Effect of Heat Treatment On The Performance of 30MnB4 Steel For Being Used As Grade 10.9 Bolt
Effect of Heat Treatment On The Performance of 30MnB4 Steel For Being Used As Grade 10.9 Bolt
Effect of Heat Treatment On The Performance of 30MnB4 Steel For Being Used As Grade 10.9 Bolt
e-ISSN: 2587-1110
Abstract: Due to technological advancements, alloy steels are now widely used in producing high-strength bolts through
various heat treatments. One of the essential features desired in bolts is their strength, as they are subject to heavy loads.
This strength is referred to as bolt quality, and interest in heat treatment methods applied to increase the strength of alloy
steels is increasing. The mechanical properties achieved from different heat treatment methods and chemical compositions
vary. This study aimed to impart the mechanical properties of grade 10.9 steel bolts onto 30MnB4 steel by applying different
heat treatments. The effects of tempering temperature on tensile strength, yield strength, elongation at break, reduction in
cross-sectional area at break, hardness, and notch impact values at -20 °C were examined by passing the prepared samples
through five different tempering processes after preheating, annealing and quenching processes. The results revealed that the
mechanical properties of grade 10.9 steel bolts were imparted to 30MnB4 steel at all tempering temperatures applied within
the scope of the study. Yield strength, tensile strength, hardness, and -20 °C notch impact values increased as tempering
temperature decreased, while elongation at break decreased. This study adds 30MnB4 steel to the literature as an alternative
material that can be used to produce grade 10.9 steel bolts. In addition, mechanical properties obtained depending on
tempering temperatures have also revealed the usability of 30MnB4 steel for different applications requiring high strength
and toughness values.
Keywords: 30MnB4 steel, Grade 10.9 steel bolt, Heat treatment, Tempering, Mechanical properties.
Corresponding author. European Mechanical Science (2023), 7(3): 172-177
Email: oguven@mersin.edu.tr https://doi.org/10.26701/ems.1311052
Received: June 7, 2023 — Accepted: July 26, 2023
Onur Guven, Yasemin Erdogan
To provide extra properties to steels, both alloying and ed that the highest wear resistance of 30MnB5 steel is
heat treatment can be used in some applications, as in achieved when the steel is quenched and tempered at 200
the case of 30MnB4 steel. B alloy in 30MnB4 steel, which °C, resulting in a hardness of 54 and 49 HRC.
is a low-alloy steel, is used to increase strength and hard-
enability [5], while Mn is used to reduce brittleness and This study evaluated whether 30MnB4 steel, a low-alloy
increase strength [6]. Low-alloy steels containing boron boron steel, can be used as bolt material in high-strength
are widely used in many industrial applications such as bolts, such as grade 10.9 steel bolts. In this context, pre-
gas and oil pipelines, construction and automotive, re- heating, annealing, oil quenching and tempering were
placing high-carbon and low-alloy steels used in sheet applied, and 5 different tempering temperatures were
and strip form due to their low cost [5]. Oruc et al. [7] performed to determine the effect of tempering on the
mentioned in their study about low carbon steel 19MnB4 mechanical properties of heat-treated 30MnB4. The ob-
that, the addition of a relatively small amount of B to steel tained results were evaluated taking into account the me-
produces an equivalent improvement in hardenability as chanical properties and chemical composition data that
other more expensive elements that require significantly the bolts made of alloyed steels should have according
larger amounts to be added. Erdogan [8] compared the to their quality (property class) specified in the standard
effects of heat treatment temperatures on the mechanical ISO 898-1 [16], and the appropriate tempering tempera-
properties of 42CrMo4 and 30MnB4 steels. ture was determined
them in oil at 50 °C. To determine the effect of the tem- properties of both the commercially obtained material
pering process on the mechanical properties, tempering and the samples obtained after the tempering process
was performed at 5 different temperatures in the range of in heat treatment. The tensile test was performed in ac-
485 - 520 °C for 2 hours. cordance with DIN EN ISO 6892-1 standard [18] using
a 60 ton universal testing machine. The obtained yield
2.3. Characterization strength, tensile strength, elongation at yield, elongation
at break, and reduction in cross-sectional area at break
2.3.1. Chemical Composition values were compared and interpreted with each other
The chemical composition of the commercially obtained and with the literature.
30MnB4 steel was determined using an optical emission
spectrometer for metals (Solaris S5).
