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Heliyon 9 (2023) e12956

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Review article

Innovation and international business: A systematic

literature review
Ignacio Aldeanueva Fernández
Department of Economics and Business Administration, University of Malaga, El Ejido, s/n. 29071, Malaga, Spain


Keywords: Introduction: Innovation and international business are essential to achieve competitive advan­
Innovation tages in currently unforeseen business environments. Today’s company seeks innovation in its
International business country of origin and abroad in order to compete globally. Thus, incorporating this concept into
Systematic review
international companies’ strategies is a main issue nowadays.
Multinational corporation
Purpose: The aim of this systematic study is to improve the current knowledge on the relationship
between innovation and international business, as well as identifying innovation tendencies for
corporations to acknowledge the opportunities and challenges of this area’s development in the
international business context.
Methodology: Despite the abundance of innovation and international business reviews, joint re­
views of both of them cannot be found. This study is the first to combine the scholarly research on
both topics with the systematic literature review of academic literature of 28 years, following the
PRISMA guidelines and flowchart. A search was carried out in Web of Science database; 847
initial documents were obtained and, after reviewing multiple documents according to the in­
clusion/exclusion criteria, the results for this research work were reduced to 236 articles.
Results: The results of this research provide an overview of the knowledge structure of innovation
and international business. As the main contribution, the results highlight four themes of
investigation within a comprehensive and multidimensional framework: Innovative activities of
multinational corporations, Global value chains, Innovation in emerging economies, and Cross-
border knowledge. With an international perspective, insights from how to face innovation
development in the international business context are presented.
Conclusions: There is a strong relationship between innovation and international business. These
four research trends highlight the strategic importance of innovation in the international business
field. Finally, the most interesting paths for future research are identified, targeting opportunities
for improvement in both areas. This systematic literature review is expected to make significant
contributions to both theory and practice in the field of innovation and international business.

1. Introduction

Innovation, knowledge and technology are relevant concepts in the international business field [1] and both areas are essential to
achieve competitive advantages in current business environments [2]. Cantwell [3] adds that innovation and internationalization
processes have been increasingly interlinked as key drivers of development since the first industrial revolution, all the way to today’s

E-mail address: ialdeanuevaf@uma.es.

Received 13 September 2022; Received in revised form 9 January 2023; Accepted 11 January 2023
Available online 12 January 2023
2405-8440/© 2023 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
I.A. Fernández Heliyon 9 (2023) e12956

information age.
Innovation is the cornerstone of growth and sustains organizations to counter marketplace fluctuations and prepares them for long-
term growth [4]. Business model innovation, although it is very difficult to achieve [5], can itself be a pathway to competitive
advantage if the model is sufficiently differentiated and hard to replicate for incumbents and new entrants alike [6]. New models of
innovation have encouraged many innovative firms to change the way they search for new ideas, adopting open search strategies that
involve the use of a wide range of external actors and sources to help them achieve innovation [7].
The field of international business studies came to prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s with the growth of multinational
corporations [8]. In this framework, two theoretical models are extremely relevant; on the one hand, gradual internationalization or
Uppsala model, according to which internationalization is seen as an incremental process that begins in foreign markets, being in closer
proximity to the domestic market in terms of physical distance [9,10] and, on the other hand, born global firms, that is to say,
companies that internationalise at or near their founding, on an average period of three years of founding, generating at least twenty
five percent of their total sales from foreign countries [11]. There is an extensive literature about this issue [12-14].
The systematic literature review on the topic of innovation has been a frequent research method over the last ten years. Different
topics have been raised and discussed: organizational innovation [15], innovation capability in SMEs [16], or digital innovation in
knowledge management systems [17] among others. In the same way, systematic literature review about international business is
copious, holding various topics of investigation: knowledge flows in multinational corporations [18], business systems theory [19],
social network [20], or culture [21,22].
Despite the abundance of innovation and international business reviews, joint reviews of both of them cannot be found, such review
being needed since the emerging phenomena that are changing international business’ frontiers require a change, as well, in the
threshold of international business’ innovation [23]. From an economic point of view, Melitz [24] shows how high exposure to trade
will induce only the most productive companies to enter the international markets; in addition, internationalization has a more
positive effect on innovation in high productivity companies [25]. Likewise, the number of international relations increases the ca­
pacity to innovate [26] and exposure to foreign competition is associated with greater firm innovation [27]. Companies thus grow
either through innovation or through internationalization (also through a mixed strategy), with a combination of internationalization
and innovation being the most advisable option when domestic markets are limited [28].
International innovativeness is a significant dimension of international business competence [29], as a nuanced understanding of
innovation and international business necessitates a multidisciplinary approach to reveal their multifaceted aspects [30]. Having this
in mind, the aim of this study is to improve the current knowledge on the relationship between innovation and international business,
that is to say, to identify trends for companies to know better the opportunities and challenges of innovation development in the
international business context. Thus, the main innovative contribution of this systematic approach is the proposal of four themes of
investigation within a comprehensive and multidimensional framework: Innovative activities of multinational corporations, Global
value chains, Innovation in emerging economies, and Cross-border knowledge. This systematic review is motivated by the knowledge
gap found in this issue since future research could fill that knowledge gap in the international business field through the development
of new theoretical frameworks that draw on various disciplines [31]. On this wise, international business literature tends to develop a
plurality of approaches that makes difficult to find single recurring or dominant forms [32].
Considering the ideas presented above and creating an intersection between both the literature of innovation and that of inter­
national business, this research provides several contributions to both areas. This is done with a methodologically systematic review of
academic literature on both topics. A systematic review has been increasingly adopted in the management literature and is guided by a
review question that defines the topics used for the database [33]. Following a previous theoretical study, two research questions were
RQ1. What themes about innovation and international business have been studied jointly to date?
RQ2. Which themes about both areas require further research?
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: the section “Research method” presents the methodology and both the data search and
selection used for the study; meanwhile, the section “Research results” presents the main results derived from that research, being
categorized in those four themes of investigation posed earlier; the section “Discussion” also presents “Limitations” and “Recom­
mendations for future research”, as further studies are needed to provide greater insight about this new approach; finally, the section
“Conclusions” has also been included.

