Tcwd111 Prelim
Tcwd111 Prelim
Tcwd111 Prelim
respective authors. of values and behavior compatible with the enhance European political and economic
society of which one is a member. integration by creating a single currency (the
Steger- Globalization should be confined to euro), a unified foreign and security policy,
a set of complexes, social processes that are GLOBALIZATION- It is a term used to and common citizenship rights and by
changing our current social condition describe the changes in the societies and advancing cooperation in the areas of
derived from the modern independence of world economy that resulted in cultural immigration, asylum, and judicial affair.
nation states. change.
Nobody is in charge of globalization- This
Robertson- Globalization is the Inosemtsev, 2008- Globalization is one of claim highlights the semantic link between
understanding of the world and the increased the most known social studies but is still a ‘globalization-market’ and the adjacent idea
perception of the world as a whole. hollow terminology. of ‘leader lessness’.
Albrow and King- Globalization includes all Webster- Globalization is the development Globalization is inevitable and irreversible-
processes by which the people of the world of an increasingly integrated global Market globalism is always interlaced with a
are incorporated into a single world society. economy marked by free trade, free flow of belief that markets have the capacity to use
capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign new technologies to solve social problems.
Giddens- Globalization is the process of labor markets.
intensifying social relationships among Globalization furthers the spread of
countries around the globe connecting Liberalization and global integration of democracy in the world- Existence of ‘clear
separate localities in a manner in which local market- This perspective explains the correlation’ between the country’s level of
events are formed as a result of happenings relevant functions of the free market-its economic development and successful
that have occurred from afar. rationality and efficiency, as well as its democracy.
alleged ability to bring about greater social
Cuturela- Globalization means to designate integration and material progress-can only Complete the sequence: Intergovernmental
an overview of the human experience in be realized in a democratic society that Organizations (IGOs): Global Governance
education. values and protects individual freedom. while Multinational Corporation: Market
INTERNATIONALIZATION- It is the Globalization benefits everyone-
action or process of bringing a place under Globalization provides great opportunities The World Bank, IMF, WTO, EU, NATO
the protection or control of two or more for the future, not only for our countries, but are international organizations and regimes
nations. for all others, too. that establish rules and norms in the global
LIBERALIZATION- It generally used to IMF- This organization deals with exchange
refer to the freeing of markets from state rates, balances of payments, international The global changes have contributed much
intervention. capital flows, and the monitoring of member to the economy of the world and paved way
states and their macroeconomic policies. to the birth of Capitalism.
According to Steger, Meso level of analysis concentrated capital focused on large-scale John Stuart Mill- He believed that
serves as an arena for countries to compete or capital-intensive manufacturing or civilization was singular and hierarchical.
with different product markets. This concept extractive industries, Trade-based
is present in Global economy. globalization, Digital globalization John Stuart Mill suggested that by contrast
that there was a single model of civilization.
According to Steger, Meso level of analysis IMF, 2000- Globalization refers to an
serves as an arena for countries to compete extension beyond national borders of the W. E. Hall- He argued that international law
with different product markets. This concept same market forces that have operated for is a product of the special civilization of
is present in transnational actors. centuries at all levels of human economic modern Europe and forms a highly artificial
activity which includes village markets, system of which the principle cannot be
The following are the different levels of urban industries, or financial centers. understood or recognized by differently
analysis created by Gary Gere ffi,: Macro civilized countries.
level, Meso level, Micro level Francis Fukuyama, 2000- Globalization
furthers the spread of democracy in the Adam Smith- He is an eighteenth-century
Macro level- This level of analysis includes world. political economist, who defined “division
the international organizations and regimes of labor” as the specialization of workers in
that establish rules and norms for the global Thomas Friedman, 1999- The most basic different parts of the production process,
community. truth about globalization is that no one is in usually in factory setting.
charge, but the global marketplace today is
Meso level- A level of analysis which says an Electronic Herd of often anonymous The following are categories of humanity
that the building blocks for the global stock, bond, and currency traders, and according to James Lorimer: Savage,
economy are the countries and firms. The multinational investors connected by screens Barbaric, Civilized
global economy is seen as the arena in and networks.
which countries compete in different product Core Countries- These are the areas
markets. Robert Hormats, 1998- The great beauty of dominated by the capitalist world-economy
globalization is that no one is in control. and exploiting the rest of the system.
Gary Gereffi- He mentioned that the global
changes are attributed to how the global Huttons & Giddens as cited by Cuturela, Semi- periphery - These are the countries
economy is organized and governed and he 2009- Globalization is the interplay of that have organizational characteristics of
discusses these ideas to his journal entitled, extraordinary technology mixed with the both core countries and periphery countries
“The Global Economy: Organization, influence of the world that gives today’s and are often geographically located
Governance, and Development”. changing its complexity. between core and peripheral regions as well
as between two or more competing core
The following are the three structural Steger, 2005 and Freeden, 2003 -Global regions.
