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A Systematic Review of the Role of Higher Education and Educational Policies

in Pakistan

Article · January 2021


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3 authors, including:

Abdul Malik Malik

university of management and technology


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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 3894 - 3899 ISSN: 00333077

A Systematic Review of the Role of Higher Education and Educational

Policies in Pakistan
Abdul Malik1, Dr. Amna Saeed2,Tayyab Farooq Bhatti3
University of Management and Technology
Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab
University of Management and Technology

This study is about, a systematic review of the role of higher education and educational policies in Pakistan. At the same time, we
can see the diversity in each policy e.g. Education policy 1970 importance technology and science education, in 1972-80 private
institutions are nationalized, in 1979 the basic importance was on spiritual and Islamic education, the medium of instruction as an
Urdu, in 1992 Demand oriented curriculum was in focus, in 1998-2010 equal opportunities to higher education. Education Sector
Reforms 2003 program is built upon the long-term vision of the National Education Policy 1998-2010- and ten-year perspective
development plan 2001-11. During the 74 years since independence, efforts to increase enrolment and literacy were not rare. All
policies were partially implemented due to financial and political constraints. Objectives of the study, Review of all educational
policies, of higher education in Pakistan. Methodology: The research process was the following: To indicate the goals and
accomplishment of higher education in Pakistan. A historical method of research was adopted. Research projects reports and
journals link to the indicate goals and accomplishments were studied. Education policies from the dawn of freedom 1947 to 2018
were studies. Five-year government plans were studies. Reports and related literature were consulted to study the targets and
achievements of higher education. Findings of the study: One is knowledge building through research, analysis, and theory
building. The second thing is the most important imparting knowledge to the next generation through teaching. A state that is not
improved when imparting knowledge to the sources, such as knowledge, economy, teaching methodology, and research
innovation of the knowledge, prepares the new teaching staff. Conclusion of the study: Higher education introduced the new
paradigm for improvements for higher education. The federal level to create the sector for the improvement of an international
donor for higher education funding, and implementation of the policy.

Educational policy, planning, management, curriculum, assessment, an important element, and quality.

Article Received: 10 August 2020, Revised: 25 October 2020, Accepted: 18 November 2020

Introduction not compare to the other Muslim countries in the

The importance of education and the right type of world. Our education system just provides a
education cannot be over-emphasized. If we are to simple B.A or Master's degree.
make real, speedy, and substantial progress, we These qualifications are not to compare to the
must earnestly tackle this question having regard other developed countries. We are not moved to
to the modem conditions and vast developments scientific education and technical education in our
that have taken place all over the world". Quaid-e- educational institutions. The quality of higher
Azim. Pakistan was created in the name of the education is very low. Our teacher's salary is very
Islamic foundation under the outstanding guidance low in other countries. Our teachers are under-
and leadership of Quaid -e-Azim Muhammad Ali trained, and the teachers are very disorganized
Jinnah. The great leader of the Muslims, Quaid- e- these challenges. The students are not to interest
Azim Muhammad Ali Jinnah has emphasized the highly professional skills knowledge. Highly
importance of education at the indigenous level to professional skilled knowledge to create different
create a new nation. Unfortunately, from the last economic prosperity in the country. A few
74 years, we have completely failed to promote decades ago the education to gain the religious,
our nation's vision of education. Our educational social, and cultural progress in the region. In the
policies, educational conferences, and educational period of, 1960. The fundamental work of Schultz
plan are linked with the political system when and Becker working on the thoughts of investment
changing the political party, so his educational in human capital provides that the high level of
policies' consequences are zero. The literacy level quality of education is the compulsory situation
is low in the male and female areas, which may for economic development and not any country to

