ZHENG How Does Anxiety Influence Language
ZHENG How Does Anxiety Influence Language
ZHENG How Does Anxiety Influence Language
* Correspondence:
ying.zheng@soton.ac.uk Abstract
Faculty of Humanities, University of
Southampton, Avenue Campus, This study examined the relationships between students’ foreign language classroom
Southampton SO17 1BF, UK anxiety and cognitive test anxiety and their College English Test Band 4 (CET-4)
Full list of author information is performance. A questionnaire was distributed to 921 Chinese university students to
available at the end of the article
understand the nature and degree of the examined relationships. Follow-up interviews
with 12 students were used to shed further light on uncovering mechanisms of
relationships found in the survey. Results revealed three factors of anxiety, explaining 43.
14% of the total variance examined in the quesionnaire items. Means, standard
deviations, the internal consistency for each factor, and zero-order correlations among
the three factors were calculated. Correlation and multiple regression of the anxiety
factors and test scores were then conducted. Results confirmed that cognitive test
anxiety factor was a significant negative predictor of language achievement. Interview
results did not fully support the relationships found in the survey. Most students did
not perceive themselves to be very anxious in their university settings, either in
classrooms or in testing situations. However, they did express their anxiety toward
English speaking skills in the classroom. The differential perspectives of anxiety revealed
from both analyses indicate that a better understanding of language classroom anxiety
and cognitive test anxiety can help students and teachers optimize their foreign
langauge learning and teaching practices.
Keywords: Language classroom anxiety, Cognitive test anxiety, CET-4, Test
confidence, Factor analysis, Language skill-specific anxieties, Test taking strategies,
Academic anxiety
Trait anxiety, situational anxiety, and state anxiety are generally recognized as three
categories of anxiety, which vary from stability to transient incidences of anxiety
arousal. Research demonstrates that elements that trigger anxiety differ across lan-
guage processes and language skills. Anxiety can disrupt complex learning, test-taking,
and effective thinking (Covington et al. 1986; Gregersen et al. 2014).
Our current knowledge of language and test anxiety benefits from an understanding of
the relationship between anxiety and culture in language education. Cultural influences,
such as teacher/student stereotypes and expectations regarding the nature of classroom
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Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 2 of 19
interaction, differ widely between cultures. Lim (Lim HY: Effects of task values, attribu-
tions, and cultural constructs on foreign language use anxiety among international teach-
ing assistants, unpublished) found that learners from Asia (particularly Chinese and
Korean learners) had a higher level of anxiety around foreign language use than those
from North American or Europe. Scholarly traditions in Chinese culture may also have
shaped or influenced the learning of English as a foreign language in China. Examples of
these traditions are the emphasis on rote memorization, the central role of textbooks and
grammar, the influence of Confucian doctrines, and the perception of teachers and
parents as authority figures, all of which are potential causes of culture-specific anxiety
(Yan X: An examination of foreign language classroom anxiety: Its sources and effects in
a college English program in China, unpublished).
The importance of understanding and incorporating contextual factors in examining
test anxiety are emphasized in cross-cultural research (Bodas, 2005). Cultural differ-
ences are claimed to exist because socialization practices and parental expectations can
differ between cultures. These factors may put excessive pressure on students to
achieve. Different high-stakes testing systems might also generate high levels of test
anxiety (Cheng et al. 2014; Crocker et al. 1988).
Understanding anxiety, as one of the pervasive psychological emotions, is a prerequisite
to providing the necessary support to anxious second/foreign language learners (Zheng
2008). An understanding of language anxiety within different contexts provides a rationale
for a careful investigation of English learners in China. This study examines the nature of
anxiety (both in the foreign language classroom and testing situations) and its relationship
to language test performance by using a mixed-methods approach. The purpose of the
study was to better understand the nature and effect of anxiety in the context of
high-takes testing for Chinese university students learning English as a foreign language.
