Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
John Edgar 2
Relational databases are the prevalent
solution for storing enterprise data
Some of the main benefits of RDBMS are
▪ Access to persistent data
▪ ACID Properties
▪ Integration
▪ Where multiple applications share data
▪ Standardized model
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A major disadvantage with a RDBMS is the impedance
mismatch with the object model
This is partly mitigated by the availability of object-
relational mapping frameworks
The typical DB model uses a RDBMS as an integration
▪ Providing a data source for multiple applications
An alternative is to create separate application databases
▪ And use web services to integrate the application databases
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The volume of data has grown dramatically in
recent years
▪ Caused by the onset of the web as a vehicle for
trade, information and social networking
▪ With the growth in data came a dramatic growth
in users
Managing the increase in data requires more
computing resources
▪ Scale up or out
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There are two basic methods for scaling
computing resources
▪ Vertical scaling ("up")
▪ Buy bigger, more powerful machines
▪ Horizontal scaling ("out")
▪ Buy more, cheaper, machines
Many small machines in a cluster ends up
being cheaper than scaling up
▪ And provides more resilience
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RDBMS are not designed to run on clusters
▪ Though many DBMS products support distributed
▪ Primarily through writing to a highly available disk subsystem
▪ Though this subsystem may still be a single point of failure
Organizations sought alternatives to RDBMS
▪ Google Dynamo
▪ Amazon BigTable
▪ Neither of these products use SQL
▪ They are NoSQL databases
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There is no one definition of NoSQL
▪ And NoSQL databases differ significantly
▪ There is even disagreement over whether it stands for No
SQL or Not only SQL
Common NoSQL database characteristics
▪ Does not use relational model
▪ Runs well on clusters
▪ Open source (not always)
▪ Built for 21st century web applications
▪ Schema-less
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NoSQL databases move away from the
relational data model
There are four main types of NoSQL database
▪ Key-value
▪ Document
▪ Column store
▪ Graph
The data models used by the first three have
some similarities
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Modern programming language data structures
have more complex structure than relations
▪ That allow lists and other structures to be nested
▪ We will refer to such structures as aggregates
▪ A collection of related objects to be treated as a unit
Using aggregates makes it easier for databases
to operate in clusters
▪ The aggregate can be used as a unit for replication
and sharding
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A relational database captures relationships
using foreign keys in tables
▪ Combining tables entails joins
▪ Which may be expensive
▪ It does not capture the structure of an aggregate
The same relational schema could have many
different corresponding aggregates
▪ Let's look at our bank example
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type balance city
birthDate income
transacts works
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There are many different possible aggregates
▪ For example a Branch object could include a container
holding its associated accounts
▪ Or Account objects could be independent of the Branch
and contain a reference to the branch
There are similar variations between the relationships
between other entities
The aggregates that are chosen should reflect the way
that data is manipulated
▪ Data related to a single aggregate should be maintained
at the same cluster
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NoSQL databases are schema-less
Before storing data in a relational database the schema
has to be defined
▪ Tables, columns and their domains are defined
NoSQL databases are much more casual
▪ Key-value store allows any data to be associated with the key
▪ Document databases do not make restrictions on what is
contained in a document
▪ Column family databases allow any data to be stored in any
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▪ Freedom and flexibility
▪ New data can be added as required
▪ Old data can be retained since un-needed columns do not
have to be deleted
▪ Easier to deal with non-uniform data
▪ In practice most programs rely on schemata
▪ If the schema is only implicit it must be deduced
▪ The schema is moved from the data store to the application
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NoSQL databases handle large amounts of
data by scaling out
▪ Running on clusters of machines
The data to be stored needs to be distributed
across the cluster
▪ Sharding
▪ Replication
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Sharding distributes data between nodes
▪ The goal is for users to get all, or most of, their data
from one server
Sharding methods
▪ By physical location
▪ Locate the Vancouver accounts in Vancouver servers
▪ Locate aggregates that are likely to be accessed
together or in sequence in the same location
▪ Many NoSQL databases perform automatic sharding
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Sharding can improve both read and write
▪ Sharding allows horizontal scaling for both reads and
However sharding does not improve resilience
▪ Since sharding distributes data across many machines
there is a larger chance of failure
▪ Particularly compared to a single machine that is highly
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Replication is the process of maintaining multiple
copies of data
▪ To improve read performance