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 3894 - 3899 ISSN: 00333077

remove the economic progress, the consequences other nations. The second thing is that Pakistan is
the is very dangerous if economic progress is the trying to develop the universities in different
very low the mostly nation is the illiterate for the areas, educate the people through research, and
nation. East Asian countries are very prosperous, meet the modern economy worldwide. In any
its reason for these countries the education system state, universities must be able to a critical role.
is very excellent. The Quaid-e-Azim have the One is knowledge building through research,
international exposures of the educational. analysis, and theory building. The second thing is
Pakistan’s educational planners are not giving a the most important imparting knowledge to the
sufficient budget for education. Specifically, for next generation through teaching. A state that is
higher education. In so far as the budget of the not improved when imparting knowledge to the
education is not proper to serve higher education. sources, such as knowledge, economy, teaching
methodology, and research innovation of the
Literature review knowledge, prepares the new teaching staff.
(Praveen, et al 2011).
Higher education produced high-level leadership Higher education is created differently to assist as
for the development of the country. Higher the top sector for all issues relating to the policy,
education is based on the knowledge-based funding, plans, and program standards and
economy. To provide the enlightenment of the misunderstanding of higher education in the state,
various purpose of the country. Higher education these engines are to serve the higher education,
is prepared to the individual needs of the society. developed to the socio-economic development in
To provide advanced academic knowledge for the state. The higher education formulation the
human beings. policy purpose, guiding principles, and
According to the educational policy in 2009, the significance of the higher education institutions
knowledge-based economy, in reality, proves for raising the country's socio-economic growth.
high-quality education in the higher education Higher education funding institutions,
level. Higher education knowledge-based accreditations, and quality of academic programs
economy has consisted of the economic paradigm. and plan the preparation for the growth of the
Higher education is linked to social goals, higher education, views of the experts in all
emerging social responsibility, social harmony, educational sectors social gaps in the society.
and social acceptance. Reason for this purpose, to (National educational policy, 2009)
remove the traditional way of working and Higher education is the responsibility to create
producing the new knowledge according to the new institutions with science and technology, with
research innovation. One-third population, the collaboration of research innovation
including the service the society of all over the knowledge for the betterment of society. In the
world. These processes have consisted of different global context so the Planning of education in the
sectors, involving the social structure, innovation social needs of the society. Analyze this study to
process, sustainable development, and economic predict the critical history of the Planning of
growth. (Khizar, et al 2019). education in Pakistan. But Pakistan is failed to
World's in today, knowledge is the tool that drives achieve the educational goals for the predicted
the development of economic development and duration. Now we are synthesized all educational
social development. Being a country to transmit conferences, educational policies, and educational
the meaningful program constant growth at the plans since 1947 -2019 were the set of free
school level, one is teaching the knowledge is education and compulsory education in Pakistan.
relevant and useful in the society. We have not achieved these goals. We are not to
Teachers are must be prepared for the subject produce the result on the demand of society. The
content and teaching methodology. Teachers are literacy rate is constant over the beginner ten
must provide the current knowledge needs of the years the nations of life. At a time, we can see the
students. Pakistan has two broad education. One is diversity of the educational policies, for example,
primary education, primary education is important Reforms in the 2003 programs of the education
for the useful illiterate the workforce, so include sectors create the long-term visualization of the
the world-wide economy. Pakistan is not truly national educational policy 1998-2010, and the
developed the modern nation to compete with plan of ten years 2001 – 2011. Throughout the 74
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 3894 - 3899 ISSN: 00333077

