Ni Nyoman Kurniawati
Ni Nyoman Kurniawati
Ni Nyoman Kurniawati 159
Currently, gadgets are used by many people, not only used by the upper middle
class but also used by the lower middle class in urban and rural areas. According to
Munawar & Amri (2018), gadgets have been used by children aged 7-11 years. They use
gadgets for entertainment media. Gadgets are given to children in order to not disturb
their parents’ activities. However, It has an impact on children's behavior and habits
toward their environment. Children who generally like to play with their friends, prefer
to have fun playing with their gadgets. Thus, children will lose their social interaction
with other children in their age because they spend more time playing with their gadgets
(Saniyyah, Setiawan & Ismaya, 2021). In this case, the child's development is disrupted
because the child spends more time with himself and with his gadgets. It is better for
children to spend more time playing and interacting with children in their age which has
an impact on children's psychological, social, and creative development.
Subarkah (2019) says that gadget prices are affordable due to the many emerging
and competitive technologies. In the past, gadgets were considered elite tools, but now
they are not considered that way anymore. It can be seen, gadgets are widely used by
children to play. Today, gadgets are not only owned and used by businessmen but children
to adults also difficult to be separated from gadgets. Sudiarta & Palguna (2021)
emphasized that the impact of using gadgets can affect psychological aspects. From a
psychological perspective on children, their development will be hampered if they are
addicted to using gadgets. This is because childhood is a time when they have high
curiosity and learn to know what they don't know or it is called the golden age. Child
development will be hampered if children are engrossed in using their gadgets without
socializing or caring about their surrounding environment. Children will become more
introverted, preferring to be alone with their gadgets, reduced creativity, and have a
problem with their bedtime. Even so, if the gadgets are used properly and under control,
with the children‘s high sense of curiosity, gadgets can also improve the children's
achievements. Children can learn from videos or other knowledge on gadgets, and it is
easier to understand and more attractive by using gadgets to learn (Gunarti, Suryani, Muis
& Pratiwi, 2008).
Technological development such as gadgets also has positive and negative impacts
on humans. The lack of ability to manage the use of technology, especially gadgets, makes
the negative impact of technology more dominant for us. The obvious negative impact of
gadgets is that humans become more individualistic and apathetic. In fact, adults who
understand the two sides of gadgets still cannot control the proper use of gadgets.
Especially with young children who still need adult surveillance, it is necessary to pay
attention to their use. One of its positive sides, children can learn while playing, and with
interesting audio-visual media, children can understand more easily. However, on the
other hand, the use of gadgets can affect the development of children's behavior and
character when using the gadgets excessively.
Characters are unique values inside humans and express in behavior. Character
coherently arises from the results of thinking, processing of the heart, and processing of
feelings and intentions of a person or group of people, Dantes, et al. (2020).
The children’s behavior is being formed, apart from genetic factors, the
environment is very influential in the shape of their personality. Children are imitative,
They will follow what is seen and felt from their environment because they do not know
yet the boundaries of right and wrong, good and bad, appropriate and inappropriate.
Based on this understanding, the development of behavior is influenced by genetic
and environmental factors. Character is the values that have been imprinted and can be
seen in the child's behavior. The early-age learner is a child who has great curiosity. They
will be influenced quickly by the environment in which they live. If in a child's 160
environment, the use of gadgets is really important to facilitate activities, this will affect
the development of the children's behavior and character. If children are guided to use the
gadgets, it will have a positive effect on the development of their behavior and character.
So in this study will be seen how the influence of gadgets on the development of behavior
and character in early-age learners.
This research is a literature study. According to Sugiyono (2012), literature studies
are often used in the study of culture, values, morals, and the study of a condition or social
situation. Zed (2014) states that if using a literature study, the steps that must be prepared
by researchers are preparing the tools needed, compiling a working bibliography,
providing sufficient time, reading various relevant references, and making research notes.
The main literature used in this study is early childhood development books. The author
uses other sources as supporting data obtained through scientific work, online journals,
and mass media. 161
3) Entertainment Media
There are various interesting features in the gadgets that can be used as
entertainment media. We can use them when filling tired from work. For example,
an iPod for listening to music, and a smartphone for watching videos.
4) Lifestyle
Gadgets are also an important part of today's life, gadgets will affect the lifestyle of
their users
5) Gain Knowledge
Gadgets are not only used as entertainment media but also as a communication tool.
