BuchanKC 2000 MarPollutBull
BuchanKC 2000 MarPollutBull
BuchanKC 2000 MarPollutBull
94±111, 2000
Ó 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0025-326X(00)00104-1 0025-326X/00 $ - see front matter
The Bahamas
Bahamian Field Station, San Salvador, Bahamas
Volume 41/Numbers 1±6/January±June 2000
million years ago, during the formation of the Atlantic deposits making up the platform reach depths of over
Ocean. Later hypotheses on the formation of the Ba- 5.4 km (Meyerho and Hattin, 1974).
hamas suggest that tectonic activity formed the deep The islands of the Bahamas formed when the plat-
channels and banks as grabens and horsts (Mullins form became exposed during sea level lowstands caused
and Lynts, 1977). Dietz et al. (1970) suggested that the by four major glacial events during the Pleistocene
channels and banks are the result of long-term depo- (Fig. 2) (Sealey, 1994). Sea level dropped as much as
sitional processes where carbonate production kept 120 m, exposing the Bank sediments. Fine, light
pace with subsidence and turbidity currents eroded the rounded oolitic limestone was then blown by the trade
carbonate mass forming deep channels. Other schools winds to form dunes, which became lithi®ed after
of thought suggest the existence of a `megabank' ¯ooding. During the interglacial periods sea level rose
which included Florida, northern Cuba, the Turks and approximately 5±6 m above present-day sea level; fossil
Caicos Islands and the Blake Plateau to the north. reefs throughout the Bahamas have been used to date
Around 80 million years ago this megabank was al- sea level change (White et al., 1997). Erosional features
tered substantially by an event, perhaps the creation of are now common throughout the islands and the lime-
the Gulf of Mexico (Sealey, 1994). This led to ¯ooding stone rock has been weathered into karst formations
of the Blake Plateau (now at 900 m depth), the sep- such as caves, sink holes and solution pits (Gerace et al.,
aration of the Bahamas from Cuba and Florida, the 1998). The limestone is very porous and permeated by
creation of small banks separated by deep water in the subterranean conduits formed by rainwater. Conse-
south-east and the creation of the troughs and chan- quently, rainwater is diverted underground; there are no
nels within and between the Little and Great Bahama rivers and very little freshwater run-o from the islands
Banks. except during the heaviest of rains. For a more detailed
It is generally accepted that the Bahama Banks de- account on the geology of the Bahamas (see Carew and
veloped in an area conducive to hermatypic activity and Mylroie, 1997).
that skeletal remains were deposited as sediments. In Much biota existing in the Bahamas today is of Ca-
addition, oolitic sediment precipitated from the oceanic ribbean origin and was introduced during the last glacial
waters of the Atlantic as these moved on to the warm advance when sea level dropped almost 100 m. This
shallow banks. Drill holes have indicated that carbonate facilitated the movement of plants and animals across
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Fig. 2 The islands of the Bahamas are low-lying limestone structures, Fig. 3 Winds and ocean currents aecting The Bahamas. Cold winds
typically located on the northern and eastern margins of large from North America may be more northerly or westerly. The
shallow water banks. From the air the in¯uence of currents on north-east trade winds curve around and blow from the east or
the bank sands can be seen in features such as channels and south-east in the summer (from Sealey, 1994).
large sand ripples (photograph Matthew Robinson).
Volume 41/Numbers 1±6/January±June 2000
Hurricane occurrence, by decades, from 1900±99 in the north Atlantic and the Bahamas.a
1900±1909 1910±1919 1920±1929 1930±1939 1940±1949 1950±1959 1960±1969 1970±1979 1980±1989 1990±1999
North Atlantic 35 34 38 47 50 69 62 49 40 56
Bahamas 7 2 9 11 13 11 6 1 2 5
Percentage 20% 6% 24% 23% 26% 16% 19% 2% 5% 9%
Modi®ed from Neumann et al. (1987).
One of the worst was the `Great Bahama Hurricane' of Acropora palmata is restricted in the northwestern
(Albury, 1975) which hit in September 1866; unlike most Bahamas. Additionally, cold fronts from the US during
which aect some islands, but not others, this hurricane the winter months can last several days, creating cold
worked its way up the chain of islands. Houses and farm ocean currents, which contribute to reduction in growth
crops were destroyed and all but one vessel in Nassau and species diversity. Inshore shallow water temperature
Harbour were sunk or broken up. may be reduced very quickly during winter storms and
Major hurricanes aecting the Bahamas in recent has resulted in mortality of some ®sh species in bays and
years include: Hurricane David, 1979, which caused estuaries (Newell et al., 1959). In contrast, recent sum-
massive beach erosion with an average beach pro®le loss mer ocean temperatures in the Central Bahamas have
of 2±2.5 m on Cabbage Beach in New Providence; An- exceeded 30°C for extended periods, causing extensive
drew in 1992, which caused a 7 m storm surge in Eleu- coral bleaching (McGrath and Smith, 1999).
thera carrying seawater approximately 1 mile inland; The tidal range throughout the Bahamas is approxi-
and Hurricane Lili in 1996, which caused major struc- mately 1.5 m and is a mixed semi-diurnal type (Sullivan,
tural damage to residences on the island of San Salva- 1991) with four tidal extremes. Salinity is fairly consis-
dor. Most recently, the category 4 hurricane Floyd tent along the platform margins of the Banks at around
caused major coastal ¯ooding and damage to seawalls, 35 ppt, but may be higher across the shallow banks due
roads and coastal residences on San Salvador, Cat Is- to evaporation.
land, Eleuthera and Abaco in September 1999.
