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Toward Secured IoT-Based Smart Systems Using Machi

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Received 1 November 2022, accepted 24 February 2023, date of publication 28 February 2023, date of current version 3 March 2023.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3250235

Toward Secured IoT-Based Smart Systems

Using Machine Learning
MOHAMED S. ABDALZAHER 1 , (Senior Member, IEEE),
1 Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN) Laboratory, Seismology Department, National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Helwan,
Cairo 11421, Egypt
2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209, USA
3 Electronics and Communications Engineering Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo 11517, Egypt
4 Engineering Department, October 6 University, Giza 12585, Egypt
5 School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Korea

Corresponding author: Mohamed S. Abdalzaher (msabdalzaher@nriag.sci.eg)

ABSTRACT Machine learning (ML) and the internet of things (IoT) are among the most booming research
directions. Smart cities, smart campuses (SCs), smart homes, smart cars, early warning systems (EWSs),
etc.; or it could be called ‘‘Smart x’’ systems are implemented using ML and IoT. Those systems will alter
how various world entities communicate with one another. This paper spots light on the significant roles of
the IoT in SS. Also, it focuses on the importance of ML in IoT-based SS. Besides, an overview of smartness
and IoT is presented. Then, this paper offers ML benchmarking along with a taxonomy that categorizes the
ML models into linear and non-linear ones depending on the problem type (classification or regression).
Afterward, the commonly utilized evaluation metrics are provided. In addition, this paper considers the
trust techniques used for mitigating different security aspects in IoT networks, which play a crucial part
in regulating the new era of communication. Moreover, two case studies devoting ML for IoT-based SS,
namely IoT-based SC and IoT-based EWS, are considered for data collection and manipulation with guided
research directions. Finally, the paper presents effective recommendations of ML’s significant roles in SC
and earthquake EWS for interested scholars.

INDEX TERMS Machine learning, Internet of Things, smart systems, security.

I. INTRODUCTION and intelligent integrated solutions, as noted in [5]. Numerous

The internet of things (IoT) is a network of intelligent research attempts have been made in this area for the above-
physical objects that connects to the outside world in order mentioned problems. For instance, in the IoT-based smart
to exchange information [1], [2]. There have been efficient campus (SC), game theory (GT) is an optimization approach
methods suggested for managing the analysis of complicated that may successfully tackle security issues and regulate
data, improving security and privacy, and reducing power power consumption to reduce system service degradation [1].
consumption as a result of the IoT networks’ rapid expansion To assess and protect the IoT SS, several additional
over the past several years [3], [4]. Relational models research efforts have made use of machine learning (ML)-
that could not otherwise be inferred can be built with based algorithms [6]. Some of them created ML architectures
IoT. The solutions that are now available for handling that took use of the correlation between the signals from
such developing applications are mostly communication- various sensor nodes over both time and space (across
oriented. To fully address the aforementioned problems, sensors). Moreover, they used additional data processing
IoT-based smart systems (SS) still require more adaptable techniques, such as time-series analysis (using models like
ARMA and/or ARIMA). In [7], a strong IoT-based SS would
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and result from models that used time and spatial correlations
approving it for publication was Xiong Luo . to better understand the indicators of infected/corrupted
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
VOLUME 11, 2023 For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ 20827
M. S. Abdalzaher et al.: Toward Secured IoT-Based Smart Systems Using Machine Learning

