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NRRC Stakeholders Guidelines

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Application for
Authorization of Interim
Storage for Radioactive

Classification: Public

Stakeholder Guideline
Application for Authorization of Interim Storage for Radioactive Waste

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

Classification: Public


In accordance with the provisions of the NRRC’s approved Regulations,

this stakeholder guideline describes criteria and/or techniques that are
considered appropriate for satisfying the requirements stipulated in the
NRRC’s regulations.
This stakeholder guideline has been prepared on the basis of Interna-
tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards, as well as the and the
international best practices and the experiences of similar international
regulatory bodies, and in accordance with the Kingdom’s international
commitments, and it has been approved by the NRRC’s CEO resolution
No. 1405, dated 23/07/2023.

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

1. Purpose 6
2. Scope 6
3. Definitions 7
4. Abbreviations 11
5. General and Administrative Information 11
6. Location and Design 11
7. Facility Operation 13
7.1 Management System 13
7.2 Radiation Safety Officer 14
7.3 Radioactive Waste Characterization 16
7.4 Marking and Labelling. 15
7.5 Radioactive Waste Records 17
7.6 Radioactive Waste Acceptance Criteria 18
7.7 Monitoring, Testing and Verification of Compliance 18
7.8 Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources 18
7.9 Discharge or Release of Radioactive Materials
to the Environment 19
7.10 Clearance and its Control 19
7.11 Requirements for Reporting to the NRRC 20
8. Radiation Protection Program 21
9. Emergency Preparedness 22
10. Physical Protection and Security 23

Classification: Public

11. Nuclear Safeguards 23

12. Application for an Authorization 23
13. Safety Case and Supporting Safety Assessment 24
14. Related Documents and Files 25

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

1. Purpose
Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Commission (NRRC) has
developed an effective regulatory framework for the safe and se-
cure authorization of Interim-storge of radioactive waste practice
throughout its life cycle. Under the regulatory framework, the
prime responsibility for safety and security within Interim-storge of
radioactive waste practice lies with the authorized person.
The purpose of this guideline document is to give the applicant
and/or the authorized person clear and specific guidance on the
submission for the purpose of authorization of Interim-storge of
radioactive waste practice that include the following:
• NORM waste management.
• Radioactive waste management.

2. Scope
This guideline is addressed to radioactive waste interim-storge facil-
ities and activities, in particular, will address the management sys-
tem, radiation protection, safety and security aspects of radioactive
waste interim-storge practice. However, it is considered appropriate
that a graded approach in the application of the requirements will
be taken into account and should be adapted to the risks inherent
to each facility.
This guideline includes the required information relating to
radiation safety and security by the NRRC in order to verify the
adequacy of the proposed safety and security measures as part of
the authorization process.
This guideline includes the required information relating to

Classification: Public

authorization of new license, renewal as well as amendment of


3. Definitions
Authorized person
Person granted authorization under this regulation and/or the
relevant Commission Laws.
Categorization (radioactive wastes)
The system of categorization of the radioactive waste developed
by the facility which is designed to take into account operational
needs in the management. It should consider the acceptance criteria
established for the subsequent handling, processing, transport,
storage and disposal steps, within the overall waste management
Characterization of waste
Determination of the physical, mechanical, chemical, radiological
and biological properties of radioactive waste to establish the need
for further adjustment, treatment or conditioning, or its suitability
for further handling, processing, storage or disposal.
Classification (radioactive waste)
System of classification of radioactive waste aligned with the
national policy and strategy which is organized to take into account
matters considered of prime importance for the safety of disposal of
radioactive waste.
Removal of regulatory control by the Nuclear and Radiological
Regulatory Commission (NRRC) from radioactive material or

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

radioactive objects within notified or authorized facilities and

Those operations that produce a waste package suitable for handling,
transport, storage and/or disposal. Conditioning may include the
conversion of the waste to a solid waste form, enclosure of the waste
in containers and, if necessary, provision of an overpack.
Disused sealed radioactive source
A radioactive source, comprising radioactive material that is
permanently sealed in a capsule or closely bonded and in a solid
form (excluding reactor fuel elements), that is no longer used, and is
not intended to be used, for the practice for which an authorization
was granted.
National policy on radioactive waste management
Is a set of established goals or requirements at the national level
for the safe management of radioactive waste; it normally defines
national roles and responsibilities.
Processing: Any operation that changes the characteristics
of radioactive waste, including pretreatment, treatment and
Radioactive waste
For legal and regulatory purposes, material for which no further use
is foreseen that contains, or is contaminated with, radionuclides at
activity concentrations greater than clearance levels presented in the
relevant regulation.
Radioactive Waste Acceptance Criteria
Quantitative or qualitative criteria specified by the NRRC, or

