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Reactor Fixed Bed

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Fixed-Bed Reactor Modeling and Simulation with e-

Learning Tools
1 2 1
Margarida J. Quina , A. Cristina Almeida-Costa , Rosa M. Quinta-Ferreira

Abstract - Fixed-bed reactors (FBR) are largely used in Reaction Engineering is then an area of Chemical
industrial catalytic processes requiring a careful Engineering with a significant role, and our main goal focus
understanding at the undergraduate level of Chemical on the development of e-learning tools in the domain of
Engineering. Several mathematical models are available heterogeneous processes, specifically fixed-bed reactors
to represent the behavior of such heterogeneous systems (FBR). This work addresses catalytic reactional systems with
with various degrees of complexity, including different particular emphasis in fixed-bed reactors that are largely
transfer mechanisms at the fluid level or inside the used in industry. These processes may be studied through
catalyst particles. This will permit the application of the diverse mathematical models: pseudo-homogeneous and
fundamental concepts of the transport mechanisms heterogeneous models in steady state or transient regimes [1-
previously learned by the students in the first years of the 3]. For real systems, in general, no analytical solutions are
course. One-dimension and two dimension models with available, and different numerical techniques are required for
or without dispersion effects in the axial and radial computational simulation. The ordinary differential
directions may lead to transient and steady state models, equations, ODEs, and/or partial differential equations, PDES,
while the heterogeneity of the system can be simplified by may be solved by using various commercial Fortran codes:
assuming a pseudo-homogeneous behavior, which GEAR, PDECOL, FORSIM, DDASAC, DASSL.
neglects inter and intraparticle resistances. Regarding The analysis of the behavior of FBR is proposed in the e-
the most complete heterogeneous models accounting for learning platform in two levels:
external and internal mass and thermal gradients, the - general analysis through different mathematic models,
behavior of the catalyst particles is fundamental to follow including the catalyst particle and the film resistances;
the multiscale characteristics of such systems. This, is in - two case studies involving the synthesis of phthalic
agreement with the “New Frontiers in Chemical anhydride and formaldehyde through partial oxidation of
Engineering Education” that claim systems teaching ortho-xylene and methanol, respectively.
embracing the understanding of the physical and In particular, the operation of these systems highlights the
chemical phenomena in a broad scale. In this context, thermal instabilities that are possible to occur in such
several intraparticle models including diffusional and exothermic processes, namely temperature runaway and
convective transports can be developed and integrated in wrong way behavior, relevant for safety. The virtual platform
the global model of the fixed bed reactor. The different allows the students to understand the effect of different
mathematical models are represented by partial or operating conditions on the FBR behavior. Also, some
ordinary differential equations associated to algebraic complex theoretical concepts can be easily understood since
expressions, requiring numerical solutions through the time consuming for mathematical calculations are almost
various computational codes. Therefore, the great instantaneous. The e-learning philosophy has then important
interest associated to the teaching of these industrial advantages when compared with classical teaching, since is
systems is frequently inhibited by their complexity, so embedded into a web page permitting a broad dissemination
that modern tools based on e-learning methodologies will of the behavior of industrial systems, often impossible to
be much welcome. In this context, the global objective of teach in conventional classes.
the present work addresses the construction of a platform
for visualizing the general behavior of fixed-beds MATHEMATICAL MODELS
involving reactants and products profiles and thermal
gradients as well. The behavior of fixed-bed reactors (FBR) may be
studied by using several mathematical models, depending on
Index Terms - Chemical Processes, E-learning, Fixed-bed the complexity that is taken into account for, and Figure 1
reactors, Modeling. resumes the different possibilities. For example, PH1D
model correspond to a pseudo-homogeneous approach in one
INTRODUCTION dimension, and in this case the film and the particle are
implicitly considered. In the case of heterogeneous models,
The industrial chemical processes convert raw materials in the gradients in the film and in the catalyst may be taken into
products, and the reactor is often considered as the “heart” of account (HT1Dd, HT1Ddc, HT2Dd, HT2Ddc). The model
the plant. The selection and design of the reaction units are HT2Dd in transient conditions includes equations (1) to (12),
essential for the economic success of a chemical industry, indicated in Table 1, and corresponds to a complex approach
imposing final yields and conversions. The Chemical for simulating the dynamic behavior of FBR.
Chemical Engineering Department - University of Coimbra, guida@eq.uc.pt; rosaqf@eq.uc.pt;
Companhia Industrial e Resinas Sintéticas, Cires S.A, cristina.costa@cires.pt