2. Research method

This paper presents the results of a systematic review of innovation in international business. Knowledge production within the
field of business research is accelerating while at the same time remaining fragmented and interdisciplinary. This makes difficult to
assess the global evidence in a specific area of business research, being the reason why literature review as a research method is more
important than ever [34]. An advantage of the systematic review methodology is the generalizability of the results by allowing the
accumulated knowledge in the field to be systematically synthesized and analysed [35]. A systematic review should have a list of
specific steps to assure that important studies regarding the topic are acquired without any bias. Overall, following Tranfield et al.
[36], (1) Identification for the need for a review, (2) Selecting a sample of potentially relevant works and the pertinent literature, (3)
Data synthesis, (4) Reporting the results and recommendations. The cited steps are all followed in this study. Specifically, the preferred
reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis, commonly called PRISMA [37], were followed in this study.
In this analysis, a systematic search was carried out in Web of Science of Clarivate Analytics, including documents published from

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January 01, 1993 to December 31, 2020. Birkle et al. [38] claim that Web of Science is the world’s oldest, most used and reliable
database of research publications (around 34000 journals today). The query used in this systematic literature review is as it follows: TS
= (“Innovation” AND “International Business”). Consequently, TS = Topic; and the search terms “innovation” and “international
business” were combined with the Boolean Operator “AND”. Therefore, literature search was based on two simultaneous topics,
“innovation” and “international business” (as stated in the title of the publication, the abstract, the author keywords and/or the
keywords plus). Each document has been published between 1993 and 2020, since the first contribution was published in 1993. A total
of 847 related documents were found. Thus, it can be affirmed that the importance and size of the literature on innovation and in­
ternational business is more relevant.
Different criteria for inclusion and exclusion are considered in this study. The process is described through the PRISMA flowchart
(Fig. 1). Excluding meetings, books, review articles, editorial materials, and others, the reviewing process generated 630 articles. Only
articles published in Business Economics have been considered due to its prominent research area regarding the topics of this paper;
bearing this in mind, the number of the articles was reduced to 291. Each article is written in English language following Tenzer et al.
[39], stating that 75% of articles in the social sciences are written in this language; therefore, the number of articles was delimited to
264. At last, each article was read in its entirety and various articles were excluded based on full-text or abstract due to their irrelevant
nature to the research; thereby, the final sample has been finally reduced to 236 articles. Other criteria, as open access or funding
agencies, have not been considered in this research work.
One by one, data of each article were extracted, transferred, and sorted into Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for further analysis.
Therefore, a wide Excel database was created with specific information for each article: journal, title, authors’ keywords, keywords
plus, year of publication, and author information (number, name, affiliation, and country). Specifically, the author keywords and the
keywords plus have been studied. In total, 3064 keywords (authors’ keywords and keywords plus) were counted, analysed and
categorized; this analysis has allowed to obtain four themes of investigation. Subsequently, in Web of Science, these research trends
have been confirmed with the latest studies published from January 01, 2021 to November 03, 2022.

