All Combined Gpb201
All Combined Gpb201
All Combined Gpb201
• Plant breeding is an art because selection of superior plants requires human skills,
imagination and experience.
2. Science
• Plant breeding is considered as the current phase of crop evolution.
As the knowledge of genetics and other related science progresses
plant breeding become less art and more science. Especially,
discovery of Mendels̕ work in 1900 added a lot to the knowledge of
• Plant breeding is a science because development of superior
varieties or hybrids involves genetic principles, sequential steps
(hybridization, selection, evaluation, multiplication, releases) and
3. Technology
• Product of all plant breeding activities, whether dependent on the
art or science, is improved variety, hybrids, synthetics and
composites. This product is utilized by farmers for commercial
• Therefore, plant breeding can be rightly viewed as a
technology since it generates a useful product
3. Clothing: Cotton
1665 Robert Hooke (England) – 1st Described the cell and known as father of
in plants.
1717 Thomas Fairchild – produced the first artificial hybrid, popularly known as
Fairchild҆s mule.
1753 Linnaeus - Published "Species Plantarum".
1761-66: Koelreuter (Germany) - Demonstrated that hybrid offspring
received traits from both parents and were intermediate in most traits.
characters .
1819 Shirreff - Utilized pure line selection to develop a new oat cultivar
1884 Strasburger - Demonstrated fertilization and showed the fusion of the 2 nuclei
to form the zygote
1955 Benzer – Based on his work on rII locus of T4 Bacteriophage he gave the
subdivisions of genes in cistron, recon and muton.
1991 – 1st pigeon pea hybrid (ICPH-8) was released from ICRISAT,
1. Higher Yield:
2. Improved Quality:
3. Abiotic resistance
4. Biotic resistance
5. Change in maturity Duration / Earliness
6. Determinate Growth
7. Dormancy :
8. Desirable Agronomic Characteristics:
9. Elimination of Toxic Substances :
10. Non-shattering characteristics:
11. Synchronous Maturity :
12. Photo and Thermo insensitivity:
13. Wider adaptability:
14. Varieties for New Seasons
1. Higher Yield:
-The ultimate aim of plant breeding is to improve the yield of
“economic produce on economic part”.
It may be grain yield, fodder yield, fibre yield, tuber yield, cane
yield or oil yield depending upon the crop species.
Improvement in yield can be achieved either by evolving high
yielding varieties or hybrids.
2. Improved Quality:
Quality of produce is another important objective in plant breeding.
The quality characters vary from crop to crop.
i. Grain size, colour, milling and baking quality in wheat.
ii. Cooking quality in rice,
iii. Malting quality in barley,
iv. Colour and size of fruits,
v. Nutritive and keeping quality in vegetables,
vi. Protein content in pulses,
vii. Oil content in oilseeds,
viii. Fibre length, strength and fineness in cotton.
3. Abiotic resistance :
Crop plants also suffer from abiotic factors such as
drought, soil salinity, extreme temperatures, heat, wind,
cold and frost,
breeder has to develop resistant varieties for such
environmental conditions.
11.Synchronous Maturity :
It refers to maturity of a crop species at one time.
B) Nobilisation of sugarcane
Many dwarf and semi dwarf varieties are developed in crops like wheat
and rice.
Dr. Borlaug used NORIN-10 as a source of dwarfing gene, in wheat at
CIMMYT (Mexico).
Variety Kalyan Sona and Sonalika were selected from these materials.
1)Natural Selection
i) Environmental selection
ii) Competition
2) Artificial Selection
1. Mendelian Variation
a) Macromutation
b) Micromutation
1. Interspecific Hybridization
2. Polyploidy
Centres of plant domestication
These are generally the cultivated areas and have following main
Seeds are very convenient for storage because they occupy smaller
space than whole plants.
1) Short term:- Working collections are stored for short term (3-5
years) at 5-10 0C.
2) Medium term:- Active collection are stored for medium term (10-
15 years) at below 15 0C.
3) Long term. Base collections are conserved for long term (50 years
or more) at -18 or -20 0C.
Advantages of gene banks:
1. Large number of germplasm samples or entire variability can be
conserved in a very small space.
2. In seed banks, handling of germplasm is easy.
3. Germplasm is conserved under pathogen and insect free environment.
1. Field gene banks can not cover the entire genetic diversity of a species. It
can cover only a fraction of the full range of diversity of a species.
2. The germplasm in field gene banks is exposed to pathogen and insects and
some times is damaged by natural disasters such as bushfires, cyclones,
floods , etc.
3. Maintenance of germplasm in the field gene banks is costly affair.
Gene Banks for Various Crops in India
Location of Gene
Crop Species Bank Name of Research Institute
Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley
Wheat Karnal Research (IIWBR)
Rice Cuttack National rice research institute ( NRRI)
Potato Shimla Central Potato Research Institute ( CPRI)
Cotton Nagpur Central Institute for Cotton Research ( CICR)
Pulses Kanpur Indian Institute for Pulses Research ( IIPR)
Oil seed crops Hyderabad Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research( IIOR)
Sorghum Hyderabad Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR)
Soybean Indore Indian Institute of Soybean Research
Groundnut Junagarh National Research Centre of Groundnut
Maize New Delhi Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Citrus Nagpur Central Citrus Research Institute
Sugarcane Coimbatore Sugarcane Breeding Institute
Indian grassland and Fodder Research
Forage Crop Jhansi Institute ( IGFRI)
Tobacco Rajahmundry Central Tobacco Research Institute ( CTRI)
International Gene Banks for Different Crops
Sr. Location of
No. Name of Institute Gene Bank Crops Maintained
International Rice Research
1 Institute (IRRI) Philippines Rice
International Wheat and Maize Maize, Wheat,
2 Improvement Centre ( CIMMYT) Mexico Triticale, Barley
International Centre for Tropical Cassava, beans, Rice
3 Agriculture ( CIAT) Columbia and Maize
Cowpea, Soybean,
International Institute for lima bean, cassava,
4 Tropical Agriculture ( IITA) Nigeria Sweet potato.
5 International Potato Centre Peru Potato
International Crop Research Sorghum, Pearl Millet,
Institute for Semiarid Tropics ( pigeon pea,
6 ICRISAT) India groundnut.
International Centre for
Agriculture Research in Dry land Durum Wheat, Barley,
7 Areas ( ICARDA) Syria beans.
Plant Introduction
It consists of taking a genotype or group of genotypes
into a new environment where they have not been
grown before.
1. Primary Introduction
An introduction is said to be primary introduction when
the introduced variety is well suited for new
It is released for commercial cultivation without any
alteration in original genotype.
Eg: introduction of semidwarf wheat varieties (Sonora 64,
Lerma Rojo) and semidwarf rice (TN1, IR 8, IR28, IR 36) in
2. Secondary Introduction
The introduced variety may not be suitable for direct
cultivation and can be subjected to selection to isolate a
superior variety suitable for a particular area.
1. Procurement
2. Quarantine
3. Cataloguing
4. Evaluation
5. Multiplication
6. Distribution
1) Procurement of germplasm
The new germplasm is procured through NBPGR, New Delhi.
If the bureau is unable to meet the request from its own stock
or from known source it attempts to procure them from the
counterparts in other countries.
• The entire process is known as quarantine and the rules which are
used for this are known as Quarantine rules.
Laws of Mendel-Law of Segregation
2) Dominance Component:
It is due to the deviation of heterozygote ( Aa) phenotype from the
average of phenotypic value of the two homozygotes (AA and aa). It is
also referred as intra allelic interaction.
1. Genetic Variability
2. Heritability
3. Selection Intensity
1. Genetic Variability
The greater the genetic variability the higher is the genetic advance
and vice versa.
2. Heritability
The high selection intensity generally gives better results than low
selection intensity.
Computation of genetic advance
Genetic gain:-
The difference between the mean phenotypic values of the progeny of
selected plants and the base or parental population is known as genetic
It is denoted by R.
R = XP – XO
XP – Mean phenotypic values of the progeny of selected plants
XO – Mean of base population
Selection Differential:-
The difference between the mean phenotypic value of selected plants and
mean phenotypic value of parental population.
1% 2% 5% 10%
2.64 2.42 2.06 1.76
Genetic advance = K . h2 . P
K – Standardize selection differential
h2 – heritability
P – phenotypic standard deviation
Maintenance of breeding records
Field trials are essential in crop breeding to evaluate the
progeny and comparison with other varieties. It is important that the
breeder, master the techniques to keep the records of all kind of data to
achieve the objective he has planned to achieve. The procedure that he
may use to keep the record will depend on the particular objective of
his experiment.
ii) 2nd page: A full plan of the field showing the location of the
trial with the approach path, North East directions should be
v) 5th page: One page for each variant per replications allotted and the
following information has to be recorded in each page. Date of
germination, Date of gap filling, Initial stand on, Date of first flowering,
Date of general flowering, Date of harvest, Final stand, Wet weight of
grain, Wet weight of haulms/ straw etc., Dry weight of produce after
cleaning, Yield per ha in kg. The page will also have additional
information on observations about the variant, recorded by the breeder
in relation to the object of the project.
The fifth page will also contain the following information and
their modification depending upon the crop.
e.g. Rice (Date of ear head emergence in the main shoot,
Date of ear head emergence in tillers and Number of tillers)
Cotton (Number of sympodial branches, Number of
monopodial branches)
B. Generation study:
This field notebook will contain the following information.
a. Plan for the segregation generation
b. Details of the generation (Name of the generation study,
Number of crosses, Details of the cross, Length of row,
Spacing (cm), Date of sowing, Dates of harvest, and Name of
the Principal Investigator)
Modes of reproduction and selection in self
pollinated crops: modes of reproduction and apomixis
Modes of reproduction and pollination control and its
relevance to breeding :
1. Sexual reproduction
2. Asexual reproduction
3. Apomixis and its types
4. Different mechanism of pollination
5. Self Incompatibility
6. Male sterility
Mode of Reproduction: Production of a new generation of
individuals by sexual or asexual means.
Two types
1. Asexual reproduction
2. Sexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction
New plants may develop from vegetative part of the plant (vegetative
reproduction) or may develop from embryos without fertilization
1. Vegetative reproduction
2. Apomixis
A) Vegetative Reproduction:
1. Adventitious Embryony:
2. Gametophytic Apomixis:
a) Apospory:
b) Diplospory:
i) Adventive Embryony:
a) Apospory:
Diploid embryo sac develop from vegetative cells of ovule.
Embryo may be developed from egg cell or other cell of embryo
b) Diplospory:
Embryo sac is developed from the megaspore, which may haploid
or diploid.
Sexual reproduction
Staminate flower:-
Pistillate flower:-
Monoecious species:-
Dioecious species:-
Sporogenesis :-
Gametogenesis :-
Sporogenesis:- Production of microspore and megaspore is known's
as Sporogenesis.
Fertilization:- The fusion of one of the two sperms with the egg
cell, producing a diploid zygote, is known's as fertilization.
3. Geitonogamy
1. Self pollination or auto gamy:- Pollen from an anther may fall on the
stigma of the same flower leading to self pollination or auto gamy.
4. Often cross-pollinated: This type of plants are self pollinated, however the
extent of cross pollination often exceed 5 to 30 %. Such species are generally
known as often cross pollinated species.
E.g. Jawar, Cotton, Safflower, Arhar, etc.
Self pollination
Mechanism of self-pollination
1. Bisexuality: Male and female sexual organs present in the same
flower e.g Wheat, rice, groundnut, etc.
The transfer of pollen from a flower to the stigma of the other flower
of different flower plant.
Wind (anemophily)
Water ( hydrophily)
Insect ( entomophily)
Animal ( Zoophily)
Mechanism of cross pollination
i) Dicliny (Unisexuality):
a) Monoecy:
b) Dioecy:
ii) Dichogamy:
a) Protogyny:
b) Protandry:
iii) Heterostyly:
iv) Herkogamy:
vii) Self –Incompatibility:
Viii) Male Sterility:
i) Dicliny (Unisexuality):
It is a condition in which flower is either staminate or pistillate.
a) Monoecy:
Staminate and pistillate flowers occur in the same plant either in the
same inflorescence. E.g Maize, Cucurbit, Strawberry, etc.
b) Dioecy:
The male and female flowers are present on different plants i.e. the in
such species are male or female. E.g. Papaya, date, palm, etc.
ii) Dichogamy:
Anther and stigma of hermaphrodite flower mature at different time,
facilitating cross pollination.
a) Protogyny:
Gynoceium matures earlier than the androceium E.g. Bajara.
b) Protandry:
Androceium matures earlier than gynoceium. E.g. Maize.
iii) Heterostyly:
Different length of style and filaments E.g Linseed, Buckwheat
iv) Herkogamy:
Presence of physical barrier. In lucerne or alfalfa stigma are covered by
waxy film and it does not become receptive unless this waxy film is
broken by honeybees.
2. Pollen grain germinates, but pollen tube fails to enter inside the
stigma and style.
3. Sometimes pollen tube enters inside the style but growth is very
E.g In Primula there are two types of flowers. Pin and thrum. Pin
flowers have long style and short stamens.
While thrum flowers have short styles and long stamens. This
situation is referred as distyly.
Tristyly is known in some plant species. E.g Lythrum in such case, the
style of a flower may be either short, long or of medium length.
• Found in Primula
1. Gametophytic control
2. Sporophytic control
1. Gametophytic control
• Limitation:
- Difficult to produce inbred
- Breakage due high temp and humidity
Male Sterility
Male Sterility
The use of male sterility in hybrid seed production has a great
importance as it eliminate the process of mechanical
Types of Male Sterility
ssssss S Cytoplasm X MSMS
ssssss S/F Cytoplasm
Nuclear gene
F1 MSms Cytoplasm
ssssss S
Male fertile
Utilization in Plant Breeding:
1) The genotypes of msms and Msms lines are identical except for the
‘ms’ locus i.e. they are isogenic and are known as male sterile A)
Maintainer B) Line respectively.
Thermo sensitive genetic male sterility
Usually the cytoplasm of zygote comes primarily from the eggs cell
and due to this progeny of such male sterile plants would always be
male sterile.
Cytoplasmic Male Sterility:
ssssss S Cytoplasm X ssssssrr F Cytoplasm
Nuclear gene
F1 rr Cytoplasm
ssssss S
Male sterile
Transfer of cytoplasmic male sterility into new strain
CMS may be transferred easily to a given strain by using that strain as a
pollinator (recurrent parent) in the successive generation of backcross
After 6-7 backcrosses the nuclear genotype of male sterile line would be
almost identical to that of the recurrent pollinator strain.
Such a male fertile line is known as maintainer line or ‘B’ line and ‘male
sterile line is also known as ‘A ‘ line.