▪ And improve availability and resilience
Replication works better for read-intensive databases
▪ Since all copies of the data have to be updated when
processing writes
▪ There are two replication schemes that handle writes in
different ways
Replication may lead to inconsistency
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In master-slave replication one copy is maintained as
the definitive data source
▪ All updates are performed on this master copy and then
propagated to the slaves
▪ Read requests are handled by the slaves
Since the master handles all updates it is not good for
write-intensive systems
If the master fails one of the slaves is appointed as the
new master
▪ Either manually or automatically
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Master-slave replication does not improve write
▪ Resilience is improved for slaves but not the master
▪ Master is a bottleneck and a single point of failure
In peer to peer replication all replicas accept writes
and have equal weight
▪ There is a trade-off between availability and inconsistency
▪ Read inconsistency can occur when changes have not been
propagated to all replicas
▪ Write inconsistency can occur when two updates are performed at
the same time
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Sharding and replication can be combined
▪ Each shard is replicated
In master – slave replication there is one
master for each shard
Peer to peer replication of shards is
commonly used for column family databases
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Relational databases guarantee consistency
▪ Through ensuring that transactions are processed atomically as
if they occurred in isolation
▪ Databases interleave actions of transactions to improve
▪ While identifying and preventing conflicts that could leave the
database in an inconsistent state
▪ Often through locking
When actions of two transactions conflict the database
prevents one from starting before the other has finished
▪ Guaranteeing consistency becomes more difficult when the
data resides on multiple servers
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Consider two transactions that affect a single bank account which initially holds
$1,000. In one transaction Bob (T1) is going to deposit $500 and in the second interest
of 10% is going to be added to the account.
T1 T2 A T1 T2 A
Read(A) 1,000 Read(A) 1,000
Read(A) 1,000 Write(A) 1,500
Write(A) 1,500 Read(A) 1,500
Write(A) 1,100 Write(A) 1,650
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It’s important to understand that locking mechanisms
come with a cost
▪ A reduction in throughput
▪ i.e. less transactions are processed in a given time
Controlling concurrency through locking in a
distributed system is time consuming
▪ The process is more complex
▪ And it takes time to communicate across the network
NoSQL databases often relax their requirements for
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Controlling concurrency on a distributed
system becomes more complex
▪ Particularly if the system is using peer to peer
▪ Where any node can process updates
Conflicts must be detected across nodes
▪ And updates must be processed in the same order
▪ Note that in the example the account’s balance would
be different if T2 occurred before T1
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A common claim is that NoSQL databases to not
guarantee ACID transactions
▪ That is, they drop acid
▪ Specifically they do not support atomic transactions
Aggregate oriented databases do support atomic
transactions The typical inconsistency window for
Amazon's SimpleDB is claimed to be
▪ But only within aggregates less than one second
▪ And not necessarily across aggregates
Updates that affect multiple aggregates may result in
inconsistent reads for some time
▪ Known as the inconsistency window
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An additional issue for distributed databases
is replication consistency
▪ Where updates reach different replicas at
different times
▪ This may result in two users reading different
values at the same time
Over time replicas will have the same values
▪ That is they will be eventually consistent
▪ Replication consistency issues may result in an
increase in the size of the inconsistency window
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The CAP theorem states that it is only possible
to maintain two out of three properties
▪ Consistency
▪ Availability
▪ If a node is available it can read and write data, or
▪ Every request received by a non-failing node in the system
must result in a response
▪ Partition tolerance
▪ The cluster can survive communication breakdowns that
separate it into multiple partitions
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A distributed system must have partition tolerance
▪ Unlike a single server system which can therefore provide
consistency and availability
▪ Without partition tolerance the implication is that if a
partition occurs all the nodes in the cluster go down
As partition tolerance is required, distributed systems
must choose between availability and consistency
▪ This is not an either / or choice
▪ Most often it is necessary to reduce consistency to increase
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Consider Bob and Kate trying to book the last
hotel room in the Grand Hotel in Vancouver
▪ On a peer to peer system with two nodes
▪ Bob is in Vancouver and Kate is in London
▪ If consistency is to be ensured then London must
confirm Kate's booking with Vancouver
If the network link fails then neither node can
book rooms
▪ Which sacrifices availability
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An alternative is to use master-slave replication
▪ All bookings for Vancouver hotels will be processed by the
Vancouver node
▪ Vancouver is the master
What happens if the network connection fails?