3. Research results

3.1. General results

Fig. 2 shows the number of articles on innovation and international business published each year over time. 236 articles were
published during the study period 1993–2020, with no consistent trend of the number of articles published, that is to say, with some
ups and downs. 80% of the total articles reviewed (189) were published during the last ten years (2011–2020). The largest number of
articles was published during 2020 (43 articles), followed by 2018 (31 articles), 2015 and 2019 (both with 21 articles), and finally
2017 (15 articles). There was a lack of publications during the following years: 1994, 1995, 1998, and 2001. Qualitative, quantitative
and mixed methods are included in these articles (for instance, case study, literature review, bibliometric study, or regression analysis,
among others).
The first article was published in the Strategic Management Journal by Hagedoorn [40]; this article presents interfirm strategic
alliances in the international business area and their relationship with innovative efforts. The second article was published in the
Journal of International Business Studies by Buckley and Casson [41], regarding international joint ventures in terms of the accel­
erating pace of technological innovation.
Number of authors per article is presented in Table 1. The number of authors ranged from 1 to 9, with a predominance of two
(35.59%) and three (30.93%) authors per article, that is to say, over 65% of the articles published. Besides, the mean of authors per
article is considered to be 2.44.
Following the previously mentioned line of thought, Table 2 shows the most relevant journals for research topic. The major journals
included in this study are Journal of International Business Studies (48 articles; 20.34%), International Business Review (32 articles;
13.56%), International Marketing Review (14 articles; 5.93%), Management International Review (12 articles; 5.08%), Journal of
International Management (8 articles; 3.39%), and Multinational Business Review (8 articles; 3.39%). These are believed to be the top
six academic journals and represent more than a half (52%) of the total scientific production.
Eight journals have published at least three articles (Thunderbird International Business Review, Journal of World Business,
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, Organization Studies, Industry and Innovation, Competitiveness Review: An In­
ternational Business Journal, Journal of Business Research, and Management and Organization Review). Eleven journals have pub­
lished two articles, and finally fifty-seven journals have published only one article. Table 2 also indicates that this study is related to
other topics (for instance, strategy, human resources, or entrepreneurship, among others). The 236 articles were written by 575 au­
thors. Table 3 shows the most relevant authors to the research topic. Authors such as Knight, Gary A.; Buckley, Peter J.; Cantwell, John;
Coviello, Nicole; Kim, Daekwan; Kolk, Ans; Lewin, Arie Y.; Luo, Yadong; Massini, Silvia; Mudambi, Ram; Peeters, Carine; and Tipp­
mann, Esther, have each one three or more publications during the 1993–2020 period. Furthermore, thirty-nine authors contributed to
at least two articles each one.
Fig. 3 represents the most productive universities. It is important to mention that in this study the first university of each author has
been selected, rejecting other additional institutions according to the author’s institutional information. Thus, the first institution is the
University of Reading with a total of eight articles published, followed by the University of Manchester, University of Leeds, and
Uppsala University (each one with six articles); after them, the Duke University, the Rutgers University, and the Temple University
(each one with five articles). Twenty-nine universities are included in 113 articles.
Finally, Fig. 4 shows the distribution of the research topic according to the countries of origin of the authors. Overall, the United

I.A. Fernández Heliyon 9 (2023) e12956

Fig. 1. PRISMA flowchart of the systematic literature review.

Fig. 2. Number of articles published each year.

States of America (frequency in articles = 80; 33.90%), England (52; 22.03%), China (24; 10.17%), Australia (21; 8.90%), Canada (13;
5.51%), and Italy (12; 5.08%) are the most prominent countries. Twenty-three countries were included in the sample. A country is
considered part of this figure if it appears in at least three articles.

