Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Submitted to
Date of Submission
April 6, 2024
Chapter 1
Nowadays children that is born during digital world are more tech savvy. They are the
one who explore new application and that is part of their lives. They are influenced by
immersion of technology since birth which they had the potential to be occupied with gadgets. In
article of gadgets and their impact on child development by Zain, ZM., Jasmani, F. N. N., Haris,
N.H and Nurudin, S.M. (July 2022) says that gadgets have been used by many parents as a
medium control for their children. Some parents also established the idea of having gadgets for
their children is an obligation which is parallel in their modern life. Parents forget to guide their
children in the correct use of gadgets that result of improper use of gadgets.
Technology has a great contribution to man daily life but despite of all this it also has a
negative effect on people. If a person abuses the use of technology, it can may affect him badly.
Mobile gadgets like mobile phones, smartphones, laptop and desk top are some technologies that
have greatly contributed to the lives of many people but it also has a harmful effect on people.
According to a website of Kids Health (2023) there are ten harmful effects on mobile phones and
this are radiation exposure, impaired cognitive function, sleep disturbances, increased stress
levels, eye strain and vision problems, neck and back pain, increased risk of accidents, decreased
The first five years of child development are crucial to their health, well-being and the
overall trajectory of their lives in various ways. One of the best way a family can help promote
child good development is to be a supportive and encouraging environment to them. If the child
experience neglection at their young age, it may often manifest into deep-rooted issues that stay
with them throughout their child life. It may also have impact on the child’s emotional
According to Sta. Ana, M.M.R Sped Division of the Department of Education estimates
that 12% of the children population in the Philippines have special which 2% of them are gifted
while 10% of them has learning disabilities. Autism, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia are some learning disabilities encountered by
teacher in schools. World vision a website that promote limit the child in using gadgets stated
that children who spend too much time on gadgets may result in experience speech or language
delay, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning problems, anxiety, childhood
This study aims to determine the impact of mobile gadgets in the behavioral development
of the pre-kindergarten learners in terms of gross motor domain, fine motor domain, self-help
domain, receptive language domain, expressive language domain, cognitive domain and social
emotional domain. The result of this study can help teachers, parents and other people to be
This study is important because it aims to inform about the effects of early use of mobile
gadgets on child behavioral development of pre-kindergarten learners. The result of this study
will provide guidance and information to pre-kindergarten learners, parents and guardians,
teachers and future researchers on the proper use of mobile gadgets for children.
Pre-kindergarten Learners. This study may help the children to know the possible
effect of mobile gadgets to them and also inform them the proper use of mobile gadgets.
all parents and guardians of the pre-kindergarten learners in proper guidance of using mobile
Teacher in Pre-kindergarten Learners. This study may give them information about
the effect of early use of gadgets to children so that they may also have trainings and seminars
for all the parents and guardians of their learners about the possible effect of mobile gadgets in
behavioral development of their children and the proper parenting to their child.
Future Researchers. This study gives them guide and encouragement in conducting a
new researcher about the impact of mobile gadgets in the children especially in early using of
The study is sought to determine the effect of mobile gadgets in behavioral development
1.2 Gender;
1.3 Age;
3. Is there significant difference in the effect of the mobile gadgets in the respondent when
This study will focus only on 60 pre-kinder learners in different child development
center/day care center in barangay of Balaybay, Municipality of Castillejos in school year 2023-
Chapter II
Mobile gadgets help people making their lives easy and convenient in the way of
communicating with their love ones and carry out their work efficiently. Making phones calls,
send text messages, emails and even surf the internet are some features available of mobile
gadgets that make it become integral part of human lives. Liberty Title & Escrow (2023)
Smartphones, laptop, tablets, computer and e-readers are some gadgets where students
relay to support their learning and make their academic pursuits easier and more efficient.
Mobile gadgets give significant benefits in their lives as a student where they can access
information. They can use also mobile gadgets in conducting research, projects, assignment
which they eliminate of physical trips in libraries. Saigrace Academy International (2023)
Mobile phones have become a part of people daily lives, besides in communication there
are lots of apps that make humans daily life a lot easier. They say that this generation is called
“Era of Gadgets” which mobile phones is use to be connected to others. Mobile devices can read
book, listen to music, take pictures, watch videos, play games, create and edit documents, it can
use also to get a medical opinion and much more. Which people spent more time in using their
mobile phones and other gadgets which 39% of people was increased from 2019-2020. Radu, C.
