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Arts Reviewerrr:)

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Paul Cezanne (1839-1906)

Hortense Fiquet in a Still Life with

Harlequin Boy in a Red Vest
Striped Skirt Compotier

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)

The Sower
Sheaves of Wheat in a Still Life Vase with Fifteen
Field Flowers

Bedroom at Arles Starry Night Wheat field with Cypresses

DADAISM-A style characterized by dream
fantasies, memory images and visual tricks and FAUVISM-A style that used bold,
surprises vibrant colors and visual distortions. A
movement in painting typified by the
work of Matisse and characterized by
Work of Giorgio de Chirico: vivid colors, free treatment of form, and
a resulting vibrant and decorative effect.

Melancholy and Works of Henri

Mystery of a Street

SURREALISM-A style that depicted illogical,

subconscious dreamworld that seemed to exist
beyond the logical, conscious physical one. Its name
came from term 'super realism" with its artwork
Blue Woman with
clearly expressing a departure from reality. The
Window Hat
principles, ideals or practice of producing fantastic
or incongruous imagery or effects in art, literature,
film or theatre by means of un natural or irrational
juxtapositions and combinations

"Persistence of "I and the "Diana" by Paul Klee "Personages with

Memory" by Salvador Village" by Marc Star" by Joan Miro
Dali Chagall

SOCIAL REALISM-The movement known as

social realism expressed the artist role in social
reform. Artist used their works to protest
against the injustices, inequalities, immorality
and ugliness of the human condition.

"MINER'S WIVES" "Geurnica" and "Le Demoiselles D

by Ben Shahn Avignon" by Pablo Picasso
- Another group of artistic styles emerged at the same time as the expressionist movement, It had the same
spirit of freedom and openness

- it arose from the intellectual points of view in the 20th century

- During this time the world of science, physicists were formulating a new view of the universe, which resulted
in the concepts of space time and relativity

- This was logical and rational, involves analyzing, detaching, selecting and simplifying

Famous artist: Pablo Picasso

Cubism - was derived its name
from the cube

- a 3 dimensional geometric figure

composed of strictly measured

* cubists artworks were therefore a

play of planes and angles on a flat
The Weeping Girl before a mirror
Three Women The Musicians Woman

Futurism - was an artistic and Famous artists: Fillippo Marinetti- an Italian art theorist/ “Anos del Futurismo
social movement that
originated in Italy in the 20th
century. It emphasized speed,
technology, youth, and
violence, and objects such as
the car, the airplane, and the
industrial city
Nude Descending staircase by Armored Train, Portrait of Gino Severini and Souvenirs de
Marcel Duchamp Voyage by Gino Severini

Mechanical style-In this style, basic Famous artist: Fernand Ledger

forms such as planes, cones, spheres, and
cylinders all fit together precisely and
neatly in their appointed places

Nonobjectivism- Describes any Anos del Futurismo

type of abstract art which is
wholly devoid of any reference to
the natural world. A logical "The City" "Construction
geometrical conclusion of Workers"
abstractionism came in the style.
Works in this style did not make
use of figures or even
representations of figures

Piet Mondrian- the foremost

among all non-objectivism

Wassily Kandinsky- a Russian Grande Salto de Kadinsky Fuga (Fugue)

painter and art theorist, one of " New York City"
the first recognized purely by Piet by Wassily Kandinsky
a development of abstract art that originated in New York in the 1940s and 1950s and aimed at subjective emotional
expression with particular emphasis on the creative spontaneous act (e.g., action painting). Leading figures were Jackson
Pollock and Willem de Kooning. In the 1920's and 1930s, aspiring young American painters, sculptors, and writers sailed
to Europe to expand their horizons. But during the dark days of World War II, a reverse migration brought European
scientist, architects, and artists to American shores. New York, in particular, became a haven for the newly arrived artists
and their American counterparts

Color Field Painting

Uses different color saturations Black, Green
on Orange
ACTION PAINTING (purity, vividness, intensity) to
create the artists dersired
One form of abstract effects. Some of their works
expressionism was seen in the were huge fields of vibrant
works of Jackson Pollock. These colors (Magenta, Black, Green
were created through what came on Orange, Mark Rothko) Vir
to be known as "action painting" Heroicus Sublimis by Barnett
Autumn Rhythm Jackson Pollock, Vir Heroicus Sublimis
Autumn Rhythm Newman

Optical art
Pictograph Art with the action taking
place in the viewers
A pictorial sign or symbol, a record
eye. Here lines spaces
consisting of pictorial symbols cave
and colors were
drawing or a graph or chart with
precisely planned and
symbolic figures representing a
positioned to give the
certain number of people, cars,
illusion of movement Fall
factories, etc. (Forgotten Dream
(Fall by, Bridget Riley)
Adolph Gottlieb, 1946, Abstract
Forgotten Dream
No.2 Lee Krasner)
Abstract No.2 Lee

Conceptual Art

Pop Art, Op Art Was that which arose in the mind of

the artist, took concrete form for a
This wanted to make reforms in
time, and then disappeared (unless
traditional values, it is also made use
it was captured in photo or film
of commonplace, even nonsensical
documentation) Art in which the
objects, pop artist seemed to enjoy
idea presented by the artist is
non sense for its own sake and
Marilyn Monroe The Car considered more important than the
simply wanted to laugh at the world.
finished product, if there is one.
8. Their works ranged from
(One of the three chairs,)
paintings, to posters, to collages, to
3 dimensional assemblage and
installations (Marilyn Monroe Andy
Warhol, Whaam and The Car by Roy Whaam

One of the three

Contemporary art a statement that an artists makes about life, thoughts ideas, beliefs and many other things that defines
human life.

2 kinds of contemporary art

1. Installation art - a contemporary art that uses sculptural materials and other media to modify the way the viewer
experiences a particular spae. Usually life size or sometimes even larger, Installation art is not necessarily confined to
gallery spaces. It can be constructed or positioned in everyday public or private spaces, both indoor or outdoor.

Ex. Cordillera Labyrinth by: Roberto Villanueva Go to Room 117 by: Sid Gomez Hildawa

Pasyon at Rebolusyon by, Santiago Bose Four Masks by Edgar Talusan Fernandez

Cordillera Labyrinth Pasyon at Rebolusyon Go to Room 117

Four Masks
Talusan Fernandez

2. Performance art-is a form of modern art which the action of an individual or a group are in a particular place and in
a particular time constitute the work. It can happen anywhere anytime, or for any length of time

4 basic elements

 Time
 space,
 performers body,
 relationship between performers and audience

Types of Contemporary Art

1. Kinetic art -art that contains any movement perceivable by the viewer or depends on motion for its effect

2. Environment art-a range of encompassing bith historical approaches to nature and in art more recent ecological and
politically motivated types of work

3. Feminist art-refers to the movement and accomplishment of feminist internationally to produce art that reflect
woman lives and experiences

4. Minimalism-describes movements in variuos forms of art and design. Eliminating all non essential forms features or

5. Video art-is an artform that relies on moving pictures in a visual and audio medium.

6. Graffiti- is one of the most radical contemporary art movements (also called as, street art, spraycan, subway and
aerosol art) applied by paint or other means to buildings, transport or any other property

7. Body art-is made on with or consisting of the human body, the most common forms of body art are tattoos and body

8. Digital art-is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an essential part of the creative or
presentation process.

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