Thermal Eor
Thermal Eor
Thermal Eor
Article in Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME · March 2019
DOI: 10.1115/1.4041096
45 9,384
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M. Hamdy
Mechanical Engineering Department,
A Comprehensive Review of
College of Engineering,
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
P. O. Box: 279,
Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery:
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
e-mail: Techniques Evaluation
Zubairu Abubakar The oil production from any well passes through three stages. The first stage is the natu-
Mechanical Engineering Department, ral extraction of oil under the well pressure, the second stage starts when the well pres-
College of Engineering,
sure decreases. This second stage includes flooding the well with water via pumping sea
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
P. O. Box: 677,
or brackish water to increase the well pressure and push the oil up enhancing the oil
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia recovery. After the first and secondary stages of oil production from the well, 20–30% of
e-mail: the well reserve is extracted. The well is said to be depleted while more than 70% of the
oil are left over. At this stage, the third stage starts and it is called the enhanced oil
Mohammad Raghib Shakeel recovery (EOR) or tertiary recovery. Enhanced oil recovery is a technology deployed to
Mechanical Engineering Department, recover most of our finite crude oil deposit. With constant increase in energy demands,
College of Engineering, EOR will go a long way in extracting crude oil reserve while achieving huge economic
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), benefits. EOR involves thermal and/or nonthermal means of changing the properties of
P. O. Box: 567, crude oil in reservoirs, such as density and viscosity that ensures improved oil displace-
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia ment in the reservoir and consequently better recovery. Thermal EOR, which is the focus
e-mail: of this paper, is considered the dominant technique among all different methods of EOR.
In this paper, we present a brief overview of EOR classification in terms of thermal and
Mohamed A. Habib nonthermal methods. Furthermore, a comprehensive review of different thermal EOR
Mechanical Engineering Department, methods is presented and discussed. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4041096]
College of Engineering,
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
P. O. Box: 1866,
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Mohamed Mahmoud
Petroleum Engineering Department,
College of Petroleum
Engineering & Geosciences,
King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
P. O. Box: 5049,
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia;
Center for Integrative Petroleum Research,
College of Petroleum
Engineering & Geosciences,
King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
P. O. Box: 5049,
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Petroleum Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL
OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received July 12, 2018; final
manuscript received July 21, 2018; published online September 14, 2018. Assoc.
Editor: Reza Sheikhi.
Fig. 2 Kinematic viscosity of gas-free oils as a function of temperature (adapted from [11])
reservoir undergoes EM heating. The effects of EM heating electrical heater in the producer EMH-EH was proposed by Sade-
power, initial water saturation, solvent types, and combination ghi et al. [33]. The three methods were compared according to
strategies of EM heating and solvent injection (simultaneous or energy saving and the time required for mobilization. In the end,
alternate means) were recorded. Results illustrated that the combi- it was concluded that the electromagnetic heating (EMH) clearly
nation of EM heating and solvent-assisted gravity drainage could increases the energy saving. Investigations carried out to explore
enhance oil recovery beyond the use of EM heating only. Also, this EOR technique revealed important conclusions about its
the type of solvent employed affects the performance of the potentials in oil recovery; the literature, however, is still evolving
system. EM heating followed by n-octane injection gives higher in that regard. These include a summarized survey for experimen-
performance compared with the simultaneous EM heating and sol- tal, numerical, and field application of EM heating for heavy oil
vent injection. Furthermore, it is reported that moderate initial recovery [8]. Using microwaves for thermal energy generation is
water saturation enhances the heating speed, and as a result, another technique that has huge potential. The energy transforma-
increases oil recovery. EM induction heating with a variable mag- tion from microwave to thermal energy in the presence of micro-
netic field generated by an inductor was conducted using electri- waves absorbers can be exploited in reservoir heating for EOR.
