A Tactical Asset Allocation Strategy That Exploits Variations in Vix (2021)
A Tactical Asset Allocation Strategy That Exploits Variations in Vix (2021)
A Tactical Asset Allocation Strategy That Exploits Variations in Vix (2021)
Richard Cloutier
AUTHORS Arsen Djatej
Dean Kiefer
Richard Cloutier, Arsen Djatej and Dean Kiefer (2017). A tactical asset allocation
ARTICLE INFO strategy that exploits variations in VIX. Investment Management and Financial
Innovations, 14(1), 27-34. doi:10.21511/imfi.14(1).2017.03
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/imfi.14(1).2017.03
LICENSE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017
market persist and can be profitably exploited. Al- Shilling (1992) illustrates the benefits of market
though much academic research concludes that it is timing and the improved return by being out of eq-
impossible to time the market (e.g., Brinson et al., uities in bear markets. Bauer and Dahlquist (2001)
1986), most active traders believe strongly in market point out that an initial investment of $10,000 opti-
timing. What we know for certain is that it is very mally timed in and out of U.S. large capitalization
difficult to be consistently successful at market tim- stocks and T-Bills from 1990-99 would have re-
ing over the long-run. turned an annualized rate of 26.6%; however, they
go on to conclude that in order to profit from market
While the strategic and the tactical allocation strate-
timing, an investor would have to have accurately
gies represent significantly different approaches to
predict market movements approximately 66% of
portfolio management, a hybrid approach using both
the time.
may be beneficial. During periods of heightened
market volatility, earmarking a portion of the portfo- Other articles dating back to Sharpe (1975) discuss
lio to take advantage of correlations between market the problems associated with market timing. Chua
volatility and asset class returns may both lower (1987), Droms (1989), Kester (1990) and other re-
volatility and increase returns. This more active searchers further analyze the difficulties, including
approach is considered a tactical asset overlay with- when you consider transaction costs. Jeffrey (1984)
in a strategic asset allocation framework. discusses the folly of market timing especially for
institutional investors with fiduciary responsibilities.
This paper develops a tactical asset overlay de-
signed to reduce portfolio risk when market risk As a result of these problems, many investors have
increases due to increased market volatility and to adopted the “buy and hold” strategy. However,
increase portfolio risk when volatility is reduced. To somewhere between market timing and buy and
measure the efficacy of the strategy, we examine hold lie strategies based on market conditions,
returns, standard deviation of returns and Sharpe where tactical asset allocation is used to rebalance
ratios for portfolios, which rebalance according to the exposure to various asset classes. Philips et al.
the level of the VIX. (1996) explain the nature and benefits of tactical
asset allocation strategies.
For practical purposes, exploiting inefficiencies can
only be accomplished after costs are included. “Fric- French et al. (1987) showed that the risk premium
tionless” market assumptions would not be useful in for equities was positively correlated with the pre-
a real world strategy, so we are mindful of these dicted level of volatility, which, in turn, produced a
costs. Although transaction costs are presently low, strong negative correlation with unexpected changes
portfolio rebalancing also results in tax liabilities, as in market volatility and excess returns. Such market
unrealized gains become realized, and long-term volatility increases the volatility of potential returns
capital gains are exchanged for short-term gains. and, therefore, risk.
This paper leaves the examination of transactions
The idea of a volatility index was first developed by
costs and tax liabilities for future research.
Brenner and Galai (1989). Whaley (1993) intro-
Investment philosophy may also represent a con- duced the VIX as a reliable estimate of short-term
straint. Because investors typically invest for the market volatility, which could be used as a standard
long-term with an investment policy statement that for hedging market risk volatility in portfolios. Cip-
determines target asset allocations, major shifts in polini et al. (2007) documented the efficacy of using
the asset allocation are generally not permissible. the VIX as a signal for stock direction. Engle (1982)
Policy constraints, therefore, preclude strategies that and Bollerslev (1986) illustrated the clustering be-
require large bets in either direction. havior of volatility and its resulting predictability.
Further research by Munenzon (2010) exhibited the
With these constraints in mind, we developed a tac-
very different return and risk characteristics asso-
tical strategy with a top-down approach that would
ciated with traditional asset classes given different
complement a well diversified portfolio with a long-
VIX states. Munenzon (2010) demonstrated that
term orientation. The rest of the paper is organized
correlations among alternative investment strategies
as follows: in section 1, we review prior research on
are unstable, producing outsized benefits in times of
asset class returns given different levels of VIX. Sec-
heightened market risk. In addition, many of the
tion 2 develops and explains our strategy. Section 3
assets and strategies that are desired during periods
provides the data description, while section 4 docu-
heightened market volatility are the assets investors
ments the results. Final section offers conclusions.
