Reaction Rate of SMR
Reaction Rate of SMR
Reaction Rate of SMR
Article history: In a reactor with a porous catalyst on a channel wall, the local reaction rate and compo-
Received 31 July 2016 sition cannot be easily measured. This study built a model for evaluating the overall re-
Received in revised form action rate by predicting the distribution of the concentration of chemical species in a
21 September 2016 porous catalyst as well as in a gas stream. Prior to taking into account the streamwise
Accepted 22 September 2016 distribution, the validity of the function of the concentration profile in steam methane
Available online 14 October 2016 reforming, which is one-dimensional to the thickness direction of catalyst, was confirmed
by comparison with the results of an experiment. Next, the model was coupled with the
Keywords: streamwise variation in the concentration. Consequently, we derived a model in which the
Steam methane reforming local concentration can be specified at any position with the concentration at the inlet of
Catalytic wall reactor the channel as the only input variable. Finally, a criterion for the condition in which the
Porous catalyst maximum yield of products can be obtained with the minimum volume was proposed with
Rate-determining step nondimensional groups.
Reaction rate © 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Diffusion equation
[12e14]. In such systems, the transport phenomena at the where Dj eff , Cj and nj are the effective diffusion coefficient,
interface between the gas stream and the catalytic wall are molar concentration and stoichiometric coefficient, respec-
important. Furthermore, we must take into account mass tively. The flux at the interface between the gas phase and
transfer inside the catalyst layer, that is, internal diffusion, the catalyst layer, that is, Dj eff dCCH4 =dy at y ¼ 0, corresponds to
because catalysts generally have a porous structure. the converted methane rate, which is the change in con-
In our previous paper [15], we proposed a method for centration in the bulk gas stream. To fit the experimental
determining the reaction rate of SMR in a porous catalyst on a data, we assumed that rst could be expressed by a power-law-
channel wall. Generally, it is difficult to acquire local infor- type reaction rate with an upper limit in our previous paper
mation not only within a porous catalyst but also in a gas [15],
stream. Thus, in the proposed method, changes in the bulk ( a b
concentrations of gas species were measured experimentally
rst ¼ min kst pCH4 pH2 O : (3)
and introduced into the one-dimensional diffusion equation rc ð¼ const:Þ
in the thickness direction in the catalyst layer. As a result, a
power-law-type reaction rate with an upper limit was found to This expression for the reaction rate indicates that when
be appropriate for expressing the local reaction rate. More- the partial pressures of methane and steam, pCH4 and pH2O
over, the dimensionless numbers derived from the reaction respectively, are sufficiently large, the reaction rate settles to a
rate expression and diffusion equation provide a quantitative constant value of rc. In many papers that represented the re-
criterion for the rate-limiting condition. action rate of SMR with a power-law-type equation, the
The model developed in our previous paper [15] was one- exponential index a has a value close to unity, whereas the
dimensional in the thickness direction of the catalyst layer, absolute value of b is smaller than that of a at the wide range
because catalysts had a short length. To design an actual of the concentration ratio of steam to methane, i.e., the
catalyst with a certain length, numerical simulation using the steam-to-carbon ratio [15,17e19]. Moreover, the change in
reaction rate estimated from an experiment with a short pH2O is generally not significant because the steam-to-carbon
catalyst is a possible method. For a wider application range, ratio is relatively large in actual conditions of reactors.
the aim of this study is to develop a model that can specify the Therefore, we assume that the reaction rate is proportional to
local phenomena at any position in a reactor even if the gas the concentration of methane and independent of the con-
composition varies along the flow direction. To this end, we centration of steam as follows:
attempt to describe the concentrations of species in a gas
stream and inside a porous catalyst as functions of position.