Utilization in Plant Breeding:
Jones and Davis first discovered this type of male sterility in 1944 in
The fertility restore gene ‘R’ is dominant and found in certain strains of
the species. This genes restores male fertility in the male sterile line,
hence is known as restores gene.
This system includes A, B, and R lines.
MSms F F
msms F S
Nuclear gene
ssssss S
Nuclear gene
Nuclear gene
ssssss S
ssssss F
ssssss S Cytoplasm X msms
ssssss F Cytoplasm
Male sterile line or ‘’A’’ line Male fertile line or ‘’B’’ line
Nuclear gene
ssssss S Cytoplasm
Nuclear gene
ssssss F Cytoplasm
ssssss S Cytoplasm X MSMS
ssssss S/F Cytoplasm
Male sterile line or ‘’A’’ line Male fertile, Restore (R) line
Nuclear gene
F1 MSms
ssssss S Cytoplasm
Male fertile
Utilization in Plant Breeding:
One gene causes male sterility (integrated with genome of A line) while
the other suppresses it (in R line).
Chemical Induced Male Sterility
Plant breeding is an art and science of changing the genetics of plants for the benefit of
humankind. Plant breeding can be accomplished through many different techniques ranging
from simply selecting plants with desirable characteristics for propagation, to more complex
molecular techniques Plant breeding has been practiced for thousands of years, since near the
beginning of human civilization. It is now practiced worldwide by individuals such as
gardeners and farmers, or by professional plant breeders employed by organizations such
as government institutions, universities, crop-specific industry associations or research
International development agencies believe that breeding new crops is important for
ensuring food security by developing new varieties that are higher-yielding, resistant to pests
and diseases, drought-resistant or regionally adapted to different environments and growing
Nature of Plant Breeding
Plant breeding is an art or science and is as old as agriculture, started since man learnt to
cultivate the plants. In earlier days, man depends on his skill and judgement in selecting
better plants. His knowledge about the plant was very limited. He knew nothing about the
inheritance of characters, role of environment in producing them and the basis of variation in
various plant characters. His method of selection was designed without the understanding of
the principle of inheritance. Therefore, during primitive time plant breeding was largely an
art and very less science was involved in that, but the present breeding methods are entirely
based on the scientific principles of plant sciences, particularly of genetics a cytogenetic.
Thus, plant breeding is purely science with very little art involved. Science is the knowledge
gathered through scientific method. The scientific method consists of observation,
formulation of hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion either to accept or reject the
Plant breeding is considered as the current phase of crop evolution. As the knowledge of
genetics and other related science progresses plant breeding become less art and more
science. Especially discovery of Mendel‟s work in 1900, added lot to the knowledge of
science. Selection of desirable plant even today is an art it depends on the skill of a person
but alone skill is not enough, modern plant breeding is based on through understanding and
use of genetics principles. To be successful, a plant breeder must know each and everything
about the crop with he is working. He should have an understanding of principles of
difference disciplines viz. Genetics, Cytology, Morphology and Taxonomy, Plant Physiology,
Plant Pathology, Entomology, Agronomy, and Soil Science, Biochemistry, Statistics, and
Biometrics, Computer and Plant biotechnology. Thus, plant breeding is an art science and a
technology of developing genetically superior plants in terms of the economics utility for the
Objectives of Plant Breeding:
Plant breeding aims to improve the characteristics of plants so that they become more
desirable agronomically and economically. The specific objectives may vary greatly
depending on the crop under consideration.
1. Higher yield: The ultimate aim of plant breeding is to improve the yield of economic
produce. It may be grain yield, fodder yield, fibre yield, tuber yield, cane yield or oil yield
depending upon the crop species. Improvement in yield can be achieved either by evolving
high yielding varieties or hybrids.
2. Improved quality: Quality of produce is another important objective in plant breeding. The
quality characters vary from crop to crop. e.g. grain size, colour, milling and backing quality
in wheat. Cooking quality in rice, malting quality in barley, size, colour and size of fruits,
nutritive and keeping quality in vegetables, protein content in pulses, oil content in oilseeds,
fibre length, strength and fineness in cotton.
3. Abiotic resistance: Crop plants also suffer from abiotic factors such as drought, soil
salinity, extreme temperatures, heat, wind, cold and frost, breeder has to develop resistant
varieties for such environmental conditions.
4. Biotic resistance: Crop plants are attacked by various diseases and insects, resulting in
considerable yield losses. Genetic resistance is the cheapest and the best method of
minimizing such losses. Resistant varieties are developed through the use of resistant donor
parents available in the gene pool.
5. Change in maturity Duration / Earliness: Earliness is the most desirable character which
has several advantages. It requires less crop management period, less insecticidal sprays,
permits new crop rotations and often extends the crop area. Development of wheat varieties
suitable for late planting has permitted rice-wheat rotation. Thus, breeding for early maturing
crop varieties, or varieties suitable for different dates of planting may be an important
objective. Maturity has been reduced from 270 days to 170 days in cotton, from 270 days to
120 days in pigeonpea, from 360 days to 270 days in sugarcane.
6. Determinate Growth: Development of varieties with determinate growth is desira ble in
crops like Mung, Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan), Cotton (Gossypium sp.), etc.
7. Dormancy: In some crops, seeds germinate even before harvesting in the standing crop if
there are rains at the time of maturity, e.g., Greengram, Blackgram, Barley and Pea, etc. A
period of dormancy has to be introduced in these crops to check loss due to germination. In
some other cases, however, it may be desirable to remove dormancy.
8. Desirable Agronomic Characteristics: It includes plant height, branching, tillering capacity,
growth habit, erect or trailing habit etc., is often desirable. For example, dwarf ness in
cereals is generally associated with lodging resistance and better fertilizer response. Tallness,
high tillering and profuse branching are desirable characters in fodder crops.
9. Elimination of Toxic Substances: It is essential to develop varieties free from toxic
compounds in some crops to make them safe for human consumption. For example, removal
of neurotoxin in Khesari (Lathyruys sativus) which leads to paralysis of lower limbs, erucic
acid from Brassica which is harmful for human health, and gossypol from the seed of cotton
is necessary to make them fit for human consumption. Removal of such toxic substances
would increase the nutritional value of these crops.
10. Non-shattering characteristics: The shattering of pods is serious problem in green gram.
Hence resistance to shattering is an important objective in green gram.
11. Synchronous maturity: It refers to maturity of a crop species at one time. The character is
highly desirable in crops like Greengram, Cowpea, and Cotton where several pickings are
required for crop harvest.
12. Photo and Thermo insensitivity: Development of varieties insensitive to light and
temperature helps in crossing the cultivation boundaries of crop plants. Photo and thermo-
insensitive varieties of wheat and rice has permitted their cultivation in new areas. Rice is
now cultivated in Punjab, while wheat is a major rabi crop in West Bengal.
13. Wider adaptability: Adaptability refers to suitability of a variety for general cultivation
over a wide range of environmental conditions. Adaptability is an important objective in plant
breeding because it helps in stabilizing the crop production over regions and seasons.
14. Varieties for New Seasons: Traditionally Maize is a kharif crop. But scientists are now
able to grow Maize as rabi and zaid crops. Similarly, mung is grown as a summer crop in
addition to the main kharif crop.
Major achievements of Plant Breeding
Development of dwarf and semi dwarf cereal varieties
Many dwarf and semi dwarf varieties are developed in crop like wheat and Rice. Dr. Borlaug
used a Japanese variety NORIN-10 as a source of dwarfing gene, in wheat at CIMMYT
(Mexico). In 1963, ICAR has introduced some dwarf selection from CMMYT. Variety
Kalyansona and Sonalika were selected from these materials. In India, majority of the wheat
varieties grown are semi dwarf, and are resistant to water lodging, responsive to fertilizer
doses etc. Similarly, the development of semi dwarf varieties of rice has revolutionized rice
cultivation. These varieties were developed by introducing the gene Dee-Geo-Woo-Gene. e.g.
TN1 variety developed at Taiwan and IR-8 at IRRI Philippines, both were introduced in India
in 1966.
Noblisation of Indian Canes
The Indian canes were of Saccharum barberi, largely grown in North India. They were hardy
but poor in yield and sugar content, while tropical cane of Saccharum officinarum had thicker
stem and higher sugar content but, it performed badly in North India due to low winter
temperature. C.A. Barber and T.S Venkatraman at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbtore
transferred thick stem higher sugar content and other desirable characters from the noble cane
to Indian cane is commonly referred as nobilization on of Indian canes.
Development of Hybrid and Synthetic varieties in millets
Development of hybrid varieties in maize, sorghum and pearl millet enhanced the production
of these crops in the country. First maize hybrid was released in India in 1957.
a) Maize- Canga series of hybrid, Ganga safed-2, African Tall, Manjari, Deccan etc.
b) Sorghum -CSH-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,910,12,14 and 15 R.
c) Bajra-WCC-75, PHB-10, ICTP-8203, Shradha and Saburi.
Hybrid cotton
First cotton hybrid was developed in India in 1970 named H4 at Surat station of Gujrat
Agriculture University. After that many intervarietal and interspecific cotton hybrids were
developed which further increased the area under hybrid cotton and enhanced the production
of cotton in the country. e.g. H-4, Varalaxmi, Savitri, NH-44, Jaylaxmi, etc.
Molecular Breeding
Use of molecular biology techniques to supplement conventional plant breeding further
enhanced the efficiency of various breeding methods. Marker assisted selection or marker
aided selection (MAS) is a process whereby a marker (morphological, biochemical or one
based on DNA/RNA variation) is used for indirect selection of a genetic determinant or
determinants of a trait of interest (i.e. productivity, disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance,
and/or quality). Many varieties in rice, maize and wheat were developed with help of MAS
and released for commercial cultivation in India. e.g. Improved Pusa Basmati1, Improved
Samba Mahsuri in rice, maize hybrid Vivek QPM9 etc.
Transgenic varieties
Recombinant DNA technology is most powerful tool for creating crops with novel desired
phenotypes or designer crops. Genetic modification of plants is achieved by adding a specific
gene or genes to a plant, or by knocking out a gene with RNAi, to produce a
desirable phenotype. The plants resulting from adding a gene are often referred to as
transgenic plants. Genetic modification can produce a plant with the desired trait or traits
faster than classical breeding because the majority of the plant's genome is not altered.
The majority of commercially released transgenic plants, are currently limited to plants that
have introduced resistance to insect pests and herbicides. Insect resistance is achieved
through incorporation of a gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) that encodes a protein that is
toxic to some insects. For example, the cotton bollworm, a common cotton pest, feeds on Bt
cotton it will ingest the toxin and die. Herbicides usually work by binding to certain plant
enzymes and inhibiting their action. The enzymes that the herbicide inhibits are known as the
herbicides target site. Herbicide resistance can be engineered into crops by expressing a
version of target site protein that is not inhibited by the herbicide. This is the method used to
produce glyphosate resistant crop plants Genetic modification of plants that can produce
pharmaceuticals (and industrial chemicals), sometimes called pharma crops, is a rather
radical new area of plant breeding.
Undesirable consequences
Plant breeding has several useful applications in the improvement of crop plants. However, it
has five main undesirable effects on crop plants.
1. Reduction in diversity/Genetic erosion: Modern improved varieties are more uniform than
land races. Thus, plant breeding leads to reduction in diversity. The uniform varieties are
more prone to the new races of pathogen than land races which have high genetic diversity.
2. Narrow genetic base: Uniform varieties have narrow genetic base. Such varieties generally
have poor adaptability.
3. Danger of uniformity: Most of the improved varieties have some common parents in the
pedigree which may cause danger of uniformity.
4. Undesirable combinations: Sometimes, plant breeding leads to undesirable combinations.
The examples of manmade crops having undesirable combination of characters are
Raphanobrassica and Pomato.
5. Increased susceptibility to minor diseases and pests: Due to emphasis on breeding for
resistance to major diseases and insect pests often resulted in an increased susceptibility to
minor diseases and pests. These have gained importance and, in some cases, produced severe
epidemics. The epidemic caused by Botrytis cinerea (grey mold) in chickpea during 1980-82
Punjab, Haryana. The severe infection by Karnal bunt (Tilletia sp.) on some wheat varieties,
infestation of mealy bugs in Bt cotton.
Future Prospects
From times immemorial, the plant breeding has been helping the mankind. With knowledge
of classical genetics, number of varieties have been evolved in different crop plants. In order
to combat the global alarm created by population explosion, the food front has to be
strengthened which is serious challenge to those scientists concerned with agriculture.
Advances in molecular biology have sharpened the tools of the breeders, and brighten the
prospects of confidence to serve the humanity. The application of biotechnology to field crop
has already led to the field testing of genetically modified crop plants. Genetically engineered
Rice, Maize, Soybean, Cotton, Oilseeds Rape, Sugar Beet and Alfalfa cultivars are expected
to be commercialized before the close of 20th century. Genes from varied organisms may be
expected to boost the performance of crops especially with regard to their resistance to biotic
and abiotic stresses.
In addition, crop plants are likely to be cultivated for recovery of valuable compounds like
pharmaceuticals produced by genes introduced into them through genetic engineering. It may
be pointed out that in Europe hirudin, an anti-thrombin protein is already being produced
from transgenic Brassica napus.
Different phases of Plant Breeding
1. Domestication
The process of bringing a wild species under human management is referred to as
domestication. Domestication may be the most basic method of plant breeding.
Domestication continuous today and is likely to continue for some time in future.
During the long period of historic cultivation, natural selection has definitely acted on the
domesticated species. Movement of man from one place to another brought about the
movement of his cultivated plant species. This map shows the sites of domestication for a
number of crops. Places where crops were initially domesticated are called centers of origin
Plant breeding in certain situations may lead the domestication of wild
plants. Domestication of plants is an artificial selection process conducted by humans to
produce plants that have more desirable traits than wild plants, and which renders them
dependent on artificial (usually enhanced) environments for their continued existence. The
practice is estimated to date back 9,000-11,000 years. Many crops in present day cultivation
are the result of domestication in ancient times, about 5,000 years ago in the Old World and
3,000 years ago in the New World. In the Neolithic period, domestication took a minimum of
1,000 years and a maximum of 7,000 years. Today, all of our principal food crops come from
domesticated varieties.
A plant whose origin or selection is due primarily to intentional human activity is called
a cultigen, and a cultivated crop species that has evolved from wild populations due to
selective pressures from traditional farmers is called a landrace. Landraces, which can be the
result of natural forces or domestication, are plants (or animals) that are ideally suited to a
particular region or environment. An example are the landraces of rice, Oryza
sativa subspecies indica, which was developed in South Asia, and Oryza
sativa subspecies japonica, which was developed in China.