Large northerly swells are also known to occur on
occasion as a result of particularly violent storms orig- The Major Shallow Water Marine and Coastal
inating in the northern Atlantic, causing shore erosion Habitats
on the north coasts of many Bahama islands, as hap- The Bahamas are located for the most part on the
pened in October 1991. northern and eastern margins of the extensive platforms
of the Banks. In general, coastal waters are warm and
Oceanography clear, lacking any impact from rivers or other terrestrial
Ocean currents and sea surface water temperatures run-o. In contrast, the interiors of the platforms are
in¯uence temperature throughout the archipelago. generally turbid due to tidal circulation and are more
Currents aecting the Bahamas originate from two variable in temperature and salinity (Newell et al., 1959).
places (see Fig. 3). The Gulf Stream moves from the Consequently, reef development on the interior of the
Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico between Florida platforms is inhibited.
and the Bahamas, while the Antilles Current ¯ows onto
the Archipelago after it has moved westward across the The Bahama bank platforms
Atlantic Ocean from Africa, originally as part of the The marine sediments of the platforms, excluding any
North Equatorial Current. The path of the Gulf Stream organic matter, are pure calcium carbonate in the form
remains fairly constant in its position. However, the of aragonite, with a lesser amount of calcite from cor-
Antilles current shifts to the north in the summer, cre- alline algae and foraminiferans (Newell et al., 1959).
ating warmer temperatures in the Northern Bahamas Grain sizes range from medium-grained sand to silt and
and to the south during the winter months, providing clay.
warmer temperatures to the southern islands (Shaklee, Recently, extensive work has been done on marine
1996). community classi®cation. Sullivan (Sullivan, 1991; Sul-
Sea surface water temperatures are variable across the livan-Sealey, 1999) describes soft sediment and hard
islands, aecting the biological components of the substrate habitats of the Exuma Cays and presented two
shallow water marine habitats. For ®ve months of the classi®cations schemes: one describes marine communi-
year waters in the northern Bahamas are below opti- ties throughout the Bahamas Archipelago, the other a
mum for coral growth. This factor, combined with more speci®c scheme to aid in the interpretation of aerial
¯uxes in salinity and turbidity from trade-wind-induced photographs of Montagu Bay, New Providence and the
currents, aects the abundance of coral (Newell and Exuma Cays. Table 2 summarizes the habitat classi®-
Imbrie, 1955). Acropora cervicornis is absent and growth cations present in this region.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Summary of Benthic community classi®cations for the Bahamas Archipelago (see Sullivan-Sealey, 1999).
Important shallow marine habitats are most prominent on the windward north and eastern
Coral reefs. Coral reefs cover an area of just over sides of the islands and cays, developing best a short
1800 km2 of the Great Bahama Bank and approximately distance from shore. The occurrence of coral in the
324 km2 of the Little Bahama Bank (Wells, 1988). These central area of the Bank platforms is limited, due to
Volume 41/Numbers 1±6/January±June 2000
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Volume 41/Numbers 1±6/January±June 2000
Lucayan people farmed the land and ®shed to sustain The Tourism Industry and its Eect on the
themselves, but they eventually died out in the early Population
1500s as a result of disease and slaving raids by the
Spanish. By the 1780s the population of the Bahamas In 1997, the islands of the Bahamas accommodated
was around 4000. Populations ¯uctuated over the fol- 1 617 595 stopover visitors, of whom 81% came from the
lowing years, with a major increase at the end of the USA, 6% from Canada, 8% from Europe and 5% from
1700s as those loyal to the British Crown looked for other countries. Approximately 74% of these were on
places to settle following the American War of Inde- vacation and according to surveys on visitors to Nassau
pendence. Loyalists established plantations using slave by the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism (1998), the pri-
labour. In 1807 the British government abolished trade mary reason for vacationing in the Bahamas was its
in slaves so that the plantations could no longer operate. beaches (27%) followed by the climate (17%). 20% of
Many of the Loyalists left at this time and by 1840 there those visiting Grand Bahama gave value for money as
were few plantations left (Sealey, 1990). The freed slaves their main reason. Visitors to the out islands also indi-
remained and established themselves in New Provi- cated beaches (29%) as their primary reason for
dence, Andros, Grand Bahama, San Salvador, Rum choosing the Bahamas, followed by sporting attractions
Cay, Long Island and the Exuma Cays and by 1843 the (including SCUBA diving and snorkelling) (26%). With
population had grown to around 25 000. This number the coastal zone and marine environment being the main
increased slowly until the early 1900s when islanders left tourist attractions in the Bahamas, much coastal devel-
to seek employment elsewhere; this lull continued until opment has taken place.
the 1920s when it started to grow once more. Since the Development in the tourism sector has led to nu-
1950s there has been an increase in population to the merous problems on some of the islands, such as waste
present day (Table 4). management and the excessive use of freshwater re-
The most recent ocial census of population in the sources.
