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BS 04592-6-2008

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BS 4592-6:2008


Industrial type flooring

and stair treads –
Part 6: Glass reinforced plastics
(GRP) moulded open mesh gratings
and protective barriers – Specification
ICS 91.060.30


BS 4592-6:2008

Publishing and copyright information

The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.

© BSI 2008

ISBN 978 0 580 57716 1

The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard:

Committee reference B/208
Draft for comment 07/30156441 DC

Publication history
First published September 2008

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. no. Date Text affected

BS 4592-6:2008

Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Information to be supplied 3
5 Material requirements 3
6 Dimensional and manufacturing tolerances 4
7 Installed panels 5
8 Structural performance requirements 5
Bibliography 7
List of figures
Figure 1 – Grating terms 2
List of tables
Table 1 – Permissible grating panel size tolerances 4
Table 2 – Manufacturing tolerances 4

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover,
pages i and ii, pages 1 to 7 and a back cover.

© BSI 2008 • i
BS 4592-6:2008

Publishing information
This part of BS 4592 was published by BSI and came into effect
on 30 September 2008. It was prepared by Subcommittee B/208/1,
Stairs and walkways – Industrial, under the authority of Technical
Committee B/208, Stairs and walkways. A list of organizations
represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its

Information about this document

BS 4592 is published in seven parts, as follows:
• Part 0: Common design requirements and recommendations
for installation;
• Part 1: Metal open bar gratings – Specification;
• Part 2: Expanded metal grating – Specification;
• Part 3: Cold formed metal planks – Specification;
• Part 4: Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) open bar gratings –
• Part 5: Solid plates in metal and glass reinforced plastics
(GRP) – Specification;
• Part 6: Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) moulded open mesh
gratings – Specification (this part).
The requirements in this part cover areas that are not addressed
by BS EN ISO 14122, Safety of machinery – Permanent means of
access to machinery, which is published in the following parts:
• Part 1: Choice of fixed means of access between two levels;
• Part 2: Working platforms and walkways;
• Part 3: Stairways, stepladders and guard-rails;
• Part 4: Fixed ladders.
It has been assumed in the preparation of this British Standard that the
execution of its provisions will be entrusted to appropriately qualified
and experienced people, for whose use it has been produced.

Presentational conventions
The provisions of this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright)
type. Its requirements are expressed in sentences in which the principal
auxiliary verb is “shall”.
Commentary, explanation and general informative material is
presented in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a
normative element.

Contractual and legal considerations

This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity
from legal obligations.

ii • © BSI 2008
BS 4592-6:2008

1 Scope
This part of BS 4592 specifies requirements for the design,
manufacture, supply and installation of glass reinforced plastics (GRP)
moulded open mesh gratings intended for industrial flooring, walkways
and stair treads.
It is not applicable where access to machinery is required, in which case
the requirements of BS EN ISO 14122 apply.
NOTE For the common requirements for industrial flooring and stair
treads, see BS 4592-0.
In addition to the definitive requirements, this standard also requires
the items detailed in BS 4592-0:2006, Clause 4 to be documented. For
compliance with this standard, both the definitive requirements and the
documented items have to be satisfied.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the
application of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
BS 4592-0:2006, Industrial type flooring and stair treads – Part 0:
Common design requirements and recommendations for
BS 4592-1, Industrial type flooring and stair treads – Part 1: Metal
open bar gratings – Specification
BS EN 14020, Reinforcements – Specification for textile glass

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this part of BS 4592, the terms and definitions given
in BS 4592-0, BS 4592-1 and the following apply.
NOTE Definitions of some common terms are illustrated in Figure 1.

3.1 General terms

3.1.1 installed panel
grating panel cut or supplied to installation size

3.1.2 mesh
regular pattern of orthogonal ribs
NOTE Typical mesh shapes are square and rectangular.

3.1.3 mesh size (pitch)

centre to centre spacing of the structural elements of the moulded grid

3.1.4 moulded open mesh grating panel

panel moulded as a single unit with orthogonal mesh holes where the
ribs are reinforced by continuous interlocking glass fibres

© BSI 2008 • 1
BS 4592-6:2008

Figure 1 Grating terms

2 10




2 A



1 6

2 • © BSI 2008
BS 4592-6:2008

Figure 1 – Grating terms

1 Nosing 9 Column or any other penetration requiring
2 Solid plated top with raised pattern cover
surface 10 Cut-out with straight shaping and toe-plate
3 Solid plated top with gritted surface 11 Overall span
4 Mini mesh grating 12 Clear span (between primary supports)
5 Rectangular mesh grating 13 Secondary support
6 Square mesh grating 14 Primary support
7 Cut-out with curved shaping and toe- 15 Moulded curb angle (with continuous grouting
plate tang)
8 Erection clearance 16 Width

3.1.5 nosing
single or composite section at the leading edge of a stair tread or to a
grating at the head of a stair to provide additional reinforcement to the
edge of the tread and/or additional slip resistance and/or a colour
contrast to the main area of the tread

3.1.6 solid top grating

moulded open mesh grating panel to which a sheet of GRP has been
bonded to the top surface during manufacture

3.2 Dimensions of grating panels

3.2.1 depth
overall thickness of the grating panel, including additional walking
surface, if fitted

3.2.2 installed width

dimension of the installed panel at right-angles to the overall span

3.2.3 length
longest side of the grating panel, regardless of whether it is the overall
span or the installed width

3.2.4 overall span

dimension of the installed panel at right-angles to the primary supports

3.2.5 width
shortest side of the grating panel regardless of whether it is the overall
span or the installed width

4 Information to be supplied
Information shall be supplied by the purchaser in accordance
with BS 4592-0:2006, Clause 4.

5 Material requirements
The material shall be a composite of thermosetting resin reinforced with
continuous glass fibre complying with BS EN 14020, with an equal
number of layers in each direction. The top layer of reinforcement shall
be not less than 4 mm below the top surface of the grating to provide
maximum stiffness and prevent resin chipping from unreinforced
edges. The glass content shall not exceed 40% w/w.