2. Selection
i.) Mass selection
ii.) Pureline selection
iii.) Recurrent selection
3. Hybridization
i.) Intervarietal/Intraspecific
ii.) Distant Hybridization
a) Interspecific/Intrageneric
b) Intergeneric
c) Somatic hybridization
4. Creation of novel genetic variations
i) Mutation
ii.) Polyploidy
iii.) Somaclonal variation
iv.) Gametoclonal variation
5. Genetic engineering/Recombinant DNA technology
Activities of Plant Breeding
The desired changes in the 'genotypes of crop species mi the consequent benefits to the
farmers are brought about by a series interrelated and largely interdependent activities. Major
activities of plant breeding are following;
1. Creation - variation
2. Selection
3. Evaluation
4. Release
5. Multiplication
6. Distribution of the new variety
Creation of variation: Genetic variation is a prerequisite for any improvement in a crop.
Therefore, in any breeding programme, this is always the first step unless variation pre-exists.
Genetic variation can be created by domestication, germplasm collections, plant introduction,
hybridization, mutation, polypolidy, somaclonal variation and genetic engineering.
Selection: The next step consists of identification and isolation of plants having the desirable
combinations of characters, and growing their progeny, this is called selection. Selection is
necessarily based on phenotype. The efficiency of this activity determines the success of a
breeding programme. Various breeding methods have been designed to increase the efficacy
of selection. Selection finally yields an improved line/ stream of population.
Evaluation: The newly selected lines/strains/population are tested for yield and other traits
and their performance is compared with the existing best varieties called checks. Evaluation
is a stepwise process, ordinarily conducted at several locations for three or more years under
the concerned. All India coordinated crop improvement project. If the new
line/strain/population is superior to the checks, it is released and notified as the new variety
and its seed can now be multiplied and, more importantly, certified by a seed certification
agency for quality.
Multiplication: This step concerns with the large scale production of certified seed of the
released and notified variety. Seed production is usually done by seed production agencies in
a step wise manner, and the seed is certified by a seed certification agency.
Distribution: Certified seed is ultimately sold to the farmers who use it for commercial crop
cultivation. This activity alone makes it possible to reap the economic benefits from the
above activities in form of: (i) an enhanced and (ii) Stable production of (iii) Superior
produce (iv) often at a lower cost.
Knowledge of the mode of reproduction and pollination is essential for a plant breeder,
because these aspects help in deciding the breeding procedures to be used for the genetic
improvement of a crop species. Choice of breeding procedure depends on the mode of
reproduction and pollination of a crop species.
Reproduction refers to the process by which living organisms give rise to the offspring of
similar kind (species). In crop plants, the mode of reproduction is of two types: viz. 1)
Asexual reproduction and 2) Sexual reproduction
I. Asexual reproduction
Multiplication of plants without the fusion of male and female gametes is known as asexual
reproduction. Asexual reproduction can occur either by vegetative plant parts or by
vegetative embryos which develop without sexual fusion (apomixis). Thus, asexual
reproduction is of two types: viz. a) vegetative reproduction and b) apomixis.
Vegetative reproduction refers to multiplication of plants by means of various vegetative
plant parts. Vegetative reproduction is again of two types: viz. i) natural vegetative
reproduction and ii) artificial vegetative reproduction.
Natural vegetative reproduction
In nature, multiplication of certain plants occurs by underground stems, sub aerial stems,
roots and bulbils. In some crop species, underground stems (a modified group of stems) give
rise to new plants. Underground stems are of four types: viz. rhizome, tuber, corm and
bulb. The examples of plants which reproduce by means of underground stems are given
Rhizome: Turmeric (Curcuma domestica), Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Tuber: Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Corm: Arvi (Colocasia esculenta), Bunda (C. antiquorum)
Bulb: Garlic (Allium sativum), onion (A. cepa)
More than 300 species belonging to 20 families of angiosperms show self-incompatibility.
Self-incompatible pollen grains fail to germinate on the stigma of the flower that produced
them. If some pollen grains do germinate, pollen tubes fail to enter the stigma. In many
species, the pollen tubes enter the style, but they grow too slowly to effect fertilization
before the flower drops. Sometimes, fertilization is affected, but the embryo degenerates at
a very early stage. Self-incompatibility appears to be a biochemical reaction, but the
precise nature of these reactions is not clearly understood. The genetic control of
incompatibility reactions is relatively simple. Lewis (1954) has suggested various
classifications of self-incompatibility; a relatively simple classification is as follows:
1. Heteromorphic system,
2. Homomorphic system,
(2a) Gametophytic control, and
(2b) Sporophytic control
Heteromorphic System
In this system, flowers of different incompatibility groups are different in morphology.
For example, in Primula there are two types of flowers, pin and thrum. Pin flowers have
long styles and short stamens, while thrum flowers have short styles and long stamens.
This situation is referred to as distyly. Tristyly is known in some plant species, e.g.
Lythrum; in such cases, the style of a flower may be either short, long or of medium length.
In the case of distyly, the only compatible mating is between pin and thrum flowers. This
characteristic is governed by a single gene s; Ss produces thrum, while ss produces pin
flowers. The incompatibility reaction of pollen is determined by the genotype of the plant
producing them. Allele S is dominant over s. The incompatibility system, therefore, is
heteromorphic-sporophytic. The pollen grains produced by pin flowers, would all be s in
genotype as well as incompatibility reaction. The pollen produced in thrum flowers would
be of two types genotypically, S and s, but all of them would be S phenotypically. The
mating between pin and thrum plants would produce Ss and ss progeny in equal
frequencies. This system is of little importance in crop plants; it occurs in sweet potato
and buckwheat.
Homomorphic System
In the homomorphic system, incompatibility is not associated with morphological
differences among flowers. The incompatibility reaction of pollen may be controlled by
the genotype of the plant on which it is produced or by its own genotype.
Gametophytic System
Gametophytic incompatibility was first described by East and Mangelsdorf in 1925 in
Nicotiana sanderae. The incompatibility reaction of pollen is determined by its own
genotype, and not by the genotype of the plant on which it is produced. Generally,
incompatibility reaction is determined by a single gene having multiple alleles, e.g.,
Trifolium, Nicotiana, Lycoperscion, Solanum, Petunia etc. Pollen tube grows very slowly
in the style containing the same S allele as the pollen, and fails to effect fertilization.
Therefore, all the plants are heterozygous at the S locus. In a single gene system, there are
three types of mating:
i) Fully incompatible, e.g., S1S2 x S1S2
ii) Fully compatible, e.g., S1S2 x S3S4
iii) Partially (i.e., 50% of the pollen) compatible, e.g., S1S2 x S2S3
Sporophytic System
In the sporophytic system also, the self-incompatibility is governed by a single gene, S,
with multiple alleles; more than 30 alleles are known in Brassica oleracea. In general, the
number of S alleles is considerably larger in the gametophytic than in the sporophytic
system. The incompatibility reaction of pollen is governed by the genotype of the plant on
which the pollen is produced, and not by the genotype of the pollen. It was first reported
by Hughes and Babcock in 1950 in Crepis foetida, and by Gerstel in Parthenium
argentatum (in the same year). In the sporophytic system, the S alleles may exhibit
dominance, individual action (codominance) or competition. In many cases, different S
alleles vary in their activity leading to varying degrees of self-incompatibility, e.g., B.
oleracea. Polygenes (modifying genes) are known to increase as well as decrease the
activities of S alleles both in the gametophytic as well as sporophytic systems.
Mechanism of Self-Incompatibility
The mechanism of self-incompatibility is quite complex and is poorly understood. The
various phenomena observed in self-incompatible matings are grouped into three broad
(1) pollen-stigma interaction,
(2) pollen tube-style interaction, and
(3) pollen tube-ovule interaction.
Pollen-Stigma Interaction
These interactions occur just after the pollen grains reach the stigma and generally prevent
pollen germination. At the time they reach stigma, pollen grains generally have two nuclei
in the gametophytic system, while they have three nuclei in the sporophytic system. This
was once considered to be the basis for the two incompatibility systems, but the available
evidence indicates otherwise. However, the structure of stigmatic surface appears to be
definitely involved in the differences between the two systems. In the gametophytic
system, the stigma surface is plumose having elongated receptive cells and is commonly
known as „wet‟ stigma. Incompatible pollen grains generally germinate on reaching the
stigma; the incompatibility reaction occurs at a later stage.
In the sporophytic system, the stigma is papillate and dry, and is covered with a hydrated
layer of proteins known as „pellicle‟. There is evidence that the pellicle is involved in
incompatibility reaction. Within few minutes of reaching the stigmatic surface, the pollen
releases an exine exudates which is either protein or glycoprotein in nature. This exudate
induces immediate callose formation in the papillae (which are in direct contact with the
pollen) of incompatible stigma. Often callose is also deposited on the young protruding
pollen tubes preventing any further germination of the pollen. Thus, in the sporophytic
system, stigma is the site of incompatibility reaction; once the pollen tube crosses the
stigmatic barrier, there is no further inhibition of pollen tube growth.
In the homomorphic sporophytic system, the incompatibility reaction of pollen is probably
due to the deposition of some compounds from anther tapetum on to the pollen exine.
Pollen Tube-Style Interaction
In most cases of the gametophytic system, pollen grains germinate and pollen tubes
penetrate the stigmatic surface. But in incompatible combinations, the growth of pollen
tubes is retarded within the stigma, e.g., in Oenothera, or a little later in the style, e.g., in
Petunia, Lycopersicon, Lilium etc. In the latter case, there is a cessation of protein and
polysaccharide synthesis in the pollen tubes, which leads to the degeneration of tube wall
and the bursting of pollen tube.
Pollen Tube-Ovule Interaction
In some cases, e.g., Theobromo cacao, pollen tubes reach the ovule and effect fertilization.
However, in incompatible combinations, embryos degenerate at an early stage of
Exploitation of self-incompatibility in hybrid production
Self-incompatibility may be used in hybrid seed production. For this purpose,
(1) two self-incompatible, but cross-compatible, lines are interplanted; seed obtained from
both the lines would be hybrid seed.
(2) Alternatively, a self-incompatible line may be interplanted with a self-compatible line.
from this scheme, seed from only the self-incompatible line would be hybrid.
(3) Schemes for the production of double cross and triple cross hybrids have also been
proposed and their feasibility has been demonstrated in the case of brassicas. The
gametophytic system has been used, to a limited extent, for hybrid seed production in
clover, Trifolium (Leguminosae). In Solanaceae, the cultivated species are generally self-
fertile, and self-incompatibility is confined to wild species.
The sporophytic system has been exploited for hybrid seed production in brassicas
(Cruciferae), primarily by the Japanese seed companies. In Compositae, another
economically important family showing sporophytic self-incompatibility, the cultivated
varieties are generally self-fertile.
The use of self-incompatibility in hybrid seed production is hampered by several problems
mentioned below:
(1) Production and maintenance of inbred lines by hand pollination is tedium and costly.
(2) This raises the cost of hybrid seed.
(3) Continued selfing leads to a depression in self-incompatibility, and it unintentionally,
but unavoidably, selects for self-fertility.
(4) In the gametophytic system, continued inbreeding gives rise to new incompatibility
reactions, which may limit the usefulness of such inbreds as parents. (5) Environmental
factors, e.g., high temperature and high humidity etc., reduce or even totally overcome
self-incompatibility reaction leading to a high (30% or more) proportion of selfed seed.
(6) Bees often prefer to stay within a parental line, particularly when the parental lines
differ morphologically. This, in turn, increases the proportion of selfed seed.
7) Transfer of S alleles from one variety or, more particularly, species into another variety
or species is tedious and complicated. This has prevented the use of self-incompatibility in
hybrid seed production in Solanaceae and Compositae.
Male sterility is characterized by non-functional pollen grains, while female gametes
function normally. It occurs in nature sporadically, perhaps due to mutation. Male sterility
is classified into three groups:
(1) Genetic,
(2) Cytoplasmic, and
(3) Cytoplasmic-genetic.
Genetic Male Sterility
Genetic male sterility is ordinarily governed by a single recessive gene, ms, but dominant
genes governing male sterility are also known, e.g., in safflower. Male sterility alleles
arise spontaneously or may be artificially induced. A male sterile line may be maintained
by crossing it with heterozygous male fertile plants. Such a mating produces 1:1 male
sterile and male fertile plants.
Utilization in Plant Breeding
Genetic male sterility may be used in hybrid seed production. The progeny from ms ms x
Ms ms crosses are used as female, and are interplanted with a homozygous male fertile (Ms
Ms) pollinator. The genotypes of ms ms and Ms ms lines are identical except for the ms
locus, i.e., they are isogenic; they are known as male sterile (A) and maintainer (B) lines,
respectively. The female line would, therefore, contain both male sterile and male fertile
plants; the latter must be identified and removed before pollen shedding. This is done by
identifying the male fertile plants in seedling stage either due to the pleiotropic effect of
the ms gene or due to the phenotypic effect of a closely-linked gene. Pollen dispersal from
the male (pollinator) line should be good for a satisfactory seed set in the female line.
however, generally pollen dispersal is poor and good, closely-linked markers are rare.
Rouging of male fertile plants from the female lines is costly as a result of which the cost
of hybrid seed is higher. Due to these difficulties, genetic male sterility has been exploited
commercially only in a few countries. In USA it is used in Castor. In India it was being
used in Redgram, but presently it is being used in safflower. Marker genes which are
linked to male sterility/fertility can be used to identify the male fertile plants before
flowering stage. For example, in Maize there is a gene, pigmented hypocotyl (P) and green
hypocotyl (P) which is closely linked with sterility locus
PS - Pigmented & Sterile
PF – Green & Fertile
At seedling stage all the green plants are to be removed and pigmented plants are retained,
as they are sterile.
Suggestions have been made for its use in several other crops, e.g., Cotton, barley, tomato,
sunflower, cucurbits etc., but it is not yet practically feasible.
Cytoplasmic Male Sterility
This type of male sterility is determined by the cytoplasm. Since the cytoplasm of a zygote
comes primarily from egg cell, the progeny of such male sterile plants would always be
male sterile. Nuclear genotype of male sterile line would be almost identical to that of the
recurrent pollinator strain. The male sterile line is maintained by crossing it with the
pollinator strain used as the recurrent parent in the backcross programme since its nuclear
genotype is identical with that of this new male sterile line. such a male fertile line is
known as the maintainer line or B line as it is used to maintain the male sterile line is also
known as the A line, there is considerable evidence that the gene or genes conditioning
Cytoplasmic male sterility, particularly in Maize, reside in mitochondria, and may be
located in a plasmic like elements.
Plant introduction
Taking a genotype or a group of genotypes in to a new place or environment where they
were not grown previously. Thus, introduction may involve new varieties of a crop already
grown in that area, a wild relative of the crop species or totally a new crop species for that
E.g. a) Introduction of lRRl rice varieties.
b) Introduction of sunflower wild species from Russia
c) Introduction of oilpalm in to Tamil Nadu.
