Science W1
Science W1
Science W1
II. CONTENT Special Properties of Matter Special Properties of Matter Materials that absorb water Materials that absorb water
(Subject Matter)
B. Establishing a purpose for In this lesson, you will discover We are all surrounded by many In our environment, there are Directions: Copy the table in your
the lesson the special properties of kinds of materials. These many and different materials Science notebook. List down 5
materials and the changes that materials come in different forms. that can be classified according materials found in your home
will happen when they are They can be: solids, liquids, or to its properties. Some that:
exposed to certain conditions. gases. Solids, like any other materials can be classified
You will learn how to classify materials have different based on its ability to absorb
materials based on their ability characteristics or properties. water while some materials can
to absorb water, float or sink in These characteristics or absorb water more than the
water , and undergo decay. properties include the size, others.
shape, color, odor, and texture. In this lesson, you will learn
more about how to classify
which materials absorb water
and which that do not.
C. Presenting examples/ Look at the pictures. Can you Identify which material will float Directions: Write A for What to do:
instances of the new identify which materials have or sink in water. absorbent if the materials 1. Prepare the necessary
lesson. the ability to absorb water? float Materials absorb water materials below.
or sink in water? Or will undergo 1. paper clip and NA for non-absorbent, if 2. Do the activity following the
decay? 2. rock the materials do not absorb directions given.
3. ball water. Materials:
4. ship _____ 1. rubber ball 3 pieces of: medium rubber
5. feather _____ 2. plastic bag balls, cotton balls, sponge, face
_____ 3. Blanket towel, t-shirt, rug, tissue paper
_____ 4. Paper a basin /pail of water, tray/big
_____ 5. plastic bottle bowl
____ 6. cloth
____ 7. manila paper Directions: Follow the given steps
____ 8. handkerchief below:
____ 9. rug Step 1. Put the materials one by
____ 10. Sponge one on the basin of water.
Step 2. Lift up the material and
Step 3. Record your observations
in the table provided.
Step 4. Do the same for each
D. Discussing new concepts Properties of Matter Other materials that absorb water MATERIALS THAT ABSORB AND Matter aside from its phases can
and practicing new skills. What can you say about the like tissue paper, cottons, and DO NOT ABSORB WATER also be classified according to
pictures in Set B? Do you think cloth are called porous materials. Absorb means to take in their properties. One of these is
that these materials have the These materials can easily (something, such as liquid) in a its ability to absorb water. Some
ability to absorb water also? If undergo decay also. This happens natural or gradual way. Paper, materials can absorb water,
you placed all these materials in because the presence of water or cardboard, sponges, pumice others do not.
water, which materials will have moist in the materials can cause stones, untreated wood, and Materials can be classified based
the ability to sink or float in degradation of the materials due cork are a few examples of on their ability to absorb water.
water? to presence of microorganisms porous Absorb means to take in
Porosity is the property of a that harbors or pile up in the materials. something like a liquid in a
material to absorb liquid like materials. natural way. Materials that
water. Porous materials have Materials like plastic or metal absorb water are called Porous
plenty of spaces or holes called spoons and forks, porcelains, Materials. It is full of tiny holes
pores where liquid can be cups, iron nails, aluminum cook that allow air (gasses) or liquid
quickly absorbed. In Set A, you wares and glasses that you used (fluid) to pass through.
see that towels, tissues and at home do not absorb water or Let us take a look at the pictures
sponge are good materials that liquid, hence, they are called below. Observe the sponge
absorb water. They are used at non-porous materials. in the first picture. Describe it.
Porous materials have small
home for. There are no holes or spaces What happens to the sponge
holes that allow air or liquid to
between their particles. when we soak it in a basin with
pass through. See sample of a
soap and water?
pore stone background. These
materials may also be called
absorbent materials.
On the other hand, non-porous
materials do not allow air or The first picture shows that the
liquid to pass through. They sponge has small holes.
may also be called These holes will absorb water,
nonabsorbent thus makes the sponge heavy.
materials. An example of which When we squeeze or hold the
are hard-surfaced substances sponge tightly it will drip droplets
like of soapy water as shown in the
stainless steel, hard covering, second picture.
and rigid synthetic elements or
E. Discussing new concepts The ability of materials to The ability of materials to sink or • There are different materials Let us have another example
and practicing new skills absorb water is due to the float in water depends on their in our environment that can be when you are in the swimming
#2. presence of loose fibers with lots density. Density is the amount of classified based on their ability pool, you wear a swimsuit, or
of pores or holes between the mass of an object per unit to absorb water more than rash guard, just like what is
particles that make up the volume. Water has a density of 1 the others. shown
materials. In sponge, for g/cc (gram/cubic centimeter). If • Cotton is very porous, which in the picture. What have you
example, these hole or pores the density of an object is higher makes it a natural absorber of observed when you removed and
absorb water, making the than the density of water, that water. squeezed your swimsuit or rash
sponge swell. When you are object will sink in water. But if • Plastic as a non-porous guard?
cooking, you make sure that the density of the object is less material does not allow water
materials are clean before using than the density of water, the to
them. When you squeeze the object will float in water. pass through.