Through many applications in gadgets, users can get or share information, as a
source of learning to gain knowledge.
c. Types of Gadgets
In its development, there are many types of gadgets. In order to fulfill the needs
and the users’ lifestyles, gadget manufacturers make various types of gadgets (Madyan
& Baidawi, 2021), below are several types of gadgets such as:
1) Mobile phone / Handphone
Handphone is a communication tool without wires. With their sophistication,
mobile phones can be carried anywhere and have good capabilities. Mobile phones
have various sizes, generally, the largest is 6.5 inches. Mobile phones are also
equipped with advanced features and various specifications based on the users’
needs. There are also those that have special applications to support the activities
of photographers, gaming, multimedia, and others.
2) IPad or tablet
iPad or tablet is a device that has a larger size. This tool resembles a tablet computer
that has additional functions that exist in the operating system. iPad or tablet is used
to support business activities or work. This iPad or tablet is supported by an external
keyboard to make typing easier with a screen that is large enough and easy to carry.
3) Netbooks
Netbook is a portable computer combination device. This tool is like a netbook and
the internet.
4) Digital Cameras
Digital cameras are a type of gadget too. Digital cameras are useful for capturing
images of an object, both in the form of photos and videos. Captured images and
video recordings from digital cameras produce high-resolution images which its
result known quickly, and can be removed, editable, and able to be sent or
transferred to a computer device.
5) Headset or Headphones
This tool is a type of device that is often used to listen to music. With this headset
or headphones, users can enjoy sound or video more clearly without disturbing
other people.
6) Laptop or Computer
Laptops or computers are other types of devices with various features and can be
used for various purposes, especially for work.
7) Smartwatches
This gadget in Indonesian is called a smartwatch, apart from being a time marker it
also has various functions such as notifications from email, short messages,
telephone, and social media, and being able to reply to messages. This tool is also
equipped with features such as GPS, a sleep monitor, counting steps, and others. 162
2. The Development of Early-Age Learners’ Behavior And Character
a. Definition of Early-Age Learners
Early-age learners are children aged 4-6 years old. These children are unique
individual figures and have special characteristics, both in terms of cognitive, social-
emotional, language, physical, motoric and they are in a growing process rapidly. This
period is a very fundamental moment in life’s period. The children’s world is a world full
of laughter and joy, so adults will be entertained just by looking at their behavior. We can
observe the age levels of children, infants, toddlers, and kindergarten-aged to elementary
school-aged children. These categories are grouped as early-age learners. NAEYC
(National Association for The Education Of Young Children) conveys that early-age
learners are children in the age range 0-8 years, who are in educational programs in child
daycare, family child care home, pre-school education both private and public,
kindergarten, and elementary school (Asidah, et al 2022). Whereas the National
Education System (UU No. 20, 2003), states that early childhood education is a founding
effort for children from birth to the age of 6 which is carried out by providing stimulation
to help growth and physical development so that children are ready to enter further
education level.
In contrast to other childhood phases, early childhood has unique characteristics.
According to Hartati (2005), some of the characteristics of early-age learners are having
great curiosity, have a unique personality, fantasizing and imaginative, having the most
potential period for learning, showing an egocentric attitude, having a short range of
concentration power, and as part of social beings.
Childhood, especially ages 3-5 years, is divided into early and late childhood. One
of the characteristics of the early childhood period is reflected in the designations given
by parents, educators, and psychologists, namely the ‘difficult age’ moment and also the
age of ‘invites trouble’. At this time they are often wayward, stubborn, disobedient,
resistant, and often doing something for no reason. Age 3-5 years is also called the group
period. During this period children grow up in certain groups to learn the basics of social
behavior as a preparation for the next social life when they enter elementary school. This
period is called the age of asking, apart from the fact that this period is ‘a sensitive period’
to be the same as other people around him, such as imitating the good or bad words or
actions of others around him, so that’s why, it is also known as the period of imitation.
One thing that occurred in this period is there is much creativity in the children
make in play, so experts named this period ‘the creative period’. It is believed that the
creativity shown by children at this time is an original form of creativity with a frequency
that appears uncontrollably compared to other periods in a child's life after this period. It
can also be said that the age of 3-5 years is the golden age for children, the emergence of
a sensitive period for a number of aspects of development, this period is marked by
various forms of creativity in playing that arise from the child's imagination.