Plant introduction may be of two types. 1. Primary Introduction and 2. Secondary
1. Primary Introduction
When the introduced crop or variety is well suited to the new environment, it is directly
grown or cultivated without any alteration in the original genotype. This is known as
primary introduction. E.g. IR. 8, IR 20, IR 34, IR 50 rice varieties; oil palm varieties
introduced from Malaysia and Mashuri rice from Malaysia.
2. Secondary Introduction
The introduced variety may be subjected to selection to isolate a superior variety or it may
be used in hybridization programme to transfer some useful traits. This is known as
secondary Introduction.E.g. In soybean EC 39821 introduced from Taiwan is subjected to
selection and variety Co 1 was developed. In rice ASD 4 is crossed with IR 20 to get Co 44
which is suited for late planting.
Objectives of Plant Introduction
1. To introduce new plant species there by creating ways to build up new industries.
E.g. Oil palm
2. To introduce high yielding varieties to increase food production. E.g. Rice and
3. To enrich the germplasm collection. E.g. Sorghum, Groundnut.
4. To get new sources of resistance against both biotic and abiotic stresses. E.g.
NCAC accessions to have rust resistance in groundnut. Dasal rice variety for saline
5. Aesthetic value – ornamentals are introduced for aesthetic value.
Plant Introduction Agencies
Most of the introductions occurred very early in the history. In earlier days the agencies
were invaders travellers, traders, explorers, pilgrims and naturalists Muslim invaders
introduced in India cherries and grapes. Portuguese introduced maize, ground nut, chillies,
potato, sweet potato, guava, pine apple, papaya and cashew nut. East India Company
brought tea. Later Botanic gardens played a major role in plant Introduction.
A centralized plant introduction agency was initiated in 1946 at IARI, New Delhi. During
1976 National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) was started. The bureau is
responsible for introduction and maintenance of germplasm of agricultural and
horticultural plants.
Similarly, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun has a plant introduction organization, which
looks after introduction, maintenance and testing of germplasm of forest trees. Besides
NBPGR the Central Research Institutes of various crops also maintain working
germplasm. All the introductions in India must be routed through NBPGR, New Delhi. The
bureau functions as the central agency for export and introduction of germplasm.
At International level International Board of Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) with
headquarter at Rome, Italy is responsible for plant introduction between countries.
Procedure for plant Introduction
The scientist / University will submit the requirement to NBPGR. If the introduction is to
be from other countries, NBPGR will address IBPGR for effecting supply. The IBPGR
will assign collect the material from the source and quarantine them, pack them issue
phytosanitary certificate suitably based on the material and send it to NBPGR. The
NBPGR will assign number for the material, keep part of the seed for germplasm and send
the rest to the scientist. There are certain restrictions in plant introduction. Nendran banana
from Tamil Nadu should be not be sent out of state because of bunchy top disease.
Similarly, we cannot import Cocoa from Africa, Ceylon, West Indies, Sugarcane from
Australia, Sunflower from Argentina.
Functions of NBPGR
1. Introduction maintenance and distribution of germplasm
2. Provide information about the germplasm through regular publications.
3. Conduct training courses to the scientist with regard to introduction and maintenance
of germplasm.
4. Conduct exploratory surveys for the collection of germplasm.
5. To set up Natural gene sanctuaries.
Purpose of plant introduction
The main purpose of plant introduction is to improve the plant wealth of the country. The
chief objectives of plant introduction may be grouped as follows:
To obtain an entirely new crop plant
Plant introductions may provide an entirely new crop species. Many of our important
crops, e.g., Maize, potato, tomato, Tobacco, etc., are introductions. Some recently
introduced crops are Soybean, gobhi sarson, oil palm etc.
To serve as new varieties
Sometimes introductions are directly released as superior commercial varieties. The
Maxican semidwarf wheat varieties Sonora 64 and Lerma Rojo, semidwarf rice varieties
TN 1, IR-8 and IR-36 are more recent examples of this type.
To be used in crop improvement
Often the introduced material is used for hybridization with local varieties to develop
improved varieties. Pusa Ruby tomato was derived from a cross between Meeruty and
Sioux, an introduction from U.S.A.
To save the crop from diseases and pests
Sometimes a crop is introduced into a new area to protect it from diseases and pests.
Coffee was introduced in South America from Africa to prevent losses from leaf rust.
Hevea rubber, on the other hand, was brought to Malaya from South America to protect it
from a leaf disease.
For scientific studies
Collections of plants have been used for studies on biosystematics, evolution and origin of
plant species. N.I. Vavilov developed the concept of centres of origin and that of
homologous series in variation from the study of a vast collection of plant types.
For aesthetic value
Ornamentals, shrubs and lawn grasses are introduced to satisfy the finer sensibilities of
man. These plants are used for decoration and are of great value in social life.
Varieties selected from introductions
Many varieties have been developed through selection from introductions. Two varieties
of wheat, Kalyan Sona and Sonalika, were selected from introductions from CIMMYT,
Varieties Developed through Hybridization
Introductions have contributed immensely to the development of crop varieties through
hybridization. All the semidwarf wheat varieties are derived from crosses with Mexican
semi-dwarf wheats. All but few semidwarf rice varieties possess the dwarfing gene from
Dee-geo-woo-gen through either TN1 or IR 8. Thus, almost all these semi-dwarf wheat
and rice varieties have been developed from crosses involving introductions. All the
sugarcane varieties have been derived from the introduced noble canes.
Other examples of varieties developed through hybridization with introductions are Pusa
Ruby tomato obtained from a cross between Meeruti and Sioux; Pusa Early Dwarf Tomato
derived from the cross Meeruti x Red Cloud; Pusa Kesar carrot, Pusa Kanchan turnip etc.
Merits of plant introduction
1. It provides new crop varieties, which are high yielding and can be used directly
2. It provides new plant species.
3. Provides parent materials for genetic improvement of economic crops.
4. Enriching the existing germplasm and increasing the variability.
5. Introduction may protect certain plant species in to newer area will save them from
diseases. E.g. Coffee and Rubber.
1. Introduction of new weed unknowingly. E.g. Argemone mexicana, Eichornia and
2. Introduction of new diseases: Late blight of potato from Europe and Bunchy top of
banana from Sri Lanka
3. New pests: Potato tuber moth came from Italy
4. Ornamentals becoming weeds: Lantana camara
5. Introduction may cause ecological imbalance. E.g. Eucalyptus.
When superior cultivars from neighbouring or distant regions are introduced in a new area,
they generally fail initially to produce a phenotypic expression similar to that in their place
of origin. But later on they pickup and give optimal phenotypic performance, in other
words they become acclimatized to the new ecological sphere. Thus, acclimatization is the
ability of crop variety to become adapted to new climatic and edaphic conditions. The
process of acclimatization follows an increase in the frequency of those genotypes that are
better adapted to the new environment. Factors affecting acclimatization are:
i. Mode of pollination
ii. Amount of variability present in original population
iii. Life cycle of crop plant and
iv. Mutation
Selection is basic to any crop improvement. Isolation of desirable plant types from the
population is known as selection. It is one of the two fundamental steps of any breeding
programme viz., 1. creation of variation and 2. Selection. There are two agencies
involved in carrying out selection: one is Nature itself (Natural selection) and the other is
man artificial selection. Though both may complement each other in some cases, they are
mostly opposite in direction since their aims are different under the two conditions (nature
and domestication). The effectiveness of selection primarily depends upon the degree to
which phenotype reflects the genotype. Before domestication, crop species were
subjected to natural selection. The basic for natural selection was adaptation to the
prevailing environment. After domestication man has knowingly or unknowingly
practiced some selection. Thus, crop species under domestication were exposed to both
natural and artificial selection i.e. selection by man. For a long period, natural selection
played an important role than selection by man. But in modern plant breeding methods
natural selection is of little importance and artificial selection plays an important role.
Basic Principles of Selection: Notwithstanding the highly complex genetic situation
imposed by linkage and epistasis, there are just three basic principles of selection (Walker,
1. Selection operates on existing variability: The main function of the selection exercise is
to discriminate between individuals. This is possible only when sufficient variation is
present in the material subjected to selection pressure. Thus, selection acts on the existing
variation it cannot create new variation.
2. Selection acts only through heritable differences: only the selected individuals are
permitted to contribute to the next genetion / progenies. Therefore, should there be greater
influence of non-heritable agencies on the individuals selected, the parentprogeny
correlation will be greatly vitiated. Hence the variation among individuals to be selected
must be genetic in nature, since it is the genetic variation that tends to close the gap
between phenotype and genotype. Environmental variability cannot be of any use under
3. Selection works because some individuals are favoured in reproduction at the expense of
other : As a consequence of its past evolutionary history and breeding structure, a
population or a crop consists of highly genetically variable individuals with regards to such
diverse phenomena as differential viability, differential maturity, differences in mating
tendencies, fecundity, and duration of reproductive capacity. Hence some individuals tend
to become superior to others for some or other traits desirable under domestication. These
superior individuals are retained for reproduction while others discarded under selection.
Selection has two basic characteristics viz. 1. Selection is effective for heritable
differences only,
2. Selection does not create any new variation. It only utilizes the variation already present
in a population.
The two basic requirements for select on to operate are:
1. Variation must be present in the population.
2. The variation should be heritable.
Selection intensity: Parcentage of plants selected, to be advanced to next generation, from
a population.
Mass Selection
Large number of plants having similar phenotype are selected and their seeds are mixed
together to constitute a new variety. Thus, the population obtained from selected plants
will be more uniform than the original population. However, they are genotypically
First year: From the base population select phenotypically similar plants which may be
200 - 2000. Harvest the selected plants as a bulk.
Second year: The bulk seed is divided into smaller lots and grown in preliminary yield
trial along with control variety. Dissimilar phenotypes are rejected. High yielding plots are
Third to sixth year: The variety is evaluated in coordinated yield trials at several locations.
It is evaluated in an initial evaluation (IET) trial for one year. If found superior it is promoted
to main yield trials for 2 or 3 years.
Seventh year: If the variety is proved superior in main yield trials it is multiplied and
released after giving a suitable name.
progenies are selected and they are bulked. Poor, defective, weak and segregating
progenies are discarded. Selection should be based on simply inherited character like
plant type, Plant height, grain type, flowering and maturity duration disease resistance
this process may be repeated
Third year:
Seed of the individual plant progenies are not enough to conduct a replication trail. So,
they are grown in unreplicated trial with check. Here yield of progenies are taken as a
criteria for selection.
Fourth year:
Replicated yield trials are conducted using the best available check variety. This may be
progeny / strain is released as a new variety and its seed multiplication in initiated for
distributed to the farmer.
Maximum possible improvement over original variety.
Pureline varieties are extremely uniform and therefore, more preferred by farmers and
Due to uniformity, the variety is easily identified in seed certification programmes.
This method can isolate only superior genotypes, it cannot create new genotypes. And
not applicable in cross pollinated crop.
Poor adaptability due to narrow genetic base vulnerable for new diseases and pests.
Pureline selection requires more time, space and expensive yield trials than mass
Improvement is dependent on genetic variation present in the original population.
The breeder has to devote more time to pureline selection than mass selection.
Natural variability in self-pollinated population is exhausted during selection, for
further improvements new genetic variability has to be created by crossing two
different pure lines. Hybridization means the mating or crossing of two plants or lines
of dissimilar genotypes.
The seeds as well as the progeny resulting from the hybridization are known as hybrid
or F1. The progeny of F1 obtained by self or inter mating of F1 plants and the
subsequent generations are called segregating generations. Today hybridization is the
most common method of crop improvement and the majority of the crop varieties
have originated from hybridization.
One of the objectives of hybridization is to create genetic variation. Two
genotypically different plants are crossed together to obtain F1 generation. F1 is
advanced to generate F2 generation. The degree of genetic variation in F2 and
subsequent generation depend on number of heterozygous genes in F1.
Aims of hybridization
1. To transfer of one or few qualitative characters.
2. Improvement in one or more quantitative character.
3. F1 Hybrid as variety.
I. Combination breeding:
This method is used for the transfer of one or more character into
or single variety from another variety. Eg: improving the yield by correcting the
defect. i.e. disease resistance. The other parent selected for hybridization must have a
sufficient intensity of a character under transfer.
II. Transgressive breeding:
It aims at improving yield or its contributing character through
transgressive segregation. It refers to the appearance of such plants in F 2 generation
that are superior to both the parents for one or more character. It is due to
accumulation of plus or favourable genes from the parents as a consequence of
recombination. The parents used for crossing must combine very well and are
genetically diverse. So, pedigree breeding followed by population approach are
designed for production of transgressive segregants.
III. Hybrid varieties:
In self-pollinated crops F1 is more vigorous and high yielding than
the parents. Two parents should combine well to produce outstanding F 1 hybrid.
Types of hybridization
Inter-varietal Hybridization / Intra specific: Parents involved in hybridization belong to
subsequent generations. A record of the entire parent off spring relationship is maintained
and known as pedigree record. The pedigree may be defined as a description of the
ancestor of an individual and it generally goes back to some distant ancestor. So, each
progeny in every generation can be traced back to the F 2 plant from which it is originated.
This method used for selection from segregating population of crosses in self-pollinated
generation when the plants are homozygous plant progenies are advanced to next
generation. Selection is done mainly among the progenies and number of progenies is
sufficiently reduced to permit replicated trail. Individual plants may be selected from
outstanding families showing segregation. So preliminary yield trial and quality tests
begin in F7 to F8.
1. Rapidly advance of generation of crosses.
2. F2 and subsequent generation are grown with a very high plant density.
3. F2 plant is represented equally in the end population.
4. Off season nursery/green house facilities are utilized.
5. Maximum possible speed.
6. Require very little space/effort/ labour.
7. Do not permit any form of selection during the segregating generation.
8. In each successive generation the population size become small due to poor generation
and death of plants due to disease/pest.
Pedigree Method Bulk Method
Individuals plants are selected in F2 and F2 and the subsequent generation are
Segregation generation and individual plant maintained as bulk
progenies are grown
Artificial selection, Artificial disease Artificial selection, artificial disease
epidemics are an integral part epidemic can be created to assist
natural selection.
No role of Natural section Natural selection determines the
composition of population.
Pedigree record have to be maintained which No pedigree records are maintained
is laborious and time consuming
It takes 12 years to develop new variety More than 12 years bulk population > 10
years for effective natural selection
Widely used method Limited use
Needs close attention from F2 onwards It is simple convenient.