Bahamas was made in 1990, though estimates for 1998
were 293 700, with a projection of 302 800 for the year Agriculture in the Bahamas
2000. The main population centres are New Providence
(2152.5 individuals per square mile) and Grand Bahama In 1997, agriculture generated US $56.44 million.
(77.2 individuals per square mile). Abaco, Andros and Grand Bahama are main centres for
Historically, inhabitants, from the Lucayan Indians to agriculture, mostly on land leased from the government
present day ®shermen, have always utilized the resources to Bahamian farmers, which makes up about 90% of
of its shallow marine environment. During this time agricultural land throughout the archipelago.
signi®cant ®sheries have been established. Coastal areas Presently, crop production for export is concentrated
on many of the islands, in particular New Providence on Abaco, Andros, Grand Bahama and Eleuthera and
and Grand Bahama, have been developed for tourism consists mainly of citrus fruits (grapefruit, lemons, limes
and residential areas. and oranges), but also includes cucumbers, okra, avo-
cados, papaya, squash, tomatoes and zucchini. About
95% of export is to the USA.
On many of the smaller Bahamian Islands small-scale
subsistence agriculture is carried out. Limited soils
which are usually deepest in carbonate sink holes and
other dissolution features are utilised to grow sweet
Population of the Bahamas (Ocial Census, 1980 and 1990).
potatoes, water melon and other produce. Fertilizers are
Island 1980 1990 rarely used and with a low rainfall, very porous sub-
Abaco 7271 10 061
strate and little topographic relief, agricultural run-o is
Acklins 618 428 negligible.
Andros 8307 8155 Golf course construction has taken place on several
Berry Islands 509 634
Bimini 1411 1638
larger islands. However, no information on fertilizer-
Cat Island 2215 1678 related nutrient loading of coastal areas is available and
Crooked Island and Long Island 553 423 whether this is a problem for coastal waters is not clear.
Eleuthera, Harbour Island and 10 631 10 524
Spanish Wells
Exumas 3670 3539
Grand Bahama 33 102 41 035 Artisanal and Commercial Fisheries in the
Inagua 924 985 Bahamas
Long Island 3404 3107
Mayaguana 464 308 A diversity of resources are harvested from Bahamian
New Providence 135 437 171 542 waters. In economic terms the most important are
Ragged Island 164 89
Rum Cay and San Salvador 825 539 shell®sh and scale®sh ®sheries.
Approximately 100 000 sq. miles of the Bahamas
Total 209 505 254 685
territory is marine, around half of the area shallow (less
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Marine resources utilised throughout The Bahamas.a Summary of total recorded landings of marine products in The Ba-
hamas during 1998 (Bahamas Department of Fisheries 1999).
Edible Scale®sh Grouper, snapper, hog®sh, jacks, grunts
Shell®sh Conch, whelks, chiton, Spiny Lobster, Weight (lbs) Value (US $)
stone crab, queen helmet
Sport®sh Marlin, tuna, wahoo, mackerel, king®sh, Craw®sh tails 5 478 508 53 364 247
dolphin, sword®sh, sail®sh, bone®sh Craw®sh whole 215 144 776 233
Other Green and loggerhead turtle Conch 1 477 374 3 651 628
Stone crab 85 126 609 001
Non-edible Biological Turtle shell, conch shell, coral, black Turtle (green) 5072 6571
coral, shells, sponge Turtle (loggerhead) 2052 3693
Chemical Salt, water from desalination Nassau Grouper 1 125 817 2 674 401
Mineral Aragonite, building sand, petroleum Other grouper 228 235 460 581
Grouper ®llet 108 803 327 422
Modi®ed from Sealey (1990). Snappers 1 721 359 2 363 558
Jacks 202 411 216 381
Grunts 198 232 155 601
than 20 m) and very productive in ®sheries terms (Table Sharks 4312 10 248
Others 343 214 415 479
5). Three main ®sheries exist and contribute most to an
income of almost US $62 million per year, or 2.25% of Total 11 195 659 65 035 044
the countryÕs Gross Domestic Product in 1997 (BREEF
and MacAlister Elliott and Partners Ltd, 1998). These
are the Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus, the Queen Conch They are caught with three techniques. Traditionally,
Strombus gigas and the nassau grouper Epinephalus Spiny Lobster are speared or trapped. Spear®shing
striatus. involves free diving or diving with the assistance of
Other species ®shed include snappers (Lutjanus spp), surface supply air and hooking them out of their
grunts (Haemulon spp), jacks (Caranx spp), other hiding places and spearing them. Destructive methods
grouper, green and loggerhead turtles, sharks, stone have also been used to force lobster into the open,
crabs, the queen helmet shell (Cassis madagascarienis) such as use of bleach (Campbell, 1978). Although this
and sponges (Hippospongia lachne and Spongia spp). destructive practice has been reduced in recent times,
Most are landed on New Providence, Abaco and Eleu- (it is now illegal to carry bleach on ®shing vessels)
thera, to a lesser extent on Grand Bahama, Long Island other substances have reportedly been utilised such as
and Andros (Fig. 7 and Table 6). gasoline and detergent. In addition, traps are con-
structed from slats of wood and string and baited with
Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus cowhide. Normally larger ®shing vessels will employ
Of the three main species harvested in the Bahamas, this ®shing technique, deploying up to about 2000
the Spiny Lobster (P. argus), or `craw®sh' as it is re- traps.