3.2. Thematic analysis

The current state of the literature is characterized by its complexity and fragmentation. As previously reported, 3064 keywords
(authors’ keywords and keywords plus) were counted, analysed and categorized. Some of the most prominent keywords, with min­
imum occurrences of ten, are showed in Table 4; the semantic difference between singular and plural forms is not considered.
Obviously, “innovation” and “international business” are the most relevant concepts among the ones displayed. These two keywords

I.A. Fernández Heliyon 9 (2023) e12956

Table 1
Number of authors per article.
Number of authors Number of articles Weight (%)

1 49 20.76%
2 84 35.59%
3 73 30.93%
4 20 8.47%
5 6 2.54%
6 2 0.85%
7 0 0.00%
8 1 0.42%
9 1 0.42%
236 100.00%

Table 2
Principal journals.
Journal Number of articles Weight (%)

Journal of International Business Studies 48 20.34%

International Business Review 32 13.56%
International Marketing Review 14 5.93%
Management International Review 12 5.08%
Journal of International Management 8 3.39%
Multinational Business Review 8 3.39%
Thunderbird International Business Review 7 2.97%
Journal of World Business 6 2.54%
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 5 2.12%
Organization Studies 4 1.69%
Industry and Innovation 4 1.69%
Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal 3 1.27%
Journal of Business Research 3 1.27%
Management and Organization Review 3 1.27%
Administrative Sciences 2 0.85%
International Journal of Management and Economics 2 0.85%
Asia Pacific Business Review 2 0.85%
Journal of East-West Business 2 0.85%
Review of International Business and Strategy 2 0.85%
International Journal of Human Resource Management 2 0.85%
Research Policy 2 0.85%
Journal of International Marketing 2 0.85%
Journal of Management Studies 2 0.85%
Strategic Management Journal 2 0.85%
Journal of Business Venturing 2 0.85%
Others Journals (with one article each) 57 23.94%
236 100.00%

Table 3
Main authors.
Number of Articles Authors

5 Knight, Gary A.
4 Buckley, Peter J.; Cantwell, John
3 Coviello, Nicole; Kim, Daekwan; Kolk, Ans; Lewin, Arie Y.; Luo, Yadong; Massini, Silvia; Mudambi, Ram; Peeters, Carine; Tippmann,
2 Aggarwal, Vijita; Barnard, Helena; Birkinshaw, Julian M.; Casson, Mark C.; Cavusgil, S. Tamer; Ciabuschi, Francesco; Forsgren, Mats;
Geppert, Mike; Giblin, Majella; Gotz, Marta; Jean, Ruey-Jer Bryan; Jin, Zhongqi; Kapoor, Madhavi; Kedia, Ben L.; Khan, Zaheer; Lee,
Jeoung Yul; Lorenz, Melanie P.; Lundan, Sarianna M.; Monaghan, Sinead.; Musteen, Martina; Ning, Lutao; Parente, Ronaldo Couto;
Park, Taekyung; Peng, Mike W.; Perez-Nordtvedt, Liliana; Ramsey, Jase R.; Rhee, Jaehoon; Rose, Elizabeth L.; Rosinska-Bukowska,
Magdalena; Ryan, Paul; Seyoum, Belay; Sutherland, Dylan; Teece, David J.; Tsao, Shou-Min; Wang, Yuandi; Weerawardena, Jay;
Welch, Catherine; Zahra, Shaker A.; Zander, Ivo

together, along with the other five keywords, influence four categories. Subsequently, “multinational corporation” and “knowledge”
are the most common keywords in this research work.
Thus, this section synthesizes the results of this study. Four themes of investigation about the relationship between innovation and
international business are suggested: Innovative activities of multinational corporations, Global value chains, Innovation in emerging

I.A. Fernández Heliyon 9 (2023) e12956

Fig. 3. Most productive universities.

economies, and Cross-border knowledge. This thematic analysis allows to answer the RQ1 posed earlier, that is to say: “What themes
about innovation and international business have been studied jointly to date?” Consequently, it provides the occasion to have a more
complete understanding of the research topic within a comprehensive and multidimensional framework.