Segregating generation are space planted to Bulk population are planted at commercial
permit individual plant selection planting rate
Population size is small Larger population are grown and the
natural selection expected to the increase
the chances recovery of transgressive
1. New variety cannot be superior to recurrent parent except for the character transferred
2. It involves lot of crossing work. 6-8 back cross is often difficult and time consuming.
3. Sometime undesirable gene linked with desirable also may be transferred.
4. By the time the back cross programme the recurrent parent may have been replaced by
other varieties superior in yield and other character.
Multiline Varieties
Generally, pureline varieties are highly adapted to a limited area, but poorly adapted to
wider regions. Further, their performance is not stable from year to year because of
changes in weather and other environmental factors. Purelines often have only one or a few
major genes for disease resistance, such as, rust resistance, which make them resistant to
some races of the pathogen. New races are continuously produced in many pathogens,
which may overcome the resistance present in the pureline varieties. For example, Kalyan
Sona wheat (T. aestivum) originally resistant to brown rust (leaf rust), soon became
susceptible to new races of the pathogen. To overcome these limitations, particularly the
breakdown of resistance to disease, it was suggested to develop multiline varieties.
Multiline varieties are mixtures of several purelines of similar height, flowering and
maturity dates, seed colour and agronomic characteristics, but having different genes for
disease resistance. The purelines constituting a multiline variety must be compatible, i.e.,
they should not reduce the yielding ability of each other when grown in mixture.
In 1954, Borlaug suggested that several purelines with different resistance genes should be
developed through back cross programmes using one recurrent parent. This is done by
transferring disease resistance genes from several donor parents carrying different resistant
genes to a single recurrent parent. Each donor parent is used in a separate backcross
programme so that each line has different resistant gene or genes. Five to ten of these lines
may be mixed depending upon the races of the pathogen prevalent in the area. If a line or
lines become susceptible, they would be replaced by resistant lines. New lines would be
developed when new sources of resistance become available. The breeder should keep
several resistant lines in store for future use in the replacement of susceptible lines of
multiline verities.
Merits of Multiline varieties
1. All the lines are almost identical to the recurrent parent in agronomic characteristics,
quality etc. Therefore, the disadvantages of the pureline mixtures are not present in the
multiline varieties.
2. Only one or a few lines of the mixture would become susceptible of the pathogen in
anyone season. Therefore, the loss to the cultivator would be relatively low.
3. The susceptible line would constitute only a small proportion of the plants in the field.
Therefore, only a small proportion of the plants would be infected by the pathogen.
Consequently, the disease would spread more slowly than when the entire population was
susceptible. This would reduce the damage to the susceptible line as well.
Demerits of Multiline Varieties
1. The fanner has to change the seed of multiline varieties every few years depending upon
the change in the races of the pathogen.
2. There is a possibility that a new race may attack all lines of a multiline variety.
Multiline variety appears to be a useful approach to control diseases like rusts where new
races are continuously produced. In India, three multiline varieties have been released in
wheat (T. aestivum). Kalyan Sona, one of the most popular varieties in the late sixties, was
used as the recurrent parent to produce these varieties. Variety 'KSML 3' consists of 8 lines
having rust resistance genes from Robin, Ghanate, Kl, Rend, Gabato, Blue Brid, Tobari
etc. Multiline 'MLKS 11' is also a mixture of 8 lines; the resistance is derived from E 6254,
E 6056, E 5868, Frecor, HS 19, E 4894 etc. The third variety, KML 7406 has 9 lines
deriving rust resistance from different sources.
Dirty Multiline
This term is used when a multiline is having one or two susceptible lines also. The idea of
including susceptible lines is to prevent race formation.
Hardy Weinberg Law
Cross pollinated crops are highly heterozygous due to the free inter mating among them
so these are random mating populations. Because each individual of the population has
equal opportunity of mating with any other individual. It is also known as
mendelian/panmictic population. A Mendelian population may be thought of having a
gene pool consisting of all gametes produced by the population. So, gene pool may be
defined as the sum total of all genes present in the population. A population consists of
all such individuals that share the same gene pool has an opportunity to inter mate with
each other and contribute to the next generation of the population.
Each generation of a Mendelian population may be considered to arise from a random
sample of gametes from the gene pool of previous generation. Hence, it is not easy to
follow the inheritance of a gene in a Mendelian population. It cannot be estimated by
using the techniques of classical genetics. So, to understand the genetic makeup of such
population a population genetics has been developed.
This law is independently developed by Hardy (1908) in England and Weinberg (1909) in
Germany. The law states that the gene and genotype frequencies in a Mendelian population
remain constant from generation after generation if there is
no selection, mutation, migration or random drift.
The frequencies of these genotypes for a locus with two alleles A and a would be P (AA),
Combining ability
Ability of a strain to produce superior progeny when crossed with other strains.
General combining ability (GCA)
Average performance of a strain in a series of cross combinations. The GCA is estimated
from the performance of F1 S from the crosses. The tester will have a broad genetic base.
Specific combining ability (SCA)
Deviation in performance of a cross combination from that predicted on the basis of general
combining ability of the parents involved in the cross. The testing will be on inbred.
Breeding methods for vegetatively propagated crops
Some agricultural crops and a large number of horticultural crops are asexually propagated.
Some common asexually propagated crops are sugarcane (S. officinarum), potato (S.
tuberosum), sweet potato (I. batatas), Colocasia (Taro), Arum, Dioscorea (yams), Mentha,
ginger (Zingiber sp.), turmeric (C. domestica), banana (Musa paradisiaca), etc., almost all
the fruit trees, e.g., mango (Mangifera indica), citrus (Citrus spp.), apples (P. malus), pears
(P.communis), peaches (P. persica), litchi (Litchi chinensis), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica),
etc:, and many ornamentals and grasses. Many of these crops show reduced flowering and
seed set, 'e.g., sugarcane, potato, sweet potato, banana, etc., and some varieties of these crops
do not flower at all. But many of these crops flower regularly and show satisfactory seed set.
However, they are propagated asexually to avoid the ill effects of segregation and
recombination, both being the inevitable consequences of sexual reproduction.
Segregation and recombination produce new gene combinations due to which the progeny
differ from their parents in genotype and phenotype. Asexual reproduction, on the other hand,
produces progeny exactly identical to their parents in genotype because the progeny is
derived from vegetative cells through mitosis.
The advantage of asexual reproduction is immediately clear. It preserves the genotype of an
individual indefinitely. It must be noted that this does not depend on the homozygosity of the
genotype of an individual. Any genotype is preserved and. maintained through asexual
reproduction. In contrast self-pollination preserves and maintains only homozygous
genotypes giving rise to purelines.
Characteristics of Asexually Propagated Crops
, perennial, e.g., sugarcane, fruit trees, etc. The annual crops
are mostly tuber crops, e.g., potato, cassava (M. utilissima), sweet potato, etc.
-and seed set. Many varieties do not flower at all.
Only the crops grown for fruit, particularly where good fruit set depends upon seed
formation, show regular flowering and satisfactory seed set.
t majority of asexually propagated crops are either polyploids, eg., sugarcane, potato,
sweet potato, etc., or have polyploid species or varieties.
M. paradisiaca), sugarcane, Rubus,
s consist of a large number of clones, that is, progeny derived from a single
plant through asexual reproduction. Thus, each variety of an asexually propagated crop is a
A clone is group of plants produced from a single through asexual reproduction. Thus,
asexually propagated crops consist of large number of clones, and they are often known as
clonal crops. All the members of a clone have the same genotype as the parent plant. As a
result, they are identical with each other in genotype. Consequently, the phenotypic
differences within a clone do not have a genetic basis and are purely due to the environmental
effects. A selection within a clone is thus useless. The various characteristics of a clone are
summarised below.
Identical Genotype
All the individuals belongings to a single clone are identical in genotype. This is so because a
clone is obtained through asexual reproduction, which involves mitotic cell division only.
Genetic variation in the progeny of a plant is produced chiefly by segregation and
recombination, which occur during meiosis only. Thus, the genotype of a clone is maintained
indefinitely without any change.
Lack of genetic variation
The phenotypic variation present within a clone is due to the environment only. This is so
because all the individuals belonging to a single clone have the same genotype. The
phenotype of a clone is due to the effects of genotype (G), the environment (E) and the
genotype X 'environment interaction (G x E) the population mean (µ). Thus, the phenotype
(P) of a clone may be expressed as follows:
P = µ + G + E + GE
Thus, the phenotypic differences among clones would be partly due to E and GE components.
Hence the efficiency of selection among clones, as among purelines, would depend upon the
precision with which the E and GE components of phenotype are estimated.
Theoretically, clones are immortal i.e., a clone can be maintained indefinitely through asexua l
reproduction. But clones usually degenerate due to viral or bacterial infection. A clone may
become extinct due to its susceptibility to diseases or insect pests. Further, genetic variation
may arise within a clone changing its characteristics.
Severe Inbreeding Depression
Generally, clones are highly heterozygous and show severe loss in vigor due to inbreeding.
Clonal Selection
The phenotypic value of a plant or clone is due to the effects of its genotype (G), the
environment (E) and genotype x environment (G x E) interaction. Of these, only the G effects
are heritable. The environmental and interaction effects are non-heritable and cannot be
selected for. Therefore, a selection for quantitative characters based on observations on single
plants is highly unreliable. In fact, plants selected in this way may be no better than a random
Further, a selection for characters like yielding ability, etc. on the basis of unreplicated clonal
plots would often be misleading and unreliable. Therefore, the value of a clone can be
reliably estimated only through replicated yield trials. However, selection for highly heritable
characteristics, such as plant height, days to flowering, color, disease resistance, etc., are easy
and effective even on the basis of individual plants or single plots. Clearly, these situations
are the same as those in the case of sexually reproducing crops.
Selection Procedure
In view of these considerations, in the earlier stages of clonal selection, when selection is
based on single plants or single plots, the emphasis is on the elimination of weak and
undesirable plants or clones. The breeder cannot reasonably hope to identify superior'
genotypes at this stage. In the later stages, when replicated trials are the basis of selection, the
emphasis is to identify and select the superior clones. The various steps involved in clonal
selection are briefly described below and are depicted in Fig:
1. First Year
From a mixed variable population, few hundreds to few thousand desirable plants are
selected. A rigid selection can be done for simply inherited characters with high heritability.
Plants with obvious weaknesses are eliminated.
2. Second Year
Clones from the selected plants are grown separately, generally, without replication This is
done in view of the limited supply of the propagating material for each clone, and because of
the large number of clones involved. The characteristics of clones will be clearer now than in
the previous generation when the observations were based on individual plants. The number
of clones is drastically reduced and inferior clones eliminated. The selection is based on
visual observations and on the basis of clonal characteristics. Fifty to one hundred clones may
be selected on the basis of clonal characteristics.
3. Third Year
Replicated preliminary yield trial is conducted. Suitable, checks included for comparison.
Few superior performing clones with desirable characteristics selected for multilocation
trials. At this stage, selection for quality is also done. If necessary, separate disease nurseries
may be planted to evaluate the disease resistance of selected clones.
4. Fourth to Sixth Years
Replicated yield trials are conducted at several locations along with a suitable check. The
yielding ability, quality and disease resistance, etc. of the clones are rigidly evaluated. The
best clone that is superior to the check in one or more characteristics is identified for release
as a new variety.
5. Seventh Year
The superior clone is multiplied released as a new variety.
Merits of Clonal Selection
– So upon inbreeding they show loss in vigour and conversely show hybrid vigour
when two different plants are hybridized
Inbreeding depression
– Heterosis has been known since the art of hybridization came into existence.
– Koelreuter (1763) was the first to report hybrid vigour in the hybrids of tobacco,
Datura etc.
– Dr. G.H. ShuII (1914) proposed the term heterosis (Gr. heteros different and osis
= condition).
– More appropriate to term the developed superiority of the hybrids as hybrid vigour and
to refer to the mechanism by which the superiority is developed as heterosis.
– Heterosis is estimated in three different ways,
– 1) Mid parent heterosis
– 2) Better parent heterosis
– 3) Standard heterosis
Mid parent heterosis
– When the heterosis is estimated over the mid parent i.e. mean value or average
of the two parents
– It is also known as average heterosis It is also known as average heterosis or
relative heterosis
2) Better
Parent Heterosis (Heterobeltiosis)
• The term heterobeltosis is used to describe the improvement of heterozygote
over the better parent of the cross.
• When the heterosis is estimated over the better parent is known as better parent
heterosis or heterobeltiosis
Standard heterosis
It refers to the superiority of F1 over the standard commercial check variety. It is also
called as economic heterosis or useful heterosis
Genetic basis of heterosis
– Dominance hypothesis
– Overdominance hypothesis
– Epistasis hypothesis
Dominance hypothesis
– (ii) If the heterosis is due to dominance, the F2 curve should be skewed towards
dominant genes, but the curve of F2 is found always smooth and symmetrical.
Over dominance hypothesis
Note: The recurrent selection schemes were devised in relation to heterosis breeding.
The idea was to ensure the isolation of superior inbreds from the populations subjected to
recurrent selection for their ultimate utilization in the production of hybrid and synthetic
Main features
– End product: It can be used to produce inbreds, hybrid varieties and synthetic
• A type of recurrent
selection which does
not include testers
• Condition of use
This method is useful only
for those characters which
have high heritability
Simple Recurrent Selection
– In simple recurrent selection:
1. A number of plants with desirable phenotype are selected and self-pollinated.
2. In the second year, separate progeny rows are grown from selfed seeds of the selected plants.
3. The progenies are intercrossed in all possible combinations by hand, and equal amount of seed
from each cross is composited to produce the next generation. This completes the original
selection cycle.
4. For recurrent selection, several desirable plants are selected from the composited population
obtained from the original selection cycle; they are selected on the basis of phenotype and are self-
5. Next year, progeny rows are grown from the selfed seed and all possible intercrosses are made by
6. Equal seeds from all the intercrosses are composited to produce the next generation.
7. This constitutes the first recurrent selection cycle. The population may be subjected to one or
more recurrent selection cycles
Recurrent Selection for General Combining Ability (RSGCA)
– A tester strain is the common parent mated to a number of lines, strains or plants
– The procedure for RSSCA is identical with that for GCA, except that in this case an inbred is used as a tester in the
place of an open-pollinated variety.
• Condition of use : This method is used for the improvement of those characters
which are governed by non- additive gene action
• Impact of this method: It improves the sca of a character
• The objective is to isolate from a population such lines that will combine well
with a given inbred.
1. First Year. Several plants are selected from the population and self-pollinated. The selected plants (used as males)
are also crossed to an outstanding inbred used as the tester (used as female).
2. Second Year. A replicated yield trial is planted using the testcross progeny. Outstanding progenies are identified
3. Third Year. Selfed seed from the plants that produced the outstanding progenies are planted in separate progeny-
rows in a crossing block. All possible intercrosses among these progenies are made by hand. Equal amounts of seed
from all the intercrosses are composited. This completes the original selection cycle.
