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Heat Treating Industry,

Processes and Equipment

A seminar Presented for

Southern California Gas Company
Sales Staff

February 20th, 2002

Presented By
Arvind C. Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Heat Treating Industry, Processes and Equipment

Presentation Content

• Heat Treating Industry and Processes Overview

• Heat Treating – A Video Presentation

• Gas Fired Metal Heat Treating Furnaces

• Heat Treating Atmospheres

• Electrical Heat Treating Systems (Furnaces)

• Process Heating Tools and Models for Heat Treating

• Emerging Gas-Fired Process Heating Equipment

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Heat Treating Industry and Processes

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

WHAT IS HEAT TREATING? Who Uses Heat Treating?
Controlled Heating And Cooling of Metal to Change SIC Industry
Its Properties and Performance.
331 Steel Mills
Through: 332 Iron and Steel Foundries
• Change in Microstructure 34 Metal Fabrication
• Change in Chemistry or Composition Machinery and
35 & 36
Electrical/Electronic Equipment
37 Transportation Equipment
Commonly Heat 3398 Commercial Heat Treating
Treated Metals Why Heat Treat? 5051 Steel Service Centers
• To improve Toughness • Primary Producers
Ferrous Metals
• Steel • To increase Hardness – Steel Mills: Hardening of Bars, Rods Tubes,
• Cast Iron • Pipes, etc.
To increase Ductility
• Alloys Annealing of Plates, Sheets, Wires, etc.
• • To improve Machineability
Stainless Steel • Captive Plants
• Tool Steel • To refine Grain Structure
Non-ferrous Metals – Melt and Casting Shops, Forging Plants,
• To remove Residual Stresses Manufacturers of Automotive Parts, Farm and
• Aluminum
• Copper • To improve Wear Resistance Earth Moving Machinery, Machine Tools, etc.
• Brass • Commercial Heat Treaters
• Titanium
– Service Providers for a Variety of Heat Treating
Typical Heat Treating Cycle Processes for Different Parts to Manufacturers.
• Heating to the Control Temperature
• Holding at Temperature (Soak)
• Cooling (Rapid or at Slow / Controlled A Few Facts about Heat Treating
• Steel Is the Primary Metal Being Heat Treated.
Holding (soak) More Than 80% of Heat Treating Is Done for Steel.

• Heat Treating of Metals Represents Approximately

Heating 100 BCF Gas Load Nationwide.
Co • Heat Treaters Use Natural Gas to Supply About 2/3
o li of the Energy Used for Heat Treating (induction,
vacuum & commercial atmospheres are the main
Time • Current Share of Gas Decisions is about 50 / 50
Between Gas & Electric.
Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Metal Heat Treating
Topics of Presentation

• What Is Metal Heat Treating?

• Where Is It Used?

• Why and How It Is Done?

• What Processes & Equipment Are Used for

Heat Treating?

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

What is Heat Treating ?

Controlled Heating And Cooling of Metal to Change

Its Properties and Performance.
• Change in Microstructure
• Change in Chemistry or Composition

a ti




Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

A Few Heat Treating Facts

• Heat Treating of Metals Represents

Approximately 100 BCF Gas Load Nationwide.

• Heat Treaters Use Natural Gas to Supply About

2/3 of the Energy Used for Heat Treating
(induction, vacuum & commercial atmospheres
main competition).

• Current Share of Gas Decisions is about 50 / 50

Between Gas & Electric.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Why Use Heat Treating ?
In simple Terms….

• Soften a Part That Is Too Hard.

• Harden a Part That Is Not Hard Enough.

• Put Hard Skin on Parts That Are Soft.

• Make Good Magnets Out of Ordinary Material.

• Make Selective Property Changes Within Parts.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Who uses Heat Treating ?

• Aircraft Industry
• Automobile Manufacturing
• Defense Sector
• Forging
• Foundry
• Heavy Machinery
• Powder Metal Industries

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

What Industrial Sectors Use Heat Treating ?