3.2.1. Innovative activities of multinational corporations

A classic topic in international business research is the multinational corporation. The widest theme of investigation studies the
relationship between innovation and the multinational corporation because, as Venaik et al. [42] assert, the international business
literature has placed ever-greater emphasis on the role that learning and innovation play in determining multinational corporation
It is common to conceive multinational corporations as a set of geographically disseminated subsidiaries that are combinations of
heterogeneous technology competencies and product market responsibilities [43] or, in previous years, as firms that control and
manage production establishments located in at least two countries [44]. Competitive success hinges on a multinational corporation’s
ability to use effectively available knowledge, and to combine it with knowledge from other locations [45]. Therefore, by interacting
with locations multinational corporations have the possibility to organize their activities for balancing the exploitation of their current
knowledge base and that of the new knowledge bases [46].
Knowledge that is complex to measure [47] has been recognized as critical for subsidiaries’ power [48] and its transfer is driven by
subunits’ motivation: subunits whose activities are mostly complementary have a natural motivation to collaborate and to ensure that
the transferred knowledge is adopted, while subunits with surrogate activity relationships are less motivated [49]; consequently Miller
et al. [50] assert that the use of distant knowledge contributes to innovation.
The location choice for R&D subsidiaries has been a topic of interest for researchers [51] since national subsidiaries carry out
different tasks in the distinct processes of creation and innovation in multinational corporations [52,53]. Moreover, according to Frost

I.A. Fernández Heliyon 9 (2023) e12956

Fig. 4. Most prominent countries.

et al. [54], the formation of centres of excellence in foreign subsidiaries of multinational corporations is shaped by the conditions of the
subsidiary’s local environment, the fundamental role played by parent firm investment as well as the role of internal and external
organizations in the development of subsidiary capabilities. As Castellani et al. [55] argue, multinational corporations have organi­
zational and technical competencies that enable them to transfer knowledge within their internal networks at a relatively low cost, so
that geographic distance has a relatively low impact on international R&D investments. Nevertheless, the within-country cultural
distance between subsidiaries influences headquarters to transfer projects between those same subsidiaries [56].
Therefore, the degree to which the business model links to local idiosyncrasies, local knowledge, or local innovation, impacts on the
business model-related specific advantages [57]. In this context, Cantwell [58] claims that changes in the environment for interna­
tional business activities have facilitated more open networked formations. Such cooperation will often take place within the field of
the multinational corporation orchestrated innovation network which may include open innovation activity [59]. Prashantham and
Birkinshaw [60] add that multinational corporations can cooperate with small and medium sized-enterprises as a specific type of host
country business stakeholder, although the extent to that cooperation being relatively weak or not is a result of the compatibility
between the intents of these disparate sets of firms.

3.2.2. Global value chains

In recent years, firms have been increasingly implementing strategies to take advantage of the comparative advantages of locations.
This results in a wider geographic dispersion of firms’ activities, with direct implications for creative industries’ global value [61].
Buckley [62] proposes the concept of global factory as a structure through which multinational corporations integrate their global
strategies through a combination of innovation, distribution and production of goods and services. The increasing international
fragmentation of economic activity gives rise to the global value chain research stream, a conceptual approach that deals with
managing disaggregated and geographically dispersed value chains of multinational corporations (see, for instance, Refs. [63-66]).
The global value chain concept recognizes that such value-creating chains were not restricted solely to commodities but could also
be extended across manufacturing and indeed to services [67]. Large multinational corporations operate in global innovation systems
that are highly complex and so interdependent that the sources of new knowledge creation are hard to pinpoint [68].
Traditionally, the cluster approach emphasizes horizontal links between firms and local organizations [69] and from a network

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Table 4
Themes of investigation identified.
Categories Authors’ keywords and Keywords plus Frequency in articles

All Innovation 157

International Business 90
Strategy 58
Internationalization 41
Dynamic capabilities 26
Competitive advantage 16
Location 10
Innovative activities of multinational corporations Multinational corporation/company/enterprise/firm 76
Foreign direct investment 40
Research and development 32
SMEs 25
Firm performance 17
Subsidiaries 14
Born global 12
National culture 11
Global value chains Technology 21
Globalization 17
Global value chain 17
Clusters 12
Innovation in emerging economies Emerging markets/economies/countries 28
Growth 12
Competition 11
Cross-border knowledge Knowledge 63
Network 44
Absorptive capacity 32
Knowledge transfer 14

perspective, the cluster is a mechanism for the share of knowledge and learning [70] and also to innovate [71]. Nevertheless, the global
value chain is strongly related with the analysis of clusters in the globalization era [72-75] because the need to integrate the global
industry and local cluster levels is a basic one [64]. As Carloni [76] develops, clusters are supporters and accelerators of interna­
tionalization processes. Moreover, the existence of strong local innovation systems tends to be a prerequisite to guarantee sustained
learning through global value chain participation [77].
Overall, participation in the global value chain is positively related to the innovation result of a country, which suggests that the
international fragmentation of production may be a channel that allows international technology transfer from developed to devel­
oping countries [78]. Integration in the global value chain is perceived as a fundamental way for companies in developing countries to
access knowledge to innovate [79] and to access larger markets and new technologies too [80].