Literature review
Foreign language classroom anxiety
Anxiety in the context of the foreign language classroom is a form of anxiety that is
usually aroused by a certain type of situation (e.g., speaking a foreign language). In a
broader research context, MacIntyre (1998) observed that language anxiety is a form of
situational anxiety, and emphasized that research on the topic should employ measures
of anxiety experienced in specific second language (L2) contexts, e.g., in classroom set-
tings. He conceived of language anxiety as ‘the worry and negative emotional reaction
aroused when learning or using a second language’ (p. 27). Horwitz (1986) also recog-
nized that situation-specific anxiety triggered by learning or using a foreign language
was largely independent of other situation-specific anxieties. They developed a
self-report instrument called the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS),
aiming to assess communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evalu-
ation associated with language anxiety. This instrument, eliciting responses of anxiety
specific to foreign language classroom settings, triggered an avalanche of similar stud-
ies, demonstrating firmly that language anxiety has a debilitating role in the L2 class-
room in different contexts.
Foreign language classroom anxiety is attributable to a variety of causes.
Price (1991) maintained that levels of difficulty in some foreign language clas-
ses, students’ personal perceptions of their own language aptitude, certain
Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 3 of 19
In the field of second/foreign language learning, language tests are often used as
screening mechanisms in selecting potential candidates for educational institutions. An
example is the use of English-as-a-Foreign-Language test scores (e.g., IELTS scores,
TOEFL scores) as one of the criteria for the admission of international students into
English-speaking universities. This kind of practice creates anxious feelings for language
learners for whom English is not their first language (Cheng et al. 2014). MacIntyre et
al. (1997) posited that the interrelation between anxiety and language learning out-
comes forms a vicious circle; that is, high anxiety levels lead to poor learning outcomes,
and poor learning outcomes lead back to higher anxiety levels. Zin and Rafik-Galea’s
(2010) investigation indicated that the majority of the low proficiency Malay ESL
learners experienced a moderate level of reading anxiety, which in turn influenced their
reading performance significantly.
The measurement of language test anxiety was included as one of the three
components of Horwitz et al. (1986) well-known language anxiety concept, to-
gether with communication apprehension and fear of negative evaluation. How-
ever, an examination of their questionnaire, the Foreign Language Classroom
Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), revealed that only one item touched upon the compo-
nent of test anxiety. A search of the relevant studies also confirmed that not
only has there been insufficient validation of questionnaires on this topic but
also that little attention has been paid to the effects of test anxiety on language
Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 5 of 19
test performance (In'nami 2006). It seems that Horwitz et al.’s (1986) theory of
language anxiety, with its emphasis on communication apprehension and fear of
negative evaluation, together with Cassady and Johnson’s (2002) model of test
cognitive anxiety, are most suitable for the investigation of anxiety issues re-
lated to second/foreign language learning and testing in this study.
In the context of Chinese university students learning English as a foreign
language, the high level of importance that has been placed on English lan-
guage competence for tertiary-level English learners has dramatically influ-
enced anxiety levels, both in their English classes and their tests (Cheng
2008). A knowledge of English is obligatory and achieving competence in the
language is a prerequisite to graduate or for getting a good job. With this
pressure in mind, learners are more likely to experience anxiety in the class-
room (Liu 2006; Mak 2011). Admittedly, the underlying rationale for studying
English in China is essentially economic, since it is seldom studied for its own
sake. Chinese students are obliged to learn English if they hope to gain a bet-
ter position in a global economy where English is the lingua franca (Gan et al.
2004; Yong and Campbell 1995).
This study examined students’ perceptions of their anxiety levels, including
foreign language classroom anxiety and test anxiety, and the relationships to
their test performance on CET-4. Two research questions guided the study:
1) What is the nature of foreign language classroom anxiety and cognitive test
2) How do these anxiety factors influence language test performance?
Researchers noted that certain research contexts can particularly benefit
from a mixed-methods approach (Yoshikawa et al. 2008). Such contexts in-
clude investigating aspects of individual behavior or contextual characteris-
tics that are difficult to understand using a single method, conducting
integrated studies of beliefs and practices in human development, and ex-
ploring causal associations and their mechanisms. The examination of the in-
fluence of anxiety, a psychological state, and its relationship, in this case to
the learning of English as a foreign language, is a typical research situation
that might benefit from a mixed-methods approach.