years since independence, increase the effort to higher education. Expenditures level is a very low
enrollment and literacy were not infrequent. All condition, presently, nearly all government
educational policies were fulfilled incompletely educational institutions specifically higher
due to political and financial restrictions. But the education represents a subsidy; enrollment ratios
main things are not the described educational gave the tax burden by income groups. The low-
policy since 1947-2019 not discussed the future of income group is given a subsidy. a started the
higher education. It is a very important factor for made the at a private sector to established the
the society and knowledge-based economy. higher education two professional universities, but
Higher education faces different challenges, some the general university. Presently starts to be finite.
challenges are described. In the current situation Pakistan had a well-designed loan program in
of the future of higher education. Consequently, in operation, its quantitative impact is presently
2002 to the established higher education limited. (Khan, S. R. 1991).
commission HEC. Higher education commission Higher education in emerging trends. Higher
covered the system to the refresh to stimulate education in Pakistan evaluates emerging trends.
support to legalize the standards sponsors and The debates attention to higher education
make practical actions assumed by the various Pakistan's future about the structure, private
respective perceptions of inactive culture into enterprise, funding patterns, and access. These
mobile and vagarious signs. (World Bank, 1994). discussions do match the quality with quantity.
The focuses on policy measures and objectives Higher education has not improved the
regarding four major education areas in the enlightenment in the needs of the society,
country. Higher Education, Secondary Education, motivate, highly skilled workers, trained and
Primary Education, and Technical and Vocational morally individuals committed, the state does not
Education. This research describes the meet the objective development. Shining students
chronological development in education are working the social sciences in the different
policymaking and implementation and presents a research innovations and various paradigms. The
short history of policy measures proposed during country has allocated funding for higher
different regimes. It also presents an analysis of education. Some new issues have created new
the focus and elaborates on the various measures paradigms of knowledge.
taken to improve education in the country over a Interdisciplinary study, in the 18th amendment
period. Besides, the research identifies major views, higher education identified some
problems in the way of policymaking and challenges and issues related to the planning and
implementation at the different levels and streams governance body. The study emphasized
of education in Pakistan. (Majoka, M. I., and governance and palling at the provincial level.
Khan, M. I. 2017). These research recommendations for future
The educational policy elaborates on the national situations. One is the constitutional level to
and international trends of education in Pakistan. evaluate the subject of higher education, second is
Around about the study to evaluate the all policy the 18th amendment higher education to improve
framework, used in Pakistan. The main focus all issues of governance body and Planning. The
presently processes of development in the third is the very short time governance of higher
educational policy, which was the basic ministry education at the level of provincial. Fourth is the
of education in 2005 in Pakistan, in which into a future of leadership and administration of higher
white paper on education in 2007 and a education is indicated at the provincial level. The
consequence of the educational policy in fifth is needs planning and monitoring higher
September 2009. The research is emphasized the education at the national level. Sixth is the federal
meet the international standards for globalization. level's need to create the sector for the
(Hameed-ur-Rehman, et al 2013). improvement of an international donor for the
Higher education is neglected as the main cause of funding of higher education. Seventh is the
financing problems in Pakistan. Higher education required body of verification and equaling of the
is immediate the several questions about the educational qualifications. Eight is the remove
public expenditures about the allocation budget gender discrimination in higher education in
for education. The education budget is sufficient Pakistan. Universities have generated income for
for the cover of the primary education towards higher education and the economy. These
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 3894 - 3899 ISSN: 00333077

universities are generating the income for form Higher education provides the restructure the
exchange. Foresight the performance or increase globalization and knowledge-based economy to
enrollment during the 18th amendment. (Mukhtar, meet the developed countries. Other things are to
et al 2011). promote higher education ideas in different ways
Linked to the economy and higher education to of knowledge addition to meet social needs.
link the improvement the economic-based Universities give policy frameworks to improve
knowledge. The impact of higher education is the the quality of higher education. But is the main
enrollment of higher education to improve the thing being the hurdles for the students of higher
social and economic needs of society. education? Main issues of the financing. Due to
Policymakers to review the social and economic the political and social consequences is a link to
needs of society. (Aziz, et al 2008). the public welfare. (Tarar, N. 2006).
Described the main two parts. One is the Higher educational policies about globalization,
development of science education and the deep and international students. Rapidly to increase the
history of the educational policies and educational international level students to compete for the
plans in 1947-2009. In higher education to educational standards to the other developed
improve science education. Development of countries. The consequences are positive results
science education introduced the new knowledge, for the economy of Pakistan. Higher education
skills, ethics, attitudes, responsibilities, and values policy framework for international students.
that are important for her/ his, bright future. (Zakaria, et al 2016).
Important of the study include the issues and Higher education provides the social, economic,
challenges for the future of higher education in and political makeup. it must provide skills-based
Pakistan. (Shah, et al 2019). knowledge for the youth programs. Skills-based
All educational policies, all educational plans, and knowledge is the guide the employment of the
all educational conferences, to provide the set of future. These policies show the science,
basic frameworks to achieve the educational technology, and practical education, the
goals. This implementation provides the basic requirement of society's social needs. GNP is
framework, plans, and strategies that indicate the allocated to the UNESCO strongly recommended
national educational targets' achievements. The 4% for the betterment of higher education, but not
study particularly comprehensive data, which spend the allocated fund for higher education,
includes all educational policies and related financing issues are important for any state. (Ibad,
material, to observe the status and implementation F. 2017)
facts. The analysis shows all history of Pakistan, Higher education improvement disadvantage,
no has been implemented the policies of education private sector proper work in the higher education
in its correct after and spiritual duty to the standards. The private sector has increased the
unexpected the changes in the government, which high rate of enrollment of the students. (Niazi, H.
every method places its stress on the request of K., and Mace, J.2006).
higher education. To identify the poor and
implementation method towards the awareness of Objectives of the study
the higher education objectives. New educational Review of all educational policies, of higher
policies were presented to the linkage of the past education in Pakistan.
educational policies concerning new plans of the
educational needs of international levels, national Methodology
levels, and local levels. In these educational The research process was the following: To
policies to make the long term and indicate the goals and accomplishment of higher
implementation of the introduced the new education in Pakistan.
paradigm of the knowledge innovation through 1. A historical method of research was
research activities. Higher education is the key adopted.
important element, to improve quality education, 2. Research projects reports and journals link
teachers training, faculty development, quality to the indicate goals and accomplishments
enhance cell, Entrepreneurship, and research were studied.
innovation, and improved governance and 3. Education policies from the dawn of
leadership. (Mahmood, et al 2015). freedom 1947 to 2018 were studies.
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 3894 - 3899 ISSN: 00333077