data. It is worth mentioning that IoT-based SS has recently investigated nearest neighbors among the targeted stations
involved early warning systems (EWS) aside from classical and their closest neighbors, a local similarity earthquake
technologies. In the seismology field, the presented efforts detection technique based on the nearest neighbor approach
in seismic hazard assessment, risk mitigation, site speci- was proposed in [32]. Furthermore, rather than focusing on
fication parameter determination, etc. would assist in this the full rupture, [14] and [33] focused on calculating the
regard [8], [9], [10], [11]. Therefore, intelligent integration earthquake’s amplitude from a few early seconds. Further
between these classical and modern technologies has become work and study are still required due to the time constraint,
inevitable to mitigate such vulnerable systems. as it takes a long time to calculate the earthquake parameters
Recently, ML and deep learning (DL) algorithms have using standard methods [34].
been developed to address a variety of research issues. The With the complicated Earth’s structure, the moving seismic
success of using DL [12], [13], [14] has improved this waves provide flexible and ingenious study-related solutions.
path. This has increased the interest in using different ML Without a doubt, modern technology can assist to lessen
techniques to solve a variety of difficult research challenges. the effects of this seismic disaster and its consequences.
Due to the limitations of traditional techniques, ML tools One of the most recent technologies, ML, for instance,
may be used to generate (learn) extremely complex relational is crucial in solving complex problems for which there is
models. Several difficult research issues, from recommen- no established mathematical approach [35]. Data mining and
dation systems to autonomous driving automobiles, have reassembling irregular or missing data using ML is another
been successfully addressed by the use of ML approaches useful application of ML. In [17] and [16], ML algorithms
[15], [16], [17]. This success is credited to the adaptability have been proposed to assess the peak particle velocity
of ML in understanding complicated systems and to the fact (PPV) and discriminate the quarry blasts. The peak ground
that all you need to execute your ML algorithm are a proper acceleration and its impact on urban planning have both
ML model and adequate datasets. This lessens the demands been predicted using ML [36]. The abbreviations used in the
placed on traditional models, which are primarily founded manuscript are listed in Table 1. Table 2 lists the involved
on intricate, constrained mathematical models. Even more, notations throughout the paper.
ML algorithms can ‘‘learn’’ essential aspects from the data to
extract them. A. MOTIVATION
Satellite systems, IoT, radio-frequency identification,
Since IoT-based SS is involved in different applications,
software-defined networks (SDN), 5G, network functions
several entities are prone to vital security issues that need
virtualization (NFV), data networks, and other technologies
a reliable and intelligent solution. In this regard, ML can
have all been used in numerous research efforts to try
play a signification role in the security front, specifically
and reduce the impact of earthquakes [18], [19], [20],
when vulnerable systems are used such as EWS and SC.
[21], [22]. Additionally, social media had little impact in
To the best of our knowledge, no similar contribution has been
reducing the likelihood of an earthquake tragedy. The authors
presented in the literature targeting the integration of IoT, SS,
of [23] suggested using full solutions that blended the power
and ML along with proposing two case studies namely IoT-
of social media with conventional methods to lessen the
based earthquake EWS and IoT-based SC. These case studies
effects of disasters. The research efforts in the area of the
enrich the researchers with a clear practical vision of how to
literature extended beyond the remote sensing application
implement a real IoT-based SS model relying on ML.
made possible by satellite communication systems [24] to
Contrary to our paper, in [37], the authors focused on
SDN and NFV, which featured IoT-based gateways [25]. the importance of AI when utilized in SS for various
That initiative made an effort to aid massive domains whose applications. However, that work did not shed the light on
infrastructures had been damaged or destroyed entirely. the integration between IoT, ML, and SS. Besides, in contrast
As a pivot, virtualization may also assist in reducing
to our contribution, the proposal of [38] paid attention to
catastrophic risk. According to research in [26], such
the security issues that may threaten the SS in addition to
networks must effectively protect the nodes’ lifetime.
existing privacy policies without considering ML solutions
By merging the cloud system-based IoT and heterogeneous
and IoT role. Besides, the work presented in [39] addressed
network, the authors of [27] presented a tragic scenario
the security issues in SS applications with no detailed analysis
that illustrated an EWS for a safe plan of evacuation
for the community giving a general presentation without a
against disaster risks. In a similar vein, combining IoT with
clear contribution about the secure IoT-based SS using ML.
contemporary communication technologies and techniques
might be crucial for ensuring safe and seamless data transfer
[1], [28], [29], [30]. B. CONTRIBUTIONS
All of these initiatives are discussed in connection with In this paper, the words ‘‘smartness’’ and ‘‘IoT’’ are defined
traditional earthquake research and detection methods as well and examined. The paper also provides a full examination
as methods for distinguishing the character of fault ruptures of ML’s varieties, applications, and security concerns in IoT
that have been extensively studied in the literature [31]. SS, as well as the typical assessment metrics applied to ML
To evaluate the received signal consistency between the models. The paper explains the relevant components and

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M. S. Abdalzaher et al.: Toward Secured IoT-Based Smart Systems Using Machine Learning

TABLE 1. List of abbreviations. TABLE 2. List of notations.

• Proposing two case studies of secured IoT-based SS

relying on ML, namely, SC and earthquake EWS.
• Recommending the ML key roles in SC and earthquake
EWS for interested scholars.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
addresses the significant related work of ML-based security
models for IoT SS. In Section III, the concepts of smartness
and IoT are discussed, while the SS security methodologies
are presented in Section IV. Section V provides a taxonomy
of the linear and non-linear ML models. In Section VI, the
common ML evaluation metrics are laid out. Two case studies
for the SC and earthquake EWS are given in Section VIII.
Section IX presents valuable recommendations for using
ML for SC and earthquake EWS, and finally, the paper is
essential functions of the IoT SS. Many different sorts of concluded in Section X.
academics can benefit from the issues being presented since
they offer clear research guidelines. Afterward, we consider II. RELATED WORK
two case studies of SC and earthquake EWS showing the Recently, IoT networks have proved beneficial for the
involved entities cooperating to facilitate a smooth academic different SS architectures. In [40], the authors provided an
regime in the universities, and a flexible evacuation plan, overview of IoT technology, discussing its statistical and
respectively. architectural trends, applications, difficulties, and opportuni-
The major contributions of the paper are presented as ties for the future. The authors also provided a comprehensive
follows: and in-depth assessment of the new 5G-IoT technologies
• Spotting light on the significant roles of IoT in SS. such as software-defined wireless sensor networking (SD-
• Focusing on the importance of ML in IoT-based SS. WSN), centralized radio access network (CRAN), multiple-
• Offering ML benchmarking along with a taxonomy that input multiple-output (MIMO), massive-MIMO (MMIMO),
categorizes models into linear and non-linear ones. coordinated multipoint processing (CoMP), device-to-device
• Classifying the SS security problems based on the (D2D) communications, and cognitive radios (CRs). Besides,
problem type (classification or regression), the targeted the paper presented a detailed analysis of these key enabling
security issue, the kind of IoT network, and the technologies and discussed the new 5G-IoT use cases that are
employed evaluation metrics. emerging as a result of developments in artificial intelligence