4. Fourth Year. The composited intercross seed is planted and the operations of the first year are repeated.
5. Fifth Year. Operations of the second year are repeated.
6. Sixth Year. Operations of the third year are repeated. This completes the first recurrent selection cycle. The
population may be subjected to one or more recurrent selection cycles, if desired, by repeating the operations of
the first recurrent selection cycle (fourth to sixth years).
Reciprocal Recurrent Selection (RRS)
• A form of recurrent selection that is used to improve both gca and sca of a
population for a character using two heterozygous tester.
• Condition of use : This method is used for the improvement of those characters
which are governed by additive and non- additive gene action
• Impact of this method: It improves the gca and sca of a character
• The objective of RRS is to improve two different populations in their ability to
combine well with each other
Heterosis can be fully exploited in the form of hybrids in cross
pollinated species
1. Top cross
2. Polycross
3. Single cross
In top cross, the inbreds are crossed with a common tester and the
progeny are evaluated in replicated trials for general combining
ability of yield and yield contributing characters.
Single cross all possible single crosses are made among selected
inbreds. These crosses are evaluated for GCA of yield in replicated
trial using local variety as a check.
Thus, inbred lines with good GCA are identified and finally
selected for development of synthetic variety
Step 2. Production of A Synthetic variety
1. Equal amounts of seeds from the parental lines are mixed and
planted in isolation.
• Open-pollination is allowed
• The seed from this population is harvested in bulk; the
population raised from this seed is the Syn1 generation.
Composite varieties
1. Heterogeneous
2. Relevant to cross pollinated species only
3. Can be developed from open pollinated variety or any other
heterozygous variety
4. Farmer can use his own saved seed for 3 to 4 years, after that
seed should be replaced
5. There can be two or more constituent genotypes
6. Evaluation for general combining ability (gca) as in synthetic
variety production, is not carried out
7. Exact reconstitution of composite variety is not possible
Steps In Development of Composite Variety
All the single crosses are evaluated in replicated trials for yield performance
in F1,F2,F3 & F4 generations using standard hybrid or open pollinated
variety as a check.
A) Conventional method
1. Continuous selfing
– Doubled haploids (DHs): A plant or line obtained by doubling the chromosome number of a
haploid plant (n).
1. Intraspecific hybrids
2. Interspecific hybrids
1. Intraspecific hybrid: A hybrid between
genetically different genotypes of the same
Also called intervarietal hybrid.
These hybrid are always fertile.
1 2
Number of single crosses: n(n-1)/2
Where, n – Number of parents
2. Double cross :
when two single
crosses are crossed
the resulting hybrid
population is
known as double
F1 X C
Three inbred lines are
used in three way cross
The single cross is used as female and inbred as
❑ Hybridization
Crossing between two genetically dissimilar parent is called
❑ Distant hybridization
Hybridization between individuals from different species belonging
the same genus (interspecific hybridization) or two different
genera of same family (intergeneric hybridization) is termed as
distant hybridization and such crosses are known as distant crosses
or wide crosses.
❑ Karpechenko (1928):
❑ Rimpu (1890):
Produce the first intergeneric hybrid triticale (Wheat X Rye) which have
greater potential than raphanobrassica.
Inter- specific hybridization:
– Cross Incompatibility
– Hybrid Inviability
– Hybrid Sterility
– Hybrid Breakdown
❑ This is the inability of the functional pollen grains of one species or genus to effect
crosses, using pollen mixtures, pistil manipulations, use of growth regulators etc.
❑ This refers to the inviability of the hybrid zygote or embryo. In some cases,
zygote formation occurs, but further development of the zygote is arrested. In
some other cases, after the completion of the initial stages of development, the
embryo gets aborted.
– When F1 hybrid plants of an interspecific crosses are vigrous and fertile but
there F2 progeny is weak and sterile it is known as hybrid breakdown.
The most compatible parents available should be selected for the crosses.
Reciprocal cross may be attempted when one parental combination fails.
e.g. Mung x udid- cross compatible and Udid x mung-cross incompatible
Diploidization of solitary genomes to make them paired will be helpful to make the
cross fertile.
When two parents are incompatible, a third parent that is compatible with both the
parents can be used for bridge crosses and thus it becomes possible to perform cross
between the original parents.
e.g. Tobacco
-Nicotiana repanda x N.tabaccum– cross incompatible
-Nicotiana repanda x N.sylvestris- cross compatible
-Product x N.tabaccum- cross compatible
Decapitation of the style will sometimes prove helpful in overcoming incompatibility.
When fusion of gametes fails, protoplast fusion of somatic cells can be attempted.
Hybrid zygotes formed by wide crosses may fail to grow in a number of cases. The zygotes
are taken out and grown in in vitro medium to overcome this problem.
– Hybrid varieties:
➢ Hybrid between Pearl millet x Napier gress- Hybrid Napier which is very
popular for its high fodder yield and fodder quality e.g. Jaywant and
– This method is commonly used to transfer disease resistance from one variety to another. But
it is also useful for transfer of other characteristics.
– 1. Intervarietal transfer of simply inherited characters E.g. Disease resistance, seed coat colour
– 2. Intervarietal transfer of quantitative characters. E.g. Plant height, Seed size, Seed shape.
– 3. Interspecific transfer of simply inherited characters E.g. Transfer of disease resistance from
related species to cultivated species. E.g. Resistance to black arm disease in cotton from wild
tetraploid species into Gossypium hirsutum
– 4. Transfer of cytoplasm This is employed to transfer male sterility. The female parent will be
having the sterile cytoplasm and recurrent parent will be used as male parent.
– 5. Transgressive segregation Back cross method may be modified to produce
transgressive segregants. The F1 is backcrossed to recurrent parent for 2 to 3
times for getting transgressive segregants.
– 6. Production of near isogenic lines
– 7. Germplasm conversion E.g. Production of photo insensitive line from photo
Sensitive germplasm through back crossing. This was done in the case of
Procedure for backcross method
– The Plan of backcross method would depend upon whether the gene being
transferred is recessive or dominant.
– The plan for transfer of a dominant gene is simpler than that for a recessive
Transfer of
First Season Hybridization between parent B donor
(Female) and Susceptible parent A recipient (male)
Second Season Raising the F l and backcrossed to
recurrent parent A.
Third season Growing the BClFl . It will be
segregating for 1 susceptible (rr): 1 resistant (Rr).
Rust resistant plants are backcrossed with recurrent
parent A. This is second backcross.
Fourth Season Raising BC2 F1 will again segregate
in the ratio of 1: 1. Third backcross is done with
resistant plants.
– Fifth Season to Eighth Season Raising backcross Fls and crossing resistant plants
with recurrent parent is continued up to 7th backcross
– Ninth season Raising BC7F1 and observing resistant lines. The plants resembling
parent A coupled with resistance is selected and harvested on single plant basis.
– Tenth Season Growing the progeny row and observing each row for resistance.
Best rows are selected and harvested
– Eleventh Season The row bulk is raised in yield trial along with check and the
best plots are selected.
– Twelfth season Selected plot seeds are multiplied and released as new variety.
– Steps
– I Season: Make a cross between donor parent A and recurrent parent B and Harvest the hybrid. The
donor parents A is resistant which is governed by recessive genes. The susceptibility is governed by
dominant gene in parent B.
– II Season: Grow the F1 which will be susceptible – Harvest them.
– III Season: Grow F2 which will be segregating in the ratio of I :2: I i.e. 3/4 susceptible and 1/4 resistant.
With the resistant lines (rr) make first backcross with parent A having dominant RR gene. Harvest BCI
– IV Season: Grow BCIF1
– V season: Grow BC1 F2 which will be segregating as we saw in III season. Repeat the process of third
season. This will give BC2F1I
– VI Season : Grow BC2F1
– VII season: Grow BC2F2 them repeat the process of V Season. This will give BC3F1.
– VIII Season: Grow BC3F1
– IX Season: Grow BC3F2 and repeat the process of VII Season. Harvest BC4F1.
– X season: Grow BC4F1
– XI Season: Grow BC4F2 and repeat the process of IX Season. Harvest BC5F1.
– XII, XIII & XIV: Repeat the process and carry out backcross upto 7 time.
– XV Season: While studying BC7F2 select single plants having resistance and resembling
parent B.
– XVI Season: Study the progenies in progeny rows and select best progenies.
– XVII Season: Conduct yield trial and select best material. XVIII Season: Multiply the seeds
and distribute it as improved variety with resistance to disease.
What is Multiline Variety – Definition?
Multiline variety is a mixture of several pure lines of similar phenotype (height, seed
color, flowering time, maturity time and various other agronomic characteristics) but
have different genes for disease resistance (means these are isogenic lines).
Main features of multiline varieties are briefly presented below:
1. Application:
The multiline approach is applicable to self-pollinated species only. Multiline
cultivars are commercially used in self-pollinated crops like oat, wheat, soybean,
groundnut and many other crops.
2. Genetic Constitution:
Multiline cultivars are mixtures of several pure-lines. The pure-lines may be
isogenic lines, closely related lines or unrelated lines. Thus, multi-lines are
homozygous but heterogeneous populations or genetically diverse populations.
3. Adaptation:
Multi-lines are more adaptable to environmental variations than pure-lines by
virtue of their genetic diversity. In other words, multi-lines have more buffering
capacity to environmental changes than pure lines.
4. Disease Control:
The use of multiline cultivars is an effective way to minimize the yield losses due
to the attack of multiracial disease.
All races of a disease will never appear at a time and all the genotypes of a
heterogeneous mixture are never attacked at a time.
5. Qualityof Produce:
The produce of multiline cultivars is generally less uniform and less attractive
than that of a pure-line, because it is a mixture of several pure lines.
6. Yield:
The yield of a multiline would be lesser than that of the most productive
cultivar of a pure-line under normal conditions.
But under adverse conditions, the yield of a multiline would be much higher
than that of most productive pure-line cultivar.
Because highly productive pure-line cultivars are more prone to biotic and
abiotic stresses due to narrow genetic base.
First Suggested IN OATS BY JENSEN IN 1952
Multilines are developed for self-pollinating species.
1. Inter-varietal Hybridization
2. Distant Hybridization
The cross between the members of the same species (intra-specific) is
called inter-varietal hybridization. In this type of hybridization, different
cross patterns can be used.
1. Simple Cross
In this case, two parents are used to produce an F1 hybrid.
2. Complex Crosses
In complex crosses, more than two parents are involved. Such
crosses can be called convergent crosses since they bring genes
from different sources together.
• Hybridization between the members of different species or hybridization
beyond species level is called distant hybridization. Thus, it may be
interspecific (intra-generic) or inter-generic. When conventional methods
of hybridization fails, para-sexual methods are used in such cases.
1. Selection of Parents
2. Emasculation
3. Bagging
4. Tagging
5. Pollination
6. Harvesting F1 Seeds
7. Further handling of the plants
The choice of the parents depends on the objective of the cross. In
combination breeding, the genetic diversity of the parents is not
important. In the case of transgressive breeding, genetically diverse
plants are selected as parents. If the characteristics of the parents are
not completely known, they are evaluated for the agronomic features.
In the case of crops with bisexual flowers, stamens of the flowers of the
female parents are removed or the pollen grains are killed. This process
is called emasculation. Mechanical, physiological or genetic methods of
emasculation are used, depending upon the nature of the crop and the
Here, the anthers are removed from the flowers of the female parents.
Hand emasculation and suction method are generally used. For hand
emasculation, the flower buds are opened carefully before anthesis (First
opening of the flower) and the anthers are removed with the help of
forceps. Care should be taken so that the gynoecium of the flowers in
not damaged. In suction method, the petals are removed from the
flowers before anthesis, with the help of forceps. Then, a thin rubber or
glass tube attached to a suction hose is used to suck the anthers from
the flowers.
Here, the anthers are killed with the help of heat treatment, cold
treatment or alcohol treatment.
Genetic or cytoplasmic male sterility factors are introduced into the
female parents to make them sterile.
The emasculated inflorescences of female plants are covered using
butter paper bags or cloth bags. However, in the case of cross-pollinated
crops, male plants may also be bagged if desired, so as to avoid pollen
mixture. The bags are removed 2-3 days after pollination.
Emasculated flowers are tagged properly after bagging. Circular or
rectangular tags may be used. Details of the cross, date of emasculation,
date of pollination and the number of flowers emasculated must be
noted on the tag. Carbon pencil or permanent ink may be used for
Mature, fertile and viable pollen grains are collected from the male
parent and dusted on the stigma of the female parent. Care should be
taken to see that the pollen grains are dusted at the optimum stage of
Crossed seeds are harvested carefully and stored to raise the F1
Further handling of the hybrids depends on the objective of the cross. In
the case of hybrid seed production, the F1 seeds are directly released to
farmers. In the case of combination breeding and transgressive breeding,
F2 is raised and the most appropriate solution program is used.
Inbreeding and
Inbreeding Depression
• Inbreeding is a form of mating system in sexual organism.
• It implies mating together of individual that are close to each
other by ancestral or pedigree relationship.
• When the individuals are closely related E. g Full sib was mating,
half sib mating.
• The highest degree of inbreeding is achieved by selfing.
• The chief effect of inbreeding is to increase homozygosity in
the progeny, which is proportionate to the degree of inbreeding.
• Cross – pollinated and asexually reproducing species are highly
heterozygous in nature.
• These species show a severe reduction in fertility and vigour
due to inbreeding (inbreeding depression).
• It contrast to this hybridization between unrelated strains
leads to an increased vigour and fertility (hybrid vigour or
• These two aspects are of great significance in breeding of these
• In fact heterosis and inbreeding depression may be considered
as the two opposite sides of the same coin.
Inbreeding Depression:
• It refers to decrease in fitness and vigour due to
inbreeding or it may be defined as the reduction or
loss in vigour and fertility as a result of inbreeding.
• The most revealing impact of inbreeding is the loss
of vigour and the physiological efficiency of an
organism characterised by reduction in size and
• For example selfing reduces heterozygosity, by a
factor ½ in each generation.
• In fact the dwgree of inbreeding in any generation
is equal to the degree of homozygosity in that
Inbreeding Depression Cont…
• Inbreeding depression results due to fixation of unfavourable
recessive genes in F2, while in heterosis the unfavourable
recessive genes of one line (parent) are covered by favourable
dominant genes of other parent.
• Man has recognised inbreeding depression for a long time.
• In many species marriage between closely related ancestries
have been prohibited.
• In hindu society perhaps presents the extreme example, where
marriages between individual related by ancestry is prohibited.
Effects of Inbreeding
Inbreeding is due to a reduction in vigour and reproductive capacity that is
There is a general reduction in the size of various plant parts and in yield.