ferred to in the Bahamas, is the most important con- In the late 1980s, arti®cial habitats known as condos
tributor to the Bahamian economy. As the fourth largest (or casitas elsewhere in the Caribbean) were introduced
spiny lobster ®shery in the world (after Australia, Brazil and are now being used widely throughout the Baha-
and Cuba), almost 2600 metric tonnes of lobster tails mas. These are constructed from large rectangular pieces
(around 7000 tonnes live weight) were ®shed in 1997, of aluminium and have three wooden sides. The condos
with a value of US $58.7 million (Department of Fish- attract the lobster.
eries, 1998). Export of the Spiny Lobster is to the US Commercial ®shing vessels will remove most of the
(60%), France (35%) and Canada (5%) with a small lobstersÕ tails and freeze them for storage. The tails are
developing fraction going to Japan. often soaked in preservative before freezing.
The pelagic larval phase of the spiny lobster is up to a
year. The ®shery in the Bahamas may therefore be de-
pendent on `upstream supply', although localised ocean
circulation may replenish stocks from within the Baha-
mas. Considering the importance of upstream supply,
concerns are directed at the status of regional stocks, in
particular those from Turks and Caicos, the Eastern
Caribbean and Brazil. Throughout the wider Caribbean
it is generally accepted that most Spiny Lobster stocks
are either fully or over-exploited.
The Bahamas Department of Fisheries collect lobster
landing data indirectly through licensed ®sh buyers and
processors and, because there are only a few main
buyers, the data collected are considered fairly com-
Fig. 7 Total recorded ®sheries landings by weight from 1980 to 1997. prehensive. There is less direct information, for example,
Volume 41/Numbers 1±6/January±June 2000
on catch per unit eort (CPUE). Analysis of the avail- Exploitation of other scale®sh
able data, however, suggests recent declines in CPUE Although the major scale®sh ®shery is for Nassau
(BREEF and MacAllister, Elliot and Partners Ltd., Grouper, snapper, grunts, other grouper, hog®sh and
1998). jacks are also targeted. Fish-attracting devices are often
used to encourage aggregation of snappers and grunts.
Scale®sh exports (not including grouper) totalled ap-
Queen Conch Strombus gigas
proximately 200 000 lbs in 1997. A majority of this can
Conch landings in 1997 were some 1.43 million lbs
be attributed to red snapper and mutton snapper.
(Bahamas Department of Fisheries, 1998). Less than a
Shallow water ®shes are speared, trapped or netted.
quarter of this was exported to the US and Canada,
Deep-water snapper and grouper are ®shed using
generating around US $1 million in export sales. Most
traps; long lines having 10 or more hooks are not per-
Conch (60%) are ®shed during the closed lobster season,
mitted. Exploitation of deep-water ®sh and the tech-
when full-time ®shermen turn to this valuable alterna-
niques used to catch them have been of some concern
tive. Conch are usually ®shed while free-diving although
for three main reasons: they have been overexploited in
it is permitted to use compressed air during the lobster
other countries because of a slow growth rate and sexual
season. Conch may sometimes be picked up from very
maturation, mechanical hoists used to recover traps can
shallow water, but these tend to be juveniles.
cause extensive damage to ®sh habitats and traps may
Stock assessment is dicult because much of the
break free and continue to `®sh' for extended periods
conch catch is not sold to licensed buyers, but directly
where use of biodegradable trap materials is not en-
to businesses and consumers. Generally, inshore pop-
ulations have become depleted throughout the Carib-
bean and ®shermen are searching deeper waters:
populations are in decline. Some countries have taken Other Fisheries Resources
conservation measures by enforcing a complete ban
From 1840 until 1940 the harvest of sponge from
on conch ®shing, but this is not the case in the Ba-
shallow marine areas was a booming industry. At one
hamas, although the Department of Fisheries is cur-
time there were 265 schooners, 322 sloops and 2808
rently assessing stocks. BREEF/MacAllister, Elliot
open boats committed to sponging (Campbell, 1978).
and Partners (1998) surmise that it is likely that the
Sponges were exported to France and nearly one third
Bahamas could support a relatively large conch ®sh-
of the Bahamian work force made their living from the
ery and that depleted stocks are mostly evident
sponge ®shery (Campbell, 1978). However, the ®shery
around population centres in the northern and central
came to a sudden halt in 1939 when a fungal disease
killed around 90% of the harvestable sponge in 2 years.