rst ¼ min ; (4)
In this paper, we first derive a function for the concentra- rc ð¼ const:Þ
tion in the thickness direction of the catalyst on the basis of
the experimental data in our previous paper [15]. Next, an where, for simple notation, C and k are the concentration of
experiment is performed with catalysts of different lengths methane and the reaction rate constant, respectively. Fig. 1(a)
and thicknesses. Finally, we derive equations for the con- shows a sketch of the reaction rate as a function of the con-
centration distribution in the case of variation along the flow centration. If the concentration is larger than the threshold
direction. In this model, the overall reaction rate throughout concentration Cc, which is calculated as rc/k, the reaction rate
the reactor can be evaluated from the gas composition at the becomes constant.
inlet. By integrating Eq. (2) and using Eq. (4), the local concen-
tration of methane can be expressed as a function of the po-
sition y. As shown in Fig. 1(b), we consider three different
Concentration profile in one dimension cases with different values of the concentration at the inter-
face between the gas flow and the catalyst layer. Hereafter,
Before developing a two-dimensional model, we derive the such a concentration is denoted as Csur.
one-dimensional concentration distribution perpendicular to When Csur is smaller than Cc, the local reaction rate de-
the flow direction and verify its validity by comparison with pends on the concentration at position y, as in mode [i] in
experimental results. Fig. 1(b). In mode [ii], a region in which the reaction rate is
constant appears in the upper layer. Upon further increasing
Basic equations Csur, the reaction rate of the entire field becomes constant. The
diffusion equation at each mode is summarized in Table 1.
As described in our previous paper [15], the overall reaction Here, the diffusion coefficient is assumed to be constant
can be considered on the basis of the diffusion and reaction because it is almost constant along the depth direction as
inside the porous catalyst. Although there are some diffusion described in our previous paper [15].
models, as investigated by Solsvik et al. [16], a simple equation The equations in Table 1 are integrated with boundary
is chosen to express the concentration profile in this study. conditions. For every case, C ¼ Csur at y ¼ 0 and dC/
If the diffusion is one-dimensional in the y-direction, the dy ¼ 0 at y ¼ H. In mode [ii], at the intermediate point of y ¼ yc,
conservation equation for species j can be expressed in terms an additional condition that connects the two different reac-
of the local reaction rate rst as follows: tion rates is necessary. The obtained solutions are also listed
in Table 1, accompanied with the flux from the catalyst to the
d dCj gas stream, which corresponds to the converted methane
Dj eff ¼ nj rst ; (2)
dy dy rate.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 0 2 7 e3 0 3 5 3029
[ii] 0 y yc 2
D ddyC2 ¼ rc
rc 2
CðyÞ ¼ 2D y þ Cc Csur
c yc
y þ Csur D dC ¼ D Cc C sur
yc dy yc
yc y H 2
D ddyC2 ¼ kC expðuyÞþexpð2uHuyÞ
CðyÞ ¼ Cc expðuy c Þþexp½uð2Hyc Þ
[i] 0yH 2
D ddyC2 ¼ kC CðyÞ ¼ Csur expðuyÞþexpð2uHuyÞ
1þexpð2uHÞ D dC ¼ DuCsur 1expð2uHÞ
dy 1þexpð2uHÞ
Cc ¼ rkc , u ¼ k
3030 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 0 2 7 e3 0 3 5
differences from the previous experiment are the materials relationship k ¼ rc/Cc; in the following chapter, we use 600 s1
and the configuration of the catalyst. To improve the dura- as a representative value of k, which was evaluated from the
bility of the catalyst, a small amount of chromium was added experimental results for the L1T32 catalyst.
in this experiment, referring to the study of Bui et al. [21].
Therefore, the reaction rate was unknown and different from
that in the previous experiment. In this experiment, we pre- Modeling in two dimensions
pared six configurations of the catalyst embedded in grooves
with different lengths i.e., 1, 3 and 5 mm, as tabulated in Fig. 3. If the concentration of the chemical species is known at all
The total flow rate was fixed at 180 ml/min under the standard points, the overall reaction rate of a reactor can be evaluated.
conditions, and the steam-to-carbon ratio was maintained at In this chapter, we attempt to obtain a simple solution for the
3.5 by balancing with argon. The results for a catalyst tem- concentration distribution, with the gas composition at the
perature of 520 C will be shown. The total flow rate and the inlet of the channel as the only input condition.
temperature were determined to make an appearance of the
reaction saturation. Concentration profile in gas stream
Effectiveness factor
dCsur ðxÞ
Hg u ¼ hHrst jy¼0 ; (7)
where the negative sign on the right-hand side indicates the
consumption of methane.