The effects of inbreeding may be summarised as under.
a) Appearance of Lethal and Sublethal Alleles:
Inbreeding to the appearance of lethal, sublethal and subvital characteristics.
Such characteristics include chlorophyll deficiencies E.g Albino, chlorine rootles
seedlings , defects in flower structure etc. generally, plants carrying such
characteristics cannot maintained and are lost from the population.
b) Reduction in Vigour:
There is a general reduction in the vigour of the population.
Plants become shorter and weaker because of general reduction in the size of
various plant parts.
c) Reduction in Reproductive Ability:
The reproductive ability of the population decreases rapidly.
Many lines (plant progenies) reproduction poorly that they cannot be maintained.
Effects of Inbreeding cont…
d) Separation of the Population into Distinct Lines:
The population rapidly separates into phenotypically distinct lines.
This is because of an increase in homozygosity due to which there is random
fixation of various alleles of different lines.
Therefore, the lines differ in their genotype and consequently in phenotype.
e) Increase in Homozygosity:
Each line becomes increasingly homozygous following inbreeding.
Consequently, the variation within a line decreases rapidly.
Ultimately, after 7 to 8 generations of selfing, the lines become almost uniform.
Since they approach complete homozygosity (> 99 percent homozygosity).
The lines, which are almost homozygous due to continued inbreeding and are
maintained through close inbreeding, are known as inbred lines or inbreds.
i) Reduction in Yield:
Inbreeding generally leads to a loss in yield.
The inbred lines that is able to survive and be maintained yield much less than
the open pollinated varieties from which they were derived.
In maize, the best – inbred lines yield about half as much as the open pollinated
varieties from which they were produced.
In alfalfa and carrot, the reduction in yields is much greater, while in onions and
many cucurbits the reduction in yield is very small.
Degree of Inbreeding Depression
• The various plant species differ considerably in their responses
to inbreeding.
• Inbreeding depression may range from very high to very low or
may even be absent into the following four broad categories.
• The loss in vigour and fertility is so great that very few lines
can be maintained after 3 to 4 generation of inbreeding.
Interspecific Hybridization:- When the individuals from two distinct species of the genus
are crosssed, it is known as interspecific hybridization. e.g. Oryza sativa x Oryza perennis.
Intergeneric Hybridization:- When the individuals being crossed belong to species from
two different genera it is referred as intergeneric hybridization. e.g. Triticum spp. X rye
(Secale cereale).
Thomas Fairchild
Karpechenko (1928):- An interesting intergeneric hybrid,
Raphanobrassica, (R. sativus x B. oleracea) was produced.
desirable genes into cultivated plants from related species and genera.
Ex. Nerica, an upland rice for Africa
Nerica rice
Asian rice
Triticale, a new cereal created in the lab.
of the chromosomes.
interspecific cross.
Wheat Rye
a) Fully fertile
b) Partially fertile
c) Fully sterile in different crop species
Fully fertile crosses
Interspecific crosses are fully fertile between those species that have complete
chromosomal homology. Chromosome in such hybrids have normal pairing at
meiosis and result the F1 plants are fully fertile.
crosses, using pollen mixtures, pistil manipulations, use of growth regulators etc.
This refers to the Inviability of the hybrid zygote or embryo. In some cases, zygote
formation occurs, but further development of the zygote is arrested. In some other cases,
after the completion of the initial stages of development, the embryo gets aborted.
• The reasons for this are:
1. Unfavorable interactions between the chromosomes of the two species
2. Unfavorable interaction of the endosperm with the embryo.
3. Disharmony between cytoplasm and nuclear genes
• Reciprocal crosses, application of growth hormones and embryo rescue are the
techniques that can be used to overcome this problem.
This refers to the inability of a hybrid to produce viable offspring. This is more
prominent in the case of intergeneric crosses. The major reason for hybrid sterility is the
lack of structural homology between the chromosomes of the two species.
This may lead to meiotic abnormalities like chromosome scattering, chromosome
extension, lagging of chromosome in the anaphase, formation of anaphase bridge,
development of chromosome rings and chains, and irregular and unequal anaphase
These irregularities may lead to aberrations in chromosome structure. Lack of
homology between chromosomes may also lead to incomplete pairing of
Sterility caused by structural differences between the chromosomes of two species can
be overcome by amphidiploidization using colchicine.
Hybrid breakdown is a major problem in interspecific crosses.
When F1 hybrid plants of an interspecific crosses are vigorous and fertile but
there F2 progeny is weak and sterile it is known as hybrid breakdown.
This technique was once more efficient than microspore culture in creating
haploid barley
Wide crossing of wheat and rye requires embryo
rescue and chemical treatments to double the no. of
chromosomes triticale
Triticum durum (4X) x Secale cereale (2X)
Parents involved Involves two different species of the same Involves two different genera of
gene. the same family.
Fertility Such hybrids vary from completely fertile Hybrids are always sterile.
to completely sterile
Seed Setting More than intergeneric crosses. Less than interspecific crosses.
Use in crop improvement More than intergeneric crosses. Less than interspecific crosses.
Evolution of new crops Not possible, but evolution of new species Sometime possible,
is sometimes possible. e.g., Triticale.
Techniques to make wide crosses successful
The most compatible parents available should be selected for the crosses.
Reciprocal cross may be attempted when one parental combination fails.
e.g. Mung x udid- cross compatible and Udid x mung-cross incompatible
Diploidization of solitary genomes to make them paired will be helpful to make the cross fertile.
When two parents are incompatible, a third parent that is compatible with both the parents can be
used for bridge crosses and thus it becomes possible to perform cross between the original parents.
e.g. Tobacco
Nicotiana repanda x N.tabaccum– cross incompatible
Nicotiana repanda x N.sylvestris- cross compatible
Nicotiana syivestris x N.tabaccum- cross compatible Continue.......
Unfavorable interaction between pollen and pistil in the case of wide crosses can be
overcome to some extent by using pollen mixture.
Decapitation of the style will sometimes prove helpful in overcoming incompatibility.
Pollen tube growth can be accelerated by using growth hormones like IAA, NAA, 2,4-D
and Gibberellic acid.
When fusion of gametes fails, protoplast fusion of somatic cells can be attempted.
Hybrid zygotes formed by wide crosses may fail to grow in a number of cases. The zygotes
are taken out and grown in in vitro medium to overcome this problem.
Role Of Wide Crosses In Crop Improvement
Wide crosses are generally used to improve crop varieties for disease resistance, pest resistance, stress
resistance, quality, adaptation, yield etc. These crosses can even be used to develop new crop species.
Techniques like alien addition and alien substitution may also be effective.
(A)Disease and insect resistance
Crop Character transferred Species transferred from Species transferred to
Cotton Jassid resistance G. tomentosum G. hirsutum
Blackarm resistance G. arboreum G. barbadense
Okra Resistance to YMV Abelmoschus manihot A. esculenta
Groundnut Resistant to leaf chewing Arachis monticola A. hypogea
Wheat Rust resistance Agropyron T. aestivum
Tobacco Resistant to mosaic virus N. repanda N. Tabaccum
Sugarcane Sereh disease resistant Saccharum spontaneum S. Officinarum
Potato Resistant to late blight and Solanum denissum S. tuberosum
leaf roll.
(B) Improvement in quality
Crop Charactertransferred Species transferred from Species transferred to
Cotton Fibre length G. thurberi & G.hirsutum
Male sterility G. raimondii
G. harkenssii G.hirsutum
Potato Starch content Frost resistance Wild species Cultivated Spp.
Solanum acaule S. tuberosum
Tomato Carotenoid content Lycopersicon L.esculentum
Wild Spp.
Palm Oil quality Wild Spp. Cultivated Spp.
Rice, Oat & Rye Protein quality Wild Spp. Cultivated Spp.
Tobacco Leaf quality Nicotiana debneyi N. tabacum
Oat High oil content Avena sterilis A.sativa
(C) Improvement in yield: This also been achieved through the use of wild Spp. in some crops e.g. Oat,
Mung bean, Groundnut, Potato, Tobacco.
These lines carries one chromosome pair from a different species in addition to the
normal somatic chromosome complement of the parent species.
When only one chromosome (not a pair of chromosome) from another species is
present, it is known as alien addition monosome.
Alien addition have also been done in rice, sugar beet, cotton, brassicas.
The main purpose of alien addition is the transfer of disease resistance from related wild
species. e.g. Transfer of mosaic resistance from Nicotiana glutinosa to N. tabacum.
The alien addition lines have been developed in case of wheat, oats, tobacco and
several other species.
Alien addition lines are of little agricultural importance since the alien chromosome
generally carries many undesirable genes. e.g. Reduced growth and short, broad leaves
in addition to mosaic resistance.
This line has one chromosome pair from a different species in place of the chromosome pair
of the recipient species.
When a single chromosome (not a pair) from different species in place of a single
chromosome of the recipient species, known as alien-substitution monosome.
Alien –substitution line have been developed in wheat, cotton, tobacco, oats, etc.
In case of tobacco, mosaic resistance gene N was transferred from the N. glutinosa to N.
tabacum line had 23 pairs of N. tabacum chromosomes and one pair (chromosome H) of N.
glutinosa chromosomes.
The alien substitution show more undesirable effects than alien additions and as a
consequence are of no direct use in agriculture.
Limitations of Distant hybridization
1) Incompatible crosses
2) F1 sterility
3) Problems in creating new species
4) Lack of homoeology between chromosome of the parental species
5) Undesirable linkages
6) Problems in the transfer of recessive oligo genes and quantitative traits
7) Lack of flowering in F1
8) Problems in using improved varieties in distant hybridization
9) Dormancy
Hybrid varieties:-
Upland cotton – MCU-2, MCU-5, Khandwa1, Khandwa2 etc are derivatives of
interspecific hybridization.
Hybrid between Pearl millet x Napier grass - Hybrid Napier which is very popular for
its high fodder yield and fodder quality e.g. Jaywant and Yashwant
Eduard Strasburger
▪ Founder of modern cytology
▪ First coined the term
O. Winge (1917)
First classic paper on polyploidy
Bread Wheat
Pearl millet
Definition: Presence of more than two identical or distinct
genomes in an individual is known as polyploid and
condition of being polyploid is polyploidy.
Types of polyploidy
1. Autopolyploidy
a) Autotriploid:-
b) Autotetraploid:-
c) Autopentaploid:-
2. Allopolyploidy
a) Allotetraploid:-
b) Allohexaploid :-
c) Allooctaploid :-
1. Autopolyploidy: If all the genomes present in an individual are
identical, it is called as autopolyploidy.
1. Spontaneous
2. Production of adventitious buds
3. Treatment with physical agents
4. Regeneration in vitro
5. Colchicine treatment
Origin and production of doubled chromosome numbers:
1. Spontaneous :
Chromosome doubling occurs occasionally in somatic tissues and
unreduced gametes are produced in low frequencies.
2. Production of adventitious buds : Decapitation (is the complete
separation of the head from the body) in some plants leads to callus
development at the cut ends of the stem.
Such a callus has some polyploid cells and some of the shoot buds
regenerated from the callus may be polyploid.
•It refers to sudden heritable changes in the characters of
•The agents capable of inducing mutations are known as
➢Mutation breeding:
•Utilization of induced mutations for crop improvement is
known as mutation breeding.
1. Mutation is originated spontaneously or induced
artificially by radiations or chemicals.
2. Mutations are random events.
3. Mutations are mostly recurrent.
4. Spontaneous mutations occur at very low frequencies
(10-4 to 10-7) in nature.
5. The rate of induced mutations is markedly affected by
the environmental conditions.
6. Most mutant alleles are plelotropic in nature.
7. Mutations occur in both forward and reverse directions.
8. The mutator genes and antimutator genes effect the rate
of some other genes of the genome.
9. It occurs in any tissue/cell and at any developmental
stage of organism.
10. Generally, mutant alleles are recessive to their wild type
or normal alleles.
11. Fine structure analyses of genes have shown that
mutations producing the same phenotypic effect may be
located at different sites within the gene.
Chemical mutagen:-
X rays were first discovered by Roentgen in 1895. They
are sparsely ionizing and highly penetrating. They are
generated in X rays machines. X rays can break
chromosomes and produce all types of mutations in
nucleotides, viz. addition, deletion, inversion,
transposition, transitions and transversions.
X rays were first used by Muller in 1927 for induction of
mutations in Drosophila.
In plants, Stadler in 1928 first used X rays for induction of
mutations in Barley.
(1) Based on source (5) Based on site
Spontaneous mutation Nuclear mutation
Induced mutation Cytoplasmic mutation
(2) Based on Direction
Forward mutation (6) Based on character
Reverse mutation Morphological
(3) Based on survival Biochemical
Lethal (7) Based on visibility
Sub lethal Macro – mutation
Sub vital
Micro – mutation
(4) Based on tissue (8) Based on dominance relationship
Somatic mutation Dominant mutation
Germinal mutation Recessive mutation
Codominant mutation
Incompletely dominant mutation
(9) Based on Intensity of character expression
Amorphic mutations
Hypo-morphic mutation
Hyper-morphic mutation
(10) Based on Expression of neighbouring gene
Polar mutations
Non-polar mutations
(11) Based on amino acid replacement in the polypeptide
Mis sense
❖ Mutations produced by changes in the base sequence of genes are known as
gene or point mutations some mutations may be produced by changes in
chromosome structure or even in chromosome number they are termed as
chromosomal mutation.
➢ There are three types of mutations based on genetic basis of heritable change :
➢ Base substitution :-
When one base in a DNA molecule is replaced by another, it
is called base substitution. It is of two types
i. Transition
ii. Transversion
G Transversion C
Classification of mutations :
❑ Based on origin, the mutations are classified as spontaneous and induced mutations.
3. Based on magnitude of phenotypic effects mutation
as classified as
Macro mutations : Oligogenic Mutation – Large
phenotypic effect and recognizable on individual plant
basis and can be seen easily in M2 generations – Eg. Ancon
breed in sheep, pod maize to cob maize.
Procedure for irradiation : The plant material may be treated in any of the
following source. 1. Seeds, 2. Seedlings, 3. Flowers, 4. Cuttings
1. Seeds : Seeds are used after soaking to get greater frequency of induced
mutations than air dried.
2. Seedlings : At any stage of life cycle can be subjected to radiation but usually
seedlings neither too young nor too old are irradiated due to their convenience in
handling in pots transportation from nursery easily.
3. Flowers : Meiotic cells have been found more sensitive than the mitotic cells
and therefore plants are irradiated in the flowering stage in order to affect the
developing gametes.
4. Cuttings : In case of fruit tree when they are propagated by clones – the
desirable cuttings are exposed to irradiation.
Selection of the variety for mutagen treatment
❖ The variety selected for mutagenesis should be the best available in the crop.