According to the point of view of educational experts, at the stages of growth and
development, children tend to change from time to time and differ from one another.
Some of them say that children are creatures that have been innately formed, there are
also those who see children as humans who have been shaped by their environment, and
others see children as miniatures of adults, but there are also those who see children as
individuals who are totally different from adults.
Maria Montessori (Hurlock, 1978) says that the age of 3-6 years is a sensitive period
in children’s life, namely a period when a certain function needs to be stimulated, and
directed so that their development is not hampered. For example, the sensitive period for
speaking in this period is not fulfilled, so the child will experience difficulties in speaking
in the next period. 163
Froebel (Roopnaire & Johnson, 1993) childhood is a very important and valuable
phase in human life. Early childhood is seen as the golden age for education. This golden
period for children is a very fundamental phase for their development because in this
phase there are enormous opportunities for their development. If adults are able to provide
a "garden" that is designed according to the potential and nature of the child, then the
child will develop naturally.
According to Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, children are individuals who are active
and have the ability to share their knowledge. Mentally children construct their
knowledge through reflection on their experiences. Children acquire knowledge not by
passively receiving from others, but by actively constructing their own knowledge
through interaction with their environment. Children are active learners who can create
and build their knowledge.
At an early age, children have certain characteristics. According to Kartono (1986),
the characteristics of early-age children such as 1) naive egocentric, which means that
children look at the outside world based on their own perspective, their own knowledge
and experience, and are limited by their narrow feelings and thoughts. Children are
influenced by their simple minds so they are unable to understand other people's feelings
and thoughts. This naive egocentric attitude is temporary, and is always experienced by
every child in the process of his development; 2) primitive social relations, the child has
not been able to separate his condition from the condition of his social environment,
means that the child has not been able to distinguish between his condition and other
people or other children outside of himself. At this time the child only has an interest in
objects and events that are in accordance with his fantasy, the child builds his world with
his own imagination and desires; 3) unity of the physical and spiritual, the entity of the
child's body and spirit. The child's appreciation of something is expressed freely,
spontaneously and honestly both in his mimic, behavior, and language, the child cannot
lie or act pretended; 4) a physiognomic attitude to life, which means the child directly
expresses something he experienced. It is because the child's understanding of what he is
facing is still unified (totalitarian) between the physical and spiritual. Children are not yet
able to distinguish between living objects and non-living objects. Everything around it is
considered to have a soul, a living thing that has both body and spirit just as same as
Development and growth cannot be separated, both take place through several
stages or periods. Development is a qualitative functional change, both in physical and
mental functions, as a result of environmental influences. Development is also interpreted
as a sequence of changes that are systematic, bondage, and harmonious mutual influence
between physical and psychological aspects. In contrast to development, growth is a
quantitative change, as a result of external or environmental influences. Growth can also
be interpreted as a change in body size and structure so that it is more related to physical
changes. Early childhood development is divided into several aspects of development.
Dodge, et al, (2002) divided the area of development into four aspects, namely: social-
emotional aspects, physical aspects, cognitive aspects, and language aspects. In early
childhood education in Indonesia, there are six aspects that are the focus of development
programs, namely: aspects of physical development, language, cognitive, social-
emotional, artistic and moral, and religious values.
b. Early Childhood Behavior Development
Behavior is a reflection of a person's personality that appears in actions and
interactions with other people and the surrounding environment. A person's behavior
shows the level of emotional maturity, moral, religious, social, independence, and self-
concept. 164
During the period, Early childhood behavior is being constructed, apart from
genetic factors, the environment is very influential in of personality formation. Early
childhood is imitative, what is seen and felt from their environment will be followed
because they do not yet know the boundaries of right and wrong, good and bad, and
appropriate and inappropriate. Behavioral development through guidance can be
described as an attempt by adults to help children control their behavior and have the
courage to make their own decisions (Khaironi, 2017).
