Faq S
Faq S
Faq S
NOTE: Kindly try accessing with IE browser (Internet Explorer) using Desktop/ Laptop for
task not loading issue. Make sure the Pop-Up blocker is disabled
NOTE: Kindly try accessing with IE browser (Internet Explorer) using Desktop/ Laptop for
task not loading issue.
Make sure the Pop-Up blocker is disabled Please revert for any clarifications.
Please note that if you have been moved to post joining, you will not be able to access
Pre-joining forms anymore.
17. What should I do if I am unable to accept the DOJ as the button is not working?
Please clear the cache and try using the recommended browsers.
The recommended browsers are Microsoft IE (7.0, 8.0, and 9.0), Google Chrome
and Mozilla Firefox.
Please ensure that Pop blockers should be disabled
24. What should be done if valid details of previous employment supervisor are not
You should have these details updated as the information is mandatory to
proceed the BGV.
Please reach out to your HR department of previous organization to get the
respective POCs
27. How to update the other address tab in the BGV portal?
Please add the address details from the Address tab of the component toolbar and
update the same for the remaining/actual tenure (<Tenure>) with no gaps in between.
Please note that the start date of any address should be the same as that of the end
date of the previous address, if you have stayed in different addresses during the
5. What steps to be followed to ensure UAN number is linked with current organization?
Please refer to the help document in Personal details form under PF section
13. How to update the other address tab in the BGV portal?
Request you to add the address details from the Address tab of the component toolbar
and update the same for the remaining/actual tenure (<Tenure>) with no gaps in
Please note that the start date of any address should be the same as that of the end
date of the previous address, if you have stayed in different addresses during the
Note: Once you complete updating in the data time line page and completed uploading the
documents in the portal, request you to click on the submit button enabled in the right bottom
20. Why is my College and University name not reflecting in the BGV portal?
Please select the correct University name in the college tab for time being and submit the
Details Diploma (If applicable) UG PG ((If applicable)
Education level
University Name
College Name
Specialization name
21. I have updated address for 7 to 10 years in permanent/ current and longest stay address still
the error remains in Data timeline
Kindly update the details highlighted in checklist tab.
Ignoring the address provided in Current/Permanent/longest, you need to add the
address for the mentioned tenure by clicking + address tab shown in below screen to
get the task completed, post completing all the task proceed to document upload
verification tab to upload the documents
22. I have already uploaded identity documents in Identity tab of the documents upload page
then why should I upload it in Database section again.
Database and Identity are two different checks of the BGV app.
There are possibilities that due to availability of validity we may not assign any of the
one check to the vendor.
Therefore, we insist on uploading documents in both the sections
23. I have semester wise mark sheet but the app does not allow me upload the documents one
by one.
Please collate the mark sheet into one PDF, compress the size to less than 5 MB and then
upload in the BGV app. The BGV app overwrites the previous document uploaded
24. Our college does not provide consolidated marksheet. What is an alternative? The same is
marked mandatory
The All semester marksheet can be consolidated as one PDF and uploaded in the app or
if already uploaded in “Semester wise marksheet" section, then the same can be
marked Unavailable.
Else, if supporting documents suffice, the RM can de-configure the consolidated
marksheet in the app
1. When will the employment start date be enabled?
Employment Start Date will be enabled on DOJ
Note: Once you complete updating in the data time line page and completed uploading the
documents in the portal, request you to click on the submit button enabled in the right bottom
3. What is AFP?
AFP- This is the form collected for criminal check.
Request you to download the form from the upload section of the One Cognizant portal,
sign it manually with date (current date) and upload it again.
4. Details in data timeline are updated ,however still the checklist shows error
Please ensure the details are submitted.
This error occurs when the details are saved but not submitted. Click on the edit option
[a pen like symbol available at the right top of the components added (education,
employment etc.)] then select submit which will be available at the Right bottom end of
the details.
If the error doesn't clear by following the above issues. The reason can be some of the details
are yet to be added (Like education, employment, address, GAP or Overlap)
5. How to add education and employment details?
Click on the Add education, Add employments option available under the Component Tool box.
Component toolbox will be available right below the Personal details of data timeline page.
6. 7 years address details are added but still there is an error with the data timeline checklist
Ensure there is no gap between the added address details, Even a 1 day gap will cause
error. In this case please amend the dates accordingly.
If the details are find but the error is like the 7 years address details not provided, please
check the provided address covers last 7 years address details ( for example: If your DOJ
is by 09/09/2019. the Address details should be provided from 2012 to 09/09/2019).
Also ensure the details are submitted
16. How to submit the document upload page without uploading the mandatory documents - In
case of the documents are not available?
In the document upload page, under the action column you can find a checkbox which is
available to mark the document as unavailable.
Post you mark a document as unavailable it will take you to the submitting process.