should minimize to enhance returns when markets
1. Literature review are good.
Market timing and its potential profits have been an Copeland and Copeland (1999) developed a strategy
allure for investors since the dawn of investing. In that over weighted value stocks and underweighted
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017
growth stocks when expected volatility measured, as mean of 20.0877 and a standard deviation of 9.2691
the VIX index increased. The weightings reversed over the period covered by our data. We note that
when expected volatility decreased, since lower risk is not symmetrical, since the VIX was equal to
volatility signaled a rise in confidence for the future, or greater 30 for approximately 12% of the 4,990
which favors growth stocks. Boscaljon, Filbeck and observations, while less than or equal to 10 only for
Zhao (2011) examined this strategy with the 2003 only 0.08%. We examined how returns in each asset
revision of the VIX index. Both studies found that class varied when the VIX trades below and above
excess returns could be earned using the strategy, this normal range.
although Boscaljon et al. found the effect only for
To ensure diversification, the portfolio remained
longer holding periods. The tactical strategy pre-
invested in traditional and alternative asset classes
sented in this paper makes relatively small realloca-
throughout the study regardless of the level of the
tions to asset classes, which are selected by the cor-
VIX. Only the weightings of selected asset classes
relations between the asset class returns and level of
were changed. To maintain fiduciary responsibility,
the VIX index. Bouchy et al. (2012) show that vola-
tility harvesting, judicious rebalancing of a diversi- large shifts in asset class weights are not appropri-
fied, equal weighted equity portfolio, both manage ate. Therefore, only limited rebalancing in a few
risk, as well as enhance long-term returns. asset classes was allowed.
The need for tactical asset allocation is most evident Before creating a tactical asset allocation strategy to
during periods of heightened market volatility. In- exploit the varying risk and return characteristics
vestor anxiety increases during these periods, which between asset classes and the level of the VIX, we
increases the chance that they will divest their hold- developed the following rules. These were neces-
ings. Unfortunately, these emotions, which lead to sary if the approach was to be replicable:
jumping in and out of the market are generally alarge i The process must be clearly defined and
mistake for most investors. A tactical strategy that transparent.
reduces portfolio risk during more volatile times i The neutral portfolio must be well diversified to
should allow investors to experience less anxiety and start with.
be more likely to remain strategically invested. i Data must be supported by a clear economic
2. Methodology rationale.
i There would have to be long-term evidence of
To assess market risk we used the CBOE volatility positive returns under different market
index or theVIX index. It is the most widely watch- environments.
ed statistic to measure market volatility (risk) and
designed to measure near-term volatility. The VIX The portfolio consisted of a number of asset
index is an index of the 30-day implied volatility, as classes/strategies commonly used by investors to
indicated by the prices of SPX option contracts. broadly diversify portfolios. The list includes tradi-
Implied volatility rises when the relative prices of tional asset classes, as well as a number of alterna-
options increase. In contrast, volatility falls when tive real return and absolute return strategies. Table
the relative prices of options decline. The daily 1 (see Appendix) shows the investment classes and
change in the VIX index is an indication of how weights used when the VIX is equal to or greater
aggressively SPX option contracts are being pur- than 30, greater than or equal to 20, but less than 30,
chased or sold, which, in turn, gives some indication and less than 20. The data we used were as follows:
of investors’ market expectations. mortgaged backed securities, short-term bonds, trea-
Using daily data from January 1, 2002 to December sury inflation protected securities, commodities,
31, 2014, we found that the VIX moved in the oppo- high yield bonds, real estate, emerging market
site direction of the S&P 500 slightly more than bonds, market neutral strategies, long/short equities,
80% of the time and had a correlation coefficient of international developed large cap stocks, interna-
-0.53, supporting the negative correlation between tional developed small cap stocks, emerging market
volatility and stock returns found by others. equities, managed futures, US large cap stocks, US
small cap stocks, US mid-cap stocks, infrastructure,
Throughout the period covered by the data, the VIX and global macro strategies. These asset classes and
has traded in a range between 20 and 30 approx-
their neutral weightings are typical for a large, well
imately 85% of the time. A price below 20 was as-
diversified portfolio.
sumed to imply complacency in the market and that
investors have become bullish, while a value greater The tactical asset allocation strategy was developed
than 30 indicates a high level of risk and investor to profit from the different return characteristics
apprehension. We chose these values as trigger shown in Table 1. The objective was to exploit the
points for implementing our strategy the VIX had a differences in the correlation between the level of
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017
the VIX and the asset class returns exhibited by Operationally, the portfolio was rebalanced to the
some asset classes when VIX is above 30 or below appropriate allocations, if necessary, based on the
20. For example, the global macro strategies asset level of the VIX at closing on the prior trading day.
class exhibits positive correlation to the VIX when The strategy was back tested from January 1, 2002 –
VIX is below 20, but negative correlation when it is December 31, 2014. This time frame encompasses
above 30. Many other asset classes exhibit a similar large market downturns, as well as strong upturns.