sponges, you are forcing the Different materials have different • Porous materials are
water or liquid cleanser out of densities. For example, materials having small holes There are droplets of water
the holes that cleans the gold will sink in water because its that allow coming from your swimwear
surface of the dishes, glasses or density of 19.3 g/cc is higher air or liquid to pass through. because it absorbs water. Your
spoons that you washed and than the density of water which is swimwear is made of cloth. Cloth
used in cooking. 1 g/cc. or fabric is an absorbent
material. It can be made into
hand towels, handkerchief, and
Examine the picture of ice cubes It is important to know the ability
above. of materials in absorbing water
What do you think will happen to because it will help us to decide
the ice cubes if you place them in on what materials to use.
water? There are different household
chores that we use materials that
absorb water like washing dishes,
wiping off spilled liquids,
What about these used styro cup cleaning our car or motorcycle,
for noodle, a ship and a metal and cleaning the windows, floor,
bell, will they sink or float in and walls of our house.
water? Absorbing materials are also
used in cleaning and treating our
wound, wiping off our sweat, and
cleaning our body during bath.
F. Developing Mastery Perform the activity. Write your Study the picture of a family Directions: Tell whether the Direction: Group the following
(Lead to Formative observation as indicated in having their dinner. materials are porous or non- materials according to their
Assessment 3) Materials: Identify at least 3 porous and 5 porous by checking the ability to absorb water. Write
Small basin with 3/4 full of non-porous materials. Write your corresponding column. only the name of the object.
water answer in the chart given below.
1. paper towel 2. styro cup 3.
piece of bread 4. glass 5. spoon
6. facial tissue 7. plastic cup 8.
detergent 9. clothes pin 10. rice
1. Prepare small basin with 3/4
full of water. (You can replace
water after each task if needed)
2. Soak each of the materials
numbered 1 to 10, one at a
3. Test each material if it will
absorb water.
4. Copy table 1 to write your
answer by putting a check (/)
mark in column I.
5. Observe if these materials will
float or sink in water.
6. Check each item that float or
sink in columns II and III,
G. Finding practical Choose the correct answer. Analyze each situations that Directions: In one or two Analyze each situation.
application of concepts and Blacken the Check (/) if it happened at home carefully. sentences answer the following
skills in daily living absorbs water and cross (X) if it Then, write your answers briefly. questions: Look at the first picture, what will
do a. Color the things that you use you do if you have a minor
not absorb water. Situation 1: during rainy season. cut or wound?
A glass of juice was accidentally
spilled on the table. What should
you use to dry the table? Why?
Situation 2:
How do you think you can use
You filled a jar with water up to
materials that absorb water
its filling mark. Your mother
when are you caught inside a
asked you to put ice cubes, some
burning building?
cube slices of apple and b. Why is it that you use these
powdered juice crystals for a things during rainy days?
very special drinks during
1. What will you do with the
amount of water filled in the jar?
2. What do you think will happen
to the juice crystals?
3. What will happen to the ice
cubes and cube slices of apples,
will they float or sink?
H. Making Generalizations Materials that absorb water are • Are all plants and animals • There are different materials • Materials that absorb water are
and Abstraction about the called Porous, and the materials decay at the same time? in our environment, and they usually soft when you touch. It
Lesson. that does not absorb water are Biodegradable materials can be can has tiny hole that allow air or
called non-porous. decomposed by microorganisms be classified according to their liquid to pass through. It
• What is sink and what is float? such as bacteria, enzymes, and ability to absorb water. is made from cloth, cotton, and
Sink means to go below the fungi. Non- biodegradable an • Materials can be classified paper. Materials that do not
surface of the water, and float object that cannot be based on their ability to absorb absorb water is made from
means to stay above the decomposed into organic and water more than metal, and plastic.
surface of the water. environmentally safe wastes the others.
products. This is unlike • Cotton is an example of a
biodegradable objects which can porous material.
easily be decomposed by soil • Plastics are non-porous
bacteria into organic and safe materials. It does not allow
materials. water
to pass through.
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: The following are Choose the letter of the best Directions: Write true if the Direction: Decode the message by
materials commonly found at answer. statement is correct. If the answering the following
questions using the table below.
home. 1. Which of the following statement is false change the
Write absorb on the blank if the materials will SINK in the water? underlined word/s with porous,
material absorbs water A. big stones C. styro cup non-porous, absorb or does not
and does not absorb if it does B. empty bottle D. feather absorb. Do this in your Science
not absorb water. 2. What kind of materials enable notebook.
the boats to float in water? _____1. Plastics are porous
A. wood/bamboo that are denser materials.
than water _____2. Non-porous materials
B. wood/bamboo that are less are materials having small
dense than water holes that allow air or water to
C. light metal pass through.
1. It is used to dry our bodies after a
D. plastics that are denser than _____3. Cotton is a porous bath.
water material.
For number 3 to 4, _____4. Materials made out of
3. What properties of materials cloth do not absorb water.
are common among coins, spoon _____5. Wood is a material 2. This absorbent material is used in
and iron? that absorbs water. bandages to absorb blood
I. non-porous III. porous from a wound.
II. more dense than water IV.
less dense that water
A. I and II B. I and IV C. III and
3. This soaks up water when we get
II D. I only out of the bath and stops
4. Which property make these the floor from getting wet.
materials sink in water?
A. II B. I and IV C. III and II D. I
5. Which material will most likely 4. It is used to clean up household
undergo decay? spills and to dry hands.
A. aluminum C. water
B. left over foods D. plastic cups
5. This is used when we are trapped
in a burning building.
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