SIC Industry
331 Steel Mills
332 Iron and Steel Foundries
34 Metal Fabrication
Machinery and
35 & 36
Electrical/Electronic Equipment
37 Transportation Equipment
3398 Commercial Heat Treating
5051 Steel Service Centers

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Types of Heat Treaters
• Commercial Heat Treaters
– Heat Treating of Parts As “Job-shop”.
– Reported Under SIC Code 3398.
– Approx. 10% of All Heat Treating Production Is by Commercial Heat
– Usually There Are 4 to 5 Captive Heat Treaters for Each Commercial
Heat Treater Shop.
• Captive Heat Treaters
– Usually a Part of Large Manufacturing Business.
– They Usually Produce “Products” Rather Than Parts.
– Captive Heat Treating Is Scattered Through All Manufacturing SIC
Codes (DEO has over 100 individual SIC’s for Heat Treaters).

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Commonly Heat Treated Metals

• Ferrous Metals
– Steel
– Cast Iron
– Alloys
– Stainless Steel
– Tool Steel
• Non-ferrous Metals
– Aluminum
– Copper
– Brass
– Titanium

Steel Is the Primary Metal Being Heat Treated.

More Than 80% of Heat Treating Is Done for Steel

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Heat Treating Processes

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Steps in Heat Treating Operation

• Loading

• Cleaning
• Heating
• Pre-wash with coalescer • Preheating
• De-phosphate system • Heating
• Spray rinse • Soak & diffusion
• Pre-cooling

• Tempering • Quenching (Cooling)

• Surface coating • Post-wash

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Commonly Used Equipment
for Heat Treating Operations

• Metal Cleaning (Wash-Rinse) Equipment

• Gas fired furnaces
– Direct fired using burners fired directly into a furnace
– Indirect fired furnaces: radiant tube, muffle, retort etc.
– Molten salt (or lead) bath
– Fluidized bed
• Electrically heated Furnaces
– Induction heating
– Electrical resistance heating
– Other (i.e. Laser, electron-beam etc.)
• Quench or cooling equipment
• Material handling system
• Testing and quality control laboratory equipment

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Gas Fired Metal Heat Treating Furnaces

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Electrically Heated Equipment for Metal Heating

Electric Atmosphere Furnace Vacuum Furnace

Induction Equipment

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Types of Heat Treating Furnaces
Induction Carbottom

100 Bell, Hood, tipup

150 150 Vertical Pit
60 Vacuum
100 13425
Box Lead pot (cont.)

7700 Rolelr hearth

Salt Bath

Cont. stripline

200 Cont. induction

4395 Pusher
Car Bottom
Pusher Fluidized bed

4890 Rotary hearth, shaker hearth
50 Bell, hood, tip-up
330 4765
5 130 Vertical Pit Induction
Electric beam
Flame heads

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Heat Treating
Processing Equipment

Gas Fired Furnaces

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

• Heat treating furnaces can be Batch type or continuous
• The furnaces are heated by: Direct fired gas burners, Radiant tubes or Electric heating
• More than 60% of the total energy used for heat treating is used for heating the load
Components of of a typical heat treating line
• Loading station Types of Heat Treating Furnaces
• Parts washer and dryer Atmospheric Vacuum
• Heat treating furnace (carburizer,
 Operated at ambient  Operated at vacuum or
hardening furnace, vacuum furnace
etc.) (atmosphere) pressure. sub-atmospheric pressure.
• Atmosphere supply (generator or commercial)  Load is heated and cooled in  May involve high pressure
• Quench
presence of air or special gas cooling using special
• Washer and dryer
• Tempering furnace gases (process gases.
• Unloading atmospheres),  Includes ion or plasma
• Quality control – inspection in liquid baths or in a processing equipment.
Commonly used furnaces fluidized
Major Components of a Furnace
• Integral Quench Furnace (i.e. AllCase Furnace)
Process Atmosphere Exhaust Gases
• Roller hearth, shaker hearth, pusher, mesh-belt,
Retort etc. Heat Containment
• Vacuum furnace
HeatGeneration Heat
• Fluidized Bed Furnace Energy Source
(fuel, electricity, etc.) Heat
• Car Bottom Furnace Transfer

• Salt Bath Furnace Air

• Pit furnace Material Material

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc. Handling Handling

Heat Treating Furnaces
Two Primary Types

• Atmospheric
– Operated at ambient (atmosphere) pressure.
– Load is heated and cooled in presence of air or
special gases (process atmospheres), in liquid
baths or in a fluidized bed.
• Vacuum
– Operated at vacuum or sub-atmospheric pressure.
– May involve high pressure gas cooling using
special gases.
– Includes ion or plasma processing equipment.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Heat Source for Gas Fired Furnaces