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(AI) as well as ongoing 5G initiatives, quality of service The work in [46] offered a thorough analysis of IDS of
(QoS) standards, and ongoing 5G projects. That study IoT for the years 2015–2019. Different IDS deployment
concluded by discussing difficulties in 5G-IoT adoption due and analysis methodologies in IoT architecture have been
to high data rates concerning both cloud-based platforms and covered. In addition to discussing different IoT invasions,
edge computing on IoT devices. the study also examined ML and DL methods for spotting
The authors in [41] analyzed IoT security solutions assaults on IoT networks. The challenges and problems with
based on ML approaches, such as supervised learning, IoT security were also covered in the study.
unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning (RL), In [47], a comprehensive analysis outlining the most
looking at the attack model for IoT systems. The paper current developments in ML methods for the IoT was offered
focused on virus detection, secure offloading, and ML-based and numerous IoT applications were described. Users could
IoT authentication to safeguard data privacy. The authors also receive deep analytics and create effective, intelligent IoT
went over the difficulties that should be overcome in order applications thanks to the application of ML in this field.
to use these ML-based security techniques in real-world IoT The paper included traffic profiling, IoT device identification,
devices. security, edge computing architecture, network management,
In [42], the security needs, attack vectors, and current and common IoT applications as well as open problems and
security solutions for IoT networks were all thoroughly research challenges.
reviewed. The vulnerabilities in these security solutions
that demand ML and DL strategies were then highlighted.
Finally, that paper went into great detail about the ML and III. SMARTNESS AND IoT
DL solutions that are being used to solve various security IoT and smartness are defined in many different ways.
issues in IoT networks. Also, the authors went over several According to [40] and [48], an indicative definition of the
potential future areas for ML and DL-based IoT security IoT comprises IP-enabled devices, which may communicate
research. with one another to aid data gathering and analysis as
The authors in [3] discussed the architecture of IoT, well as system monitoring and control. Additionally, smart
following a comprehensive literature review on ML that monitoring and control may be accomplished if the system
approaches the importance of security of IoT in terms of is intelligent. SS are capable of making judgments based
different types of possible attacks. Moreover, ML-based on recognition processes that emerge from the learning
potential solutions for IoT security were presented and future phase. Instead of just tweaking sensor thresholds or imple-
challenges were discussed. menting ‘‘if’’ conditions, SS involve the use of intelligent
In [43], the authors objective was to give academics a algorithms [49].
resource on current research trends in IoT security using ML. Let us compare the advantages of the smart and legacy
The paper created models that can incorporate cutting-edge fire alarm systems to better understand the advantages of
big data and ML techniques and technologies in light of the IoT SS. While legacy fire alarm systems may alert a control
exponential expansion of large-scale IoT threats. That was by center and send warnings at various sensor levels, these
finding the most effective algorithms and models to identify notifications are still not made based on recognition but
IoT attacks in real-time or near real-time, which requires a rather on sensor settings. However, a smart fire alarm system
focus on accuracy and efficiency. can detect the scenario and prevent false alerts, such as
The study in [44] introduced a novel ML-based security when someone is smoking a cigarette unless this is done on
framework that was automatically adapted to the evolving purpose. An important benefit of [50], is that the identified
security needs of the IoT domain. To reduce various circumstance may be communicated to the rest of the system
vulnerabilities, the framework made use of both SDN and via the IoT network.
NFV enablers. To accomplish its objectives, the framework Building a trustworthy IoT SS would be appropriate as
employed supervised learning, a distributed data mining a product that can be marketed in practically any place
system, and neural networks. both domestically and abroad. Additionally, a protected data
In [45], the work discussed the usage of ML for collecting platform, where big data analytics may be used,
cybersecurity and cyber-physical systems (CPS)/IoT from can be connected to the IoT SS. The analysis of this encrypted
a good, bad, and ugly perspective. Many ML advantages data might be used for a variety of things, including but not
to security and CPS/IoT were discussed in detail, including restricted to system improvement and data privacy. Numerous
the advancement of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and disciplines can benefit from the capability of studying such
decision accuracy in CPS/IoT. The flaws in ML from the an integrated system to deduce key properties, according
security, CPS, and IoT viewpoints, cover the ways that ML to [51]. Indeed, IoT-based SS suffer from different security
systems can be tricked, exploited, and subverted at all ML issues such as compromising benevolent nodes, resources’
life-cycle stages (data collection, pre-processing, training, deterioration, and data corruption and non-integrity. In the
validation, implementation, etc.). The use of ML in the literature context, such vulnerabilities have been mitigated
execution of cyberattacks and incursions was also considered, using several security models, which are benchmarked in the
which is the most worrying developing trend (ugly use). following sections.