cally conductive materials placed in a field [8]. An electromotive The fact that crude oil in itself is not a good microwave absorber
force had been generated to set up the flux in an electric machine, entails the use of other materials having high microwave absorp-
and an apparatus was employed to generate eddy current. This tivity such as activated carbon, Nanometal-oxides, and polar sol-
current generates the required thermal energy, which is a function vents, which make the heating process faster. The use of enhanced
of the material’s heat capacity, the frequency of induced current, metal-nanoparticles incorporating electromagnetic heating for
the permeability of the material, and the resistance of the material field-scale EOR application was proposed as a future work by
to the flow of current through it. EM induction heating, being Greff et al. [24]. The challenge is optimizing a way of injecting
quite recent, has just begun to be deployed in fields. Having
inductors situated at the bottom of the well, Siemens AG deployed
the EM technique for heavy oil recovery from oil sands [8]. They
designed an inductive coil with medium frequency electric field
depending on the reservoir condition to produce thermal energy.
Many research papers covering different aspects of EM heating
for EOR are available in the literature [28–32].
Preheating is very important in EOR for energy saving and for
accelerating the process. Down hole electrical heaters (EH) and
electromagnetic heating (EMH) have been suggested for this pur-
pose to reduce the preheating time with energy savings [33].
Some EOR processes such as SAGD requires time period of 3–6
months to complete the heating process. But, with high frequency
electromagnetic waves, this period could be reduced by polariza-
tion of electrically conductive molecules inside the oil sands. A
model with new analytical solution, having three different pre-
heating processes, steam circulation, electrical heaters in both hor-
izontal wells EH, electromagnetic antenna in the injector, and Fig. 6 Schematic illustration of CSS
5.2 Steam and Hot Water Flooding. Hot water and steam
flooding is a thermal EOR technique, which requires a huge
amount of water or steam to be injected onto high viscous oil in Fig. 8 Schematic illustration of SAGD process
the well to raise its temperature as shown in Fig. 7. 3D sand-
packed displacement model and experimental work have been
developed to simulate the water flooding and immiscible CO2 Consequently, efficient operation and maintenance of the steam
flooding processes [55]. In addition, enhanced heavy oil recovery generators that takes into account the fuel used in the generators,
by immiscible CO2 injection is found to be limited by early gas its availability and cost, as well as feed water treatment and cost
breakthrough due to, mainly, the unfavorable mobility ratio are highly important. From operation viewpoint, the two most
between CO2 and heavy oil. As reported in literature, hot water important challenges in steam flooding are the concerns with
flooding is less efficient than steam injection due to the lower ther- steam override and that of excessive thermal energy losses. The
mal energy content of water [8]. On the other hand, the driving thermal energy loss can be attributed to the losses in surface lines
power of the water is higher than that of the steam. The steam that transfer the steam from its generating unit to the injection
injection process involves continuous steam injection into an oil- wells. Other losses occur during steam passage into the wells
bearing porous medium. This results in the formation of an almost since the steam temperature is much higher than geothermal tem-
constant temperature, slow advancing steam zone around which peratures. Another source of losses occurs inside the reservoir
the viscosity of the oil is drastically reduced thereby increasing oil from the heated portion of the formation to the adjacent lower
mobility. This highly mobilized oil within the steam zone is sub- temperature regions.
