Marketing Globalisation and Integration
Marketing Globalisation and Integration
Marketing Globalisation and Integration
IV. Globalization benefits everyone - The fifth claim links globalization and
in the long run. market to the adjacent concept of
democracy, which also plays a
- Innovations brought about by the significant role in liberalism,
globalizing process would also better conservatism, and socialism.
facilitated to reach many regions in
the world. - The most obvious strategy by which
neo-liberals generate popular
support for the equation of
democracy and the market is Claim one and four -the backbone of market
discrediting traditionalism and globalism- remained largely intact.
- The determinist language of claim
- A globalist logically regards freedom, two had came under sustained
free markets, and democracy as one criticism by commentators who read
and the same terms. the A-Qaeda attacks as exposing
the darkside of globalization.
IMPERIAL GLOBALISM AND BACK: - Some proclaimed the imminent
'collapse of globalism', worrying that
- In the 1990's,e social power elites of the terrorist attacks would usher in a
industrialized countries use the soft new age of cultural particularism and
language “market globalization” to economic protectionism (Steger,
define their imperial activities. Battersby, & Siracusa, 2014).
- After the September 11th attacks, - This paves the way for claim 6
the power elites saw a legitimate (which is recent) of globalization:
challenge to globalization You need a war of terror to market
--terrorism. globalization's discursive arsenal.