Classification: Public

specified by an applicant in the authorization process and approved

by the NRRC, for the waste form and waste package to be accepted
in any step of a radioactive waste management process.
Radioactive Waste Management
All administrative and operational activities involved in the
handling, pretreatment, treatment, conditioning, transport, storage
and disposal of radioactive waste.
Radioactive Waste Management Program
Is a program to assist the authorized person to ensure the safe
management of radioactive waste through the adoption of
management structures, facilities, activities, processes, technical
options for the management of radioactive wastes, procedures, and
organizational arrangements that are commensurate with the nature
and extent of the risks.
Safety assessment
Is the assessment of all aspects of predisposal radioactive waste
management facilities and activities that are relevant to protection
and safety. For an authorized facility, this includes siting, design
and operation of the facility. It includes analysis to predict the
performance of an overall system and its impact, where the
performance measure is the radiological impact or some other
global measure of the impact on safety.
Safety case
A collection of arguments and evidence in support of the safety
of a radioactive waste predisposal management facility or activity,
including the findings of a safety assessment and a statement of
confidence in these findings and how they should be implemented.

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

An activity where types of waste or material (radioactive or exempt)
are separated or are kept separate based on radiological, chemical
and/or physical properties to facilitate waste handling and/or
The holding of radioactive sources, radioactive material, or
radioactive waste in a facility that provides for their/its containment,
with the intention of retrieval.
Interim storage facility
A facility where waste is temporary safely emplaced for storage.
Operations intended to benefit safety and/or economy by changing
the characteristics of the radioactive waste.
Controlled area
A defined area in which specific protection measures and safety
provisions are or could be required for controlling exposures
or preventing the spread of contamination in normal working
conditions, and preventing or limiting the extent of potential
Supervised area
A defined area not designated as a controlled area but for which
occupational exposure conditions are kept under review, even
though specific protection measures or safety provisions are not
normally needed.

Classification: Public

4. Abbreviations
NRRC Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Commission.
RPP Radiation Protection Program.
RSO Radiation Safety Officer.
QS Quality Control.
SP Security Plan.

5. General and Administrative Information

- The applicant should fill and sign the application form.

6. Location and Design

- Criteria that should be considered when selecting or locating a
storage facility include the following:
• The area outside the storage facility should have a low public
occupancy factor and should be a low traffic area.
• The location should provide for an appropriate level of
physical security (e.g. single point entry, with preferable no
windows, and robust construction).
• The location should be remote from other hazardous storage
areas (e.g. stores for explosive and flammable materials) and
should not be liable to flooding.
• The location should be suitable for the safe transfer of
material into and out of the facility (e.g. there should be an
adequate loading and unloading area outside the facility, lift
transfer is preferred to staircase transfer).
• Handling of radioactive sources/containers inside the storage

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

facility to improve the flexibility of operations and the

optimization of radiation protection.
- In designing an interim storage facility, the authorized person
should take in to account the following factors:
• In case of a small waste storage facility within a large
installation the area outside should have a low public
occupancy factor and should be a low traffic area;
• Separation of the radioactive waste processing systems from
other systems, as well as from the premises and facilities,
where other potentially hazardous materials are stored (e.g
radioactive materials should not be store with explosive
• Providing auxiliary systems (e.g. For air sampling, radiation
alarms or decontamination);
• Compartments, in order to separate different kinds of waste
that may be stored (e.g. To facilitate the safe storage of
especially hazardous materials, such as volatile, pathogenic
and putrescible materials, chemically reactive materials);
• Providing radiological control at all stages including
control over the receipt of radioactive waste and elements
affecting personnel protection and protection of the working
• Providing adequate containment (e.g. drip trays, sealed and
dipped work benches) and shielding (e.g. Lead or concrete
• Establishing appropriate demarcation of the working
premises according to their classification (e.g. Labels, rope or

