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Volvo Engine TAD1341GE TAD1342GE TAD1343GE TAD1344GE TAD1345GE TAD1355GE

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Workshop and repair manual




Workshop Manual I
Group 21-26 5(0)

TAD1341GE, TAD1342GE, TAD1343GE, TAD1344GE, TAD1345GE,

TAD1340VE, TAD1341VE, TAD1342VE, TAD1343VE, TAD1344VE,
TAD1345VE, TAD1350VE, TAD1350GE, TAD1351GE, TAD1352GE,
TAD1353GE, TAD1354GE, TAD1355GE, TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE,
TAD1362VE, TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE,
TAD1371GE, TAD1372GE, TAD1373GE, TAD1374VE, TAD1375VE

General Information
00-0 General ................................................................................................ 3
00-9 Miscellaneous ..................................................................................... 9

03-2 Specifications, Engine ..................................................................... 10
03-21 Engine .............................................................................................. 30
03-22 Lubrication System ........................................................................ 43
03-23 Fuel System ..................................................................................... 45
03-25 Inlet and Exhaust System .............................................................. 46
03-26 Cooling System ............................................................................... 47
03-3 Specifications, Electrical ................................................................. 49

Safety and Other Instructions

05-1 Safety Instructions ........................................................................... 52

Special tools
08-2 Special Service Tools ....................................................................... 56

20-0 Engine Information, General ............................................................ 63
Design and Function ................................................................................ 63
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 121
Test and Adjustments ............................................................................ 124

21-0 Engine Complete, General ............................................................. 135
Exposing the Engine .............................................................................. 135
Fitting the Fixture .................................................................................... 139
Engine Disassembly ............................................................................... 143
Engine Assembly .................................................................................... 159
21-1 Cylinder Head .................................................................................. 174
21-3 Cylinder Liner, Pistons ................................................................... 196
21-4 Valve Mechanism ............................................................................ 198
21-5 Timing Gears and Shaft ................................................................. 225
21-6 Crank Mechanism ........................................................................... 230

Lubricating and Oil System

22-1 Oil pump and Line .......................................................................... 247
22-2 Oil filter ............................................................................................ 251
22-3 Oil cooler ......................................................................................... 257

Fuel System
23-0 Fuel System, General ..................................................................... 262
23-3 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter ............................................................. 265
23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes .......................................................... 272
23-8 Control System, ECM, Data Sets ................................................... 283

Inlet and Exhaust System

25-0 Inlet and Exhaust System, General ............................................... 285
25-1 Inlet and Exhaust Manifolds .......................................................... 286
25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter, Mechanical Super-
charger ..................................................................................................... 291

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25-5 Turbo and supercharger ................................................................ 299
25-6 Air Cleaner, Throttle Housing ........................................................ 303
25-8 Emission After-Treatment .............................................................. 305

Cooling System
26-0 Cooling System, General ............................................................... 337
26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat ............................................................ 343
26-3 Fan, Fan Shroud ............................................................................. 360

Alternator, Charge Regulator

32-1 Alternator ......................................................................................... 362
Alphabetical index .................................................................................. 365
References to Service Bulletins ............................................................ 367

2 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

00-0 General
About this Workshop manual
General information Certified engines
This Service Manual contains technical data, descrip- When carrying out service and repair on emis-
tions and maintenance and repair instructions for sion-certified engines, it is important to be aware
standard model Volvo Penta products. A list of these of the following:
products may be found in the section Specifica-
tions. Certification means that an engine type has been
inspected and approved by the relevant authority.
The product designation and the serial number and The engine manufacturer guarantees that all engines
specification is indicated on the engine decal or type of the same type are manufactured to correspond to
plate. This information must be included in all corre- the certified engine.
spondence regarding the product. This places special demands on service and repair
work, namely:
The service manual is produced primarily for the use
of Volvo Penta workshops and their qualified person- • Maintenance and service intervals recom-
nel. It is assumed that any person using the Service mended by Volvo Penta must be complied with.
Manual has a fundamental knowledge of the product • Only spare parts approved by Volvo Penta may
and is able to carry out mechanical and electrical be used.
work to trade standard.
• Service on injection pumps, pump settings and
Volvo Penta continually develops its products; we injectors must always be carried out by an
therefore reserve the right to make changes. All infor- authorized Volvo Penta workshop.
mation in this manual is based on product data which
• The engine must not be converted or modified,
was available up to the date on which the manual was
except with accessories and service kits which
printed. New working methods and significant
Volvo Penta has approved for the engine.
changes introduced to the product after this date are
communicated in the form of Service bulletins. • No changes to the exhaust pipe and engine air
inlet duct installations may be made.
Spare Parts
• No warranty seals (where present on the prod-
Spare parts for the electrical and fuel systems are uct) may be broken by unauthorized persons.
subject to various national safety standards. Volvo
Penta Original Spare Parts meet these standards. No The general instructions in the Operator's Manual
damage of any kind caused by the use of spare parts concerning operation, service and maintenance
not approved by Volvo Penta will be compensated by apply.
any warranty undertaking.
Neglected or poorly-performed care/service and the
use of spare parts not approved by Volvo Penta, will
mean that AB Volvo Penta no longer guarantees that
the engine conforms to the certified model.

Volvo Penta accepts no responsibility for damage or

costs arising as a result of failure to follow the above
mentioned standards.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 3

00-0 General

Repair instructions
Introduction Our mutual responsibility
The working methods described in this manual are Each product comprises a large number of interacting
based on a workshop scenario where the product is systems and components. A deviation from the tech-
mounted in a holding fixture. Maintenance work is nical specification may dramatically increase the
often carried out on site, in which case – if nothing environmental impact of an otherwise reliable sys-
else is indicated – using the same working methods tem. It is therefore critical that the stated wear toler-
as the workshop. ances be adhered to, that systems which can be
adjusted be correctly set up and that only Volvo Penta
Warning symbols that occur in the service manual. Original Parts are used. The intervals in the care and
For significance, refer to Safety Information . maintenance schedule must be followed.
! DANGER! Some systems, e.g. fuel systems, often require spe-
cial expertise and test equipment. A number of com-
! WARNING! ponents are factory-sealed, for among other things
environmental reasons. Warranty-sealed compo-
nents may not be worked on without authorization to
perform such work.
are by no means comprehensive since not everything Remember that most chemical products, incorrectly
can be foreseen as service work is carried out in the used, are harmful to the environment. Volvo Penta
most varied of circumstances. We call attention to recommends the use of biodegradable degreasers
risks that may occur due to incorrect handling during whenever components are cleaned, unless otherwise
work in a well-equipped workshop using working specified in the Service Manual. When working out-
methods and tools tried and tested by us. doors, take especial care to ensure that oils and wash
residues etc. are correctly properly for destruction.
The service manual describes work operations car-
ried out with the aid of Volvo Penta Special Tools,
where such have been developed. Volvo Penta Spe-
Tightening torques
cial Tools are designed to ensure the safest and most Tightening torques for vital fasteners that must be
rational working methods possible. It is therefore the applied using a torque wrench are indicated in the
responsibility of anyone using tools or working meth- Service Manual, chapter Tightening torques and in
ods other than those we recommend to ensure that the Manual's work descriptions. All torque indications
no risk of personal injury or mechanical damage is apply to clean threads, bolt heads and mating faces.
present, or that malfunction can result. Indicated torque data apply to lightly-oiled or dry
threads. If lubricants, locking fluids or sealants are
In some cases, special safety regulations and user required for fasteners, the correct type will be noted
instructions may be in force for the tools and chemi- in the job description.
cals mentioned in the Service Manual. These regu-
lations must always be followed, and no special
Torque, angle tightening
instructions regarding this are to be found in the Serv-
ice Manual. When torque/angle tightening, the fastener is tight-
ened to a specified torque, and tightening then con-
By taking these basic precautions and using common tinues through a pre-determined angle.
sense it will be possible to guard against most ele-
ments of risk. A clean workplace and a clean product Example: For 90° angle tightening, the fastener is
will eliminate many risks of personal injury and mal- turned a further 1/4 turn in one sequence, after the
function. specified tightening torque has been achieved.

Above all, when working on fuel systems, hydraulic

systems, lubrication systems, turbochargers, inlet
systems, bearings and seals, it is of the utmost impor-
tance that dirt and foreign objects are kept away, as
malfunctions or shortened service intervals may oth-
erwise result.

4 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

00-0 General

Lock nuts Anaerobic agents.

These agents cure (harden) in the absence of air.
Removed locknuts may not be re-used; they must be These preparations are used when two solid compo-
replaced by new ones, as locking properties are nents, e.g. two cast components, are fitted together
impaired or lost with re-use. without a gasket. Common uses are also to lock and
In the case of lock nuts with plastic inserts the tight- seal plugs, stud threads, taps, oil pressure monitors
ening torque indicated must be reduced if the nut has etc.
the same nut height as a standard, all-metal hexag-
onal nut. Hardened anaerobic preparations are glassy and for
Reduce the torque by 25% for bolt sizes of 8 mm or this reason, the preparations are colored to make
larger. them visible. Hardened anaerobic preparations are
In the case of lock nuts with plastic inserts with a high highly resistant to solvents, and old compound can-
nut-height (where the all-metal thread is as high as a not be removed. On re-assembly, it is important to
standard hexagonal nut), the indicated torque carefully degrease and wipe dry components first,
applies. before applying new sealant in accordance with the
Strength classes
Safety regulations for fluorocarbon
Nuts and bolts are subdivided into different strength
classes. The classification is shown by a marking on rubber
the bolt head. Markings of a higher number indicate Fluorocarbon rubber is a common material in sealing
stronger material. For example, a bolt marked 10-9 is rings for shafts, and in O-rings, for example.
stronger than one marked 8-8.
When fluorocarbon rubber is exposed to high tem-
For this reason, it is important that when bolts are peratures (above 300°C/572°F), hydrofluoric acid
removed they are returned to their original locations can form. This is highly corrosive. Contact with the
on re-assembly. When replacing bolts check the skin can result in severe chemical burns. Splashes in
applicable Spare parts catalogue to ensure the cor- your eyes can result in chemical wounds. If you
rect bolt is used. breathe in the fumes, your lungs can be permanently
Sealing compounds etc.
To ensure service work is correctly carried out it is WARNING!
important that the correct type of sealants and locking Seals must never be cut with a torch, or be burnt
fluids are used on joints where such are required. afterwards in an uncontrolled manner. Risk for
poisonous gases.
In each service manual section concerned, the seal-
ants used in product manufacture are indicated. The
same sealants, or sealants with equivalent proper- WARNING!
ties, must be used for maintenance work. Always use chloroprene rubber gloves (gloves for
chemicals handling) and goggles. Handle the
Make sure that mating surfaces are dry and free from removed seal in the same way as corrosive acid. All
oil, grease, paint and anti-corrosion agent before residue, including ash, can be highly corrosive. Never
applying sealant or locking fluid. Always follow the use compressed air to blow clean.
manufacturer's instructions regarding applicable Put the remains in a plastic container, seal it and
temperatures, hardening times and such. apply a warning label. Wash the gloves under running
water before removing them.
Two basic types of compound are used:
The following seals are most probably made from flu-
RTV preparations (Room Temperature Vulcaniz- orocarbon rubber:
Used most often together with gaskets, e.g. sealing Seal rings for the crankshaft, camshaft, idler shafts.
gasket joints, or are brushed on gaskets. RTV seal-
ants are completely visible when the part has been O-rings, regardless of where they are installed. O-
removed. Old RTV sealant must be removed before rings for cylinder liner sealing are almost always
the component is sealed again. Use denatured alco- made of fluorocarbon rubber.
Please note that seals which have not been
exposed to high temperature can be handled nor-

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 5

00-0 General

A lot of illustrations contains standardized symbols and colors. Please refer to the following information to reduce
misunderstandings when working on an engine / transmission using this Workshop Manual.

Illustration colors Position

Most illustrations have a focused component (blue)
which is fastened by a (red) bolt or such on a (light
grey) engine / transmission body.


Focus arrows pointing at object. Sometimes it con-

tains number of items, e.g. three bolts.

NOTICE! If an arrow with the text “x3” is pointing at

only one item, e.g. a bolt, it still applies to the other
two alike items (the two other bolts) highlighted in the
1 Focus
2 Fastenings
3 Body
(light grey)
4 Background
This symbol gives a positioning number to an object,
e.g. 2, which is also mentioned in the supplied text


The symbol to the left shows part no. of the positioned

special tool, e.g. 9991801.
The symbol on the right side is used when something
needs to be replaced by a new part / kit.

6 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

00-0 General

Movement Tools (continuence)


Movement arrows are used to show which direction a

component is to be moved / rotated.


Symbol is used in a corner of the illustration to show

how many degrees the object shall be turned and at
which direction.
A symbol of a tool in a corner of the illustration is
shown when the tool is recommended to use, e.g. a
knife or a crowbar.


Symbol is used to show how many revolutions the

object shall be turned and at which direction.



A drill in a specified size, duck tape and stripes may

also be shown as symbols.


One of the following symbols is used when describing

the recommended type of screwdriver.

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00-0 General

Chemicals Units


Symbols can also describe when and how a chemical

product is to be used.



Units are mentioned in the illustration when a specific

value (e.g. pressure, weight or resistance etc.) is


The scraper symbol suggests that a contact surface

needs to be scraped from sealant etc.
The cloth symbol suggests that the mechanic should
clean the contact surface thoroughly or be prepared
for some oil spill or similar.


The eye symbol is used when something needs close

inspection or must be performed in a certain way.
The symbol to the right is used when several mechan-
ics are needed.


The tube symbol shows how thick layer of sealant to

The clock symbol is used when something needs to
be done within or after a certain time.


These symbols are used when a certain safety related

equipment is needed.

8 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

00-9 Miscellaneous

00-9 Miscellaneous
The engine is equipped with a so-called visco-fan.
When the fan is removed the viscous coupling must
always stand upright.

The coupling contains oil that will run out if it is laid on

its side, and because the oil cannot run back in the fan
will seize.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 9

03-2 Specifications, Engine

03-2 Specifications, Engine

General Tightening Torques
General Tightening Torques
M6 standard bolt 10 ± 1.5 Nm (7.4 ± 1.1 lbf ft)
M8 standard bolt 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
M10 standard bolt 48 ± 8 Nm (35.4 ± 5.9 lbf ft)
M12 standard bolt 85 ± 15 Nm (62.7 ± 11.1 lbf ft)
M14 standard bolt 140 ± 25 Nm (103.3 ± 18.4 lbf ft)
M16 standard bolt 220 ± 35 Nm (162.3 ± 25.8 lbf ft)

Check bolts which are to be re-installed. Damaged bolts,
e.g. with shear marks under heads must be scrapped.

10 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Special Tightening Torques

Group 21: Engine

1 2
4 7
6 1


Front engine mountings, engine block

Stage 1: Tighten bolt (1) 85 ± 5 Nm (62.69 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
Step 2: Tighten the bolts 2–4 105 ± 15 Nm (77.44 ± 11.06 lbf ft)
Stage 3: Angle tighten the bolts 2–4 in sequence 60° ± 5°
Stage 4: Tighten bolt (1) 105 ± 15 Nm (77.44 ± 11.06 lbf ft)
Stage 5: Angle tighten bolt 1 60° ± 5°
Stage 6: Tighten bolt 5 standard bolt torque
Tighten the upward-facing engine bolts 6 275 ± 10 Nm (202.83 ± 7.376 lbf ft)
Front and rear L brackets
Tighten the bolts 7 220 ± 35 Nm (162.3 ± 25.8 lbf ft)

Main bearing caps

Stage 1 150 ± 20 Nm (110.6 ± 14.75 lbf ft)
Stage 2 (angle tightening) 120° ± 5°
Big end bearing cap
Stage 1 20 ± 3 Nm (14.75 ± 2.21 lbf ft)
Stage 2 60 ± 3 Nm (44.25 ± 2.21 lbf ft)
Stage 3 (angle tightening) 90° ± 5°

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 11

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Frame reinforcement

24 22 19 18 15 14 11 10 7 6 3 2

23 21 20 17 16 13 12 9 8 5 4 1

NOTICE! Tighten the bolts in sequence, as illustrated.

The screws may not be reused.
Frame reinforcement
stage 1: Tighten the bolts 1–24 in sequence 45 ± 5 Nm (33.2 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
stage 2: Tighten the bolts 1–24 in sequence (angle tight-
ening) 60° ± 5°

Timing gear plate

26 27 28 29
21 23
1 2
4 10
5 11
6 3
8 13
9 14

NOTICE! Run an approx. 2 mm (0.0787 in) silicone bead

outside the groove as illustrated above, max 20 min before

Timing gear plate

Tighten all bolts in sequence to the following torque: 28 ± 4 Nm (20.65 ± 2.95 lbf ft)

12 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Timing gear wheels

5 1
3 8
7 4
2 6
3 1
5 4

5 4 2


1 Drive gear, crankshaft 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)

2 Idler wheel, double gear outer:
Stage 1 25 ± 3 Nm (18.44 ± 2.21 lbf ft)
Stage 2 (angle tightening) 110° ± 5°
NOTICE! Tighten in the order illustrated.

3 Intermediate gear, adjustable:

Stage 1 35 ± 4 Nm (25.81 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
Stage 2 (angle tightening) 120° ± 5°
NOTICE! Tighten in the order illustrated.

4 Drive gear, camshaft (incl. vibration damper):

Stage 1 45 ± 5 Nm (33.19 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
Stage 2 (angle tightening) 90° ± 5°
NOTICE! Tighten in the order illustrated.

5 Intermediate gear 140 ± 10 Nm (103.3 ± 7.38 lbf ft)

6 Drive gear, power steering and fuel feed pump 100 ± 10 Nm (73.76 ± 7.38 lbf ft)

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03-2 Specifications, Engine

Flywheel and timing cover

10 11

8 9

6 7

2 3

4 5



NOTICE! Run an approx. 2 mm (0.0787 in) silicone bead as

illustrated above, max 20 min before installation.

Flywheel housing
Tighten all bolts in sequence to the following torque:
M14 bolts 140 ± 20 Nm (103.3 ± 14.75lbf ft)
M10 bolts 48 ± 8 Nm (35.4 ± 5.9 lbf ft)
M8 bolts 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)

Timing Gear Cover, Upper



2 1



14 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

NOTICE! Run an approx. 2 mm (0.0787 in) silicone bead as

in the illustrations, max 20 min before installation.
Tighten the contact surfaces carefully.

Install the cover in two stages:

stage 1: Fasten the cover with bolts 1 and 2. Use the
special tool to press the cover into position 4 ± 1 Nm (2.95 ± 0.738 lbf ft)
stage 2: Tighten the bolts in sequence, as illustrated 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)


6 8
4 12

2 14

13 1

11 3
9 5


stage 1: Tighten the bolts in sequence, as illustrated 60 ± 5 Nm (44.25 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
stage 2: (angle tightening) 120° ± 10°
NOTICE! Carefully check that the flange is clean and dry.
Tighten the bolts in sequence, as illustrated.

Cover, crankshaft seal

4 5


2 7

1 8
P0005229 P0005230

NOTICE! Run an approx. 2 mm (0.0787 in) silicone bead as

illustrated above, max 20 min before installation.
Cover, crankshaft seal:
stage 1: Fasten the cover with bolts 2 and 7 and tighten
until it makes contact

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03-2 Specifications, Engine

stage 2: Torque bolts 2 and 7 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)

stage 3: Tighten the bolts in the sequence 1, 3–6, 8 as
illustrated. 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)

Vibration damper, crankshaft



P0005231 2

Vibration damper:
stage 1: Tighten the bolts in sequence, as illustrated 35 ± 5 Nm (25.81 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
stage 2: Tighten the bolts in sequence, as illustrated 90 ± 10 Nm (66.38 ± 7.38 lbf ft)
NOTICE! The vibration damper 8.8 bolts may not be re-used.

Cylinder head

36 35 28 27 22 21 15 16 23 24 31 32
13 9 6 1 3 7 11

14 10 4 2 5 8 12
38 37 30 29 18 17 19 20 25 26 33 34

NOTICE! The cylinder head must be installed according to

the “Installation” section in 21-1, Cylinder Head, Change.
Cylinder head
stage 1: Tighten the bolts in sequence, as illustrated 100 ± 5 Nm (73.76 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
stage 2 (angle tightening) 120° ± 5°
stage 3 (angle tightening) 90° ± 5°

16 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Bearing caps, camshaft/rocker arm shaft

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20 14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20

1 6

14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20 14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20

2 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20 14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20

3 8

14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20 14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20

4 9

14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20 14/8 15/9 16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20

5 10

Camshaft: (camshaft and bearing caps in place)

stage 1: Tighten bolts 1–7 40 ± 3 Nm (29.50 ± 2.21 lbf ft)
stage 2: (with shorter extra bolts) Tighten bolts 8–13 and
20 60 ± 5 Nm (44.25 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
stage 3: Angle tighten bolts 1–7 90° ± 5°
stage 4: Remove the extra bolts 8–13 and 20

Rocker arm shaft: (rocker arm shaft in place)

stage 5: Tighten bolts 8–13 and 20 in stages in the
sequence 11, 10, 12, 9, 13, 8, 20 60 ± 5 Nm (44.25 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
stage 6: Tighten bolts 14–19 25 ± 3 Nm (18.44 ± 2.21 lbf ft)
stage 7: Angle tighten bolts 14–19 120° ± 5°
stage 8: Undo bolts 8–13
stage 9: Tighten bolts 8–13 25 ± 3 Nm (18.44 ± 2.21 lbf ft)
stage 10: Angle tighten bolts 8–13 and 20 120° ± 5°

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 17

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Valve Cover

13 12 11 10 1 15 16 18



9 8 7 6 2 3 4 5 20

Valve Cover
Tighten the bolts in sequence, as illustrated 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)

Valve mechanism

Standard valve mechanism Tightening tor-

1 Adjustment, exhaust 38 Nm (28.0")
2 Preload, injector 52 Nm (38.4")
3 Adjustment, inlet 38 Nm (28.0")


VCB mechanism Tightening tor-

1 Bolt, leaf spring 25 Nm (18.4")
2 Adjustment, VCB rocker 52 Nm (38.4")
3 Adjustment, exhaust 38 Nm (28.0")
4 Preload, injector 52 Nm (38.4")
5 Adjustment, inlet 38 Nm (28.0")


18 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

IEGR mechanism Tightening tor-

1 Bolt, leaf spring 25 Nm (18.4")
2 Adjustment, EGR rocker 45° ±5°
3 Adjustment, exhaust yoke 30° + 15° / – 0°(1)
4 Adjustment, exhaust 38 Nm (28.0")
5 Preload, injector 52 Nm (38.4")
6 Adjustment, inlet 60° ± 5°(1)


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 19

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Group 22: Lubrication System


3 1

4 2

Oil sump (material: plastic)

Fasten the oil sump with bolts A and B and torque them 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
Tighten the bolts outwards from the center in the
sequence 1–4 as illustrated above 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
Finish off by checking the torque of bolts A and B 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
Drain plug, oil sump 60 ± 10 Nm (44.25 ± 7.38 lbf ft)

20 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Oil cooler

1 3

4 2

NOTICE! Tighten the bolts diagonally and finish off by tight-

ening the first bolts again.
Oil cooler, attachment bolts 27 ± 4 Nm (19.91 ± 2.95 lbf ft)

2 3

4 1

Oil cooler cover

Install the cover on the engine block and fasten bolt A in the
oval hole.
Press the cover toward the water pump housing with an
installation tool and install bolt B.
Check that the cover is in position; refer to the service
Install bolts C and D and torque them 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
Tighten the cover bolts outwards from the center in the
sequence 1–4 as illustrated above 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
Finish off by checking the torque of bolts C and D 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 21

03-2 Specifications, Engine



Oil filter housing

Thermostat valve or pressure valve, oil cooler, bolt (1) M6 standard bolt torque
Safety valve, oil pressure, plug (2) 50 ± 5 Nm (36.88 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
Overflow valve, oil filter, plug (3) 55 ± 5 Nm (40.57 ± 3.69 lbf ft)

22 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Group 23: Fuel System

Unit injector


Yoke, unit injector (when replacing copper sleeve)

First tightening:
stage 1 20 + 5 / – 0 Nm (14.75 + 3.69 / – 0 lbf ft)
stage 2 (angle tightening) 180° ± 5°

NOTICE! Loosen the yoke bolt before the second tighten-

Second tightening:
stage 1 20 + 5 / – 0 Nm (14.75 + 3.69 / – 0 lbf ft)
stage 2 (angle tightening) 90° ± 5°


Locknut for adjuster screw, unit injector 52 ± 4 Nm (38.35 ± 2.95 lbf ft)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 23

03-2 Specifications, Engine


Bolts (1) for adapter incl. fuel pump 24 ± 2 Nm (17.7 ± 1.48 lbf ft)


Bolts (1) for fuel pump (installed on adapter) 8 + 2 / – 0 Nm (5.90 + 1.48 / – 0 lbf ft)

24 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Bypass valve / fuel line brackets




p0005243 D

Fuel line brackets, tightening torques:

A 18 ± 3 Nm (13.28 ± 2.21 lbf ft)
(B) Brackets 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
[standard tightening torque]
C 30 ± 4 Nm (22.13 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
D 35 ± 5 Nm (25.81 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
E 40 ± 5 Nm (29.50 ± 3.69 lbf ft)
F 48 ± 5 Nm (35.40 ± 3.69 lbf ft)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 25

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Group 25: Inlet and Exhaust System

Intake Manifold


Intake Manifold
Torque the bolts 24 ± 4 Nm (17.7 ± 2.95 lbf ft)
M10 plug, inlet manifold 20 ± 3 Nm (14.75 ± 2.21 lbf ft)

Exhaust Manifold

1 3 5 7 9 11

2 4 6 8 10 12

Exhaust Manifold
Stage 1:
Tighten the bolts 1, 4 and 5, 8 and 9, 12 until they make
contact (10 ± 1.5 Nm) [7.38 ± 1.11 lbf ft]
Step 2:
Torque bolts 3 and 2 48 ± 8 Nm (35.4 ± 5.9 lbf ft)
Torque bolts 7 and 6 48 ± 8 Nm (35.4 ± 5.9 lbf ft)
Torque bolts 11 and 10 48 ± 8 Nm (35.4 ± 5.9 lbf ft)
Torque bolts 1 and 4 48 ± 8 Nm (35.4 ± 5.9 lbf ft)
Torque bolts 5 and 8 48 ± 8 Nm (35.4 ± 5.9 lbf ft)
Torque bolts 9 and 12 48 ± 8 Nm (35.4 ± 5.9 lbf ft)

26 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine



Turbo – Exhaust Manifold

Stage 1: Tighten nuts in the sequence illustrated 20 Nm (14.8 lbf. ft.)
Stage 2: Tighten nuts in the sequence illustrated 48 Nm (35.4 lbf. ft.)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 27

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Location of Sensors
1 2 3






1 Auxiliary stop
2 Charge pressure sensor / Charge air temperature sensor M6 standard bolt torque
3 Oil pressure sensor 30 ± 5 Nm
4 Crankcase sensor 30 ± 5 Nm
5 Water separator level sensor not replaceable, integrated in lines
6 Oil level and oil temperature sensor standard bolt torque
7 Fuel pressure sensor 30 ± 5 Nm
8 Pressure drop indicator / Air temperature clamp
9 Coolant level sensor insertable type
10 Coolant temperature sensor 22 ± 3 Nm
11 Piston cooling oil pressure 30 ± 5 Nm
12 Flywheel position and rotation speed M6 standard bolt torque
13 Camshaft position sensor M6 standard bolt torque

Group 26: Cooling System

Refer to General Tightening Torques page 10.

28 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Engine, General
NOTICE! Because the illustrations in the maintenance
literature are used for different engine variants, certain
details may vary compared to the actual model con-
cerned. The essential information is always correct,

TAD1341GE, TAD1342GE, TAD1343GE,

TAD1344GE, TAD1345GE, TAD1340VE,
TAD1341VE, TAD1342VE, TAD1343VE,
TAD1344VE, TAD1345VE, TAD1350VE,
TAD1350GE, TAD1351GE, TAD1352GE,
TAD1353GE, TAD1354GE, TAD1355GE,
TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
Type designation TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE
No. of cylinders 6
Cylinder diameter, std 131 mm (5.16 in)
Stroke 158 mm (6.22 in)
Cylinder volume 12.78 liter (779.9 in3)
Injection sequence 1–5–3–6–2–4
Compression ratio:
TAD1341-1345GE, TAD1340-1345VE, TAD1350VE,
TAD1350-1355GE: 18,1:1
TAD1360-1365VE: 17,8:1
Compression 3,7 MPa (537 psi)
Low idle 900 rpm
High idle 1800 rpm
Dry weight, engine 1295 kg (2855 lb)
Dry weight, engine with generator set 1715 kg (3781 lb)
Wet weight, engine 1325 kg (2921 lb)
Wet weight, engine with generator set 1790 kg (3946 lb)
Total length 2204 mm (86.77 in)
Total width 1106 mm (43.54 in)
Total height 1391 mm (54.76 in)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 29

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Technical Data

Engine body
Cylinder head
Max unevenness (bottom surface) 0.1 mm (0.00394 in)

Cylinder Head Bolts

No./cylinder head 38
Thread dimension M16
Length 200 mm (7.87 in)

Cylinder block
Length 1052 mm (41.41 in)
Height, upper block plane-crankshaft center 422 mm (16.61 in)
Height, lower block plane-crankshaft center 120 mm (4.72 in)

Cylinder Liner
Type Wet, replaceable
Sealing surface height above block plane 0.15–0.21 mm (0.00591–0.00827 in)
No. of seal rings per cylinder liner 1+3

Height above cylinder block plane, steel pistons 0.1 (min)–0.7 (max) mm [0.00394–0.0276 in]
No. of ring grooves 3
Front marking Forward pointing arrow

30 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Piston rings




Compression Rings
Quantity 2
Marking Up (color marking to left of gap)
Piston ring clearance in groove:
upper compression ring (trapezoid profile)
lower compression ring 0.09–0.14 mm (0.00354–0.00551 in)
Piston ring gap, measured at ring opening:
upper compression ring 0.40–0.55 mm (0.0157–0.0217 in)
Wear tolerance < 0.65 mm (0.0256 in)
lower compression ring 1.30–1.50 mm (0.0512–0.0591 in)
Wear tolerance < 1.65 mm (0.065 in)

Oil Scraper Ring

Quantity 1
Marking Up (color marking to left of gap)
Piston ring clearance in groove 0.05–0.10 mm (0.00197–0.00394 in)
Piston ring gap, measured at ring opening 0.30–0.55 mm (0.0118–0.0217 in)
Wear tolerance < 0.70 mm (0.0276 in)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 31

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Valve mechanism


Valve head, diameter:

Inlet 42 mm (1.654 in)
Exhaust 40 mm (1.575 in)
Valve stem, diameter:
Inlet / exhaust 8 mm (0.315 in)
Valve seat angle (A):
Inlet 24,5° ± 0,2°
Exhaust 39,5°
Seat angle in cylinder head (B):
Inlet 25°
Exhaust 40°


Specifications Min. (A) Wear value

Dimension (A) between valve head and cylinder head
Inlet 1.0 mm Max 1.7 mm
(0.0394 in) (0.0669 in)
Exhaust 1.35 mm Max 2.1 mm
(0.0531 in) (0.0827 in)

32 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Valve clearance, cold engine, setting value:

Inlet 0.2 mm (0.00787 in)
Exhaust 0.8 mm (0.0315 in)
Exhaust, EGR Counter clockwise adjustment, 1 ¾ turns, (630°)

Rocker arm, EGR

TAD1350GE, TAD1351GE, TAD1352GE,
TAD1353GE, TAD1354GE, TAD1355GE

Rocker arm, EGR, adjustment:

Allow the feeler gauge to remain in place after adjust-
ing the valve clearance and adjust the EGR rocker arm
by loosening the locking nut and adjusting the screw
until no clearance is attained.

Check by rotating the rocker arm roller at the camshaft.


