Updated Paper ID-118
Updated Paper ID-118
Updated Paper ID-118
Learning Algorithms
Gaurav Singh Manral Alka Chaudhary
Amity Institute of Information Technology Amity Institute of Information Technology
Amity University Noida, Uttar Pradesh Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
gaurav.manral@s.amity.edu achaudhary4@amity.edu
ABSTRACT - An earthquake is one of the most This study intends to investigate the application of
devastating natural catastrophes that may cause machine learning methods for earthquake
major infrastructure damage and casualties. prediction, more especially the Random Forest
Early earthquake detection can be crucial for Regressor and Neural Network Model. Using
minimising damage and saving lives. Machine parameters like longitude, latitude, and timestamp
learning is a powerful tool that may be used to data, the study focuses on forecasting the size and
forecast earthquakes based on historical seismic depth of earthquakes. The dataset utilised in this
data and other geographical data. This study study contains earthquake recordings from diverse
examines the viability of predicting earthquakes areas, and both mean absolute error and mean
using machine learning methods, especially the squared error measures are used to assess how well
Random Forest Regressor and Neural Network the models performed.
Model. The purpose of this study is to make
earthquake magnitude and depth predictions This study seeks to increase earthquake forecast
utilising factors including time, place, and precision, which might have substantial effects on
previous seismic activity data. disaster planning and response initiatives.
Predictions that are accurate can lessen earthquake
Keywords- Machine Learning Algorithms, damage and save lives. This work sheds light on
Dataset, Random Forest Regressor, Neural the potential of these models for forecasting the
Network, predictions. size and depth of earthquakes. The application of
machine learning techniques in earthquake
I. NTRODUCTION prediction is a relatively new field of research.
An earthquake is a natural occurrence that happens It provides an overview of recent research on
when the Earth's crust suddenly moves or shifts. earthquake prediction using machine learning
Buildings, infrastructure, and other structures are techniques, including neural networks, support
frequently damaged as a result of the seismic waves vector machines, and decision trees [1] (magnitude
that are produced by this movement. The most estimation not included). This article examines the
severe earthquakes cause extensive devastation and use of machine learning algorithms for earthquake
human casualties, while their intensity and length prediction, including the application of artificial
can vary. Many things, including as tectonic neural networks and fuzzy logic [2] (Not applied
activity, volcanic eruptions, and man-made other algorithms).
operations like mining or drilling, can cause them.
This other article summarizes recent research on
1.2 Predicting Earthquakes earthquake prediction using machine learning
Natural catastrophes such as earthquakes have the algorithms, including random forests, deep
potential to seriously harm both human life and learning, and convolutional neural networks [3]
infrastructure. It is difficult to accurately estimate (not provided comprehensive evaluation). This
the size and depth of earthquakes since this requires survey article provides an overview of recent
examining intricate data from several sources. research on earthquake prediction using machine
Machine learning algorithms have made significant learning techniques, including artificial neural
strides recently, and this holds tremendous networks, support vector machines, and deep
potential for earthquake prediction accuracy. learning [4]. (does not provide a quantitative
This study compares the performance of various strongly influenced by the quality of the training
machine learning algorithms for earthquake data. Pre-processing data is therefore necessary to
prediction, including decision trees, support vector guarantee that the data is accurate, reliable, and
machines, and artificial neural networks [5] pertinent to the issue at hand.
(Limited dataset).
Data cleaning, which entails deleting any blank or
III. EXPERIMENT AND METHODOLOGY incorrect numbers, managing outliers, and
resolving discrepancies in the data, is the initial
A. Dataset stage of data pre-processing. Before the data is
The dataset used to forecast earthquakes using utilised to train a machine learning model, this is
machine learning methods like Random Forest done to make sure that it is correct and
Regressor and Neural Network Model often comprehensive.
comprises data on a variety of previous To further enhance the quality and usefulness of the
earthquakes. The following details are contained in data, data transformation also entails the
the dataset: application of methods including dimensionality
1. Date and Time: when the earthquake took reduction, feature engineering, and data
place. augmentation. These methods can enhance the
model's functionality, decrease the complexity of
2. Location: The earthquake's epicentre’s the data, and make the model more generalizable to
latitude and longitude. new data.
3. Magnitude: The earthquake's strength as In conclusion, data preparation is a crucial stage in
measured by the Richter scale. machine learning that entails preparing data for use
in an algorithm by cleaning, formatting, and
4. Depth: The earthquake's epicentre depth.
modifying it. The quality and effectiveness of the
5. Further features: Other characteristics, machine learning model can be considerably
such as the kind of fault that triggered the enhanced by ensuring that the data is accurate,
earthquake, the separation from the next reliable, and pertinent to the issue being handled.
fault, and the distance from the closest
shoreline, may be important for
earthquake prediction. C. PROPOSED METHOD
i)Random Forest Regressor
The dataset has to be big enough for machine
learning models to be able to learn from the data An effective machine learning method for
and generate precise predictions. To prevent the predicting earthquakes is random forest regression.
models from being biased towards a specific sort of This particular ensemble learning technique makes
earthquake, the data should also be representative predictions by combining different decision trees.
of earthquakes that happen in many places and at
various times. A training dataset is used by the algorithm in a
random forest regression model for earthquake
The dataset is available from a number of sources, prediction to learn the correlation between several
including government organisations that monitor characteristics, such as latitude, longitude, depth,
earthquakes, academic institutions that gather and timestamp, and the related earthquake
earthquake data, and internet databases that magnitudes and depths.
compile earthquake data from numerous sources.
To prevent the findings from being skewed, it is The system creates several decision trees, each of
crucial to verify that the data is accurate and which makes an earthquake prediction based on a
trustworthy and that any duplicates or outliers be subset of the data, including the depth and
eliminated from the dataset. magnitude. To guarantee that the decision trees are
varied and minimise overfitting, the algorithm
B. Pre-processing randomly chooses a portion of the features and a
subset of the training data to utilise for each
Data cleaning, formatting, and transformation are
decision tree.
essential steps in the pre-processing phase of
machine learning, which prepares data for use in a By averaging the forecasts of all the decision trees
machine learning algorithm. The accuracy and in the forest, the model may be used to predict
performance of a machine learning model are fresh data once it has been trained. Moreover, the
system may produce significant feature relevance In order to forecast earthquake depth and
ratings that can be used to determine which features magnitude layer by layer, this suggested technique
have the strongest correlations with earthquake combines the capabilities of both random forest
depth and magnitude. regression and neural network models, which can
increase earthquake prediction's precision and
ii) Neural network Model dependability. To tune the models' hyperparameters
A neural network is a type of machine learning and assess the models' effectiveness using various
model that mimics the structure and function of the datasets, more study is necessary.
human brain. It consists of a network of D. Experiment
interconnected nodes, or neurons, which work
together to process data and form hypotheses. One Step 1: Importing various libraries needed to create
or more characteristics make up the network's the model and dataset.
input. These features are then converted into a set
of output values through a sequence of weighted
connections and nonlinear activation functions.
Using methods like backpropagation, the network
modifies the weights of the connections between
neurons during training to reduce the discrepancy
between the expected and actual output values. The
use of neural networks in a range of applications,
including as speech and picture recognition, natural
language processing, and predictive modelling, is
proving to be a useful tool for tackling challenging
1."Earthquake prediction using machine learning: a review" by
L. Huang and M. Wyss, was published in the Geophysical
Journal International in 2019.