Hi there,
For this assessment you will have to show how you are going to create an action plan to
improve results and have the numbers on target.
As context these are the main KPI’s, the target and description of each.
Average handle time used in a call, it includes Talk Time, Hold Time and
AHT 8:30
Wrap Up Time.
Quality process that evaluates how well the interactions are being done
QA 90%
according to the knowledge bases provided by the client.
Now you will see the KPI results per agent and the total campaign score for the current month
Team´s SLA 67%
● Based on your team results create an action plan to ensure your team hits the goal at
the end of September:
● You’re told agent 9 is going through a difficult personal situation and having
acknowledged this is affecting the performance, how would you approach the case?
● What do you consider are the main characteristics a supervisor must have?
● You have an agent who’s asking you for a meeting to discuss he’s not feeling well with
the company and you also have an agent that does not have access to the computer
and his user is blocked. What agent would you prioritize and why?
● Remember the operation team is one of the most important areas within
teleperformance, however you have more than 1 support areas that need to be part of
the action plans.
● Show us the information in a professional manner and do not forget to be creative and
be yourself
Good luck!!