periods according to Geriffe: Investment- flows occur in different physical and mental
based globalization- A period dominated by dimensions. NAFTA - This pact effectively created a
producer-driven commodity or value chains, free-trade bloc among the three largest
which in turn tended to be dominated by countries of North America that would bring
firms characterized by large amounts of prosperity through increased trade and
production, resulting in the creation of Which best describes transformative WTO- Its operations are premised on the
millions of well-paying jobs in all occupation? A rule in which sovereignty neoliberal idea that all nations benefit from
participating countries. resides permanently in the people or nation free and open trade and it is dedicated to
not on its head. reducing and ultimately eliminating barriers
Foreign Direct Investment - It involves to such trade.
investments by one firm in another firm that According to Fowler and Bunck (1996), a
exists abroad in a different nation-sate, with sovereign state has the following: territory, WB-It provides funds to government-
the intention of gaining control over the people, government sponsored or guaranteed programs in so-
latter’s operation. called Part II (member states that are
Government- It is an agency through which middle-income or creditworthy poorer
The following are examples of non-state, the state exercises its sovereign power over nations).
transnational actors: intergovernmental all persons and things within its jurisdiction.
organizations (IGOs), international The following is not part of global
nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), Global governance- It encompasses governance: International Peace and
transnational corporations (TNCs) activities that transcend national boundaries Security, Worldwide Justice and Mediation
including ways in which global affairs are Systems, Functioning Markets and unified
Sovereignty- It is the heart of both public managed. standards of trade and industry
international law and the legal constitution
of the state. People- Mass of population living within a Hillary Clinton- This person contends that
state. “The emergence of new businesses and
Chapter 2 Article 4 of the United Nations shopping centers in former communist
Charter states that the membership to the DEFINED TERRITORY- It refers to the countries should be seen as the ‘backbone of
United Nations is applicable to sovereign territory over which control of the state is democracy.’
states. exercised and which it distinguished the
state from its neighbor. International Law was designed as a/an Aid
Which of the following describes belligerent to the preservation of order among sovereign
occupation? A compact between so-called FOWLER AND BUNCK, 1996- He states.
civilized states not to unilaterally challenge emphasized that a sovereign state has a
each other’s legitimate right to rule territory, people, and government. Adopting a single currency like the Euro-
Which of the following is the best indicator
J.F.C. Fuller maintained that in small wars of the economic integration of states such as
against uncivilized nations, the form of seen in the European Union?
warfare to be adopted must tone with the GATT- An international organization for
shade of culture existing in the land. What liberalization of trade that grew out of What do you think is the major reason on
does this statement imply? When warring Bretton Woods System and primarily why OPEC countries are influential in the
with an uncivilized state, the method of war focuses on tariff reduction to any global stage? They are the organization of
must be more brutal. international trading system. states that produce and sell oil in the global
Member states of WTO are working In the 11th century, long distance trading The advancements in technology and its
together towards tariff reduction and/or flourished between Venice and the innovations have increased the speed of the
removal, why is it so? Less tariff encourages Netherlands. migration and transplantation of legal rules
growth for trade between countries and policies. T
Gary Gereffi- He mentioned that the global On March 7, 1934, a rally was organized at
changes are attributed to how the global 1. The term globalization is new to the Madison Square Garden in New York as a
economy is organized and governed and he modern context F mock trial that was advertised as in the press
discusses these ideas in his journal entitled, 2. Globalization is a recent as the Case of Civilization against Hitler. T
“The Global Economy: Organization, phenomenon and is mystifying. F
Governance, and Development”. 3. Globalization benefits only one. F The event ran the headline in the
4. Globalization is avoidable and Washington Post as “Hitlerism denounced as
reversible.F a crime against civilization. T
The following countries are not independent 5. No individual, no government, or no
at the time of their admission in the United institution has control over The concept of a European civilization
Nations: Philippines, Belarus, India globalization. T became fundamental to new understandings
6. The term globalization has a rich of international order and new techniques of
NAFTA stands for North American Free concept that people need to have a international rule after the defeat of
Trade Agreement deliberate grasp of in order to fully Napoleon. T
understand the term. T
According to the readings, Belligerent 7. The countries with the most Guizot claimed that a certain unity pervades
Occupation is defined as A compact advanced economies are the the civilization of the various European
between so-called civilized states not to countries with the most modern states. T
unilaterally challenge each other’s legitimate technologies based on science and
right to rule knowledge. T E. Hall argued that there was only a single
8. Globalization and capital model of civilization and that it can be found
The Rome statute of the International development automatically produce in Europe. T
Criminal Court (ICC) upholds the principle democracies. F
of complementarities and recognizes that 9. Market globalism is always Most Victorian commentators believed that
states do not have to collaborate with the interlaced with a belief that markets barbaric states might be admitted gradually
court unless they have ratified the statute. have the capacity to use new or in part.
technologies to solve social
Reduction of non-tariffs and tariff barriers to problems. T Choose Letter A if BOTH statements are
trade as a main tool to integrate markets. 10. Globalization provides great among the elements of the Bretton Woods
This is an example of Market Integration. opportunities for the future, not only System, Letter B if both statements are
for our countries but for all others, not included; Letter C if only the first
China’s Lenovo corporation’s purchasing too. T statement is included; and letter D if only
IBM's PC business is an example of Market the second statement is included
Establishment of a Central Bank
Pegging the Value of Currency in Silver
Deposits C