relationship. Minor asset class returns varied significantly, as
usual, with no class exhibiting superior returns
The neutral portfolio allocations derived from an
throughout the study.
actual balanced growth model, which roughly trans-
lates into an overall allocation of 60% growth – 3. Data
40% fixed income. The tactical overlay strategy allo-
Daily closing price and VIX data were collected
cates less weight to the more volatile asset classes
from January 2, 2002 through December 31, 2014
during low volatility periods with a corresponding
using Morningstar Direct software. Actual closing
reduction in overall risk. During periods of high vola-
prices for the traditional and real return assets were
tility we reduced overall risk with a corresponding
used to calculate daily returns. Where these prices
reduction in the more volatile assets. All asset class
were not available, we used the appropriate market
allocations are shown in Table 2 (see Appendix).
index as a proxy. Weekends and holidays were
The split between growth and fixed income is treated as days with zero returns. The portfolio held
straight forward for the traditional asset classes. the neutral allocations when VIX ended the day
However, the classification of the alternative asset between 20 and 30 and was rebalanced on a daily
classes and strategies is more complex and is open basis. Annual returns are the arithmetic average of
to interpretation. For this paper, we included the the daily returns. Standard deviations were also
typical real asset and their returns (commodities, calculated using daily returns. Table 3 (see Appen-
real estate, and global infrastructure) in the growth dix) shows the annual returns and standard devia-
category. We also categorized most absolute return tions for the two different portfolio allocations
strategies (managed futures, market neutral, and based on the value of the VIX shown in Table 2.
long/short equity) in the growth category. The only
For the alternative assets, determining the best
exception was global macro because of its consider-
benchmark is an industry wide challenge, since
able exposure to short-term bonds.
these asset classes typically are highly customized.
For many investors, the investment policy statement For managed futures, we used the SG CTA Trend
provides a target allocation between growth and Sub Index (formerly Newedge CTA Trend Sub-
fixed income assets, thereby restricting the ability to Index). The SG CTA Trend Sub-Index is a subset of
trade in and out of stocks and moving the money the SG CTA Index, and follows traders of trend
into bonds or cash. We recognized this constraint following methodologies. The SG CTA Index is
when we developed our strategy and limit the size equally weighted, calculates the daily rate of return
of tactical shifts and not violate the original for a pool of CTAs selected from the larger manag-
growth/fixed income allocation. With this constraint, ers that are open to new investment1. For global
as well as diversification and transaction costs in mind, macro, we used the Credit Suisse Global Macro
changes in allocations were small in magnitude and Replication Index. The Credit Suisse Global Macro
restricted to seven of eighteen asset classes. Replication Index captures the risk/return characte-
ristics of the Credit Suisse/Tremont Global Macro
Of the fixed income assets/strategies, high yield Hedge Fund Index. The Credit Suisse/Tremont
bonds, as you would expect, showed the highest Hedge Fund Index is broadly diversified, encom-
negative sensitivity in returns based on heightened passing 490 funds (September 2008) across ten
levels of the VIX. Conversely, GNMAs showed the style-based sectors, and somewhat representative of
best hedging benefits against risk among this asset the entire hedge fund industry. The construction of
class when VIX is elevated, since returns bear a these indices is fully transparent, with unbiased,
direct relationship with the VIX. In the growth cate- rules-based selection criteria and published consti-
gory, the most volatile investments tended to be the tuents2. For market neutral, we used the Morningstar
assets/strategies that exhibited the highest negative Neutral Benchmark and for long/short equity, we
sensitivity in returns based on heightened VIX le- used the Morningstar MSCI Long Bias North Amer-
vels. These were commodities, REITS, international
small cap stocks, global infrastructure, and
long/short equities. Managed futures, however, ex- SG (Newedge) CTA Trend Sub-Index – Barclay Hedge;
hibited the best hedging characteristics with a slight 2
CreditSuisse/Tremont Hedge Fund Index; http://www.hedge
increase in return, as the VIX increased. index.com/hedgeindex/documents/Broad_Index_Factsheet.pdf.
