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Marketing Globalisation and Integration

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Marketing Globalisation and other ideologies and endow it with a

specific conceptual form of

Integration morphology.

- For Manfred Steger, market ● According to Paul Ricoeur:

globalization contains an ideological - an ideology distorts, legitimizes, and
dimension filled with a range of integrates.
norm, claims, beliefs, and narratives - With this, one has to be careful of
about the phenomena itself. the global circulation of ideas and
their impact on the rapid extension
- It is construed/interpreted to be the of social interaction and
dominant ideology of our time. interdependence across space and
time. This applies to the notion of
● Ideology is a system of widely globalization.
shared ideas, patterned beliefs,
guiding norms and values, ideals ● Market globalism is a hegemonic
that are accepted as truths by system of ideas that makes
certain group of people (Steger, normative claims about a set of
2014). social processes called
- It offers individuals a more or less
coherent picture of the world not - To understand changes brought
only as it is, but also as it ought to about globalization, it is necessary to
be. understand the connection between
political ideology and social
- This helps organize the complexity imaginary.
of human experience into fair simple,
but frequently distorted images and ● What makes an ideology political
slogans that serve as guide and is that it claims to select, privilege,
compass for social and political and constrict social meanings
action. related to the exercise of power in
the society.
- Each ideology is structured around
core claims, which set it apart from
- Social imaginary has a deep of globalization (and it was
seated modes of understanding that successful).
provide the most general parameters
within which people imagine their - It popularized the neo-liberal
communal existence. framework of globalization.
- Ex. Ilustrados' concept of being
Filipino - consequently the deregulation of
markets, liberalization of trade,
- New technologies facilitated the privatization of state-owned
speed and intensity with which new enterprises, and (very recently) th
ideas and practices infiltrated the global war on terror.
national imaginary. - everyone now in the world is
affected by major global economic
- In the 1990s, globalization took problems
center stage to cater the agenda of
the global social elites. The Five Core Claims of Market
- The era saw the emergence of a
movement that espoused the ● According to George David:
creation of a global free market and - We are at an optimistic time in our
the spread of consumerist values world: the barriers between nations
around the globe. are down, economic liberalism is
decidedly afoot and proven to be
- The movement was not just about sound, trade and investment are
the free exchange of material things, soaring, income disparities between
it also influenced people's attitudes nations are narrowing, and wealth
and values. generation globally is at record high
levels, and I believe likely.
- It aimed to shrink the world.
- David's claim is so optimistic that in
● After the collapse of the Soviet one way or another, stresses that
Union in the early 1990's, power globalization is beneficial to the
social elites in industrialized world's citizens.
countries pushed to sell their version
interest of large transnational and
● Manfred Steger has stressed that multi-national corporation.
globalization could be summerized
into five core claims: - Ths was explicitly expressed by
Gina Lopez (during her time as
1. Globalization is about the DENR secretary):
liberalization and global integration
of markets. - This the only country in the world
that give tax holidays to large mining
2. Globalization is inevitable and companies for seven years. Our
irreversible. government allows them to exploit
our water for free. When we drink,
3. Nobody is in charge of globalization. we pay for our water. But those
mining companies are freely using
4. Globalization benefits everyone in our water.
the long run.

5. Globalization furthers the spread of II. Globalization is inevitable and

democracy in the world. irreversible.

- It is a product of the ever increasing

I. Globalization is about innovativeness of human spirit.
liberalization and global
integration of market. - The advancement of science and
technology facilitated globalization's
- It espouses the idea of inevitability encroachment to many aspects of
of the spread of the ideals of free people's lives whether collectively or
trade and free enterprise to as many individually.
states and nations across the globe.
III. Nobody is in charge of
- One of its sad effects is that it paved globalization.
the way to many governments"
"HANDS OFF" attitude towards the - The claim is based on the classical
concept of "self-regulating" market.
- Globalization could bring economic
- The globalist are not the ones who growth and progress to the
would dictate the globalization non-affluent nations as well as
process. provide them with an opportune
space to get involved with the great
- Rather, these people would goes benefits that it has provided to the
beyond individual self interests but world.
rather by a mightier transcendental
force. - Nevertheless, there is also the
danger that the poorer nations and
- According to Friedman, the global its citizens would also have greater
market place today is an "electronic chances to be exploited since
herd" of often anonymous stock, globalization could also break a
bond, and currency traders and nation's protective barriers on the
multi-national investors connected realm of trade and commerce.
by screens and networks.
- Yet globalist would assert that
- Even if no one is technically in weighing the positive and negative
charge in globalization, the players effects of globalization, it would
should be responsible for its effects positively affect a large number of
since those who are affected are people in the long run.
human beings who are recipients of
the good and bad effects of this V. Globalization furthers the spread
process. of democracy in the world.

IV. Globalization benefits everyone - The fifth claim links globalization and
in the long run. market to the adjacent concept of
democracy, which also plays a
- Innovations brought about by the significant role in liberalism,
globalizing process would also better conservatism, and socialism.
facilitated to reach many regions in
the world. - The most obvious strategy by which
neo-liberals generate popular
support for the equation of
democracy and the market is Claim one and four -the backbone of market
discrediting traditionalism and globalism- remained largely intact.
- The determinist language of claim
- A globalist logically regards freedom, two had came under sustained
free markets, and democracy as one criticism by commentators who read
and the same terms. the A-Qaeda attacks as exposing
the darkside of globalization.
IMPERIAL GLOBALISM AND BACK: - Some proclaimed the imminent
'collapse of globalism', worrying that
- In the 1990's,e social power elites of the terrorist attacks would usher in a
industrialized countries use the soft new age of cultural particularism and
language “market globalization” to economic protectionism (Steger,
define their imperial activities. Battersby, & Siracusa, 2014).

- After the September 11th attacks, - This paves the way for claim 6
the power elites saw a legitimate (which is recent) of globalization:
challenge to globalization You need a war of terror to market
--terrorism. globalization's discursive arsenal.

- The unilateralist Bush administration - It is also noteworthy that one

supported the compromise of observation by many scholars on
toughening up the ideological claims globalization is that globalization is
of market globalism to fit the Americanization or McDonaldization
neo-conservative vision of a of the world.
compassionate US empire relying on
overwhelming military power
(Steger, Batterby, & Siracusa, 2014).

- As a result, market globalism

morphed into imperial globalism.

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