▪ Bob can still book the last room but Kate cannot
▪ Kate can see that a room is available but cannot book it
▪ There is an availability failure in London
▪ As Kate can talk to the London node but the node is unable to
update data
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A third alternative is to allow both nodes to
accept reservations when the connection fails
▪ This increases availability
▪ But may result in both Bob and Kate booking the last
▪ A consistency failure
This reduction in consistency may be acceptable
▪ The hotel does not lose bookings
▪ And may keep a few spare rooms even when fully
booked in case a room has to be vacated
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There may be situations where some
inconsistency is permissible
▪ These situations are domain dependent and
would have to be identified
▪ By talking to the client
Deciding to deal with some inconsistent
updates (or reads) can be very useful
▪ The tradeoff may be for more availability or
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NoSQL databases are said to follow the BASE
properties rather than the ACID properties
▪ Basically Available
▪ Soft state
▪ Eventually consistent
It is debatable how useful this is, or how well
defined the properties are
▪ But its cute …
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Read-Your-Writes consistency
▪ Once a process has updated a record it will always
read the updated value
Session consistency
▪ Read-Your-Writes consistency over a session
Monotonic Read consistency
▪ Once a process sees a version of a value it will never
see an earlier version of that value
Monotonic Write consistency
▪ Updates are executed in the order in which they are
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A key-value store has two columns
▪ The key – the primary key for the store
▪ The value – which can be anything
The value in a key-value store is not
understood by the store
▪ It is the responsibility of the application that is
accessing the value
The structurally simplest NoSQL database
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▪ Applicable only for single key operations
▪ Eventual consistency a popular model
▪ Varies considerably between products
Query features
▪ Key-values stores support querying by the key
▪ Querying by attributes of the value column is not supported
Scaling – by sharding
▪ The value of the key determines the node on which the key is
Keys should be well designed
▪ Use a naming convention
▪ Use meaningful and unambiguous names
▪ Use consistently named values for ranges
▪ e.g. dates
▪ Use a common delimiter
▪ Keep keys short while complying with the above
▪ Take implementation limitations into account
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Generally the value will be driven by the
application but some design issues remain
▪ What aggregates are to be used?
▪ One key – many values (e.g. customer123)
▪ Many keys – many values (e.g. customer123 address,
customer 123name etc.)
▪ Large or small values?
▪ Large values reduce the number of reads
▪ But the time to read and write values increases
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Uses for which key-value stores are suitable include
▪ Session information
▪ Storing configuration and user data information
▪ Shopping carts
Examples of key-value stores
▪ Riak
▪ Redis
▪ Amazon WebServices Simple Db (and DynamoDB)
▪ Project Voldemort
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Document databases store … documents …
▪ Often XML, JSON etc.