Mobile gadgets are one of the factors of transforming on how students learn and how
teachers teach which mobile phones help bridge the gap between in-classroom and at-home
learning. Mobile phones in learning offers three distinct advantages with the potential to improve
education. It simplifies access to content and experts also overcoming traditional constraints of
time, location and collaboration. It personalizes education solution for individual learners,
helping educators customize the teaching process using software and interactive media that adapt
difficulty levels to individual students understanding and pace. And addresses specific challenges
The Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Council is a national government
agency in the Philippines mandated to implement the National ECCD System which focus to full
range of health, nutrition, early education and social services development programs that provide
for the basic holistic needs of young children from zero (0) to four (4) years old and it also
Republic Act 8980 is also known as the Early Childhood Care and Development Act
(ECCD Act), this act promotes the policy of the state to about the rights of children to survive,
development and also gives special protection with full recognition of the nature of childhood
and its special needs and to support parents in their roles as primary caregivers and as their
children first teacher. Objectives of this act are to achieve improved infant and child survival
rates by ensuring that adequate health and nutritional programs are accessible to young children
and their mothers from the pre-natal period throughout the early childhood years; to enhance the
young children; to enhance the role of parents and other caregivers as the primary caregivers and
educators of their children from birth onwards; to facilitate a smooth transition from care and
enhance the capabilities of service providers and their supervisors to comply with quality
standards for various ECCD programs; to enhance and sustain the efforts of communities to
promote ECCD programs and ensure that special support is provided for poor and disadvantaged
communities; to ensure that young children are adequately prepared for the formal learning
system and that both public and private schools are responsive to the developmental needs of
these children; to establish an efficient system for early identification, prevention, referral and
intervention for developmental disorders and disabilities in early childhood; and to improve the
quality standards of public and private ECCD programs through, but not limited to, a registration
and credential system for ECCD service providers. ECCD Act purposes to full range of health,
nutrition. Early education, and social services programs that provide for the basic holistic needs
of young children from birth to age of six (6) to promote their optimum growth and
A day care centers are institution that provides supervision and care of infants and young
children during the daytime, particularly so that their parents can hold jobs. The other term for
day care is day nursery or child care center and nursery school also provide preschool
Day care center assure to all parents/ guardians that their children is in a safe, healthy
environment where the teacher strive to provide emotional, social and physical needs of every
child. It also creates a happy, warm and exciting environment that inviting, comfortable, flexible
and manageable for the children. Day care center promotes respect for self and others with
responsibilities and social skills are both enhance. Variety of developmentally appropriate
activities that includes arts and crafts, self-directed play, field trips, dramatic play, physical
activities, community service, reading, quiet time, and encourage homework for children. Caring
staff or teacher show genuine respect for children to have confidence with other and seek
promote the self-esteem of each child. This institution offers individual guidance to every child
based upon careful observation of each child’s needs and keeping with parents or guardian
direction. All children enrolled in day care center are assured safe and had a good welfare. Boys
Day care services established and operates day care center an institution as a venue for
based on accepted child development concepts. Republic Act 6972 mandated the establishment
of a day care center in every barangay, instating a total development and protection of children
program, appropriating funds therefor and for other purposes. Executive Order 340 directs
National Government Agencies and Government Owned and Controlled Corporations to provide
day care services for their employee children under six years of age. Early Childhood Care and
Development encourage day care center to monitor every child’s development aspect of gross
and fine motors skills, receptive and expressive language, cognitive abilities, self-help and
social-emotional growth. Nutiritous foods are served to children to supplement their daily food
requirements. Proper nutrition in the childhood years is vital in the total health and development
ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on July 26, 1990, where the
Philippines is a state party, recognizes the significant role of Day Care Service in the
Conceptual Frameworks
influences behavior and is based on the theories of theorists such as John B. Watson, Ivan
Pavlov, and B. F. Skinner. These theories deal only with observable behaviors. Development is
This research will attempt to give insight into the impact of mobile gadgets in the
Behavioral Development
Moderating Variables
-Class Session
-Types of Mobile Gadgets
-Hours of Using Mobile Gadgets
Figure 1 presents the conceptual frameworks of the study which in the first box are the
independent variables that is the impact of mobile gadgets, in the second box present the
behavioral development of the pre-kindergarten learners in seven domains and in the third box
present us the moderator this are the demographical profile of the respondent.
1. There is no significant relationship between the use of mobile gadgets and the behavioral
development of learners.
2. The use of mobile gadgets is significantly associated with changes in the behavioral
development of learners.
Definition of Terms
In this part, the words that will be used are defined so that readers can better understand
the research. The terms are organized according to the presentation of the problem and defined
of every child.
Expressive Language Domain. It refers to how children express their needs, wants, and
Fine Motor Domain. It is the movement and coordination of small muscles, such as
Gross Motor Domain. It is the ability that let us do tasks that involve large muscles in
Mobile Gadgets. A portable computing device that has a small form factor such that it
can easily be carried by a single individual; is designed to operate without a physical connection
(e.g., wirelessly transmit or receive information); possesses local, non-removable data storage;
and is powered on for extended periods of time with a self-contained power source.
