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AGM Template

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The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the shareholders of Express One Limited was held on [Date] at
[Time] at [Location].

Date: [Date of AGM]

Time: [Time of AGM]
Venue: [Location of AGM]

- Mr. SAM Showket, Chairman of the Board & Managing Director
- Mr. Syed Nafis Junaed, Director & Chief Operating Officer
- Engr. SAM Sazzad, Director
- [Other Shareholders and Attendees]


1. Call to Order
2. Confirmation of Notice and Quorum
3. Reading and Approval of Previous AGM Minutes
4. Presentation of the Annual Report
5. Presentation of Financial Statements
6. Appointment of Auditors
7. Declaration of Dividends
8. Any Other Business
9. Vote of Thanks
10. Adjournment


1. Call to Order:
Mr. SAM Showket, Chairman of the Board & Managing Director, called the AGM to order at [Time].

2. Confirmation of Notice and Quorum:

It was confirmed that proper notice of the AGM was given to shareholders in accordance with the
Companies Act, 1994, and that a quorum was established. [Specify the number of shareholders
present or represented].

3. Reading and Approval of Previous AGM Minutes:

The minutes of the previous AGM held on [Date] were read and approved without any

4. Presentation of the Annual Report:

Mr. SAM Showket, Chairman of the Board & Managing Director, presented the Annual Report,
highlighting the company's performance, achievements, and challenges during the financial year
[Specify Financial Year].

5. Presentation of Financial Statements:

The Chief Financial Officer presented the financial statements, including the balance sheet, income
statement, and cash flow statement, for the financial year ended [Specify Financial Year].

6. Appointment of Auditors:
Shareholders discussed and approved the appointment of [Name of Audit Firm] as the auditors for
the ensuing financial year.

7. Declaration of Dividends:
Shareholders approved the declaration of dividends at [Rate]% per share to be paid to shareholders
on [Payment Date].

8. Any Other Business:

[Any other matters or resolutions brought up during the AGM were discussed.]

9. Vote of Thanks:
Mr. SAM Showket, Chairman of the Board & Managing Director, expressed gratitude to the
shareholders for their continued support and contributions to the company's success.

10. Adjournment:
The AGM was adjourned at [Time] by Mr. SAM Showket, Chairman of the Board & Managing

Certified by:

_____________________________ _____________________________
Mr. SAM Showket, Chairman of the Board & MD Mr. Syed Nafis Junaed, COO

Engr. SAM Sazzad, Director

Date: [Date of AGM]

These minutes are a summary of the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting of Express One
Limited and should be recorded in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 1994,
and any additional regulations or guidelines provided by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and
Firms in Bangladesh.

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