The survey method is used to understand the prevalence of foreign lan-
guage classroom anxiety and test anxiety and to estimate the direction and
magnitude of causal influence on test performance exerted by these phenom-
ena; the interview method is used to shed light on mechanisms of cause and
effect, if any, and to provide an explanation of any prevalence or discrepan-
cies found. In addition, total scores and sub-scores for the CET-4 partici-
pants were obtained from the registrar’s office in the participating university.
The total full test score is 710 with a mean of 500 and a standard deviation
of 70. There are four sections in the test: listening, reading, cloze, and
writing and translation.
Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 6 of 19
Survey instrument
The survey instrument consists of two primary constructs: Foreign Language
Classroom Anxiety and Test Anxiety. The Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety
Scale (FLCAS), developed by Horwitz et al. (1986), was used to assess
students’ anxiety levels in the classroom context. The FLCAS contains 33
items, each measured on a 5-point Likert scale, with responses ranging from
‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree.’ Higher scores indicate more anxiety in
language-learning behavior. For example, for positively worded items, ‘strongly
agree’ receives 5 points, and ‘strongly disagree’ receives 1 point, while for
negatively worded items, the inverse applies. Total scores can range from 33
to 165. Internal reliability of the FLCAS (Horwitz 1986) shows a reliability co-
efficient of .93. Horwitz et al.’s (1986) FLCAS was revised according to Aida’s
(1994) study with Japanese university students. Items from the FLCAS were
trimmed to avoid unnecessary redundancy based on the qualitative evaluations
of the researchers in this study. For this current study, 17 of the 33 items in
the FLCAS were retained. All negatively keyed items were re-coded for the
data analyses. These items were named as FLCAS1 to FLCAS17.
To measure test anxiety, this study adopted the Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale
(CTAS), which was developed by Cassady and Johnson (2002) to assess students’
cognitive test anxiety levels. The original CTAS contains 27 items, each measured
on a 4-point scale, with responses ranging from ‘not at all typical of me’ (4 points)
to ‘very typical of me’ (1 point). This unidimensional scale of cognitive test anxiety
(Cassady and Johnson 2002) has high internal consistency (.91) and has proven its
concurrent validity through comparison with Sarason’s (1984) Reaction to Tests.
For this current study, items from the CTAS were trimmed following the same
procedures used for FLCAS. Twenty of the 27 items in the CTAS were retained in
the study, adopting the 5-point Likert scale as with the FLCAS. All negatively
keyed items were re-coded for the data analyses. These items were named as
CTAS1 to CTAS20.
The survey questionnaire was distributed to 921 participants from 32 classes in
one south-eastern university in China. They were asked to describe their percep-
tions of anxiety from the perspective of foreign language classroom anxiety and
cognitive test anxiety. Twelve consenting survey participants were given further in-
terviews. These interviewees represented a balanced sample in terms of gender (six
males and six females), their university major (six from Arts programs and six
from Science), and their self-reported English competence (four from each level:
high, medium, and low). They were interviewed in order to understand in more
depth their perceptions of their own foreign language classroom anxiety and cogni-
tive test anxiety in relation to their CET-4 performance. They were also asked
about their perception of test anxiety in different language skills and possible rea-
sons for such anxiety.
Interviewees’ pseudonyms were chosen to reflect their genders and their university
programs; within each category, the names are presented in a sequence of their
Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 7 of 19
self-reported proficiency levels from high to low. All six students from the Arts
programs were named with an initial A, while those studying Science were allotted
the initial S. In addition, in data reporting, interviewees with high self-reported
proficiency levels were assigned a number of 01, those who had a medium profi-
ciency level were assigned a number of 02, and those with a low proficiency level
were assigned the number 03 (see Table 1).
Data analyses
Survey findings were analyzed using statistical methods. Descriptive statistics were
first reported, followed by exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Direct oblimin was
used as the rotation method, thus permitting factors to be correlated. The EFA re-
sults were analyzed from factor structure, scree plot, model fit, as well as factor in-
terpretability perspectives.
