How To Read An ECG: Confirm Details
How To Read An ECG: Confirm Details
How To Read An ECG: Confirm Details
This guide demonstrates how to read an ECG using a systematic approach. If you want
to put your ECG interpretation knowledge to the test, check out our ECG quiz on the
Geeky Medics quiz platform.
You may also be interested in our ECG flashcard deck which can be purchased as part
of our collection of 1000+ OSCE flashcards.
Confirm details
Before beginning ECG interpretation, you should check the following details:
Confirm the name and date of birth of the patient matches the details on the ECG.
Check the date and time that the ECG was performed.
Check the calibration of the ECG (usually 25mm/s and 10mm/1mV).
You might also be interested in our OSCE Flashcard Collection which contains over
2000 flashcards that cover clinical examination, procedures, communication skills
and data interpretation.
Heart rate
If a patient has a regular heart rhythm their heart rate can be calculated using the
following method:
Count the number of large squares present within one R-R interval.
Divide 300 by this number to calculate heart rate.
If a patient’s heart rhythm is irregular the first method of heart rate calculation doesn’t
work (as the R-R interval differs significantly throughout the ECG). As a result, you need
to apply a different method:
Count the number of complexes on the rhythm strip (each rhythm strip is typically
10 seconds long).
Multiply the number of complexes by 6 (giving you the average number of
complexes in 1 minute).
Heart rhythm
A patient’s heart rhythm can be regular or irregular.
Mark out several consecutive R-R intervals on a piece of paper, then move them along
the rhythm strip to check if the subsequent intervals are similar.
If you are suspicious that there is some atrioventricular block (AV block), map out the
atrial rate and the ventricular rhythm separately (i.e. mark the P waves and R waves).
As you move along the rhythm strip, you can then see if the PR interval changes, if QRS
complexes are missing or if there is complete dissociation between the two.
Cardiac axis
Cardiac axis describes the overall direction of electrical spread within the heart.
To determine the cardiac axis you need to look at leads I, II and III.
Lead II has the most positive deflection compared to leads I and III.
Lead III has the most positive deflection and lead I should be negative.
Right axis deviation is associated with right ventricular hypertrophy.
P waves
The next step is to look at the P waves and answer the following questions:
If P waves are absent and there is an irregular rhythm it may suggest a diagnosis of
atrial fibrillation.
P waves 1
PR interval
The PR interval should be between 120-200 ms (3-5 small squares).
Typical ECG findings in Mobitz type 1 AV block include progressive prolongation of the
PR interval until eventually the atrial impulse is not conducted and the QRS complex is
AV nodal conduction resumes with the next beat and the sequence of progressive PR
interval prolongation and the eventual dropping of a QRS complex repeats itself.
Second-degree AV block (Mobitz Type 1 –
The intermittent dropping of the QRS complexes typically follows a repeating cycle of
every 3rd (3:1 block) or 4th (4:1 block) P wave.
Typical ECG findings include the presence of P waves and QRS complexes that
have no association with each other, due to the atria and ventricles functioning
Complete heart block (3rd degree) 4
First-degree AV block:
Occurs between the SA node and the AV node (i.e. within the atrium).
Second-degree AV block:
Mobitz I AV block (Wenckebach) occurs IN the AV node (this is the only piece of
conductive tissue in the heart which exhibits the ability to conduct at different
Mobitz II AV block occurs AFTER the AV node in the bundle of His or Purkinje
Third-degree AV block:
Shortened PR interval
Simply, the P wave is originating from somewhere closer to the AV node so the
conduction takes less time (the SA node is not in a fixed place and some people’s
atria are smaller than others).
The atrial impulse is getting to the ventricle by a faster shortcut instead of
conducting slowly across the atrial wall. This is an accessory pathway and can be
associated with a delta wave (see below which demonstrates an ECG of a patient
with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome).
Delta wave 5
QRS complex
When assessing a QRS complex, you need to pay attention to the following
Width can be described as NARROW (< 0.12 seconds) or BROAD (> 0.12 seconds):
A narrow QRS complex occurs when the impulse is conducted down the bundle of
His and the Purkinje fibre to the ventricles. This results in well organised
synchronised ventricular depolarisation.