In modern times synthetic sponges have prevented the
Nassau Grouper Epinephalus striatus sponge ®shery ever becoming a major economic force in
Nassau Grouper landings for 1997 were around 1.13 the Bahamas, although some are still harvested from
million lbs, making this probably the largest Nassau Acklins Bight and Central Andros (Sealey, 1994) and
Grouper landing in the world. Other grouper species sent to Nassau for export. The value of sponge export
caught totalled around 15% of the weight, with similar during the 1980s was very low, ranging between US
amounts of grouper ®llet being landed. In total 1.45 $29 000±$375 000 per year. The higher value came about
million lbs of grouper and ®let were landed with a total as a result of disease aecting the Mediterranean sponge
value of around US $3.29 million. As with the Queen production and harvest. Recent ®sheries statistics from
Conch, grouper landings are hard to assess because of 1995 to 1997 show a marked increase in harvest, with
direct sales. export values averaging 126 854 lbs and US $932 301,
Shallow water scale®sh such as the Nassau Grouper respectively (Bahamas Department of Fisheries (DoF),
are caught using spears, either while free-diving or using 1998).
compressed air. Traps, hook and line and nets are also Three species of sea turtle are seen throughout the
utilised. In December and January each year, Nassau Bahamas; the green turtle Chelonia mydas, hawksbill
Grouper form spawning aggregations which are ex- Eretmochelys imbricata and loggerhead Caretta caretta
ploited by ®shermen when they are easily caught. Ex- and on rare occasions the leatherback Dermochelys co-
ploitation of these spawning aggregations has led to riacea. The loggerhead is exploited less than the other
major declines throughout the Caribbean. Indeed ex- species as its meat is not as palatable and its shell is of
ploitation of the species is severe in most parts of the little commercial value. As a result it is the most com-
Caribbean, except those, which control ®shing during mon of the sea turtles in the Bahamas and is still ®shed
spawning periods. Catch per unit eort data from the with restrictions on size. The hawksbill has become se-
Bahamas are inconclusive, but evidence from other parts riously depleted in many parts of the world, the Baha-
of the Caribbean suggests that Nassau Grouper are mas being no exception. Its shell is of great economic
extremely vulnerable to even low ®shing eort on value to markets in Europe and Asia and is used to
spawning aggregations. make jewellery and other products. It is now prohibited
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Contribution to the GDP in 1995 of various sectors of the Bahamian
Volume 41/Numbers 1±6/January±June 2000
The type and status of aquaculture operations in the Bahamas.a
until 1997. The only remaining aquaculture operation is cal habitats. However, it is well documented that run-o
in Grand Bahama where white prawn is being cultured. was considerable following land clearances during the
No reclamation or excavation of mangrove areas has Loyalist period.
taken place to establish aquaculture operations in the
Bahamas. Destruction of coastal wetlands. Mangrove areas have
Government incentives are high for the establishment been destroyed at a number of areas in the Bahamas,
of aquaculture operations, including attractive lease and most notably in Nassau (New Providence), Freeport
purchase agreements, inter-agency cooperation to ex- (Grand Bahama), Marsh Harbour (Abaco) and George
pedite applications, duty free concessions on equipment Town (Great Exuma). These wetlands are cleared for
and supplies and no taxes on business pro®ts. It has mosquito control and water front access. Plans for fu-
been shown that aquaculture production is possible in ture tourism development in Bimini also include
the Bahamas and that conditions are excellent for many dredging, extraction and in®lling of mangrove areas.
cultures. Historically, the reasons for the failure of most
of the aquaculture ventures has been a lack of full un- Sand mining and dredging. During the 1950s, four
derstanding of the culture process, poor on-site man- areas of the Bahamas Banks were identi®ed as suitable
agement and under-capitalisation, an inability to control for extraction of sand (Sealey, 1994). These sites are
disease and poor returns from the local market because associated with Bank margins where precipitation of
of the availability of fresh ®sh. The Department of calcium carbonate occurs as cool oceanic waters move
Fisheries is taking steps towards organising the proper onto the shallow Banks. Sites were located at the ends of
training for Bahamians who wish to venture into the the Tongue of the Ocean and the Exuma Sound; at
shrimp farming industry (Deleveaux, 1997). Joulters Cay, at the extreme North end of Andros Island
and in the Southern Bimini islands. Combined, these
Eects from Urban and Industrial Activities sites were estimated to have a resource of around 50±100
billion tonnes of oolitic sand. This is particularly pure
Impacts of coastal development (97% CaCO3 ) and could be used as chemical-grade sand
Deforestation. Historically, mahogany, cedar, brazi- as well as in the construction industry. Having the ad-
letto, Lignum vitae and mastic, along with some other vantage of being of uniform grain size, sieving and
species including pine, were used for construction and crushing operations were not necessary. Additionally,
boat building. In modern times, however, the demand the sand was located in shallow water and easily ex-
for this wood has been very small and much of the tracted.
broad leaf coppice from which the hard woods came has At present only the Bimini site is being worked. The
been completely removed. There is potential for com- development of this site was advantageous because of its
mercial use of the remaining pine forests at sustainable close proximity to its main market, the USA. With the
levels, but forestry activities at present are insigni®cant. sand forming close to the margin of the Great Bahama
The ground is poor, lacking sucient amounts of soil, Bank, only a short dredged channel was necessary to
so limited deforestation is unlikely to increase the reach the deep shipping lanes of the Florida Straits. It
amount of soil run-o. Furthermore, rainwater is mostly was necessary for this mining operation to be large scale
diverted below ground. Even during the heaviest rain- as the market value of the oolitic sand per tonne was low
fall, storm run-o is relatively clear with little suspended (US $3). In the late 1970s a man-made island, known as
matter and poses minimal threat to near-shore biologi- Ocean Cay, was constructed from dredged sands and,
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Volume 41/Numbers 1±6/January±June 2000
The porous limestone substrate presents a serious particularly large in comparison to those in Montagu
problem and makes groundwater lenses particularly Bay, although coral abundance was similar. There was
vulnerable to contamination by liquid wastes and con- low coral recruitment to both sites and herbivorous ®sh
taminated run-o. Domestic wastes are generally treated assemblages were very similar, although parrot®sh and
in septic tanks, which are normally combined with a surgeon®sh were generally larger in the Exuma sites.
