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GAJUDO, MARC JAIRRO E. Problem Set 2 (Fluild Mechanics - Dynamics)

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GAJUDO, MARC JAIRRO E. 2021-40458 FLUID MECHANICS / DYNAMICS 1)A piece of metal What metal pracnon op (hy VOlUmE Fig Unden mercury? GIVEN: 8G.1=7 8G. 9 213-6 Requred. Vmeta] Veal g OF Speapi- qrowity 4 F floats in mer- cory “oF Speapic grovty 3.6 SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 PROBLEM SET # 2 2.) Waken@ 20T flows uP 4 ze ee 180 ~mmn Chom Cher Pipe that Slopes @ 12°70 re horfontal. Final tre Srea7 Shest @ Te wall i¢ Te pre) 1§ 100 KPa © pone 1 Qna 2S KPa @ poht halen 2 | Trott iS 30m furtien long Pe pror, Given: D= [80mm @=(2° pie IO km pe Skea Lp = 30m Regpiredl: Y SalUn on: 0 Che 1a" | hz 308m (/2) | nz 6-2374Mm a | nee Ba Pa $V Ne th-ho | Y Y 2% 29 he eS l0OkPa_ 25 kPa _¢ 2374m | GSI EM Gal EN or ma ht= 6 407% T=he YO ac C= L407 66m (241 ex) (0:18) (20m) GAJUDO, MARC JAIRRO E. 2021-40458 FLUID MECHANICS / DYNAMICS 3. Mater plows through « PEO 14 cS AEG point where He pire! iometen is Ig in, dre pressure (S B0ps -@ a fecorcl pont, Ferien along, tre pam ool 2fF lowen ron te finst pom Pe dlioneter "Aid ad Pe presver IS 18 psi. PMOL TE Pre, Pricer regal lass betwee Pe WO points - Neglect Oren real lOjjes. Gen: B= 14543 Pi Flo in? pps 1g lO in® die Igo de=ain ne UF 2 Ae (-£¢+) = h7G71¢7 Ave Or 2) pA) 0.491544 a4 2 Me IAG? 71.26 VUE Ss Viz 7.4226 ft vos pr? [1-7 7I44? So yas 3. g8as Ft i £ 39 tos , Leia” (2045) Mpe 5 m in™ ft 2122.26) TAB MIS ta (21. BRE GA 62-4 a vag as J, Hee Thr SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 PROBLEM SET # 2 con 6€ on head, N= —(eve 4) any prewre ely Croressed as a 1679 Plpg - What Ki Stenolaral $24 peiwe Clake Peve® sea! equals atma arene presi ve expressed ov peet (f) OF Cinyiere glycol (y= 64-7 1b/Ft, Crven: Pi= tate on 14. GAS op Required? h Bj Yep iat Solel fon te, 645 Es he i fe Ca. 2 Loe 3 h= 30. % iS fron 1219 + GAJUDO, MARC JAIRRO E. 2021-40458 FLUID MECHANICS / DYNAMICS S- Consaen fre dlersy of body 10 be G20 kglm3 orion floats wy a Walid wity a ers oF 7070 kgim3. ip te bo FAK then Tre percentage Volune, qm Te bCdy Above Pe turfpace tf —..- Q.ven: Venn = O00 k4/py3 Prima = 107° % FIND= Vola Solr Po. We = t-—2 woo Peraoia = 4- aol e m> x }00 i ke lo10 4 SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 PROBLEM SET # 2 £. Sippwe trat IKE 30 orf ks Bethy heareot @ 20% Compuie AE Shean Shes th pe al if ¥= 1s are h= Bem . Fon SAE B00], 4= 0.24 &g Ins. Given: v= Um h= Bem Me 0.24 kojns Poin: OC Saunon: GAJUDO, MARC JAIRRO E, 2021-40458 FLUID MECHANICS / DYNAMICS 7 Weglycenn liguid is located. "9 between a moving orl apred Plate - Ip the pick ty lycenn OF 20% ano Pe witty” beeen PIAS 14. Bm ancl the ypen Plate js moury @ @ml, wet IS Be Reynolds number