4. Five-year government plans were studies. national and international trends of education in
5. Reports and related literature were Pakistan. The research was emphasized the meet
consulted to study the targets and the international standards for globalization. The
achievements of the higher education education budget was sufficient for the cover of
the primary education towards higher education.
Findings Expenditures level was a very low condition,
Pakistan’s educational planners are not giving a presently, nearly all government educational
sufficient budget for education. Specifically, for institutions specifically higher education
higher education. Must deliver science education, represents a subsidy, and enrollment ratios gave
research, technology, and current awareness all the tax burden by income groups. Higher
over the world. Higher education is linked to the education Pakistan about the structure, private
social goals, of emerging social responsibility, enterprise, funding patterns, and access. These
social harmony, and social acceptance in society. discussions do match the quality with quantity.
These processes have consisted of different Higher education has not improved the
sectors, involving the social structure, innovation enlightenment in the needs of the society, motivate
process, sustainable development, and economic highly skilled workers, trained and morally
growth. Knowledge is the tool that drives the individuals committed. Some new issues have
development of economic development and social created new paradigms of knowledge. Emphasized
development. Pakistan is not truly developed the governance and palling at the provincial level.
modern nation to compete with other nations. One Constitutional level to evaluate the subject of
is knowledge building through research, analysis, higher education. The 18th amendment higher
and theory building. The second thing is the most education to improve all issues of governance
important imparting knowledge to the next body and Planning. The very short time
generation through teaching. A state that is not governance of higher education at the level of
improved when imparting knowledge to the provincial. The future of leadership and
sources, such as knowledge, economy, teaching administration of higher education is indicated at
methodology, and research innovation of the the provincial level. Needs Planning and
knowledge, prepares the new teaching staff. monitoring higher education at the national level.
Developed to the socio-economic development in The federal level to create the sector for the
the state. New institutions with science and improvement of an international donor for higher
technology, with the collaboration of research education funding. The impact of higher education
innovation knowledge for the betterment of the is the enrollment of higher education to improve
society. The educational policy 1970 is the the social and economic needs of
emphasis the sciences and technology in society. Policymakers to review the social and
educational institutions. Educational policy in economic needs of society. Development of
1972-1980 all private educational institutions science education introduced the new knowledge,
were nationalized. The other educational policy, skills, ethics, attitudes, responsibilities, and values
1979 was emphasized Islamic education and that are important for her/ his, bright future.
spiritual education. In this educational policy New educational policies were presented to the
was compulsory to choose the method of linkage of the past educational policies
instruction in the Urdu medium. In the concerning new plans of the educational needs of
educational policy 1992 Request, the concerned international levels, national levels, and local
curriculum was in focus, in the educational policy levels. Educational policies to make the long term
1998-2010 equaling changes to higher education. and implementation of the introduced new
All educational policies were fulfilled paradigm of knowledge innovation through
incompletely due to political and financial research activities. Higher education is the key
restrictions. Higher education was a concern important element, to improve quality education,
about the different aspects, specifically the teachers training, faculty development, quality
educationist, general public, and policymakers. enhance cell, Entrepreneurship, and research
Human development must specific the different innovation, and improved governance and
circles, socio-economic, and religious cultural leadership. Main issues of the financing. Due to
lives of the people. Policy elaborates on the the political and social consequences is a link to
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 3894 - 3899 ISSN: 00333077

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