Undo the adjuster screw 1 ¾ turns, (630°). Tighten the

lock nut. Remove the feeler gauge from the exhaust



7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 33

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Rocker arm, EGR, check value 3.8 ± 0.1 mm (0.15 ± 0.00394 in)

Valve seats


Outer diameter (A): Standard Oversize dimen-

Inlet 45.1 mm
(1.7756 in) 45.3 mm (1.7835 in)
Exhaust 43.1 mm
(1.6968 in) 43.3 mm (1.7047 in)
Height (B):
Inlet 7.55 mm
(0.2972 in)
Exhaust 7.5 mm
(0.2952 in)

34 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Valve seat position



Diameter (C): Standard Oversize dimen-

Inlet 45.2 (1.7795 in)
[0/+0.025 mm]
45.0 mm (1.772 in) (0/+0.000984 in)
Exhaust 43.2 (1.7008 in)
[0/+0.025 mm]
43.0 mm (1.693 in) (0/+0.000984 in)
Depth (D):
Inlet 11.8 ± 0.13 mm (0.4645
± 0.005118 in)
Exhaust 11.2 ± 0.13 mm (0.4409
± 0.005118 in)
Seat bottom radius (R):
Inlet / exhaust max 0.8 mm (0.0315 in)

Valve guides

999 9696

998 9876


Inlet / exhaust 83.5 mm (3.287 in)
Inner diameter:
Inlet / exhaust 8 mm (0.315 in)
Height above cylinder head spring plane:
Inlet / exhaust 24.5 ± 0.2 mm (0.9645 ± 0.00787 in)

Wear value (See figure)

Clearance, valve stem guide:(1)
Inlet max 0.7 mm (0.0276 in)
Exhaust max 0.7 mm (0.0276 in)
1) The dimension is calculated for the measurement method in the service literature; Refer toValve Guides,
Inspection page 212.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 35

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Rocker Arm


Wear values
Bearing play (1) max 0.1 mm (0.00394 in)
Roller cam follower, clearance (2) max 0.1 mm (0.00394 in)

Valve springs
Length uncompressed 73.8 mm (2.9055 in)

Length uncompressed 73.8 mm (2.9055 in)

36 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Engine Transmission
Timing gear wheels
1 Drive gear, crankshaft
2 Intermediate gear: outer gearwheel, inner gear-
3 Intermediate gear (adjustable)
4 Drive gear, camshaft
5 Intermediate gear
6 Drive gear, power steering pump and fuel feed
7 Drive gear, lubrication oil pump


Gear lash, adjustable intermediate gear to camshaft drive

gear 0.05–0.15 mm (0.00197–0.00591 in)
Gear lash, oil pump 0.05–0.40 mm (0.00197–0.0157 in)
Gear lash, other 0.05–0.17 mm (0.00197–0.00669 in)
Radial clearance for intermediate gear max 0.05 mm (0.00197 in)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 37

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Camshaft drive gearwheel
No. of bearings 7
Diameter, bearing journals, standard 69.97–70.00 mm (2.755–2.756 in)
Diameter, bearing journals, undersize:
0.25 mm (0.00984 in) 69.72–69.78 mm (2.745–2.747 in)
0.50 mm (0.0197 in) 69.47–69.53 mm (2.735–2.737")
0.75 mm (0.0295 in) 69.22–69.28 mm (2.725–2.728 in)
Permissible wear, entire camshaft profile max 0.1 mm (0.00394 in)
Unit injector, stroke 18 mm (0.709 in)
Wear value
Max end float 0.24 mm (0.00945 in)
Bearing, max permissible radial wear 0.1 mm (0.00394 in)

Camshaft Bearings
Camshaft bearing thickness, standard 1.92 mm (0.0756 in)
Oversize dimension:
0.25 mm (0.00984 in) 2.04 mm (0.0803 in)
0.50 mm (0.0197 in) 2.17 mm (0.0854 in)
0.75 mm (0.0295 in) 2.29 mm (0.0902 in)

38 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Crank Mechanism
Wear value
Crankshaft end float(1) max 0.4 mm (0.01575 in)
Machining value
Ovality of main bearing journals and connecting rod journal max 0.006 mm (0.0002362 in)
Center main bearing runout max 0.15 mm (0.00591 in)
1) Dimensions refer to greased components.

Main bearing journals


Diameter (Ø) standard 108.0 mm (4.252 in)

Undersize dimension:
0.25 mm (0.00984 in) 107.75 mm (4.242 in)
0.50 mm (0.0197 in) 107.50 mm (4.232 in)
1.00 mm (0.0394 in) 107.00 mm (4.213 in)
Surface fineness, main bearing journals Ra 0.25 (9.84·10–6 in)
Surface fineness, radius Ra 0.4 (1.575·10–5 in)
Width, thrust bearing journal (A) standard 47.0 mm (1.850 in)
Oversize dimension:
0.2 mm (0.00787 in), thrust bearing 0.1 mm (0.00394 in) 47.2 mm (1.858 in)
0.4 mm (0.01575 in), thrust bearing 0.2 mm (0.00787 in) 47.4 mm (1.866 in)
0.6 mm (0.02362 in), thrust bearing 0.3 mm (0.0118 in) 47.6 mm (1.874 in)
Fillet radius (R) 4.0 mm (0.1575 in)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 39

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Thrust washers (thrust bearing)



Width (B) standard 3.18 mm (0.1252 in)

Oversize dimension:
0.1 mm (0.00394 in) 3.28 mm (0.1291 in)
0.2 mm (0.00787 in) 3.38 mm (0.1331 in)
0.3 mm (0.0118 in) 3.48 mm (0.1370 in)

Main bearing cup

Thickness (D) standard 2.48 mm (0.0976 in)
Oversize dimension:
0.25 mm (0.00984 in) 2.61 mm (0.1028 in)
0.50 mm (0.0197 in) 2.74 mm (0.1079 in)
1.00 mm (0.0394 in) 2.98 mm (0.1173 in)

40 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Big-end journals



Diameter (Ø) 99.0 mm (3.898 in)

Undersize dimension:
0.25 mm (0.00984 in) 98.75 mm (3.8878 in)
0.50 mm (0.0197 in) 98.50 mm (3.8779 in)
0.75 mm (0.0295 in) 98.25 mm (3.8681 in)
1.00 mm (0.0394 in) 98.00 mm (3.8583 in)
1.25 mm (0.0492 in) 97.75 mm (3.8484 in)
Surface fineness, big-end journals Ra 0.25 (9.84·10–6 in)
Surface fineness, radius Ra 0.4 (1.575·10–5 in)
Width (A) 57.0 mm (2.244 in)
Fillet radius (R) 4.0 mm (0.1575 in)
Connecting rod big end, diameter (D) 103.84 mm (4.0882 in)
Connecting rod, length (E) 267.5 mm (10.5315 in)
Connecting rod small end, diameter (G) 58.0 mm (2.2835 in)

Connecting rod bearing cup

Thickness (C) standard 2.39 mm (0.0941 in)
Oversize dimension:
0.25 mm (0.00984 in) 2.51 mm (0.09882 in)
0.50 mm (0.0197 in) 2.64 mm (0.10394 in)
1.00 mm (0.0394 in) 2.89 mm (0.1138 in)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 41

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Connecting rod

201 201
”FRONT” on the connecting rod faces forward.
The connecting rod and bearing caps are
marked in pairs with a three-digit serial number
(see illustration).
201 201


Wear value (1)

End float, connecting rod–crankshaft max 0.35 mm (0.01378 in)
Connecting rod bearing, radial clearance max 0.1 mm (0.00394 in)
1) Dimensions refer to greased components.

Flywheel, installed
Runout, measured radius 150 mm (5.905 in) < 0.20 mm (0.0787 in)

Flywheel housing, installed

Runout for contact surface max 0.2 mm (0.0787 in)
Radial play for steering max 0.26 mm (0.01024 in)

42 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Lubrication System
Technical Data
Oil change volume 36 liter 9.51 US gals
Oil volume between min and max markings 11 liter 2.91 US gals

Oil Pressure
Operating speed (above 1100 rpm) 300–550 kPa 43.5–79.8 psi
Cold engine (above 1100 rpm) –650 kPa –94.3 psi
Low idle (min) min 250 kPa min 36.3 psi
Piston cooling pressure, hot engine (above 1100 rpm) 200–300 kPa 29–43.5 psi

Oil pressure, rocker arm shaft

Non-activated EGR 80–120 kPa 11.6–17.4 psi
Activated EGR (900–2300 rpm) min 220 kPa min 31.9 psi

Oil temperature
Max oil temperature in oil sump 130 °C 266 °F

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 43

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Oil filter
Full flow filter 2
Bypass filter 1

Oil valves
3 1 Thermostat valve, oil
Opening temperature 105–107 °C
(221–224.6 °F)
2 Safety valve, block
Marking Yellow
3 Bypass valve, full flow
Spring, free length 69 mm (2.717 in)
1 Compressed 13–15 N
(2.9–3.4 lbf) 40 mm (1.575 in)


44 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Fuel System
Technical Data
NOTICE! For the below-mentioned values, fuel is
required to fulfill the requirements specified in 03-0,
Fuel and Oils.

Feed pump
Feed pressure at:
600 rpm 100 kPa 14.5 PSI
1200 rpm 300 kPa 43.5 PSI
full load 300 kPa 43.5 PSI

Bypass valve
Opening pressure 300–550 kPa 43.5–79.8 PSI

Unit injector
Tighten the adjuster screw to zero-clearance against
the camshaft. Then turn 4 flats; see illustration.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 45

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Inlet and Exhaust System

Technical Data
Pressure drop indicator

The pressure drop indicator control lamp lights up at a pres-

sure drop relative to ambient air pressure of: 50 ± 5 kPa 7.25 ± 0.7 PSI

46 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Cooling System
Technical Data
Pressure cap


Pressure cap opens at 75 kPa (10.88 PSI)

Quantity 1
Opening temperature: < 82 °C (179.6 °F)

There are two different types of coolant:

Type Volvo Penta Coolant

Color Green
Contains Ethylene glycol and anti-corrosion additives
Mix with Water (According to ASTM D4985)
Mixture proportions (Conc. coolant/water)(1) 40/60, freezing point -28 °C (-18.4 °F)

Type Volvo Penta Coolant VCS

Color Yellow
Contains Ethylene glycol and anti-corrosion additives
Mix with Water (According to ASTM D4985)
Mixing proportions (conc. coolant/water)(1) 40/60, freezing point -24 °C (-11.2 °F)

Under no circumstances mix VCS (yellow) with Volvo Industrial engines may not use coolant filters in com-
Penta Coolant (green) or any other coolant. bination with VCS (yellow); coolant filters will be omit-
Engines filled with VCS (yellow) will have yellow dec- ted on new industrial engines filled with VCS (yellow).
als as external distinguishing features, e.g. the cool-
ant filler cap will be surrounded by a yellow decal.

1. Volvo Penta recommends “Ready Mixed” coolant.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 47

03-2 Specifications, Engine

Refill quantity
Coolant quantity (engine, radiator and hoses):
All engines 44 liter (46.49 quart)
Optional cooler (“Heavy Duty”) for TAD1340–45VE,
TAD1350VE and TAD1360–65VE 58 liter (61.29 quart)

48 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-3 Specifications, Electrical

03-3 Specifications, Electrical

Steering System

Engine oil temperature sensor

A Tempera- Impe- Impedance Impe-
ture dance Rnom dance
Rmin Rmax
73796 (°C) (°F) (Ω) (Ω) (Ω)
–50 –58 89496,5 105290,0 121083,5
52394 –40 –40 45163,6 52394,0 59624,4
–30 –22 23871,0 27375,0 30879,0
–20 –4 13181,5 14945,0 16708,5
R Min
–10 14 7555,7 8480,0 9404,3
R Nom
14945 R Max
0 32 4477,9 4981,0 5484,1
4981 10 50 2747,3 3029,0 3310,7
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 20 68 1736,6 1900,0 2063,4
p0005216 30 86 1127,3 1224,0 1320,7
40 104 750,0 809,1 868,2
50 122 510,4 547,0 583,6
60 140 354,5 377,9 401,3
70 158 251,6 266,5 281,4
80 176 181,4 191,2 201,0
90 194 133,1 139,7 146,3
100 212 99,2 103,6 108,0
110 230 75,0 78,0 81,0
120 248 57,6 59,6 61,6
130 266 44,7 46,1 47,5
140 284 34,8 36,0 37,2
150 302 27,4 28,5 29,6

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 49

03-3 Specifications, Electrical

Coolant temperature sensor

Tempera- Impe- Impedance Impe-
Ω ture dance Rnom dance
Rmin Rmax
(°C) (°F) (Ω) (Ω) (Ω)
–40 –40 40490 45313 50136
–30 –22 23580 26114 28647
–20 –4 14096 15462 16827
–10 14 8642 9377 10152
0 32 5466 5896 6326
15462 R Min
10 50 3542 3792 4043
R Nom
20 68 2351 2500 2649
R Max
5896 25 77 1941 2057 2173
30 86 1615 1707 1798
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 C 40 104 1118 1175 1231
50 122 798 834 870
60 140 573 596 618
70 158 421 435 451
80 176 313 323 332
90 194 237 243 250
100 212 182 186 191
110 230 140 144 148
120 248 109 113 116
130 266 86 89 93
140 284 68 71 74

Charge air temperature sensor

Ω Tempera- Impe- Impedance Impe-
ture dance Rnom dance
Rmin Rmax
(°C) (°F) (Ω) (Ω) (Ω)
–40 –40 45301,0 48153,0 51006,0
–30 –22 25350,0 26854,0 28359,0
–20 –4 14785,0 15614,0 16443,0
–10 14 8951,0 9426,0 9901,0
0 32 5605,0 5887,0 6168,0
10 50 3618,7 3791,1 3963,5
20 68 2401,9 2510,6 2619,3
30 86 1644,7 1715,4 1786,2
40 104 1152,4 1199,6 1246,7
50 122 819,1 851,1 883,0
60 140 590,3 612,3 634,2
70 158 431,0 446,3 461,6
80 176 318,68 329,48 340,27
90 194 238,43 246,15 253,86
100 212 180,42 186,0 191,58
110 230 137,63 142,08 146,52
120 248 106,09 109,65 113,21
130 266 82,58 85,45 88,32

50 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

03-3 Specifications, Electrical

Pressure drop indicator

Active V = 0.48 × Ubat ± 10 %
Inactive V = 0.12 × Ubat ± 10 %

Camshaft sensor
Distance to gearwheel 1.1 ± 0.4 mm (0.0433 ± 0.01575 in)

Crankcase sensor
Sensor alarm limit 5 kPa (0.725 PSI)
Crankcase pressure, normal value < 1.0 kPa (0.145 PSI)

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 51

05-1 Safety Instructions

05-1 Safety Instructions

Safety Information
This Service Manual contains repair instructions,
descriptions and technical data for products or product
designs from Volvo Penta. Ensure that you are using
the correct service manual.

Read the safety information below and the service manual section About this Workshop manual and Repair
instructions carefully before repair and service work is begun.

This symbol is used in the service manual and on the product, to call attention to the
fact that this is safety information. Always read such information very carefully.
Safety texts in the manual have the following order of priority:

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
personal injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
personal injury.

Is used to draw your attention to something that may cause minor damage or a minor
malfunction to the product or property.

NOTICE! Is used to draw your attention to important information that will facilitate the
work or operation in progress.

This symbol is used on our products in certain cases and refers to important information
in the instruction book. Make sure that warning and information symbols on the engine
are clearly visible and legible. Replace symbols which have been damaged or painted

A compilation of safety precautions that must be taken and risks which must be paid attention to is
presented in the following pages.

52 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

05-1 Safety Instructions

Immobilize the engine by turning off the power Avoid opening the coolant filling cap when the
! supply to the engine at the main switch ! engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can spray
(switches) and lock it (them) in the off position out and system pressure will be lost. Open the
before starting work. Post a warning notice at filler cap slowly, and release the pressure in the
the main circuit breaker. cooling system if the filler cap or valve has to be
opened, or if a plug or coolant hose has to be
removed when the engine is hot.

As a rule, all service operations must be carried Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid skin contact with
! out with the engine stopped. However, some ! hot oil. Ensure that the lubrication system is not
work, such as adjustments, will require the under pressure before any work is begun.
engine to be running. Approaching an engine Never start or operate the engine with the oil
which is running is a safety risk. Bear in mind filler cap removed, because of the risk of oil
that loose clothing or long hair can fasten in ejection.
rotating parts and cause serious personal

Be aware of hot surfaces (exhaust pipes, tur- Never start the engine without installing the air
! bos, charge air pipes, starting heaters etc.) and ! filter. The rotating compressor turbine in the tur-
hot fluids in pipes and hoses on an engine that bocharger can cause severe injury. Foreign
is running or has just stopped. objects entering the intake ducts can also cause
If work is done adjacent to a running engine, a mechanical damage. Install all protective cov-
careless movement or a dropped tool may in the ers before the engine is started.
worst case lead to personal injury.

Ensure that the warning symbols or information Only start the engine in a well-ventilated space.
! decals on the product are always clearly visible. ! When running in a confined space, exhaust
Replace decals which have been damaged or fumes and crankcase gases must be led away
painted over. from the engine bay or workshop area.

Avoid getting oil on your skin! Protracted or The majority of chemicals e.g. engine and trans-
! repeated exposure to oil can cause skin to ! mission oils, glycol, gasoline, and diesel oil,
become dry. Irritation, dryness, eczema and together with chemicals for workshop use such
other skin problems may then result. From a as degreasing agents, paints and solvents, are
health standpoint, used oil is more dangerous injurious to health. Carefully read the instruc-
than new. Use protective gloves and avoid oil- tions on the product packaging! Always follow a
soaked clothes and rags. Wash regularly, espe- product's safety directions, e.g. use of protec-
cially before eating. Use suitable barrier creams tive mask, glasses, gloves etc. Ensure that
to counteract drying out of the skin and to aid other personnel are not exposed to substances
dirt removal. that are injurious to health. Ensure good venti-
lation. Handle used and leftover chemicals in
the prescribed manner.

Stop the engine and turn off the electrical supply Clutch adjustments must be carried out with the
! at the main switch(es) before carrying out work ! engine stopped.
on the electrical system.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 53

05-1 Safety Instructions

Always use protective glasses or goggles when Never start the engine with the valve cover
! carrying out work where a risk of splinters, ! removed. There is a risk of personal injury.
grinding sparks, splashes from acid or other
chemicals is present. Your eyes are extremely
sensitive; injury may cause blindness!

Never use start gas or similar products as a Stop the engine before working on the cooling
! starting aid. They may cause an explosion in the ! system.
inlet manifold. Danger of personal injury. Marine engines: Close the sea cock / cooling
water inlet valve before work on the cooling sys-
tem is begun.

All fuels, as well as many chemicals, are flam- Make sure that oil, fuel-soaked rags, and used
! mable. Do not allow open flames or sparks in ! fuel and oil filters are stored in a safe manner.
their vicinity. Gasoline, some thinners, and Rags soaked in oil can spontaneously ignite
hydrogen gas from batteries are extremely under certain circumstances. Used fuel and oil
flammable and explosive when mixed with air in filters are environmentally hazardous waste
the correct proportions. No Smoking! Ensure and must be handed to an approved waste
that the work area is well ventilated and take the management facility for destruction, as must
necessary safety precautions before welding or any used lubrication oil, contaminated fuel,
grinding work is begun. Always ensure that paint residue, solvents, degreasers and wash
there are fire extinguishers close at hand in the residue.
work area.

Batteries must never be exposed to open Never work alone when removing heavy com-
! flames or electric sparks. Never smoke in the ! ponents, even when using lifting devices such
vicinity of the batteries; they generate hydrogen as locking tackle lifts. When using a lifting
gas when charged, which is explosive when device, two people are usually required to do
mixed with air. This gas is easily ignited and the work - one to take care of the lifting device
highly explosive. A spark, which can be caused and the other to ensure that components are
by incorrect battery connection, is sufficient to lifted clear and not damaged during the lifting
cause a battery to explode and cause damage. operations.

Do not touch the connections during start

attempts. Sparking hazard! Do not lean over

Never transpose the positive (+) and negative The existing lugs on the engine should be used
! (-) battery posts when installing batteries. Such ! for lifting. Always check that the lifting equip-
a transposition can result in serious damage to ment used is in good condition and has the load
electrical equipment. Refer to the wiring dia- capacity to lift the engine (engine weight includ-
gram. ing gearbox or extra equipment). For safe han-
Always use protective goggles when charging dling and to avoid damaging components fitted
and handling the batteries. Battery electrolyte to the top of the engine, the engine must be
contains sulfuric acid which is highly corrosive. lifted with a correctly adjusted lifting boom. All
Should the battery electrolyte come into contact chains or wires must run parallel to each other
with unprotected skin, wash it off immediately and as perpendicular to the engine as possible.
using soap and copious amounts of water. If you If other equipment attached to the engine has
get battery acid in your eyes, flush at once with altered its center of gravity, special lifting devi-
copious amounts of water and seek medical ces may be needed to obtain the correct bal-
assistance immediately. ance for safe handling. Never perform any work
on an engine that is only suspended from the
lifting equipment.

54 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

05-1 Safety Instructions

The components in the electrical and fuel sys- Exercise extreme caution when leak-detecting
! tems on Volvo Penta products are designed and ! on the fuel system and testing the fuel injector
manufactured to minimize the risk of fire and nozzles. Use eye protection. The jet from a fuel
explosion. The engine must not be run in areas nozzle has very high pressure and great pene-
where there are explosive materials. tration power. Fuel can force its way deep into
body tissue and cause severe injury. There is a
risk of blood poisoning (septicemia).

Only use fuels and lubricating oils recom- Never use a high-pressure washer for cleaning
! mended by Volvo Penta. Refer to the Operator's ! the engine.
Manual for the product in question. Use of fuels Pay attention to the following when using a high-
that are of a lower grade may damage the pressure washer on components other than the
engine, the injection pump and the injectors. On actual engine: Never direct the water jet at
a diesel engine, low grade fuel can cause the seals, rubber hoses or electrical components.
control rod to bind and the engine to over-rev,
with the risk of engine damage and personal
injury as a result. Low fuel and oil grades may
result in high service, maintenance and repair

Fuel delivery pipes must not be bent or straight-

! ened under any circumstances. Cracks may
occur. Damaged pipes must be replaced.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 55

08-2 Special Service Tools

08-2 Special Service Tools

The following special tools are used when working on
the engine. The tools may be ordered from AB Volvo
Penta by specifying the number indicated.




9996398 Manometer 1678297 Spacer 9991801 Standard handle

Adjusting e.g. lubricating oil For use with 9996398 Manom- Flywheel bearing
pressure. eter.




9988539 Compression meter 9990006 Puller 9990013 Slide hammer


9990124 Nipple 9990166 Mounting tool 9990185 Lifting tool

Banjo fitting, for use with Crankshaft seal. Lifting rocker arm bridge.
9996398 Manometer.


9990192 Puller 9992000 Handle 9993590 Rotation tool

Crankshaft seal. Replacement of e.g. crankshaft As a counterhold or for rotating
seal. gearwheels.

56 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

08-2 Special Service Tools


9996049 Draining hose 9996394 Support 9996395 Support

Coolant, draining. Support leg for 9996645 Puller. Support leg for 9996645 Puller.


9986179 Puller 9996400 Slide hammer 9996645 Puller

Flywheel bearing For use with cylinder liners.


9996666 Nipple 9998007 Adapter 9998248 Adapter

For use with, e.g. 9996398 Man- For use with 9996400 Slide Compression test (6 pcs.
ometer. hammer. required).



9998249 Protective sleeve 9998251 Protection plug 9998339 Manometer

Protects removed injectors. Plugs hole for removed injec- Checking charge air pressure.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 57

08-2 Special Service Tools

P0006814 P0001878


9986173 Puller 9998599 Cleaning kit 9999179 Extractor oil filter

Flywheel bearing Removal of filters.
The tool kit includes:
- 9808570 Brush
- 9808616 Extender
- 9998580 Protective


P0006767 P0002793

9998487 Sleeve 88800021 Drift 88800083 Piston ring pliers

Removal of filters. Removal of crankshaft seal. Installation of piston rings.



9998250 Sealing ring 88800387 Puller 9998493 Hose

Cylinder head fuel ducts (the kit Removal of copper sleeve.
contains 12 pcs.).

p0013448 P0013447


88800196 Drift 88890102 Nipple 88890104 Pump

Installation of copper sleeve.

58 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

08-2 Special Service Tools

P0004276 p0006800

88800151 Drift 3849613 Pressure testing kit 9996441 Cover, with connect-
ing nipple
Valve stem seals. Pressure testing cooling system. Pressure testing cooling system.

P0010357 P0010358

9996662 Pressure testing kit 88800117 Plate 9998674 Adapter

Pressure testing cooling system. For use with 88800003 Fixture. Removal of camshaft cap.


P0010361 P0010360

9996966 Press tool 3883671 Protective sleeve 3883672 Protective sleeve

Holds cylinder liner in place. O-ring for injector. O-ring for injector.


9992955 Plate 88800031 Measuring tool 9998598 Sleeve

Removal of cylinder liner. Shimming of sensors. Removal of safety valve cover.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 59

08-2 Special Service Tools


88800003 Fixture 885519 Guide pin 9996239 Lifting tool

For use with 88800117 Plate. Aligning inlet manifold. 2 pcs. required.


9998264 Lifting tool 885810 Fixture 9998601 Fixture

Lifting the camshaft. Installation of upper timing Installation of upper timing
cover. cover.



9998531 Piston ring compres- 9809726 Pneumatic hydraulic 9809729 Hydraulic cylinder
sor pump
Fitting rings to pistons. Valves and valve guides. Valves and valve guides.


9990176 Press tool 9996159 Adapter 88800064 Drift

Valves and valve guides. For 9809729 Hydraulic cylinder. Valve guides.

60 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

08-2 Special Service Tools



88800127 Drift 88800147 Drift 9992670 Hand pump

Valve guides. Valve guides. Alternative to 9809726 Pneu-
matic hydraulic pump .



9990160 Fixture 9990174 Drift 9998246 Drift

Cylinder head. Valve springs. Valve springs.

P0006780 P0006778

9990210 Valve spring com- 9990165 Guide sleeve 9992479 Holder for dial indica-
pressor tor
Valve stem seals. For use with 9989876 Dial indi-



9998267 Guide sleeve 9992269 Drift 9990263 Nipple

Timing plate. Replacement of flywheel bear- Measuring oil pressure.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 61

08-2 Special Service Tools

Other Equipment
The following miscellaneous equipment is used when
working on the engine. The equipment can be ordered
from AB Volvo Penta by specifying the number indi-


P0002936 P0002930

885510 Plugs 885633 Torque multiplier 1159794 Torque wrench

For use with e.g. fuel pressure For use with e.g. the crankshaft.


885648 Counterhold 885812 Timing tool 885822 Magnetic pen

For use with 885633 Torque


P0001879 P0001875

9998511 Lever 9999696 Magnetic stand 9989876 Dial indicator

For use with 9989876 Dial indi-



P0001881 P0006823

9999683 Dial indicator (short 885811 Timing tool 1158957 Pliers

Checking gear lash measure-

62 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

20-0 Engine Information, General

Design and Function

Group 21: Engine
The engine is an inline six cylinder direct injection tur-
bocharged diesel with charge air cooling and EMS
(Engine Management System). The timing is at the
rear. The engine is equipped with a one-piece cylinder
head, overhead camshaft and unit injectors. In order
to fulfill Euro 4 emission standards the engine is equip-
ped with an EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system
(TAD1350–55GE). The turbocharger has waste gate
control for engine charge pressure.


The engine has optional open or closed crankcase

ventilation. The risk of oil droplets is eliminated with
closed crankcase ventilation, which is a legal require-
ment in most markets.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 63

20-0 Engine Information, General

Cylinder head




The cylinder head is made from a single piece of cast The fuel channel to the unit injectors is drilled length-
iron, which provides for stable overhead camshaft wise through the cylinder head and has a machined,
bearings. ring-shaped space around each unit injector (C).

The camshaft is supported by seven horizontally-split There is a plug at the front (D) that leads to a channel
bearing brackets equipped with replaceable bearing for measuring rocker arm mechanism oil pressure.
cups. In the rear bearing bracket, the bearing cup is
also designed as a thrust bearing. The duct (E) leads lubricating oil to the camshaft and
rocker arms. It is drilled centrally through the left side
The coolant thermostat housing is machined directly of the cylinder head.
in the cylinder head and located at the front right side

Each cylinder has separate inlet ducts to one side of

the cylinder and separate exhaust ducts on the other
side, so-called crossflow (B).

64 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General


There are two guide pins on the right side of the cyl-
inder head that ensure the valve cover is fitted in the
correct position.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 65

20-0 Engine Information, General



The injectors are centrally located between the four the camshaft to the valve pair. The valves have three
valves and are held in place by yokes (A). For maxi- grooves and matching collets (D). The design of the
mum cooling the coolant chamber in the cylinder head collets allows the valves to rotate on their seats. For
is equipped with a horizontal baffle that forces coolant improved heat resistance and heat conduction, more
past the lower, hottest parts of the cylinder head. material is used in the exhaust valve discs and the
diameter is somewhat smaller than that of the inlet
The valve mechanism is equipped with twin inlet and valves.
exhaust valves. The exhaust valves have single valve
springs (B), as do the inlet valves (C). The valves are The valve guides are made of alloyed cast iron and all
linked in pairs by so-called floating valve yokes that valve guides have double-lipped oil seals. The valve
transfer rocker arm movement from seats are made from hardened special steel; they are
replaceable but cannot be machined.

66 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General


There is a copper sleeve between the lower injector The copper sleeve is enlarged in the lower section
section and the cylinder head. The copper sleeve is and sealed with a O-ring at the upper section.
of a new, harder type; it has a flat bottom toward the
unit injector and is marked with two grooves on its NOTICE! The copper sleeve must absolutely not be
upper side. mistaken for copper sleeves for other variants.


The unit injectors are sealed against the cylinder head The steel gasket has three projections that keep it in
with two O-rings located in the injector's ring-shaped place on the injector. The steel gasket has a sealant
notch. The injector's lower part is sealed against the coating that requires the gasket to be replaced each
copper sleeve by a steel gasket. time a unit injector has been removed.

NOTICE! Take extreme care with cleanliness when

working with unit injectors.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 67

20-0 Engine Information, General

Cylinder block


The cylinder block is made of cast iron and is cast in

one piece.

There are two, drilled, longitudinal ducts for the lubri-

cation system. On the left side of the block there is the
main lubrication duct (gallery), and on the right side
there is a piston cooling duct. Both ducts are plugged
at the front of the engine with plugs equipped with O-
rings. At the rear of the engine, the ducts are covered
by the timing plate, and the main lubrication gallery
discharges into the cast duct that supplies the engine
timing with oil.

68 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General


The bowed shape of the block sides at each cylinder

provides the cylinder block with high torsional stiff-
ness and sound dampening.

The vertical cross section shows the position of the

cylinder liner and cooling jacket in the block.

In order to render impossible the faulty positioning of

main bearing caps, they are guided into position by
cast, asymmetrically-located tabs (1) into correspond-
ing chamfers (2) in the cylinder block. The main bear-
ing caps are made from nodular iron and are individ-
ually adapted. In order for them not to be confused at
installation, they are marked 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 respec-
tively, counting from the front of the engine. The cen-
ter and rear main bearing caps are uniquely shaped
and do not require marking.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 69

20-0 Engine Information, General

Engine stiffening frame and oil sump


In order to reduce vibrations in the cylinder block, and

thus reduce engine noise, there is a stiffening frame
(1) installed on the underside of the block. The stiff-
ening frame is made from 6 mm sheet steel and is
bolted in place to the lower block plane (A).

The oil sump (2) is made from injection-molded plastic


The plastic sump seal is made of a rubber strip, man-

ufactured in one piece and located in a groove around
the rim. The oil sump is bolted in place with 22 pcs.
spring-loaded steel bolts (B). The plastic sump drain
plug (C) is threaded into a replaceable, steel rein-

70 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Sealing joints

The engine has wet cylinder liners for effective heat

removal. They are sealed against the cylinder block
by rubber rings. The uppermost ring is located imme-
diately below the liner collar (A). The liner sealing sur-
face against the cylinder head gasket is convex.

The lower seal comprises three O-rings located in

grooves in the cylinder block (B). These rings are
made from different rubber materials and have differ-
ent colors to prevent confusion. The two upper (black)
rings are made from EPDM rubber and are therefore
resistant to coolant, while the lower (purple) is fluoro-
rubber and resistant to oil.