Coimbra, Portugal September 3 – 7, 2007

International Conference on Engineering Education – ICEE


Fluid phase in the reactor

2 2
C i ,b C i ,b C i ,b  C i , b 1 C i ,b 
Mass balance to specie i : ui Dea D er   i ri,b
t z z
2  r2 r r  (1)

Tb Tb Tb  2Tb 1 Tb   
Energy balance: f Cp f ui f Cp f ea
  H j) j r j ,b
t z z2 er 
 r
2 r r  j (2)

Initial Conditions: z, r; t 0 C i0,b Tb0 (3)

C i ,b Tb
Boundary Conditions:
C i ,b Tb
t, r; z 0 u i (Ci,0 C i,b ) Dea ; ui f Cp f (T0 Tb ) ea
z z z 0
z 0

C i ,b Tb
t, r; z L 0; 0
z z z L
z L

C i ,b Tb
t, z; r 0 0; 0
r r r 0
r 0
C i ,b Tb
t, z ; R0 0 0; er h w (Tb T w )
r r R0
r r R0

Fluid/solid interface
Mass balance to specie i: k f ,i a p (C i ,s C i,b ) ri,obs (6)

Energy balance: h f a p (Ts Tb ) ( H j ) r j ,obs (7)


Catalyst particle

Ci , p  2
C i, p C 
 s i,p (8)
Mass balance to specie i: p De,i   r j,p
rp 
 2 i, j
t rp rp j
 

Tp  2T T p
 p s (9)
Energy balance: ( Cp) p  ( H j) r j,p
rp 
t 2 rp
 rp  j

Initial Conditions: rp ; z; t 0 C i, p C i0, p ; T p T 0

Boundary conditions: t, z; r p R C i, p C i,s ; Tp Ts

C i, p Tp (11)
0; 0
t, z; r p 0 r r
p p
rp 0 rp 0

Effectiveness factor referred to bulk conditions

1  V p
r (C
r V
,Tp ) dV p
obs p (12)
r(C b , Tb ) r (C b , Tb )
One- dimension model Two- dimensions model following scheme of consecutive/parallel pathways is used to
PH1D HT1Dd/ PH2D HT2Dd/ describe this chemical process, where A stands for o-xylene,
HT1Ddc HT2Ddc B for phthalic anhydride and C for the final oxidation
- with/without products (CO and CO2) [12]:
axial dispersion (+ air), K1 (+ air), K2
- with/without film A B C
gradients not not (+ air),K3
- with/withoutapplicable applicable
particle gradients not not Due to the large excess of oxygen, the rate equation for each
FIGURE 1 step j (j=1,2,3) is considered to be of pseudo-first-order:
STEADY-STATE MODELS FOR FIXED BED REACTOR. rj K j pi p O , where i is the corresponding reactant (i=A,B).