Classification: Public

other barriers) for area and personnel, as appropriate;

• Maintaining radiation control (measurement of dose rates
and surface contamination);
• Arranging the location and layout of the equipment and
systems in a way that provides ease of access for normal
operation, reduction and control of potential contamination,
maintenance and control;
• Maintaining safe handling of radioactive waste by having
appropriate handling equipment and selecting short and
uncomplicated routes;
• Providing adequate drainage and ventilation systems (e.g.
By means of air filtration, air pressure differentials and flow
• Providing normal and emergency electrical supplies when
• Establishing premises for emergency equipment;
• Providing fire detection and protection systems;
• Providing physical protection and security of radioactive
waste and radioactive waste management facilities.

7. Facility Operation
7.1 Management System
- The authorized person should establish and implement a
management system in accordance with relevant NRRC
- Operations should be based on documented procedures. All
facility-specific operating procedures must be submitted for

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

- The authorized person should establish and implement a
management system in accordance with relevant NRRC
- Operations should be based on documented procedures. All
facility-specific operating procedures must be submitted for
- The authorized persons should ensure that all employees be
informed annually of the importance of effective measures
for protection and safety of the safe predisposal radioactive
waste management and be trained in their implementation as

7.2 Radiation Safety Officer

- The authorized person should appoint a Radiation Safety
Officer to be responsible for overseeing radioactive waste
management activities at the facility.
- In discharging his duties, the appointed Radiation Safety
Officer, in relation to the radioactive waste management,
among others, should:
• Make and maintain contact with all relevant persons
(inside or outside the facility) involved in the safe
predisposal radioactive waste management to provide
a qualified advice and guidance as well as monitoring
of compliance;
• Liaise as needed with other radioactive waste
management organizations;

Classification: Public

• Establish and maintain a detailed record-keeping

system for all stages of predisposal radioactive waste
management, including the inventory of radioactive
• Ensure and/or control the proper radioactive waste
conditioning for storage and future disposal;
• Ensure and/or control that on-site transfer of
radioactive waste is carried out in accordance with
written safety procedures;
• Ensure and/or control that waste packages for off-site
transportation are prepared to be in compliance with
transport regulations;
• Ensure and/or control that any transportation of
radioactive waste has been approved by the NRRC;
• Ensure and/or control the appropriate shielding,
labelling, physical security and integrity of waste
• Ensure and/or control that any discharge of effluents
is made below the limits authorized by the NRRC, and
• Ensure and/or control that solid released waste
disposed of at a municipal landfill is in accordance
with clearance levels established or approved in the
licence´s conditions by the NRRC;
• Report on accidents and inappropriate predisposal
radioactive waste management practices.

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

7.3 Radioactive Waste Characterization

- The authorized person should implement appropriate
methods for the characterization of wastes, ensuring that all
information relevant to process control and assurance that
the waste or waste package will meet the acceptance criteria
for managing, storage, transport, and disposal of the waste.

7.4 Marking and Labelling.

- Radioactive waste containers should be properly identified
and labelled so that the required information will be available
at all stages of the predisposal radioactive waste management.
The information should be sufficient to ensure the
effectiveness and safety of the next step in the management
process. It should include:
• Identification number;
• Radionuclides;
• Activity (if measured or estimated)/date of
• Origin (room, laboratory, individual, etc. If
• A radiation trefoil;
• Other potential/actual hazards (chemical, infectious,
• Surface dose rate/date of measurement; and
• Quantity (weight or volume).

Classification: Public

7.5 Radioactive Waste Records

- The authorized person should develop a comprehensive
recording system for predisposal radioactive waste
management activities.
- The record of the stored radioactive waste, including spent
and/or disused radioactive sealed sources, should contain the
following information pertaining to the waste:
• The source or origin;
• The physical and chemical form;
• The amount (volume and/or mass);
• The radiological characteristics (the activity
concentration, the total activity, the radionuclides
present and their relative proportions, the date at
which measurement were performed);
• The classification in accordance with the waste
classification system established in the Regulation,
“Management of Radioactive Waste”;
• The categorization in accordance with the
categorization scheme approved by the NRRC.
• Maximum dose rate at contact and 1m (transport
index) and date of measurement;
• Content of fissile material (such as 239 Pu–be sources);
• Any chemical, pathogenic or other hazards associated
with the waste and the concentrations of hazardous
• Any special handling necessary owing to criticality
concerns, the need for the removal of decay heat or

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

significantly elevated radiation fields.