The gasket (C) between the cylinder head, block and

liner is made from steel and has integral vulcanized
rubber seals for the coolant and oil channels. In order
to protect the rubber seals during cylinder head instal-
lation, the gasket has a number of convex indenta-
tions for the cylinder head to glide on. These inden-
tations are flattened when the cylinder head is bolted
in place.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 71

20-0 Engine Information, General

Cylinder head, guides to cylinder



In order to facilitate installation and exact positioning

of the cylinder head on the cylinder block, there are
three guide washers on the left side of the engine –
two on the cylinder block (1) and one on the cylinder
head (2). These washers determine the transverse
position of the cylinder head, while the timing plate (3)
determines the longitudinal position. In this way it is
possible to precisely fit the cylinder head transversely
and longitudinally.

The convex indentations in the cylinder head gasket

allow the cylinder head to be slid on the gasket without
damaging the rubber seals.

72 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Piston, cylinder lining, connecting



The engine has solid, forged steel, oil-cooled pistons. The connecting rod is (C) forged and split at the lower
Each piston (A) has two compression rings and one end (big end) using a method known as fracture split-
oil scraper ring. The upper compression ring (1) has ting. The upper end (small end) has a pressed-in bush
a trapezoid “Keystone” section. The lower compres- (6) for the piston pin lubricated via a drilled channel
sion ring (2) has a rectangular section. The oil scraper (7). The two parts of the big end are fastened together
ring (3) at the bottom is spring loaded. by four bolts, and each connecting rod has a marking
from 007 to 999 on the two parts (8). The connecting
All piston rings are installed with the marking facing rod is marked ”FRONT” in order for it to be installed
up; thus marking up also applies when installing the correctly.
oil scraper ring.

The cylinder liner (B) is replaceable. They are cast

centrifugally in iron alloy. The inside of the liner has a
crosshatch machining pattern, honing (4). The final
cylinder liner fine surface machining is performed
using a method called plateau honing (5), where the
sharpest apexes from the basic machining are ground

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 73

20-0 Engine Information, General

Camshaft and valve mechanism



The engine has an overhead camshaft and a four- Figure (A) shows a section through the valve mech-
valve system. The camshaft is induction hardened anism for one pair of exhaust valves.
and supported by seven bearing brackets, where the
rear bearing also acts as a thrust bearing. Both the Each rocker arm acts on a so-called floating valve
bearing cups and bearing brackets are replaceable. yoke (3) that opens the valves. The rocker arm (4) is
supported by a bushing (6) on the rocker shaft (5).
There are cams between each shaft journal: an inlet Contact with the camshaft takes place via a roller (7)
cam, injection cam, exhaust cam and EGR and against the valve yoke by a ball seat (8).
(TAD1350–53GE). The camshaft is driven by a gear-
wheel (1) from the engine timing. A hydraulic vibration The camshaft marking for static timing (TDC – Top
damper (2) is installed on the outside of the gear- Dead Center) and for valve and injector adjustments
wheel. is located on the camshaft front end (9) in front of the
front bearing bracket (10).
There are also teeth on the vibration damper for the
camshaft sensor.
NOTICE! The vibration damper must absolutely not
be confused with vibration dampers for other variants.

74 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Internal EGR
TAD1350GE, TAD1351GE, TAD1352GE,
TAD1353GE, TAD1354GE, TAD1355GE



1 Camshaft The power piston is located immediately above the

4 Exhaust rocker arm exhaust valve yoke and it is this piston that presses
5 Pump piston the yoke down and opens the exhaust valve. The
6 Power piston pump piston is located immediately under the EGR
7 Check valve rocker arm (10) and it is the pump piston the EGR
8 Piston rocker arm is able to press down.
9 Spring
10 Rocker arm, EGR The exhaust rocker arm (4) is designed so that the
11 Exhaust lobe EGR rocker arm (10) lies above the exhaust rocker
arm and when lubrication oil pressure is sufficiently
The camshaft (1) on EGR engines has four cams per high the clearance between the two rocker arms is
cylinder; an inlet cam, injector cam, exhaust cam and reduced and the brake rocker arm is able to press the
EGR cam. pump piston down. The two pistons are connected via
an oil channel and when the pump piston is depressed
Inside the exhaust cam (4) there are two pistons, a the oil under the piston is forced along to the power
pump piston(5) and a power piston (6), a check valve piston. At the same time, the check valve closes and
(7), a piston (8) and a spring (9). the high pressure causes the power piston to press
down and open the exhaust valves.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 75

20-0 Engine Information, General

Normal engine operation


1/: The control valve reduces oil pressure; the pres- The EGR rocker arm (10) has no contact with the
sure is around 1 bar in the rocker arm shaft. The check exhaust rocker arm (4). In this situation the exhaust
valve (7) is held open by the piston (8) being moved valves are not affected by the EGR cam lobe.
forward by the spring (9). The oil channels are filled
with oil but the low pressure is not sufficient to raise
the pump piston (5) to its upper position.

EGR activation


2/: The control valve raises the oil pressure to system When the pump piston (5) is forced to the upper posi-
pressure; the pressure is above 2 bars in the rocker tion, the clearance between the EGR rocker arm (10)
arm shaft. The piston (8) is moved backwards but the and the exhaust rocker arm (4) is reduced.
check valve (7) is held open by the oil flow. The high
pressure is sufficient to lift the pump piston to its upper

76 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General


3/: The oil pressure lifts the pump piston (5) to the the pump piston is forced down and the oil beneath
upper position and occupies the space beneath the the piston is forced on to the power piston (6). The
piston. When oil has completely filled the system and piston is pushed down and the exhaust valves open.
oil flow ceases, the check valve (7) closes. When the The check valve (7) is held closed by the high oil
EGR rocker arm (10) then rolls over the lobe, pressure during the time the exhaust valves are open.


4/: After the exhaust valves have closed and the EGR The system is replenished by the check valve (7)
rocker arm no longer depresses the pump piston, the opening and allowing a quantity of oil to pass corre-
oil that forced the power piston (6) down flows back sponding to the quantity leaked off during the previous
to the pump piston (5). cycle.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 77

20-0 Engine Information, General

Deactivation (return to normal engine



5/: Deactivation takes place when the oil pressure in The pump piston spring then forces the pump piston
the rocker arm shaft drops to around 1 bar. The piston (5) back to its lower position and the EGR rocker arm
(8) opens the check valve (7) so that oil can flow back (10) can no longer contact the pump piston.
to the rocker arm shaft.

78 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Crankshaft, vibration damper,


3 6
1 8


2 1


The crankshaft is drop forged and has induction hard-

ened bearing journals and inserts. The crankshaft is
supported by seven main bearings with replaceable
bearing shells (1). There is also a thrust bearing in the
intermediate main bearing (B) comprising four half-
moon-shaped washers (2).

Front end (A) sealing is by means of a Teflon seal (3)

against the front crankshaft flange. There is also a
Teflon seal (4) at the rear (C) that seals against a
machined surface on the crankshaft gearwheel (5).
The gearwheel is fastened to the crankshaft with a
locating pin (6) and two bolts (7). There is a groove in
the rear crankshaft flange for an O-ring (8) that seals
between the flange and the flywheel.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 79

20-0 Engine Information, General


The crankshaft is lubricated via separate channels in When the crankshaft rotates, torsional stresses arise
the cylinder block feeding each main bearing (1). The in the crankshaft from piston impulses. The viscous
main shaft journals have drilled lubrication channels silicone oil evens out the movement between the pul-
(2), and a drilled channel (3) leads to the nearest sating crankshaft rotation and the smooth rotation of
crankshaft journal from each main bearing journal the oscillating mass, thus reducing the stresses.
except the center one.
The flywheel (7) and the intermediately located gear-
The vibration damper is of hydraulic type and bolted wheel (8) are fastened to the rear crankshaft flange
directly onto the front crankshaft flange. The damper with 14 M16 bolts (9). The flywheel is positioned on
is also used as as a multi-grooved belt pulley to drive the crankshaft with the same locating pin (10) as the
the alternator. In the damper housing (4) there is an gearwheel. There are grooves milled into the circum-
oscillating mass in the form of a cast iron ring (5) that ference (12) for the engine control system inductive
is able to rotate freely on the bushings (6). The space sensor. The starter ring (11) is sweated onto the fly-
between the damper housing and the oscillating mass wheel and is replaceable.
is filled with silicone oil of high viscosity.

80 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Engine Transmission


Engine timing is located at the rear of the engine on a 1 Timing gear plate
6 mm sheet steel plate (1) according to the same prin-
2 Crankshaft gear
cipal for the D9A and D16C engines.
3 Intermediate gear, bull gear
The timing plate is held in place by a number of bolts
and is sealed against the cylinder block and cylinder 4 Intermediate gear, adjustable
head with silicone. The timing plate has a machined 5 Camshaft gear
groove toward the block, and a silicone bead is laid
around the plate outside the groove. 6 Drive gear, power steering and fuel feed pump
7 Intermediate gear, power steering and fuel feed
There is a drilled hole in the timing plate which,
together with the marking on the camshaft gear (A),
is used for installing the camshaft correctly. 8 Drive gear, lubrication oil pump
The crankshaft gear and the double intermediate gear 9 Vibration damper with “teeth” for camshaft
are marked (B) for correct installation. inductive sensor

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 81

20-0 Engine Information, General

Engine timing intermediate gear


A: The small intermediate gear that drives the power C: The adjustable intermediate gear is supported by
steering and the fuel feed pump is supported by a a bushing (7) on the hub (8). The bushing and the
twin-race ball bearing (1) and is held in place by a bolt thrust washer (9) are pressure lubricated via a duct
(2). The bolt passes through the bearing and holds it (10) that runs between the cylinder block and the tim-
against the timing plate and is fastened in the cylinder ing plate. A locating pin (11) in the lower part of the
block. hub keeps gear lash constant between the two gear
lash measurement. Therefore only the gear lash
B: The lower intermediate gear comprises two gear- against the camshaft gear need be set when adjust-
wheels assembled together. The gearwheels are pre- ing.
installed on a hub (4) and supported by two conical
roller bearings (5). The locating sleeve (6) guides the
intermediate gear in the timing plate.

This intermediate gear with two gear wheels, bearing

and hub is a complete unit that cannot be disassem-
bled but must be replaced as a complete assem-

82 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General



There are two engine timing gear covers. The upper The upper timing gear cover seals against the timing
timing gear cover (A) has an integral oil trap for crank- plate with two rubber sealings (2). The upper timing
case ventilation. The lower (B) is a combined timing gear cover is also sealed with sealant in the join
and flywheel housing and has attachment points for between the rubber strip and the timing plate.
the rear engine suspension. The flywheel housing has
two locating sleeves that position it against the timing There are two holes in the flywheel housing. One hole
plate. is intended for a cranking tool (3) for cranking the
engine, and the flywheel position marking can be read
Both covers are sealed against the timing plate with through the other hole (4).
sealant. The seal between the two covers is by a rub-
ber strip (1) placed in a groove in the upper cover.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 83

20-0 Engine Information, General

Group 22: Lubrication System



The engine is pressure lubricated by a gearwheel

pump located at the rear and driven by the engine
crankshaft. Two longitudinal ducts for oil are drilled
through the cylinder block – the main lubrication duct
(gallery) and the piston cooling duct. The main lubri-
cation duct discharges into a cast channel for timing
gear lubrication. A centrally-located drilled channel
through the cylinder block and cylinder head lead
lubrication oil to the control valve and the drilled rocker
arm shaft, which lubricates the camshaft and rocker
arm bearings through oil channels.

The oil filter housing is bolted to the right side of the

engine and has two full-flow filters and one bypass
filter. The oil cooler is located in the cylinder head
cooling jacket on the same side.

84 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General


Oil flow in the engine is controlled by six valves The piston cooling valves (E) and (F) are integrated
located in the cylinder block, the pump and the filter in the filter housing and are not replaceable. The
housing. reduction valve (A) is integrated in the oil pump and
cannot be replaced separately.
A Reduction valve
B Safety valve
C Oil cooler thermostat valve
D Bypass valve for full-flow filter
E Opening valve for piston cooling
F Control valve for piston cooling
G Pressure take-off for piston cooling pressure

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 85

20-0 Engine Information, General

Lubrication system, principle


E F 11 5

C 13

4 3

A 2
12 7

P0006020 1

Oil is drawn up through the strainer (1) in the plastic A Reduction valve – maintains oil pressure within
pipe (2) from the oil sump to the lubrication oil pump the correct values
(3) which forces oil via the delivery pipe (4) to chan-
B Safety valve – protects the oil pump, filter and
nels in the cylinder block. The oil is led via the oil
cooler against excessive pressure when the oil
cooler (5) to the filter housing (6). After the oil is filtered
has high viscosity
in the two full-flow filters (7) it is led via a connection
pipe to the main cylinder block lubrication channel (8) C Oil cooler thermostat valve – regulates oil tem-
for distribution to all of the engine's lubrication points perature to the optimum value
and to the separator turbine (9) in those cases where
D Overflow valve for full-flow filter – opens and
CCV, Closed Crankcase Ventilation, has been
allows oil to pass if the filters are clogged
selected. Lubrication of the valve mechanism takes
place via a channel drilled up to the control valve (10). E Opening valve, piston cooling – connects piston
cooling when the oil pressure reaches a set
Two external hoses supply the turbocharger (11) with opening value
oil filtered in the full-flow filters (7).
F Control valve, piston cooling – controls the flow
The fine filtered oil from the bypass filter (12) is mixed of oil to the piston cooling oil channel
in with piston cooling oil which is led to the cylinder
block piston cooling channel. From here, oil is sprayed
against the underside of the pistons through nozzles

86 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Oil pump and oil cooler


The lubrication oil pump is a gearwheel pump located

at the rear of the engine and fastened with four bolts
to the rear main bearing cap. It is driven by a gear-
wheel (1) directly from the engine timing. The pump
gearwheel teeth are cut at an angle for lower noise
levels, and its shafts are supported via bearings
directly in the pump housing, which is of aluminum.
The pressure reduction valve (2) is installed in the oil
pump and regulates pressure in the lubrication sys-

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 87

20-0 Engine Information, General

6 4



The suction system is in two parts and comprises a A connection pipe from the oil filter housing leads oil
plastic pipe (1) with strainer from the oil sump, and a to the main lubrication channel.
steel or aluminum pipe (2). The plastic pipe is bolted
to the stiffening frame. The metal pipe is sealed at the The oil cooler (4) is bolted directly to the oil cooler
ends with rubber seals, and is in one of two lengths housing (5) and is entirely surrounded by coolant
depending on installation. The delivery pipe (3) is thanks to the flow plate (6).
made of steel and is fastened to the cylinder block
bearing caps and sealed with rubber seals.

88 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Piston cooling system

P0006023 F

Here piston cooling oil flow is illustrated when the

valve (E) is open and the valve (F) balances oil flow
to the piston cooling channels. The piston cooling
nozzle is directed such that the oil jet hits the inlet hole
to the piston cooling chamber.

By regulating the piston cooling flow via a control

valve, a so-called optimized piston cooling system is
arrived at with a constant flow regardless of engine

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 89

20-0 Engine Information, General

Control valve


The control valve regulates oil pressure to the rocker

arm mechanism and is controlled by the engine con-
trol unit (ECU) via the solenoid valve.

90 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

The illustration below shows the control valve in the
neutral position, which means the engine is at rest. The
solenoid (9) is not activated and the valve slide (3)
rests against the retainer ring (1).
1 Retainer ring
2 Sleeve
3 Valve slide
4 Balance spring
5 Spring seat with ball holder
6 Valve ball
7 Cylinder
8 Bar
9 Solenoid

10 Piston
11 Electrical connection
12 Pressure regulation orifice for control flow
13 Return orifice
14 Calibration orifice
15 Hole for oil flow to rocker arm

Normal operations
During normal engine operation the solenoid (9) is not
activated. The solenoid is in the control position and
forces oil through the orifice (15) to the rocker arm at
the same time as oil is able to flow through the cali-
bration orifice (14) and on to the return orifice (13). This
reduces oil pressure to 1 bar (100 kPa) [14.5 PSI]
which is sufficient for lubricating the camshaft bearings
and valve mechanism.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 91

20-0 Engine Information, General

Activation of EGR
When the engine is running and the EGR is activated,
the solenoid (9) is energized and the valve slide (3) is
forced to its end position – fully open – in that the
enclosed oil acts as a hydraulic lock. Full oil pressure
is now delivered to the rocker arm shaft and the EGR
function takes over.


Deactivation of EGR
When the engine is running and the EGR function
released, the solenoid (9) is de-energized. The high
pressure that is present in the rocker arm shaft causes
the valve slide (3) to rapidly shut so that the oil return
connection (13) opens and oil drains out. When the oil
pressure falls to 1 bar (100 kPa) [14.5 PSI] the valve
slide is returned to the control position.


92 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Group 23: Fuel System



The fuel system is electronically controlled (EMS). 1 Strainer, fuel gauge sensor
Fuel injection takes place via unit injectors, one per
2 Feed pump
cylinder, under high pressure. The high pressure is
achieved mechanically via overhead camshafts and 3 Fuel filter housing
rocker arms. Control of fuel amounts and injection
4 Pre-filter with water separator
timing takes place electronically via the engine control
unit (ECU), which receives signals from a number of 5 Venting valve
6 Fuel filter
The illustration shows the main components included 7 Overflow valve
in the fuel system.
8 Unit injector
The engine is also equipped with a hand pump,
9 Fuel channel in cylinder head
located on the fuel filter housing
10 Cooling loop for engine control unit
11 Level pipe
12 Venting nipple
13 Hand pump

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 93

20-0 Engine Information, General

Fuel feed system, principle


Fuel is drawn up with the aid of a feed pump, via a Return fuel is mixed in the fuel filter housing through
check valve, first through the strainer in the fuel gauge channel with fuel from the tank and is drawn on to the
sensor, then through the auxiliary (1) pre-filter (1), then feed pump inlet (suction side).
up through the ECU cooling loop (2) and then down
There are two valves in the fed pump. The safety
to the fuel filter housing. Here the fuel passes a check
valve (7) allows the fuel to flow back to the suction
valve (3) and the pre-filter with water separator. The
side when pressure becomes to high, e.g. if the fuel
check valve function is to prevent fuel from flowing
filter is clogged. The check valve (6) opens when the
back to the tank when the engine is shut down, and
manual fuel pump (4) is used, to make it easier to
during hand pumping.
pump up fuel by hand.
The feed pump forces fuel to the fuel filter housing
There is also a venting valve (12) located in the fuel
through the main filter and up to the cylinder head
filter housing. The fuel system is vented automatically
longitudinal fuel channel via a check valve (9). This
when the engine is started. Any air in the system flows
channel supplies each unit injector with fuel via a ring-
together with a small amount of fuel back to the tank
shaped channel in the cylinder head around each
via a line.
injector. The overflow valve (11) regulates fuel feed
pressure to the injectors. There is a venting nipple (10) on the front level pipe
for venting a completely empty system.
Return fuel from the cylinder head fuel channel
passes through the overflow valve (11) back to the
fuel filter housing.
1) Option.

94 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

At filter changes, the valve balls (5) and (8) close so There is a level sensor in the water separator that
that no fuel leaks out when the fuel filters are screwed provides a signal to the operator if there is water in the
out. Filter venting after each filter change is controlled system.
by the filter housing valves (5) and (8) and the venting
valve (12). The hand pump (4) is located on the fuel filter housing
and is used for pumping up fuel (engine stopped)
There is a fuel pressure sensor on the fuel filter hous- when the fuel system has been emptied.
ing that measures feed pressure after the fuel filter. A NOTICE! The hand pump may not be used when the
fault code is shown on the instrument panel if feed engine is running.
pressure falls below the value according to the fault
code book.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 95

20-0 Engine Information, General

Unit injectors


The engine has unit injectors with two solenoids for The valve section contains two solenoid valves – the
more precise injection. This provides better combus- spill valve (8) and the needle valve (11) with solenoids
tion and minimizes particle emissions, which provides (9 and 10) and return springs.
for cleaner exhaust.
During the filling phase the pump piston moves up
The injectors are centrally located between the four and fuel from the cylinder head fuel channels is forced
valves and are held in place in the cylinder head by into the unit injector.
yokes (1). The lower injector section is separated from
the cooling jacket by the copper sleeve (2) and the O- During the spill phase he pump piston moves down
ring (3). The unit injector's lower part is sealed against and fuel is forced back out into the cylinder head fuel
the copper sleeve by a steel gasket (4). The ring- channels. During the period when the solenoids are
shaped space for fuel metering (5) around each injec- unenergized and the spill valve is open no pressure
tor is sealed with two O-rings (6 and 7). is able to be built up in the fuel channel to the injector.

A unit injector can in principle be divided into three In the pressure building phase the spill valve sole-
main parts: noid is energized and the spill valve closes. A high
pressure then builds up in the fuel channel (14). The
A Pump section pressure also builds up in the chamber (15) behind
B Valve section (actuator) the needle valve, which acts on the needle valve pis-
ton (12) and prevents the needle valve (11) from
C Nozzle section opening the nozzle valve (13).

96 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

When the required fuel pressure is reached, the There are three markings on the injector electrical
injection phase occurs. The needle valve solenoid is connection (16) – part number (17), trim code (18) and
energized and opens the needle valve (11). The high production number (19). When changing one or more
pressure on the needle valve piston is released and injectors the engine control unit (ECU) must be pro-
the nozzle needle (13) opens. Atomized fuel is grammed with new injector trim codes because each
sprayed at high pressure into the engine combustion unit injector is unique and the engine is tuned for opti-
chamber. mal fuel injection and emissions as low as possible.
The trim code is programmed with the aid of param-
Fuel injection is stopped by the spill valve opening eter programming in VODIA. The programming need
once again, at which point the pressure on the piston only be carried out for the unit injector(s) replaced.
(12) drops and the nozzle needle (13) closes.

The entire injection process is controlled by the

engine management system (EMS).

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20-0 Engine Information, General

Group 25: Inlet and Exhaust System

Exhaust Manifold and Turbo


98 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

The exhaust manifold is made in three parts in heat- A Exhaust flow at low turbo pressure is shown
resistant cast steel. The joints are sealed with seal here. The valve is closed and the entire exhaust
rings. Between the cylinder head and the manifold flow is through the turbine rotor.
flanges, there are gaskets made from graphite coated
B When the turbo pressure reaches a certain
sheet steel.
level, the valve starts to open. Some of the
The turbocharger has a turbine with a by-pass and is exhaust gases flow via the valve and by-pass
of MWE type (Map Width Enhancement). The com- the turbine thus reducing turbine revolutions.
pressor's air inlet is divided into an inner and outer C When the engine is working hard at low speed,
area, connected via a ring-shaped chamber. the air that the engine cannot use is recirculated
via the ring-shaped chamber.
The by-pass valve on the exhaust side is designed to
protect the turbo by reducing its speed at high power D At high engine speed and high turbo pressure,
levels. The valve is influenced by turbo pressure via the entire inlet area is used, which provides
an actuator and a lever. more air to the engine. The turbo has thus a
broader working range and engine torque is

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 99

20-0 Engine Information, General

Crankcase ventilation
Because some of the products of combustion find their
way past pistons and piston rings (“blow by”) down to
the crankcase, the latter must be ventilated.

The engine can be delivered with one of two types of

crank case ventilation:
• Open crankcase ventilation
• Closed crankcase ventilation

Open crankcase ventilation


The engine is equipped with two oil traps, one located Intermediate gear rotation creates a relatively oil-free
in the upper timing gear cover (1), and the other in the area.
valve cover (2) and an external pipe (3) to lead away
crankcase gasses. There is an oil trap on the inside of the valve cover –
a cast channel (5) with three drains (6) for the sepa-
There is an oil trap in the timing gear cover designed rated oil.
as a labyrinth with a connection (4) to the crankcase
in front of the center of the intermediate gear.

100 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Closed crankcase ventilation


The main component in the new closed crankcase After having passed the oil traps in the upper timing
ventilation comprises a separator (A) directly gear cover and valve cover (refer to Open crankcase
attached to the engine block left side. The separator ventilation), the crankcase gasses are led to the inlet
is driven by a turbine(3), which is in turn driven by oil in the top of the separator via a hose connection (1)
from the engine lubrication system via a channel. The and enter the separator from above directly over the
turbine is connected to a drive shaft (4) with a number center of the rotating discs. The oil and heavier parti-
of discs (5) rotating at approximately 8,000 rpm when cles are thrown out to the periphery by centrifugal
the engine is running normally. There is a pressure force and can be led back to the oil sump together with
regulator (6) and membrane (7) on the side of the the oil driving the turbine.
separator that shuts off the flow to the separator if too
great a pressure drop occurs. The cleaned gases are led to the turbocharger inlet
side via a connection (2).

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 101

20-0 Engine Information, General

Emission Aftertreatment System

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

SCR technology (Selective Catalytic Reduction) – cat-
alytic exhaust cleaning – is used to achieve emission
requirements laid down by law.

Diesel engines with ever more efficient combustion in

combination with exhaust aftertreatment provide sig-
nificantly reduced emissions of particulates and oxides
of nitrogen.

SCR technology is based on the aftertreatment of

exhaust by the addition of an AdBlue solution that is
injected into the exhaust gases before they pass
through the catalyzer. This additive causes oxides of
nitrogen to be converted into nitrogen and water vapor,
which occur naturally in nature.

Diesel engine development has led to ever more effi-

cient combustion and engine management systems
calculate the optimum amount of AdBlue solution to be
injected in relation to current engine load and rpm.

102 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Principle solution
TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE
1 Exhaust cleaning with SCR technology is a simple sys-
tem with few components. AdBlue tank (1), pump unit
(2), dosing unit (3) and a silencer (4) with integral SCR
2 catalyzer.


Main components

A fine spray of AdBlue solution is injected into the

exhaust gases upstream of the catalyzer (5). Precise
1 injection is controlled by the engine management sys-
tem (EMS), which guarantees optimum emission
2 reductions in all operational conditions.

Heat in the exhaust system breaks down AdBlue into

ammonia and carbon dioxide. Ammonia is the active
substance and the most important component in the
chemical process that takes place in the catalyzer
where oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are converted into
harmless nitrogen and water vapor. This chemical
reaction takes place at temperatures that are above
approx 200°C.


Operating principal

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 103

20-0 Engine Information, General

Component identification
TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

There is a label on the bottom of the pump unit to aid


When changing the pump make sure that the new
pump is intended for the vehicle concerned.


A + A = OK

B + B = OK

A + B = OK

B + A = OK

The dosing unit and pump unit are available in different

versions. The different versions may be unmarked or
marked in different ways (see illustration).

When changing components, check that the pump unit
and dosing unit markings correspond.

104 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

The path of the AdBlue solution

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

System overview


4 6
5 p

9 10

13 15

t NOx

14 16

Process flow diagram

The illustration shows main aftertreatment system com-
ponents and their pipe connections.

1 AdBlue tank (AdBlue tank) 9 Strainer

2 Level sensor, AdBlue tank 10 Directional control valve
3 Temperature sensor, AdBlue tank 11 Pipe
4 Pump, AdBlue solution 12 Check valve with orifice
5 Filter, AdBlue solution 13 Dosing unit
6 Pressure sensor, AdBlue solution 14 Exhaust temperature sensor
7 Temperature sensor, AdBlue solution 15 Catalyzer
8 Control unit MID233, AdBlue dosing system 16 NOx sensor (only used for On Board Diagnostics

The entire SCR system is controlled from the MID128

Engine Electronic Control Unit (EECU) which communi-
cates with a separate control unit – MID233 – for the
AdBlue dosing system.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 105

20-0 Engine Information, General

Normal operation
The control unit (8) receives signals from the AdBlue
tank level sensor (2) that the AdBlue solution is above
the specified minimum level. The control unit activates
the directional control valve (10) and starts the pump
(4) which draws AdBlue solution from the tank (1)
through the strainer (9) and directional control valve
(10). The pump then forces AdBlue solution through
the directional control valve to the AdBlue filter (5) and
on to the dosing unit (13) on the silencer.

When a number of criteria are fulfilled (e.g. that the

pressure sensor (6) senses that the working pressure
in the AdBlue dosing system has reached around 5
bar) the engine control unit transmits a signal re
AdBlue quantity to the control unit (8), which opens the
dosing valve (13). AdBlue solution is injected into the
exhaust pipe upstream of the silencer with the integral
SCR catalyzer (15). At the same time the surplus of
AdBlue solution is led via the orifice (12) back to the

The high exhaust gas temperatures break down the

AdBlue and a chemical reaction takes place in the cat-
alyzer that converts the exhaust gases into harmless
nitrogen and water. The NOx sensor (16) measures
the level of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in the exhaust. If
the latter do not maintain approved emission levels a
warning lamp lights up on the instrument panel and a
fault code is stored in the engine control unit.

The exhaust temperature sensor (14) is tasked with

measuring exhaust temperature in the catalyzer so
that the correct amount of AdBlue solution is added to
the exhaust gasses.

Because the AdBlue solution is temperature sensitive,

the AdBlue tank is kept warm by engine coolant in a
heater coil that runs through the tank. The AdBlue
hoses to and from the tank are electrically heated and
there is extra insulation at the hose connections. A
temperature sensor (3) continually monitors AdBlue
solution temperature and transmits a signal to the con-
trol unit (8) should the temperature fall below 10°C, at
which time the control unit opens a solenoid valve (17)
and allows hot coolant to flow through the AdBlue tank
heating coil. When the circulating AdBlue solution
reaches a temperature of 15 °C, the temperature sen-
sor (3) transmits a signal to the control unit (8) which
closes the solenoid valve and interrupts the heating.

If the system discovers a fault that affects injection a

warning lamp (OBD) will be lit and a fault code stored
in the engine control unit memory.

106 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Low level in tank



4 6
5 p

9 10
7 t


13 15

t NOx
P0013642 14 16

Low level in the AdBlue tank

If the AdBlue solution level falls during normal opera-

tions to the minimum tank level, the operator will be
notified by a warning symbol showing that it is time to
top up with AdBlue solution.

If AdBlue solution is not added, the tank level sensor

(2) will transmit a signal to close the dosing valve (13).
The injection of AdBlue solution into the exhaust pipe
will cease.

The AdBlue solution remaining in the tank circulates

through the orifice (12) and cools the dosing valve. A
warning lamp (OBD symbol) on the instrument panel
is lit and a warning text shows that the AdBlue tank is

A fault code is stored in the engine control unit mem-


When AdBlue solution is added the OBD lamp and the

fault text are extinguished, but the fault code is saved
and is accessible with a diagnostics tool.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 107

20-0 Engine Information, General

Normal shut down



4 6
5 p

9 10
7 t


13 15

t NOx

P0013643 14 16

AdBlue injection stopped

When the engine is stopped power is cut. The AdBlue

pump stops and pressure in the AdBlue system drops.
The control unit (8) closes the dosing valve (13).

The control unit de-energizes the directional control

valve (10), whose spring forces it to assume a cross
connection position. The control unit then starts the
pump and empties the AdBlue system (dosing system,
return line, pressure line, filter) and pumps the AdBlue
solution back to the tank via the check valve (12) which
now opens. The pressure sensor (6) transmits a signal
to the control unit once the system is empty.

The control unit also opens the dosing valve for a short
while to empty the dosing unit, and any remaining
AdBlue solution in the injector runs into the silencer.

This draining "after run" takes place fully automatically

and the entire shut down procedure takes around 90
seconds. After this the system is empty of AdBlue sol-
ution and unpressurized.

NOTICE! Small quantities of AdBlue solution may

remain in hose bends and similar places in the system,
which is important to remember when removing hoses.

108 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,

TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

AdBlue solution is stored in its own tank located in the
vicinity of the diesel tank where possible.

AdBlue solution tanks are made of plastic or stainless

steel and are available in different sizes.

The plastic tank is fitted with a breather to equalize

pressure changes. Plastic tanks are fitted with floats.
All tanks have a plug at the bottom so that AdBlue sol-
ution can be drained when necessary, e.g. for clean-
ing, level sensor replacement etc.
The tank fitting suction line is equipped with a strainer
in order to prevent any particles from circulating
through the system and causing disruptions. The
strainer is checked and cleaned as necessary.

Examples of AdBlue tanks in stainless steel and plastic.

AdBlue solution heating

Because AdBlue solution freezes at -11 °C the tank is
equipped with a heater coil for engine coolant, and
there is a solenoid valve on the frame close to the tank
that controls the flow of coolant. Furthermore, the
hoses between the tank and the pump are electrically
heated, and the hose connections are equipped with
extra insulation.


AdBlue solution heating

A temperature sensor transmits a signal to the control

unit so that the pump cannot start until the AdBlue sol-
ution is fluid. The standard system can handle thawing
down to a temperature of -40 °C. In order to prevent
expansion damage due to freezing, the AdBlue system
is emptied when ignition is switched off.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 109

20-0 Engine Information, General

A suction line and return line are fitted between the

pump unit and the AdBlue tank. The combined AdBlue
tank temperature and level sensor is connected to the
control unit, and the level sensor value can be read on
the vehicle instruments.