Practicing discipline is a technique for behavior development because through
discipline children can model proper behavior. Positive discipline will introduce children
to a number of positive behaviors and provide clarity on the boundaries of a rule. Ratnadi
(2021) says the behavior of children aged 3-4 years needs to be developed because
children need guidance to feel safe, need guidance to keep them healthy physically and
emotionally, need guidance so they can develop social awareness and the ability to
interact with others, children need guidance in order to develop self-concept (self-concept)
and self-control. Through guidance, children will be supported to use their abilities, find
out the answers, express their feelings, listen and be concerned with the feelings of others.
c. Early Childhood Character
1) Character Definition
Dantes et al (2020) states that the term character is often connected and
interchanged with the terms of ethics, morals, or values. It has a positive
connotation. Character is also interpreted as psychological traits, morals, or
manners that distinguish one person from another. So, the character is unique values
both imprinted in oneself and embodied in behavior. Character coherently emanates
from the results of the thought, hearts, feelings, and intentions of a person or group
of people. Character is also often associated with the term (what is called) with a
temperament that places more emphasis on psychosocial definitions related to
education and environmental context. Meanwhile, the character seen from a
behavioral perspective places more emphasis on the somatopsychic elements that a
person has from birth. Thus it can be said that the process of character development
in a person is influenced by many unique factors that exist in the person concerned
which are also called innate factors (native), and the environment (nature) in which
the person concerned grows and develops.
On the other hand, the character is defined as: "innate, heart, soul, personality,
character, behavior, nature, character, temperament". Meanwhile, have character
means personality, behavior”. Character refers to a series of attitudes, behaviors,
motivations, and skills (Musfiroh, 2008). Character comes from the Greek word
meaning "to mark" and focus on how to apply good values in the form of actions or
behavior so that people who are dishonest, cruel, greedy and other bad behavior are
said to be people with bad character. On contrary, people who act based on the norm
are said people with good character.
The definition of character according to the Language Center (Pusat Bahasa) of the
Ministry of National Education is innate, heart, soul, personality, character,
behavior, personality, nature, or temperament. While having character means
personality, behavior, and virtuous character. Musfiroh (2008) states that character
refers to a series of attitudes, behaviors, motivations, and skills.
2) Character building
Character education is a system of character cultivation values in school members
which includes components of knowledge, awareness or will, and actions to
implement these values. Character education can be interpreted as "the deliberate
use of all dimensions of school life to foster optimal character development". 165
According to David Elkind & Freddy Sweet, Ph.D., character education is defined
as: "character education is the deliberate effort to help people understand, care about,
and act upon core ethical values. When we think about the kind of character we
want for our children, it is clear that we want them to be able to judge what is right,
care deeply about what is right, and then do what they believe to be right, even in
the face of pressure from without and temptation from within”. Further explained
character education is everything that is done by the teacher, which is able to
influence the character of students.
Dantes et al (2020) says that character education has the same essence and meaning
as moral education. The goal is to build the child's personality so that he becomes
a good human being, and a good citizen. The criteria for good human beings, and
good citizens for a society or nation, in general, are certain social values that are
heavily influenced by the culture of society and the nation. Therefore, the essence
of character education in the context of education in Indonesia is value education,
namely education of noble values originating from the culture of the Indonesian
nation itself, in order to foster the personality of the younger generation. Character
education is based on the basic human character which comes from universal
(absolute) moral values originating from religion which is also referred to as the
golden rule. Character education can have definite goals if it is based on these basic
character values.
3) Early childhood character
The character of early childhood is very influential in the next child's life. From an
early age, children are guided to behave in accordance with the rules or noble values
of Indonesian culture which will be beneficial for their future. Character recognition
and cultivation in early childhood are done when children interact with other people,
both their peers and adults (teachers, parents, and other adults). When children
interact, they learn to cooperate, be polite, diligent, empathize, forgive others, help
others, be honest, kindness, disciplined, patient, and others.
Nuraeni (2020) character values in early childhood are explained as below:
a. Honesty
Honesty is one of the important characteristics of human life. Honesty is the basic
foundation for building relationships with others. In our activities, we are faced various
kinds of problems, especially in the workplace. Sometimes people do things unhonesly,
people often lie and fraud if they want to get something. Therefore it takes a big heart and
courage to suspend that kind of thing. Honesty is a good habit, if people are used to being
honest it will definitely have a good impact on their life. Therefore honesty must be
accustomed from an early age. The value of honesty in early childhood can be done with
a cognitive approach and a social approach. In the cognitive approach, early childhood is
instilled to develop children's knowledge and awareness to be honest. In the social
approach, it cultivates through good habits when children interact with their friends.