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IV. COMMON SECURITY METHODOLOGIES LR models the posterior probability of K feature classes,
Optimization techniques have proven beneficial in different producing a binary output ∈ {0, 1} [64].
fields for desired system robustness and stability factors, e.g.,
resource management, enhancing security and data privacy, 2) LINEAR AND QUADRATIC DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS
and power conservation. More particularly, GT is among Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) was created to address
those techniques that is effectively utilized to improve the several challenges that the LR faces. The LDA paradigm is
above-mentioned factors [52], [53], [54], [55], [56]. In [30], more suitable than that of the LR when, in each of the classes,
GT and TDMA protocol are be used to enhance security the predictors’ distribution is normal and the sample size is
and manage power consumption in WSNs-based application, typically small. Before using LDA, it is necessary to make
which meets the IoT network nature. In [29], GT has served a supposition about the data to be refined, namely that each
IoT applications by modeling the interactions of the nodes of the predictors is normally distributed. When data is lower
based on a non-zero-sum game leading to a robust and or higher than a linear assumption and is easily described,
secure IoT SS and maintaining the connectivity between the LDA may be insufficient. In these instances, the Quadratic
participant nodes and the centralized unit controlling the Discriminant Analysis (QDA), which relies on a non-linear
designed network. assumption, may be sufficient [65].
SS can be involved in a smart garage, individuals’
monitoring, the effective interconnection between outdoor 3) LINEAR SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE
lighting, building, lighting, heating, cooling power systems, The main goal of the support vector machine (SVM) is to
security surveillance, physical and access systems [40], [57], discover an ideal hyperplane (a line connecting two feature
[58], [59]. Interestingly, long-term evolution (LTE) can also classes) for K-feature classes (making a K-dimensional
play a significant role in the SS when D2D communication is space). The K-dimensional space assigns input data features
utilized as extensively studied in [60], [61], [62], and [63]. to target classes intending to obtain the best hyperplane.
In the literature context, SS security is a crucial issue When the maximum distance between the class data points
in such IoT-dependent systems [1]. Since several IoT is reached, the hyperplane is reached [66].
sensors/devices are distributed in far fields with the battery-
dependent operation, the optimization techniques are ben- 4) RIDGE CLASSIFIER
eficial for power conservation. It is worth mentioning that In most cases, the Ridge Classifier is used as a regression
genetic algorithms, KKT, Nelder-Mead, GT, and ML are technique, mapping the label data ∈ [−1, 1]. As a result,
among the emerging types of optimization techniques that are it approaches the issue’s solution from the perspective of
involved in the above-mentioned issues. More particularly, regression. The target class is then assigned to the prediction
ML can intellectually model complex systems at which the with the highest value, although in the case of multiclass [67],
optimal solution is achieved leading to managing the data multi-output regression is used.
transmission of the IoT sensors, guaranteeing security and
privacy, and conserving the power consumption [28], [51]. 5) GAUSSIAN NAIVE BAYES
Accordingly, an effective IoT-based SS is achieved. Many The Naive Bayes (NB) classifier is nonlinear in general. The
security issues have been handled using ML models. The NB classifier, however, is treated as a linear classifier if the
upcoming sections layout the main research efforts in IoT- likelihood factors are dependent on exponential families. For
based SS including the utilized models’ evaluation metrics. the situation of features with continuous values, a particular
variation of the NB algorithm known as the Gaussian
V. MACHINE LEARNING TAXONOMY algorithm is used. More specifically, the characteristics are
The classification of an object is often determined by a expected to follow a supervised Gaussian distribution [68].
human after reviewing the data. The goal of ML is to use the A probabilistic model, the Gaussian NB (GNB) predicts the
best ML algorithms to fully automate this process. ML may classes based on the likelihood that each class exists. The
often be divided into two categories: supervised learning likelihood can be expressed as:
and unsupervised learning. Following, we here provide a 1 (v − µk )2
taxonomy of the most popular linear and nonlinear ML p(x = v|Ck ) = q exp − , (1)
2π σk2 2σk2
models used in the literature context for the SS. The following
subsections categorize the ML models into two types, linear where σ is the variance, x is a continuous data input attribute,
models and nonlinear ones, which are detailed in Table 3. Ck is the class, v is the probability density, and µ is the mean.