AdBlue consumption varies with operations, and a text

prompting tank filling is displayed when around 10% of
the tank's effective volume remains. When there are
approximately 5 liters remaining, the tank is consid-
ered empty. If this occurs a fault code is set in the
engine control unit and a text warning that the tank is
empty will be displayed on the instrument panel.

Should an AdBlue tank become empty during opera-

tions this will not lead to damage to the engine or the
SCR system, as the remaining AdBlue solution circu-
lates and cools the system. However, emissions from
the engine will increase as the injection valve is closed
and no exhaust aftertreatment will take place.

NOTICE! It may be illegal to drive a vehicle without a

functioning exhaust aftertreatment system.

Filling AdBlue solution

In order to avoid fluids other than AdBlue solution
being filled by mistake, the AdBlue tank filler and neck
are designed not to accept any other filling equipment.

NOTICE! In order to avoid confusion when filling diesel

1 and AdBlue solution, the AdBlue tank has a blue filler
cap. A special AdBlue decal is also affixed to the
AdBlue tank.

The filler caps for diesel and AdBlue solution have dif-
ferent dimensions in order not to be interchangeable.
P0013652 The filler nozzle is fitted with a magnetic coil (1) which
means that the filler neck only opens when it detects
Filling AdBlue solution the magnetic coil. On some versions the filler nozzle is
also equipped with a strainer (2) to prevent any parti-
cles from entering the system and causing disruptions.
The strainer must be checked and cleaned as neces-

If standard filling equipment is not used, take care to

ensure that AdBlue solution is not put into the fuel tank.
This will contaminate the fuel and cause AdBlue solu-
tion to enter the injection system and combustion
chambers, which may damage the engine.

Great care must be taken if the AdBlue solution is filled

manually from an open container as the solution is
corrosive toward many materials.

110 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

The filling of diesel, water, fluids or solutions other than
Volvo-specified AdBlue (ISO 22241-1) in the AdBlue
tank will cause a breakdown of the exhaust aftertreat-
ment system. Never start the engine if anything other
than AdBlue solution has accidentally been put into the
AdBlue tank!

Only AdBlue is approved by Volvo for use in the
exhaust aftertreatment system and follows ISO stand-
ard 22241–1 (previously DIN-70070).

The filling of AdBlue solutions not approved by VOLVO
will permanently damage the aftertreatment system.
Engine power will be affected negatively and other
engine components also risk breakdown.

AdBlue comprises 32.5% urea crystals and 67.5% de-

ionized water. It is a transparent, clear liquid with a
weak odor of ammonia. The solution is neither flam-
mable nor harmful during normal handling. It is how-
ever extremely corrosive toward metals, especially
copper and aluminum. Read about the handling of
AdBlue solution and spills in a separate section.

NOTICE! AdBlue solution may cause some irritation

on contact with skin.

Facts: AdBlue — ISO 22241-1 (previously DIN-70070)

Composition: Urea solution in de-ionized (distil-
led) water.
Urea concentra- 32.5% ± 0.8%
Properties: Colorless liquid. Non-flammable.
Not harmful during normal handling.
Urea solutions break down over
time to form ammonia and carbon
dioxide. At higher temperatures this
break down takes place faster.
Physical proper- Freezing point -11 °C
ties: Density (20 °C) 1090 kg/m3
pH ~ 9

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 111

20-0 Engine Information, General

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,

TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

Pump unit
2 3 4 Among other things the pump unit contains a pump, a
filter housing and a control unit.

Pump unit connections:

1 INLET, AdBlue solution tank->pump – 9.5 mm (the
connection hose is marked red and is connected
with a gray connector).
2 BACKFLOW INLET, AdBlue solution dosing unit-
>pump – 9.5 mm (the connection hose is marked
white and is connected with a blue connector).
3 OUTLET, AdBlue solution pump->dosing unit – 8
mm (the connection hose is marked black and is
xxxxxxxx connected with a green connector).
4 BACKFLOW OUTLET, AdBlue solution pump-
>tank – 8 mm (the connection hose is marked yel-
low and is connected with a black connector).
5 Pressure test valve
6 Connection, control unit MID233
6 7 7 Outer filter heater
P0013653 5

Bottom view
NOTICE! When removing hoses and components,
AdBlue solution must not be spilled on disconnected
connectors. If this happens, change the connectors
immediately. Cleaning with water and compressed air
will not help as AdBlue solution quickly oxidizes metal
and capillary action allows it to seep into wiring at a
rate of around 0.6 m/h.

The pump unit filter is replaced at scheduled intervals.

The electrically driven pump is a membrane pump. The
following replacement parts are available for repairs:
• Temperature sensor
• Pressure sensor
• Aftertreatment fuel pressure control actuator
• Primary filter
Repair instructions are available in Impact.

The pump starts when all start conditions are fulfilled.

Pump working pressure is around 5 bar (500 kPa).

When the engine is switched off the pump empties the

system of AdBlue solution, which it pumps back to the

112 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Filter housing
After the pump the AdBlue solution passes through a
filter housing located in the pump housing. It comprises
a paper filter (1) which removes dirt particles from the
AdBlue solution. There are two porous rubber rings (2)
5 that protect the filter housing if the moist filter paper
2 should freeze in extremely cold weather. The filter and
rubber rings are changed as replacement parts as nec-

The filter is sealed with an O-ring (3). There is a heater

1 element (5) insert installed in the filter housing cover
(4). This element is removed when changing the filter.
When changing the filter, wait before opening the filter
housing cover so that AdBlue solution has time to be
pumped back to the tank.
NOTICE! There is a strainer (6) in the pump unit inlet
line which is cleaned as necessary and replaced if
Filter housing

Cooling control valve

There is no cooling control valve on later versions.
Instead there is a check valve and orifice located in the
dosing unit. The check valve comprises a spring and
ball that is pressed against a seat. The ball does not
seal completely against the seat, but there is a restric-
tion of AdBlue flow.
There is a pipe in the pump housing where the discon-
tinued cooling control valve used to be. Its appearance
is almost identical to the cooling control valve but with-
out electrical controls or internal valves.

Control unit
The AdBlue dosing system MID233 Dosage Electronic
Control Unit (DECU) comprises a processor that com-
municates with the MID128 engine control unit
Pump unit connectors
The amount of AdBlue solution is controlled by the
1: engine control unit with the aid of information from the
• CAN dosing control unit, i.e. the current values from the
combined tank level and temperature sensor, the
• Diagnosis elc.
pump unit pressure sensor and temperature sensor
• Electrical hose heating and the dosing valve located upstream of the catalyzer.
• Urea tank heating
Diagnosis and programming take place via the diag-
• Exhaust gas temperature
nostics outlet. VODIA may be used to read off fault
• Dosage valve actuation codes from the system, for reprogramming and for run-
• Urea level sensor ning a number of dosing system tests. No system cal-
ibration is necessary.
• Urea tank sensor

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 113

20-0 Engine Information, General

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,

TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

Dosing unit
AdBlue solution dosing is carried out by a dosing unit
installed at a 30 degree angle to the exhaust flow. The
dosing unit contains a dosing valve (injector) which
injects AdBlue solution at a pressure of 5 bar (500 kPa)
into the exhaust gases before they reach the catalyzer.
The amount of AdBlue solution depends on engine rpm
and load and is controlled by the engine management
system (EMS). No injection takes place when AdBlue
solution temperature is below -7 °C or above 85 °C.

The dosing valve is a pulse width modulation (PWM)

controlled solenoid. It is protected from the hot exhaust
gases by a heat shield and an air gap. The metal body
is also cooled by circulating AdBlue solution at a max
temperature of 85 °C. The dosing unit is installed so
that the electrical connection is located as far as pos-
sible away from the exhaust flow.
Dosing unit location
The heat shield is marked with a part number and a
serial number. Using the part number it is possible to
read off maximum injector dosing quantity from a data-
sheet. There are three different dosing unit available
and they are ordered based on engine size. They
deliver 3 kg/h, 6 kg/h and 9 kg/h respectively.

NOTICE! The dosing unit is a sensitive component that

should be handled carefully during installation and

Because the AdBlue solution is temperature sensitive

it is led to and from the dosing unit through hoses that
are wound with electrically heated copper coils. The
hose connections are also fitted with extra insulation
P0013658 against the cold.
Dosing unit The inlet and outlet connections have snap connectors
of different sizes so that they cannot be transposed.
Inlet = 8 mm (black) and outlet = 9.5 mm (black).

Dosing system checks are carried out with the aid of


NOTICE! Note: When checking the dosing unit, avoid

spilling AdBlue solution.

114 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,

TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

SCR catalytic converter

Exhaust gases are led into the SCR catalyzer built into
the silencer. The catalyzer comprises a ceramic struc-
ture with many small channels coated with a catalyst.
A fine spray of AdBlue solution is injected into the
exhaust pipe upstream of the silencer and is mixed with
the hot exhaust gases. The AdBlue solution quickly
breaks down in the intense heat to form ammonia and
carbon dioxide. When the exhaust gases pass the
SCR catalyzer the reaction between the ammonia and
oxides of nitrogen in the exhaust gases is accelerated,
and the end product is harmless nitrogen and water

In the final clean-up section of the catalyzer there is a

platinum coating that takes care of non-reacted NH3
to prevent ammonia odor in the exhaust.

The catalyzer cannot be renovated or replaced as a

SCR catalytic converter separate item. The complete silencer must be replaced
as necessary. Externally mounted components such
as the NOx sensor, dosing unit and temperature sen-
sor can be changed.

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,

TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

AdBlue hoses
AdBlue hoses are electrically heated via a thin electri-
cal wire wound around the hose. Hoses must be han-
dled carefully and not twisted or bent excessively in
order to avoid damaging the heating system.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 115

20-0 Engine Information, General

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,

TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

Handling AdBlue solution

When handling AdBlue solution it is important that
AdBlue electrical connectors be connected or well-enclosed.
Otherwise there is a risk that AdBlue will cause oxides
to form that cannot be removed. Water and com-
pressed air are of no help because AdBlue quickly oxi-
dizes metals.

If connectors come into contact with AdBlue solution

they must be changed immediately in order to prevent
AdBlue solution seeping further into the copper wiring,
which takes place at a rate of 60 cm per hour.

Advice re changing the pump unit or dosing unit

• Make sure the system is depressurized.
• Always disconnect AdBlue hoses before electrical
connectors are disconnected to avoid AdBlue spills
into connectors.
• Enclose the connections.
• Seal the system so that AdBlue does not crystallize
if the system is dismantled for a long period of time
(several hours).


Enclose disconnected connectors.

Cleaning tools and clothes

It is important that tools and clothes be thoroughly
cleaned from AdBlue solution so that the liquid or crys-
tals are not transferred to other parts that may be dam-

In case of skin contact – flush with copious amounts

of water and remove contaminated clothing.
In case of eye contact – flush thoroughly for several
minutes; contact a physician as necessary.

In case of inhalation – breathe fresh air and contact a

physician as necessary.

116 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Do not allow AdBlue solution to come into contact with

other chemicals.

AdBlue solution is not flammable. If AdBlue solution is

exposed to high temperatures it breaks down into
ammonia and carbon dioxide.

AdBlue solution is corrosive toward certain metals

such as copper and aluminum.

If AdBlue solution should be spilled onto the vehicle,

dry up the excess and flush with water. In the event of
a spill white crystals of concentrated AdBlue solution
may form on the vehicle. Flush the crystals away with

NOTICE! AdBlue spills may not be washed into sur-

face water drains.

AdBlue®/DEF spilt onto hot components will quickly
vaporise. Turn your face away!

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 117

20-0 Engine Information, General

Group 26: Cooling System




Coolant is pumped from the coolant pump (1) up The cylinder head has a horizontal intermediate baffle
through the oil cooler (2), which is bolted to the coolant that forces coolant past the hottest parts for effective
cover (oil cooler cover). heat removal.

Some of the coolant is then forced to the turbocharger The coolant then passes through the thermostat (8)
(3). which sends coolant via the cooler or via the pipe (9)
back to the coolant pump. The route the coolant takes
Another quantity of coolant is forced to the cylinder depends on coolant temperature.
liner lower cooling jackets via the holes (5), while the
largest part of the coolant is forced through the holes
(6) to the upper liner cooling jackets. From there the
coolant flows to the cylinder head via the channels (7).

118 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Coolant pump and thermostat


The coolant circulation thermostat is of piston type A Thermostat in closed position (cold engine).
and has a temperature sensitive wax body that con-
B Thermostat in open position (hot engine).
trols opening and closing. The thermostat begins to
open when coolant reaches 82 °C (179.6 °F). C the coolant pump cover (1) is made of alumi-
num. There are channels in the rear section (8)
of the pump for coolant distribution, and the
cover contains a plastic impeller (2), shaft seal
(3), bearing (4) and belt pulley (5). The shaft
bearing is a permanently lubricated combined
roller bearing. Between the shaft seal and the
bearing there is a ventilated space (6) that dis-
charges behind the belt pulley (7). The pump
rear section (8) is bolted to the cylinder block.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 119

20-0 Engine Information, General

Engine control system

1 2 3






The engine fuel system is electronically controlled as 1 Auxiliary stop

regards injected amounts and injection timing. The
2 Charge air pressure and temperature sensor
system is called EMS (Engine Management System).
Here follows a short description of the parts of the 3 Oil pressure sensor
system included in the engine.
4 Crankcase pressure sensor
The central part of the system is the engine control 5 Water separator level sensor
unit (ECU) located on the left side of the engine and
installed with vibration dampening rubber elements. 6 Oil level and oil temperature sensor
The control unit requires continuous information from 7 Fuel pressure sensor
the throttle and a number of sensors on the engine in
order to control the amount of fuel and injection timing. 8 Air pressure drop and air temperature
Harness connectors for engine sensors have DIN 9 Coolant level sensor
standard connectors.
10 Coolant temperature sensor
In the control unit there are sensors for atmospheric
11 Piston cooling oil pressure
pressure and temperature; the other sensors are:
12 Flywheel position and speed
13 Camshaft position sensor

120 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

A number of symptoms and possible causes of engine
malfunctions are described in the table below. Always
contact your Volvo Penta dealer if any problems occur
which you can not solve by yourself.

Read through the safety advice for care and mainte-
nance work in the chapter Safety precautions for boat
operation before you start work.

Symptoms and possible causes

The diagnosis button lamp flashes
Please refer to Diagnostic Function
Engine can not be stopped
2, 5
Starter motor does not rotate
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 24
Starter motor rotates slowly
1, 2
Starter motor rotates normally but engine does not start
8, 9, 10, 11,
Engine starts but stops again
8, 9, 10, 11, 13
Engine does not reach correct operating speed at full throttle
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 25, 26
Engine runs roughly
10, 11
High fuel consumption
12, 13, 15, 25
Black exhaust smoke
12, 13
Blue or white exhaust smoke
15, 22
Too low lubrication oil pressure
Excessive coolant temperature
17, 18, 19, 20, 28
Too low coolant temperature
No, or poor charge
2, 23
Too high exhaust temperature (only TWD1643GE, TWD1652-53GE, TWD/TWG1663GE)
13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 121

20-0 Engine Information, General

Reason code
1 Discharged batteries
2 Poor contact/open circuit in electrical wiring
3 Main switch turned off
4 Main fuse faulty
5 Faulty ignition lock
6 Faulty main relay
7 Faulty starter motor/-solenoid
8 No fuel:
– fuel cocks closed
– fuel tank empty/wrong tank connected
9 Blocked fuel fine-filter/pre-filter (due to contaminations, or stratification in the fuel at low temperature)
10 Air in the fuel system
11 Water/contamination in fuel
12 Faulty unit injectors
13 In sufficient air supply to the engine:
– blocked air filter
– air leakage between the turbo and the engine's intake manifold
– dirty compressor part in the turbocharger
– faulty turbo compressor
– poor engine room ventilation
14 Coolant temperature too high
15 Coolant temperature too low
16 Oil level too low
17 Coolant level too low
18 Air in the coolant system
19 Faulty circulation pump
20 Defective thermostat
21 Blocked charge air cooler
22 Oil level too high
23 Alternator drive belt slips
24 Water entry into engine
25 High back pressure in the exhaust system
26 Break in ”Pot+” cable to throttle
27 High temperature, charge air cooler
28 Blocked radiator
29 No pressure in cooling system
30 Check wastegate function

122 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Common Interference Causes

Suitable actions
Functional Disturbances External cleaning:
For more detailed information and further fault tracing 1 Remove guards as necessary, to access the
help, See Operator's Manual, group 30, “MID 128, radiator.
PID 110 Engine coolant temperature”. If there is a IMPORTANT!
malfunction, first check the following items: Take care that the radiator lamella are not dam-
• Check that the coolant level is between the
A high pressure washer may under no circum-
markings on the expansion tank (at approx.
stances be used!
20°C) [68 °F]. If the level in the expansion tank
is too low, top up and start the engine. If the 2 Clean with water and a mild detergent.
coolant disappears, there is internal or external Use a soft brush.
3 Re-install removed parts.
• Check that the coolant is not contaminated. If
the coolant is contaminated, this signifies inter- Internal cleaning:
nal leakage (oil) or that the cooling system has
a blockage (deposits). Blockage in the cooling • Refer to Cooling System, Cleaning.
system is caused by one or more of the follow-
ing factors: Further checks
1 The coolant has not been changed at the • External and internal leakage in the cooling
specified intervals. system: Check if there is leakage in the system.

2 Incorrect mixture of coolant and water. • Coolant circulation: Check that coolant circu-
lates by letting the engine run at high speed.
3 Contaminated water has been used. Also check the expansion tank to see that cool-
ant circulates. This can be an indication of a
Clogging fault in the cooling system.
Is often caused by high coolant temperature, internal • Thermostat: Check thermostat function. Drain
or external blockage of the cooling system, or a com- enough coolant to allow the thermostat to be
bination of both. If the cooling system is blocked, it removed. Check the thermostat; refer to Ther-
must be cleaned. mostat, Function Check page 357.
• External dirt: Check that the cooler and/or the
charge air cooler are not clogged. If you cannot
see light through at least one third, the cooler
should be removed and cleaned.
Check if there is any internal or external leakage
in the cooling system.
• Internal contamination: Check that the cooler
and/or the charge air cooler are not clogged.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 123

20-0 Engine Information, General

Test and Adjustments

Compression Test
The fuel system shall be emptied and the rocker bridge
removed, see Draining, Fuel Duct in Cylinder
Head page 263.

9988539 Compression meter
9990185 Lifting tool
9998248 Adapter
9998249 Protective sleeve
9998599 Cleaning kit

9998248 Make sure that the area around the unit injectors
is clean before they are removed.
Remove the unit injectors, see Unit Injector,
Replace page 272 and mount the unit injector
protection (9998249 Protective sleeve). Clean
the copper sleeves as needed with
9998599 Cleaning kit.
2 Fit all(1) adapters (6 pcs), tool 9998248 Adapter,
to the cylinder head and pull them on with the
P0004964 injector retainers.
3 Oil valve caliper, cam shaft ridges and the rocker
4 Fit the rocker bridge with 9990185 Lifting tool.
Torque the screws evenly along the rocker arm to
avoid that the rocker arm bends or warps.
Make sure that guide pins fit in the camshaft sup-
port bearing. Torque the rocker bridge as speci-
fied in Engine, General page 29. Use torque
5 Install the middle piece and the oil pipe to the
rocker bridge.
6 Check the valve clearance, see Valves and Unit
Injectors, Adjustment page 198, for all valves as
specified in Engine, General page 29.

1. This in order to avoid repeating removal/refitting of rocker bridge

and unit injector and performing valve adjustment six times.

124 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

7 Remove both control wires from the starter motor

control connector (the two thin cables).
Connect one of the two free connectors on the
control connector to ground.

8 Connect the other connector to a switch, which in

turn is connected to the positive (plus) connection
on the starter motor.

9 Connect tool 9988539 Compression meter to

9998248 Adapter on the first cylinder.
998 8539 10 NOTICE! Do not run the engine for more than 15
seconds at a time with intervals of 60 seconds.

Run the engine with the starter motor until the

compression meter needle has stopped (max
compression reading).
Read the value.
Move the compression meter to the next cylinder.
P0004968 999 8248
Repeat the test on all cylinders.
11 Remove the middle piece and the oil pipe for the
rocker bridge.
12 Remove the rocker bridge screws equally in
stages so that it is not bent.
Remove the bolts and carefully lift off the rocker
bridge using 9990185 Lifting tool.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 125

20-0 Engine Information, General

13 Remove all adapters, tool 9998248 Adapter from

9998248 all cylinders.


14 Mount the unit injectors and new o-rings, see the
Installation section in chapter Unit Injector,
Replace page 272.
15 Fit the rocker bridge with 9990185 Lifting tool.
Torque the screws evenly along the rocker arm to
avoid that the rocker arm bends or warps.
Make sure that guide pins fit in the camshaft sup-
port bearing. Torque the rocker bridge as speci-
fied in Engine, General page 29. Use torque
16 Install the middle piece and the oil pipe to the
rocker bridge.
17 Adjust valves and unit injectors, see Valves and
Unit Injectors, Adjustment page 198.
18 Check and if needed change the valve cover
bearing. Install the valve cover.
19 Re-install the fuel lines. Use new sealings.
20 Vent the fuel system, see Fuel system,
bleeding page 262.

126 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Fuel Feed Pressure, Check

9990124 Nipple
9996666 Nipple
9998339 Manometer
1 Install tool:
1 9998339 Manometer
2 9996666 Nipple
3 9990124 Nipple
2 Check that the fuel feed pressure is according to
specifications: Refer to Engine, Gen-
eral page 29.
3 Remove the tool.
Install new fuel line seals.


Cooling System, Pressure Testing

Alternative 1

Do not open the coolant filler cap when the engine is
warm. Steam or hot fluid could spray out, causing
severe burns.

3849613 Pressure testing kit
1 Check that all hoses and clamps are undamaged
and intact.
2 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
3 Replace the filler cap on the expansion tank with
a suitable cover from 3849613 Pressure testing

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 127

20-0 Engine Information, General

4 Connect the pump and pump up a pressure of 70

kPa (0.7 bar).
5 Pressure must not drop for a two minute test
period, for the cooling system to be regarded as
being free from leakage.
6 Release the excess pressure and remove the
pressure testing unit.
7 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
Install the regular filler cap.
8 Start the engine and check that no leakage

Alternative 2

Do not open the coolant filler cap when the engine is
warm. Steam or hot fluid could spray out, causing
severe burns.

9996441 Cover, with connecting nipple
9996662 Pressure testing kit
1 Check that all hoses and clamps are undamaged
and intact.
2 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
3 Replace the filler cap with 9996441 Cover, with
connecting nipple. Connect 9996662 Pressure
testing kit to the cap. Connect compressed air to
the equipment and open the cock. Adjust the
pressure to 70 kPa (0.7 bar) with the adjuster
knob. Then close the tap.
4 Pressure must not drop for a two minute test
period, for the cooling system to be regarded as
being free from leakage.
5 Release the excess pressure and remove the
pressure testing unit.
6 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
Install the regular filler cap.
7 Start the engine and check that no leakage

Alternative 3

Do not open the coolant filler cap when the engine is
warm. Steam or hot fluid could spray out, causing
severe burns.

9996662 Pressure testing kit
9996049 Draining hose
1 Check that all hoses and clamps are undamaged
and intact.
2 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.

128 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

3 Connect 9996662 Pressure testing kit to

9996049 Draining hose and close the cock. Con-
nect the hose to the engine drain valve (1).
Open the cock and adjust the pressure to 70 kPa
(0.7 bar) with the adjuster knob. Then close the
4 Pressure must not drop for a two minute test
period, for the cooling system to be regarded as
being free from leakage.
1 5 Open the cock and increase the pressure until the
filler cap opens (must correspond to opening
pressure according to Technical Data page 47).
Reduce the pressure to 50 kPa (0.5 bar) and then
increase to 70 kPa (0.7 bar) and check that pres-
sure is maintained.

6 Remove the compressed air connection. Open
the control valve so that the pressure drops and
shut the cock when coolant runs into the drain
Remove the drain hose from the engine. Then
remove the drain hose from the test equipment
and empty the coolant from the hose.
Re-install the rubber plug in the engine drain
7 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
8 Start the engine and check that no leakage

Charge Pressure, Troubleshooting

Charge Air Pressure, Check

9998339 Manometer
9998493 Hose
9996666 Nipple
1 Connect the nipple with hose and pressure gauge
to the measuring point on the inlet manifold; refer
to , Engine Placement.
2 Compare this pressure with the pressure that can
be read with the VODIA tool; refer to “Workshop
manual, EMS 2”.
If the two measurements show different values,
the pressure sensor is faulty and must be

Exhaust system, inspection

1 Check that the exhaust system is a Volvo Penta
original part.
2 Check whether the exhaust system has been
modified, or has bends or damage that prevent
exhaust gas from flowing out.
If the exhaust system is not a Volvo Penta original
part, or has been modified, has bends or damage,
the exhaust back pressure may be too high,
which will reduce engine power.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 129

20-0 Engine Information, General

Charge air cooler, checking

1 Check the charge air cooler for damage to the
cells and connections.
If there is any damage, change the charge air
2 Check the charge air cooler and radiator for inner
If there is any clogging, clean in accordance with
Charge Air Cooler, External Cleaning.

Inlet manifold, inspection

1 Check that the inlet pipes are clean inside, and
undamaged. Crushed, damaged or dirty inlet
pipes can reduce the charge pressure.

Charge air pipes, checking

1 Inspect the charge air pipes for visible cracks and
external damage.
2 Check that there is no oil in the charge air pipes.
If the pipes are damaged or the union seal rings
leak, the charge pressure will be too low and
engine performance will be affected.
If the pipes are contaminated with oil on the
inside, this indicates oil leakage in the turbo-
charger turbine shaft seal. In this case, the tur-
bocharger should be changed as a unit.

If there is oil in charge air pipes and charge air
hoses, the charge air cooler and all pipes and
hoses in the charge air system must be very thor-
oughly cleaned inside, before the engine is started.

Charge Air Cooler, External

Remove guards as necessary, to access the cooler.
Clean with water and a mild detergent. Use a soft
brush. Be careful not to damage the radiator matrix.
Re-install the components.

Do not use a high pressure power washer.

130 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

Charge Air Pipe, Leakage Check

1 Inspect the charge air pipes for visible cracks and
external damage.
2 Check that there is no oil in the charge air pipes.
If the pipes are damaged or the union seal rings
leak, the charge pressure will be too low and
engine performance will be affected. If the pipes
are contaminated with oil on the inside, this indi-
cates oil leakage in the turbocharger turbine shaft
seal. In this case, the turbocharger should be
changed as a unit.

NOTICE! If there is any oil in the charge air pipes and

charge air hoses, the charge air cooler and all pipes
and hoses in the charge air system must be cleaned
very carefully before the engine is started.

Turbocharger, Inspection
1 Check that the turbocharger part number is cor-
rect for the engine variant. The wrong turbo-
charger for the engine variant might not provide
enough charge pressure, which would reduce
engine power.
2 Check that the turbocharger has the correct com-
pressor housing. If the wrong compressor hous-
ing is installed on the turbocharger, the compres-
sor wheel might have been damaged or have too
much clearance between wheel and housing. In
both cases, charge air pressure will be too low.
3 Remove the inlet manifold from the turbocharger.
4 Check the turbocharger for damage to the com-
pressor wheel and excessive end float on the tur-
bine shaft.
5 If there is any damage on the compressor wheel
or excessive end float on the turbine shaft, the
turbocharger must be changed as a unit.
6 Remove the exhaust pipe (muffler) from the tur-
bocharger and check the turbine disc.
7 Check the turbine wheel for damage. If the turbine
wheel is damaged, the turbocharger must be
changed as a unit.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 131

20-0 Engine Information, General

Sensors, Adjustment
Sensor removed.

88800031 Measuring tool
1 If the camshaft sensor needs to be adjusted,
rotate the crankshaft so that one tooth on the
camshaft vibration damper is centered in front of
the sensor hole.
2 Remove any shims beneath the sensor.
Clean the tool's contact surface on the engine.
3 Insert 88800031 Measuring tool without tighten-
88800031 ing the lock screw.
press in the tool firmly so that it is in contact with
the cover. Press in the center part of the tool until
it contacts the gearwheel and tighten the lock
Rove the tool and inspect the center section posi-
tion in its sleeve.


4 Determine further actions according to the


If the center section of the tool is entirely below

the sleeve's upper edge, no shims are required.


If only the center section upper surface is above

the sleeve's top edge, one shim is required.


132 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

20-0 Engine Information, General

If the two center section surfaces are above the

sleeve's top edge, two shims are required.


5 Install the sensor with a new seal and any shims.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 133

20-0 Engine Information, General

Thermostat, Function Check

Remove the thermostat, see Thermostat,
Change page 347.
1 Place the thermostat in a big pot with water and
heat it to the opening temperature as specified in
Engine, General page 29.


Closed thermostat.

2 If the thermostat does not open at specified tem-

perature, it should be replaced.
3 Install the thermostat, see Thermostat,
Change page 347.

NOTICE! Always use a new seal, even if the ther-

mostat is not replaced.


Open thermostat.

134 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Exposing the Engine

1 Drain the coolant; refer to Draining the Cooling
System page 337.
Drain the engine oil.


2 Remove fuel connections to the fuel pump and

allow the fuel to run out into a suitable container.
Also loosen the upper connection on the cooling
coil and water drain.
3 Remove the hoses from the radiator and the
expansion tank.
4 Remove the heat shield above the turbo, if fitted.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 135

21-0 Engine Complete, General

5 Remove the air filter sensor.

6 Remove the pipe between the air filter and turbo-
charger. Cover all openings.
Remove the air filter housing and mounting


7 Remove muffler and attachments, if fitted.

Remove the turbo from the exhaust pipe, plus the
two the oil pipes.
Cover the turbo opening.
8 Remove the crankcase breather with its bracket
and oil separator.
9 Remove the pipe between the inlet manifold and
the charge air cooler. Cover all openings.
10 Remove the safety cover above the alternator, if
11 Remove the radiator fan safety cover/grille and
remove the fan, the hub and its brackets to the
cylinder head.
12 Remove the coolant pipe from the thermostat.
P0006868 13 Remove the belt guard and drive belts.

136 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Circuit description
The illustrations show how wire harnesses and hoses
are positioned on the engine.

When work on the engine is finished, wire harnesses
and hoses that were removed must be reinstalled
exactly as illustrated. Incorrect installation will result in
vibration damage.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 137

21-0 Engine Complete, General


P0010586 P0010587

138 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Fitting the Fixture

Take great care to keep fuel unions clean. Waste
material in the fuel system may cause engine break-

88800117 Plate
88800003 Fixture
1 Remove the engine control unit. Plug all fuel
2 Remove the wire harness from the starter motor
and sensor (the rear wire harness). Remove the
relay and stop button holder. Hang the wire har-
ness in front of the fuel filter bracket.
3 Remove the fuel filter bracket; refer to Fuel Filter
Bracket, Change page 265.


4 First remove the fuel hose, and then the engine

block attachment.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 139

21-0 Engine Complete, General

5 Install 88800117 Plate and fasten it with the bolts



6 Fix 88800003 Fixture to the plate and tighten it.

Hoist the engine and attach it to the engine stand.


140 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Engine Fixture, Removal

88800117 Plate
88800003 Fixture
1 Lower the engine from the engine stand. Remove
the fixture and plate from the engine. Install the
bolts in their intended locations on the plate.


2 Install and fasten the fuel hose attachment to the

engine. Install the fuel hose.
3 Install the fuel filter bracket: Refer to Fuel Filter
Bracket, Change page 265.
4 Install the engine control unit and connect the fuel
lines with new seals.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 141

21-0 Engine Complete, General

5 Install the relay and stop button holder. Retrieve

the wire harness and connect it to the sensor and
starter motor. Secure the wire harness with
6 Vent the fuel system; refer to Fuel system,
bleeding page 262.


142 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Engine Disassembly
Timing Gear, Removal
Cylinder head removed; refer to Cylinder Head,
Removal page 174.

9993590 Rotation tool
9998511 Lever
9998267 Guide sleeve
1 Remove the front engine mount.


2 Remove the oil sump bolts and remove the sump.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 143

21-0 Engine Complete, General

3 Remove the starter motor.


4 Remove the fuel pump with drive unit; refer to

Fuel Feed Pump, Change page 269.