A broad QRS complex occurs if there is an abnormal depolarisation sequence –
for example, a ventricular ectopic where the impulse spreads slowly across the
myocardium from the focus in the ventricle. In contrast, an atrial ectopic would result
in a narrow QRS complex because it would conduct down the normal conduction
system of the heart. Similarly, a bundle branch block results in a broad QRS
complex because the impulse gets to one ventricle rapidly down the intrinsic
conduction system then has to spread slowly across the myocardium to the other
Height can be described as either SMALL or TALL:
Small complexes are defined as < 5mm in the limb leads or < 10 mm in the chest
Tall complexes imply ventricular hypertrophy (although can be due to body habitus
e.g. tall slim people). There are numerous algorithms for measuring LVH, such as
the Sokolow-Lyon index or the Cornell index.
To assess morphology, you need to assess the individual waves of the QRS complex.
Delta wave
The mythical ‘delta wave‘ is a sign that the ventricles are being activated earlier than
normal from a point distant to the AV node. The early activation then spreads slowly
across the myocardium causing the slurred upstroke of the QRS complex.
Delta wave 5
A pathological Q wave is > 25% the size of the R wave that follows it or > 2mm in
height and > 40ms in width.
A single Q wave is not a cause for concern – look for Q waves in an entire territory (e.g.
anterior/inferior) for evidence of previous myocardial infarction.
Q waves (V2-V4), with T wave inversion
suggestive of previous anterior MI 6
R and S waves
Assess the R wave progression across the chest leads (from small in V1 to large in V6).
The transition from S > R wave to R > S wave should occur in V3 or V4.
Poor progression (i.e. S > R through to leads V5 and V6) can be a sign of previous MI but
can also occur in very large people due to poor lead position.
J point segment
This point can be elevated resulting in the ST segment that follows it also being raised
(this is known as “high take-off”).
High take-off (or benign early repolarisation to give its full title) is a normal variant that
causes a lot of angst and confusion as it LOOKS like ST elevation.
Benign early repolarisation occurs mostly under the age of 50 (over the age of 50,
ischaemia is more common and should be suspected first).
Typically, the J point is raised with widespread ST elevation in multiple territories
making ischaemia less likely.
The T waves are also raised (in contrast to a STEMI where the T wave remains the
same size and the ST segment is raised).
The ECG abnormalities do not change! During a STEMI, the changes will evolve –
in benign early repolarisation, they will remain the same.
ST segment
The ST segment is the part of the ECG between the end of the S wave and the start
of the T wave.
ST-elevation is significant when it is greater than 1 mm (1 small square) in 2 or more
contiguous limb leads or >2mm in 2 or more chest leads.
ST depression
ST depression
T waves
T waves represent repolarisation of the ventricles.
Tall T waves
T waves are considered tall if they are:
Inverted T waves
T waves are normally inverted in V1 and inversion in lead III is a normal variant.
Inverted T waves in other leads are a nonspecific sign of a wide variety of conditions:
Bundle branch blocks (V4-6 in LBBB and V1-V3 in RBBB)
Pulmonary embolism
Left ventricular hypertrophy (in the lateral leads)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (widespread)
General illness
Around 50% of patients admitted to ITU have some evidence of T wave inversion during
their stay.
You must take this ECG finding and apply it in the context of your patient.
Inverted T wave
Biphasic T waves
Biphasic T waves have two peaks and can be indicative of ischaemia and
Biphasic T wave 9
Flattened T waves
Flattened T waves are a non-specific sign, that may represent ischaemia or electrolyte
Flattened T wave 9
U waves
U waves are not a common finding.
The U wave is a > 0.5mm deflection after the T wave best seen in V2 or V3.
These become larger the slower the bradycardia – classically U waves are seen in
various electrolyte imbalances, hypothermia and secondary to antiarrhythmic
therapy (such as digoxin, procainamide or amiodarone).
U wave 10
1. James Heilman, MD. Fast atrial fibrillation. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
2. Michael Rosengarten BEng, MD.McGill. Right axis deviation. Licence: CC BY-SA
3. James Heilman, MD. Mobitz type 2 AV block. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
4. James Heilman, MD. Complete heart block. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
5. James Heilman, MD. Delta wave. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
6. Michael Rosengarten BEng, MD.McGill. Q-waves. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
7. Michael Rosengarten BEng, MD.McGill. Poor R-wave progression. Licence: CC BY-
SA 3.0.
8. Michael Rosengarten BEng, MD.McGill. Tall tented T-waves. Licence: CC BY-SA
9. CardioNetworks. T-wave morphology. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
10. James Heilman, MD. U-wave. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
11. Michael Rosengarten BEng, MD.McGill. Left axis deviation. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.