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Science W3

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September 18-22, 2023 (Week 3)
6:30-7:10 - SUMMAKAH
7:10-7:50 – HIGANTES
8:50-9:30 – ATI-ATIHAN
9:30-10:10- T’BOLI
10:10-10:50 – SINULOG
Teaching Dates & Time: 10:50-11:30 - PINTADOS Quarter: FIRST


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding of grouping different understanding of grouping different understanding of grouping different understanding of grouping different understanding of grouping different
materials based on their properties materials based on their properties materials based on their properties materials based on their properties materials based on their properties
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to recognize The learners should be able to recognize The learners should be able to recognize The learners should be able to recognize The learners should be able to recognize
and practice proper handling of and practice proper handling of and practice proper handling of products and practice proper handling of and practice proper handling of products
products products products
C. Learning Competencies/ Describe changes in solid materials Describe changes in solid materials Describe changes in solid materials when Describe changes in solid materials Describe changes in solid materials when
Objectives when they are bent, pressed, when they are bent, pressed, they are bent, pressed, hammered, or cut when they are bent, pressed, they are bent, pressed, hammered, or
( Write the Lode for each) hammered, or cut hammered, or cut S4MT-Ie-f-5 hammered, or cut cut
S4MT-Ie-f-5 S4MT-Ie-f-5 S4MT-Ie-f-5 S4MT-Ie-f-5

II. CONTENT Changes in Solid Materials Changes in Solid Materials Changes in Solid Materials Changes in Solid Materials
(Subject Matter) When Bent When Bent or Pressed when they are Pressed


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Modules Modules Modules Modules Modules
Learning Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources Audio-visual presentations, pictures Audio-visual presentations, pictures Audio-visual presentations, pictures Audio-visual presentations, pictures Audio-visual presentations, pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Below are names of solid materials. Directions: Put a smiley face on the solid Directions: Color the box red if there is a Directions: Using the crossword puzzle, Weekly Summative Test/Weekly Progress
presenting new lesson Kindly group them material and a sad change in shape, yellow if there is a find 5 solid materials that can be Check
according to their abilities as to absorb face if it is not. Do this in your notebook. change in size, blue if there is no change pressed. Words can be looped
water, sink, float or ____1. juice and black if there is a change in both the horizontally and vertically.
undergo decay. ____2. cup size and shape. Write your answers in your Science
cotton pencil banana peel rubber boat ____3. flower vase notebook.
stone mop ball plastic bottle ____4. soy sauce
nail metal sponge bread ____5. bottle
____ 6. paper
____ 7. vinegar
____ 8. notebook
____ 9. pencil
____10. table
B. Establishing a purpose for the Solid material has different Have you ever tried bending some of Solid materials can be changed in many As you look around, you can see many
lesson characteristics and abilities. It your school stuff and noticed some ways as to their size, solid materials. Even
also has its physical properties such as changes in them as you bent them? shape, texture and others. But not all at home, solid materials can be found.
size, shape, color, What do you think would happen if you materials are bendable. An example of which is the modelling
texture and odor. accidentally pressed the metal spoon as There are solid materials that can be clay which is used for recreational
you are using it? bend, but there are also solid activities and for developing fine motors
materials that cannot be bent. of children. Have you experienced
a clay? What did you observe? What
kind of change will it
undergo? Does it change its shape or
C. Presenting examples/ instances Directions: Using the puzzle, find 5 Directions: Perform each activity and Below is a Venn Diagram Directions: Study the pictures below.
of the new lesson. objects written inside the answer the questions that wherein you classify the name of solid Draw a star before the
box below that undergo changes in their follow. Write your answers in your materials that will bend or number if the picture shows a material
original appearance. Science notebook. NOT. that can be pressed and a circle if not.
Words can be looped horizontally and Activity 1: “What Happens to Solid metal spoon stone modeling clay Answer this in your Science notebook.
vertically. Write your answers in your Materials When Bent?” paperclip television bamboo Glue stick
Science notebook. What you need: plastic ruler rubber slipper bricks ballpen
plastic ruler paper clip 1 pc of rubber marker
slippers electric wire metal spoon tie

What to do:
1. Bend each of the given materials.
Observe and describe what happens to
each material.
2. Copy and fill-out the table below in
your notebook.