5 Remove the two timing gear cover caps.

Remove the flywheel sensor.


144 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

6 Rotate the flywheel to the zero mark. Check that

the crankshaft marking is at TDC.
Remove the flywheel bolts. Use 9993590 Rota-
tion tool as a counterhold while undoing the bolts.
Hoist the flywheel using suitable lifting eyes.


7 Remove the lower timing gear cover bolts on the

starter motor side (2 pcs.).


8 Remove the bolts on the fuel pump side (6 pcs.).


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 145

21-0 Engine Complete, General

9 Remove the remaining timing gear cover bolts.

Install lifting eyes and connect the lifting tool.


10 Use 9998511 Lever to loosen the cover from the

intermediate plate on the fuel pump side.


11 Use the pry bar in the same way on the starter

motor side.


146 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

12 Lift away the cover. Check which gear requires

replacing. The large gear (double gear) must not
be separated; it is always replaced complete. If
the oil pump gear requires replacing, remove the
fuel pump; refer to Lubrication Oil Pump,
Change page 247.


13 Check that the crankshaft gear marking corre-

sponds to the double gear.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 147

21-0 Engine Complete, General

14 Check that the camshaft gear marking corre-

sponds to the timing gear plate hole.


15 Remove the lower intermediate gear.

Remove the double gear (Allen bolts at center).
16 Remove the intermediate gear.


17 NOTICE! Before the timing gear plate is

removed, two pcs. 9998267 Guide sleeve must
be installed on the engine block (tighten to 60 Nm
(44 lbf.ft)). This is to ensure that the plate is
replaced in exactly the same position.

It is now possible to remove the timing gear plate.

Remove all bolts. Using a pry bar, carefully prise
the plate free (held in place by sealant), but do
not prise such that the guide sleeves are budged
9998267 or damaged


148 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

18 Remove the two bolts retaining the crankshaft

Remove the crankshaft gear using a suitable
puller. Place a larger washer beneath the puller
bolt to protect its thread from damage.
19 Clean the plate thoroughly on both sides. Clean
the engine block and cylinder head sealing sur-
faces, but do not remove the plate guide sleeves.


Lube Oil Pump, Removal

1 Remove the oil pump; refer to Lubrication Oil
Pump, Change page 247.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 149

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Pistons, Removal
885822 Magnetic pen
1 Remove the carbon uppermost in the cylinder
Make sure the press tool cannot touch the pistons
when the pistons are removed.


2 Remove the piston cooling nozzles with the aid of

885822 Magnetic pen.


3 Check that the connecting rods are marked; mark

the position if more than one is removed from the


150 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

4 Undo the connecting rod bolts a couple of turns.

Tap the bolt heads so that the bearing cap is freed
from the connecting rod.


5 Remove the bolts entirely. Hold the connecting

rod in place and lift the bearing cap away at the
same time. Take care of the bearing cup if it does
not stay in place in the cap.


6 Press out the piston with the connecting rod and

catch it under the engine. Make sure it does not
fall out and become damaged.
The connecting rod separation plane surface is
very sensitive and must not be exposed to impact
or knocks.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 151

21-0 Engine Complete, General

7 Replace the bearing cap on the connecting rod

immediately to protect the separation plane sur-
8 Remove the remaining pistons the same way.


9 Remove one retainer ring for the piston pin and

press the pin out.


152 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

10 Inspect the connecting rod; refer to Connecting

Rod, Check page 197.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 153

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Cylinder Liners, Removal

9992955 Plate
9996645 Puller
9996394 Support
9996395 Support
1 Turn the engine so that the crankshaft is at the
2 Remove the press tool holding the liner to be


3 Assemble the tools 9992955 Plate,

9996645 Puller and 9996394 Support.
9996645 9996394



154 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

4 Insert the tools in the liner to be removed. Make

sure the plate ends up directly under the liner.
Screw down on the nut so that the liner is drawn


5 If the liner does not come free when it has

reached the puller, release the nut sufficiently for
spacer 9996395 to be installed. Continue to pull
the liner up until it is free.
6 Lift out the liner with the tool and then remove the
tool from the liner.
7 Remove the remaining liners the same way.
8 Inspect the liners; refer to Cylinder Liner and Pis-
tons, Inspection page 196.


9 Remove the liner O-rings from the engine block.

Check the O-ring grooves for corrosion or any
other damage.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 155

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Crankshaft, Removal
9990114 Puller
9990013 Slide hammer
1 Remove the crankshaft belt pulleys; refer to Drive
Belts page 354, Alternator Belt,
Change page 362.
2 Remove the crankshaft seal holder.


3 Remove the main bearing cap bolts.

Use 9990114 Puller together with 9990013 Slide
hammer to rock the main bearing caps loose.
Keep the main bearing halves safe.
4 Remove the front engine mounts if they were not
removed earlier.
Attach a suitable lifting strap to the front and rear
end of the crankshaft according to the following


156 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

5 Crank the crankshaft so that the timing mark ends

up exactly as illustrated. The crankshaft can only
be removed in this position.
Insert a bolt in the top hole in the timing gear.


6 In the same manner, insert a bolt into the other

end of the shaft and attach the lifting strap.


7 Lift the crankshaft and make sure that the con-

necting rods and main bearing cups do not come
out with the crankshaft.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 157

21-0 Engine Complete, General

8 Remove the thrust washers.

Remove the main bearing cups and wipe the
bearing seats dry. Fit new bearings.
Make sure the tabs fit into the notch in the bearing
seat and that the oil holes correspond to each
Oil the bearings with engine oil.


158 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Engine Assembly
Crankshaft, Installation
885811 Timing tool
885633 Torque multiplier
885648 Counterhold
9999696 Magnetic stand
9989876 Dial indicator
9998511 Lever
1 Inspect the crankshaft; refer to Crankshaft,
Inspection page 243.
2 Check that the crankshaft is clean, that all bearing
surfaces are fault free and that the oil channels
are open. Install the crankshaft gear with a new
O-ring. Suspend the crankshaft in a lifting strap;
refer to Crankshaft, Removal page 156.
Lubricate all bearing surfaces with engine oil.
3 Lower the crankshaft carefully into position. Align
the gearwheel markings with each other.

Make sure that no connecting rod ends up in the
wrong position. The connecting rod separation
planes are very sensitive.


4 When the crankshaft has been lowered onto the

main bearings, check that they are still correctly
Install the thrust washers so that the locator tabs
end up in the intended notches.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 159

21-0 Engine Complete, General

5 Wipe the main bearing caps dry and install new

bearings. Lubricate the bearing surfaces with
engine oil.
Install the thrust washers on the center main
bearing cap (fit the locator tab into the notch). The
center cap has a groove that must fit against a
locator tab in the engine block.


6 Install the cap according to the marking. Use the

bolts to guide the caps straight. Tighten the bolts
so that the caps are pulled down onto the engine
Check that the crankshaft can be rotated.
Torque and angle tighten the main bearing cap
bolts using 885811 Timing tool, 885633 Torque
multiplier and 885648 Counterhold according to
Special Tightening Torques page 11.
Check once more that the crankshaft can be


7 Check crankshaft end float with the aid of

9999696 Magnetic stand and 9989876 Dial indi-
Use 9998511 Lever move the crankshaft back
and forth. Read off the value on the dial indicator
and compare to Technical Data page 30.
8 Install new bearings in the connecting rods and
big end bearing caps and install all connecting
rods; refer to Pistons, Removal page 150.
Check that it is still possible to rotate the crank-
9 Install the piston cooling nozzles if they were


160 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

10 Remove the front crankshaft seal from the cover.

Clean the cover and engine block where the
cover is to be installed.
Apply sealant to the cover; refer to Special Tight-
ening Torques page 11.
Install the cover and tighten the bolts in
sequence; refer to Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.
11 Install a new crankshaft seal and belt pulley; refer
to Crankshaft Seal, Change (front) page 230.

4 5


2 7

1 8

Cylinder Liner, Installation

9996966 Press tool
9992479 Holder for dial indicator
9989876 Dial indicator
9998511 Lever
9992955 Plate
1 Check the engine block liner seat for damage. If
the liner seat is damaged it must be repaired.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 161

21-0 Engine Complete, General

2 Install the liner without O-rings and press the liner

down using two 9996966 Press tool.


3 Measure the height between the liner and the cyl-

inder block plane. Measure the height of the liner
in two places, diagonal to each other.
Calculate the average of the two measurements.
For correct liner height above block plane, refer
to specifications. If the liner height is outside
specified tolerances, the liner seat must be
repaired (milled).
Always measure the highest point on the liner
sealing surface. Mark the liner's position with a
felt pen in order to re-install it in the exact same



162 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

4 Remove the press tool and pull out the liner.

Clean the O-ring grooves in the engine block.
Lubricate new O-rings and insert them in the
grooves in the engine block; black uppermost,
then purple in the lower groove. Use the oil sup-
Install the O-ring on the cylinder liner.
Oil the lower part of the cylinder liner with the
lubricating oil supplied.


5 Press the liner down according to the earlier

marking; if necessary use 9992955 Plate, a suit-
able socket and 9998511 Lever against a cylinder
head bolt.
Press the liner down using two 9996966 Press
6 Install the remaining liners the same way


A Cylinder head bolts

B 9998511 Lever

C Socket
D 9992955 Plate

Pistons, Installation
9996966 Press tool
9998531 Piston ring compressor
1 Rotate the crankshaft so that the big end journal
for the piston to be installed ends up as low as
Remove the two press tools for the liner where
the piston is to be installed.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 163

21-0 Engine Complete, General

2 Lift the piston into place with the piston ring clamp
and connecting rod (big end bearing lubricated).
Make sure the piston is facing the right direction
(so that the connecting rod is in the right position
on the crankshaft). Tap down the piston with a
hammer shaft.
Remove the piston ring clamp when the piston is
below it.
Re-install the press tools for the cylinder liner.
Press down the piston so that the connecting rod
touches the crankshaft.
Install the big end bearing caps and align it pre-
cisely with the crankshaft (big end bearing oiled).
Install the bolts.
Torque the bolts and check that the crankshaft
can be rotated.
3 Install the remaining pistons the same way.
4 Clean the piston cooling nozzles and check that
they are not damaged.
Install the nozzles using new bolts. Check that the
nozzles are aimed directly at the piston oil cooling


Lube Oil Pump, Installation

1 Install the oil pump, reinforcing plate, pipe and
suction strainer; refer to Lubrication Oil Pump,
Change page 247.


164 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

Timing Gear, Installation

9998267 Guide sleeve
9999683 Dial indicator (short probe)
9999696 Magnetic stand
1 Apply a 2 mm (0.08”) bead of sealant precisely
outside the groove on the timing plate, max 20
min. before installation.


27 28 29 2 Align the plate with the locator sleeves. Install all

24 the bolts and tighten them in sequence according
25 to Special Tightening Torques page 11.
21 23
1 2
4 10
5 11
6 3
8 13
9 14

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 165

21-0 Engine Complete, General

3 Install a new O-ring under the holder. Remove

9998267 Guide sleeve.


4 Install a new O-ring on the crankshaft and lubri-

cate it.
Lubricate the inside of the gearwheel with the
same lubricant. Fit the gearwheel locator tab into
the crankshaft hole and make sure the oil pump
gear meshes with the crankshaft gear.
Install the bolts and tighten them alternately so
that the gearwheel is not skewed. Torque accord-
ing to Special Tightening Torques page 11.


5 Clean the upper intermediate gear hub. Check

the oil holes are open.
Fit the washer onto the locator sleeve. Check that
the bolt holes align.


166 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

6 Fit the hub onto the engine by aligning the locator

sleeve. Lubricate the thrust bearing with engine


7 Check that the bearing is fault free. Lubricate the

bearing with engine oil.
Install the intermediate gear turned so that the
bearing is located outward.
8 Check that the plate lubricating hole is open.
Lubricate the rear of the plate.


9 Fit the plate onto the centering guide and install

the bolts. Tighten the bolts until they touch.
Check that the gearwheel rotates easily.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 167

21-0 Engine Complete, General

10 Check the double gear bearing.

Align the marking on the double gear against the
marking on the crankshaft. Align the upper inter-
mediate gear teeth and fit the locator pin into the
center hole. Turn the hub so the bolt holes align.
Install the bolts and tighten according to Special
Tightening Torques page 11.


11 Install the lower intermediate gear.


168 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

12 Install the camshaft gear without the oscillation

damper. Align the marking with the hole in the
timing plate.
Allow suitable spacers under the bolts to act as a
replacement for the vibration damper.


13 Adjust the gear lash as follows:

Undo the bolts to the upper intermediate gear so
that it is moveable. Check by rotating the cam-
shaft gear back and forth.
When the camshaft gear is rotated clockwise until
it stops the intermediate gear is moved to the left
so that a large gear lash measurement between
the camshaft gear and the intermediate gear is
When the camshaft gear is rotated counterclock-
wise until it stops the intermediate gear is moved
to the right so that a no gear lash measurement
between the camshaft gear and the intermediate
gear is obtained.
In order to adjust gear lash to the correct value,
insert a 0.10 mm (0.0039”) feeler gauge between
the gearwheels while the camshaft gear is rotated
clockwise until it stops. Then tighten the inter-
mediate gear bolts and remove the feeler gauge.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 169

21-0 Engine Complete, General

9999683 14 Check gear lash measurement using

9999683 Dial indicator (short probe) and
9999696 Magnetic stand. The upper intermediate
gear must be held secure when checking gear
lash. Compare to Technical Data page 30.
9999696 Torque the bolts to the upper intermediate gear;
refer to Special Tightening Torques page 11.


15 Remove the bolts and spacers from the camshaft

Install the vibration damper, bolts and washer.
Tighten the bolts; refer to Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.
16 Remove the crankshaft seal from the flywheel
housing. Clean the flywheel housing contact sur-
faces. Check that the locator sleeves are in place.


17 Apply a 2 mm (0.08”) bead of sealant according

to Special Tightening Torques page 11 (must be
torqued within 20 mins.).


170 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

10 11 18 Lift the cover into place and align the locator

sleeves. Install all the bolts and torque according
8 9 to Special Tightening Torques page 11 (M14 first
according to chart).
19 Inspect the flywheel. Where necessary, replace
6 7 the ring gear; refer to Gear Ring, Fywheel:
Replace page 227.

2 3

4 5


20 Install a new crankshaft seal; refer to Crankshaft

Seal, Change (rear) page 238. Install the fly-
Check the flywheel with regard to distortion; refer
to Flywheel, Indication page 226.


21 Install the covers with new seals. Install the crank-

shaft sensor with a new seal; refer to Sensors,
Adjustment page 132.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 171

21-0 Engine Complete, General

22 Install the fuel pump with drive unit and new seal.
Install new fuel line seals.


23 Install the starter motor.


24 Clean the oil sump thoroughly. Check to see if the

oil sump rubber seal requires replacement.
Cut away excess sealant from the front crank-
shaft seal cover. Cut away excess sealant from
the timing plate and the flywheel housing. Apply
new sealant to the joints and install the oil sump
within 20 min.


172 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-0 Engine Complete, General

25 Install the oil filler with attachment and the oil dip-


26 Install the front engine mount and tighten the bolts

according to Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.
27 Install the cylinder head according to Cylinder
Head, Installation page 183.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 173

21-1 Cylinder Head

21-1 Cylinder Head

Cylinder Head, Removal
Engine in stand; refer to Engine with mounting and
equipment page 139.
Oil and coolant drained.

9990185 Lifting tool
9996400 Slide hammer
9998674 Adapter
9990006 Puller
9990013 Slide hammer
885822 Magnetic pen
9998249 Protective sleeve
9998251 Protection plug
9996239 Lifting tool
9996966 Press tool
9998264 Lifting tool
1 Remove the air cleaner with attachment plate and
the turbocharger pipe.


2 Remove the rear engine lifting eye.

3 Remove the turbocharger; refer to Turbo,
Change page 300.


174 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

4 remove the heat shield and manifold.


5 Remove the water pipes (2 pcs.). Remove the

thermostat cover and thermostat; refer to Ther-
mostat, Change page 347.
6 Remove the ventilation pipe and valve cover.
7 Remove the wire harness. Begin with the wires
under the valve cover.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 175

21-1 Cylinder Head

8 Remove the fuel lines from the cylinder head.

9 Remove the inlet manifold; refer to Intake Mani-
fold, Change page 286.



10 TAD1350–55GE:
Remove the springs from the EGR rocker arms.

NOTICE! Do not drop the bolts into the timing



176 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

11 Remove the rocker arm lubrication valve and oil

pipe. Remove the rocker arm shaft. Undo the
bolts alternately so the shaft is not bent.


12 Install 9990185 Lifting tool and adjust the rocker

arm holders. This is done so that the rocker arms
can be kept together per cylinder. The higher
holders must be used.
Lift the rocker arm bridge away.
Make sure the pistons in the exhaust rocker arms
and the adjuster screw ball do not fall out.


13 Mark and then remove the valve yokes.



P0010035 2

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 177

21-1 Cylinder Head

14 Remove the camshaft sensor (1) and then the

upper timing cover (2).



15 Remove the camshaft gear and vibration damper

Lift away the vibration damper.

make sure the vibration damper is protected from
impact and shocks.
Remove the camshaft gear.


16 Remove the camshaft cap bolts. Check that the

caps are marked.


178 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

17 Use 9996400 Slide hammer and

9998674 Adapter to rock the caps loose.

999 6400

999 8674


18 Use 9998264 Lifting tool to lift the camshaft.

999 8264 Cutting hazard! Protect your hands!
19 Remove the unit injector bolts.


20 Rock a unit injector loose using 9990006 Puller

9990013 and 9990013 Slide hammer.
Check that the seal washer (steel washer) comes
out with the injector. If it is still in the copper
sleeve, remove it using 885822 Magnetic pen.

9990006 NOTICE! The seal washer must always be

replaced when installing an injector.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 179

21-1 Cylinder Head

21 Put the injector in 9998249 Protective sleeve.

999 8249


22 Insert 9998251 Protection plug in the cylinder

999 8251
23 Remove the remaining injectors the same way.


24 remove the coolant temperature sensor.


180 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

25 remove the bolt and washer.


26 Turn the crankshaft so that the timing gear is in

the same position as illustrated.
Remove the bolts that hold the intermediate plate
against the cylinder head (6 pcs.). Remove the
upper bolts from the timing gear (4 pcs.).


27 Remove the cylinder head bolts.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 181

21-1 Cylinder Head

28 Install two 9996239 Lifting tool on the cylinder

head and lift it away.
999 6239 NOTICE! The timing gear sealant may make it
necessary to carefully prise the cylinder head
away until it is free.

Lower the cylinder head onto a clean surface.

The sealing surface must not be damaged.


29 Remove the cylinder head gasket.

Install 9996966 Press tool to keep the liners in
place. Make sure the press tools are not able to
damage the pistons if they are to be removed.


182 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

Cylinder Head, Installation

9990185 Lifting tool
9996400 Slide hammer
9998264 Lifting tool
9999696 Magnetic stand
9999683 Dial indicator (short probe)
885810 Fixture
9998601 Fixture
9998599 Cleaning kit
9998250 Sealing ring
9990156 Adapter
3883671 Protective sleeve
3883672 Protective sleeve
1 Check the liner height (refer to Cylinder Liner,
Installation page 161) and clean the engine block
and liner sealing surfaces.
Clean the timing plate free from sealant.
Dip all the cylinder head bolts in anti corrosion
agent and let them run off through a net.
2 Thoroughly clean the cylinder head internally and
externally. Also clean the fuel channels and unit
injector copper sleeves. Install protection plugs
immediately after cleaning.
3 Install a new cylinder head gasket and align it with
the liners. Make sure the two bolts and washers
are in place and tightened.
4 Apply sealant outside the timing plate groove (2
mm (0.08”) wide bead). The cylinder head must
be finally tightened 20 min after the application of


5 Make sure that the bolt and washer (1) are in

place on the cylinder head. The bolt must only be
tightened a few turns.
Lower the cylinder head down onto the gasket.
Leave a 5–10 mm (0.2–0.4”) gap (A) to the timing
A Make sure the washer (1) ends up outside the
engine block edge. Then tighten the bolt so that
2 the washer pulls the cylinder head sideways until
it touches the two washers (2) on the engine block
1 side.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 183

21-1 Cylinder Head

6 Install a bolt in the upper timing gear and tighten

it so that the cylinder head is pulled toward the
timing plate.
Undo the bolt a little. The cylinder head is now in
the correct position for tightening with the cylinder
head bolts (the raised portions of the gasket will
be flattened).
Install all cylinder head bolts and tighten accord-
ing to the chart (sequence, torque and angle tight-
ening) in Special Tightening Torques page 11.
When all the cylinder head bolts have been tight-
ened, install the six bolts for the timing plate and
tighten them.

36 35 28 27 22 21 15 16 23 24 31 32
13 9 6 1 3 7 11

14 10 4 2 5 8 12
38 37 30 29 18 17 19 20 25 26 33 34

7 Check that the cam bearings are in position and

fault free. Oil the cam bearings.
Use 9998264 Lifting tool to lift the camshaft into
999 8264 position.

Cutting hazard! Protect your hands!


184 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

8 Rotate the camshaft so that the guide hole faces

straight up.
9 Check that the cam bearings are fault free and
correctly installed in the caps. Install the caps
according to the markings.
Install M10X80 bolts instead of the rocker arm
bridge. Tighten the caps according to Special
Tightening Torques page 11. Check that the cam-
shaft can be rotated.


10 Check that the flywheel marking is at zero. Install

the camshaft gear so that the locator pin aligns
with the hole in the camshaft and the gear mark-
ing against the hole in the timing plate.


11 Install at least three bolts with suitable spacers in

the gear and tighten them.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 185

21-1 Cylinder Head

9999683 12 Use 9999696 Magnetic stand and 9999683 Dial

indicator (short probe) to check gear lash meas-
Hold the intermediate gear secure and rotate the
camshaft gear back and forth to check the gear
9999696 lash; refer to Technical Data page 30. If the meas-
urement must be adjusted, refer to Timing Gear,
Installation page 165.


13 Remove the bolts and spacers from the camshaft

gear. Install the vibration damper, bolts and
washer. Torque according to Technical
Data page 30.


14 Clean the upper timing cover. Install new rubber

seals on the cover.


186 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

15 Apply a 2 mm (0.08”) bead of sealant as illus-

trated (must be torqued within 20 mins.).


16 Install the cover with the two bolts located in the

oval holes. Torque to 4 Nm (3 lbf.ft).


999 8601 17 Fit 885810 Fixture and 9998601 Fixture. Press

down the cover so that it arrives at the same
885 810 height as the upper side of the cylinder head.


18 Install the remaining bolts and tighten them in

4 sequence according to Special Tightening Tor-
5 ques page 11.
Remove the press tools.
2 1


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 187

21-1 Cylinder Head

19 Install the camshaft sensor with a new seal and

heat shield; refer to Sensors, Adjust-
ment page 132.

20 Remove the protective plug for one unit injector

(where necessary use 9990156 Adapter and
9996400 Slide hammer).
Clean the copper sleeve with 9998599 Cleaning
9996400 kit. Protect the fuel channel with two
9998250 Sealing ring.


188 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

21 Remove the unit injector from the protective

sleeve. Replace the O-rings on the unit injector
by using 3883671 Protective sleeve and
3883672 Protective sleeve. Install a new steel
washer on the injector sealing surface

The steel washer must be replaced new every time
an injector is installed.
Install the injector and injector yoke. Turn the
injector so that the wiring connections are exactly
opposite the valve springs.
Install the retaining bolt and torque it.
22 Install the remaining unit injectors in the same


23 Install the valve yoke according to the marking

made at removal.



P0010063 2

24 Remove the extra bolts located in the rocker arm

bridge position.
Lubricate the valve yokes and the unit injector ball
Lift the rocker arm bridge into place. Guide all
rocker arms so they arrive in the correct positions.
Make sure that the exhaust rocker arm pistons
and the adjuster screw balls are in place.
Remove the lifting tool from the rocker arm
bridge. Install the rocker arm shaft bolts.
Check that the valve yokes are positioned cor-
rectly on the valve stem. Tighten the bolts alter-
nately so that the rocker arm shaft is not bent.
Make sure the shaft guides the locator sleeves on
the bearing caps.
Torque according to Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 189

21-1 Cylinder Head

25 TAD1350–55GE:
Install the EGR rocker arm springs. Make sure the
springs are positioned correctly on the rocker arm
ball tappet, but do not tighten the bolts (the bolts
are tightened after valve adjustment).


26 Install the valve and rocker arm lubrication oil pipe

with new seals.
27 Adjust the valves and unit injectors; refer to
Valves and Unit Injectors, Adjustment page 198.
28 Install the inlet manifold; refer to Intake Manifold,
Change page 286.


190 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

29 Install the fuel lines on the cylinder head with new


Take great care to keep fuel unions clean. Even
minimal amounts of dirt in the fuel system can
cause engine breakdown.
30 Install the coolant temperature sensor if it was



31 Install the thermostat and cover with a new seal.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 191

21-1 Cylinder Head

32 Install the water pipes with new seals.


33 Clean the cylinder head exhaust manifold sealing

surface. Clean the manifold gasket plane and
blow any carbon flakes out of the manifold.
Bolt the new exhaust manifold gaskets onto the
manifold (the gaskets are marked Up and Mani-
fold side).


34 Lift the manifold into position. Tighten the bolts.

Make sure the gaskets do not come awry. Tighten
according to Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.

1 3 5 7 9 11

2 4 6 8 10 12

192 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

35 Install the heat shield.


36 Clean the turbocharger gasket planes.

Fit a new gasket to the exhaust manifold and
install the turbocharger.
Install spacers and tighten the bolts.
Install the oil return pipe with new seals. Fill the
turbocharger with clean engine oil before the
pressure hose is installed on the turbocharger.
Install the hose and actuator heat shield on the
turbocharger and clamp it as illustrated.

NOTICE! Do not tighten too hard.


37 Install a new O-ring on the wire harness to seal

against the cylinder head.
Install the wire harness. Begin by running the part
for the unit injectors through the hole in the front
side of the cylinder head. make sure the O-ring is
not damaged when it is pressed into the hole in
the cylinder head. Tighten the bolt.
Attach the wire harness with two clamps behind
the belt pulley and one clamp on the inlet mani-


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 193

21-1 Cylinder Head

38 Install the connectors to the temperature sensor

and wastegate control valve.
Secure the wire harness with cable ties. Make
sure the wire harness does not touch the rear of
the belt pulley.


39 Install the connectors to the unit injectors and oil

valve. Clamp the wire harness under the valve
cover with original cable ties (these are heat and
oil resistant).


40 Check to see if the valve cover gasket needs to

17 be changed.
13 12 11 10 1 15 16 18
Install the valve cover and tighten according to
Special Tightening Torques page 11.
41 The remaining wire harness is secured after the
engine fixture has been removed.

9 8 7 6 2 3 4 5 20

194 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-1 Cylinder Head

42 Install the rear lifting eye.


43 Install air filters with holders and turbocharger

44 Install new oil filters and fill with engine oil.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 195

21-3 Cylinder Liner, Pistons

21-3 Cylinder Liner, Pistons

Cylinder Liner and Pistons,
Clean the cylinder liners carefully before inspec-
tion and measurement.

Cylinder liners and pistons are classed together. This
means that cylinders and liners must not be mixed.

The piston and cylinder liner sets are only available as

a single, complete unit.

Cylinder Liner
Measurement of cylinder liner wear can be done with
the liner installed in the cylinder block.

NOTICE! The cylinder liners must be taken out of the

engine block, to do a careful crack check.

1 Measure the cylinder liners with a cylinder indi-

cator. In order to obtain the greatest possible
accuracy in the wear measurement, the cylinder
liner must first be set up with a gauge ring or
micrometer. Use the original diameter of the cyl-
inder liner as the base value.
2 Measure the cylinder liner at top and bottom dead
centers, and at several places vertically.
At each measurement location, measurement
must be lengthwise and crosswise in relation to
the engine.
3 If wear is greater than 0.45–0.50 mm, a new com-
plete lining kit must be used (piston, liner, piston
rings, piston pin and seals).
Oil consumption also affects when cylinder liners
must be changed.
4 Remove the cylinder liner and do a crack check.
Be specially careful when checking the liner col-
The Magnaflux method may be used for this

5 Check for worn piston ring grooves, damaged
retainer ring grooves, cracks and other damage
to the pistons.
If the piston has deep scratches on its skirt, the
piston (liner kit) must be scrapped. The same
applies if the piston has one or more cracks in the
piston pin hole or in the bottom of the combustion
Crack tests must be done using the chalk powder

196 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-3 Cylinder Liner, Pistons

Connecting Rod, Check

Important consideration when removing/installing
fracture-split connecting rods.

Installing a NEW connecting rod:

Carefully fix the connecting rod in a vise with soft jaw

Undo the connecting rod bolts a few turns and carefully

tap the bearing cap with a plastic faced hammer until
it loosens.

The split line can be difficult to find when the connect-

ing rod is assembled.

When the cap is separated from the connecting rod, it

may occur that a chip is missing or comes loose. This
does not affect the function of the connecting rod

Handle the connecting rod and bearing cap carefully.

If any strike marks occur on the split line, this may
affect strength after torquing.

If the connecting rod or bearing cap are damaged,
change the connecting rod.

Connecting Rod Bushing, Check up

1 Check the connecting rods for cracking, straight-
ness and twist before any piston pin bush
replacement. Scrap the connecting rod if it is
cracked, bent or twisted.
When the piston pin bush is changed, the bush
must be machined (trapezoid piston pin end).
When the clearance is correct, an oiled piston pin
should slowly slide through the bush under its
own weight.

2 Regarding max. allowed straightness and twist devia-
tions, refer to Technical Data page 30.

P0006994 P0006995

2 Use a new piston pin and measure the straight-

ness of the connecting rod, using a fixture.
3 Measure connecting rod twist.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 197

21-4 Valve Mechanism

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valves and Unit Injectors,
Identifying the valve system
Depending on their specification engines are equipped
with different valve mechanisms. It is extremely impor-
tant that correct valve adjustment is performed accord-
ing to the mechanism.

Timing marks
The camshaft has marks (1–6 for the respective cylin-
ders) for adjusting inlet and exhaust valves and the unit


NOTICE! It is important that the line marked on the

camshaft is centered between the marks on the bear-
ing cap when adjustment is carried out.


198 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

NOTICE! There are several valve mechanism versions

on the engines.

Check the version according to the below.

Standard valve mechanism

For adjustment of the valve mechanism as illustrated,
refer to Standard valve mechanism page 201.

TAD1340VE, TAD1341GE, TAD1341VE, TAD1342GE,
TAD1342VE, TAD1343GE, TAD1343VE, TAD1344GE,
TAD1344VE, TAD1345GE, TAD1345VE, TAD1350VE,
TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE, TAD1363VE,
TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE, TAD1371VE, TAD1372VE,
TAD1373VE, TAD1374VE, TAD1375VE.

Valve mechanism equipped with VCB (Volvo

Compression Brake)
For adjustment of the valve mechanism and camshaft
marking as illustrated, refer to Valve mechanism
equipped with VCB (Volvo Compression
Brake) page 203.

Options for TAD1371VE, TAD1372VE, TAD1373VE, TAD1374VE,

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 199

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valve mechanism equipped with Internal EGR

(Exhaust Gas Recirculation)
For adjustment of the valve mechanism and camshaft
marking as illustrated, refer to Valve mechanism
equipped with Internal EGR (Exhaust Gas Recircula-

TAD1350GE, TAD1351GE, TAD1352GE, TAD1353GE,
TAD1354GE, TAD1355GE.

200 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Standard valve mechanism

TAD1340VE, TAD1341GE, TAD1341VE,
TAD1342GE, TAD1342VE, TAD1343GE,
TAD1343VE, TAD1344GE, TAD1344VE,
TAD1345GE, TAD1345VE, TAD1350VE,
TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE,
TAD1371VE, TAD1372VE, TAD1373VE,
TAD1374VE, TAD1375VE

9993590 Rotation tool

Valves and Unit Injectors, Adjustment

1 Remove the valve cover.
2 Adjust valves and injectors for the respective cyl-
inders at the same time.
Crank the engine in the direction of rotation to the
next camshaft marking. Use 9993590 Rotation


3 Adjust inlet valve clearance between the rocker

arm and the valve yoke to 0.2 mm (0.0079") with
the aid of a feeler gauge.
Tighten according to the specifications in Special
Tightening Torques page 11.
Check the valve clearance. Mark the rocker arm
once the valve is adjusted.
Adjust the clearance for the exhaust valve and
unit injector.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 201

21-4 Valve Mechanism

4 Check the valve clearance for the exhaust valves

with the aid of a feeler gauge. The clearance must
be 0.8 mm (0.0315”).
Tighten the locking nut.