7.6 Radioactive Waste Acceptance Criteria

- The authorized person should define the waste acceptance
criteria, which should be submitted for regulatory review and
approval by the NRRC.
- The authorized person should ensure that an appropriate
control system is established to provide confidence that the
waste under its responsibility meets the applicable waste
acceptance criteria.
- The authorized persons should stablish procedures for
the evaluation of compliance with acceptance criteria and
provisions for safely managing waste that fails to meet the
acceptance criteria.

7.7 Monitoring, Testing and Verification of Compliance

- The authorized person should conduct monitoring to verify
compliance with the limits, conditions and controls of the
license and with the requirements for the safe management
of radioactive waste.

7.8 Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources

- The following aspects should be considered in respect of the
management of disused sealed radioactive sources:
• Disused sealed radioactive sources with high potential
hazard should be segregated and stored separately. For
sources (such as radium sources) with a potential for

Classification: Public

leaking, particular radiological precautions should

also be taken during the handling and storage;
• Special attention should be paid to monitoring the
surface and the air for contamination. These sources
should be stored in a dedicated area with appropriate
ventilation and equipment.

7.9 Discharge or Release of Radioactive Materials to the

- As part of the discharge control, the authorized person
should establish and document technical procedures to carry
out discharge operations, monitoring and record as well as
define the involvement of individual responsibility.

7.10 Clearance and its Control

- When applicable the applicant should propose methods
and procedures to be used for general clearance its control
and record. The plan should be approved by the NRRC.
Upon approval, radioactive material may be cleared as it
- Control measures for release of radioactive materials should
• Determination of the activity concentration of the
• Segregation of such waste designated for decay;
• Sampling of each batch of waste prior to removal from
control; and

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

• Record the volume, activity concentration and

radionuclides in the materials to be cleared.

7.11 Requirements for Reporting to the NRRC

- The authorized persons should:
• Notify the NRRC 60 days or as specified by the NRRC
in advance of any intention to transfer the management
of the radioactive waste to another authorized person;
• Notify the NRRC immediately of any event during the
predisposal radioactive waste management in which a
dose limit or any other limits, conditions or controls
established in the licence exceeded;
• Notify the NRRC as soon as practicable, but not
later than 24 hours after discovery, of any significant
unintended accidental event during the predisposal
radioactive waste management;
• Submit to the NRRC, within 30 days or as specified by
the NRRC after discovery of any significant accident,
a written report which states the cause of the accident
and includes information on the doses, corrective
measures and any other relevant information;
• When required in the licence conditions, report a
summary of the public exposure monitoring results to
the NRRC at approved intervals and promptly inform
the NRRC of any abnormal results which lead or could
lead to an increase of public exposure;
• Report discharges of radioactive materials to the

Classification: Public

environment to the NRRC at intervals as may be

specified in the licence and promptly report any
discharges exceeding the authorized limits;
• Report promptly and within 30 days or as specified
by the NRRC submit a written report to the NRRC
any releases of radioactive material to the environment
above the clearance criteria established by NRRC;
• Inform on material which has been removed from
regulatory control to the NRRC as required in the
licence conditions.
- In addition to the radiation safety related reports above, the
authorized persons should submit the following reports to
the NRRC:
• Radioactive source inventory data and subsequent
changes to those data, except for routine movements
of the source allowed in the authorization;
• Unusual events or incidents, such as:
o Loss of control over any radioactive waste or
disused sealed source;
o Unauthorized access to, or unauthorized use of
radioactive waste;
o Discovery of any orphan sources.

8. Radiation Protection Program

The authorized person should design and implement a Radiation
Protection Program as specified in the Safety Regulation. Such
program should include at least the following:

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

- Occupational Protection:
• Education and training of workers.
• Designation of controlled and supervised areas.
• Assignment of responsibilities.
• Local rules.
• Individual monitoring.
• Workplace monitoring.
• Health surveillance.
• Personal protective equipment.
• Recording and reporting.
- Public Protection:
• A system of protection and safety to protect the
• Assessment, control, and surveillance of
external public exposure.
• Training of personnel on functions relevant to
protecting public safety.
• Monitoring program and records management.