When performing statistical analysis on a dataset with many The AdaBoost (AB) uses adaptive boosting to employ
independent variables leading to a binary decision, logistic successive weak classifiers for repeatedly changing data sets
regression (LR) is used. To fit data across a logit function, by combining them into a stronger classifier based on a

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TABLE 3. ML-based security models taxonomy for IoT applications.

weighted majority vote. The AB algorithm gives harder- entities less weight. The observation weights are initialized
to-classify entities more weight and gives easier-to-handle by AB in the first stage [69]. The classifier is then fitted to

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the training data using the weights, and after computing the a binary splitting approach. It results in quick convergence
weighted error rate, the classifier is given a new weight to and quick evaluation as a result. Contrarily, the CB is not
help it make its final judgment. After that, the new classifier is advantageous when utilized with low false-positive rates,
compared to the old one in hopes of improving the prediction according to [76].
made by the new tree.
2) GRADIENT, LIGHT GRADIENT, AND EXTREME GRADIENT The ability to perform further analysis than was previously
BOOSTING CLASSIFIERS done in terms of the improvements in data storage and
First, a model known as gradient boosting (GB) transforms computing capacity has helped to clarify how observed value
weak classifiers into stronger ones. In contrast to the AB, the differs from one another. As a result, the following metrics
gradient in the GB leverages high-weight data points in the are commonly used to evaluate the ML model performance.
loss function to identify the weak classifiers’ weaknesses. From the security point of view, several ML models have
Second, using the tree-learning approach, Light Gradient been developed for IoT-based SS security and have been
Boosting (LGB) is an updated framework of GB. In other evaluated using different metrics as discussed in the following
words, the LGB distributed model is designed to be more subsections. Table 3 complies with the main research efforts
effective than the GB [70]. Third, Extreme Gradient Boosting in this regard.
(XGB) is a very efficient, adaptable, and portable variant
of the GB library [71]. XGB enables a quick and effective A. ACCURACY
parallel tree-boosting method. By examining the distributions The accuracy score, which is calculated by dividing the
of the features for all data points in a leaf, the XGB also takes number of correct predictions by the total number of
into account the potential loss for any splits that might result predictions, determines how well a classification model
in a new branch. By doing this, the search space for potential performs:
feature splits is reduced. Pn
I (ti = yi )
Accuracy = i=1 (3)
where the total number of predictions are represented by n,
First, one of the ensemble approaches that utilize the tree
the predicted target is defined by ti , I is an indicator function,
notion is random forest (RF). It comprises parallel learners
and yi is the target of the class. The score of optimal accuracy
who are used to reduce bias and variation at the same
is 1 which explains that the prediction perfectly fits the data.
time [72]. In general, the RF is used as a probabilistic
If the accuracy score is 1, it is important to note that the
predictor in classification tasks, which are defined as:
anticipated values and target values exactly match. Therefore,
NT the accuracy precision may be stated as follows:
1 X
Ŷ (x) = Ri (x), (2)
NT Accuracy = TP+TN
i=1 n
where x represents the vector of the input, NT defines the where the true positive (TP) indicates the correct predictions
trees’ number, and Ri (x) be the regression tree of i. Second, (for a positive result) in a two-class classification problem,
the random forest model is less likely to overfit since the while the true negative (TN) is a different category of negative
extra-trees (ET) model is a developed variation of the random finding.
forest. To help the estimators perform better, they can choose
at random the best characteristics from the input dataset, [73]. B. F1-SCORE
Third, is the decision tree (DT) model, which can handle The F1 score is a popular statistic used to show how
both classification and regression problems by breaking them accurate a machine learning model is based on the input
down into a number of simpler ones in order to achieve an dataset. In more detail, it uses a binary categorization
easier solution fulfillment [74]. system to divide the choice into ‘‘positive’’ and ‘‘negative’’
categories. It incorporates the model’s harmonic mean recall
4) K -NEAREST NEIGHBORS and accuracy. It comes from:
The k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm classifies an input TP
according to the majority class of its k nearest neighbors in F1 = 1
space, using [75] as an example. When k = 1, the smallest TP + 2 (FP + FN)
KNN is anticipated since the model is prone to become overly where the false positive (FP) represents the samples that were
dependent on noise or outliers. incorrectly classified as positive, while the false negative
(FN) is another category of negative findings.
In CatBoost (CB), a particular type of depth-first expansion C. COHEN KAPPA SCORE (KAPPA)
known as the oblivious trees is used. The CB makes use of a The accuracy that would have resulted from using random
vectorized exemplification of the tree, where each level uses estimates is taken into account by the Kappa score [77]. The

