RF Mpu6050 10.1109@ecace.2019.8679290
RF Mpu6050 10.1109@ecace.2019.8679290
RF Mpu6050 10.1109@ecace.2019.8679290
February, 2019
Abstract— Gesture controlled robot should perform its job sit on and solving their issues without anyone’s help. Robots
with the embedded system, combination of hardware and has become a part of our exponential technological growth in
software that is designed for performing dedicated tasks for the world. They are being used in industries in many major
specific users which can be controlled by hand gestures. In this sectors such as assembly lines and raw physical works
paper, we propose a gesture controlled robot for physically mainly. However, in recent days not only in large industries
challenged and elderly people. The robot uses motion sensors for cumbersome works but also it is getting a part of our
to recognize five gestures of hand. These five hand gestures daily lives in the household sector also. Personalized robotics
are employed to control five directions such as stop or steady, has become a large market around the globe in the developed
forward, backward, left and right. In this paper, the gesture
countries and all the concerns are pushing their boundaries of
has been recognized by motion sensors and without any image
imagination to implement applications based on this sector.
processing to keep the system simple & efficient. The prototype
device can be modified into a wheelchair, trolley bed or any As this research suggests, it is a potential place for
physical platform consisting of more than two wheels. An applying this gesture controlled robotic solution to be
Arduino Nano v3 embedded system with accelerometer implemented into suitable platforms comfortable for
gyroscope held by the user and the signals will be transferred maneuvering of disabled persons. Though the research is
wirelessly to the motors of the platform intended to move it as highlighted based on disabled people the application to
per the users hand gestures in order to carry themselves in normal consumers are also limitless for such solution in the
their surrounding environment. Machine learning is used to
available market of tourism, short distance travels and in
classify hand gesture accurately. The result shows that the
classification accuracy is near to 94% (93.8%).
some cases military applications. However, this paper
focuses on the disabled people use cases particularly. Also
Keywords—Gesture, image processing, wheelchair, Arduino, such problems are happening very rapidly in the developing
sensor, wirelessly, embedded system countries due to the lack of security for social environment
and also for the lack of well-built infrastructures.
Around the world almost every day, many peoples are
becoming disabled of freely moving in their surroundings. Previous studies shows that gesture recognition can be done
The reasons can be road accidents, constructional injuries, with many systems like image processing, motion and angle
athletic injuries, major nervous system issues and cognitive detection. Normal gestures can be captured by Depth
inability. For these kind of people the only way remains is to Sensors by capturing images which is very challenging as to
sit in a wheelchair and use the help of others, sometimes with co-ordinate and locating the hand with right gestures and
great difficulty by themselves to steer the platform in order recognizing it. Jesus Suarez and Robin R. Murphy has
to interact with their surroundings for their daily needs. From discussed mainly 5 types of depth sensing image sensors
the very early times, the medical industry relied with the specially Microsoft Kinects [1] and tried to give an
general wheelchair and crutches to help these people. First overview of the challenges and executional methods in their
world countries have developed automated wheelchairs with paper. In the system proposed in this paper, the design is
in-build joysticks which are very expensive solution and also implemented by a low-cost Microcontroller Based Gesture
sometimes have a steep learning curve for people of various Recognition system without image processing. This can
ages or backgrounds & also to people who are not even
move a robot in 360 degree. This system is cheaper than
strong enough to push the controls here and there.
image processing. In this project the MPU 6050
The research intends to solve these problems for these Accelerometer Gyroscope sensor for measuring the gesture
individuals worldwide to ease their lives by introducing a of a human hand. Then the collected data will be send to the
gesture-controlled robot modified into a moving platform to robot via Radio Frequency communication and the robot
gyro_x -= gyro_x_cal;
gyro_y -= gyro_y_cal;
(a) (b) (c) gyro_z -= gyro_z_cal;
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