Strat Cost
Strat Cost
Strat Cost
Investor relations
Compliance with legal and regulatory provisions
relating to funds procurement, use and
distribution as well as coordination of finance
function with accounting function
Global Business Environment – the growth of Phases of Development of Cost Management Systems
international markets and trade are the key
Stage 1: Cost management systems are basic transaction
development that drive the extensive changes in the
reporting se
contemporary business environment The growing
number of alliance among large multinational, the Stage 2: As they develop into the second stage, cost
increasing rade agreements among countries indicate management systems focus on the external financial
clearly that opportunities for growth and profitability lie reporting. The objective is reliable financial reports;
in global markets. accordingly, the usefulness for cost management is
Advances in Manufacturing Technologies - many firms
adopt the methods applied in some Japanese Stage 3: Cost management systems track key operating
manufacturing firms that produced significant cost and data and develop more accurate and relevant cost
quality improvements sing quality teams and statistical information for decision making; cost management is
quality control. developed.
Speed-to-market - A key competitive edge that med is Stage 4: Strategically relevant cost management
the ability to deliver the product or service faster than information is an integral part of the system.
the competition.
Stage 1 &2: Management Accountant's measurement Third, an accounting system should not be changed
and reporting role. without concurrent, consistent changes in the way
decision rights are partitioned as well as in the
performance rev systems. All three parts of the
Stage 3: Shifts to operational control organization's architecture must be internally consistent
and coordinated.
Stage 4: Management becomes a full business partner,
with the skills of identifying, summarizing and reporting
critical factor's necessary for the firm's success.