jected to a vaporizing gas drive as a result of which the initial oil
saturation is reduced to as low as 10%. Mohebbifar et al. [56]
used Nano and biomaterials simultaneously; they used three types 5.3 Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage. In the case of
of biomaterials including biosurfactant, bioemulsifier, and biopol- SAGD, steam at high pressure is injected continually in a horizon-
ymer besides two types of nanoparticles including SiO2 and TiO2 tal well to provide thermal energy in the well that reduces the oil
at different concentrations as injection fluids. The highest effi- viscosity. The heated well is then drained into a lower well where
ciency of 78% was observed while injecting one pore volume of it is pumped out as shown in Fig. 8. This method is best suited
biopolymer and SiO2 nanoparticles. Steam flooding has a typical for heavy oil extraction in carbonate reservoirs as reported by
recovery factor ranging from 50% to 60% of OOIP. However, Hosseini et al. [64]. These are mostly naturally fractured reser-
being a pattern-driven process, its performance will ultimately voirs but only few studies had been conducted in this area. It is
depend on the pattern size and geology [57,58]. Experimental considered highly promising technique and it needs more work
study has been carried out using steam flooding for reservoir with and research in order to fully attain its potentials. The effect of
ultra-heavy oil as in AL-1 Block, Shengli Oilfield, China [59]. A fracture properties like fracture orientation, fracture spacing, and
numerical study conducted on steam injection in heavy oil fracture permeability on the SAGD performance in naturally frac-
revealed that it improves oil recovery up to 60% during a fixed tured reservoirs was studied by Hosseini et al. [64] through exper-
period of time, and that only 30% of OOIP can be recovered by imentations and modeling using CMG-STARS thermal simulator
hot water injection method [60]. Hossain [61] developed dimen- [15]. Experimentally, the combination of the SAGD and multiple
sionless scaling parameters for thermal flooding in porous media. thermal fluids-assisted gravity drainage process was also tested by
He proposed numbers that measure the thermal diffusivity and the authors. They reported that fracture orientation affects the
hydraulic diffusivity of a fluid in a porous media. steam expansion and oil production from the horizontal well
Another study focusing on heterogeneous heavy oil field located pairs. It is also reported that horizontal fractures have a negative
in southern Oman had been conducted to establish the optimum effect on oil production, while vertical fractures have a higher pro-
thermal energy transfer conditions via steam injection in the reser- duction rate compared to its horizontal counterpart. Similarly,
voir [62]. A CMG-STARS model was developed in the study to increase in fracture permeability was shown to positively improve
simulate steam injection process with the valve control of steam oil production. Furthermore, they reported that an increase in frac-
trap subcooled. They concluded that the valve control gives a faster ture spacing enhances oil production, because in wider fractures,
distribution of thermal energy after steam injection. In addition to the steam accompanied with its thermal energy will take more
that, it gives higher production with low amount of steam required. time to diffuse into matrices and provides thermal energy to the
The use of Nitrogen thermal foam flooding to overcome steam entire reservoir. Literature is available on the use of an optimiza-
override and steam channeling problems was also reported in the tion simulation method called proportional-integral-derivative
literature [63]. It was observed that using nitrogen foaming can coefficient to optimize the steam injection process while achiev-
increase the displacement efficiency of steam flooding from ing higher oil production and lower steam-oil ratio [65].
43.30% to 81.24% in single sand-pack experiment. Process integration tools have been applied in some instances
The economic as well as technical success of steam flooding to improve efficiencies in the SAGD process. This was conducted
process highly depends on the steam generation unit. by Forshomi et al. [66] in which a distributed effluent treatment
combustion at the night time as shown in Fig. 9. At the day time, with constant rate steam injection using conventional steam. The
the solar heater generates steam that is injected into the oil field to oil rate recovery was found to be independent of daily and annual
enhance the oil recovery. At the night time, oxy-fuel combustion cycles for multiple year timescales. Similar conclusions were
system can be utilized, instead, to generate combustion gases, reached by Van Heel et al. [85]. Furthermore, economic analysis
which are mainly carbon dioxide and water vapor in addition to showed that the solar thermal steam generation with 100% solar
oxygen-depleted air (nitrogen). The water vapor is separated from fraction has the lowest operational cost and is least sensitive to
the combustion gases by cooling. The combustion gases and nitro- natural gas prices fluctuations. This also leads to a significant
gen are injected separately into the oil reservoir for the same pur- reduction in CO2 emission from production of crude oil. It should
pose. The carbon dioxide is injected for miscible enhanced oil be noted that the direct normal irradiation received is the primary
recovery, while the nitrogen is injected for immiscible enhanced factor in deciding the feasibility of SEOR projects. It is viable in
oil recovery. areas, which receive high solar radiance throughout the year and
Continuous variable rate injection scenario was investigated by may prove economically unjustifiable for other areas. In a study
Sandler et al. [84] using established reservoir simulation model of by Afsar and Akin [86] using TRNSYS software, a heavy oil field in
steam drive through vertical wells in heavy-oil sand. The model Turkey utilizing parabolic trough collector was observed not to
also accounted for seasonal variations with greater injection rate have enough and available solar power for continuous steam
during summer. The steam injection rate during evening and injection all year round. The maximum solar fraction reached was
night, using conventional steam generation method, was reduced about 42%, which did not economically justify the investment
by 96%. Oil recovery and other parameters were compared with cost of the project.