This general model is presented to students in Two one-dimensional heterogeneous models are used for the
classroom, and the meaning of each term is fully explained. description of the system, one that accounts for both
Starting from this model (HT2D) the simplest ones are easily intraparticle mechanisms of convection and diffusion
obtained. The meaning of the different symbols is indicated (HT1Ddc) inside the catalyst pellets and the other considering
in the notation section, at the end of the paper. only the diffusive flow (HT1Dd). Axial dispersion of mass
The subscripts coupled to HT1D and HT2D are referred and heat was neglected and a constant wall temperature
to the mass mechanism inside the catalyst (Figure 1). (equal to the inlet fluid temperature) was assumed in the
Therefore, when only the diffusion flow is considered the fixed-bed. An isothermal catalyst with slab geometry was
reference is HT1Dd or HT2Dd. In the case of both also considered. The steady-state equations and the reactor
intraparticle convection and diffusion flows are considered, and kinetic parameters may be found elsewhere [7]. The
the models are referred HT1Ddc or HT2Ddc. The axial resulting system of differential-algebraic equations is
dispersion can be included in any case (PH1D, HT1Dd/ integrated by using the commercial software code DDASAC
- Double Precision Differential Algebraic Sensitivity Code
HT1Ddc, PH2D and HT2Dd/ HT2Ddc).
From the resolution of the equations, several results may be
simulated, for the analysis of different perspectives of the
reactor steady-state behavior. For example, Figure 2(a)
The e-learning platform for teaching FBR will be
included in a most global one referred “Virtual Laboratories
of Chemical Processes”, and in particular, in a sub-level
“Chemical Reaction”. The virtual platform will be supported
by interactive simulation modules, and the web interface
allows the students entering data for simulations. The outputs
are mainly graphics or numerical results.
The Matlab and Fortran are used as computational
platforms for all simulation concerning FBR. Depending on
the type of differential equations referred above the models
may be solved using commercial Fortran codes such as
GEAR, PDCOL, FORSIM, DDASAC, or routines from the
As referred in the introduction, the students may try
simulations in the e-learning platform by two main
approaches: a general analysis through different mathematic
models, including the catalyst particle and the film
resistances and based on two case studies of industrial


Two case studies are available for students, aiming the

understanding of real industrial processes: partial oxidation
of ortho-xylene to phthalic anhydride [4-7] and partial
oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde [8-11].

I. Case Study 1 – Synthesis of Phthalic Anhydride

This case study refers to the partial oxidation of o-xylene to FIGURE 2

phthalic anhydride in a fixed-bed reactor packed with a O-XYLENE (A) AND PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE (B) ALONG THE
V2O5-TiO2 catalyst supported on large-pore particles. The REACTOR AXIAL COORDINATE.
shows the bulk temperature profiles and Figure 2(b) the o- the evolution of the differential yield, ’, and the differential
xylene and phthalic anhydride dimensionless concentration selectivity of phthalic anhydride, S’, along the reactor axial
profiles along the reactor axial coordinate for different values coordinate, calculated at the same conditions of Figure 2.
of the intraparticle mass Peclet number, m, at the inlet The results indicated in Figures 2 to 4 are examples, which
conditions T0=625K and P0=0,01 atm. The intraparticle and students may simulate interactively, being possible to change
interfacial profiles of the dimensionless concentration of o- the operating conditions of the system. The effect of those
xylene and phthalic anhydride calculated at the reactor inlet changes is observable in graphical representations.
(z*=0) are also depicted in Figures 3.
II. Case Study 2 – Synthesis of Formaldehyde

The system analyzed under this case study was the partial
oxidation of the methanol to formaldehyde over
iron/molybdenum oxides catalyst. The kinetic model
involves two reactions: the partial oxidation of methanol to
formaldehyde, which may be followed by a side reaction
involving the partial oxidation of the formaldehyde to CO
and H2O. The kinetic model may be found in [10] and the
operating conditions used by default correspond to the
industrial ones (1.4 atm; 257ºC; 7.5% for feed methanol
mole fraction). Although the industrial production of
formaldehyde involve FBR with thousands of tubes, in the
simulations only a single tube is considered with a length of
FIGURE 3 0.75 m and divided into two zones: 0.2 m of diluted catalyst
INTRAPARTICULAR AND INTERFACIAL DIMENSIONLESS with 50% inert in the first region (less active bed) and 0.55 m
CONCENTRATION PROFILES OF O-XYLENE (A) AND PHTHALIC of pure catalyst. This distribution of the catalyst allows mild
ANHYDRIDE (B) AT THE REACTOR ENTRANCE (Z*=0) FOR heat generation, and then lower hot spots are obtained. The
e-learning platform allows the observation of:
- steady state profiles for concentrations and temperature,
For chemical processes involving competitive reactions,
according to different mathematical models (PH1D,
yield and selectivity are very important parameters for the
HT1D and HT2D). For heterogeneous models, the mass
evaluation of the reactor efficiency. Figures 4 (a)-(b) show
flux inside the particle may account for only diffusion
(HT1Dd; HT2Dd) or both diffusion and convection
(HT1Ddc; HT2Ddc).
- transient behavior of the reactor according PH1D, HT1Dd
and HT1Ddc.
Figure 5 and 6 show as example, some axial profiles of
temperature in the case of steady state conditions and for
dynamic conditions, respectively.