3.2.3. Innovation in emerging economies

Emerging economies are low-income, rapid-growth countries using economic liberalization as their primary engine of growth [81].
Since the end of the 20th century, emerging economies, or what is the same, emerging markets, constitute the major growth op­
portunity in the world economic order and their potential has created a shift in multinational corporations [82] seeking to do business
in emerging economies with manifold stakeholders benefited [83], although characteristics of internationalization of emerging market
multinational enterprises investment simultaneously have positive and negative development consequences in their home countries
[84]. In any case, multinational corporation subsidiaries and local institutions can help emerging market stakeholders, as suppliers
Innovation is an important driver of economic growth in emerging economies [86]. In this context, for instance, innovation has
helped develop solutions for consumers at the bottom of the pyramid [87] and middle-class consumers [88]. Emerging economies have
certain characteristics, such as immature capital markets, lack of resources for innovation, and poor legal framework to protect
property rights [89], that make the innovation process different from developed countries, despite having recently begun to innovate
at a rapid rate, regarding the challenges they face [90]. Moreover, developing country difficulties can foster innovation capabilities
and international competition [91] since in emerging markets a company gains advantage by learning to improvise with scarce re­
sources and, in the process, to become more innovative than its competition [92]. Summing up, as Anand et al. [93] claim, innovation
to and from emerging economies is a systemic outcome of an entire innovation milieu and both firms and countries are heterogeneous,
following each one an idiosyncratic path in its evolution.

3.2.4. Cross-border knowledge

International business and cross-border flows of trade and investment significantly impact on the economic growth, employment
and innovation potential of countries [64]. In addition, the rapid reshaping of the global economic order requires fundamental changes
in international business; as a result, innovation networks will require novel reconfigurations [94,95]. Thus, Cantwell [3] remembers
that there has been an increasing awareness of the importance of absorptive capacity on the part of firms [96]. In this same line,
Contreras et al. [97] show that companies should have an organizational climate that allows them to acquire and transform knowledge

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in order to increase their innovativeness and be more competitive in a globalized world. Having this in mind, firms and locations
co-evolve with one another, and it is possible to appreciate the rise of knowledge connectivity in innovation systems, that is a new
underlying reality of the international business field [98]. The dynamics of place, space and organization continually generate new
domains within which knowledge is leveraged in unique ways [99]. Knowledge circulates through two types of networks; on the one
hand, organization-based linkages, or in other words, pipelines [100] and, on the other, personal relationships [73]. Accordingly,
digital platforms and ecosystems are a major venue for innovation and have considerable implications for international business [101,
Multinational enterprises and subnational governments have increased their level of cooperative activity and create the basis for
sustainable economic growth [103]. Discontinuities between nation-states and spatial heterogeneity within national boundaries are a
relevant part of international business with different reasons, such as the historical role of national borders, the magnitude of national
governments in international trade, the importance of national institutions in the formulation of business strategy and the decision
making and the availability of data [104]. Hence, it is necessary to refer to the concept of global cities, or in other words, the centres of
political power, corporate decision-making, knowledge generation and the exchange and movements of human capital and ideas
[105]. Goerzen et al. [106] argue that distinctive characteristics of global cities (global interconnectedness, cosmopolitanism, and
abundance of advanced production services) help multinational corporations to overcome the costs of doing business abroad.
Nevertheless, global cities are not always necessarily the key locations for future multinational investments since knowledge and
technology as well as the connection with the capabilities and company goals are crucial [107]. In any case, as Van Burg et al. [108]
remember, organizational actors’ decisions about interorganizational knowledge transfer might change over time because unforeseen
events can prompt actors to quite radically reframe future developments as opportunities or threats.