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ideal accuracy score is reached when Kappa is equal to 1. VII. ML AND IoT-BASED SS BENCHMARKING
It comes from: This section combines both IoT-based SS and ML models
2 × (TP · TN − FP · FN) for security considering different evaluation metrics of these
κ= (6) models as illustrated in Table 3. This table classifies the
(TP + FP) · (TP + FN) · (TN + FP) · (TN + FN)
ML models into linear and nonlinear ones. Linear models
Matthews [78], a popular index in ML for binary classifica- On the other hand, the nonlinear models include AB,
tion, is the source of the MCC. MCC is a coefficient that con- GB, RF, KNN, CB, DT, EGB, and LGB. The models are
trasts binary classifications that are expected and observed. further divided into classification (C) or regression (R) ones.
The value range of MCC is [−1, 1]. The values ‘‘−1’’ and The table also shows the targeted security issue by the
‘‘0’’ represent complete falsehood between observation and ML model. Furthermore, the corresponding IoT network
estimation, complete randomness, and absolute prediction affected by that security issue is then denoted. Finally,
accuracy, respectively. The MCC can be written as: the evaluation metrics employed for those ML models are
TP · TN − FP · FN It is worth mentioning that Table 3 is beneficial taxonomy,
MCC = √
(TP + FP) · (TP + FN) · (TN + FP) · (TN + FN) which can be used as a guide for researchers interested in IoT-
(7) based SS security. For instance, in [82], the LR model has
been used as a ‘‘C’’ approach for anomaly detection in general
E. CONFUSION MATRIX IoT networks, which is evaluated by F1-score, precision, and
The confusion matrix is used to identify and display the accuracy. Another paradigm for the nonlinear case has been
category that a classifier mostly struggles with. The testing developed by the ‘‘R’’ model relying on KNN to handle the
scenarios are divided into ground truth and predicted labels uncertain data stored in semi-trusted cloud servers of an IoT
to create a confusion matrix. According to the convention, ecosystem [102]. That model has been examined by accuracy
the confusion matrix of an N-class model is an N×N matrix and query efficiency.
indexed by the true class in the row dimension and the
predicted class in the column dimension [79]. Finally, the VIII. CASE STUDIES OF IoT-BASED SS
following equations provide the true and false positive rates Based on the previous discussion of the role of ML with
(TPR and FPR). IoT-based SS, this section adopts two case studies that rely
on the IoT-based SS showing the significant role of ML.
TPR = , (8) More particularly, this role is involved in mitigating the
TP + FN security issues that could happen due to internal or external
FP attacks on the SS vulnerabilities. The two case studies
FPR = . (9)
FP + TN are SC and EWS, which are discussed in the following
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is another A. SMART CAMPUS
statistic that we can calculate using the prediction results. The Let us look at SC as a basic SS case study to bring together
TP rate and FP rate are plotted for the classifiers: class 0, many SS components discussed below. The SC architecture
class 1, micro-average, and macro-average. The classifier’s built on the IoT is shown in Figure 1. It is made up of
accuracy increases with time until the TP rate approaches servers and a database (DB) that securely gathers data from
1.0. We can observe how well the classifier predicts the class remote IoT sensors or subsystems that carry out various tasks
targets as the percentage of samples changes by charting required for the functioning of the SC. Based on the facts at
the cumulative gain of the class targets as functions of the hand, the system is capable of making intelligent judgments
samples [80]. and taking the necessary actions.
An IP camera system with a facial recognition algorithm
G. INTERSECTION OVER UNION and a connection to the student DB make up the first part
We can assess how well the projected bounding box resem- of a smart attendance system. Based on pre-established
bles the ground truth bounding box using the Intersection over regulations that are communicated to the students, educa-
union (IoU) measure [81]. The goal is to compare the ratio of tors, and administration, it automatically tracks attendance.
the overlapped area between the two boxes to their combined Another feature of smart gates is their ability to identify
total area, which can be expressed by: license plates, authenticate users, and detect open parking
ŷ ∩ y spaces before opening the gate to that car and reserving an
IOU = (10) appropriate parking space with directions. This procedure
ŷ ∪ y
results in effective parking garage use and smooth traffic
where y is the true label set, and ŷ denotes the predicted flow. Additionally, a motion-sensing lighting system that
label set. automatically switches between day and night is included.

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M. S. Abdalzaher et al.: Toward Secured IoT-Based Smart Systems Using Machine Learning

FIGURE 1. IoT-based smart campus.

FIGURE 2. An integration sample of IoT and ML in IoT-based smart campus.

There are also additional sets of features, such as smart waste, In Figure 1, the distributed entities are used to create a
smart irrigation, smart classroom control, etc. A mobile robust SC. Therefore, it is important to precisely assess and
application that is simple to use may be used to monitor estimate the amount of data that is transferred between these
and control the entire system. It is worth mentioning that entities. Such application is vulnerable to attack attempts.
the ML model can play an important role in pinpointing The ML models are thereafter used in this crucial situation
the data anomaly due to internal or external attacks. Those to counteract the attack manipulations. After that, those
attacks may jeopardize the educational system and affect the resources can be effectively used for an efficient educational
academic process such as injecting false reports about the process. As a result, a robust SC is achieved using the superior
students’ evaluations, attendance, etc. ML model. The link between the campus and administration

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M. S. Abdalzaher et al.: Toward Secured IoT-Based Smart Systems Using Machine Learning

FIGURE 3. General diagram for a comprehensive EWS.