Several steps were followed in analyzing the interview data. First, to
organize and prepare the data for analysis; interviews were transcribed verba-
tim in Chinese and then translated into English. Items relevant to the re-
search questions were identified and highlighted. Inductive analysis was used
to uncover themes and patterns in the students’ perceptions of Foreign Lan-
guage Classroom Anxiety and Cognitive Test Anxiety. Open coding was used
to help build ideas inductively and remain more attentive to what the inter-
viewees had to say, rather than imposing pre-existing ideas or the findings
from the statistical analyses on this part of the data analysis. Next, constant
comparative method (Merriam 1998) was used to juxtapose responses from
other interviewees.
Results from the survey and the interviews were interpreted separately first and trian-
gulated at a later stage to see if the results from the two sources supported each other
in the discussion section.
Survey findings
Table 2 below shows the average frequencies at the sub-questionnaire level. The de-
scriptive statistics indicate that the average for FLCAS is slightly higher than that of
CTAS, while the standard deviation demonstrates the opposite, which means that
students’ reported Cognitive Test Anxiety has a wider spread than their reported
Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 8 of 19
One item (FLCAS5) from the FLCAS loaded on test anxiety. This item was
presented as: ‘I am usually at ease during tests in English class.’ As the only
item from the FLCAS that measured test anxiety, it was reasonable to expect
that it would load on factor 3, test anxiety. The other two components of
Foreign Language Anxiety—communication apprehension and fear of nega-
tive evaluation—could not be differentiated statistically from this dataset.
These three factors explained 43.14% of the total variance examined in the question-
naire items. To understand the tendency of students’ anxiety patterns as well as the
Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 10 of 19
perceptions of English test anxiety in the context of the CET-4. The latter includes stu-
dents’ assessments of their anxiety levels in each of four different language skills.
not understand certain vocabulary that other students used, she would feel
frustrated and anxious, but if she considered that she could have a fluent
conversation with others in English, she felt happy and confident.
In summary, academic anxiety, mainly reported by female students, seemed to be
a phenomenon that they had experienced whenever they felt pressure to succeed
academically. In addition, an association between language anxiety levels and their
own perception of their competence in English was observed among this group of
being a significant positive predictor of the test scores. Foreign language classroom
anxiety, however, does not significantly predict test performance. Hence, this study
managed to break down the language anxiety concept and looked at different effects of
the anxiety facets on language performance. This result is a step further from previous
correlational studies, for example, in Salehi and Marefat’s (2014) correlation investiga-
tion, they found both foreign language anxiety and test anxiety had a statistically sig-
nificant negative correlation with the exam grades. The two sub-concepts in the
FLCAS (communication apprehension and fear of negative evaluation), however, are
not identifiable statistically.
Interview results indicated that most students did not perceive themselves to be very
anxious in their university settings, either in English classrooms or in English testing
situations, irrespectively of their self-reported language proficiency. In addition, these
students considered themselves to be experienced test-takers and were adept at
test-taking. However, they did express their anxiety toward oral English, especially
speaking skills in the classroom, a result that is in line with previous researchers’ find-
ings on the effects of students’ anxiety on oral test performance (Hewitt and Stephen-
son 2012; Phillips 1992). These studies support a moderate inverse relationship
between language anxiety and performance: students who expressed more foreign lan-
guage anxiety tended to receive lower exam grades than their less anxious counterparts.
However, because the CET spoken test is not included in the regular CET-4, which was
the focus of this study, and students need to obtain a certain score or higher in their
CET-4 in order to be able to take the spoken test, the actual relationship between anx-
iety and oral test performance was not investigated here.
The literature on anxiety in second/foreign language learning indicates that anxiety
interferes with the processes of language encoding, storage, and retrieval (MacIntyre
1995). Cognitive processes through which anxiety might interfere with test performance
were not, however, revealed from the survey and interview results in the current study.
