Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Date Time Class No. of pupils Subject Theme Learning area Topic Learning Objective Learning Outcomes
: 15 April 2010 : 10.30 11.30 am : Year 4 Alamanda : 35 : Science : Investigating materials : Properties of materials : Conductors and insulators : At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to understand the properties of materials : Pupils will be able to: 1) List down three things that can conduct electricity 2) Identify three things that cannot conduct electricity 3) Categorize things according to conductors and insulators
Pre-requisite knowledge
: Pupils are able to name things such as bulb, battery, battery holder, connecting wires, wooden ruler, clothes, metal spoon, rubber band and paper : Pupils able to make a simple circuit.
: Observe that a metal can conduct electricity Observe that non metals do not conduct electricity Predict what will happen when the metals connected to the battery, and bulb Classifying conductors and insulators Communicating the results
Manipulative skills
: Use and handle battery, bulb, connecting wires, metals and non metals Handle specimens correctly and carefully
Thinking skills
: Group and classify the conductors and insulators Analyzing the conductors and insulators Predicting the conductors and insulators Relating the conductors and insulators in surrounding
Being cooperative in group activities. Responsible in carrying out the experiment. Being responsible about the safety of oneself during experiment. Being confident during carrying out the experiment.
: Bulbs, batteries, battery holders, connecting wires, safety boots, cloth, metal spoons, rubber bands, iron lock, pencil, dice box, music, music box and worksheet.
Safety precautions : Keep an eye towards pupils safety Make sure that the pupils are using materials correctly
Phase/ time
- Teacher shows video clips about the hardware shop. Example: screw driver, nail, glows and hose.
Thinking skills: Predicting - Teacher asks question: Do you know from what the screw Orientation (5 minutes) - Teacher starts lesson based on pupils answers driver is made of?
- Pupils will be divided into group of 5 and provided a worksheet with a list of objects. - They are given 5 minutes to
complete the task. - Pupils will predict whether these objects are conductors or insulators. - Then, the pupils will present their predictions among their peers. T&L aids: Worksheet
- Metals that conduct electricity are called electric conductors - Non metals that do not conduct electricity are called electric insulators
Pupils carry out an experiment to find out what will happen to the bulb in the circuit if connected with different types of materials.
Conductor Insulator
Attitudes &values: Being cooperative Being responsible about the safety of oneself and others
Being confident
SPS: Observing
1. I made of rubber. A car cannot move without me. I am in black colour. I am an insulator? Who am I? Answer: Tyre
2. I can conduct electric. I am also used to draw straight line. Who am I? Answer: Steel ruler
Pupils will pick out an object from the music box and state what the objects SPS: Classifying conductors and insulators
Reflection (5 minutes) -
Pupils complete the mind map about the different objects by pasting the pictures and word cards of objects