disposal well or drainage ®eld. Many septic tanks do not Predatory ®sh were larger and, along with the Spiny
conform to building regulations and do not work Lobster, were more abundant at the undeveloped site.
properly (Cant, 1996). In less developed areas shallow Signi®cant perturbations have occurred over the last
latrines may be used and in some cases direct discharge 50 years in New Providence, especially around the City
into the sea still occurs. of Nassau and its harbour, which has been modi®ed and
In populated areas wastes are normally treated to expanded on a number of occasions. An analysis and
primary or secondary levels of sewage treatment, then interpretation of a series of aerial photographs dating
euent is discharged into deep injection disposal wells. back to 1943, allowed Sullivan-Sealey (1999) to detect
Wells designed for large amounts of waste are in excess major changes in coastal habitats as a result of con-
of 600 ft in depth. On Paradise Island and some other struction of man-made cays, breakwaters and dredging
resort areas, waste water is recycled for irrigation use on activities relating to these developments. Findings in-
golf courses, but waste disposal techniques used in the cluded the identi®cation of two major sedimentation
Bahamas may be described as inadequate and contam- events from dredging and in-®lling activities, in 1967
ination of groundwater is evident in many urban areas. and 1989, the physical removal of reefs that presented
Pollution is also evident in seawaters, particularly navigation hazards at each end of the harbour and the
enclosed bays and harbours. The Bahamas are re- alteration of water ¯ow to reefs following breakwater
nowned for their excellent cruising environment and construction and in-®lling of the shoreline. In all, ap-
beautiful anchorages, but holding tanks are not required proximately 29 ha of sea¯oor were altered from 1943 to
on sail boats and live-aboard vessels and pollution is 1995.
evident in some anchorages. An average tidal range of In conclusion, much of the degradation and alteration
around 50 cm creates very little tidal ¯ow and minimal of Bay habitats was during more acute construction
¯ushing of bay areas. events and is likely to have had a far greater eect on the
Few quantitative studies on the eects of pollution near-shore reefs than nutrient loading from local resi-
have been done in the Bahamas. Sullivan-Sealey (1999) dences.
explored the relationship between urban coastal devel-
opment and the health of near-shore coral reefs. Using Cruiseship discharge. There have been no notable
sites in the undeveloped Exuma Cays and a highly instances of oil spills in Bahamian waters, although tar
populated area of New Providence known as Montagu balls are often found on beaches. Much debris is washed
Bay, comparisons of physical and ecological factors up on windward-facing shores around the islands, some
were made. Water quality parameters including salinity, of which is identi®able as coming from cruise ships. The
temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll a, larger islands are regularly visited by cruise ships and
total nitrogen and total phosphorus were measured over major harbour expansion has occurred in both Nassau
two summer and winter sampling periods. The likely and Freeport over the last 20 years. There have been
assumption was made those septic tanks less than 500 m some instances of garbage disposal and sewage holding
from the seashore will leach nutrients into surface water tank ¯ushing from these ships, though recently cruise
and will eventually contaminate near-shore coral reef ship companies have established facilities on small is-
areas. Also, measurements of species richness, benthic lands and cays such as Gorda Cay and Little San Sal-
coverage, coral density, coral size, coral recruitment rate vador and Little Stirrup Cay in the Berry Islands.
and herbivore density and size were compared between
study areas. Little dierence was seen in water and
sediments between developed and undeveloped sites.
Protective Measures
Ecological parameters showed more distinct variation The Bahamian Government has rati®ed and initiated
between sites, with more species of ¯eshy macroalgae a number of preventative and protective legislative acts
(typically found in nutrient-rich areas) in Montagu Bay with regard to coastal areas and their territorial waters.
and, although chemical analysis showed that nutrient Some of the more signi®cant relate to the use of coastal
levels were similar in each site, the authors suggest that and marine resources. Government policy restricts
the macroalgal growth may be a response to very subtle commercial ®shing to the native population and, as a
changes in nutrient concentrations and the amount of consequence, all vessels ®shing within The Bahamas
particulate matter in the water column. Furthermore, Exclusive Fishery Zone must be owned fully by a Ba-
species composition in Montagu Bay includes a high hamian citizen residing in the Bahamas (Bahamas Na-
coverage of zooanthids and anemones which are tional Trust, 1992).
adapted to areas with high particulate matter. On the The use of bleach or other noxious or poisonous
patch reefs of the Exuma Cays, some coral heads were substances for ®shing, or possession of such substances
Marine Pollution Bulletin
on board a ®shing vessel, without written approval of and under this permit certain restrictions are imposed.