constant rate injection. The cyclic solar steam injection was at par
6 In Situ Combustion
Among the thermal EOR technologies, in situ combustion and
down-hole heating have great potential as an emerging new tech-
nique of thermal EOR technologies. However, like all other ther-
mal EOR technologies, in situ combustion and down-hole heating
require the use of huge amount of natural fuel (usually gas). Since
all thermal EOR methods suffer from its environmental footprint
due to the associated CO2 emission, the search for new thermal
EOR methods such as in situ combustion and downhole heating
are thought to be the next generation thermal EOR technologies.
In situ combustion, also called “fire flooding,” is one of the
thermal EOR systems being widely used since its inception in the
Fig. 10 Schematic illustration of in situ combustion process early 1950s in USA’s Pennsylvania. Like any conventional
Fig. 12 In situ combustion schematic temperature profile (adapted from Ref. [96])
K ¼ A exp ðE=RTÞ Coke oxidation : 00:1 COKE þ 18:1 O2 ! 5:0 H2 O þ 95:0 CO2
where; A, the Arrhenius constant, E, the activation energy, T, the It is concluded in the study that oil recovery increases with
absolute temperature, R, the universal gas constant. increasing water injection ratios until it reaches an optimum value
Kinetic parameters can be determined using a variety of experi- and then it starts to decrease. Higher initial oil saturations
mental techniques, and it could be obtained from the literature and operating pressure presented higher oil recovery factors.
[120]. As mentioned before, authors grouped the reaction model Water–air alternation resulted in a negligible effect.
into pseudo-components of similar properties. Selection of the Yang and Gates [133] studied experimentally the combustion
pseudo-components must model the phase behavior of the original using Athabasca Bitumen in a 1D combustion tube to obtain a set
hydrocarbons. So, the oil results are characterized in terms of of kinetic parameters and transport parameters for the system.
Maltenes and Asphaltenes or in terms of saturates aromatics, res- From the literature, there are different available schemes; these
ins, and asphaltenes (SARA) fractions [129]. schemes differ due to their definitions of pseudo-components. In
The first proposed reaction model for LTO was done by Adeg- this study, they used the one developed by Belgrave et al. [134]
besan et al. [130]. They proposed the model for Maltenes, Asphal- for Athabasca bitumen as shown:
tenes, and Coke for the Athabasca Bitumen. The used reaction
mechanism is: (1) Thermal-cracking reactions (first order):
Sequera et al. [131] proposed another model for LTO, but used Asphaltenes ! 37:683 Gas
SARA components. This model provides acceptable results:
(2) LTO reactions
Aromatics þ O2 ! Resine 1 þ Aromatics
Maltenes þ 3:431 O2 ! 0:4726 Asphaltenes
Resine 1 þ Aromatics þ O2 ! Asphaltenes þ CO2 þ H2 O
Asphaltenes þ 7 : 513 O2 ! 101:539 Coke
Resines þ Resine 1 þ O2 ! Asphaltenes þ CO2 þ H2 O (3) HTO or coke combustion
Asphaltenes ! Saturates þ Coke þ CO2 cokeCH1:13 þ 1:232 O2 ! COx þ 0:565 H2 O
Hayashitani [132] proposed model for MTO reaction to model the (4) Gas phase combustion
fuel deposition process and gas production within the MTO:
CH4 þ 2O2 ! CO2 þ 2H2 O
Maltenes þ O2 ! Asphaltenes
Gas þ 2O2 ! 0:9695CO þ CO2 þ 2H2 O
Asphaltenes ! Coke
They conducted the simulation using The STARSTM thermal res-
Asphaltenes ! Gas ervoir simulator (CMG, 2007). In their conclusion, they suggested
from their results that coke is originated from the LTO not from
A numerical model has been proposed by Gonçalves and Trevisan the thermal cracking as known, so it is important to control the
[108] to simulate the wet forward ISC process of a combustion tube LTO for sufficient combustion process.