• Direct Fired Burners *

• Radiant Tubes *
• Muffle or Retort Heated by
Outside Burners/Electrical
• Hot Oil or Steam Heating

* These could be directly exposed to the work
or can be outside a muffler a retort.
Direct fired muffle furnace

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Typical Combustion System

Direct Fired Furnaces

Multi-zone, Multi-Burner System

Indirect Fired Furnace

Radiant Tube Firing with
Recuperator for Preheating
Combustion Air
Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Two Major Issues Facing Natural Gas Heating
NOx Emissions and Efficiency

• Low NOx burners are

available for all temperature
• Use of recuperators,
Low NOx High Velocity
regenerative burners can
increase efficiency of gas
use by 25% to 40%.
• Proper combustion control
and selection of right
Regenerative Burners
Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Gas Fired Metal Heat Treating Furnaces

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Integral Quench (IQ) Furnace

• “Work-horse” of Heat Treating

• A Batch Furnace for Hardening &
• Includes a Quench and Cooling
• Can Be Single Chamber (In-out) or
Two Chamber
• Load From 800#s to 6,000#s
• Operating Temperature – Usually up
to 1,800°F

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Integral Quench (IQ) Furnace

• Radiant Tubes (Gas Fired)

or Electrically Heated.
• May or May Not Have a
Muffle to Separate Load and
Radiant Tubes.
• Process Atmosphere: Endo
Gas, Equivalent Carburizing
Gas Mixture or Neutral
• Circulating Fan to Assist in
Convection Heat Transfer.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Tempering or Draw Furnace
• Batch Furnace for Pre-
heating, Tempering (after
quench), Stress-relieving and
• Operating Temperature
Range: 350°F to 1,400°F.
• May Include Cooling System
Using Air to Water Heat
Exchanger to Accelerate
• Direct Fired With Flue Gas
Atmosphere (some Vacuum
Temper Furnaces used).

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Tempering or Draw Furnace

• Convection Heating Using a

Recirculating Fan.
• Load Capacity; 1,000# to
• Includes a Plenum for Gas
Distribution and Temperature

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Quench Tank

• Directly Connected or Integral to a

• The Liquid Can Be Water, Quench Oil
or Polymer.
• Requires Heating and Cooling System
to Maintain the Controlled Quench
• Major Concern for Oil Quench: Fire,
For All Other: Spill.
• Extremely Critical for Quality of the
Parts Produced.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Parts Washer (Batch System)

• Used to Clean Parts (Remove Dirt,

Machining Oil, Metal Chips, etc.).
• May Use Chemicals - Detergents .
• Includes Several Steps of
Washing, Rinsing, Drying, etc.
• Requires Heating System Inside
and Outside (for Liquids) the
• May Use Vacuum De-oiling.
• Requires Extensive Liquid
Handling System to Assure
Compliance with EPA Regulations.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

A Typical Heat Treating Line
Front Section with Pre-wash and Furnace

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Heat Treating Line
Back Section with Tempering and Post-wash

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Nonferrous Heat Treating Furnaces

Types of Furnaces
· Coil/foil Annealing Furnaces
· Rod/wire Annealing Furnaces
· Log Homogenizing Furnaces
· Ingot Preheating Furnaces
· Aging Furnaces

· Indirect Heating
(Radiant Tubes or Electrical Resistance)

· Temperature Range 350°F to 1150°F

· Atmosphere With Dew Point Control
· May Includes Water Quench or
Controlled Cooling

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Process Atmospheres for
Heat Treating

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

What is a Process (heat Treating) Atmosphere?
A Mixture of Gases (CO, H2, CO2, H2O and N2) That Protects the Load or Reacts with the Load During Heat Treating

