Lucca Et Al-2008-Macromolecular Symposia PDF
Lucca Et Al-2008-Macromolecular Symposia PDF
Lucca Et Al-2008-Macromolecular Symposia PDF
Summary: Liquid phase tubular loop polymerization reactors are widely used in the
polyolefin industries because of their capabilities to promote high mixing of
reactants in the reaction vessel and to allow for high heat transfer rates with the
cooling jacket due to their high aspect ratio. Previous works on this subject focused
on the modeling of the polymerization system, but only a few compared their results
with real industrial data. A literature review about the propylene production in loop
reactors shows that the validation of a distributed model with actual industrial data
is yet to be presented. A distributed mathematical model is presented for industrial
liquid phase loop polypropylene reactors and validated with actual industrial data for
the first time. The model is able to represent the dynamic trajectories of production
rates, MFI and XS values during grade transitions within the experimental accuracy.
The model indicates that the polymer quality can change significantly along the
reactor train and that manipulation of feed flow rates can be successfully used for
production of more homogeneous polymer products.
reactors. The model aims at describing the overall process dynamics. In addition to
the main process variables related to the that, the external thermal capacitance of
quality control of the industrial polymer- both the reactor tubular sections and the
ization process, such as the production rate, recycling pump were also taken into
the melt flow index (MFI) and the amount account. These modifications were moti-
of xylene solubles (XS) in the final polymer vated by previous experimental and mod-
resins. Hydrogen is used to control the eling results obtained in a lab-scale loop
average molecular weights (and, conse- reactor[6,7] that emphasized the need of
quently, the MFI) of the polymer resin. The adding the recycling pump into the model in
model implementation allows for the simu- order to describe appropriately the macro-
lation of a train of loop reactors with mixing behavior of the reactor as well as its
multiple feeds. It is shown for the first time thermal dynamics.
that a distributed model may be adequately As depicted in Figure 1, the loop reactor
tuned to describe grade transitions during considered here is composed of three
industrial operation of polypropylene loop distinct reaction sections, namely, the
reactors. It is also shown that MFI and XS tubular section 1, that connects the inlet
data may be properly simulated with the feed point to the exit stream and the
developed model. Therefore, the model can recycling pump; the recycling pump, that
be used for interpretation of process recycles most part of the polymer slurry and
operation data and for development of is connected to the tubular section 2; and
optimum operation strategies. the tubular section 2, that connects the exit
of the recycling pump to the inlet feed
point. The tubular sections were described
Mathematical Modeling according to the axial dispersion model and
the recycling pump is considered to be
As discussed in the previous section, several perfectly mixed. Other model assumptions
models have been proposed to describe the may be found elsewhere.[8]
polymerization of propylene in tubular Thus, according to the axial dispersion
loop reactors. The loop polymerization model, a molar balance for a given species
reactor investigated here consists of a pair in a tubular section of the loop reactor
of continuous tubular reactors whose ends results in:
are connected, at one side, to the inlet feed
and, at the other side, to the exit stream and @Cji z; t @Cji z; t
to a recycling pump, as presented in viz
@t @z
Figure 1.[6] It is important to emphasize @2 Cji z; t
that the recycling pump is not considered Dm Rij z; t; (1)
here as a zero-capacitance vessel but,
instead, as a piece of equipment whose where Cji is the molar concentration of
behavior may play a fundamental part on species j (monomer, catalyst, cocatalysts,
Figure 1.
Loop reactor diagram.[6,7]
Copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
10 Macromol. Symp. 2008, 271, 814
hydrogen and moments of the polymer The energy balance for the recycling
molar mass distribution) in tubular section pump is given by
i, vz is the average flow velocity, Dm is the
h i dT p t
axial dispersion coefficient (assumed here
Vp rCp VrCP p
to be the same for all species present in the dt
tubular sections, which is equivalent to
rCp Q2 T t exit T p t
assuming that dispersion is determined by
the internal flow patterns), Rj is the overall DHr Vp Ri t
rate of consumption of species j, z and t are Up Tc T p t: (4)
the space and time coordinates, respec-
tively. For Equation (1)(2), well-known
The energy balance is obtained by Danckwerts boundary conditions have
neglecting energy changes due to expansion been applied. Equation (1)(4) along with
work, viscous flow, external fields, radiation the boundary conditions constitute a set of
and heat of mixing. The energy balance for coupled, non linear parabolic partial and
each tubular section can be given by[10]: ordinary differential equations. The axial
coordinates of the tubular sections were
@T j t; z
rCp rCp r discretized according to a polynomial
approximation on finite elements. Conver-
@T t; z gence tests as well as other details regarding
rCp viz
@zj the numerical solution of the model
@2 T j t; z equations may be found elsewhere.[6,11]
Dt rCp DHr RM t; z One important point regarding the
reactor model developed in this work is
4Ur that, in addition to the usual kinetic steps of
Tc T j t; z; (2)
d site activation, chain initiation, propaga-
where T j is the reactor temperature in tion, transfer reactions, and deactivation
tubular section j. The term rCp in Equation (cf. Table 1 for the kinetic scheme and
(2) stands for the thermal capacitance of the Table 2 for the kinetic parameters), the
polymer solution flowing through
tubular model also incorporates equations to
section j, whereas the term rCp r repre- account for the dynamic evolution of the
sents the overall thermal capacitance of the melt flow index and amount of solubles in
reactor externals (such as tube walls, xylene in the polymer resins produced.