L is faten 10 be te Aytane| vereen plates ? Gem: Glycom @ 0 p= ire4 %, Me (5 kgs L= Smm = bls Find= Re Solutien: Re= pve at - ii /ms¢ [Res 25.28] SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 PROBLEM SET # 2 Re= (264 & (7) red A= 36.483 a &) A stondarel 25 mm ovtnide Aia7ek~ | xed tube, Cwtn wall trite ress % beSmm) conrighy 0.3%/ps of O11. Determyre treA/etocr OF flow oH Al (aside tre tbe. a) 127 fem dig hpm c) Ife d)letppro GIVEN - Do> Um a 2-74 fq f=Lofme find-v Soleh'on hy = De = 250 13.5 es e 2 = 10-55 mm As Une =) (2-8Simn) % 364. £3 ron, R= 0.34 hiker, 0-0754/? gas eeia ia = 0.72012 fom a mont, O74 slag = 2% mod 2 fae Q=van 3 v-G= O20 2fh 180, #3... eee eee ["Fijer] GAJUDO, MARC JAIRRO E. 2021-40458 FLUID MECHANICS / DYNAMICS 4. A pipe id connected In Series fo QIOhen proe WAe Aicrreted Ntwre, ard Pe lergi i 32 fines rar Qe firsk PIPe- Tre proto G furchional Neal loses for te fit pipe 10 POC por he second pipe — Given trat PE bom Pipe have De same frictional Cowrent: Given: At = tin dz= 2m ae 1S Required * he Solud'on? 2 {nt faa 99d 2 = wf hie Phew ICO fe Ly=le L2=32m Vez | 8 Imb az (2m)* = Aye Pres $00 ayaa ‘2 SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 PROBLEM SET # 2 10. A boilen installed were te Otmoyp home pressure 15 PSaruntty has a preue O le kg /om. Frol fe absolufe rin MPG. Q-) 1277-05 k Raq *) 1722 OfkFeq b) 1272.05 kPaa qd) iszz .0reres Glue! Faken = 752mm lly Prose reaching = Pose =/2 be c. Pinel: Aasolte. Presivee. a Soldhen Pann, = 759 ay | Barkhy % Om, = 100. 2358421) uF Pyouge = 28s» (es) Arh = [176,809 Brot Powsolore = 9016 ¢ + Paty, Fassolve = 11% £04 LR + 100. UE Y2UEA, ec 4277.06 262, ne GAJUDO, MARC JAIRRO E. SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 2021-40458 PROBLEM SET # 2 FLUID MECHANICS / TERMI DYNAMICS INQLORIES 1) Floid Sathcs -is te study of fe reChanicg OF flvis @ tet .* 2) Fluid Kae mabes cleats win velacrnes ard Shear (ts ) Uihat Considering fone gy erergy 3) Lyelro ky namics Us concerned with PE PAGO, between velorsrb' arel acclera pony oncl re fork ee aqel on un ft 4) Specific weight 1 uid (A mehoy he wet ht per oaw volume ane SUbsterve Be. Rs ' know @& leppve Persty "yy Ae £) Speipic Gravity ~ al A wert OF & Webipen raPo of te dengty om Specie ahr nS pe Belly on perp. weight of fore Pen srorclord Sobiterc€ « . cle, Volurne ~ (8 Pe volune. pon oni mau. Fa ts Pe a pe. Pre Peciprocad Or mat Aorsity, Jos Pree - , ae he. Pre és Visconl'hy Cebynermie Vit cathy) 15 HS AD Fe 7) pee Gnurh F iit reyistence fe , io defrermoas fluid pean forts ~ Wee ~ 1's De repo oF he Ag han f) Bremahe ' vescosth, & Pe au Tunsron- 18 Re PP a eis pernen Pe mmole ne a liguih i) Abslvie Pressure, abe abnolie 260. to tre "MS cleasity. erty whieh xrie dve to cules ab Re Jumper Ly be preaune “eesure

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