FIGURE 4. An integration sample of IoT and ML in IoT-based EWS.

as distinct parties involved in the entire SC process, as well as is shown in Figure 2. Additionally, the data of the parking
the data analysis and the investigation carried out by ML via process is observed and then securely transferred to the data
the IoT system to secure the data transmission in all phases, processing stage using an ML model via the IoT system. From

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there, the ML model runs the protection process and takes the location via the IoT system. Here, the necessary protection
relevant decision(s) before being delivered back to the SC for process is performed, and the necessary decision(s) are
action. made before being sent back to the railway system for
To protect life, an earthquake EWS is unavoidable. To man- IX. RECOMMENDATIONS OF ML FOR SC AND
age disasters and reduce earthquake risk, it is essential to EARTHQUAKE EWS
be able to promptly identify an earthquake’s features. These Due to ML’s rapid growth and dependability in addressing
features may be sent via modern technologies like the IoT complicated issues, it can offer efficient and flexible solutions
network, mobile network, a global positioning system (GPS), for the following open SC and earthquake field areas.
and social media to lessen the effects of an earthquake For the SC, the following items are still open for enhancing
disaster. the smoothness of the academic process using ML.
A comprehensive earthquake EWS that incorporates many • Follow-up attendance: To use a digital attendance
administrations and helps to mitigate seismic disasters is management system to monitor and track employees’
shown in Figure 3. In fact, this suggested system merges and students’ entrance into SC, which is incredibly
cellular networks, social networks, multiple utilities, and effective.
IoT technologies. The process involves two steps. The ML • Sensors power conservation: To propose an ML-based
models are used in the first stage, which is the pre-disaster energy-saving framework that considers the limited
phase, to identify the beginning of the major wave. For risk battery power as well as communication and storage
minimization, such as quick shut-off of energy generators capabilities of IoT devices according to the environmen-
and nuclear power plants, this approach is particularly tal states.
advantageous. Following the catastrophe, there comes a • System security and data privacy: To ensure the security
second phase when the goal is to alleviate the effects of the and privacy of the data produced by IoT devices,
disaster. For instance, adopting such an integrated system particularly in light of potential resource limitations
makes it easier to compile reliable data about the impacted like memory and processing capacity. To protect real-
individuals, structures, utilities, and geographic areas. As a time data processing on these devices, security protocols
result, a successful evacuation strategy may be carried out. and cryptographic algorithms should be capable of re-
Such a system requires an intelligent and adaptable adaptation.
solution capable of quickly handling complicated issues. • Using appropriate datasets: To evaluate and analyze the
ML can play a substantial vital part in those intercon- model performance utilizing the convenient dataset such
nected administrations engaged in getting successful EWS as university campuses data, google datasets, etc.
within the range of the current approaches. A promising • Vehicle monitoring and control: To monitor the vehicles
technique, ML is unaffected by the format, length, or kind entering/exiting the campus as well as control the
of data. It is worth noting that the ML model can play pedestrians’ access using an advanced ML approach
a significant role in the data privacy of the EWS due to such as classification-based object recognition.
selfish or malicious behavior. Such fraudulent behavior can For the earthquake EWS, the following items still need
lead to worse disaster consequences. In other words, the more effort for reaching an intelligent and adaptive solution
evacuation plan for an earthquake disaster can be performed based on ML.
imperfectly. • Picking: It means exactly locating the start of the
In fact, real-time applications are used to monitor the primary wave, which precedes the strong and destructive
scattered entities shown in Figure 3 and used to build a wave.
reliable EWS. Therefore, it is important to precisely evaluate • Denoising: It speaks of the method of isolating the
the amount of data that is transferred between these entities. noise wave from the genuine occurrences. Except
Such application is exposed to attack attempts. Then, the ML for earthquake waves, all other types of waves are
models are used in this vital process to counteract the attacks. represented by noise.
Then, those entities can be effectively utilized prior to, during, • Noise and microseismic discrimination: This technique
and following an earthquake disaster. In other words, such a successfully distinguishes between noise and actual
process can safely manage seismic disasters, risk reduction, events of extremely tiny size.
and evacuation plans. As a result, a robust EWS is achieved • Clustering: Depending on the frequency, size, etc.,
using the efficient ML model that has been constructed. The of earthquakes, it divides the areas.
relationships between railways, the monitoring of seismic • Magnitude estimation: This has to do with figuring out
activity, and data processing by ML via the IoT system how big the witnessed event is.
to secure the data transmission at all stages are shown in • Phase detection: It tells whether the signal being
Figure 4. More specifically, the seismic activity is detected, received is composed of primary or secondary waves.
then securely transferred to the data processing stage using • Peak ground acceleration: It reflects the highest esti-
an ML model and the railway information of the disaster mated acceleration that might occur at a certain site.