the Minister, is prohibited. Spear ®shing within one mile Fishing gear, unless otherwise authorized, is restricted to
of the coast of New Providence and Freeport and 200 hook and line and the number of lines in the water at
yards o the coast of all other Family Islands is pro- any time (unless otherwise authorized) is restricted to
hibited, as is the use of ®rearms or explosives. For nets, six. There is a maximum combined total of six ®sh per
a minimum mesh size of 2 in. is necessary, except when person on any vessel for king ®sh, dolphin ®sh and
®shing goggle-eye or pilchard. Scale®sh traps are re- wahoo. All other migratory ®sh caught, unless it is to be
quired to have self-destruct panels and minimum mesh used, should not be injured unnecessarily and should be
sizes of 1 ´ 2 in. for rectangular wire mesh traps and 1.5 returned to the sea alive.
in. (greatest length of mesh) for hexagonal wire mesh Vessel bag limits for other ®shery resources are 20 lbs
traps. Those wishing to sell ®sh catches in New Provi- of scale ®sh, 10 conch and 6 spiny lobster per person at
dence must possess a permit. A permit is required to use any time. The possession of turtle is prohibited. The
air compressors for ®shing purposes and the use of above amounts may also be exported by the vessel upon
compressors is restricted to the period 1 August±31 leaving The Bahamas.
March and to depths of 10±20 m. Penalties totalling B $1000 (1 Bahamian $ is equal to
Harvesting of coral is prohibited, as is the construc- 1 US $), or imprisonment for six months or both are
tion of arti®cial reefs without permission from the imposed for resisting or obstructing a ®sheries inspector.
Minister. There is speci®c legislation relating to the For contravention of regulations unless otherwise stip-
more commercially viable species. For example, the ulated in the Act, a B $3000 ®ne or imprisonment for
spiny lobster ®shery has a closed season, 1 April±31 1 year, or both, is imposed. All gear utilized in the
July. Individuals under 3 3/8 in. carapace length, 6 in. contravention of ®sheries regulations is con®scated and
tail length, may not be harvested and permits are nec- forfeited to the Crown.
essary for any vessels trapping lobster. Speci®cations for The Bahamas have signed up to CITES, a conven-
lobster traps are outlined in the legislation; gravid fe- tion covering 38 species of ¯ora and fauna in the
males may not be taken and the stripping of eggs from Bahamas. Of these listed species seven are marine and
females is prohibited. include loggerhead, hawksbill, green and leatherback
Conch is also protected and harvesting or possession turtles, whales and dolphins, the West Indian Manatee
of a shell without a well-formed lip is prohibited. Export and the Queen Conch. In 1998, the Bahamian Gov-
of unprocessed conch meat from the Bahamas is not ernment signed the RAMSAR Convention and desig-
permitted. Capture or possession of any hawksbill turtle nated Inagua National Park as a RAMSAR site. Table
is prohibited and there is an annual closed season from 9 summarizes the marine and coastal national parks of
1 April±31 July for all other species. Size limits are im- the Bahamas, whose management has been designated
posed. All turtles captured must be landed whole and to the Bahamas National Trust (BNT). A Land and
the taking or possession of turtle eggs is prohibited. Sea Park has been proposed for Andros island in
Scale®sh regulations are species-speci®c. The capture conjunction with the Bahamas Reef Environment Ed-
of bone®sh by nets is prohibited. The purchase or selling ucation Foundation (BREEF), the Department of
of bone®sh is illegal and the capture of grouper and rock Fisheries and the National Trust. Over and above
®sh weighing less than 3 lbs is prohibited. Bone®sh are ®sheries legislation, additional regulations are imposed
commercially important as a sports ®sh throughout the in relation to National Parks and are made under the
Bahamas and are found in shallow lagoon areas and BNT act, operating in conjunction with all other
tidal creeks, notably in Andros, Crooked Island, Long laws in the Bahamas. These are fairly widespread and
Island and Bimini. cover hunting, capture, removal or damage to many
Stone crab has an annual closed season 1 June±15 species, whether alive or found dead. There are also
October and a minimum harvestable claw length of 4 in. strict regulations covering dumping and discharging
Harvest of female stone crabs is prohibited. The capture wastes.
or molesting of marine mammals is prohibited. Persons Permanent moorings may not be placed within any
may capture marine mammals for scienti®c, educational National Park and it is illegal to drop anchor on the
or exhibition purposes only with the written permission coral reef, unless under emergency circumstances. Ad-
of the Minister. Finally, sponges are harvested with a ditionally, personal watercraft and airboats are not
minimum size limit of 5.5 in. for wool and grass sponge, permitted within anchorage and creek areas. No vessel
1 in. for hard head and reef sponge; a permit is required may remain for more than two weeks in any one an-
to engage in aquaculture activities. chorage on any visit to or voyage through the Exuma
Many sports ®shermen are drawn to the Bahamas Cays Land and Sea Park.
each year to take part in tournaments and these events Regulations are also imposed on persons who own
are also restricted by legislation. Sport ®shing tourna- land within the boundaries of any National Park. These
ment directors must have the written approval of the relate to dock and breakwater construction, the con-
Minister to organize or hold tournaments. A permit is struction of a sewerage outlet or over¯ow below the high
required for foreign vessels to engage in sport ®shing water mark of the sea and the dredging of the seabed
Volume 41/Numbers 1±6/January±June 2000
Marine and Coastal National Parks of the Bahamas.