Why Use protective Atmospheres? Source of heat Treating Atmospheres

• To Prevent Oxidation, Loss of Carbon (Decarburizing), • Natural Gas (Hydrocarbon) - Air Reaction
and Avoid Corrosion.
• Natural Gas - Steam Reaction
– Most Gases Containing Oxygen (i.e. Air, Water
Vapor [H2O], Carbon Dioxide [CO2] React With • Ammonia Dissociation or Ammonia-air
Iron, Carbon and Other Elements Present in Steel. Reaction
– Reactivity Depends on Temperature and Mixture Or
of Gases in Contact With Steel. • Mixture of Commercial Gases
(N2, H2 and Hydrocarbons)

Types of Heat Treating Process Atmospheres

• Protective Commonly Used of heat Treating Atmospheres

– To Protect Metal Parts From Oxidation or Loss of • Rich and Lean Endothermic (DX) Gas
Carbon and Other Elements From the Metal
Surfaces. • Rich and Lean Exothermic (RX) Gas
• Reactive (These can have low or high dew point)
– To Add Non-metallic (I.E., Carbon, Oxygen,
Nitrogen) or Metallic (I.E., Chromium, Boron, • Dissociated Ammonia
Vanadium) Elements to the Base Metal.
• Purging
• Hydrogen – Nitrogen Mixture
– To Remove Air or Flammable Gases From • Natural Gas (Hydrocarbon) - Air Reaction
or Vessels.
• Natural Gas - Steam Reaction
• Mixture of Commercial Gases
(N2, H2 and Hydrocarbons)
Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Why Use Protective Atmospheres?

• To Prevent Oxidation, Loss of Carbon (Decarburizing),

and Avoid Corrosion.
– Most Gases Containing Oxygen (i.e. Air, Water Vapor
[H2O], Carbon Dioxide [CO2] React With Iron, Carbon
and Other Elements Present in Steel and Other Metals.
– Reactivity Depends on Temperature and Mixture of
Gases in Contact With Steel.

• To Avoid and Eliminate Formation of Flammable or

Explosive Mixtures

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Types of Process Atmospheres

• Protective
– To Protect Metal Parts From Oxidation or Loss of Carbon
and Other Elements From the Metal Surfaces.
• Reactive
– To Add Non-metallic (i.e., Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen) or
Metallic (i.e., Chromium, Boron, Vanadium) Elements to
the Base Metal.
• Purging
– To Remove Air or Flammable Gases From Furnaces
or Vessels.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Importance of Protective Atmospheres
in Heat Treating

• Proper composition and concentration in a furnace is required

to give the required surface properties for the heat treated

• Loss of atmosphere “control” can result in unacceptable parts

and result in major economic penalty - it can cost a lot!

• Atmospheres contain potentially dangerous (explosive, life

threatening) gases and must be treated with “respect”.

• New advances in measurement and control of atmospheres in

heat treating allow precise control of atmospheres to produce
quality parts.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Commonly Used Atmospheres in Heat Treating

Protective and Purging Reactive

– Endothermic gases – Exothermic gases
• Lean – high and low dew–point
Mixture (or
• Rich - high and low dew point
individual) of gases:
– Nitrogen Hydrogen, CO, CH4,
– Mixture of N2 and small amount CO other
– Dissociated
Ammonia (H2 + N2)
Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Source of Atmospheres
A Mixture of Gases (CO, H2, CO2, H2O and N2) That Give
the Required Composition for the Processing Atmosphere.

• Natural Gas (Hydrocarbon) -

Air Reaction
• Natural Gas - Steam Reaction
• Ammonia Dissociation or
Ammonia-air Reaction

• Mixture of Commercial Gases
(N2, H2 and Hydrocarbons)

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Use of Atmospheres in a Plant
A Mixture of Gases (CO, H2, CO2, H2O and N2) That Give
the Required Composition for the Processing Atmosphere.