❖ Dose of the Mutagen
An optimum dose of the mutagen should be used. An optimum dose is the one
which produces the maximum frequency of mutations and causes the minimum
killing. Many workers feel that a dose close to LD50 should be optimum. LD50
is that dose of a mutagen, which would kill 50% of the treated individuals.
Mutation breeding for polygenic traits :Mutagenesis does produce genetic
variation in polygenic traits; this variation is usually as much as 50% of that generated
in F2 generation, but sometimes it may be as much as or even greater than the latter.
1. M1 and M2. M1 and M2 are grown in the same way as in the case of oligogenic
traits. In M2, vigorous, fertile and normal looking plants that do not exhibit a mutant
120 phenotype are selected and their seeds are harvested separately to raise individual
plant progeny rows in M3.
2. M3. Progeny rows from individual selected plants are grown. Careful
observations are made on M3 rows for small deviations in phenotype from the parent
variety. Inferior rows are discarded. Few rows may be homogeneous and would be
harvested in bulk. Selection in done in M3 rows showing segregation; a majority of M3
rows would show segregation. Intensive and careful evaluation of a large number of M3
progeny rows allows identification of mutants with altered quantitative traits, e. g.,
partial or horizontal disease resistance. Such mutants occur in high frequencies that
approach 1% or even high, so that their isolation becomes quite cost effective.
3. M4. Bulked seed from homogeneous M3 rows may be planted in a
preliminary yield trial with a suitable check; superior progenies are selected for
replicated multilocation yield trials. Individual plant progenies from M3 are critically
observed. Progenies showing segregation may be subjected to selection only if they
are promising. Super ior homogeneous progenies are harvested in bulk for
preliminary yield tests in M5.
Applications of Mutation Breeding
Mutation breeding has been used for improving both oligogenic as well as polygenic
characters. Mutagenesis has been used to improve morphological and physiological
characters including yielding ability. Various applications of mutation breeding are :
1. Induction of desirable mutant alleles which may not be available in the
2. It is useful in improving specific characteristics of a well adapted high yielding
3. Mutagenesis has been successfully used to improve various quantitative character
including yield.
4. F1 hybrids from intervarietal crosses may be treated with mutagens in order to
increase genetic variability by inducing mutation and to facilitate recombination
of linked genes.
5. Irradiation of interspecific (distant) hybrids has been done to produce
Advantages :
1. Mutation create inexhaustible variation.
Limitations :
1. Frequency of desirable mutations is very low about 0.1 percent. To detect the
desirable one in M2 considerable time, labour & other resources are to be employed.
2. To screen large population, efficient quick and unexpensive selection techniques are
3. Desirable mutations may be associated with undesirable side effects due to other
mutations thus extending the mutation breeding programme.
4. Detection of recessive mutations in polyploids and clones is difficult and larger doses
of mutagen have to be applied and larger populations are to be grown.
Achievements :
a) Natural mutants :
Rice : GFB 24 – arose as a mutant from Konamani variety Dee – Gee – Woo –
Gen – Arose as a mutant from rice in China
MTU 20 – arose as a mutant from MTU-3
Sorghum Co. 18 – arose as a mutant from Co. 2
Cotton : DB 3-12 from G. heroaccum variety Western 1
b) Induced mutants :
Rice : Jagannath-gamma ray induced mutant from T.141
Wheat : Sarbati Sonora Gamma radiation from Sonora 64
NP 836 mutants, through irradiation from NP 709
Cotton : Indore 2 Induced from Malwa upland 4
MLU 7 gamma ray induced mutant from culture 1143 EE
MLU 10 gamma ray induced mutant from MLU 4
Mustard : Primax whicte (1950)
Summer Pope seed Regina I (1953)
Sugarcane : Co.8152 gamma ray induced mutant from Co. 527
Groundnut : NC 4
Cas tor : Aruna (NPH1) – Fast neutrons induced mutant from HC 6 25
Table:- Some important varieties developed in India through various mutagens in
different crops
Stress refers to adverse condition for the crop growth and production
imposed by either environmental factors or biological factors.
Types of stress
1. Biotic
2. Abiotic
Various plant character which are associated with non preference include
colour, light penetration, hairiness, leaf angle, odour and taste.
For example, in cotton red plant body, smooth leaves, leaf, open canopy,
thickness and long pedicel are examples of non preference to bollworms,
and hairiness of leaf and stem is non preference for jassids.
Non Preference Mechanism of Insect Resistance in Some Crop
2) Hypersensitivity
Methods of Breeding for Disease and Insect Resistance
a) Primary Introduction:
When the introduced variety is well suited to the new environment and
is directly released for commercial cultivation without any change the
original genotype, known as primary introduction.
Ex. Kalyan sona and sonalika varieties selected from the material
introduced from CIMMYT.
2. Selection
Induced mutations are also use for disease resistance. Many disease
resistant varieties have been developed in various crops through
induced mutations.
5. Somaclonal Variation
New DNA may be inserted in the host genome by first isolating and
copying the genetic material of interest using molecular
cloning methods to generate a DNA sequence, or by synthesizing the
DNA, and then inserting this construct into the host organism.
Ex. Bt-Cotton
Genetics of Insect Resistance in Plant
Genetic Control of
Resistance Crop Species Insect Pest
Oligogenic Wheat Grenbugs
Hessian fly
Barley Greenbugs
Rice Plant hopper
Maize Corn borer
Cotton Jassids
Alfalfa Pea Aphid
Raspberry Rubus Aphid
Apple Woolly Aphid
Genetic Control of Crop Insect
Resistance Species Pest
Polygenic Wheat Leaf beetle
Rice Stem borer
Maize Earworm
Leaf Aphid
Brassica Aphid
Alfalfa Spotted Aphid
Cytoplasmic Maize European
Corn borer
Lettuce Root Aphid
Genetics of Disease Resistance in Plant
1. Oligogenic Inheritance
2. Polygenic Inheritance
3. Cytoplasmic Inheritance
Genetics of Disease Resistance in Some Crop Plants
Types of resistance
• Types of resistance
Resistance to diseases is also a genetically controlled
• Plants possess two different types of resistance:
• Asexual reproduction produces the progeny, which are exactly identical to their parent in genotype,
because the progeny is derived from the vegetative cells through mitosis. Therefore, the main
advantage of asexually reproduction is that it preserves the genotype of an individual indefinitely.
Characteristics of Asexually propagated crops
1. A great majority of them are perennials e.g. sugarcane, fruit trees etc.,
2. Many of them show reduced flowering and seed set.
3. They are invariably cross pollinated
4. These crops are highly heterozygous ands show severe inbreeding
5. A vast majority of asexually propagated crops are either polyploids
eg., sugarcane, potato.
6. Many species are interspecific hybrids eg. Banana and sugarcane.
7. This crop consists of a large number of clones that is progeny derived
from a single plant through asexual reproduction.
• A clone is a group of plants produced from a single plant through
asexual reproduction. Thus asexually propagated crops consists of a
large number of clones These crops are also known as clonal crops.
• All the members of a clone have the same genotype as the parent
plant. As a result, they are identical with each other in genotype.
• Consequently the phenotypic differences within a clone do not have a
genetic basis and are purely due to the environmental effects.
Characteristics of a clone
1. All the individuals belonging to a single clone are identical in
2. The phenotype variation with in a clone is due to the environment only
3. The phenotype of a clone is due to the effects of genotype (G) the
environment (E) and the G x E interaction over the population mean (r)
Phenotype (P) = M+G+E+ GE
4. Theoretically clones are immortal i.e. a clone can be maintained
indefinitely through asexual reproduction. But clones usually degenerate
due to viral or bacterial infections.
5. Clones are generally, highly heterozygous and show severe loss in
vigour due to inbreeding.
• Some agricultural crops and a large number of horticultural crops are
asexually propagated. Some common asexually propagated crops are
sugarcane, potato, sweet potato colocasia, Discorea (gams), Mentha,
Ginger, turmeric, banana etc., almost all the fruit trees.
• Segregation and recombination produce new gene combinations due to
which the progeny differ from their parents in genotype and
• Asexual reproduction, on the other hand, produces progeny exactly
identical to their parents in genotype because the progeny are derived
from vegetative cells through mitosis.
• It preserves the genotype of an individual indefinitely. Any genotype is
preserved and maintained through asexual reproduction.
Genetic variation within clones
• It may arise due to somatic mutation, mechanical mixture and
occasional sexual reproduction.
Clonal degeneration:-
• Theoretically, clones are immortal.
• The loss in vigour and productivity of clones with time is known as
clonal degeneration.
• The clonal degeneration may result from (1) mutation (2) viral
diseases and (3) bacterial diseases.
Mutation: It is a recurrent process, it may become a problem over a
long period of time.
Runners are stems that grow horizontally
above the ground. They have nodes where
buds are formed. These buds grow into a
new plant.
• New plants will grow out of swollen, modified roots called tubers. Buds develop
at the base of the stem and then grow into new plants.
• Leaves of some plants will grow into a new plant if they become detached from the parent plant.
Other plants grow small plants called plantlets on the edge of their leaves. i.e. cactus, thorns etc.
• A bulb contains an underground stem. Leaves are attached to the stem. These leaves contain much
stored food. At the center of the bulb is an apical bud. Also attached are lateral buds. The apical
bud will produce leaves and a flower while the lateral buds will produce new shoots. As the plant
grows and develops it will form a new bulb underground.
Artificial Vegetative Reproduction
• Horticulturists and farmers use artificial means to produce plants that are identical to the parent
plant. Some of the methods used are:
• Cuttings are part of the plant that is cut off of the parent plant. Shoots with leaves attached are
usually used. New roots and leaves will grow from the cutting. The shoot is cut at an angle. A
growth promoter may be used to help with the growth of the roots.
• In grafting 2 plants are used to develop a new plant with combined traits from the 2 parent plants.
In grafting the scion is the above ground part of one plant. The scion is attached to the stock which
is the rooted part of the second plant.
Brimto : Most recent achievement of ICAR
• In layering a shoot of a parent plant is bent until it can be covered by soil. The tip of the shoot
remains above ground. New roots and eventually a new plant will grow. These plants can then be
Methods of improvement of Asexually propagated crops
Planned introduction
• Just like seed, vegetative material (whole plants or parts) may be introduced into a new
production area for evaluation and adaptation to the new area.
• However, the technology of tissue culture allows a large variety of small samples to be
introduced in sterile condition.
• This procedure is applicable to species that are capable of producing seed in appreciable quantities.
• Because heterosis can be fixed in clonal populations, the breeder may conduct a combining ability analysis to
determine the best combiners to be used in hybridization
Interspecific hybridization in the improvement of clonal crops
• Interspecific hybridization has been successfully used in the improvement of
clonal crops like, potato, sugarcane, strawberries etc., potato variety "Kufri Kuber'
was developed from a complex cross (Solanum curtilobum x S. tubersoum) x
Solanum andigena. This vareity shows much less clonal degeneration in the plains
than the vareity up to date.
• Generally interspecific crosses are made to transfer specific characters such as
disease resistance from the wild species to the cultivated potato. For example S.
demissum has been extensively used as a source of late blight resistance.
• All sugarcane varieties now in cultivation have developed from complex crosses
between sugarcane varieties have been developed from complex crosses between
Saccharum officinarum (Noble cane), S. barberi (Indian cane) and Saccharum
sp. like S. spontaneous has been used to combine its and high yielding ability of S.
• The principle reason for such a great success is then asexual reproduction this
completely avoids segregation and recombination. Another reason in that most of
them are not seed crops, hence flowering and fertility are not essential for their
success as varieties.
Problems in the breeding asexually propagated
• There are several problems peculiar to clonal crops, which are difficult
to resolve. There are three major problems in their breeding
• As previously indicated, clonal species are very heterozygous and prone to inbreeding depression.
• Backcrossing to one parent (the recurrent parent) provides an opportunity for homozygosity and
consequently inbreeding depression.
• To prevent this, breeders may cross the backcross to another clone instead of the recurrent parent,
followed by selection to identify superior plants.
1.1 Sterility is not a factor in clonal propagation because seed is not involved.
1.2 Because clonal plants are homogeneous, the commercial product is uniform.
2 Clones are susceptible to devastation by an epidemic. Because all plants in the clonal population are
identical, they are susceptible to the same strain of pathogen.
3 Clonal propagules are difficult to store for a long time because they are generally fresh and
succulent materials.
Genetic issues in asexual breeding
Genetic makeup
• Many species that are asexually propagated are highly heterozygous; they are
highly heterotic.
• Many known species that are asexually propagated are interspecific hybrids or
have high ploidy.
“Happy Learnings”
Unit 6
Unit VI
Biotechnological tools:-
➢DNA markers and
➢marker assisted selection (MAS)
What is a marker?
Morphological markers
Cytological markers
Biochemical markers
DNA markers
Molecular markers and their type that are used in plant
based • Restricted Fragment Length
markers Polymorphism (RFLP)
based • Single Nucleotide
Polymorphisms (SNPs)
➢ These are qualitative traits that can be scored visually. They are
generally dominant or recessive.
e.g. flower colour, seed shape,
growth habits or pigmentation etc.
➢ Easy to score,
➢ not costly, etc.
➢ They are highly influenced by the environment, etc.
➢ Their effect may be undesirable in breeding programs.
➢ They may mask the effects of linked genes making it nearly
impossible to identify desirable linkages for selection.
➢ Limited in number and are generally dominant. Besides, they
often interfere with other traits.
➢Growth stage specific
Biochemical markers
➢ These are the proteins produced by gene expression which can
PCR Based
➢ RAPD- Random amplification of polymorphic DNA.
➢ AFLP-Amplified fragment length polymorphism.
➢ SCAR-Sequence characterize amplified region.
➢ STS- Sequence tagged sites.
➢ EST-Express sequence tags.
➢ SNP-Single nucleotide polymorphism.
➢ SSR-Simple sequence repeats
➢ CAPS-Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences
Marker assisted selection (MAS)
Marker A
5 cM
Marker A Marker B
5 cM 5 cM
Markers must be polymorphic
RM84 RM296
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P1 P2
P1 P2
• Novelty
• Inventiveness
• Industrial applicability
• Patentability
Limits of a patent
1. Limitation of time:
A patent is valid for specified period of time from the date of its
award; in most countries this period is 15-20 years
2. Limitation of space:
A patent is valid only in the country of its award; it is not valid in other
A new variety must be distinguishable from other varieties by one or
more identifiable morphological, physiological or other characteristics
• Uniformity
A variety must be uniform in appearance under specified environment of
its adaptation
• Stability
A variety must be stable in appearance and its clonal characteristics over
successive generations under specified environment
Benefits from PBR
DUS testing-
Duration of Protection Under PPV and