5 Adjust the unit injector preload by loosening the

adjuster screw until a clearance is obtained on the
Adjust the screw until the clearance disappears
(by feel until the roller can no longer be rotated).
Tighten the adjuster screw a further 240° (4 flats).
6 Tighten the adjuster screw locking nut as per
specifications in Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.
7 Adjust the remaining valves and unit injectors
according to the above.
8 Remove 9993590 Rotation tool from the gear
Install the valve cover.

202 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valve mechanism equipped with

VCB (Volvo Compression Brake)
TAD1371VE, TAD1372VE, TAD1373VE,
TAD1374VE, TAD1375VE

9993590 Rotation tool
1 Remove the valve cover.
2 Loosen the bolts on the VCB rocker arm spring
plate. Leave the spring plate in place.


3 NOTICE! Marks 1–6 apply to inlet valve and unit

injector adjustment. Marks E1–E6 apply to
exhaust valve and VCB rocker arm adjustment.

Crank the engine in the direction of rotation to the

next camshaft marking.

In this case camshaft position indicates adjust-

ment of:
5 = Inlet and injector rocker arm, cylinder 5.
E6 = Exhaust and VCB rocker arm, cylinder 6

Use 9993590 Rotation tool.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 203

21-4 Valve Mechanism

4 Adjust inlet valve clearance between the valve

yoke and the rocker arm thrust sleeve valve yoke
to 0.2 mm (0.0079") with the aid of a feeler gauge.
For valve clearances, refer to the section Valve
mechanism in Technical Data page 30.

Tighten according to the specifications in Special

Tightening Torques page 11.

Check the valve clearance. Mark the rocker arm

once the valve is adjusted.


5 Adjust the unit injector preload by loosening the

adjuster screw until a clearance is obtained on the
Adjust the screw until the clearance disappears
(by feel until the roller can no longer be rotated).
Tighten the adjuster screw a further 240° (4 flats).

Tighten the adjuster screw locking nut as per

specifications in Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.


Adjust the exhaust and VCB rocker arm on the
cylinder the camshaft E marking indicates.

E6 = Exhaust and VCB rocker arm, cylinder 6


204 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

7 Check/adjust: Exhaust valve clearances

Check and adjust the clearance between the
valve yoke and the rocker arm thrust sleeve to 0.8
mm (0.031") with the aid of a feeler gauge.
Turn the sleeve so that it does not tip.
Tighten the adjuster screw locking nut as per
specifications in Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.

Allow the feeler gauge to remain after adjustment.


8 Inspection: VCB rocker arm clearance

Allow the feeler gauge (A) to remain after adjust-
ment. Check that the clearance between the VCB
rocker arm roller and the camshaft is 2.85
mm (0.112") with the aid of feeler gauge (B).

Adjustment: VCB rocker arm clearance

When adjusting loosen the VCB rocker arm lock-
ing nut and turn the adjuster screw 0.5–1 turn
Insert the feeler gauge (B) 2.85 mm (0.112")
between the camshaft and the brake rocker arm

Tighten the adjuster screw until it touches and

then another half turn so that the valve yoke is
pressed down and the exhaust valves open a lit-
tle. In this way the engine brake mechanism is
P0019110 under load and all the parts assume their proper

Loosen the adjuster screw until the feeler gauge

(B) can be slid in and out with a degree of effort.
Tighten the adjuster screw locking nut as per
specifications in Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.

Follow-up checks: VCB rocker arm adjust-

Remove the feeler gauge (A).
Check the clearance between the camshaft and
the brake rocker arm roller after tightening the
adjuster screw locking nut.
Insert the feeler gauge (B) 3.2 mm (0.126"). It
must be possible to insert it without resistance; if
not re-adjust..
Adjust the remainder of the valves, VCB rocker
arms and unit injectors in the same way.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 205

21-4 Valve Mechanism

9 Tighten the retaining screws for the VCB rocker

arm spring plate.
Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18.4 lbf. ft.)

Remove 9993590 Rotation tool from the gear

Install the valve cover.


206 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valve mechanism equipped with

Internal EGR (Exhaust Gas
TAD1350GE, TAD1351GE, TAD1352GE,
TAD1353GE, TAD1354GE, TAD1355GE
1 Remove the valve cover.
2 Adjust valves and injectors for the respective cyl-
inders at the same time.
Remove all EGR rocker arm spring plates.


3 Crank the engine in the direction of rotation to the

next camshaft marking. Use 9993590 Rotation


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 207

21-4 Valve Mechanism

4 Adjust inlet valve clearance between the valve

yoke and the rocker arm thrust sleeve valve yoke
to 0.2 mm (0.0079") with the aid of a feeler gauge.
For valve clearances, refer to Valve mechanism
in Technical Data page 30.

Tighten according to the specifications in Special

Tightening Torques page 11.

Check the valve clearance. Mark the rocker arm

once the valve is adjusted.


5 Adjust the unit injector preload by loosening the

adjuster screw until a clearance is obtained on the
Adjust the screw until the clearance disappears
(by feel until the roller can no longer be rotated).
Tighten the adjuster screw a further 240° (4 flats).

Tighten the adjuster screw locking nut as per

specifications in Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.

Adjust the remaining valves and unit injectors

according to the above.


6 Check the valve clearance for the exhaust valves

with the aid of a feeler gauge.
The clearance must be 0.8 mm (0.0315”).


208 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

7 NOTICE! Ensure that no loose parts fall into the

camshaft drive.

NOTICE! Use a wrench on the yoke as a coun-

terhold during removal.

If the shims must be replaced, undo the screw on

the yoke while holding the yoke fast with a wrench
so that the valves are not bent.


8 When replacing shims, press them home firmly.


9 NOTICE! Use a wrench on the yoke as a coun-

terhold also when tightening.

Tighten the shims with a wrench, and hold the

yoke fast so that the valves are not bent.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 209

21-4 Valve Mechanism

10 Adjust the valve clearance for the inlet valves to

0.8 mm (0.0315") with the aid of a feeler gauge.

Tighten the adjuster screw locking nut as per

specifications in Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.


11 Allow the feeler gauge to remain in place after

adjustment and adjust the EGR rocker arm by
loosening the locknut and adjusting the screw
until zero clearance is obtained. Check by rotat-
ing the rocker arm roller at the camshaft. Undo
the adjuster screw 1 and 3/4 turns (630°).

Tighten the adjuster screw locking nut as per

specifications in Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.

Remove the feeler gauge from the exhaust valve.


12 Where necessary, check the EGR rocker arm

adjustment with a feeler gauge.
Check the clearance between the camshaft and
the roller on the EGR rocker arm.
The clearance must be between 3.7 mm (0.146")
and 3.9 mm (0.154").


210 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

13 Adjust the remaining valves and unit injectors

according to the above.

Tighten the retaining screws to the EGR rocker

arm spring plates.
Tightening torque: 25 Nm (18.4 lbf. ft.)

Remove 9993590 Rotation tool from the gear

Install the valve cover.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 211

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valve Guides, Inspection

9989876 Dial indicator
9999696 Magnetic stand

Cylinder head removed

Refer to removal in 21-1, Cylinder Head, Change.
1 Remove the valve stem seals from the valve
The cylinder head must not be put down so its
entire weight rests on the valve guides (see illus-
Put the cylinder head on the bench with the valve
discs facing upwards.
3 Place a new valve in the valve guide with the
valve stem end in the same plane as the edge of
the guide. Use a suitable counterhold under the
valve stem.
4 Place tool 9989876 Dial indicator and tool
999 9696
9999696 Magnetic stand, so that the dial indicator
tip is touching the valve disc edge.
998 9876 Move the valve sideways, in the direction of the
exhaust or inlet duct. Read off the value on the
dial gauge.
5 Check all valve guides.
If the measurement values exceed the values
noted in the specifications, the valve guide must
be changed; refer to Technical Data page 30.

212 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valve Guides, Replacing

Cylinder head removed.

NOTICE! If the valve seats must also be changed, this

must be done before the valve guides are removed.

Risk of eye injury. Eye protection required.

Option 1

9809726 Pneumatic hydraulic pump
9809729 Hydraulic cylinder
9990176 Press tool
9996159 Adapter
88800147 Drift
88800062 Drift

Optional tools

9992670 Hand pump

Note: 9992670 is alternative to 9809726.

999 2670 980 9729 1 Install tool 9990176 Press tool into the cylinder
980 9726 head retaining bolt holes.

NOTICE! Put washers between the nuts and the

cylinder head plane.
999 0176 2 Tighten the nuts of the tool.
999 6159 3 Install tool 9996159 Adapter in the hydraulic cyl-
888 00147 inder.
4 Fit tool 9809729 Hydraulic cylinder into tool
9990176 Press tool and press out the valve guide
using tool 88800147 Drift and9809726 Pneu-
matic hydraulic pump , alternatively
9992670 Hand pump.
5 Press the other valve guides out in the same way.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 213

21-4 Valve Mechanism

6 Heat the cylinder head with hot water while cool-
ing the valve guides with e.g. carbon dioxide
Lubricate the cylinder head valve guides with
engine oil.

Wear protective goggles when pressing.

999 2670 980 9729 7 Press in the valve guide for the inlet valve using
980 9726 tool 88800062 Drift. Press in the exhaust valve
guide using the same tool.
8 Press until the tool bottoms against the cylinder
head plane.
9 Remove the tool from the cylinder head.
999 0176
After the valve guides have been changed, the cylinder
head must be cleaned carefully to prevent dirt particles
from getting into the fuel and oil ducts. Contamination
may cause failure or malfunction of the unit injectors.
999 6159
Option 2
888 00062

9992000 Handle
88800147 Drift
88800062 Drift

NOTICE! If the valve seats must also be changed, this

must be done before the valve guides are removed.

Risk of eye injury. Eye protection required.

214 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

NOTICE! Take out the valve guides from beneath the
cylinder head.

1 Tap out the valve guides with tool 88800147 Drift

together with 9992000 Handle.
2 Tap the other valve guides out in the same way.

3 Heat the cylinder head with hot water while cool-
ing the valve guides with e.g. carbon dioxide
Lubricate the cylinder head valve guides with
engine oil.

Risk of eye injury. Eye protection required.
4 Tap in the valve guide for the inlet valve using tool
88800062 Drift. Tap in the exhaust valve guide
using the same tool.
5 Tap until the tool bottoms against the cylinder
999 2000 head plane.
6 Repeat the procedure for the remaining valve

After the valve guides have been changed, the cylinder
head must be cleaned carefully to prevent dirt particles
from getting into the fuel and oil ducts. Contamination
may cause failure or malfunction of the unit injectors.

P0011274 888 00062

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 215

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valves, Removal

Work is made easier if the cylinder head is fixed in an

equipment stand using tool 9990160 Fixture. Use 4
pcs. bolts M8 x 25.

NOTICE! It is important that the greatest possible

cleanliness is observed during work on the cylinder
head. Dirt particles in the fuel ducts can cause failure
or malfunction of the unit injectors.

Alternative 1

9809726 Pneumatic hydraulic pump
9809729 Hydraulic cylinder
P0006996 9990160 Fixture
9990174 Drift
9992670 Hand pump
9996159 Adapter
9998246 Drift

Note: 9992670 Hand pump is alternative to

9809726 Pneumatic hydraulic pump .

Alternative 2

9990210 Valve spring compressor

Alternative 1
1 Fit tool 9809729 Hydraulic cylinder into tool
9990176 Press tool.
2 Install tool 9996159 Adapter and tool
9998246 Drift (inlet) or tool 9990174 Drift (outlet)
on the hydraulic cylinder. Place the tool in the
holes for the cylinder head retaining bolts.
Tighten the tool nuts.
3 Connect tool 9809726 Pneumatic hydraulic pump
(alternatively 9992670 Hand pump).
4 Press the valve spring washer down and remove
the collets.

NOTICE! Check that the tool does not damage

the unit injector electrical connector, if the injector
is left in place.

NOTICE! Put the valves and springs in a marked

stand, to facilitate putting components back in the
same places in the cylinder head.
5 Remove the remaining valves in the same way as
above, using the press tool.
6 Remove the oil seals from the valve guides.

216 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Alternative 2

9990210 Valve spring compressor
1 Lay the cylinder head on a flat, clean surface.
Make sure the cylinder head is not damaged
when the valves are to be removed.
2 Fit tool 9990210 Valve spring compressor in the
unit injector hole. Fix the tool in the bolt hole for
the unit injector yoke, M10 x 30.
3 Place the moving part of the tool over the valve
spring to be removed. Screw down the “wing nut”
on the tool until the valve washer has been
pressed down so far that the collets can be

NOTICE! Put the valves and springs in a marked

stand, to facilitate putting components back in the
same places in the cylinder head.
4 Remove the remaining valves in the same way as
5 Remove the oil seals from the valve guides.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 217

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valves, Installation
Alternative 1

9809726 Pneumatic hydraulic pump
9990165 Guide sleeve
9990174 Drift
9990176 Press tool
9990210 Valve spring compressor
9992670 Hand pump
9996159 Adapter
9998246 Drift
88800151 Drift

Note: 9992670 Hand pump is alternative to

9809726 Pneumatic hydraulic pump .

Alternative 2

9990210 Valve spring compressor
1 Oil the valve stems and install the valves.
Oil the oil seals.
2 Install tool 9990165 Guide sleeve on the valve
stem and press the new oil seals down over the
valve guides.

NOTICE! Check that the oil seals are pressed

down properly. If necessary, use 88800151 Drift
and tap carefully with a plastic mallet.


Alternative 1
3 Install the valve caliper guide pins.
Install the springs and valve spring washers.
Carefully press down the valve spring washer and
install the collets. Use tool 9990176 Press tool
together with 9809726 Pneumatic hydraulic
pump , 9996159 Adapter and 9998246 Drift (inlet)
or 9990174 Drift (outlet), in the same way as for
Valves, Removal.

218 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Alternative 2

9990210 Valve spring compressor
1 Alternatively, tool 9990210 Valve spring com-
pressor may be used instead of the hydraulic cyl-
inder, in the same way as for Valves, Removal.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 219

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valve Seats and Valve, Grinding

For valve sealing angles, refer to Technical

Data page 30.

NOTICE! Spare part valve seats are already

machined, and do not need further grinding.

Valve seat, grinding

1 Before the valve seats are ground, the valve
P0007076 guides must be checked and changed if wear tol-
erances have been exceeded.
2 When grinding valve seats, do not remove an
unnecessary amount of material; only remove
enough material to give the valve seat the correct
shape and a good mating surface.
3 Grind new seats down so far that the dimension
24,5 between the cylinder head plane and the valve
disc surface, is in accordance with specifications;
refer also to Technical Data page 30.
4 Check the valve seat angle with a valve seat
gauge, once the seat mating surface has been
coated with a thin layer of marker dye.


Inlet valve




Exhaust valve

220 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

NOTICE! Spare part valves are already machined, and

do not need further grinding.

NOTICE! The sealing surface must be ground as little

as possible; however, enough to grind away all dam-

Valves, grinding
1 Check dimension (A). If the dimension is greater
than the wear tolerance as specified in Technical
Data page 30, the valve must be changed.

NOTICE! Always change a valve with a bent

valve stem.
2 Check valve sealing with marker dye. If there is
any leakage, grind the valve seat again; refer to
Valve Seat, Grinding, then do a new check.
Once the results of grinding are acceptable, the
valve and seat may be lapped in with fine grinding
P0007000 paste.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 221

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valve Seat, Change

Cylinder head and valves removed.

9989876 Dial indicator
9992479 Holder for dial indicator
1 The valve seats must be changed if a satisfactory
seal cannot be obtained or when the distance (A)
exceeds the value stated in the specification;
refer to Technical Data page 30.


2 Grind the head off an old valve and weld it onto

the valve seat. Use a MAG welder, or a conven-
tional arc welder (with a stainless welding elec-

Carefully cover the other surfaces on the cylinder head
to prevent any weld spatter from fastening.


222 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-4 Valve Mechanism

3 Place a suitable socket over the valve/valve guide

and carefully tap the valve seat out.

Be careful not to damage the cylinder head.

Risk of eye injury. Eye protection required.
4 Clean the seat bed carefully and check the cylin-
der head for cracks.
5 Measure the diameter of the valve seat bed in the
cylinder head. Determine whether a standard or
oversize dimension valve seat must be used.
Carry out any necessary machining to the valve
seat bed; refer to Technical Data page 30.

6 Cool the seat in carbon dioxide snow between –

60 °C (–76 °F) and –70 °C (–94 °F) and heat the
cylinder head by flushing with hot water, or by
some other method.
Install the new valve seat using a drift.

NOTICE! Align the seat with the seat angle facing

the tool. Check sealing against the valve.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 223

21-4 Valve Mechanism

Valve Stem Sealings, Replace

9990165 Guide sleeve
9990210 Valve spring compressor
9993590 Rotation tool

1 Disconnect all current to the engine, by switching
off the main switch.
2 Remove the unit injectors; refer to the removal
section in Unit Injector, Replace page 272.
3 NOTICE! The piston must be at top dead center
when the valves are removed. This is to prevent
the valves from falling down into the cylinder. Use
tool 9993590 Rotation tool.
4 Compress the valve springs for no. 1 cylinder.
Use tool 9990210 Valve spring compressor.
5 Remove the valve washers, valve springs and
6 Remove the old valve stem seals.

7 Lubricate the valve stem with engine oil.
Fit tool 9990165 Guide sleeve to the valve stem.
88800151 Thread the new seal on and put it over the man-
drel. Slide tool 88800151 Drift over the valve stem
and tap the seal down carefully with a plastic mal-
8 Install the valve springs, valve spring washers
and collets. Carefully tap with a plastic mallet to
make sure the collets end up in the right position.
9 Transfer the valve spring compressor to no. 6 cyl-
inder and repeat the tasks as above. Then crank
the engine so that no.3 and no.4 cylinder are at
Repeat the procedure. Then continue with cylin-
ders 2 and 5.

NOTICE! The piston must be at top dead center

when the valves are removed. This is to prevent
the valves from falling down into the cylinder. Use
tool 9993590 Rotation tool.
10 Install the unit injectors; refer to the installation
section in Unit Injector, Replace page 272.
11 Adjust the valves and unit injectors; refer to
Valves and Unit Injectors, Adjustment page 198.
12 Vent the fuel system; refer to Fuel system,
bleeding page 262. Perform a function and leak-
age check.

224 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-5 Timing Gears and Shaft

21-5 Timing Gears and Shaft

Camshaft, Wear Check
Rocker bridge removed.

Put a steel rule across the camshaft lobes, parallel with

the camshaft axis, to check whether the cam profiles
have been worn.

Measure the wear with a feeler gauge or wire gauge.

Alternatively, a digital caliper gauge can be used.

Compare the measured values with those specified in

Technical Data page 30.

Guidelines for replacement
In normal conditions, unevenness may occur on the sur-
face of engine camshaft lobes. This does not mean that
the camshaft has to be changed. These marks do not
have any negative influence on either engine perform-
ance or the durability of the engine and its components.

Examples of acceptable wear and unacceptable wear

are shown below.

Lighter scratches: Hard wear:

The camshaft does not need to be changed. IMPORTANT!
The camshaft and associated rocker arms must be

P0003896 P0003899

P0003898 P0003897

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 225

21-5 Timing Gears and Shaft

Camshaft Bearing Housing,

The factory-installed bearing housings are machined
with the cylinder head and are therefore not replacea-
ble. If a bearing housing is damaged the complete cyl-
inder head must be replaced.


Flywheel, Indication
Flywheel exposed; refer to Timing Gear,
Removal page 143.

9993590 Rotation tool
9989876 Dial indicator
9999696 Magnetic stand
1 Install 9993590 Rotation tool in order to rotate the
2 Install 9999696 Magnetic stand and 9989876 Dial
indicator with the measuring tip against the fly-
999 9696 wheel at a measuring radius of around 150 mm
Rotate the flywheel at least one revolution and
check the min and max deflections on the dial
indicator. The value should not exceed 0.20
mm (0.0079”).
998 9876
3 If the distortion is greater, and this is not the result
of a damaged surface where the dial indicator is
applied, remove the flywheel and check that there
is no waste material or damage to the contact
flange on the flywheel and crankshaft.
Clean the flanges or change the flywheel if it is
Torque the bolts; refer to Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.
4 Check using the dial indicator and magnetic stand
Remove the tool.

226 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-5 Timing Gears and Shaft

Gear Ring, Fywheel: Replace

Flywheel removed.
1 Drill 1–2 holes between teeth on the ring gear.
Split the gear ring at the drilled hole, using a cold
chisel. Lift the gear ring away from the flywheel.
2 Brush the flywheel contact surface clean with a
steel wire brush.


3 Heat the new gear ring up to 180–200°C (356–

392 °F) with a welding torch or in an oven. The
gear ring must be evenly heated. Be careful not
to heat the gear ring up far with annealing as a
Check the heat by polishing the ring bright at sev-
eral places. Stop heating when the polished sur-
faces become blued.


4 Put the heated gear ring onto the flywheel and tap
it into place with a soft mandrel and hammer.
Leave the gear ring to cool.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 227

21-5 Timing Gears and Shaft

Sensors, Adjustment
Sensor removed.

88800031 Measuring tool
1 If the camshaft sensor needs to be adjusted,
rotate the crankshaft so that one tooth on the
camshaft vibration damper is centered in front of
the sensor hole.
2 Remove any shims beneath the sensor.
Clean the tool's contact surface on the engine.
3 Insert 88800031 Measuring tool without tighten-
88800031 ing the lock screw.
press in the tool firmly so that it is in contact with
the cover. Press in the center part of the tool until
it contacts the gearwheel and tighten the lock
Rove the tool and inspect the center section posi-
tion in its sleeve.


4 Determine further actions according to the


If the center section of the tool is entirely below

the sleeve's upper edge, no shims are required.


If only the center section upper surface is above

the sleeve's top edge, one shim is required.


228 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-5 Timing Gears and Shaft

If the two center section surfaces are above the

sleeve's top edge, two shims are required.


5 Install the sensor with a new seal and any shims.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 229

21-6 Crank Mechanism

21-6 Crank Mechanism

Crankshaft Seal, Change (front)
9990192 Puller
9992000 Handle
9993590 Rotation tool
9996400 Slide hammer
88800021 Drift

1 Drain the coolant; refer to Draining the Cooling
System page 337.
2 Remove the radiator, where fitted.

Do not lay the fan down. Oil may run out that can-
not run back in again.

3 Remove the cooling fan.

4 Remove the right belt guard; refer to Belt
Protector page 360.
5 Remove the belts. For the drive belt, refer to Drive
Belts page 354.
For the alternator belt, refer to Alternator Belt,
Change page 362.
6 Remove the automatic belt tensioner.


230 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-6 Crank Mechanism

7 Where necessary, use tool 9993590 Rotation

tool as a counterhold.


8 Remove the bolts to the outer oscillation damper.

9 NOTICE! The oscillation damper weighs approx.
15 kg. Make sure that it is not damaged.

Carefully remove the outer vibration damper.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 231

21-6 Crank Mechanism

10 NOTICE! The inner belt pulley / vibration damper

is heavy. Handle with care.

Remove the two bolts to the hub and belt pulley.


11 Remove the hub and outer and inner belt pulley /

vibration damper.


Alternative 1, seal removal

12 Fit tool 88800021 Drift.
13 Drill two holes Ø3.5 mm in the seal with the aid of
the guide hole in the tool. Bush grease on the drill
to prevent dirt from getting into the engine.
14 Screw in two suitable sheet metal screws (1),
length approx. 50 mm, through the holes in the
tool, so that they fasten firmly in the seal.
15 Fit two long-threaded M10x60 bolts (2) and screw
them in until the seal releases.


232 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-6 Crank Mechanism

Alternative 2, seal removal

16 NOTICE! Incline the tool to ensure that the crank-
shaft is not damaged.

Assemble tool 9996400 Slide hammer and tool

9990192 Puller.
Remove the old seal by tapping in a puller inside
the seal and pulling it out with a slide hammer.


9992000 Handle
9993590 Rotation tool
88800021 Drift.
17 Check that the plastic ring is correctly in place in
the new seal.

NOTICE! If the plastic ring is not in place in the

new seal, the seal ring may be damaged and
must not be used.
18 Clean the crankshaft sealing surface and cover.
Check that these are damage free.
19 Install the new seal ring and plastic ring onto the
crankshaft journal.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 233

21-6 Crank Mechanism

20 Press the seal toward the cover by hand.


21 Remove the plastic ring.


234 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-6 Crank Mechanism

22 Carefully tap in the new seal until it bottoms

against the crankshaft journal. Remove the tool.
23 Make sure that the crankshaft, belt pulleys and
hub mating surfaces are clean and damage free.
24 Fit the inner belt pulley / vibration damper.
25 Install the outer belt pulley.
26 Install the hub.


27 Where necessary, use tool 9993590 Rotation

tool as a counterhold.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 235

21-6 Crank Mechanism

28 Install the two bolts to the hub.

Torque the bolts according to specifications:
Refer to General Tightening Torques page 10.
29 Ensure that the outer oscillation damper surfaces
are clean and damage free.


30 Install the outer oscillation damper.

31 Torque the oscillation damper bolts according to
specifications: Refer to General Tightening Tor-
ques page 10.


236 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-6 Crank Mechanism

32 Install the belt tensioner.

33 Install the alternator belt: Refer to Alternator Belt,
Change page 362.
34 Install the drive belt: Refer to 703, Drive Belt,
35 Ensure the belts track in their grooves.
36 Install the right belt guard: Refer to Belt
Protector page 360.
37 Install the cooling fan.
38 Install the radiator, where fitted.
39 Refill with coolant: Refer to Coolant Level, Check-
ing and Topping Up page 339.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 237

21-6 Crank Mechanism

Crankshaft Seal, Change (rear)

9990166 Mounting tool
9990192 Puller
9996400 Slide hammer

1 Remove the flywheel sensor.


238 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-6 Crank Mechanism

2 Remove all bolts from the flywheel, with the

exception of the upper bolt.
3 Install lifting eyes and straps to the flywheel.

NOTICE! Lock the lifting device.

4 Remove the last bolt and lift away the flywheel.


5 Fit 9996400 Slide hammer and 9990192 Puller

Check that the tools are free from burrs and
6 NOTICE! Be careful not to damage the crank-
shaft. Incline the tool inwards to ensure a good
grip in the seal.

Knock out the seal.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 239

21-6 Crank Mechanism

9990166 Mounting tool
7 NOTICE! Clean the seal seat in the flywheel
housing and the sealing surface on the crank-

NOTICE! Ensure that the plate locates correctly

on the crankshaft guide pin and bottoms firmly
against the crankshaft before the bolts are tight-

Fit 9990166 Mounting tool onto the crankshaft

and screw it in place.
8 Fit the spacer ring to the pin bolt.

NOTICE! The spacer ring determines how far in

the seal must be.


9 The seal is supplied with a plastic installation ring.

The plastic ring must not be removed from the


240 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-6 Crank Mechanism

10 Install the seal without removing the installation



11 Install the cover together with its handle.

Press in the seal by rotating the handle.

NOTICE! When the cover bottoms the seal is in

the correct position.
12 Remove the tool and the installation ring.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 241

21-6 Crank Mechanism

13 Offer the flywheel into place and fit the key in the
Install one bolt to render the lift safe.
14 Install the remainder of the bolts.
Torque according to specifications: Refer to Gen-
eral Tightening Torques page 10.


15 Install the flywheel sensor.


242 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-6 Crank Mechanism

Crankshaft, Inspection
The crankshaft is induction hardened.

Inspect the crankshaft very carefully to avoid unnec-

essary overhaul.
The following applies when the need for overhaul is
1 Clean the crankshaft carefully.
Measure the bearing journals' out-of-round, wear
and taper. Refer to Technical Data page 30 for
2 Check whether there is any surface damage on
the bearing journals. If there is any damage on
the surface layer, the shaft must be re-ground.
3 Place the shaft pair of V-blocks, under 1st and 7th
main bearing journals. Alternatively, hold the
crankshaft between the two centers.
4 Measure crankshaft axial displacement (throw)
on the 4th main bearing.
For maximum permissible values, refer to Tech-
nical Data page 30.

Crankshaft straightening is not permitted.
5 Check for cracks before and after any grinding.
Magnetic powder testing is used for this test, i.e.
fluorescent powder which is viewed under ultra-
violet light.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 243

21-6 Crank Mechanism

Main bearing, Change

Oil pan removed

The method describes replacement of main bearings

with the crankshaft in place in the engine

9990013 Slide hammer
9990114 Puller
9993590 Rotation tool

1 Fit tool 9993590 Rotation tool.


2 Remove the oil suction pipe and oil pump.

Remove the bracing frame.


244 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

21-6 Crank Mechanism

3 Remove one bearing cap.


4 Remove the upper main bearing shell by putting

a pin in the crankshaft oil hole and rolling the
bearing shell out by turning the crankshaft in the
direction of rotation with tool 9993590 Rotation
5 Clean and check the bearing seat, bearing cap,
shaft journal and bearing shell.
If the bearing has seized, the reason must be
determined before a new bearing is installed.
6 Check that the correct bearing dimension is used
when the bearing shells are changed.

NOTICE! If case of uncertainty, check in Techni-

cal Data page 30 which oversize dimensions are

7 Lubricate the shaft journal and the new bearing
shells with engine oil.
8 Install the upper bearing shell by turning the
crankshaft using tool 9993590 Rotation tool
against the direction of rotation with the pin in the
oil hole.

NOTICE! Check that the pressed-out bearing

shell heel is correctly aligned in the bearing seat

Make sure that the upper bearing shells (those to

be located in the engine block) are equipped with
oil holes.

NOTICE! Remove the pin when done.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 245

21-6 Crank Mechanism

9 Fit the main bearing cap together with the lower

bearing shell.

NOTICE! The main bearing caps are asymmetric

and can only be installed in one position. Note the
main bearing cap numbers showing their loca-
tions if several caps are removed simultaneously.

Torque the caps in two steps as specified; refer

to Technical Data page 30.
10 Change the other bearing shells, one a time, in
the same way as the first one. Each time a
changed is made, check that the crankshaft does
not seize by turning it using tool 9993590 Rotation
11 Check crankshaft end float and replace the thrust
washers if the clearance is too great or if the thrust
washers are damaged.

NOTICE! Measure the end float with a dial gauge.

Thrust bearings are available in a number of over-
size dimensions. Refer to Technical
Data page 30 for oversize dimensions and axial

The crankshaft thrust bearing is located in the

center main bearing.
12 Use a narrow plastic or wood stick to remove the
thrust bearing washers from the cylinder block
bearing seat.

NOTICE! The thrust washers can only be placed

in one position.


13 Check the axial play of the crankshaft when all

main bearing caps have been torqued; refer to
Technical Data page 30 for specification.
14 Install the bracing frame and torque according to
the tightening chart; refer to Technical
Data page 30.
15 Install the oil pump and oil suction pipe.
16 Remove tool 9993590 Rotation tool from the fly-
wheel housing and install the cover.
17 Install the oil pan.
P0006975 Add oil and change the oil filter.
Check the oil pressure.

246 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

22-1 Oil pump and Line

22-1 Oil pump and Line

Lubrication Oil Pump, Change
Engine oil drained.

1 Remove the oil filler with attachment and the oil
Remove the oil level sensor connector.


2 Remove the oil sump bolts and remove the sump.

3 Remove the oil filters.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 247

22-1 Oil pump and Line

4 Remove the suction strainer and the pipe to the

pump. remove the delivery pipe from the pump.
Remove the connection pipe.


5 Remove the reinforcement plate.

Cutting hazard! Protect your hands!


6 Remove the oil pump.


248 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

22-1 Oil pump and Line

7 Install the oil pump by meshing the gearwheels
and tightening the bolts.
8 Install the reinforcement plate with new bolts.

Cutting hazard! Protect your hands!