• Most plants have an in-house, centrally located,

atmosphere gas generators for different types of
atmospheres required in the plant
• In some cases one or more generators may be
located for each “shop” or production area
• In many cases other gases (i.e. N2, H2, NH3)
are piped from storage tanks located within the
plant premises and distributed by a piping
system to furnaces.
• Gas flow is mixed, measured and controlled
prior to its injection in the furnace.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Electrical Heating
for Heat Treating

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Cost Comparison
Type of Electric Heating Electric vs. Natural Gas Major Applications of Electric Heating for Heat Treating

Resistance Heating Cent/Kwh $/MM Btu • Vacuum Heat Treating Furnaces

Induction Heating 4 12.34 • Sintering (Powder Metal) Furnaces
5 15.42 • Plasma or Ion Nitriding, Carburizing or Surface
Direct Current
6 18.51 Coatings
Laser Heating 7 21.59
8 24.67 • Low Temperature Tempering or Draw Furnaces
Electron Beam Heating
9 27.76 • Liquid (Water, Quench Oils or Polymer) Heating in
Plasma Heating 10 30.84 Tanks
Arc Heating 11 33.93
12 37.01 • Gas Generators (Endo Gas and Ammonia Dissociators)
Based on 90% efficiency • Salt Bath Furnaces
in distribution • Pit (Underground) Furnaces
Advantages Claimed By Electric System Providers

• “100 %” Efficient
Disadvantages - Drawbacks
• Better Temperature Uniformity and
Controllability • Higher Operating Cost : 2 to 3 Times for
Major Issues and Concerns
• Can Be Used for Higher Temperature Heat Treating Furnace Applications
• Capital and Operating Cost
Processes • Heating Elements Burn-out, Short Life and
• Safe - No Explosion Hazards Expensive to Replace • Product Loss
• No Flue Gases to Deal With • Danger of Elements Shorting Due to
Possibilities of Metal Parts Drop • Environmental, Safety and
• No Pollution or Emissions of NOx Etc. • May Need Expenses for Substation, Health
• Lower Initial Cost for Furnace Transformer Etc.
• • Corrosion, Soot Deposits Etc. For • Productivity and Quality
Easy to Install and Operate
Applications With Process Atmosphere
• Can Be Easily Automated • Other factors
• Longer Furnace Length for the Same Heat
Input, Particularly for Continuous Furnace
Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Electrical Heating Terms and Cost

Cost of Electric Heating

• Energy is measured in terms of Kilowatt
Cent/Kwh $/MM Btu Hour (Kwh).
• 1 Kwh= 3,413 Btu/hr.
4 12.34
• Electricity production is approximately
5 15.42 33% efficient based on energy required
6 18.51 at the power plant.
7 21.59 • For an equivalent (delivered to the load)
8 24.67 Btu basis electricity production emits 2
9 27.76 to 5 times more NOx than the gas fired
10 30.84 furnaces.
11 33.93 • Actual efficiency of application of heat
12 37.01 could be in the range of 65% to 85%.
Based on 90% efficiency in

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Advantages Claimed By Electric System Providers

• “100 %” Efficient
• Better Temperature Uniformity and Controllability
• Can Be Used for Higher Temperature Processes
• Safe - No Explosion Hazards
• No Flue Gases to Deal With
• No Pollution or Emissions of NOx Etc.
• Lower Initial Cost for Furnace
• Easy to Install and Operate
• Can Be Easily Automated

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Disadvantages - Drawbacks

• Higher Operating Cost : 2 to 3 Times for Heat Treating

Furnace Applications
• Heating Elements Burn-out, Short Life and Expensive to
• Danger of Elements Shorting Due to Possibilities of
Metal Parts Drop
• May Need Expenses for Substation, Transformer Etc.
• Corrosion, Soot Deposits Etc. For Applications With
Process Atmosphere
• Longer Furnace Length for the Same Heat Input,
Particularly for Continuous Furnace

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Primary Applications of
Electric Heating for Heat Treating

• Vacuum Heat Treating Furnaces

• Sintering (Powder Metal) Furnaces
• Plasma or Ion Nitriding, Carburizing or Surface Coatings
• Low Temperature Tempering or Draw Furnaces
• Liquid (Water, Quench Oils or Polymer) Heating in Tanks
• Gas Generators (Endo Gas and Ammonia Dissociators)
• Salt Bath Furnaces
• Pit (Underground) Furnaces

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Electrical Heating Systems
for Heat Treating

• Resistance Electrical Heating Systems

– Electrically Heated Conventional Furnaces
– Electrically Heated Atmosphere Furnaces

• Electrically Heated Vacuum Furnace

– Heating and heat treating
– Plasma Nitriding
– Plasma Carburizing
– CVD Coatings

• Induction Heating

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Major Components of an
Electrical Heating System