9. Emergency Preparedness
- Authorized persons should ensure that their emergency plans
include arrangements for the generated radioactive waste during
normal operation as well as for the radioactive waste potentially
generated in an emergency situation. This situation should be
evaluated in the safety assessment and safety case.

Classification: Public

10. Physical Protection and Security

- The authorized person, subject to decision by the NRRC, should
submit a security plan that described the measures in compliance
with the established regulation to ensure the physical protection
and security that prevent the unauthorized access of individuals and
the unauthorized removal of radioactive materials.

11. Nuclear Safeguards

- When nuclear materials recognized by any safeguard agreement
are present in the radioactive waste predisposal management
facility or activity, the authorized person should consider nuclear
safeguards requirements established by the NRRC in the design
and the operation of these facilities and activities to which nuclear
safeguards apply. These requirements should be implemented in
such a way as not to compromise the safety of the radioactive waste
predisposal management facility or activity.

12. Application for an Authorization

- The interim storage of radioactive waste requires an authorization.
The information presented in application should demonstrate the
compliance with the requirements established in relevant regulation.
- An application for an authorization should address all elements of
predisposal management of radioactive waste, as applicable for the
facility or activity for which an authorization is being sought. It
should include an initial plan for the shutdown and decommissioning
of the facility.

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

- In applying for an authorization, the applicant should ensure that

the adequate financial mechanism is in place to cover the full costs
of the safe management of the radioactive waste according to the
National Policy.

13. Safety Case and Supporting Safety Assessment

- An application for an authorization for a radioactive waste
predisposal management facility or activity should include in the
safety assessment and safety case the following:
• Description of how all the safety aspects of the site, the siting,
design, construction, commissioning, operation, shutdown
and decommissioning of the facility and/or activity and the
managerial controls satisfy the regulatory requirements;
• Demonstration of the radiological and non-radiological
safety under normal operation and also to assess the potential
effects of incidents and accidents, according to national
• Considerations for reducing hazards posed to workers,
members of the public and the environment during normal
operation and in possible accident conditions;
• The selection of operational occurrences and accidents to be
analysed should take account of their estimated probabilities
and impacts;
• When appropriate and needed, such assessments should
make use of appropriate modelling methods and data from
available experience;
• Where necessary, the assessments should demonstrate long

Classification: Public

term safety;
• Cover all stages and safety aspects of the radioactive waste
management process, in relation to the workers, the public
and the environment.

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

14. Related documents and files

Document Document Document
Relation to the guideline
Name Type Number
This Regulation set out the
general safety requirements
in ensuring protection of
people and the environment
against the harmful effects of
ionizing radiation and for the
safety of radiation sources.
Radiation Technical in addition, this regulation
Safety Regulation harmonize the requirements
applicable in the Kingdom
with the international best
practices in order to achieve
the highest standards of
safety in activities and
facilities that give rise to
radiation risks

Prescribes the general

requirements for notification
on and
on and authorization of
Technical activities, facilities and
of Facilities NRRC-R-02
Regulation practices with radiation
and Activities
source, nuclear material and/
with Radiation
or ore containing uranium
and thorium in the Kingdom

Classification: Public

This regulation is to
prescribe requirements that
shall be fulfilled to ensure
Safe safety, security and to
Transport of Technical protect persons, property,
Radioactive Regulation and the environment from
Materials any harmful effects of
radiation on the transport
of radioactive materials or
nuclear material.
This regulation sets out the
safety objectives, criteria
and requirements for the
Management protection of human health
of Technical and the environment
Radioactive Regulation that shall be applied to
Waste the activities and the
requirements that shall be
met to ensure the safety of
such activities and facilities.
This regulation that
addressed security of
radioactive material,
associated activity, and
Security of
Technical associated facility against
Radioactive NRRC-R-17
Regulation unauthorized removal of
radioactive material and
sabotage performed with
the intent to cause harmful
radiological consequences

Stakeholder Guideline for Application
for Authorization of Interim Storage for
Radioactive Waste

©Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Commission , 2023

King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data
L.D. no. 1445/81

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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