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017
ica Benchmark. The Morningstar Benchmarks con- asset classes based on level of the VIX can reduce
sists of peer groups based on the Morningstar Insti- risk, improve returns, and provide better risk ad-
tutional Categories and specialized investment justed returns, even for a well diversified portfolio.
groupings based on fund attributes. Benchmarks By reducing holdings of the more volatile assets
contain constituents from Open End, Closed End, during the riskier periods and placing those dollars
Variable Annuities Underlying, and Exchange in a portfolio hedge and viceversa during periods of
Traded Fund universes3. lower volatility, we reduced instability and provided
better performance – higher returns, lower standard
4. Empirical results
deviation, and better risk adjusted returns in terms
With this particular portfolio and time period, we of the Sharpe ratio.
found that this strategy of reweighting resulted in an
For our tests, we used indices to represent common-
average increase of 37 basis points for the VIX
ly used asset classes and strategies to build a diversi-
weighted portfolio compared to the neutral weighted
fied portfolio. Daily pricing for the asset
portfolio. Annual returns, means and standard devia-
classes/strategies was obtained via Morningstar Direct
tions for both portfolios appear in Table 3. Differ-
software for the period of study from 2002 – 2014.
ences between the VIX weighted portfolio and the
The results show that it is possible to build an effective
neutral portfolio are shown in Table 4 (see Appen-
strategy based on signals provided by the level of VIX.
dix). The VIX weighted portfolio showed a higher
return in all years except 2009. As the research indicates, this tactical asset alloca-
tion strategy can add value. Asset classes and strate-
On a risk adjusted basis, the VIX weighted portfolio
gies act differently under different market risk envi-
also showed better results. Over the 2002 through
ronments and VIX can be used as a proxy for mar-
2014 period, the Sharpe ratio for the VIX weighted
ket risk. The strategy maintains proper diversifica-
portfolio was 0.70209 compared to 0.64603 for the
tion while rebalancing by using a limited number of
neutral portfolio. These results are shown in Table 5
asset classes and can provide better long-term re-
(see Appendix). The VIX weighted portfolio outper-
turns with lower risk than the buy and hold strategy.
formed the neutral portfolio in ten of the 13 years ex-
amined. The trigger points for rebalancing were determined
When the entire 2002-2014 period is considered, the by the standard deviation of the VIX and rebalanc-
VIX weighted portfolio had an average return 10.7% ing when tie index moved roughly one standard
higher and a Sharpe ratio approximately 8.7% higher deviation above the mean on the upside. On the
than the neutral portfolio. While the percentages are downside, rebalancing occurred when the index fell
impressive, the absolute amounts are small, but the below the mean. While asset classes chosen for re-
results indicate that there may be potential to improve balancing were based on the correlation between the
portfolio performance significantly with the VIX asset class returns and the level of the VIX, the
weighted tactical overlay strategy. amount of rebalancing was essentially arbitrary and
determined by the investment manager responsible
Conclusions for the portfolio. Further research needs to explore
This paper develops a practical tactical asset alloca- optimizing the strategy with respect to both the level
tion strategy that produces higher returns and lower of the VIX that triggers the rebalancing, as well as
risk by exploiting variations in market risk indicated the size of the adjustments to the allocations. Opti-
by VIX. The data show that the tactical asset alloca- mization would also include the consideration of
tion strategy of rebalancing a limited number of transactions costs.
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Table 1. Asset class returns vs the VIX
Security Asset class VIX below 20 VIX above 30 Difference
Barclays GNMA 15 Year Mortgage Backed Securities 1.15% 2.69% -1.54%
Barclays Government/Credit 1-5 Year Short-Term Bonds 1.14% 1.35% -0.21%
Barclays US Treasury US TIPS Treasury Inflation Protected Securities 4.84% 3.89% 0.95%
Bloomberg Commodity Commodities -1.57% -10.71% 9.14%
Citi HY Market TR High Yield Bonds 2.43% -6.70% 9.13%
FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITs Real Estate 2.76% -8.14% 10.90%
JPM EMBI Global Diversified Emerging Market Bonds 1.77% 2.30% -0.53%
Morningstar Market Neutral Market Neutral Strategies 0.74% -1.41% 2.14%
Morningstar MSCI Long Bias N America Long/Short Equities 3.84% -13.25% 17.09%
MSCI EAFE International Developed Large Cap Equities 0.25% -8.08% 8.33%
MSCI EAFE Small Cap International Developed Small Cap Equities 1.88% -10.12% 11.99%
MSCI EM Emerging Market Equities 3.34% -3.87% 7.21%
SG Trend Managed Futures 1.87% 1.93% -0.07%
Russell 1000 US Large Cap Equities 0.49% 0.34% 0.15%
Russell 2000 US Small Cap Equities -0.23% -6.28% 6.05%
Russell Mid Cap US Mid Cap Equities 1.19% -1.87% 3.05%
S&P Global Infrastructure Infrastructure 4.47% -5.50% 9.97%
Credit Suisse Global Macro Global Macro Strategies 1.34% -2.92% 4.26%
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017