Fseep Event Template
Fseep Event Template
Fseep Event Template
Appendix I:
Emergency Evacuation Plan Responsibility List
Personnel Assigned to Critical Operations Responsibilities
Appendix II:
Site Specific Information
Venue Floor Plans
Designated Meeting Sites
Fire Alarm Box Locations
Appendix III:
Area Evacuation Plan
Appendix IV:
Major Fire Hazards
Section I: Definitions
Attendees – Any individual present at a venue who is there to observe and/or participate in the
functions of the event.
Critical Operations Personnel – Any person that may be in charge of a hazardous operation
that must be shut down before evacuation.
Event General Manager – The person in charge of the event. This may be a JMU employee or
a person who has reserved/rented a venue for an event.
Event Management – A group of persons in charge of the event. This may include JMU staff as
well, event contractor staff, and staff from the Performers entourage.
Event Staff – Individuals employed by James Madison University and/or by a Contractor hired
for event management and/or employees of the performers.
Performers – This group may include but is not limited to, entertainers, politicians, and speakers
as well as their entourage who accompanies them to the event.
Persons Needing Assistance – Any individual who may require assistance in case of an
emergency. This may include but is not limited to individuals with physical and mental
impairments or someone who may become incapacitated during the event.
University Safety Coordinator – This person is responsible for communicating the FS&EE
Plan as well as any changes to the plan to the vested parties.
Venue Manager – An individual who is a JMU employee and is in charge of the building and
grounds for the event. This person may or may not also act as the Event General Manager.
This FS&EEP is intended to communicate the policies and procedures for occupants to follow in
an emergency situation that requires evacuation.
The University Safety Coordinator has the responsibility for plan development and approval.
The Event General Manager is responsible for implementation of this plan. The Venue Manager
will review and forwarded updates to the University Safety Coordinator as necessary.
Copies of this plan shall be maintained in the Venue Manager’s office, the University Safety
Office and by the Event General Manager. Copies will be made available upon request.
1. Performing the duties and responsibilities of the Event General Manager in his/her
2. Familiarizing personnel and occupants with emergency procedures.
3. Acting as liaison between management and their work areas.
4. Ensuring that occupants have vacated the venue in the event of an evacuation and for
checking assigned areas.
5. Knowing where their designated meeting site is and for communicating this information
to occupants.
6. Ensuring that persons needing assistance and visitors are assisted in evacuating the
7. Indentifying and notifying Emergency Services of the location and number of persons in
Areas of Refuge/Rescue needing assistance.
8. Evaluating and reporting problems to the Venue Manager after an emergency for a post
incident analysis.
1. Event staff must communicate the emergency to the Event General Manager and Venue
Manager. This may include word or mouth, radio communication, calling 540-568-6911
2. Fire Alarm Pull Stations should only be activated if an evacuation is warranted.
3. If a member of the event staff feels comfortable using a fire extinguisher they should do
so as needed.
• Small fires can be extinguished only if you are trained to use a portable fire
extinguisher. However, an immediate readiness to evacuate is essential.
• All fires, even those that have been extinguished, shall be reported to 540-568-
• Never enter a room that is smoke filled.
• Never enter a room if the door is warm to touch.
Section VI: Evacuation Procedures for Venue Attendees
1. The fire alarm system provides audible and visible notification. A loud buzzer and
flashing strobe lights notify occupants that the fire alarm system has been activated.
2. When the fire alarm activates, all occupants should ensure that nearby persons are aware
of the emergency, quickly proceed from their current location to the closest marked EXIT
that is safe to use.
3. Feel doors for heat – don’t open doors that are warm to touch. If you cannot exit due to
fire and/or smoke place items around door openings to prevent smoke from entering. Call
540-568-6911 and give your exact location.
4. If you must exit through smoke stay low and crawl – the air at floor level is less hot and
5. All occupants should know where primary and alternative exits are located, and be
familiar with the various evacuation routes available. Floor plans with escape routes,
alternate escape routes, exit locations and Designated Meeting Sites are posted in
conspicuous locations throughout the venue and are located in Appendix II.
6. Elevators must NOT be used to evacuate the venue in the event of an emergency.
7. Exit the venue and proceed to Designated Meeting Sites.
8. Do NOT re-enter the venue until directed to do so by University Police or Fire
Department personnel.
Event Staff should take note of the locations and numbers of persons needing assistance and
relay that information to Emergency Response Personnel when they arrive.
The employees that are designated as Event Staff are to be trained in the complete event layout
and the various primary and alternate escape routes for the workplace. All trained personnel are
made aware of employees with disabilities that may need extra assistance and of hazardous areas
to be avoided during emergencies. Before leaving, the Event Staff should attempt to check
rooms and other enclosed spaces in the workplace for other occupants who may be trapped or
otherwise unable to evacuate the area, and convey this information to emergency personnel.
Once each evacuated group of venue occupants have reached their Designated Meeting Site,
Event Staff:
1. Assembles his/her group in the Designated Meeting Site.
2. Takes head count of group.
3. Reports status to Event General Manager and/or Emergency Services Incident
4. Instructs personnel to remain in area until further notice.
A method of training venue and event staff in the requirements of the emergency evacuation plan
is to give all personnel a thorough briefing and demonstration. The department will have all
supervisors present this plan to their personnel in staff meetings.
Venue Name
James Madison University
Street Address
Title Name Room # Office Phone Cell Phone Other Phone Email
Event General
Event Manager
Stage Manager
Crowd Control
Crowd Control
Crowd Control
Crowd Control
Crowd Control
Other Staff with
related FS&EEP duties
Other Staff with
related FS&EEP duties
James Madison University
This Appendix includes the following:
• Site Plan
o Occupancy assembly point
• Venue Plans
o Exits
o Evacuation Routes
o Areas of Refuge (Rescue)
o Manual Fire Alarm Boxes
o Portable Fire Extinguishers
Area Evacuation Plan
1. Ensure that R.A.C.E. is followed if smoke or flames are discovered in your work area:
Close all doors,
2. “Sweep” rooms in your area, when safe to do so, to make sure that everyone is evacuating.
3. Ensure that people follow the appropriate evacuation route, and that they are directed to the
Designated Meeting Site.
4. Contact campus police at 540-568-6911 to report the fire alarm activation – provide any
pertinent information (i.e. fire, smoke, unintended fire alarm activation).
5. Identify yourself to the emergency responders as the Crowd Control Supervisor for your area.
Report any personnel who are not accounted and may be trapped or performing critical
operations shutdown.
APPENDIX IV: Major Fire Hazards
Hazard Quantity Department Room Number