HT2Ddc(radial mean)

630 PH1D

610 HT2Dd(radial mean)

590 HT1Dd



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


E-learning tools may be the key for the success of
students to understand the behavior of FBR. In fact, due to
the high complexity of the mathematical equations involved

670 Final steady-state in the description of these systems, the classical approach for
teaching this engineering subject sometimes fails, since only
620 very simplified case studies may be solved in the classroom.
Through simple computational simulations, made in a
friendly web-based interface, the performance of a FBR is
easily obtained for a given set of operation conditions.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Moreover, the effect of changes in the operating conditions
z* may also be straightforwardly understood, based on simple
graphical representations of the system behavior.
(a) To conclude, it is important to note that e-learning tools
may lead to a reduction of the number of classical lectures,
being students more independent, which is in accordance
with the methodologies stated by the Bologna Process.
Initial Final steady-state ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors acknowledge the financial support from POSC
(Programa Operacional da Sociedade de Conhecimento,
570 Portugal), contract 743/4.2/C/REG.

530 -1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ap - specific particle area (m )
(b) z* 3
Ci - concentration of species i (mol/ m )
C0 - o-xylene feed concentration, (mol/m )
FIGURE 6 Cp - heat capacity (J/kg K)
De - effective diffusivity (m /s)
dp - particle diameter (m)
THE FEED TEMPERATURE -5% (TO=557 530 K). fi - dimensionless concentration of species i , Ci/C0
hf - film heat transfer coefficient (J/ m s K)
These mathematical models are based on common hw - wall heat transfer coefficient (J/ m s K)
assumptions: constant pressure in the reactor, constant values kfi - film mass transfer coefficient of species i (m/s)
for physical and transport properties, constant wall L - reactor length (m)
temperature, constant bed porosity, flat radial velocity r - reactor coordinate (m)
profiles (plug flow) and constant catalyst activity in each rj - rate of reaction j (mol/ s kgcat)
catalytic zone. The simulated mathematical equations may be robs,i - observed reaction rate inside the catalyst (mol/s kgcat)
found in [8] for the case of steady state and in [10] for rp - particle coordinate (m)
transient conditions. The commercial code DDASAC Rp - half thickness of the catalyst particle (m)
package was used for solving the steady state [13-14], which R0 - tube radius of the reactor (m)
is an extension of DASSL code, developed by Petzold [15]. s - catalyst shape factor (slab: s=0; cylinder: s=1; sphere:s=2)
The transient model was solved with the PDECOL [16]. The t*- dimensioless time (t/τ)
numerical solutions involve complex strategies which were t - time (s)
discussed in detail elsewhere [11]. T- absolute temperature (K)
It is important to note that the dilution of the catalyst bed T0 - feed temperature (K)
in the first part of the tubes has advantages concerning the ui - interticial velocity (m/s)
parametric sensitivity and runaway behavior [9]. v0 - intraparticle fluid velocity (m/s)
In this case study students may test the influence of z - reactor axial coordinate (m)
several variables such as the operating conditions z*- dimensioless reactor axial coordinate (z/L)
(concentration, temperature), the wall temperature, the inlet
pressure, etc. In transient conditions, different changes may
be virtually experimented (steps, ramps, etc.). Moreover, the Greek symbols
influence of the dilution of the catalyst can be easily αi,j - stoichiometric coefficient of specie i, in the reaction j
understood, mainly in thermal profiles, by simulating this Hj - enthalpy of reaction j (J/mol)
important industrial process. - bed porosity
λe - effective thermal conductivity (J/m s K)
j - effectiveness factor of reaction j
- density (kg/m )
τ – space time for the fluid (L/ui)

a- axial
b - bulk
f - fluid
i- chemical specie
j - reaction
p - particle
r - radial
s - particle surface
w - wall


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