The one student who reported high anxiety in testing situations stated that he could
manage to calm down after several minutes and concentrate on the test. The cyclical
relation between anxiety and performance, that is, as students experience more failure,
their anxiety level tends to increase, was not confirmed in this study. One thing to note
is that interviews were conducted a few days after the test, not before or during the
test, which might account for test anxiety being reported less frequently than one might
Cross-cultural studies and studies conducted in Asian contexts have indicated that
the view that Asian students were more likely to be anxious was a stereotype held by
many people. For example, Crystal et al. (1994) reported on a cross-cultural study
evaluating the popular stereotype that students in high-achieving Asian countries such
as Taiwan and Japan experienced a higher degree of psychological distress than did
their lower-achieving American counterparts. Their findings did not support this belief:
the high-achieving Chinese students did not report higher psychological distress than
their American counterparts.
Although general foreign language anxiety has been found to be independent of tar-
get language, levels of some specific categories of anxiety (e.g., reading anxiety) are
found to vary by target language and seem to be related to the specific writing systems
(Saito et al. 1999). The interview findings from this study supported the notion that
Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 15 of 19
The three deleted items were ‘The more I study for an English test, the more con-
fused I get’ (FLCAS12); ‘I have less difficulty than average college students in getting
English test instructions straight’ (CTAS1); ‘During the CET-4, I have the feeling that
I am not doing well’ (CTAS12).
The interviewee ID codes consist of three parts connected by underscores: (1) a
pseudonym with a first letter A from the Arts programs or S from the Science pro-
grams; (2) a 2-digit number ‘01, 02, or 03’, where 01 represents an interviewee with a
high proficiency level, 02 represents an interviewee with a medium proficiency level,
and 03 represents an interviewee with a low proficiency level; (3) a 2-digit number
referring to the page number in the interview transcripts.
Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 16 of 19
Appendix 1
Table 7 Anxiety frequency table
items Missing Strongly disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly agree
% % % % % %
FLCAS1 .7 4.1 26.7 25.9 38.4 4.2
FLCAS2 .7 6.0 46.3 22.4 22.2 2.4
FLCAS3 1.2 6.9 50.2 19.2 20.8 1.8
FLCAS4 .9 4.0 28.8 27.0 35.5 3.8
FLCAS5 .9 2.0 23.0 24.4 43.9 5.6
FLCAS6 .8 3.4 20.4 19.2 52.2 4.0
FLCAS7 .8 6.8 49.5 22.0 18..8 2.1
FLCAS8 .9 4.9 25.3 22.0 42.9 4.0
FLCAS9 .8 5.8 42.7 23.3 24.4 3.1
FLCAS10 1.1 3.2 33.6 39.2 19.4 3.5
FLCAS11 1.1 3.2 24.8 26.3 40.9 3.8
FLCAS12 .9 7.3 50.2 25.1 14.8 1.6
FLCAS13 .7 4.3 32.0 29.6 29.6 3.8
FLCAS14 .7 5.1 38.7 29.1 23.9 2.6
FLCAS15 .9 7.3 46.5 20.0 23.4 1.9
FLCAS16 .8 8.8 49.2 20.4 18.9 1.8