• Heating Elements
• Power Supply
• Power Control System Connected with
the Furnace Temperature Control
• Water Cooling System

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Electrically Heated Atmosphere Furnace

• Electric heating elements connections
• Lack of burners, vents, air-gas piping or flue gas vents or ducts

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Features of an
Electrically Heated Vacuum Furnace
• Vacuum Vessel With Water Cooled Shell
– High Temperature Heating Elements
(Graphite, Molybdenum, etc.)
– Insulated Shield Between the Elements
and Water Cooled Shell
• Gas Circulating Fan With Water Cooled
Heat Exchanger and Gas Accumulator
• Water Re-circulating and Cooling System
• Vacuum Pumping System
• Controls
• Material Handling System

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Primary Reasons for the Use
of Vacuum Heat Treating

Negative: Positive:
• Higher Capital Cost • Process Repeatability
• Higher Utility • Temperature Uniformity
(Electricity) Cost • Reliability of Operations
• Higher Overall • Better Operating Environment
Operating Cost • No or Low Environmental
• Lower Overall (Perceived Emission) Problems
Capacity • Automation - Better Application
• Less Flexibility for Computer Control

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Induction Heating
Heat Treating Applications

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

What is Induction Heating?

• Method of heating electrically

conductive objects.
• No contact required between
the object and source of heat.
• Heat can be applied to localized
areas or surface zones.
• High surface heat flux -
relatively short heating time.

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Induction 214991
Applications of Induction
for Metal Heating
• Spot Heating - Brazing,
Soldering, Local Heating, Spot
• Surface Heating - Surface
Hardening, Curing, Shrink Fit
• Through Heating - Tempering,
Forging, Annealing, Through

• Melting - Steel, Copper, Brass,


Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Induction 214991
Gas Fired Vacuum Furnaces


Presented under Available / Emerging Technologies

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Process Heating Tools and Models*

Thanks for
These Tools Showing Us
will help you How!
Prosper! Understanding IS
the Key to
Obtain Results!

Arvind Thekdi -Partially
E3M, Inc.Provided Through Dominion Participation in both the Energy Solutions
Sales Center’s Heat Treat Awareness Consortium and the DOE BestPractices Program
How to Use These Tools and Models
1. Discuss the fundamental cost differences between natural gas and
electricity with customers. Electric cost is usually 3 to 5 times the gas
cost on the basis of the total BTU’s supplied to the process equipment.
2. For most plants, a relatively small number of all installed process
equipment usually consume the largest amount of energy. Identify the
top-users and gather basic information on energy use for all major
energy use equipment in the plant.
3. For major energy using equipment, record name-plate data and analyze
how and when energy is used. Then, estimate the efficiency of the
process based on age of existing equipment (older is lower efficiency
generally), actual data, referencing the charts included in these Tools
and Models or by contacting the original equipment supplier.
4. The operation cost comparison for selected equipment can be completed
by entering efficiency and energy cost information in the Cost
Comparison Calculator Model cells OR by reading the general
results, in certain cases, from the charts (see pg’s 4 & 5).

Cost Comparison Factors affecting energy cost include 1) Efficiency of gas and electrically
heated furnaces 2) Cost of gas and electricity and 3) Number of hours
for Gas Compared
equipment is operated.
Arvind Thekdi - E3M,
to Electrical Inc.
Factors affecting efficiency of gas-fired equipment
1. Flue (exhaust) gas temperature
2. Oxygen (or CO2) in flue gases
3. Combustion air temperature (to the burner)
4. Oxygen injection or enrichment (if any) in the incoming
combustion air

Factors affecting efficiency of electric equipment

1. Power factor
2. Losses in distribution system (from meter to use)
3. Water cooling of components
4. Induction coil and load coupling

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Process Heating Cost Comparison *1: If Efficiency is different than the three shown
Gas Cost Equivalent for Electric Process here use the Cost Comparison Calculator

Gas Cost vs. Electric Cost

(Electric Heating "Efficiency" at 60, 75 or 85%) *1

30.00 Electrical Equipm ent Efficiency - 60%
Gas Cost $/MM Btu

25.00 75%
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Electricity Cost Cents/kW

