sage (hence, Pilosopo Tasyo) because his ideas were accurate with the
minds of the townspeople. On the other hand, if his ideas were against the thinking
of the majority, he was considered the Imbecile Tacio (or Tasyong Sinto-sinto) or
Lunatic Tacio (Tasyong Baliw).

6. Elias
Elias came from the family which the Ibarra clan had oppressed for generations.
He grew up in wealthy family until he discovered something that changed his life
forever. Despite that Ibarra’s family subjugated his family, he is entirely indebted
towards him. Futhermore, Ibarra, who in turn, saved Elia’s life when they tried to kill
a crocodile. Elias helped him again before Ibarra gets arrested by burning his house.
Elias and Ibarra continued supporting each other until Elias sacrificed himself to help
him one last time. He was shot by the guards (mistakenly took as Ibarra trying to dive
down the river and escape) and slowly died.
9 most Important Characters in the Noli:

7. Dona Victorina
Dona Victorina de los Reyes de Espadana is the one who pretended to be a
meztisa (a Spaniard born in the Phillipines) and always dreamed of finding a Spanish
husband, in which she married Don Tiburcio.

8. Sisa
Narcisa is married to the man named Pedro and the mother of Basilio and Crispin.
She depicts how Filipino mothers love their children unquestionably. After days when
Crispin was held captive by Mang Tasyo, the owner of the sacristy, she was arrested,
locked up in the jail. One day later, she was pardoned by the town Alferez and was
released. However, when she returned home.

9. Dona Consolacion
Dona Consolacion, la musa de los guardias civiles y esposa del Alferez once a
laundry woman who worked for the town Alferez. She became wealthy after marrying
a Spanish husband . despite that are rivals with Donya Victorina, they are somewhat
What are the Characters of Noli represent:
(Reported by: Jenalyn Avila Rutsel Baguinang Katherine Guingab)
Rizal’s portrayal of the characters in the novel Noli Me Tangere is relevant to the
political and social classes during his time.
1. Crisostomo Ibarra Elias Kapitan Tiago Maria Clara Dona Victorina Pia Alba Don
Tiburcio Gobernador Heneral Alfonso Linares Alferez Pilosopo Tasyo Padre
Sibyla PadRE Salvi Padre Damaso Crispin Basilio Sisa Dona Consolacion.
The Characters Crisostomo Ibarra He has a liberal mind. Outspoken and
idealistic Patient and serious man. He becomes very violent snd
impulsive when he is provoken. Ibarra is Rizal’s reflection of himself. He
symbolizes the idealism of the privileged youth.

2. Elias. He distrusts human judgment and prefers God’s justice instead. He

prefers a revolution over the reforms. He represents the common Filipino. He
is said to be the personification of the Adres Bonifacio.

3. Kapitan Tiago He is said to be a good Catholic, friend of the Spanish

government. He symbolizes the rich Filipinos who oppress their fellow

4. Maria Clara, a religious woman. She was portrayed as a faithful sweetheart, a

good friend and an obedient daughter. She had childish simplicity. She gets easily nervous. Her
character is related to Rizal’s childhood sweetheart, Leonor
Rivera. She symbolizes the purity and innocence of a sheltered native woman.
5. Dona Victorina an ambitious Filipina. She symbolizes those who have a
distorted view of their identity. Wife of Don Tiburcio.

6. Don Tiburcio de Espadana Dona Victorina’s husband. He is timid and rarely

joins in conversation. Makes living as a quack doctor. Respresented the
ignorant Spaniards whose foolishness the other Spaniards tolerated, often
resulting in disastrous consequences for the natives.

7. Pia Alba a young, healthy and beautiful woman, a very spiritual woman. By
nature, a very merry woman but she became melancholic shen she became
pregnant. Pia Alba represent the women who had been abused by the clergy
and had been silenced by their shame.

8. Gobernador General he occupies the second most powerful rank in the

colonial government, second only to the king Supported Ibarra against Padre
Damaso Represented the typical Governor Generals of the Philippines who
would often disdain the power that the friars had.

9. A young and smart Spanish lawyer, Meek and shy Padre Damaso wanted
Maria Clara to marry him but she refused. Alfonso Linares represented the
young Spaniards who came to the Philippines hoping for a better life than in
their motherland.
10.Alferez Dona Consolascion’s husband Shares rivalry with the priest,
particularly Padre Salvi and frequently has violent fights with his wife
Represented the officials of the state who frequently had power struggles with
Church officials.

11.Pilosopo Tasyo Known as “Filosopo Tasyo”. He spent most if his money on

books and now lives in poverty Rizal can relate to his character as his oldest
brother, Paciano Rizal. He symbolizes the learned Filipinos. He is a pessimist.

12.Padre Hernando Sibyla. He is often cool and intelligent, especially when

correcting the other friar, Padre Damaso, of the latter’s ostentatiousness. A
Dominican friar who is the curate of Binondo and haad been a former professor
at San Juan de Letran College Symbolizes the liberal friar but would rather stay
in the background rather than incur the wrath of other priests in power. He is
aware of the injustices done to the natives but would not do anything to change
it, as all he cares about is getting his congregation in power.

13.Padre Bernardo Salvi Manipulates people to get what he wants. He is

described to be very thin and sickly. The Franciscan curate of San Diego,
secretly harboring lust for Maria Clara.

14.Padre Damaso. Talkative and cruel priest. He raped Dona Pia, Maria Clara’s
mother He continually antagonizes Ibarra and prevents his marriage to Maria
Clara He symbolizes the Spanish friars of Rizal’s time.
15.Sisa is the deranged mother of Basilio and Crispin. Described as beautiful and
young,although she loves her children very much, she cannot protect them
from the beating of her husband, Pedro. Personified the suffering of the
motherland. Named after Rizal’s older sister, Narcisa.

16.Basilio He is 10 years old. An acolyte tasked to ring the church bells for the
Angelus They represented the innocent who were wrongly accused of crimes
they did not commit. Their story was based on the true tale of the Crisostomo
brothers of Hagonoy.

17.Crispin He is 7 years old, often talks about silly things and is Sisa’s favorite son.
An altar boy, he was unjustly accused of stealing money from the church.

18.Dona Consolacion Wife of the Alferez of San Diego Often has violent
arguments with her husband pretends not to know Tagalog and often uses
Spanish words even if she does not the meaning Symbolizes the Filipinos in
our society who are ashames of their own race and nationality.



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