experiment with the properties of an onshore heavy oil field located Kapadia et al. [135] proposed a kinetic model for combustion
at Espırito Santo state in Brazil. Analysis of different parameters of the Athabasca Bitumen, which include thermal cracking, LTO,
had been done such as water–air ratio, initial saturations, operating HTO, gasification, water–gas shift reaction, methanation, hydro-
pressure and water–air alternation. The study was conducted using gen generation, hydrogen and monoxide combustion, as shown:
Examples Permeability Porosity Depth Viscosity Reservoir API Oil Special Improvements to Cost
Method (Location) limits (mD) limits (%) limits (ft) limits (cP) pressure (psi) gravity saturation (%) features the process source Advantages Drawbacks
2. In situ Canada, India, < 10 [96] 16–38 [96] 300–11500 [96] <5000 [96] -up to 22 bar [87] 1O-4O [96] 700 bbl/ac-ft. [96] -No depth limit -using (THAI) -CO2, CO reduc- -Decomposition of
combustion Romania, USA with taking in mind which use horizon- tion. rock turning into
[46] the injection tal wells [98]. -more energy effi- powder-heteroge-
pressure cient neity leads to chan-
-allows wider well neling
spacing than steam -High Capital and
operating Expendi-
ture requirements
-Planning and com-
bustion design
requirements is
more difficult than
steam injection.
-Limitation of
Table 1 (continued)
Examples Permeability Porosity Depth Viscosity Reservoir API Oil Special Improvements to Cost
Method (Location) limits (mD) limits (%) limits (ft) limits (cP) pressure (psi) gravity saturation (%) features the process source Advantages Drawbacks
3. Electric heating -Enhance the heat- -using water injec- -Production rate is -decreasing the
method ing effect espe- tion with it [14], or 7.6% higher than heat transferred by
cially in the low use it with solvent- the SAGD/CSS water
permeability zone. use it with SAGD methods. [138]
[16] -Efficient to
increase the tem-
perature of the sur-
rounding fluid.
-Does not require
the additional
required for a steam
distribution system
4. Electromagnetic -Using microwave -reduction of car-
method absorber [33]-using bon emissions
it with solvent -minimize exces-
injection-with sive water usage
SAGD gives good -increases energy
results [27], and Saving
nano-particles [24]
Example Temperature Porosity Depth Viscosity Reservoir API AOR, Average oil
Method (location) (F) (%) (ft) (cP) pressure (psi) gravity Mscf/bbl Prod., B/D Notes References
1.5 Solar enhanced oil recovery Bati Raman field, Southeast 535–635 10.8–20 1722 m 1800–2000 9.5–13.5 45 -steam injected [86]
Turkey [study] 250–2000 bpd
2. In situ combustion Balaria field, Romani 118 30 2625 120 284.5 :570 19 14 750 [139,140]
3. Electric heating methods Bakers field, CA 120 1400 14.3 14.3 10–20 -total power output 25.7 kW [141]
-Voltage 600 V
-Inrush Current (at 20 C) 69 amps
4. Electromagnetic method Wildmere field, AB, Canada 600 20 Pa s 3.18 tons/day [31]