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Process Heating Cost Comparison *1: If Efficiency is different than the three shown
Electric Cost Equivalent for Gas Process use the Cost Comparison Calculator

Electric Cost vs. Gas Cost

(Gas Equip. Heating Efficiency at 40, 60 and 80%) *1

E lectricity C o st C en ts/kW

7.0 Gas Equipment Efficiency - 40%


5.0 60%


3.0 80%


5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00
Gas Cost $/Million Btu

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Cost Comparison Calculator
Find Equivalent Electric Rate Note: To Enter Efficiency
& Energy Cost Data,
Gas Equipment Efficiency 60% % - Percent
“Double-Click” on the
Electric Heating Efficiency 85% % - Percent Green portion of the table
Gas Cost $5.50 per million Btu (Mcf) cell. Then “Click” again
Gas equipment provides cost savings in the cell and make
desired entry. Finally,
when electric power cost is equal to 2.7 Cents/kW
“Click” once outside the
(or higher) than this power rate
cell to view results. Do
NOT Enter Information
in Blue Cells.

Find Comparable Gas Rate

Electrical Equipment Efficiency 85% % - Percent
Gas Equipment Efficiency 60% % - Percent
Electricity Cost 4.5 Cents/kwh
Gas equipment provides cost savings
when gas cost is equal to (or below) 9.31 $/MM Btu (Mcf)
this gas cost

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Avaialbile Heat in Gas-Fired Systems
Assumption; 10% Excess air, or 2% O2 in flue gases

Available heat is the m axim um possible "efficiency".

Generally, efficiency is 75% to 90% of the avaialble heat
shown on this graph.
Pe rc e nt A v a ila ble H e a t (% )






600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
Exhaust Flue Gas Temperature (Deg. F)

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

• Available Heat for • Typical Electric System
Electrically Heated Process Efficiency Factors
Systems has ALL the  Vacuum – 60%
same losses as gas-fired  Induction Under 2,000 F – 65%
systems except Flue Gas  Induction Over 2,000 F – 40%
Losses. Line losses from  SCR - 75%
metering to application  Resistance Elements – 85%
also exist.  All Other - 75%
• If Unsure Of Actual
Efficiency use 75% in Note: Contact your equipment
the Cost Comparison supplier to verify actual
Calculator. factors

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

How to Use Two Models to Determine Base & Modified Energy Use
1. In the Base Case model, enter measured data in Green Cells that
pertain to the current combustion system operating condition. If data is
not known, a portable combustion flue gas analyzer and a thermocouple
is needed to obtain this the Excess O2 and Flue Gas Temp. information.

2. For most non-recuperated combustion systems, the flue gas temperature

exiting the process will average between 100 and 200 F higher than the
process temperature. Also, the flue gas oxygen content for many older
combustion systems will range from 3 to 9%. Additionally, the
combustion air temperature will correspond to the ambient conditions
near the equipment. Unless you know, use 100 F.
3. For the Modified Case, recuperative combustion systems can provide a
range of preheated combustion air temperatures. Most systems will
preheat air to at least 400–600 F. Some will provide significantly more
(as high as 200 F below operating temperature). If unsure, use 500 F
and assist the customer in confirming the possible temperature with a
qualified burner company or equipment supplier representative.
Factors affecting energy cost include 1) Efficiency of gas and electrically
Cost Comparison
heated furnaces 2) Cost of gas and electricity and 3) Number of hours
for Gas Compared
equipment is operated.
to Electrical
Arvind Heat
Thekdi - E3M, Inc.
Process Heat Cost Model

Furnace Flue Combustion

Oxygen in Flue
Gas Excess Air Air Available Heat
Temperature Temperature
% of gross
Deg. F. % % Deg. F.
Heating Value
1,600 6.1 38.3 100 43.50

Gas equipment provides savings when gas After Entering Gas
cost is equal to (or below) this gas cost
$ 30.31
Combustion Data, Input
the Current Power Cost
to Determine the Gas
Cost Point that Provides
Power Cost (Cents/kWh), enter in 0.045 Savings

Input Data in Green Cells View Result

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Process Heat Cost Model

Furnace Flue Gas Oxygen in Flue
Excess Air Air Available Heat
Temperature Gases

% of gross
Deg. F. % % Deg. F.
Heating Value

1,400 2.1 10.2 500 66.17
To Enter Data, “Double-
Gas equipment provides savings when gas cost Click” on the Green
is equal to (or below) this gas cost
$ 19.93 portion of the table cell.
Then “Click” again in
the cell until the curser
appears and make
desired entry. Finally,
Power Cost (Cents/kWh) 0.045 “Click” once outside the
cell to view results.