Models or examples and role models of teachers or adults, including parents, are needed
to teach the values of honesty in early childhood.
b. Discipline
Currently hearing the word discipline is something that has become accustomed to
in the school and family environment. Discipline is a way to teach someone to behave
according to the rules. Discipline sometimes ends in punishment for those who break the
rules. Punishment is a scary thing for students, but at this time in basic education and
higher education punishment should not be done. Along with changes in educational
transformation, discipline leads to positive discipline, where to habituation of positive
discipline starts at a class agreement. In early childhood education, positive discipline has 166
begun to be applied to guide children to become children who can manage themselves
and become unindependent children.
c. Tolerance
Tolerance is a great attitude and respect for others. Indonesia with various tribes,
customs, and religions requires an attitude of tolerance to maintain integrity and peace in
life as a citizen. Someone who can appreciate and respect other people with differences
is the foundation for maintaining harmony in social life. This attitude must be cultivated
from an early age. Early childhood in its developmental stages has unique characteristics.
Early childhood tends to have an egocentric attitude, they think that they are everything,
and usually, children also difficult to give in to other people. The teachers’ and adults’
role is to guide early childhood so they can control the child's egocentric attitude and they
can tolerate their friends. Through activities that stimulate children to get used to working
together, and respecting their friends’ opinions, this attitude of tolerance can be practiced
d. Independent
Independent is a person's ability to manage himself and be responsible for what he
does without burdening others. Independent for early childhood adapted from his
development. Children aged 0-6 years who are in the early childhood range certainly have
different abilities. Their independence is adjusted to their developmental tasks. Children
aged 4-6 years are usually able to take off their shoes and put them on themselves and
can wear their own clothes without the help of an adult. Implementation of self-
independence needs to be guided by adults. Adults must be patient in guiding them, and
give praise, encouragement, or appreciation as support for their independent efforts. If
this is done undoubtedly the child's independence will be formed from an early age. 167
b. Based on the examples of learning on the Internet, gadgets can also hone children's
creativity and intelligence, such as in coloring, drawing, and writing.
c. With so many educational videos such as films about early childhood on the internet,
children can also get good moral messages, so by watching them, children get moral
messages that can be used for children in behaving.
d. With gadgets, children don't need a lot of books, because accessing the internet, it
helps children to get various information.
e. The negative impacts of using gadgets on the development of children's behavior and
character such as below:
1. Lack of parental guidance can have a negative impact on children's development,
children imitate many bad scenes in the videos they watch.
2. Children become introverted individuals, interact less with others, and are busy with
their own gadgets
3. Children become addicted to the games they can play and forget their assignments.
4. Children don't care about their surroundings, they don't even interact with family or
society, so they sometimes don't know the ethics of socializing.
5. If someone takes their gadgets, most of them will be very angry, and even have
tantrums. 168
long can cause eye pain, the risk of obesity due to sitting too long, and so on (Lestari,
Riana & Taftazani, 2015).
To prevent the negative effects of gadgets usage, teachers, adults, and parents can
implement several solutions above so that the children’s behavior and character are
maximally developed so that our children grow up healthy, smart, creative, independent,
and have noble character.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded as follows: Gadgets are
sophisticated electronic devices that are created with various applications that can share
various news media, social networks, and hobbies, including entertainment. Gadgets are
modern communication tools and make human communication easier. In its development,
there are more and more types of gadgets. such as mobile phones, iPads or tablets,
netbooks, digital cameras, laptops or computers, and smartwatches. Early childhood is
children aged 0 to 6 years. They need to give education stimulation. Concerning The
National Education System (UU No. 20, 2003) states that early childhood education is an
educational development effort aimed at children from birth to the age of 6 which is
carried out by providing stimulation to help physical and spiritual growth and
development so that children are ready to enter further education level. The behavior of
early childhood at the age of 0-6 years is being formed, apart from genetic factors, the
environment influences personality formation. Children are imitative, what is seen and
felt from their environment will be followed because they do not yet know the boundaries
of right and wrong, good and bad, appropriate and inappropriate. Behavioral development
through guidance can be described as an attempt by adults to help children control their
behavior and have the courage to make their own decisions. The character of early
childhood affects the next child's life. Character recognition and cultivation in early
childhood are done when children interact with other people, both their peers and adults
(teachers, parents, and other adults). Gadgets affect the behavior and character of children
in the golden phase. There are positive and negative influences. Solutions for gadget
addiction to early childhood behavior and character development include limiting usage
time, giving schedules, not giving full access, setting a good example, setting gadget-free
areas at home, and telling them about the dangers of using gadgets for a long time.
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