3. Results and Discussion
2.3.2. Microstructure In this study, an investigation was carried out on the po-
Microstructure analysis was performed on both the tential use of 30MnB4 steel as the grade 10.9 bolt ma-
commercially obtained initial material and the sample terial. The microstructure of the commercially obtained
obtained after the oil quenching process to determine its 30MnB4 steel is presented in Figure 2. The results of op-
microstructure and changes. For microstructure anal- tical emission spectrometer analysis and data obtained
ysis, a 10 mm thick piece was cut and mounted in ba- from tensile, hardness, -20 °C impact tests are presented
kelite (Metkon, Ecopress 50), the surface was prepared in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. As seen in Table 1
for microstructure analysis on a grinding and polishing and Table 2, the chemical composition and the mechan-
machine (Metkon Forcipol 2V) and then the obtained ical properties of the commercially obtained material
surface was etched with 5 % Nital. To facilitate compari- used in this study are consistent with the literature data
son, images were captured at a consistent magnification of 30MnB4 steel. As presented in Figure 2, the micro-
of 400X during microstructural analysis using an optical structure composed of perlite and ferrite is also in agree-
microscope (Metkon, IMM 901). ment with the literature. From the chemical composi-
tion, mechanical data, and microstructure image, it was
2.3.3. Hardness determined that the commercially obtained material is
In order to determine the hardness values and changes 30MnB4.
in hardness, measurements were taken from both the
starting material obtained commercially and the samples
obtained before and after the tempering process in heat
treatment. Vickers hardness was used as the hardness
measurement method, and hardness measurements were
taken on samples prepared for micro structural analysis.
Table 3. The effect of tempering temperatures on the mechanical properties of annealed and oil quenched 30MnB4 steel
Tempering temperature 485 °C 490 °C 500 °C 510 °C 520 °C
Tensile strength, Rm (MPa) 1140.45 1131.85 1074.39 1066.58 1065.22
Yield strength, Rp0.2 (MPa) 1097.35 1082.86 1000.80 995.72 990.08
Percentage elongation after fracture, A (%). 11.21 11.59 13.20 17.58 18.60
Percentage reduction in area after fracture, Z (%) 58.91 61.58 59.89 61.42 63.85
Vickers hardness (HV) 371.50 360.50 354.50 323.00 323.00
Impact strength at -20 °C, Kv (J) 96.12 82.66 75.33 35.04 33.08
ical properties of 30MnB4 material that was tempered at pact values at -20 °C were examined. The results revealed
different temperatures after preheating, annealing, and that grade 10.9 steel bolt properties were obtained for
hardening processes (Table 3) were compared with the all the tempering temperatures studied. When the ob-
mechanical properties of grade 10.9 steel bolts, it was tained mechanical properties were compared with each
observed that grade 10.9 properties were obtained for all other, it was determined that as the tempering tempera-
tempered temperatures studied. According to the effects ture decreases, yield strength, tensile strength, hardness
of the tempered temperatures on the mechanical prop- value, and impact value at -20 °C increase, and elonga-
erties, it can be seen that the tempering temperature can tion at break decreases. Therefore, different tempering
be determined according to the extra demanded prop- temperatures can be chosen to obtain specific mechan-
erty in grade 10.9 steel material. As seen in Table 3, if ical properties required for different applications. It has
relatively high strength, high hardness, and high Charpy been determined that when relatively high strength, high
impact value at -20 °C are desired in grade 10.9 steel bolt, hardness and high impact values are required, it is ap-
485 °C is advantageous as the tempering temperature; if propriate to select the tempering temperature as 485
relatively high ductility is desired, 520 °C provides an ad- °C. On the other hand, choosing 520 °C as the temper-
vantage. ing temperature is proper when high ductility is needed.
Furthermore, the current study revealed the usability of
heat-treated 30MnB4 steels for different applications re-
4. Conclusion quiring high strength and high toughness values.
In this study, it was aimed to obtain the mechanical
properties of grade 10.9 steel bolts by applying different
heat treatments to 30MnB4 steel. Preheating, annealing
5. Acknowledgements
and quenching processes were applied to 30MnB4 steel The authors would like to thank the Bolt Factory “Ber-
material, and then the tempering process was used at dan Cıvata Enerji İmalat Savunma Sanayi ve Laboratuvar
five different temperatures (485, 490, 500, 510 and 520 Hizmetleri Ticaret A.Ş.” for the opportunity to use their
°C). The effects of tempering temperatures on tensile heat treatment unit and their test laboratory, which is
strength, yield strength, elongation at break, reduction accredited in accordance with ISO/EN 17025 in Turkey.
in cross-sectional area at break, hardness and notch im-
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