4. Discussion

This paper performs a systematic literature review of the relationship between innovation and international business. Particularly,
using a qualitative/interpretative methodology, evolutionary trends have been recognized and are described in detail. 236 articles
were published during the depicted study period 1993–2020. The largest number of articles was published during 2020, highlighting
the topicality of the subject. Moreover, to enrich this section, the most recent works are included. The results of this research provide an
overview of the knowledge structure of innovation and international business. The results highlight four themes of investigation within
a comprehensive and multidimensional framework: Innovative activities of multinational corporations, Global value chains, Inno­
vation in emerging economies, and Cross-border knowledge.
About the first theme, this systematic literature review shows that the multinational corporation is the most important kind of firm
for innovation development in the international scenery. Thus, the location choice for its subsidiaries and its local environment is basic
for the innovations’ development [51,52] and also for the geographies of innovation [109]. This agrees with a very current line of
research, which shows that the growing tendency of local technological innovation of multinational corporations, together with the
increasing relevance of subsidiaries, are promoting subsidiaries’ engagement in conducting innovation activities [110]. In the same
way, managers’ characteristics, such as prior multinational corporations work experience and industry experience, affect subsidiary
innovation [111].
As previously reported, in the field of international business two models are basic; however, although the Uppsala model keeps
capturing the interest of scholars and is still one of the most cited frameworks in this area [112], it is confirmed that the born global
firms’ phenomenon is very present in current literature. As Hennart et al. [113] remember, born global firms make large foreign sales
at birth or shortly afterwards since they own valuable resources (for instance, advanced technologies and a high international
orientation), and specific internationalization strategies (such as networks). Given the nature of this study, it should be specified that
innovation plays a relevant role in the creation of born global firms [114,115]; moreover, born global firms contend with environ­
mental dynamism in global markets, compelling these companies to enhance their innovation capabilities [116].
The second theme reveals a new conceptual approach, the global value chains as referred in the relationship between multinational
corporations and global innovation systems [64] in view of the fact that nowadays international lead firms integrate their
geographically dispersed partners, specialized suppliers, and customers in these global value chains or global production networks
[117]. This new conceptual approach is confirmed due to the necessity of the adoption of a more holistic view of global value chains
since this action will provide a clearer picture of how the organization and outcomes of innovative activities have evolved in this
specific context [118].
About the third theme, this study supports the forecasts that indicate that emerging economies will have more economic power in
the upcoming years. Therefore, this stated theme emphasizes, in the context of innovation, the opportunities for multinational cor­
porations, local institutions, and stakeholders [85]. In any case, legal systems in emerging countries must be strengthened by harder
competition laws that encourage the kind of competition that is based on innovation [119]; moreover, emerging market multinational
enterprises have consolidated their global presence recently, challenging international business’ theories [120]; consequently,
strengths and weaknesses are more pronounced when firms face competitors from emerging markets [121].
Finally, the fourth theme is Cross-border knowledge, which, in the internationalization context, impacts on the potential inno­
vation of the countries [64], requiring relevant changes in their innovation networks [95]. In this sense, interaction and communi­
cation among their different intra-organizational networks facilitate multinational corporation knowledge transfer [122], whereas
born global firms exploit different types of knowledge and networks to develop international opportunities [123]. Consequently,
Freixanet and Churakova [124] point out to a reduction in the transaction costs as companies gain internationalization knowledge.
Hence, internationalized companies devote substantial efforts to deploying and maintaining digital platforms, which plays an

I.A. Fernández Heliyon 9 (2023) e12956

increasingly important role in today’s digitally connected world [125].

4.1. Limitations

This study is supported by official data from 236 articles located in the Web of Science database and it has followed a rigorous
research methodology. However, the scope of this kind of study always tends to involve some limitations. Firstly, other databases
(Scopus or Google Scholar, for instance) have been excluded from the search. Secondly, while keywords (as innovation and inter­
national business) have been selected to cover the chosen areas as completely as possible, it could still be possible that important
contributions were missed. Furthermore, certain sources of information have been not targeted (meetings, review articles, books, and
editorial materials, among others). It must also be taken into consideration that the only considered area of research has been the
Business Economics area (other ones, such as Computer Science or Engineering were not considered relevant enough due to the topic of
the current study). In order to finish, only English language publications have been included in this analysis (thus, other languages like
Spanish, Korean, or Russian were eliminated). Overall, as Greenhalgh et al. [126] defend, the literature is complex and the approach is
somewhat unconventional, leading to other researchers to inevitably identify a different set of primary sources; being this an inherent
characteristic of any systematic review.