Input Data in Green Cells View Result

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Emerging Gas-Fired Process Heating Equipment

• Gas Vacuum
• Fuel Based Nitrogen
• Flame Treating Systems
 Composite Radiant Tubes
• Fluidized Bed
(available soon)

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Gas-Fired Vacuum Furnaces (GFVF)
• (GFVF) are a credible and low maintenance
alternative to electric vacuum furnaces.
• GFVF utilize innovate burner designs to treat
more parts at lower costs while meeting or
exceeding temperature uniformity and surface
quality standards.
• There are many applications for this
continually advancing technology.

• Applications

Heat treating to 1,850 F (higher temperatures available soon) including

Normalizing, Annealing, Stress Relieving and others
• Who to contact?

Surface Combustion, Thermotech and AFC-Holcroft offer GFVF’s. Visit the

“Resource Center” section of www.gasfiredvacuum.com to contact them.

Web site: www.gasfiredvacuum.com

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Fuel-Based Nitrogen (FBN)
Atmosphere Generator
• Produces BOTH high-quality process
NOx and O2
atmosphere and steam. Natural gas used for
boiler and atmosphere use is combined.
Reactor Compressor • NOx reductions measured at over 90%
compared to standard systems.

• Reduces operating cost substantially. Recent

installations report annual natural gas,
maintenance and labor savings exceed $250,000.
Input Raito

$500,000 annual saving have occurred.

• Applications

Ferrous and NonFerrous Annealing, Sintering, Brazing and

Galvanizing of Rod / Wire, Sheet, Tube and other parts / shapes
• Who to contact?

Energy Resource Control Corp., Cleveland, Ohio

Phone: 440.734.2560 Fax: 440.779.9184

Web site: www.industrialcenter.org (click on “Technology Tour” button)

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Flame Treating Systems, Inc. (FTSI)
• Natural gas FTSI units are efficient,
economical and easy to install. Versatile
designs with packaged and custom-designed
options. PLC controlled for repeatable and
reliable operation.
• FTSI reduces energy costs and can be installed
in low and high temperature applications.
• Competes with induction at significantly lower
capital cost.

• Applications

Hardening surfaces of parts, through heating prior to forming or forging, and

preheating. Metals, plastics, and other process applications exist
• Who to contact?

Flame Treating Systems, Inc. Durham, NC


Web site: www.flamesys.com

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Composite Radiant Tubes (CRT)
• Available since the late-1980’s, CRT’s
increase heat release, allow maximum process
temperature for gas-fired system to rise, and
offer longer life than standard alloy tubes.
• Combustion systems with CRT’s can be
supplied by almost every indirect burner
• Productivity of furnaces equipped with CRT’s
will usually increase.

• Applications

Steel, Metal Heat Treating, Ceramic, Glass and other industrial processes

• Who to contact?

Three Groups referenced – GTI, WS Thermal & Shunk-Inex. Others are active.
See Web sites

Web sites: www.griweb.gastechnology.org, www.flox.com & www.shunk-inex.com

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.

Gas-Fired Fluidized Bed (FB)
• FB, compared to other heating methods, shortens
heat-up times and promotes superior temperature
uniformity resulting in more consistent part-to-part
• Indirect heating allows process gases to be
introduced and reduces or eliminates the normal
air volume needed to fluidize the bed.
• This new FB approach has been awarded DOE
funding for aluminum castings processing. Higher
temperature applications (steel) being pursued.
• Applications

Solution Heat Treat, Quench and Aging of aluminum castings (sand, squeeze
cast, foam core), and forgings in automotive and other industrial applications
• Who to contact?

Technomics, LLC - Plymouth, MN

Phone: 763.383.4720 Fax: 763.383.4717 Email: info@rapidheattreat.com

Web site: www.rapidheattreat.com

Arvind Thekdi - E3M, Inc.


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