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X. CONCLUSION [14] M. S. Abdalzaher, M. S. Soliman, S. M. El-Hady, A. Benslimane,

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non-linear ones based on the problem type (classification [16] M. S. Abdalzaher, S. S. R. Moustafa, M. Abd-Elnaby, and M. Elwekeil,
or regression), the targeted security issue, the kind of IoT ‘‘Comparative performance assessments of machine-learning methods
for artificial seismic sources discrimination,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 9,
network, and the used evaluation measure. The presentation
pp. 65524–65535, 2021.
concluded with two case studies of IoT-based SS. The [17] S. S. R. Moustafa, M. S. Abdalzaher, M. H. Yassien, T. Wang,
first case study is an IoT-based SC that illustrates the M. Elwekeil, and H. E. A. Hafiez, ‘‘Development of an optimized
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He is currently an Associate Professor with
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the Seismology Department, National Research Institute of Astronomy
[98] I. Zakariyya, M. O. Al-Kadri, and H. Kalutarage, ‘‘Resource efficient
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Consum. Commun. Netw. Conf. (CCNC), Jan. 2021, pp. 1–6.
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[99] A. Alhowaide, I. Alsmadi, and J. Tang, ‘‘PCA, random-forest and
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pp. 1–6. networks, wireless communications, WSNs security, the IoT, and DL.
[100] A. Derhab, M. Guerroumi, A. Gumaei, L. Maglaras, M. A. Ferrag, Dr. Abdalzaher is a TPC Member of the Vehicular Technology Conference
M. Mukherjee, and F. A. Khan, ‘‘Blockchain and random subspace and International Japan–Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications
learning-based IDS for SDN-enabled industrial IoT security,’’ Sensors, and Computers. He is a Reviewer of the IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS
vol. 19, no. 14, p. 3119, 2019. JOURNAL, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, IEEE ACCESS, Transactions on Emerging
[101] A. Pramanik and A. K. Das, ‘‘Ensemble machine learning approach to Telecommunications Technologies, Applied Soft Computing, Journal of
detect various attacks in a distributed network of vehicles,’’ in Computa- Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, and IET journals. He is
tional Intelligence in Data Mining. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2022, a Guest Editor of Energies journal and a Topic Editor of Communications
pp. 407–418. Theory section and Frontiers in Communications and Networks journal.

20840 VOLUME 11, 2023

M. S. Abdalzaher et al.: Toward Secured IoT-Based Smart Systems Using Machine Learning

MOSTAFA M. FOUDA (Senior Member, IEEE) networks. His research interests include telecommunication networks, ad hoc
received the Ph.D. degree in information sciences networks, cognitive radio networks (CRNs), wireless sensor networks
from Tohoku University, Japan, in 2011. He is (WSNs), medium access control (MAC), routing protocols, and mobile sys-
currently an Assistant Professor with the Depart- tems, where he has a long list of publications. He has supervised and joined
ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, several telecommunication graduation, research, and laboratory operational
Idaho State University, ID, USA. He also holds networks projects, including for service provider NOC.
a position of a Full Professor with Benha Uni-
versity, Egypt. He was an Assistant Professor
with Tohoku University. He was a Postdoctoral
Research Associate with Tennessee Technological
University, TN, USA. He has been engaged in research on cybersecurity,
communication networks, signal processing, wireless mobile communica-
tions, smart healthcare, smart grids, AI, blockchain, and the IoT. He has
published more than 110 papers in prestigious peer-reviewed journals and
conferences. He was a recipient of the prestigious 1st place award during his
graduation from the Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University,
Egypt, in 2002. He has served as the Symposium Chair/ Track Chair for IEEE
VTC 2021-Fall Conference. He has also served as the Workshops Chair,
the Session Chair, and a Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member
in leading international conferences, such as IEEE GLOBECOM, ICC,
PIMRC, ICCVE, IWCMC, and 5G World Forum. He serves as a Referee for
some renowned IEEE journals and magazines, such as IEEE COMMUNICATIONS
MAHMOUD M. SALIM received the B.S. degree
in computer engineering from October 6 Uni-
versity, Egypt, in 2008, the M.S. degree in
wireless sensor networks (WSNs) from Ain Shams
University, Egypt, in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree
from the School of EIC, Huazhong University
an Associate Editor of IEEE ACCESS. He served as a Guest Editor for
of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan,
some special issues of several top-ranked journals, such as IEEE WIRELESS
China. He is currently an Assistant Professor with
COMMUNICATIONS and IEEE Internet of Things Magazine.
the Department of Communications Engineering,
October 6 University. He has published articles in
HUSSEIN A. ELSAYED received the B.Sc. and top-tier journals, such as IEEE ACCESS and IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL.
M.Sc. degrees from Ain Shams University, Cairo, He has received a graduation project fund granted by the Information
Egypt, and the Ph.D. degree from the Electrical Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA), Egypt. His research
Engineering Department, The City College of New interests include computer and mobile networking, especially radio resource
York, NY, USA. He is currently a Full Professor allocation, power allocation, and energy efficiency of device-to-device
with the Electronics and Communications Engi- (D2D) communication in cellular networks, in addition to medium access
neering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain control (MAC) and routing algorithms of wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
Shams University. He has been serving in different Recently, he is interested in the IoT intelligent applications, such as V2X and
positions and built both practical and theoretical relying on machine learning.
skills in the area of communication

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