9 Use new seals for all pipes.

Install the delivery pipe from the pump. Install the
connection pipe.
Tighten all bolts to the reinforcement plate in the
sequence and torques according to Special
Tightening Torques page 11.
Install the suction strainer and pipe to the oil


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 249

22-1 Oil pump and Line

10 Clean the oil sump thoroughly. Check to see if the

oil sump rubber seal requires replacement.
Cut away excess sealant from the front crank-
shaft seal cover. Cut away excess sealant from
the timing plate and the flywheel housing. Apply
new sealant to the joints and install the oil sump
within 20 min.
11 Tighten the oil sump bolts and install the engine
mount and tighten according to Special Tighten-
ing Torques page 11.
Install new oil filters. Fill with engine oil.


250 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

22-2 Oil filter

22-2 Oil filter

Oil Pressure Sensor, Check
If you suspect that the oil pressure sensor reads incor-
rectly, check the oil pressure with an external pres-
sure sensor.

The pressure sensor is located behind the control unit;

refer to , Engine Placement.

9996398 Manometer
9998493 Hose
9990263 Nipple
1 Check the oil pressure with an external pressure
gauge and compare values with the specification
in Technical Data page 43.
2 Remove the plug and attach 9990263 Nipple.
3 Install 9996398 Manometer.
4 Start the engine and check the oil pressure.
If the oil pressure measurement shows that the
pressure is below the minimum value as speci-
fied, continue troubleshooting by checking the oil
If the oil pressure measurement using an external
pressure sensor shows that the pressure is within
tolerance, but the engine's regular pressure sen-
sor does not, replace the pressure sensor.
5 Remove the hose and pressure gauge.
6 Install the plug with a new seal washer


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 251

22-2 Oil filter

Oil Filter Bracket, Change

1 Clean the oil filter bracket and surrounding surfa-
2 Remove the front oil pipe (1) located between the
oil cooler and filter bracket. Remove the oil hose
(2) to the turbocharger.
Remove the pressure sensor connector (3).


3 Remove the rear oil pipe located between the oil

cooler and filter bracket.


252 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

22-2 Oil filter

4 Remove the oil filters.

5 Remove the bolt to the coolant drain line. Remove
the bolts on the filter bracket (7 pcs.).
Remove the bracket.
Remove the gasket.


6 Move over the parts that are to be reused to the
new bracket.


7 Thoroughly clean the engine block contact surfa-

ces for the bracket.

Sealant may absolutely not be used. The use of
sealant may result in engine breakdown.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 253

22-2 Oil filter

8 Install a new gasket and screw in the lower front

bolt a couple of turns.


9 Lift up the back edge of the sea; and suspend the

bracket from the front bolt (1). Fit a bolt (2) to the
rear end.
Install the remaining bolts and tighten them.
Install the bolt (3) to the coolant drain line.


10 Install the front and rear pipes to the oil cooler with
new seals. Install the hose to the turbocharger
with a new seal.
Install the pressure sensor connector. Clamp the
heat shield to the pressure sensor.
Install new oil filters.
Clamp the hose to the waste gate controller.
11 Replenish or change the oil.
12 Start the engine and check oil system function
and integrity.
13 Switch the engine off and check the oil level.


254 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

22-2 Oil filter

Safety Valve, Oil Pressure, Replace

9998598 Sleeve
1 Clean round the safety valve.
2 Remove the safety valve cover using
9998598 Sleeve.
3 Remove the safety valve and make sure the seal-
ing in the end comes with it. The sealing can stick
against the block and remain in the hole.
Check that there is no dirt on the valve sealing
surface on the engine block.


4 Install a new O-ring on the valve cover. Brush a

little grease on the valve sealing and press it in
place so that it is secure.


5 Install the valve half way into the cover.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 255

22-2 Oil filter

6 Guide the valve into the engine block and fasten

the cover. The cover should be easy to screw
down all the way until the O-rings bottom.
Tighten according to Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.
7 Start the engine and check that no oil leakage is


Bypass Valve, Oil Filter Bypass,

1 Remove the oil filter bracket (refer to Oil Filter
Bracket, Change page 252) in order to gain
access to the overflow valve.


2 Remove the overflow valve plug.

Remove the seal washer, spring and valve body
and replace with new parts.
Clean the oil channels and check the seal seat in
the bracket.
Install the valve body with the spring and the plug
with the seal washer.
3 Install the oil filter bracket with a new seal; refer
to Oil Filter Bracket, Change page 252.

P0010342 No sealant may be used. The use of sealant may
result in engine breakdown.

256 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

22-3 Oil cooler

22-3 Oil cooler

Oil Cooler, Replace
Coolant drained.

1 Remove the pipe between the air cleaner and the


2 Remove the heat shield.


3 Remove the oil pipe to the oil cooler. Remove the

coolant drain pipe.
Remove the thermostat housing bolts. One of the
rear bolts is saved until last.
One bolt behind the water pump must remain in
place in the cover when the former is removed.
Carefully prise the cover away from the engine
block. Lift the cover and oil cooler away to the


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 257

22-3 Oil cooler

4 Remove the oil cooler cover plate.


5 Remove the oil cooler.


6 Remove the two seal rings.


7 Clean all sealing surfaces.


258 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

22-3 Oil cooler

8 Check the front seal against the water pump and

replace as necessary.


9 Install new seal rings on the oil cooler.


10 Install the oil cooler.


11 Install the oil cooler plate.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 259

22-3 Oil cooler

12 Check the cover seal. If it needs to be replaced,

Clean the groove for the seal thoroughly. Apply a
thin bead of sealant 1161771 in the groove, max
20 min. before the cover is installed. Spread out
the sealant with a finger so that only a thin layer
is in the groove.
Press the new seal into the groove. Make sure the
seal's flat surface reaches the bottom of the

13 Install bolt (1) which will end up behind the water

pump in the cover. Lift the cover into place. Install
a bolt (2) in the oval hole.
14 Press the cover forward and install another bolt.
Install the remaining bolts and tighten them
according to the chart in Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.


15 Install the oil pipes with new seals and tighten

them. install the coolant drain pipe.
16 Fill the cooling system, pressure test and check
integrity; refer to Cooling System, Pressure Test-
ing page 127.


17 Install the heat shield.

18 Install the pipe between the turbocharger and the
air cleaner. Check the engine oil level and top up
if necessary.


260 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

22-3 Oil cooler

Thermostat Oil Cooler, Change

1 Clean the surface around the thermostat.


2 Remove the thermostat housing bolts. Remove

the thermostat and O-ring.


3 Check that there is no dirt in the oil ducts.

Clean the O-ring groove.
4 Install a new O-ring in the groove. Install a new
Tighten the bolts.
5 Start the engine and check that no oil leakage is


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 261

23-0 Fuel System, General

23-0 Fuel System, General

Fuel system, bleeding
1 Check that there is sufficient fuel in the tank, and
that any fuel taps are open.
2 Twist the hand pump free from the fuel filter


3 Open the nipple on the front fuel connection. Con-

nect a drain hose.
4 Purge the fuel system by pumping with the hand
pump until fuel flows. Close the nipple and secure
the hand pump.
5 Start the engine and allow it to idle fast for about
10 minutes.
6 Perform a leakage and function check.


262 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-0 Fuel System, General

Draining, Fuel Duct in Cylinder Head

Make sure that dirt does not enter the fuel channels
and hoses.
1 Clean around the fuel connections at the cylinder
head rear end.
2 Remove the purging hose screw.
Remove the two clamps.


3 Remove the fuel supply line on the engine topside

(coming from the filter bracket).
Remove the two clamps

NOTICE! Do not remove the lower union at the

filter bracket.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 263

23-0 Fuel System, General

4 Allow the hoses to hang into a receptacle.


Take great care to ensure that dirt does not enter
the fuel channel.
Use a suitable hose and blow the fuel through the
fuel channel in the cylinder head, so that it runs
out into the receptacle.
6 NOTICE! If a compression test must be carried
out, do not connect the fuel lines until the test has
been completed. Otherwise the cylinder head fuel
channels will fill with fuel again.
7 When installing the fuel hoses, use new seals.

264 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-3 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter

23-3 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter

Fuel Feed Pressure, Check
9990124 Nipple
9996666 Nipple
9998339 Manometer
1 Install tool:
1 9998339 Manometer
2 9996666 Nipple
3 9990124 Nipple
2 Check that the fuel feed pressure is according to
specifications: Refer to Engine, Gen-
eral page 29.
3 Remove the tool.
Install new fuel line seals.


Fuel Filter Bracket, Change

Take great care to keep fuel system unions clean.
Even minimal amounts of dirt can cause engine break-

1 Switch off battery power.
2 Thoroughly clean the fuel filter bracket, fuel hoses
and unions, and the area around the bracket.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 265

23-3 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter

3 Drain the pre-filter and water separator. Remove

both fuel filters.
Remove the electrical connectors to the pressure
sensor and water sensor.


4 Remove the return fuel line from the bracket.

Remove the pump supply line from the bracket.


5 Remove the inlet line to the bracket. Remove the

pump line from the bracket. Remove the bracket's
rear attachment bolt.
Retain the rubber bushing located behind the
bracket. Remove the supply line banjo bolt.


266 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-3 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter

6 Remove the two remaining bracket bolts. Retain

the rubber bushings located behind the bracket.
Lift away the bracket.


7 Move over any parts that are to be reused to the
new bracket.


8 Install two retaining bolts and the rubber bushings

to the bracket (the lower one and the front one).


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 267

23-3 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter

9 Install and tighten the supply line banjo bolt with

new seals. Install the rubber bushing and the
bracket's rear bolt.


10 Install the upper fuel lines with new seals.


11 Install new fuel filters and connect the connector.

Vent the fuel system. Start the engine and check
fuel system integrity.


268 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-3 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter

Fuel Feed Pump, Change

1 Clean the fuel pump and fuel lines, and the fuel
pump drive device
2 Position a collection container underneath the
pump. Undo the fuel lines at the pump and allow
the fuel to run out into the container.
Remove the bolts that attach the entire unit to the
3 Lift away the pump ad drive.


4 Remove the bolts that attach the pump to the

drive device. Remove the pump.


5 Retain the intermediate section to the drive.

Check that the drive bearings feel serviceable
and that the gearwheel is not damaged.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 269

23-3 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter

6 Install a new O-ring for the pump.
Install the intermediate section.


7 Install the new pump. Turn the gearwheel so that

the intermediate piece fits against the pump and
tighten the pump bolts; refer to General Tighten-
ing Torques page 10.


8 Clean the sealing surfaces and install a new O-

ring on the drive unit.


9 Clean the engine sealing surface.


270 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-3 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter

10 Install the fuel pump on the engine by aligning the

gearwheel into the timing and then tighten the
Install the fuel lines with new seals
11 Vent the fuel system; refer to Fuel system, bleed-
ing page 262.
12 Start the engine and check fuel system integrity.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 271

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

Unit Injector, Replace
9988539 Compression meter
9990006 Puller
9990013 Slide hammer
9990185 Lifting tool
9998248 Adapter
9998249 Protective sleeve
9998251 Protection plug
9998599 Cleaning kit

The tool kit 9998599 Cleaning kit includes:

– 9808570 Brush
– 9808616 Extender
– 9998580 Protective sleeve

For valves and unit injector adjustment; refer to Valves

and Unit Injectors, Adjustment page 198.

1 Remove the ventilation pipe and valve cover.
2 Undo the connectors to the unit injectors and oil


3 Remove the EGR rocker arm springs.

NOTICE! Do not drop the bolts into the timing



272 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

4 Remove the rocker arm lubrication valve and oil

Undo the rocker arm bridge bolts in stages, equal
amounts each time, to avoid bending the rocker


5 Install 9990185 Lifting tool and adjust the holes

for the rocker arms (to keep the rocker arms
together for each cylinder). The higher holders
must be used
Lift the rocker arm bridge away. Make sure the
pistons in the exhaust rocker arms and the
adjuster screw ball do not fall out.


6 Mark and remove the valve yokes.

7 Empty the cylinder head fuel channels; refer to
Draining, Fuel Duct in Cylinder Head page 263.
8 Remove the bolts for the unit injector retaining



P0010035 2

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 273

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

9 Rock a unit injector loose using 9990006 Puller

9990013 and 9990013 Slide hammer.
Check that the seal washer (steel washer) comes
out with the injector. If it is still in the copper
sleeve, remove it using 885822 Magnetic pen.

9990006 IMPORTANT!
The seal washer must always be replaced when
installing an injector.


10 Put the injector in 9998249 Protective sleeve.

999 8249


11 Insert 9998251 Protection plug in the cylinder

999 8251
Clean the copper sleeves thoroughly with the aid
of 9998599 Cleaning kit.


274 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

9990156 Adapter
9996400 Slide hammer
9990185 Lifting tool
3883671 Protective sleeve
3883672 Protective sleeve
12 Remove the protective plug for one unit injector
(where necessary use 9990156 Adapter and
9996400 Slide hammer).




13 Remove the injector from the protective sleeve.

Replace the unit injector O-rings (use
3883671 Protective sleeve and 3883672 Protec-
tive sleeve) and install a new steel washer on the
injector sealing surface.

The steel washer must be replaced every time an
injector is installed.
Install the injector and injector yoke. Turn the
injector so that the wiring connections are exactly
opposite the valve springs.
Install the retaining bolt and tighten according to
Special Tightening Torques page 11.
14 Install the remaining injectors the same way.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 275

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

15 Put the valve yoke back in accordance with the

previous marking.



P0010035 2

16 Lubricate the valve yokes and the unit injector ball

Lift the rocker arm bridge into place. Guide all
rocker arms so they arrive in the correct positions.
Make sure that the exhaust rocker arm pistons
and the adjuster screw balls are in place.
Remove the lifting tool from the rocker arm
bridge. Install the rocker arm shaft bolts. Check
that the valve calipers are positioned correctly on
the valve stem.
Tighten the bolts alternately so that the rocker
arm shaft is not bent. Make sure the shaft guides
the locator sleeves on the bearing caps.
Tighten the bolts; refer to Special Tightening Tor-
ques page 11.
17 Install the EGR rocker arm springs. Make sure the
springs are positioned correctly on the rocker arm
ball tappet, but do not tighten the bolts (the bolts
are tightened after valve adjustment).


276 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

18 Install the valve and rocker arm lubrication oil pipe

with new seals.
19 Adjust the valves and unit injectors; refer to
Valves and Unit Injectors, Adjustment page 198.


20 Install the connectors to the unit injectors and oil

valve. Clamp the wire harness under the valve
cover with original cable ties (heat and oil resist-


21 Install the valve cover. Replace gasket as neces-

17 sary. Tighten according to Special Tightening
13 12 11 10 1 15 16 18
Torques page 11.

19 22 Vent the fuel system; refer to Fuel system, bleed-

ing page 262.


9 8 7 6 2 3 4 5 20

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 277

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

Copper sleeve for unit injector,

Unit injector removed; refer to Unit Injector,
Replace page 272.

1159794 Torque wrench
9986173 Puller
9996049 Draining hose
9998250 Sealing ring
9998251 Protection plug
9998580 Protective sleeve
9998599 Cleaning kit
88800196 Drift
88800387 Puller

Working with the fuel system requests special cleanli-
1 Drain the coolant with the aid of a hose, tool
9996049 Draining hose; refer to Draining the
Cooling System page 337.
2 If necessary, remove tool 9998251 Protection


3 Clean carefully round the sleeve.

Install 2 seal rings, tool 9998250 Sealing ring, to
prevent dirt from getting into the fuel ducts when
the copper sleeve is removed.


278 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

4 The puller marking (A) should be visible when the

support ring (2) is fitted. If the marking is not visi-
ble it may be difficult to remove the sleeve.

Press the puller (1) down to the sleeve bottom.

Refer to the arrow marking.
Install the support ring (2).

- 9998250 Sealing ring, 2 pcs (3)
- Expander (4)
- Sleeve (5)
- Nut (6)
5 Press 88800387 Puller to the bottom of the
Tighten the nut (1) sufficiently hard to hold the
puller in place; apply moderate force and use the
P0019122 tool as a counterhold.

6 Fit 9986173 Puller.

Screw down until the puller lugs meet the support


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 279

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

7 Screw until the sleeve releases and the puller and

sleeve can be removed.

NOTICE! A misshapen sleeve can be difficult to

remove. If this is the case, remove the puller and
find a new grip for the expander. Install the sup-
port ring and make a new attempt.


8 Use cleaning kit, tool 9998599 Cleaning kit and a

power drill before fitting the new copper sleeve.
Install tool 9998580 Protective sleeve in the injec-
tor hole and secure it with a holder.

Tool 9998580 Protective sleeve must be used to
prevent dirt from getting into the fuel duct.
9 Clean the cylinder head walls for the copper
sleeve with part no. 9808618.

10 Clean the copper sleeve seat using brush no.

9808614 together with the handle and holders.


280 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

11 Clean the cylinder head hole with brush no.

999 8580 9808617.

980 8617 12 Remove tool 9998580 Protective sleeve. Make

sure the O-ring is removed.
13 Check that the piston is at bottom dead center.

This must be done so that tool no. 9998688 does
not damage the piston due to its length.


14 Always use the new version copper sleeve with

two grooves at the upper edge, when replacing.

The steel gasket supplied with the new copper
sleeve must be used when installing the unit injec-
Lubricate the O-ring on the copper sleeve with
soapy water.

Always use a new O-ring.


15 Fit the copper sleeve to 88800196 Drift.

The steel gasket may not be used when installing
the copper sleeve. It may only be used when
installing the unit injector.
Oil the pin on the tool.

NOTICE! The tool only fits the new version cop-

per sleeve.



7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 281

23-7 Injectors and Delivery Pipes

88800196 16 Fit 88800196 Drift together with the copper

sleeve to the cylinder head. Make sure the copper
sleeve bottoms in the cylinder head.
Install the unit injector yoke.
Use tool 1159794 Torque wrench to press in the
copper sleeve; torque 80 Nm (59 lbf ft).


88800196 17 Draw the tap onto 88800196 Drift through the

copper sleeve tip by holding the tap and turning
the nut.
Remove 88800196 Drift.



18 Remove 9998250 Sealing ring (2 pcs).

19 Install the unit injectors with washer; refer to Unit
Injector, Replace page 272.
20 Put the valve yoke back according to the marking.
21 Install the rocker arm bridge and check the clear-
ance of the valves and unit injectors.
22 Install the valve cover.
23 Fill up with coolant and check that no leakage
occurs. Also refer to Coolant Level, Checking and
Topping Up page 339.



282 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

23-8 Control System, ECM, Data Sets

23-8 Control System, ECM, Data Sets

Control Unit, Replace
NOTICE! Before the control unit is replaced and any
warranty claim made, all checks in the check list must
be performed, to exclude any defect in the engine con-
trol system. If the measurements of the cable harness
show defects, it is highly likely that the control unit is
fault free. Refer to the “Service Manual, EMS 2”.

Faulty individual control unit settings may result in
injury to persons or damage to the engine. For infor-
mation about reprogramming and reading of software,
refer to “Service manual, EMS 2”

Exchange of control units between engines, during
fault tracing or repair, must never be performed under
any circumstances.
1 Clean thoroughly around the control unit fuel con-
2 Disconnect power from the engine by disconnect-
ing the negative battery terminal.
3 Remove the lower part of the crankcase breather
4 Remove the upper and lower cable harness
5 Remove the control unit cable harness by moving
the connector block retaining clips outwards.
6 Remove the upper and lower fuel connections to
the cooling element; plug the fuel lines.
7 Remove the control unit retaining bolts and
remove the control unit.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 283

23-8 Control System, ECM, Data Sets

8 Transfer the cooling element to the new control

unit. Make sure that the surface between the
cooling element and the control unit is clean.
9 Install the new control unit.
10 Connect the upper and lower fuel connections to
the cooling element with new sealing washers.
11 Install the harness and clamps.
12 Install the crank case breather lower pipe.
13 Bleed the fuel system. Refer to Fuel system,
bleeding page 262.
Start the engine and check for error codes. Refer
to the “Service Manual, EMS 2”.


284 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-0 Inlet and Exhaust System, General

25-0 Inlet and Exhaust System, General

Charge Air Pipe, Leakage Check
1 Inspect the charge air pipes for visible cracks and
external damage.
2 Check that there is no oil in the charge air pipes.
If the pipes are damaged or the union seal rings
leak, the charge pressure will be too low and
engine performance will be affected. If the pipes
are contaminated with oil on the inside, this indi-
cates oil leakage in the turbocharger turbine shaft
seal. In this case, the turbocharger should be
changed as a unit.

NOTICE! If there is any oil in the charge air pipes and

charge air hoses, the charge air cooler and all pipes
and hoses in the charge air system must be cleaned
very carefully before the engine is started.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 285

25-1 Inlet and Exhaust Manifolds

25-1 Inlet and Exhaust Manifolds

Intake Manifold, Change
1 Switch off battery power to the engine.
Remove the hose between the inlet pipe and the
charge air cooler.
2 Remove the hose to the waste gate actuator.


3 Remove the connection to the engine control unit

and the wire harness clamps.
Remove the relay holder and stop button bolts.
Remove the wire harness clamp bolts.


286 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-1 Inlet and Exhaust Manifolds

4 Remove the connector to the charge air pressure

sensor and undo the cable ties. Remove the
crankcase ventilation pipe.


5 Remove the bolts for the fuel hose holders and

place the holders on the valve cover. Remove the
inlet pipe bolts and lift away the pipe.


6 Inspect and clean the sealing surfaces on the cyl-
inder head and inlet manifold.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 287

25-1 Inlet and Exhaust Manifolds

7 Install two pcs. 885519 Guide pin on the cylinder

8 If the seal on the inlet manifold needs replacing;
scrape away all of the old sealant and carefully
clean the groove for the new sealant so that no
oil or sealant residue remains.
Apply a thin bead of sealant 1161771 in the
groove max. 20 mins. before the inlet manifold is


9 Spread out the sealant with a finger so that only

a thin layer is in the groove.


10 Press the new seal into the groove. Make sure

that the seal joint arrives in the intended notch
and that the seal's flat surface reaches the bottom
of the groove.


288 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-1 Inlet and Exhaust Manifolds

11 Guide the inlet manifold on the locator pins and

fasten the manifold together with the fuel line


12 Install the crankcase ventilation pipe.

Install the connector for the charge air pressure
sensor and secure the wiring with cable ties.


13 Install the relay holder on the engine block and

bolt the wire harness to the inlet manifold. Install
the connectors to the engine control unit and the
wire harness clamps.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 289

25-1 Inlet and Exhaust Manifolds

14 Install the waste gate actuator hose.

15 Install the hose between the charge air cooler and
the inlet pipe.
16 Switch on battery power and start the engine.
17 Check inlet manifold airtight integrity.


290 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter, Mechanical Supercharger

25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter,

Mechanical Supercharger
Control valve e-EGR, change
TAD1371VE, TAD1372VE, TAD1373VE,
TAD1374VE, TAD1375VE

Turn off the main switch before any work is carried out.

1 Securely suspend the exhaust elbow and pipe
elbow (1).
Alternatively, remove them.
Undo the attachment bolts.
Remove the support bracket (2).


2 Disconnect the harness terminal.

Remove the cable ties.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 291

25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter, Mechanical Supercharger

3 If necessary, remove the control valve electrical

connection and the cable ties.


4 NOTICE! Be prepared to gather up fluid.

Unscrew the oil pipe (1).

Pull the pipe out of the EGR control valve.
Remove the oil return pipe (2).


5 NOTICE! No gasket replacement; exercise cau-


Undo the bolts a few turns and carefully tap the

valve with a plastic mallet until it loosens.
Remove the control valve.


292 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter, Mechanical Supercharger

6 NOTICE! Clean the sealing surfaces.

Check that the valve gaskets are undamaged.


7 Apply joint sealant, part # 1161929.

Install the bolts and spacers.

Torque the e-EGR control valve as follows:

Step 1: 25 Nm (18.4 lbf. ft.)
Step 2: 53 Nm (39.1 lbf. ft.)
Step 3: Loosen the bolts ≈ −90°
Step 4: 25 Nm (18.4 lbf. ft.)
Step 5: 53 Nm (39.1 lbf. ft.)


8 Connect the oil pipes (1) and (2) to the control



7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 293

25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter, Mechanical Supercharger

9 Connect and tighten the oil pipes.


10 If it was removed, connect the control valve elec-

trical connection and attach new cable ties.


11 Connect the harness terminal.

Attach new cable ties.


294 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter, Mechanical Supercharger

12 Install the support bracket.


13 Install the exhaust elbow and pipe elbow (1).

Tighten the attachment bolts (2).
Install the clamps and fasten them.
14 Turn the main switch on.
15 Check that no leakage occurs.
16 If there is exhaust leakage from the control valve,
repeat valve torque tightening steps 3-5 and carry
out follow-up checks.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 295

25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter, Mechanical Supercharger

EGR mixing chamber, change

TAD1371VE, TAD1372VE, TAD1373VE,
TAD1374VE, TAD1375VE

Turn off the main switch before any work is carried out.

NOTICE! Do not attempt to force the pipe into position

by bending, twisting or extending the bellows.

1 Remove the shutter housing; refer to: Air shutter,
change page 303
2 Undo the EGR pipe from the EGR mixer.


3 Remove the waste gate actuator hose.

4 Remove and save the nipple.


296 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter, Mechanical Supercharger

5 Remove (1) the electrical connection from the

pre-heater relay.
Remove (2) the pre-heater element cable termi-
nals from the alternator.
Remove the bolts from the EGR mixer.


6 Slide the EGR mixer and the pre-heater element

away sideways at the same angle as the EGR
Remove the gaskets.


7 NOTICE! Clean the sealing surfaces.

Install the gaskets and the pre-heater element.

Slide the EGR mixer back into position sideways
at the same angle as the EGR pipe.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 297

25-4 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter, Mechanical Supercharger

8 Install the EGR mixer bolts.

Torque the bolts diagonally in pairs in steps.

Step 1: 10 Nm (7.4 lbf. ft.)
Step 2: 24 Nm (17.7 lbf. ft.)

Fit pre-heater element connections (1) and (2).


9 Reposition the nipple and connect the waste gate

actuator hose.


10 Bolt the EGR pipe to the EGR mixer.

11 Install the shutter housing; refer to Air shutter,
change page 303.


298 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-5 Turbo and supercharger

25-5 Turbo and supercharger

Turbocharger, Inspection
1 Check that the turbocharger part number is cor-
rect for the engine variant. The wrong turbo-
charger for the engine variant might not provide
enough charge pressure, which would reduce
engine power.
2 Check that the turbocharger has the correct com-
pressor housing. If the wrong compressor hous-
ing is installed on the turbocharger, the compres-
sor wheel might have been damaged or have too
much clearance between wheel and housing. In
both cases, charge air pressure will be too low.
3 Remove the inlet manifold from the turbocharger.
4 Check the turbocharger for damage to the com-
pressor wheel and excessive end float on the tur-
bine shaft.
5 If there is any damage on the compressor wheel
or excessive end float on the turbine shaft, the
turbocharger must be changed as a unit.
6 Remove the exhaust pipe (muffler) from the tur-
bocharger and check the turbine disc.
7 Check the turbine wheel for damage. If the turbine
wheel is damaged, the turbocharger must be
changed as a unit.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 299

25-5 Turbo and supercharger

Turbo, Change
1 Remove the heat shield, if fitted.
2 Remove the pipe between the air filter and the
3 Remove the pipe between the turbocharger and
the charge air cooler.
4 Remove the exhaust pipe/muffler.


5 Remove the hose heat shield (1) and lay it to one

6 Remove the hose (2) to the waste gate actuator.
7 Remove the oil supply pipes (3) from the turbo-
8 Remove the oil supply pipe (4) and the union by
undoing the bolts beneath the turbocharger.
Pull the pipe from the engine block.


300 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-5 Turbo and supercharger

9 Remove the nuts and spacers from the turbo-

10 Lift away the turbocharger.


11 Remove the gasket and check the exhaust mani-

fold sealing surface.
Blow through the manifold and check that there is
no contamination in the pipe.
Install a new gasket on the exhaust manifold


12 Lift the turbocharger into position. Install the
spacer sleeves and nuts and fasten the turbo-
charger; refer to General Tightening Tor-
ques page 10.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 301

25-5 Turbo and supercharger

13 Replace the seals on the oil return pipe (4) and

re-install it.
14 Fill the turbocharger with new, clean engine oil
and install the oil delivery hose (3) with a new
15 Install the hose (2) to the waste gate actuator.
Move the heat shield (1) to its correct position and
clamp in place.
16 Check that the turbocharger inlet pipe is thor-
oughly clean internally before it is installed
between the air filter and turbocharger.
Check that the pipe between the turbocharger
and charge air cooler is clean internally. if there
is contamination in the pipe, the charge air cooler
also requires internal cleaning.
Install the pipe between the turbocharger and the
charge air cooler.
Install the exhaust system.
Start the engine and check that no leakage is evi-

302 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-6 Air Cleaner, Throttle Housing

25-6 Air Cleaner, Throttle Housing

Air shutter, change
TAD1371VE, TAD1372VE, TAD1373VE,
TAD1374VE, TAD1375VE

Pinch hazard. Keep fingers clear.

Turn off the main switch before any work is carried out.

1 Remove the hose between the inlet manifold and
the charge air cooler.
2 Remove the electrical connection to the shutter


3 Remove the shutter housing.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 303

25-6 Air Cleaner, Throttle Housing

4 Check that the shutter can be turned easily from

fully open to closed.

Press the shutter to the closed position and

release it. The valve is spring loaded and must
return to its default position (fully open).

NOTICE! Refer to Service handbook, Group 30

Electrical system, EATS for any fault tracing and
other unit measurements.


5 Install the shutter housing and gaskets.
6 Fit the electrical connection to the shutter hous-
7 Install the hose between the inlet manifold and
charge air cooler.
8 Turn the main switch on.


304 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Repair instructions
TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

NOTICE! Because the illustrations in the maintenance

literature are used for different engine variants, certain
details may vary compared to the actual model con-
cerned. The essential information in the illustrations is
always correct, however.

AdBlue and urea solutions cause corrosion damage.
Do not remove AdBlue hoses, urea hoses or electrical
wiring during normal service or when moving a com-
ponent. Tools that have come into contact with AdBlue
or urea solution must be cleaned.

Gloves must be changed. Take off contaminated

In the case of any contact with eyes or skin the affected
area must be thoroughly rinsed with lukewarm water.
If you breathe in any fumes, make sure you breathe
fresh air.

NOTICE! Always plug AdBlue and urea hoses in order

to avoid dirt in the AdBlue and urea system, and any
crystallization of AdBlue and urea solution.

NOTICE! Clean AdBlue hoses and the AdBlue tank

before the AdBlue hoses are removed in order to avoid
dirt in the AdBlue system.

Fluids other than a clean urea solution approved by
Volvo (DIN 70070) will cause a breakdown of the
exhaust aftertreatment system.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 305

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Electrically Heated AdBlue Hose,

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE
1 Switch off the engine

NOTICE! Wait at least two minutes before remov-

ing the AdBlue hoses so that automatic drainage
of the AdBlue system can proceed and for the
AdBlue system to de-pressurize.
2 Cut power to the engine by disconnecting the
negative battery terminal.

3 Remove the cable ties from around the AdBlue

hoses and wiring. Expose the AdBlue hose con-
nections to gain access to the latches.
Remove the AdBlue hose by pressing in the

306 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

4 Separate the AdBlue hose connector.

Protect the connector by enclosing it in a plastic
bag and moving it to one side.
5 Install the new AdBlue hose electrical connection
on the connector.
6 Install the new AdBlue hose connection.
Make sure that the connection locks securely.
Fit the insulation.
7 Install new cable ties.


8 Connect the battery negative terminal.

9 Start the engine and check that there are no
Carry out a function test.
10 Delete any fault codes.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 307

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

AdBlue Tank, Change

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

1158957 Pliers
1159794 Torque wrench
1 Switch off the engine.

NOTICE! Wait at least two minutes before remov-

ing the AdBlue hoses so that automatic drainage
of the AdBlue system can proceed and for the
AdBlue system to de-pressurize.
2 Cut power to the engine by disconnecting the
negative battery terminal.
Assemble the necessary equipment and place a
recovery container under the AdBlue tank.

NOTICE! Use protective equipment and an

approved recovery container.
3 Remove the AdBlue tank filler cap. Remove the
drain plug. Empty the AdBlue tank.

4 Remove the electrical connection from the tank

Protect the connector by enclosing it in a plastic
bag and moving it to one side.


308 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

1158957 5 Clamp hose pinch-off pliers 1158957 on each

coolant hose. Remove the coolant hoses.