Next, to obtain the function for Csur, we approximate h by a
simple formula. Fig. 6 shows h with the variation of the con-
centration at the interface, Csur, for catalyst thicknesses of
Fig. 4 e Converted methane rate plotted against methane 32 mm and 65 mm. Obviously, h is unity in mode [iii] because the
mole fraction for different lengths of the catalyst. reaction rate is constant, rc, everywhere. On the basis of the
shape of the plots, h is assumed to be given by:
< h1 ð ¼ const:Þ ðCsur Cc Þ
h ¼ aCsur þ b ðCc Csur Cd Þ : (8)
1 ðCd Csur Þ
rc H2
Cd ¼ Cc þ (9)
Using the assumption given by Eq. (8), Csur can be expressed
as a function of x. The mode of the concentration profile shown
in Fig. 1 and Table 1 depends on Cin, which is Csur at the inlet of
the channel. Fig. 8 depicts the relationship between Csur and
the resulting mode. Similar to case [I], if Cin is smaller than Cc,
the entire field inside the porous catalyst is in mode [i]. With
increasing Cin, different modes appear. When Cin exceeds Cc, up
to three modes may appear. The number of modes depends on
the conditions; for example, the appearance of only mode [iii]
is possible, although it is not drawn in Fig. 8.
The function for Csur derived by integrating Eq. (7) and
Fig. 6 e Effectiveness factors for different thicknesses.
using Eq. (8) are summarized in Table 3. In this table, the re-
gions are segmented by the positions of x32 and x21 and the
catalyst length L as shown in Fig. 8.
Calculation results
x32 ¼ ðC3 C2 Þ
x32 x x21 Csur ðxÞ ¼ a1 aC2 þ bÞexp uHg ðx32 xÞ b [ii]
uH aC1 þb
x21 ¼ x32 aHrgc ln aC þb h1 Hk
Csur ðxÞ ¼ C1 exp uHg ðx21 xÞ [i]
x21 x L
The first and second terms on the left-hand side, which are found that L1T32 and L5T35 have an option to increase the
similar to the terms of Eq. (15) in our previous paper [15], re- catalyst volume. The left-hand side of Eq. (11) is more sensi-
lates to the amount of supplied reactant and the strength of tive to the catalyst thickness H than the catalyst length L,
the diffusion in the depth direction, respectively. The third because H has an influence on ND and NL; particularly, ND is
term, NL, is a newly derived nondimensional group which proportional to the square of H. Indeed, L2T65, which is the
means the concentration decrease along the flow direction. shorter and thicker catalyst than L5T35, has a larger value of
The left-hand side of Eq. (11) is plotted in Fig. 11 for each the left-hand side of Eq. (11) in spite of smaller catalyst
size of catalyst. In this graph, the diffusion coefficient is esti- volume.
mated from the composition of the input gas. By comparison When equality holds in Eq. (11), the maximum yield of
with Fig. 10, it is obvious that the value of the left-hand side of products can be obtained with the minimum volume. Here-
Eq. (11) corresponds to the condition under which the overall after, we call this condition “optimal design point.” The
reaction is saturated. Fig. 12 shows the ratio of the nondi- optimal design point for different mole fractions of methane
mensional groups of Eq. (11), in which the molar fraction of at the inlet of the channel are plotted as solid lines in Fig. 13.
methane in the inlet gas is fixed at 0.2. This ratio can be useful The region above the lines belongs to the condition in which
for the design of configuration of catalysts. For example, it was the reaction saturated throughout the catalyst, that is, the
Fig. 9 e Distribution of local reaction rate inside a porous catalyst (not to scale).
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