1. What did you do to change the

different materials?
2. What are the changes that took place
after doing such
D. Discussing new concepts and Solid is one of the three phases of • Solid materials can be bent. When Press/Pressing is to apply pressure to
practicing new skills. #1 matter. Solid has definite bent, these materials something to flatten,
size, shape, color, odor and texture. It may change their size and shape. No shape or making something smooth.
also has weight and volume. new material is When pressed, these
These are called physical characteristics formed. Only the physical appearance of materials may change their size and
or properties of solid materials. Solid the materials shape. Other solid
materials can be changed in many ways: is changed. materials may also change their texture
by cutting, tearing, folding, twisting, • The changes that this materials when pressed. However, no new material
bending, stretching, pressing, coloring, underwent is called is formed because only the physical
crumpling, melting and others. Such physical change. appearance of the material is changed. To Solid materials have definite shape and
actions when applied may change the know more about volume. They have
material’s size, shape, texture, color and changing materials by pressing kindly Different characteristics/properties such
other characteristics. look at the following as: size, shape, color, texture, and
There’s a lot of solid materials in our materials. Describe the changes weight.
surroundings. Some of happened with the solid materials when
these solids become wastes product. In pressed.
order to lessen these Solid materials can be pressed like these:
wastes, we can apply cutting, bending,
hammering, melting and others. One of
the solid wastes is the plastic bottle. We
can cut the plastic bottle and turn it into
a plant pot.
Let’s look at these materials. Describe
how are these
materials change its physical properties.

What changes happened to a dough,

banana, clay and floral
foam after they were pressed? How did
the changes occur? Is there a new
material formed when the size, shape
and texture of the materials changed?
E. Discussing new concepts and What changes happened to the • Bending a steel bar/iron in industry is Now let’s try comparing materials that Solid materials can be pressed. When
practicing new skills #2. materials when they were an example of were bent and pressed, these materials may change
bend, press, cut, and hammer? How did bending of solid materials. materials that were pressed. Describe the their size and shape. Other solid
these changes occur? Are the changes changes happened to the materials
useful or harmful? Is there a new • Bending is applied in the solid materials after it was bent or pressed. may also change their texture when
material formed? materials. The size and shape Focus and observe… pressed. However, no new material is
The materials changed in size, shape or of the materials were changed. There formed because only the physical
even the texture are no new materials formed, but new appearance of the material is changed.
when they were bent, pressed, cut and products were produced.
hammered. There is no new material
formed because it is only the physical
characteristics or
properties of the materials changed. But Is there a new material formed when
in changing the physical characteristics ruler was bent? What
of the materials, we can produce a good about when dough was pressed? What
product. changes happened with the
These changes in the solid materials can ruler/dough? How do the changes in size,
produce a good shape and texture of the ruler/dough
product. occur?
Examples of good products are: There is no new material formed when
the solid material is bent or even when
the material is pressed.

F. Developing Mastery Direction: What useful materials can be Directions: Draw the following shapes Now let’s try to differentiate the changes Directions: Using the letters of the
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3) produced when you do stated below to describe the changes in materials that alphabet, decode the numbers to get
the following. Connect column A and that took place in each material. were bent and the materials that were the hidden words which correspond to
column with a line. pressed? the materials that can be pressed. Write
Activity1. Differentiate changes happened your answer in your Science notebook.
when materials were
1. bent rubber slippers -_______
2. bent tie wire - ____________
3. bent metal spoon - ________
4. bent staple wire - ________
5. bent paper clip - _________