fittings, valves, recycling pump etc). Dt is Models for these properties are taken from
the thermal dispersion coefficient, DHr is Latado et al.[9] The method of moments is
the reaction enthalpy and Ur is the reactor applied to population balances that
overall heat transfer coefficient. describe live and dead polymer chains in
The recycling pump is described as an order to allow for calculation of average
ideal continuous stirred tank reactor. The molecular weights.
mass balance for component j is given
Table 1.
Kinetic mechanism for the polymerization reaction.
dCjp t
Vp Q2 Cj1 t Site Activation: Chain Transfer:
dt exit (3)
kA kTH
Cjp t Vp Rj t; Sp A ! P0 Pi H2 ! P0 Qi
Chain Initiation: kTM
Pi M ! P1 Qi
where Cjp is the molar concentration of kP kTS
P0 M ! P1 Pi ! P0 Qi
component j in the recycling pump, Vp is Chain Propagation: Site Deactivation:
the internal volume of the recycling pump, kP kD
Pi M ! Pi1 Pi ! SD Qi
and Q2 is the volumetric flow rate in tubular kD
P0 ! SD
section 2.
Copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Macromol. Symp. 2008, 271, 814 11
Table 2. In the industrial practice, grade transi-
Kinetic parameters for the liquid-phase polymeri-
zation of propylene with a fourth-generation Ziegler- tion zones should not be too long, as off-
Natta catalyst. spec polymer resins are usually produced
during these transitions. In order to mini-
Parameter Reference
mize the impact of grade transitions on the
5 12;000=Rg T 3 [12]
kA 7:04 10 e cm /gmol/s process productivity, it is usually sought to
kP 6:3 1011 e10;000=Rg T cm3/gmol/s [12]
depart from a low MFI operation (low
kTH 2:22 1013 e14;000=Rg T cm3/gmol/s [12]
hydrogen feed rates) and reach subsequent
kTM 2:76 1010 e14;000=Rg T cm3/gmol/s [12]
kTS 1:72 106 e14;000=Rg T s-1 [4] higher intermediate MFI plateaus (by
kD 7:93 103 e12;000=Rg T s-1 [4] increasing the hydrogen feed rates) until
the attainment of the operation conditions
required to produce the resin with the
highest MFI. Figure 2 shows that model
predictions can be regarded as very good, as
Results and Discussion deviations between predicted and mea-
sured values are smaller than 10%, which
Model Validation is the inherent experimental error. Similar
Case studies presented herein report data results may be obtained for other process
and simulations concerning a real industrial conditions.
liquid phase propylene polymerization For the case of the amount of solubles in
process using loop reactors. Due to con- xylene, XS, Figure 3 illustrates typical
fidentiality agreements, process operational responses during MFI grade transitions.
parameters are not fully presented. Figure 2 XS values are influenced mostly by the
illustrates typical grade transitions at plant electron-donor concentrations (in this par-
site, during production of grades of very low ticular case, described as the ratio between
to very high molar masses. Grade transition TEA, tri-ethyl aluminum cocatalyst, and
was performed through modification of the electron-donor). The higher the concentra-
hydrogen feed concentrations according to tion of electron-donor, the lower is the
the industrial practice. As observed, the expected XS level in the produced polymer.
model is able to describe appropriately the Regarding Figure 3, one may see that the
operation in the whole range of MFI values model is capable of adequately reproducing
(within typical experimental errors), the XS amounts in the polymer for the
including the characteristic grade transition same operation conditions reported in
time, for multiple grade transitions per- Figure 2A. Again, model predictions can
formed sequentially. be regarded as very good, as deviations
Figure 2.