Inagua National Park 287 sq. miles Located on Great Inagua this site hosts the worldÕs largest breeding colony of
West Indian Flamingos
Union Creek Reserve 7 sq. miles Also on Great Inagua this park is a small enclosed tidal creek which is
signi®cant because of the Green Turtle population
Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park 176 sq. miles This Park when established in 1958 was the ®rst marine ®shery reserve in the
Caribbean region. The Park encompasses the northern part of the Exuma Cays
chain of islands
Pelican Cays Land and Sea Park 850 ha Located in Great Abaco this was developed as a sister park to the Exuma Cays.
The main features of the marine ecosystem are the submarine caves and coral
Peterson Cay National Park 13 000 ha This cay is a low-lying eroded fossil dune ridge and is the only Cay o the
leeward coast of Grand Bahama. The Park originally only included the Cay and
surrounding waters out to a quarter mile. Boundaries now include Barbary
Beach on Grand Bahama and beyond the cay to the drop-o, and from Sharp
Rocks point in the north-east to the Grand Lucayan Waterway in the south-
west giving a total area of around 13 000 hectares. Notable features include a
rich and diverse marine fauna and ¯ora
Conception Island 850 ha Established in 1971. This uninhabited island is important for migratory and
nesting birds and Green Turtles.
National Park Black Sound Cay Located o Green Turtle Cay in Abaco, this park is comprised of a thick
mangrove stand of signi®cance to wintering birds.
adjacent to their land. Written permission is necessary Marine environment awareness is being promoted by
from the BNT. the National Trust through educational programs and
Perhaps the best evidence that protective measures are activities. In recent years the Bahamas Reef Environ-
having a positive eect on the marine environment and ment Education Foundation (BREEF) has been estab-
its resources, is found in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea lished. This organisation has concentrated on training
Park, which was the ®rst of its kind, being established in Bahamian teachers to teach environmental education to
1959. The biomass of nassau grouper was shown to be students. BREEF had also compiled a ®sheries man-
statistically greater inside and within 5 km of the Park agement action plan for the Bahamas and is providing
boundaries. Furthermore, reproductive output (egg the expertise to create a proposal for the Andros Land
production) was measured at six times more than that and Sea Park.
outside the Park (Bahamas National Trust, 1999).
Studies have also shown that the concentration of conch I gratefully acknowledge the following individuals and organisations
who shared information about the many aspects of the Bahamas
inside the ECLSP is approximately 47 times that found covered in this chapter: The Bahamian Field Station, the Bahamas
anywhere else in the world. Estimates have also been Department of Fisheries, the Bahamas Department of Tourism, Sir
made on the export potential of conch eggs from the Nicholas Nuttal of the BREEF, Dr. Donald Gerace and Dr. Kathleen
Sullivan-Sealey. In particular I would like to thank Mr. Neil Sealey for
Park and it is suggested that as many as 10 million ex- his valuable input and very useful comments on this chapter.
ported eggs will reach adulthood elsewhere in the Ba-
hamas. Addison, D. S. and Morford, B. (1996) Sea Turtle nesting activity on
The BNT was created by an act of parliament in 1959. the Cay Sal Bank. Bahamas Journal of Science 3 (3), 31±36.
Albury, P. (1975) The Story of the Bahamas. MacMillan Education
The Trust, a non-governmental organisation, was given Ltd, London and Basingstoke, 294 pp.
the responsibility of managing the National Parks of the Bahamas Department of Fisheries (1998) Summary Report: An
Bahamas. In more recent times the BNT has been one of economic overview of the Bahamian commercial ®shing industry.
Prepared by the Bahamas Department of Fisheries.
the main organisations in¯uencing environmental poli- Bahamas Department of Fisheries (1999) Summary of total recorded
cy. On the recommendation of the BNT the Bahamas landings of marine products in the Bahamas during 1998. Prepared
Environment Science and Technology (BEST) Com- by Bahamas Department of Fisheries.
Bahamas Ministry of Tourism (1998) Tourism in the Islands of the
mission was established within the oce of the Prime Bahamas 1997 in Review.
Minister in 1992 to create environmental policy and Bahamas National Trust (1992) Summaries of Legislation aecting
programs. The National Trust works closely with the wildlife and national parks in the Bahamas. The Bahama Parrot
Conservation Committee, Bahamas National Trust, 17 pp.
BEST commission in reviewing Environmental Impact Bahamas National Trust (1999) Currents, Newsletter of the Bahamas
Assessments. In 1999 a precedent was set by requiring National Trust, Vol. 15, No. 1, April 1999.
independent professional review of an impact assess- BREEF (Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation) and
MacAlister Elliot and Partners Ltd. (1998) Fisheries Management
ment for a proposed development on Clifton Cay, New Action Plan for the Bahamas: Report to the Bahamas Department
Providence (Bahamas National Trust, 1999). of Fisheries.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Bohlke J. E. and Chaplin C. C.G. (1968) Fishes of the Bahamas. Mullins, H. T. and Lynts, G. W. (1977) Origin of the northwestern
Published for The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia by Bahama platform: Review and reinterpretation. Geological Society
Livingstone Publishing Company, Wynnewood, PA, 771 pp. of America Bulletin 88, 1447±1461.
Campbell, D. G. (1978) The Ephemeral Islands: A Natural History of Nagelkerken, I., Buchan, K. C., Smith, G. W., Bonair, K., Bush, P.,
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