Documents are self-describing hierarchical tree
▪ Documents are similar but do not have to be identical
▪ And can have different schema
Document databases are similar to key-value stores
▪ Except that the value is a document
▪ And the document can be examined, rather than just
being obtained
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▪ Using MongoDB as an example, the database uses
master-slave replication
▪ The level of consistency can be specified
▪ That is, the number of nodes to which an update has to be
propagated before it is deemed successful
▪ Making write consistency stronger reduce availability
▪ Availability is improved through replication
▪ Data is duplicated across nodes
▪ Allowing data to be read even when the master node is unavailable
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▪ Document databases allow documents to be queried
without first retrieving the entire document
▪ Different document databases provide different query
▪ Scaling for reads is supported by adding more slaves
▪ Scaling for writes is supported by sharding
▪ A shard key is selected that determines how documents are
broken into shards
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Documents can be grouped into collections
▪ Grouping similar documents together
▪ Documents in a collection do not have to have identical
▪ But should contain documents of the general type
▪ Documents in a single collection will typically be
processed by the same application code
▪ If not, consider if the collection should be split
Documents in a collection can be operated on as
a group
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Uses for which document databases are suitable
▪ Event logging
▪ Content management systems
▪ Web analytics
▪ E-commerce
Examples of document databases
▪ MongoDB
▪ CouchDB
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Column-family stores group column families and are a
refinement of columnar databases
▪ A columnar database stores each column separately
▪ Which greatly increases the speed of aggregate operations on
column data
▪ But makes accessing an entire row inefficient
Column-families contain multiple related columns
▪ But may still break down what would be a single table in a
relational database into multiple tables
▪ Rows in a column-family do not have to have the same
columns as other rows
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Column family DBs appear similar to relational
▪ They have rows and columns
▪ Rows are identified by unique identifiers
There are important differences
▪ Column family DBs do not support multi-row transactions
▪ In some column family DBs column values are not typed
▪ The data is interpreted at the application level
▪ Column family DBs are typically de-normalized
▪ The same key may identify different column families
▪ Column values may include lists and other structures
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Row key Customer column family
Customer ID lname fname address …
Bobson Bob 123 Bobville Rd
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▪ Column-family stores use peer to peer replication
▪ The level of consistency can be specified
▪ By selecting the number of nodes that have to respond to a
read or write before it is committed
▪ Availability is improved through replication
▪ Using peer to peer replication improves availability
▪ Which can be further improved by reducing consistency
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▪ Column-families can be queried
▪ Although query languages are not as rich as SQL
▪ Do not, for example, allow joins or subqueries
▪ Columns can be indexed to improve efficiency
▪ Data in rows are sorted by column names
▪ Scaling for reads or writes is achieved by adding
additional nodes
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Uses for which column-family stores are suitable
▪ Event logging
▪ Content management systems, blogging sites
▪ Counters
Examples of column-family stores
▪ Cassandra
▪ HBase
▪ Google BigTable
▪ Designing BigTable schema
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Graph databases are designed to efficiently store
▪ Nodes map to entities and edges to relationships
Nodes have properties such as name
Edges have types such as likes
▪ Edges can be set to bidirectional
▪ Different edges in the same graph can have different types
▪ For example likes and employee
Traversing relationships in a graph database is fast
▪ The relationships are stored persistently
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Graph databases support a set of specialized
▪ Uni0n
▪ Combines two graphs by taking the union
▪ Intersection
▪ Combines two graphs by taking the union
▪ Traversal
▪ Traverses the graph from a given node, visiting all
connected nodes
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▪ Two graphs are isomorphic if they have corresponding vertices
and edges between vertices
Order – number of vertices
Size – number of edges
Degree – the number of edges of a vertex
▪ A measure of distance between vertices
▪ A measure of how connected vertices are
▪ Can be used to identify vulnerable paths
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Uses for which graph databases are suitable
▪ Storing connected data such as social networks
▪ Location based services
▪ Recommendation engines
▪ Tracking infections
Examples of graph databases
▪ Neo4j
▪ Titan
▪ OrientDB
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