4.2. Recommendations for future research

This study has strong implications for researchers. Bearing in mind the results of this investigation, it is recommended to expand the
scope of this specific study to related innovation and international business topics targeting opportunities for improvement in both
areas. There are multiple themes that require further research. Thus, future studies should deepen into the relationship between those
specific topics, although this subject could not be an easy one. As previously stated, to enrich this section, the most recent works have
been included. The implications of this study allow to answer the RQ2 question posed earlier, that is to say: “Which themes about both
areas require further research?”
For instance, the global value chain requires to be fully studied in order to address the participation of multinational corporations in
an understandable way holding a comparative environment between countries [127] since, as Buciuni and Pisano [128] confirm, there
are a plurality of global value chain structures and a variety of innovation models within the global value chain. Similarly, the in­
ternational business literature has given little attention to the comparison between the performance of advanced economy multina­
tional corporations and the emerging market multinational corporations acting in international markets [129]. In the same way, in
recent years open innovation has become a basic paradigm regarding the specific literature about innovation. However, throughout
this research only one article [130] discusses the relationship between this topic and multinational corporations. In addition, a lack of
specificity has been observed in the current literature regarding the role of social innovation in multinational corporation since only
one recent article of this study [131] suggests to ask why and how this companies engage in social innovations. Likewise, although
corporate social responsibility is a relevant factor in multinational corporation’s competitiveness, only one depicted article [132]
studies the development of corporate social responsibility in international business.
Furthermore, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on international business has barely been discussed; leading to only one article
in this study addressing this question [133]. The Covid-19 pandemic is an external shock that has disrupted the foundations of our
everyday life [134], not only by changing the structure of the world economy, but also by leading to lasting impacts on the inter­
national business strategies of multinational corporations [135]. This pandemic encourages multinational firms to diversify their
supply chains in order to retain innovation opportunities [136] due to the uncertainty of some innovations during that time [137].
Hence, it is necessary to shed light on the long-term impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on international business, although the true
effects on multinational corporations and global value chains can only be judged over time [138]. In any case, analysing the impact of
this virus in the new context of the internationalized companies becomes a necessity.
Future studies could offer more evidence about different topics in the internationalization area (for instance, innovation network
adaptation, economic performance, social media, stakeholders, and corruption). Also, the importance of human resource management
in the international business context should be reviewed in the near future [139]. In the same way, the majority of the studies have
examined outward firm internationalization; however the phenomenon of inbound internationalization is limited and, as Bianchi and
Stoian [140] add, innovation drives that inbound internationalization.
On this basis, international business scholars may contribute to addressing these knowledge gaps through research and lecturing.
Therefore, this study identifies a set of analysis challenges that can be used as a research agenda for the international business research
community. To conclude the present section, final remarks for practitioners are advised since the results of this work could also be
useful to CEOs and managers of multinational corporations, and overall, international entrepreneurs; particularly those working in the
innovation field (management, processes, or networks, among others). From a managerial viewpoint, these practitioners have
encountered difficulties to align their different strategies many times. Thus, these results provide guidance to practitioners that adjust
their innovation strategies along with their international business strategies in a complex competitive environment. Likewise, this
paper allows a better comprehension of the dynamic reality and identifies challenges that can be used and employed by decision-
makers when dealing with the unforeseen internationalization process.

5. Conclusions

Nowadays, companies seek innovation in their countries of origin and abroad in order to compete globally. Therefore, innovation is

I.A. Fernández Heliyon 9 (2023) e12956

a key factor for entering into international markets. This systematic literature review shows that there is indeed a strong relationship
between innovation and international business; four themes of investigation within a comprehensive and multidimensional framework
are found: Innovative activities of multinational corporations, Global value chains, Innovation in emerging economies, and Cross-
border knowledge. These four research trends highlight the strategic importance of innovation in international business. Neverthe­
less, even when the number of articles addressing such topics is growing, this research work underlines that there is still a great
opportunity for studying the relationship between those concepts. Thus, incorporating innovation into internationalized companies’
strategies is a main issue in current times, even more considering the changing and challenging world that we live in.

Author contribution statement

All authors listed have significantly contributed to the development and the writing of this article.

Funding statement

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, private, or not-for-profit sectors. The Open
access publishing of the article was funded by University of Malaga.

Data availability statement

Data will be made available on request.

Declaration of interest’s statement

The authors declare no competing interests.


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