6 Remove the AdBlue hoses by pressing in the


7 Install the new AdBlue tank.

8 Install the AdBlue tank.
Torque-tighten the nuts.
9 Install the electrical connection to the tank fitting.
Install the AdBlue hoses. Check that the connec-
tion locks securely.
10 Install the coolant hoses. Unclamp both hose
pinch-off pliers from the coolant hoses.
11 Install cable ties around hoses and electrical wir-
12 Install the filler cap on the new AdBlue tank.
Affix a new adhesive decal to the new AdBlue

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 309

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

13 Connect the battery negative terminal.

14 Fill with clean AdBlue solution.
Start the engine and check for any leaks.


Fluids other than clean AdBlue solution approved by
Volvo (ISO 22241–1) will cause a breakdown of the
exhaust aftertreatment system.

NOTICE! Top up with coolant as necessary.

NOTICE! Gather up equipment and surplus
AdBlue solution.

310 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

AdBlue/DEF Tank, Cleaning

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

Gloves must be changed. Take off contaminated

1 Remove the drain plug (1) from the bottom of the

tank and empty any remaining AdBlue solution
and coolant into a suitable recovery container.
Change the plug gasket and remount the plug (1).

P0013268 1

2 Remove the filler cap and undo the filler assem-


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 311

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

3 Immerse the filler cap and filler assembly in a

water bath for at least 2 minutes.

4 Undo and remove the tank fittings.

5 Check the strainer on the fittings: clean as nec-


NOTICE! Always replace a damaged strainer.

312 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

6 Flush the tank with hot water for at least 10

Make sure the AdBlue tank is completely drained
of water afterwards.


7 Reinstall the tank fittings.

8 Install the filler assembly.

9 Fill the tank with AdBlue solution; refer to Filling
AdBlue®/DEF solution. Install the filler cap.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 313

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Exhaust Temperature Sensor,

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE
1 Cut power to the engine by disconnecting the
negative battery terminal.
2 Remove the cable tie. Remove the connector.

3 Remove the temperature sensor from the

exhaust pipe.
4 Install a new temperature sensor on the exhaust
5 Install the connector. Install new cable ties.


6 Connect the battery negative terminal.

7 Start the engine. Check for leaks; check function.
8 Delete any fault codes.


314 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Dosing Module, Removal

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE
1 Cut power to the engine by disconnecting the
negative battery terminal.

Hot surfaces can cause burns.

2 Remove the cable tie from around the AdBlue

hoses and electrical wiring in order to gain access
to the dosing unit bolts.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 315

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

3 If necessary, remove the electrical connection

from the dosing unit.
Protect the connector by enclosing it in a plastic
bag and moving it to one side.

NOTICE! Do not remove AdBlue hoses or elec-

trical wiring unnecessarily.


4 If necessary, remove the AdBlue hoses and plug


NOTICE! Do not remove AdBlue hoses or elec-

trical wiring unnecessarily.

5 Remove the dosing unit bolts.

6 Remove the dosing unit from the silencer by care-
fully pulling it straight out.

316 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Dosing Module, Installation

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

1 Cut power to the engine by disconnecting the

negative battery terminal.

2 Install the dosing unit. Tighten the bolts.

3 Install the connector (only applies if it was
4 Install the AdBlue hoses (only applies if the
AdBlue hoses were removed). Check that the
connection locks securely.
5 Install cable ties around the AdBlue hoses and
electrical wiring.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 317

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

6 Connect the battery negative terminal.

7 Start the engine and check that there are no
8 Delete any fault codes.


9 NOTICE! Gather up protective equipment and

surplus AdBlue solution.


318 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

AdBlue/DEF-Pump Filter, Change

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

1159794 Torque wrench
1 Switch off the engine.

NOTICE! Wait at least two minutes before remov-

ing the AdBlue/DEF hoses so that automatic
drainage of the AdBlue/DEF system can proceed
and for the AdBlue/DEF system to de-pressurize.
2 Cut power to the engine by disconnecting the
negative battery terminal.
Assemble the necessary equipment and place a
recovery container under the pump unit.

NOTICE! Use protective equipment and an

approved recovery container.

3 Remove the heater element from the filter cover

and move the coil to one side.

NOTICE! Pull the heater element out straight.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 319

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

4 Expose the AdBlue/DEF hoses connections to

gain access to the latches. Remove the
AdBlue/DEF hose from the filter cover by press-
ing in the latches.

5 Remove the filter cover from the pump unit.

Remove the AdBlue/DEF filter.


320 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

6 Install a new seal ring in the filter cover.

Install a new AdBlue/DEF filter by tighten the filter
on to the filter cover first, and then mount the filter
cover into the filter house.
Tighten the filter cover with: 20 (+5) Nm (14 +3.68
Ibf ft)
7 Install the AdBlue/DEF hose. Make sure that the
connection locks securely.


8 Insert the heater element.

NOTICE! Make sure that the connection locks


9 Connect the battery negative terminal.

10 Start the engine and check that there are no
11 Delete any fault codes.
12 NOTICE! Gather up equipment and surplus
AdBlue/DEF solution.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 321

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Solenoid Valve, AdBlue Tank,

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

1158957 Pliers
1 Cut power to the engine by disconnecting the
negative battery terminal.

2 Clamp hose pinch-off pliers (A) 1158957 on both

coolant hoses on each side of the solenoid valves
so that coolant does not run out.

A NOTICE! The hose connections are available in

different versions.


3 Remove the electrical connection from the sole-

noid valve.
4 Remove the coolant hoses from the solenoid
5 Remove the solenoid valve retaining bolts.
Remove the solenoid valve.
6 Install the solenoid valve. Install the solenoid
valve retaining bolts.


322 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

7 Install the electrical connection.

8 Install the coolant hoses. Secure them with hose


9 Unclamp both hose pinch-off pliers (A) 1158957

from the coolant hoses.


10 Connect the battery negative terminal.

11 Start the engine and check that there are no
leaks. Wipe up spills.
Top up with coolant as necessary.
12 Check for, and delete, any fault codes.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 323

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Pressure Sensor, Change

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

88890102 Nipple
88890104 Pump
1 Install an M8 X 100 bolt with a non-locking nut in
each of the 4 holes beneath the pump. Adjust the
bolts so that the pump is held stably.


324 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

2 Clean around the pump cover.

Remove the pump cover.


3 Remove the connector and the sensor.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 325

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

4 Install the new sensor. Use soapy water on the

Do not touch the sensor! The sensor is easily
damaged so check thoroughly to ensure the pres-
sure surface is undamaged and free of defects.
Do not touch the surface either!
5 Check the cover seal; if the seal is damaged the
cover must be changed. Install the pump cover.
6 Remove all M8 X 100 bolts.


7 Remove the valve underneath the pump.


8 Install pressure test nipple A = 88890102. Pres-

sure test using B = 88890104 to 0.2–0.3 bar
Spray soapy water around the cover and the
valve connections that protrude from the housing
and check for any leaks.
9 Remove the pressure test tool and install a new


326 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Pump Unit, Change

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

1 + 1 = OK
1 1

2 + 2 = OK

1 + 2 = OK

2 2 2 + 1 = OK
The dosing unit and pump unit are available in differ-
ent versions.
Before changing, check that any component markings
correspond to one another.

Make sure that the new pump is intended for the
engine concerned. Check the part number underneath
the pump.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 327

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

1 Switch off the engine.

NOTICE! Wait at least two minutes before remov-

ing the AdBlue hoses so that automatic drainage
of the AdBlue system can proceed and for the
AdBlue system to de-pressurize.
2 Cut power to the engine by disconnecting the
negative battery terminal.
Assemble the necessary equipment and place a
recovery container under the pump unit.

NOTICE! Use protective equipment and an

approved recovery container.

3 Remove the cable ties from around the AdBlue

hoses and wiring.

4 Mark the hose so that they cannot be transposed.




328 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

5 Remove the heater element from the filter.

NOTICE! Pull the heater element out straight.


6 Expose the AdBlue hose connections to gain

access to the lock catches. Remove the AdBlue
hoses from the pump unit by pressing in the lock


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 329

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

7 Wipe the electrical connections dry using a rag or

paper. Remove the clamp. Remove the electrical
connection from the pump unit. Protect the con-
nector by enclosing it in a plastic bag and moving
it to one side.


8 Place a protective cover on the pump unit con-

9 Remove the pump unit bolts. Remove the pump
unit from the bracket.


330 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

10 Transfer the plugs from the old pump unit to the

new one.

NOTICE! It is extremely important that the inlet

and outlet connections be plugged.
11 Install the new pump unit on the bracket; tighten
the bolts.

NOTICE! Allow the protective cover to remain to

protect the connectors.
12 Remove the protective cover. Connect the elec-
trical connectors. Install a new drive clamp.


13 Install the AdBlue hoses on the pump unit accord-

ing to the markings. Check that the connection
locks securely.
14 Install cable ties around the AdBlue hoses and
electrical wiring.



15 Insert the heater element into the filter cover.

Make sure that the connection locks securely.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 331

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

16 Connect the battery negative terminal.

17 Program the new pump unit with the aid of
18 Start the engine and check that there are no
leaks. Carry out a function test.
19 Delete any fault codes.
NOTICE! Gather up equipment and surplus
AdBlue solution.


332 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Combined Tank Unit, AdBlue Tank,

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE
1 Remove the tank fitting by turning it 1/4 turn coun-
ter clockwise. Lift the tank fitting out carefully.
Empty the remaining AdBlue solution and cool-

NOTICE! Use protective equipment and an

approved recovery container.
2 Install a new seal ring in the tank fitting. Install the
new tank fitting in the AdBlue tank by twisting it
1/4 turn clockwise.
NOTICE! Gather up protective equipment and
surplus AdBlue solution.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 333

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

Temperature Sensor, Change

TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

88890102 Nipple
88890104 Pump
1 Install an M8 X 100 bolt with a non-locking nut in
each of the 4 holes beneath the pump.
Adjust the bolts so that the pump is held stably.


334 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

2 Clean around the pump cover. Remove the pump



3 Remove the connector and the sensor.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 335

25-8 Emission After-Treatment

4 Install the new sensor. Use soapy water on the

Do not touch the sensor! The sensor is easily
damaged so check thoroughly to ensure the pres-
sure surface is undamaged and free of defects.
Do not touch the surface either!
5 Check the cover seal; if the seal is damaged the
cover must be changed.
6 Remove all M8 X 100 bolts.


7 Remove the valve underneath the pump.


8 Install pressure test nipple A = 88890102. Pres-

sure test using B = 88890104 to 0.2–0.3 bar.
Check for any leaks by spraying soapy water
around the cover and valve connections that pro-
trude from the housing.
9 Remove the pressure test tool and install a new


336 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-0 Cooling System, General

26-0 Cooling System, General

Draining the Cooling System
Do not open the coolant filler cap when the engine is
warm, except in emergencies, this could cause serious
personal injury. Steam or hot fluid could spray out.

On engines which are to be laid up or put in storage,
the engine cooling system must not be drained. The
coolant contains corrosion-inhibiting additives.

9996049 Draining hose

NOTICE! Do not open the pressure cap (2).

1 Remove the filler cap (1).

2 Open all drain points. Drain the coolant from the

radiator and engine block, using tool
9996049 Draining hose. The drain nipples are sit-
uated under the radiator on the right side of the
engine block.
3 Check that all coolant drains out. Deposits may
be found inside the drain plug/tap, and need to be
cleared away. There is otherwise a risk that cool-
ant could remain and cause frost damage. Check
whether the installation has any further taps or
plugs at the lowest points of the cooling water
4 Shut any taps and check that the spring-loaded
covers on the nipples close completely. Install the
rubber plugs.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 337

26-0 Cooling System, General

Cooling System, Cleaning

All coolant is hazardous and harmful to the environ-
ment. Do not consume. Coolant is flammable.

Cooling performance is reduced by deposits in the

radiator and cooling galleries. The cooling system
should be cleaned out when the coolant is changed.

Cleaning must not be done if there is any risk of the
cooling system freezing, since the cleaning solution
does not have antifreeze properties.

It is extremely important that the correct concentration
and volume of coolant is added to the system. Mix in a
separate clean vessel before filling the cooling system.
Make sure that the liquids mix.
1 Drain the cooling system. Refer to Draining the
Cooling System page 337.
2 Put a hose into the expansion tank filling hole and
flush with clean water, according to specifications
in Technical Data page 47, until the water drain-
ing out is completely clear.
3 Should there still be some contamination left after
flushing for a long time, cleaning may be done
with coolant. Otherwise, continue as in stage 8
4 Fill the cooling system with 15-20% mixture of
concentrated coolant. Use only Volvo Penta rec-
ommended concentrated coolant mixed with
clean water.
5 Drain the coolant after 1–2 days of operation.
Remove the filler cap and the lower radiator hose
if necessary to increase emptying speed.
To prevent suspended material from settling back
in the system, emptying should be done rapidly,
within 10 minutes, without the engine having
been at a standstill for a long time.
6 Flush the system immediately and thoroughly
with clean hot water to prevent dirt from settling
on the inner surfaces. Flush until the water run-
ning out is completely clean. Make sure that any
heater controls are set to full heating during emp-
7 Should contamination still remain after a long
period of flushing, a clean-out may be done using
Volvo Penta radiator cleaner, followed by treat-
ment with Volvo Penta neutralizer. Carefully fol-
low the instructions on the package. Otherwise,
continue as in stage 8 below.
8 When the cooling system is completely free from
contamination, close the drain taps and plugs.
9 Refill with new, Volvo Penta-recommended cool-
ing fluid. Refer to Technical Data page 47 and

338 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-0 Cooling System, General

Coolant Level, Checking and Topping

Up page 339.

Coolant Level, Checking and

Topping Up
Do not open the coolant filler cap when the engine is
warm, except in emergencies, this could cause serious
personal injury. Steam or hot fluid could spray out.

Filling of coolant must be performed with the engine
stopped. Fill slowly, to allow air to flow out.

Coolant Level, Checking and Topping Up

Only use the coolant recommended by Volvo Penta.
1 NOTICE! Open only the filler cap (1). Do not open
the pressure cap (2).
2 Check that the coolant level is above the MIN
mark on the expansion tank.
3 Top up with coolant as required, so that the level
is between the MIN and MAX marks.

Filling a completely empty system

NOTICE! Mix the correct amount of coolant in
advance, to ensure that the cooling system is com-
pletely filled. Refer to Technical Data page 47 for the
correct coolant volume.

Do not start the engine until the system is vented and
completely filled.
1 Check that all drain points are closed.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 339

26-0 Cooling System, General

2 Open the filler cap (1). Do not open the pressure

cap (2).
3 Fill up with coolant, so that the level is between
the MIN and MAX marks.
4 Start the engine when the cooling system has
been completely filled and vented. Open any
venting taps a short while after starting, to allow
trapped air to escape.
If a heating unit is connected to the engine cooling
system, the heat control valve should be opened
and the installation vented during filling.
5 Stop the engine after about an hour and check
the coolant level. Top up as necessary.

Cooling System, Pressure Testing

Alternative 1

Do not open the coolant filler cap when the engine is
warm. Steam or hot fluid could spray out, causing
severe burns.

3849613 Pressure testing kit
1 Check that all hoses and clamps are undamaged
and intact.
2 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
3 Replace the filler cap on the expansion tank with
a suitable cover from 3849613 Pressure testing
4 Connect the pump and pump up a pressure of 70
kPa (0.7 bar).
5 Pressure must not drop for a two minute test
period, for the cooling system to be regarded as
being free from leakage.
6 Release the excess pressure and remove the
pressure testing unit.
7 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
Install the regular filler cap.
8 Start the engine and check that no leakage

Alternative 2

Do not open the coolant filler cap when the engine is
warm. Steam or hot fluid could spray out, causing
severe burns.

9996441 Cover, with connecting nipple
9996662 Pressure testing kit

340 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-0 Cooling System, General

1 Check that all hoses and clamps are undamaged

and intact.
2 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
3 Replace the filler cap with 9996441 Cover, with
connecting nipple. Connect 9996662 Pressure
testing kit to the cap. Connect compressed air to
the equipment and open the cock. Adjust the
pressure to 70 kPa (0.7 bar) with the adjuster
knob. Then close the tap.
4 Pressure must not drop for a two minute test
period, for the cooling system to be regarded as
being free from leakage.
5 Release the excess pressure and remove the
pressure testing unit.
6 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
Install the regular filler cap.
7 Start the engine and check that no leakage

Alternative 3

Do not open the coolant filler cap when the engine is
warm. Steam or hot fluid could spray out, causing
severe burns.

9996662 Pressure testing kit
9996049 Draining hose
1 Check that all hoses and clamps are undamaged
and intact.
2 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
3 Connect 9996662 Pressure testing kit to
9996049 Draining hose and close the cock. Con-
nect the hose to the engine drain valve (1).
Open the cock and adjust the pressure to 70 kPa
(0.7 bar) with the adjuster knob. Then close the
4 Pressure must not drop for a two minute test
period, for the cooling system to be regarded as
being free from leakage.
1 5 Open the cock and increase the pressure until the
filler cap opens (must correspond to opening
pressure according to Technical Data page 47).
Reduce the pressure to 50 kPa (0.5 bar) and then
increase to 70 kPa (0.7 bar) and check that pres-
sure is maintained.

6 Remove the compressed air connection. Open
the control valve so that the pressure drops and
shut the cock when coolant runs into the drain
Remove the drain hose from the engine. Then
remove the drain hose from the test equipment
and empty the coolant from the hose.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 341

26-0 Cooling System, General

Re-install the rubber plug in the engine drain

7 Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.
8 Start the engine and check that no leakage

342 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

Coolant Pump, Change
9996049 Draining hose

1 Drain the coolant: Refer to Draining the Cooling
System page 337.
2 Remove the right belt guard. Refer to Belt
Protector page 360.
3 Wind off the belt. Refer to Drive Belts page 354.
4 Remove the three bolts to the automatic belt ten-


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 343

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

5 Remove the six bolts to the coolant pump.

Remove the coolant pump.


6 Clean and check the sealing surfaces.
7 Where necessary, transfer the belt pulley to the
new pump.
8 Install a new rubber gasket.


344 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

9 Install the pump and the six bolts.


10 Check the idler and tensioner pulleys on the auto-

matic belt tensioner.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 345

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

11 Install the automatic belt tensioner.

NOTICE! Make sure the key engages in the key-


Tighten the bolts.

12 Wind on the belt. Refer to Drive Belts page 354.
13 Install the right belt guard. Refer to Belt
Protector page 360.


346 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

Thermostat, Change
TAD1340VE, TAD1341GE, TAD1341VE,
TAD1342GE, TAD1342VE, TAD1343GE,
TAD1343VE, TAD1344GE, TAD1344VE,
TAD1345GE, TAD1345VE, TAD1350GE,
TAD1350VE, TAD1351GE, TAD1352GE,
TAD1353GE, TAD1354GE, TAD1355GE,
TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1362VE,
TAD1363VE, TAD1364VE, TAD1365VE

9996049 Draining hose

1 Drain the cooling system; refer to Draining the
Cooling System page 337.
Drain off coolant sufficient for its level to drop
below the thermostat housing.
2 Remove the upper belt guard; refer to Belt
Protector page 360.
3 Remove the thermostat housing cover.


4 Remove the thermostat.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 347

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

5 Clean and inspect the mating surfaces for both
the thermostat and the thermostat housing cover.


6 Install the new thermostat and a new gasket.


7 Install the thermostat housing cover and the bolts.

8 Install the upper belt guard: Refer to Belt
Protector page 360.

Ensure that engine wiring is not pinched.
9 Refill with new coolant; refer to Coolant Level,
Checking and Topping Up page 339.
10 Start the engine and check for leaks. Pressurize
the cooling system; refer to Cooling System,
Pressure Testing page 127.


348 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

Thermostat, Change
TAD1371VE, TAD1372VE, TAD1373VE,
TAD1374VE, TAD1375VE

1 Drain the cooling system according to Draining
the Cooling System page 337.
2 Remove the right upper belt guard; refer to Belt
Protector page 360.
3 Remove the radiator hose from the thermostat
4 Remove the hose (1) between the expansion tank
and the expansion tank pipe (2).
Remove the fan ring and expansion tank pipe (2)
Remove the pipe and the fan ring attachment bar


5 Remove the EGR pipe between the control valve

and the EGR mixer.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 349

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

6 Remove the EGR pipe heat shield.


7 Remove the cable tie.

Undo the harness terminal (1) bracket.
Undo the wastegate valve (2).
Remove the thermostat housing cover.


8 Remove the EGR pipe bracket.


350 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

9 Remove the thermostat.


10 NOTICE! Clean the sealing surfaces.

Clean the mating surfaces for the thermostat,

EGR pipe bracket and the thermostat housing.


11 Install the new thermostat and a new gasket.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 351

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

12 Align the EGR pipe bracket with the thermostat.


13 Suspend the bracket by the upper bolts.

Install the thermostat housing cover gasket.


14 Install the thermostat housing cover and the bolts.

Install the harness terminal (1) bracket.
Install the wastegate valve (2).
Secure it using a new cable tie.


352 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

15 Install the EGR pipe heat shield.


16 Install the EGR pipe between the control valve

and the EGR mixer.


17 Install the pipe and the fan ring attachment bar

Bolt on the fan ring and install the expansion tank
pipe (2).
Install the hose (1) between the expansion tank
and the expansion tank pipe (2).
18 Fit the radiator hose from the thermostat housing
and tighten.
19 Install the right upper belt guard; refer to Belt
Protector page 360.
20 Fill with coolant; refer to Coolant Level, Checking
and Topping Up page 339.
21 Check that no leakage occurs.
Pressure test the cooling system; refer to Cooling
System, Pressure Testing page 127.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 353

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

Drive Belts
Right belt guard removed; refer to Belt
Protector page 360.

1 Lift the lever.

Pinch hazard. Keep fingers clear.

Wind off the belt.


354 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

1 Check the belt tensioner pulleys.


2 Lift the lever.

Pinch hazard. Keep fingers clear.

Wind on the belt.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 355

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

Belt Tensioner, Change

Right belt guard removed; refer to Belt
Protector page 360.

Drive belt removed; refer to Drive Belts page 354.

1 Undo the three bolts that retain the belt tensioner
and return wheel. Remove the unit.
2 Unbolt the return wheel or tensioner, or replace
the complete unit.


3 Install the tensioner complete with attachment.
Align the guide pin on the attachment to the instal-
lation hole and tighten the bolts.
Check the condition of the drive belts.
4 Re-install the belts; refer to Drive
Belts page 354.


356 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

Thermostat, Function Check

Remove the thermostat, see Thermostat,
Change page 347.
1 Place the thermostat in a big pot with water and
heat it to the opening temperature as specified in
Engine, General page 29.


Closed thermostat.

2 If the thermostat does not open at specified tem-

perature, it should be replaced.
3 Install the thermostat, see Thermostat,
Change page 347.

NOTICE! Always use a new seal, even if the ther-

mostat is not replaced.


Open thermostat.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 357

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

Coolant Filter, Change

9999179 Extractor oil filter

NOTICE! The coolant filter must be replaced at the

prescribed intervals.
Failure to follow these intervals may result in signifi-
cantly reduced engine life. In respect of engine work
requiring more than five liters of new coolant to be
added, a new coolant filter must always be installed.

1 Shut the filter housing tap.
2 Clean around the filter and remove it with the aid
of tool 9999179 Extractor oil filter.


Closed tap.

358 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-2 Coolant Pump, Thermostat

3 Lubricate the filter gasket with petroleum jelly or
soapy water. Install the new filter.
Screw the filter down until the gasket touches the
sealing surface. Then tighten a further ½ turn.
4 Open the tap on the filter housing.
5 Start the engine and check for leaks.


Open tap.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 359

26-3 Fan, Fan Shroud

26-3 Fan, Fan Shroud

Belt Protector
Right belt guard
1 Removal: Undo and remove the bolts. Remove
the guard.
2 Installation: Install the guard and the bolts.
Tighten the bolts.

Never lay the fan down. Oil will run out that cannot
run back, which will result in the fan seizing.


360 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

26-3 Fan, Fan Shroud

Left belt guard

1 Removal: Undo and remove the bolts. Remove
the guard.
2 Installation: Install the guard and the bolts.
Tighten the bolts.

Never lay the fan down. Oil will run out that cannot
run back, which will result in the fan seizing.


Upper belt guard

1 Removal: Undo and remove the bolts. Remove
the guard.
2 Installation: Install the guard and the bolts.
Tighten the bolts.

Never lay the fan down. Oil will run out that cannot
run back, which will result in the fan seizing.


7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 361

32-1 Alternator

32-1 Alternator
Alternator Belt, Change
Left belt guard removed; refer to Belt Protec-
tor page 360.

Coolant pump belt removed; refer to Drive

Belts page 354.

1 Depress the lever.

Pinch hazard. Keep fingers clear.

Wind off the belt.


1 Check the belt tensioner pulleys.


362 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

32-1 Alternator

2 Depress the lever.

Pinch hazard. Keep fingers clear.

Wind on the belt.


Belt Tensioner, Change

Left belt guard removed; refer to Belt Protec-
tor page 360.

Coolant pump belt removed; refer to Drive

Belts page 354.

Alternator belt removed; refer to Alternator Belt,

Change page 362.

1 Remove the tensioner retaining bolt and remove
the tensioner.


2 Install the tensioner. Align the guide pin on the
attachment with the installation hole and tighten
the bolts.
Check the condition of the drive belts.
3 Install the alternator belt; refer to Alternator Belt,
Change page 362.
4 Check that the belt is correctly positioned on the
belt pulleys.

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 363

Alphabetical index
A Draining the Cooling System.................................. 337
About this Workshop manual..................................... 3 Draining, Fuel Duct in Cylinder Head..................... 263
AdBlue Tank, Change............................................ 308 Drive Belts.............................................................. 354
AdBlue/DEF Tank, Cleaning.................................. 311 E
AdBlue/DEF-Pump Filter, Change......................... 319 EGR mixing chamber, change............................... 296
Air Cleaner, Throttle Housing................................. 303 Electrically Heated AdBlue Hose, Change............. 306
Air shutter, change................................................. 303 Emission After-Treatment....................................... 305
Alternator................................................................ 362 Emission Aftertreatment System............................ 102
Alternator Belt, Change.......................................... 362 Emission Control, Catalytic Converter,
B Mechanical Supercharger...................................... 291
Belt Protector.......................................................... 360 Engine............................................................. 30, 0
Belt Tensioner, Change.................................. 356, 363 Engine Assembly.................................................... 159
Bypass Valve, Oil Filter Bypass, Replace.............. 256 Engine body............................................................. 30
Engine Complete, General..................................... 135
C Engine control system............................................ 120
Camshaft and valve mechanism.............................. 74 Engine Disassembly............................................... 143
Camshaft Bearing Housing, Replace..................... 226 Engine Fixture, Removal........................................ 141
Camshaft, Wear Check.......................................... 225 Engine Information, General.................................... 63
Charge Air Pipe, Leakage Check................... 131, 285 Engine Transmission.......................................... 37, 81
Charge Pressure, Troubleshooting........................ 129 Engine, General....................................................... 29
Circuit description................................................... 137 Exhaust Temperature Sensor, Change.................. 314
Combined Tank Unit, AdBlue Tank, Change......... 333 Exposing................................................................. 135
Common Interference Causes............................... 123 Exposing the Engine.............................................. 135
Component identification........................................ 104
Compression Test.................................................. 124 F
Connecting Rod Bushing, Check up...................... 197 Fan............................................................................. 9
Connecting Rod, Check......................................... 197 Fan, Fan Shroud.................................................... 360
Control System, ECM, Data Sets........................... 283 Fitting the Fixture.................................................... 139
Control Unit, Replace............................................. 283 Flywheel, Indication................................................ 226
Control valve............................................................ 90 Fuel Feed Pressure, Check............................ 127, 265
Control valve e-EGR, change................................. 291 Fuel Feed Pump and Filter..................................... 265
Coolant Filter, Change........................................... 358 Fuel Feed Pump, Change...................................... 269
Coolant Level, Checking and Topping Up.............. 339 Fuel feed system, principle....................................... 94
Coolant Pump, Change.......................................... 343 Fuel Filter Bracket, Change.................................... 265
Coolant Pump, Thermostat.................................... 343 Fuel System.................................................... 45, 0
Cooling System............................................... 47, 0 Fuel system, bleeding............................................ 262
Cooling System, General....................................... 337 Fuel System, General............................................. 262
Cooling System, Pressure Testing................. 127, 340 G
Copper sleeve for unit injector, replace.................. 278 Gear Ring, Fywheel: Replace................................ 227
Crank Mechanism............................................ 39, 230 General.............................................................. 3, 0
Crankcase ventilation............................................. 100 General Tightening Torques..................................... 10
Crankshaft Seal, Change (front)............................. 230 Group 21: Engine............................................... 11, 63
Crankshaft Seal, Change (rear)............................. 238 Group 22: Lubrication System............................ 20, 84
Crankshaft, Inspection............................................ 243 Group 23: Fuel System...................................... 23, 93
Crankshaft, Installation........................................... 159 Group 25: Inlet and Exhaust System.................. 26, 98
Crankshaft, Removal.............................................. 156 Group 26: Cooling System............................... 28, 118
Crankshaft, vibration damper, flywheel.................... 79 I
Cylinder Head......................................................... 174 Illustrations................................................................. 6
Cylinder head, guides to cylinder block.................... 72 Injectors and Delivery Pipes................................... 272
Cylinder Head, Installation..................................... 183 Inlet and Exhaust Manifolds................................... 286
Cylinder Head, Removal........................................ 174 Inlet and Exhaust System................................ 46, 0
Cylinder Liner and Pistons, Inspection................... 196 Inlet and Exhaust System, General........................ 285
Cylinder Liner, Installation...................................... 161 Intake Manifold, Change........................................ 286
Cylinder Liner, Pistons........................................... 196 Internal EGR............................................................. 75
Cylinder Liners, Removal....................................... 154
D Location of Sensors.................................................. 28
Design and Function................................................ 63 Lube Oil Pump, Installation.................................... 164
Dosing Module, Installation.................................... 317 Lube Oil Pump, Removal....................................... 149
Dosing Module, Removal....................................... 315

7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA 365

Lubrication Oil Pump, Change............................... 247 Valve Seats and Valve, Grinding............................ 220
Lubrication System................................................... 43 Valve Stem Sealings, Replace............................... 224
Lubrication system, principle.................................... 86 Valves and Unit Injectors, Adjustment.................... 198
M Valves, Installation................................................. 218
Main bearing, Change............................................ 244 Valves, Removal.................................................... 216
Miscellaneous............................................................. 9
Oil Cooler, Replace................................................ 257
Oil Filter Bracket, Change...................................... 252
Oil Pressure Sensor, Check................................... 251
Oil pump and Line.................................................. 247
Oil pump and oil cooler............................................. 87
Other Equipment...................................................... 62
Piston cooling system............................................... 89
Piston, cylinder lining, connecting rod...................... 73
Pistons, Installation................................................ 163
Pistons, Removal................................................... 150
Pressure Sensor, Change...................................... 324
Principle solution.................................................... 103
Pump Unit, Change................................................ 327
Repair instructions.............................................. 4, 305
Safety Instructions.................................................... 52
Safety Valve, Oil Pressure, Replace...................... 255
Sensors, Adjustment...................................... 132, 228
Solenoid Valve, AdBlue Tank, Change.................. 322
Special Service Tools............................................... 56
Special Tightening Torques...................................... 11
Specifications, Electrical........................................... 49
Specifications, Engine ............................................. 10
Steering System....................................................... 49
Technical Data................................. 30, 43, 45, 46, 47
Temperature Sensor, Change................................ 334
Test and Adjustments............................................. 124
The path of the AdBlue solution............................. 105
Thermostat Oil Cooler, Change.............................. 261
Thermostat, Change....................................... 347, 349
Thermostat, Function Check.......................... 134, 357
Timing Gear, Installation........................................ 165
Timing Gear, Removal........................................... 143
Timing Gears and Shaft......................................... 225
Troubleshooting...................................................... 121
Turbo and supercharger......................................... 299
Turbo, Change....................................................... 300
Turbocharger, Inspection............................... 131, 299
Unit Injector, Replace............................................. 272
Unit injectors............................................................. 96
Valve Guides, Inspection........................................ 212
Valve Guides, Replacing........................................ 213
Valve Mechanism................................................... 198
Valve Seat, Change............................................... 222

366 7748841 01-2014 © AB VOLVO PENTA

References to Service Bulletins

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AB Volvo Penta
Service Communication
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7748841 English 01–2014

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