Self-help Domain. Everything that a child needs to know to start being more independent
could be included in this domain includes the learning to dress oneself, feed oneself, using of
Social Emotional Domain. It is how children start to understand who they are, what they
environmental sounds, completing sound patterns, shifting auditory attention, and auditory
sequencing tasks.
Chapter 3
This chapter contains the research methodology. It covers the presentation of the research
design, respondent and selection method, instrument to be used, data collection method and data
Research Design
This study used a quantitative survey-research method in which the readers were willing
to open their minds to the means of recording the collected answers using the questions given by
conducting research using research questionnaires that are sent to respondents to answer.
Quantitative research is a useful approach when a researcher seeks to describe or explain the
features of a large group or groups. With this research method, it will be faster to gather details
about what you just want to know in a population or your chosen respondent. The collected data
from the survey is statistically analyzed to draw meaningful research conclusions. In this case, a
survey can help a researcher identify select individuals or locations where further data can be
The study used quota sampling in which it took ten (10) pre-kindergarten learners in each
Child Development Center or Day Care Center. Quota sampling can be defined as a sampling
method in which selected respondents with specific characteristics are selected. The
effectiveness of quota sampling can be ensured if the researcher has a clear understanding of the
purpose of the research and deep knowledge about the population (Hitesh Bhasin, 2020).
The respondents of the study are the pre-kindergarten learners of Child Development
Center in Barangay Balaybay who are currently enrolled in year 2023-2024. The study had 60
Research Locale
The study was done in six (6) Child Development Center, it is the Balaybay Proper I
Resettlement Child Development Center I, Balaybay Resettlement Child Development Center II,
Balaybay Resettlement Child Development Center III and Balaybay Resettlement Child
Development Center V.
The instrument that the researcher used is a research questionnaire which in the first part
refers to the demographic profile of the students (class session, gender, age, types of gadgets and
hours of using mobile gadgets). The next part in the questionnaire in which the behavioral
development, these are gross motor domain (4 items), fine motor domain (4 items), self-help
domain (4 items), receptive language domain (4 items), expressive language domain (4 items),
cognitive domain and social emotional domain (4 items). The behavioral development will
assess by 5 points scales; 5-excellent, 4-very good, 3-good, 2-fair and 1-poor. The questionnaires
Phase 1. Development and validation of the research
Figure 3. Procedure in Collecting Data
In phase 1, the researcher made a letter of permission for the head of Municipal Social
Welfare and Development Office and the researcher also made a survey questionnaire for the
respondents. In phase 2, the researcher initiated a pilot testing before it conducted to larger
respondents. In phase 3, the researcher analyzed the result of pilot testing if there any problem
before implementing the full survey. Phase 4, the researcher went to Municipal Social Welfare
and Development Office to submit and asked permission from the head office and to the child
development teachers in barangay Balaybay. Phase 5, the researcher gave the consent form to the
teachers and parents of the respondents. Phase 6. The researcher conducted and distribute the
survey questionnaires to the respondents by the help of their parents. And in the last phase, the
researcher collected all the data in survey questionnaires then interpret the result of data analysis.
Data Analysis
The researcher used different types of statistics on the data collected to give better
Frequency and Percent Distribution. This will be used to find out the number of
Weighted Mean. This will be used to find out the total of answers of the respondents.
The score obtained in the short test that measured the respondent level of behavioral
Number Saklaw Antas ng
5 4.21-5.00 Excellent
4 3.41-4.20 Very Good
3 2.61-3.40 Good
2 1.81-2.60 Fair
1 1.00-1.80 Poor
Standard Deviation. This will be used to measure the distance and proximity of the
T-test for Independent Samples. This will compare the means of two independent
groups in order to determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated population
Anova. Also called the Analysis of Variance. Used to determine the relationship of
Ethical Considerations
To ensure compliance with ethical standards in this research, the researcher strictly
Pre-kindergarten learner names are not included in the survey to protect their identities.
Students were not forced to answer the questionnaire in this study. The researcher gives them a
free decision in answering the questionnaires. The researcher will respect whatever the students'
decisions are.
The researcher's collected information on the school was carefully compiled. The
researcher will not add or subtract any information to see the true results of the study. The
researcher wrote a letter for the principal of each school to allow them to answer the
Questionnaires to the students. The researcher's letter will focus on the counselors to inform
them of the study to be conducted. The consent of the respondents will also be taken by the
Chapter 4
This chapter discusses the analysis of the collected data regarding the demographic
profile of the respondent and the behavioral development of pre-kindergarten learners in Child
Development Centers which will help to further expand the knowledge of other according to the
impact of mobile gadgets. The researchers conduct survey questionnaires in all child