G. Finding practical application of Are you familiar with these places? Have Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Compare the changes happened when Directions: Read each question /
concepts and skills in daily living you gone to market or even to grocery Write your answers in your Science materials were statement then answer the following
store? Did you see these solid materials notebook. bent/pressed. questions that follow.
there? Can you name the materials in a. Draw and identify situations at home A. Do the following: For questions 1 – 3 describe and identify
the picture? where bending of solid 1. Hold the paper like this. the changes that
During Lockdown period due to Covid19, material is applied. took place in each picture. Write your
Pasig City Mayor (Apply your knowledge about changes in answers in your Science notebook.
launched the Mobile Market so that matter to solve some
people can easily buy their of your problems in your daily life).
needs. What are the first 5 solid b. You and your brother are playing
2. Pressed the paper.
materials will you buy from this chase me, and you
mobile market? Let’s answer activity A accidentally (tear, cut, split) the front
below. part of your rubber slipper. You saw a 4. Angelo is playing with his modeling
piece of safety pin on the sidewalk. clay. As he pressed it, he was able to
What will you do to fix your slippers? What changes happened with the paper make different toys as shown in the
after pressing? pictures below.
Is there a new material formed? Why?
B. Do the following.
1. Hold again the paper with Which of the following describes the
Direction: your both hands. modelling clay when it was pressed by
Name 5 solid materials that you see in
Angelo? The clay changed its________.
the picture above
a. size and color
then write them on the chart. Think on
b. size and shape
how you can change its
c. volume and odor
physical properties and answer the
d. volume and color
question by completing the 5. Liza flattened a pizza dough using a
chart below . rolling pin. Which of the
following actions did she use to change
the pizza dough’s shape?
a. bending b. hammering
c. pressing d. stretching
2. Bend the paper.

What changes happened with the paper

after pressing?
Is there a new material formed? Why?
H. Making Generalizations and • There are different ways in changing • When materials are bent, there is a • Solid materials can be changed in many • Solid materials can be pressed
Abstraction about the Lesson. characteristics / change in size and shape, but no new ways. Through depending on the
properties of solid materials. We can material is formed. Only the physical of bent and press the size, shape and property of the material.
cut, bent, pressed, chopped, the texture of the materials changed. There is • When solid materials are pressed,
hammered the solid materials. By doing materials are changed. no new material formed. It is these may change
these, the size, shape or even the only the physical their size and shape.
texture of the materials are changed. characteristics/properties of the • Other solid materials may also change
But there is no new materials formed. It materials changed. Changes in the their texture
is only the physical properties of the materials occur when bending and when pressed.
solid pressing were applied. • No new material is formed because
materials that were changed. •One of only the
the ways in changing the Physical appearance of the material is
properties of solid materials is bending. changed.
When materials were bent there is no
new materials formed.
I. Evaluating Learning Direction: Choose the letter of the best Directions: Describe and identify the Choose the letter of the best answer. Directions: Put a check mark (√) on the
answer. Write your answer on your changes that took place Write the letter on your space provided if the
notebook. in each picture. Write your answers in answer sheet. given materials can be pressed and (X)
1. What changes may happen to solid your Science notebook. 1. Ben press down the modeling clay. mark if not. Do this in your notebook.
materials when changed What happens to the clay ___ 1. metal spoon
in temperature and/or surrounding after pressing? ____2. ripe papaya
pressure is applied? A. The clay melts. ____3. Pillow
A. No changes will happen. B. The clay changes shape. ____4. Paper
B. Change its characteristics or C. clay bounces back to its original shape. ____5. mat
properties. D. The clay changes in size, shape and ____ 6. tiles
C. Such action may change the texture. ____ 7. sandwich
materials’ size, shape and 2. Bea sits on a pillow. What changes ____ 8. stuffed toys
texture. happened to a pillow? ____ 9. wooden plate
D. Both B and C A. The pillow changed in volume and ____10. ceramic pots
2. Kim collected plastic bottles and weight
turned them into useful art B. The pillow changed in size and shape
craft. How did Kim turn the plastic C. The pillow changed in size only.
bottles into a beautiful art craft? What D. Nothing happened.
did he do? 3. Your mother is rolling the dough for
baking a delicious pizza. When she rolled
the dough, the dough changed in___.
A. size only
B. size and shape
C. size, shape and texture
D. none of the above
A. He applied pressing. C. He applied 4. In which of the following situation
cutting. wherein bending and pressing is applied?
B. He applied hammering. D. He applied A. making pulled noodles
bending. B. scrubbing the floor
3. What changes happen when Rudy C. sleeping
bent his belt? It changed in _ D. eating
A. It changed in size and color. 5. When a solid material was bent and
B. It changed in size and shape. pressed, what happen to the materials?
C. It changed in shape and odor. A. A new material was formed.
D. It changed into a new material. B. It changed in color and weight.
C. It changed its physical properties.
D. It changed in size, shape and texture.
J. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation

A. No. of learners earned 80%in
the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who required

additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson work?

No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learner who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Adviser Principal III Assistant Principal Master Teacher I

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