Measured and simulated dynamic MFI profile during Figure 3.
grade transitions. Measured and simulated dynamic XS profiles.
Copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
12 Macromol. Symp. 2008, 271, 814
Figure 4. Figure 5.
Validation of productivity data during the production Simulated monomer conversion dynamic profiles for
of polypropylene. a train of loop reactors.
between predicted and observed values are increased to reduce the residence times and
within the experimental accuracy (0.3%). safely allow for significant increase (about
Similar results can be obtained in all other 35%) of the polymer productivity.[13]
cases. Other variables are also of practical
Figure 4 presents the model validation interest. Simulated MFIs for the polymer
for the variable polypropylene production produced in the reactor train are presented
and considers the operation of two full- in Figure 6. As shown, the MFI of the
scale loop reactors in series. Operation polymer material can change quite con-
conditions are similar to the ones reported siderably along the train when the mono-
in Figure 2 for low MFI during reactor start- mer/hydrogen feed ratios are kept constant
up. It is possible to observe that model for all reactors. This can be explained in
simulations provide a very fair prediction of terms of the very distinct reaction condi-
the industrial process operation for both tions inside each of the reactors, due to
reactors. Low-amplitude measured data varying polymer concentrations (which
oscillations are due to the inherent fluctua- increase), catalyst concentrations (which
tions of the process instrumentation. decrease, due to catalyst decay) and
monomer concentrations (which decrease,
Process Simulation due to monomer consumption), which lead
The validated process model may now be to distinct hydrogen concentrations and
used to simulate and investigate plant
operation in order to increase process
performance and polymer productivity.
One possibility of increasing the polymer
productivity is by adding another large-
scale loop to the reactor train. Figure 5
explores this idea. Operation data refers to
those used in Figure 2 during production of
resins with low MFI. One may observe that
conversions levels up to near 60% may be
obtained, which can certainly be regarded
as a significant improvement, considering
the actual available process technology. If
one assumes that the maximum allowed Figure 6.
polymer concentration is equal to 55%, MFI dynamic profiles along the reactor train during
then the propylene feed flow rates can be grade transition.
Copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Macromol. Symp. 2008, 271, 814 13
Figure 7.
Hydrogen dynamic profiles along the reactor train
Figure 8.
during grade transition.
MFI dynamic profiles along the reactor train when a
multiple hydrogen feed is applied.
rates of chain transfer inside each of the of the other two full-scale loop reactors
reactors, as shown in Figure 7. Therefore, it (although retaining the same length/dia-
sounds reasonable to propose the use of meter ratio). Monomer, catalyst, cocata-
distinct monomer/hydrogen feed ratios lysts and hydrogen are fed to the baby-loop,
(and also of hydrogen compositions) for but only hydrogen is also provided to the
each of the reactors, in order to allow for full-scale loop reactors. One may observe
production of custom-designed polymer that very different polymer grades may be
materials. obtained in each reactor, thus reinforcing
In order to explore this possibility, a the fact that hydrogen is a crucial variable
more realistic process simulation may be to determine the final product quality at
performed in such a way that any reactor in plant site. For this reason, hydrogen feed
the train may receive fresh monomer, rates should be manipulated independently
catalyst, cocatalysts, and hydrogen. Usually, at each reaction stage and properly
however, multiple feeds are restricted only designed with the help of validated simula-
to monomer and hydrogen, in order to tion models.
modify both process productivity and the
polymer grade. Besides, it is also known
that, in a typical industrial site, the catalyst is
firstly fed to a small size pre-polymerization
vessel known as baby-loop. In this first
reactor, catalyst particles are encapsulated
by a growing polymer mass at mild reaction
conditions. The control of the morphology
of the polymer particles is basically per-
formed in this step.[5] Pre-polymerization is
used to produce spherical polymer particles
in an early reaction stage, avoiding uncon-
trolled particle fragmentation in the large
scale reactors.
Figure 8 and 9 present MFI and hydro- Figure 9.
gen concentration profiles, respectively, for Hydrogen concentration dynamic profiles along the
the train of loop reactor composed by a reactor train when a multiple hydrogen feed is
baby-loop, whose total length is 1/58 of that applied.
Copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
14 Macromol. Symp. 2008, 271, 814
Copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim