Sillabus English For Business New
Sillabus English For Business New
Sillabus English For Business New
Intermediate 1
Week 1 Introduction Phone Conversations Meetings Negotiations Review
Students will practice how to Students will focus on Students will focus on informal
Speaking will be the main focus make a formal work Students will review grammar
vocabulary and speaking skills. business settings related to
of this unit. They will learn about presentation. They will learn from this week using
They will learn phrases related work, such as talking to
giving presentations at work and proper phrases related to discussion-based topics,
Objective to giving instructions and asking coworkers, business lunches,
speaking in informal work introductions, transitions, and analyze and discuss informal
questions at work, both formally and making plans with
settings, such as business conclusions, and have practice business conversations, and
and informally. They will practice coworkers. They will practice
lunches, social settings, and giving presentation practice role plays related to
these skills in role plays and 'polite' language using 'would
making requests. introductions. They will review social situations at work.
example scenarios. like'.
future tense grammar.
Management and
Week 4 Introduction Work Styles Sales Review
This unit will focus on effective Students will learn about Students will focus on effective
management and sales, and different departments of work, sales methods, learning about Students will focus on roleplays
learn more about the structure Students will learn about and the workplace structure the distribution of products, and and conversation to review this
of a business and how sales different work styles, and which related to organization and how to identify a customer's weeks' topics and get hands-on
Objective work. They will dive deeper into style best fits them. They will management. They will also needs. They will also practice practice. They will discuss
grammar focus, reviewing practice and review the discuss management styles, and how to work with a customer's different work, sales, and
passive voices, using the differences between adjectives how to resolve conflicts. They objections as an effective management styles, and relate
continuous tenses correctly, and and adverbs. will review and practice salesperson. They will review them to themselves.
understanding adjectives vs grammar related to the present and practice grammar related to
adverbs. continuous tense. the passive voice.
English for Business Copyright 2020 – 2023 ©
Intermediate 2
Week 1 Introduction Online Business Marketing Sharing Opinions Review
This unit will introduce different Students will learn new business Students will learn different
Students will learn vocabulary
aspects of a business; one being collocations, and learn all about expressions related to sharing opinions
related to online business, and
an online business and the other marketing, marketing at work and will understand different Students will use the vocabulary
practice using that vocabulary,
marketing. They will focus on vocabulary, and different phrases related to asking for an opinion and phrases learned this week
and learn how to start an online
Objective vocabulary related to these two marketing strategies. We will vs sharing an opinion. Informal to discuss further marketing
business. We also will cover
fields, and discuss case studies. analyze and discuss different business vocabulary and phrases will case studies and will share
more modal verbs to add more
Students will also learn the marketing strategies, while be the main focus. Students will also opinions on different online
meaning to sentences. We will
informal language and how to focusing on vocabulary and practice expressing agreements and business plans.
focus on vocabulary and
politely share an opinion, agree, conversational English, and also disagreements and will learn a range of
dialogues throughout this class.
and disagree. discuss a specific case study. vocabulary to express strength.
Working with
Week 2 Introduction Leadership Teamwork Review
In this unit, students will learn Students will learn vocabulary Students will learn phrasal verbs Students will analyze different
Students will learn all about
about different parts of working related to leadership and will and vocabulary related to scenarios between coworkers,
teamwork, and discuss different
with other employees; proper read and discuss different informal business English, and focus on discussion
scenarios. They will also roleplay
leadership, working as a team leadership scenarios. They will focusing on welcoming a new questions to use the new
Objective creating a team together.
and being friends with also use role-play to interview a coworker, expressing interest, vocabulary and share their
coworkers. They will focus on leader. Students with review and Students will use grammar and asking for help. They will opinions. They will also make
related to present perfect and
hands-on practice, and use role understand the difference learn and use informal business sentences of their own to review
review how to use this with 'yet,
plays to practice different between using simple and vocabulary in roleplays and the present perfect grammar
still, and already'.
coworker-related scenarios. continuous tense. practice different scenarios. learned this week.
Week 4 Introduction Global Business part 1 Global Business part 2 Graph Reports Review
In this unit, students will learn all In part one, students will learn Students will learn vocabulary Students will take part in a
about globalization and analyze and practice different In part two, students will analyze and phrases about how to read competitive advantage roleplay
and discuss case studies. They globalization vocabulary, and different case studies, and and resent graph reports. and discuss global business.
Objective will also focus on grammar learn about prefixes and discuss the advantages and Students discuss and analyze Students will also review
related to graphs and charts and suffixes. They will focus on using disadvantages of global different graphs and answer language related to graph
will learn phrases on how to this new vocabulary in business. questions about graphs and reports and will discuss different
present a graph in a discussion questions. charts. graphs together.
English for Business Copyright 2020 – 2023 ©
Advanced 1
Professional Introductions Email Writing Formal and Formal and Informal Email
Week 1 Workplace Communication Workplace Culture
and Networking Informal Writing
This unit will teach students how Students will learn about
to use social media different social media networks Students will learn about Students will fill out a template
professionally and appropriately. SStudents will begin creating
within and outside the LinkedIn-its history, purpose, as a draft of how they will or
Objective They will explore the various their LinkedIn pages using
workplace. They will learn how etc. Students will also learn how would construct their LinkedIn
social media used for online specific advice and tips
to use them appropriately and LinkedIn works as an online page so that it is professional
networking and will learn how to reviewed in class.
will explore the possible dangers resume. and job-search ready.
make an effective LinkedIn of using social media.
First Impressions and Body Interview Types, Interview Dos and Don'ts,
Week 4 Job Interviews Mock Interview
Language Techniques, Elevator Pitch Question Preparation
This unit will teach students how Students will learn about making Students will learn about the Students will create a
to prepare for a job interview. the first impression when going different interview types they Students will review interview presentation teaching someone
They will review appropriate for an interview by learning may face in the job market.
Objective dos and don'ts and how to how to effectively prepare for a
behaviours, how to prepare, and about the importance of body Students will also learn and effectively prepare for any job job interview using the various
learn tips on how to present language and other behaviours practice using different interview interview. topics and techniques discussed
themselves for an interview expected in a professional techniques discussed in class in class throughout the week.
professionally. setting. such as an elevator pitch.