© BSI 2008 • 3
BS 4592-6:2008

The top surface shall incorporate a suitable slip resistant surface to

meet the requirements of BS 4592-0:2006, Clause 7.
NOTE 1 For additional protection, surfaces that are subject to abrasion
in service, should have a quartz grit applied, bonded on with an epoxy
resin adhesive.
NOTE 2 The glass fibre might include continuous strand mat
reinforcing, and only those additives (stabilizers, fillers, etc.) that are
necessary to enable conformance to the requirements of this standard
should be used in the resin mix.
NOTE 3 A post-manufacture protective surface coat can also be applied,
if required, to enhance ultraviolet degradation resistance.
NOTE 4 Flame retardency to meet the requirements of BS 476-7, Class 1
or Class II and toxic fume emission when subject to flame can also be kept
to a minimum if specifically required, by adjusting the material
composition appropriately during the course of manufacture.

6 Dimensional and manufacturing

6.1 General
The maximum permissible tolerance of the finished sizes of the grating
panels shall be as given in Table 1.

Table 1 Permissible grating panel size tolerances

Location Tolerance
Length of grating panel +0
Width of grating +0
Depth of grating +1
Up to and including 25 mm deep p0
Over 25 mm deep +1.5

The maximum permissible manufacturing tolerance shall be given

in Table 2.

Table 2 Manufacturing tolerances

Location Tolerance
Difference of the length of diagonals 5 (out of squareness of grating panel)
Transverse bow of panel before fastening to supports 1:100
Longitudinal bow of panel before fastening to supports 1:200
Bearing bar or grid spacing ± 5 per 1 500 length/width of panel

4 • © BSI 2008
BS 4592-6:2008

6.2 Moulded open mesh grating

After moulding, no dry glass fibres shall be visible on any surface. With
the exception of the walking surface, all surfaces shall be smooth and
uniform. There shall be no evidence of fibre orientation irregularities,
inter-laminar voids, resin rich or resin starved areas.
The grid pattern shall be consistent over the area of the panel, subject
to variants to match mesh size to moulded panel size.
The tolerance of the width of the moulded ribs making up the grid shall
be not more than ± 0.5 mm of the width declared by the manufacturer.

7 Installed panels
NOTE 1 Panels can be cut to suit required length or penetrations.
After cutting, all cut edges shall be sealed with a suitable resin
compatible with the grating resin.
NOTE 2 Individual panels can be joined together by either bolting or
clipping or they can be restrained, in order to prevent uneven deflection
or trip hazards, by the provision of butt straps or secondary supports.
NOTE 3 The direction of rectangular mesh should be clearly stated on all
documentation so that the long side is always in the direction of the overall

8 Structural performance
8.1 General
When tested in accordance with 8.2 or 8.3, as applicable, the
gratings shall withstand the appropriate unfactored loads given
in BS 4592-0:2006, Table 1. Where a cut-out is required, the remaining
area of the grating shall be able to carry the same load.
The positions of concentrated loads during testing shall be either those
that produce the maximum stresses or, where deflection is the design
criterion, those that produce maximum deflection.

8.2 Flooring and walkways

When tested in accordance with BS 4592-0:2006, Annex A, the flooring
or walkway shall conform to the following requirements:
a) It shall have a load safety factor, for dead and imposed loads, of
not less than 4.0 when subjected to the unfactored imposed load
given in BS 4592-0:2006, Table 1.
b) It shall deflect elastically by not more than 1/200 times the
effective span or 10 mm, whichever is the least amount,
when subjected to the unfactored imposed load given
in BS 4592-0:2006, Table 1.
NOTE Standard structural design theory can be used for calculations at
the preliminary design stage. In such calculations, it is important that the
appropriate mechanical properties for each moulded grating be taken
into account (see manufacturer’s literature).

© BSI 2008 • 5
BS 4592-6:2008

8.3 Stair treads

For glass reinforced plastics (GRP) moulded gratings the requirements
of BS 4592-0:2006, Clause 6 shall be met.
NOTE See Note to 8.2.

8.4 Protective barriers

For protective barriers, the requirements of BS 4592-0:2006, 5.4 shall
be met.
NOTE See Note to 8.2.

6 • © BSI 2008
BS 4592-6:2008

For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
BS 476-7, Fire tests on building materials and structures – Part 7:
Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread
of flame of products
BS EN ISO 14122, Safety of machinery – Permanent means of access
to machinery – Part 1: Choice of a fixed means of access between
two levels

© BSI 2008 • 7
BS 4592-6:2008

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