12th Notes Businness
12th Notes Businness
12th Notes Businness
Importance of planning :
1)Planning provides direction :
2)Planning reduce the risk of uncertainty :
3)Planning reduce the overlapping and waste
ful activities:
4)Planning provides innovation :
5)Planning facilitates decision making :
6)Planning establish the standard of
controlling :
Limitation of planning :
1)planning leads to rigidity
2)planning may not work dynamic
3)planning reduces creativity
4)planning involves huge
5)planning is a time-consuming process
6)planning does not guarantee success
* Planning process
1)setting objectives
2)developing premises
3) Identifying alternative courses of action:
4) evaluative alternative courses:
5) selective alternative :
6) implementing the plan:
7) follow up action :
* Types of plan :
1)Functional structure :
2)Divisional structure :
Formal and informal organisation
- Formal organisation
Definition of formal organisation
Features of formal organisaiton
Advantage of formal org.
Disadvantage of formal org.
Informal organisation :
Definition of informal organisaiton :
Features of informal org.
Advantage of informal informal org.
Drawback of informal org.
1} direct recruitment :
2} casual callers
3} advertisement
4} employment exchange :
5) placement agencies and management
consultant :
6} campus recruitment :
7} Recommendation of employees:
8} Labour contractors;
9} Advertisement on television;
10} web publishing :
- Process of selection :
1)Preliminary screening :
2)Selection test:
A ] Intelligence tests :
B] aptitude test :
C] Personality test:
D] trade test
E } Interest test :
3)Employment interview :
4)Reference and background check :
5)Selection decision :
6)Medical examination :
7)Job offer
8)Contract of employment
Traning and development :
- Importance of training to the employee
- Importance of traning to the organisation
- Methods of training on the job :
1) Coaching
2)Job rotation
3) Internship
4)Apprenticeship programme
- Methods of training off the job :
1)Classroom lecture
3)Case study :
4)Computer modelling
5)Vestibule training
6) Programmed instruction
Chapter 7 directing
Meaning of directing :
Features of directing ;
1)Directing initiates action
2) Directing takes place at every level of
3)Directing is a continues process
4) Directing flows top to bottom
- Importance of directing
- Principles of directing
1)Maximum individual contribution
2)Harmony of objectives
3)Unity of command
4)Appropriateness of direction techniques
5)Managerial communication
6)Use of informal organisation
8)Follow through
There are 4 elements of directing
2) Communication
1)Supervision :
- Importants of supervision
Definition of motivation
Features of motivation
Importance of motivation
Maslow’s theory of motivation / hierarchy
theory of motivation ;
1)Basic physiological needs:
2)Safety needs
3) Affiliation needs/ belonging need
4)Esteem need;
5)Self actualisation need :
Financial and non financial motivation ;
1)Financial motivational insentives :
A. pay and allowances
B. profit sharing
C. bonus
D. productivity linked wages incentives
E. co- partnership/ stock option
F. retirement benefit
G. perquisites
2)non financial incentives :
- status
- organisation climate
- career advancement opportunity
- job enrichment
- employee recognisation programmes
- job security
- employee participation
- employee empowerment ;
definition of ledership
features of leadership
importance of leadership
# qualities of a good leader
1)physical features
5)communication skill
6)motivation skill
7)self confidence
9)social skill
- leadership style
there are 3 basic style of leadership
1} automatic or authoritarian leader
2} democratic or participative leader
3} laissez faire or free- rein leader
4) communication
Definition of communication
Features/ elements of communication
2. massage
4. Media
Importance of communication
- Acts of basis of coordination
- Helps in smooth working of an enterprise
- Acts as basis of decision making
- Increases managerial efficiency :
- Boosts morale and provides
- Establishes effective leadership
- Promotes cooperation and industrial peace
Formal/ informal communication
1)Formal communication :
- Single chain
- Wheel
- Circular
- Free flow
- Inverted
2) Informal communication :/ grapevine
- Single `stand network ;
- Gossip network
- Probability network
- Cluster network
Barriers in communication
1)Semantic barriers ;
- Body language and gesture decoding
- Technical jargon
- Unclarified assumption
- Faulty translation
- Symbols with different meaning
- Badly expressed massage :
2)Psychological barriers :
- Premature evaluation
- Lack of attention
- Loss of transmission and poor retention
- Distrust:
3)Organisational barriers :
- Organisation policy
- Rules and regulation
- Status
- Complexity
- Organisaitonal facilities
4) Personal barriers :
- Lack of confidence of superior on his
- Unwilling to communicate something
- Lack of proper incentives
- Fear of challenge to authority :
Improving communication effectiveness :
1)Communicate according to the needs of
receiver ;
2)Consult others before communicating :
3)Clarify idea before communication :
4)Communicate for present as well as future :
5)Follow up communications
6) Be a good listener :
7)Ensure proper feedback
8)Convey things of help and value to
listeners ;
9)Be aware of language , tone and content of
massage :
Chapter 8 controlling
Definition of controlling ; According to
Koontz and O ‘ Dannel …… copy from book
Importance of controlling
1)Accomplishing organisational goal
2)Judging accuracy of standard
3)Making efficient use of resourcces
4)Improving employee motivation
5)Ensuring order and discipline:
6)Facilitating coordination in action
Limitation of controlling :
1)Difficulty in setting quantitative standard :
2)Little control on external factors ;
3)Resistance from employees
4)Costly affair ;
Relation between planning and controlling :
Controlling process
1)Setting performance standards :
2)Measurement of actual performance :
3)Comparing actual performance with
standard :
4)Analysing deviations :
5)Taking corrective action
Techniques of management control :
1)Traditional technique :
A. personal observation :personal
observation enables the manager to
collect information of employee. That
technique pressure the employee to well
work . that is a time consuming process
because mangers have to observe their
personnel , personally
B. statistical report :personnel information
related to their performance is read or
analysis by graph, chart, table . that
method of evaluation is more easier to
another .
C. break even analysis : the sales volume at
which there is no profit and no loss is
known as break even point( BEP) it very
useful technique for manger to estimate
profit at different level of sales
break even point : fixed cost / ( selling
price per unit - variable cost )
D. budgetary control :
2) Modern technique
a.Return on investment
b.Ratio analysis
c. Responsibility analysis
d.Management audit
e.PERT and CPM
f. Management information system ;