FLCAS17 .7 5.1 25.5 26.0 39.7 3.1
CTAS1 .7 1.9 11.5 24.9 53.2 7.8
CTAS2 .9 1.8 19.9 26.1 45.2 6.1
CTAS3 1.2 12.3 52.6 16.1 15.9 1.9
CTAS4 .7 10.9 57.0 19.7 10.2 1.4
CTAS5 .8 1.6 16.8 43.5 32.5 4.7
CTAS6 .9 6.7 46.2 24.4 19.3 2.5
CTAS7 .9 11.6 54.3 20.8 10.7 1.6
CTAS8 .9 10.2 56.3 19.5 11.8 1.3
CTAS9 1.3 12.1 52.5 18.6 13.9 1.6
CTAS10 1.1 1.5 26.2 31.1 34.2 5.9
CTAS11 .9 1.8 24.4 35.5 31.8 5.5
CTAS12 1.1 4.0 22.3 24.8 44.2 3.6
CTAS13 .8 6.1 44.1 27.1 19.9 2.0
CTAS14 .7 3.8 27.6 32.8 30.7 4.5
CTAS15 .9 5.5 47.9 23.6 20.2 1.8
CTAS16 .9 3.5 36.7 30.3 26.2 2.4
CTAS17 1.1 3.6 33.3 35.6 23.7 2.7
CTAS18 1.2 4.3 37.1 28.4 26.3 2.6
CTAS19 1.1 5.3 40.5 28.0 22.4 2.7
CTAS20 .9 3.9 23.5 22.7 42.9 6.1
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Appendix 2
Table 8 Descriptive table
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Skewness Kurtosis
Items Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. error Statistic Std. error
FLCAS1 824 1 5 3.12 .987 − .233 .085 − .885 .170
FLCAS2 824 1 5 2.68 .957 .417 .085 − .733 .170
FLCAS3 820 1 5 2.59 .943 .508 .085 − .670 .171
FLCAS4 822 1 5 3.05 .973 − .134 .085 − .928 .170
FLCAS5 822 1 5 3.29 .938 − .348 .085 − .814 .170
FLCAS6 823 1 5 3.33 .954 − .665 .085 − .553 .170
FLCAS7 823 1 5 2.58 .926 .543 .085 − .501 .170
FLCAS8 823 1 5 3.15 1.006 − .380 .085 − .896 .170
FLCAS9 823 1 5 2.76 .977 .311 .085 − .859 .170
FLCAS10 821 1 5 2.87 .874 .311 .085 − .378 .170
FLCAS11 821 1 5 3.13 .874 − .311 .085 − .378 .170
FLCAS12 821 1 5 3.16 .951 − .314 .085 − .856 .170
FLCAS13 822 1 5 2.53 .882 .599 .085 − .172 .170
FLCAS14 824 1 5 2.95 .966 .032 .085 − .858 .170
FLCAS15 824 1 5 2.79 .939 .240 .085 − .771 .170
FLCAS16 822 1 5 2.65 .971 .381 .085 − .854 .170
FLCAS17 823 1 5 2.55 .949 .506 .085 − .558 .170
CTAS1 824 1 5 3.10 .981 − .319 .085 − .872 .170
CTAS2 824 1 5 3.54 .862 − .717 .085 .219 .170
CTAS3 822 1 5 3.35 .915 − .398 .085 − .648 .170
CTAS4 820 1 5 2.40 .952 .675 .085 − .215 .171
CTAS5 824 1 5 2.33 .842 .795 .085 .491 .170
CTAS6 823 1 5 3.22 .833 − .132 .085 − .222 .170
CTAS7 822 1 5 2.64 .936 .470 .085 − .539 .170
CTAS8 822 1 5 2.36 .870 .728 .085 .295 .170
CTAS9 822 1 5 2.36 .857 .752 .085 .228 .170
CTAS10 819 1 5 2.39 .923 .670 .085 − .076 .171
CTAS11 821 1 5 3.16 .932 − .017 .085 − .855 .170
CTAS12 822 1 5 3.15 .907 .008 .085 − .708 .170
CTAS13 821 1 5 3.22 .959 − .495 .085 − .673 .170
CTAS14 823 1 5 2.65 .919 .387 .085 − .597 .170
CTAS15 824 1 5 3.03 .950 − .042 .085 − .724 .170
CTAS16 822 1 5 2.64 .912 .464 .085 − .660 .170
CTAS17 822 1 5 2.86 .917 .166 .085 − .869 .170
CTAS18 821 1 5 2.88 .895 .132 .085 − .668 .170
CTAS19 820 1 5 2.84 .941 .177 .085 − .874 .171
CTAS20 821 1 5 2.76 .938 .301 .085 − .729 .170
Zheng and Cheng Language Testing in Asia (2018) 8:13 Page 18 of 19
Authors’ contributions
Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Author details
Faculty of Humanities, University of Southampton, Avenue Campus, Southampton SO17 1BF, UK. 2Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada.
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