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Journal in NCM 104

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A (H1N1)

Lessons Learned from the H1N1 Pandemic Flu

A look back as nurses prepare for a new flu season

Source: American Journal of Nursing October 2010, Vol. 110, No. 10

Summary: At the height of 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza outbreak, the demand for nurses in Missoula Country, Montana, became so acute that nurses there compared the response required to an uphill climb followed by a marathon. Assessment of the response to the pandemic has begun in recent months, now that global H1N1 activity has diminished, the World Health organization has declared the pandemic to be over, and clinicians are preparing for another flu season. The CDC surveyed health care personnel and found that by January only 37% has received the H1N1 vaccine, whereas 62% had received the seasonal flu vaccine, a higher than usual rate. For the upcoming flu season, the CDC recommends that everyone six months of age and older get the 2010-2011 vaccine which will offer protection against three influenza viruses, including the 2009 H1N1 pandemic virus. Although the CDC found higher vaccination rates among staff at facilities that required it, mandating that H1N1 vaccine is extremely controversial. When New York State ordered all health care workers to receive the vaccine in the fall of 2009, four Albany nurses and two unions sued the state health commissioner, and state judge issued a restraining order blocking the mandate. Another solution is to offer the option of informed declination which allows a clinician to refuse the vaccine after talking with an infection preventionist or other expert about the reason of opting out. Everyone who refused for other than medical reason had to go to a seminar on why the vaccine is important. The American Hospital Association and the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) have both endorsed the CDCs recommendation that surgical face masks be used instead of N95 respirators by personnel

working with patients with influenza. Face masks are more readily available, more practical, more comfortable, more likely to be worn and less costly. But the American Nurses Association doesnt agree and urged the CDC to keep its prior recommendation that fit tested N95 respirators be the first line of protection. Study of the issue has begun: a randomized controlled trial of nurses treating patients with flu symptoms suggested by Leob and colleagues suggests face mask are non inferior to respirators.

The Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus Vaccine

Will it be ready for flu season?

Source: American Journal of Nursing September 2009, Vol. 109, No. 9

Summary: The World Health Organization (WHO) reporting setbacks in efforts to produce and test a pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus vaccine in time for mass production by the fall flu season, some were warning that vaccine supplies could prove inadequate to meet worldwide need especially if the virus were to mutate and grow more deadly. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) had committed to buying nearly $1.9 billion of vaccine ingredients from different pharmaceutical companies. The World Health Organization recommended that health care workers receive the first vaccinations. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the DHHS have existing vaccine allocation, which, in the event of a pandemic, recommend allocating vaccine target groups on five tiers. First would be health care workers and others, such as emergency services workers. Succeeding tiers allocate vaccine used on occupation, age, and health status. Determining who should receive vaccinations will depend to some degree on disease severity and characteristics. Those whose health status or occupation increases their risk may be vaccinated first followed by the age groups shown to be the most at risk over the next couple of months of the pandemic. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is charged with protecting the public in its licensing process of vaccines. FDA will not release H1N1 vaccine if it does not pass rigorous human clinical trials. The pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus may simply run its course without further mutation and die out later. Nurses should look to their state and local public health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for the best quality, most up to date information. Nurses should help translate this information for their employers, communities,

and patients. Nurses should also keep in mind that non pharmaceutical measures are crucial to slowing the spread of any pandemic, especially when vaccine supplies are unavailable. These strategies like hand washing, covering up sneezes and coughs, and using antiviral medications for treatment and prevention, face mask and respirators.

Influenza A (H1N1): A Wake-Up Call

Where the virus might-or might not-take us.

Source: American Journal for Nurses July 2009, Vol. 109, No. 7

Summary: The word pandemic is used when a virus has the capability to be disseminated globally because the human host population has little or no immunity to it. Pandemic viruses have other characteristics. First novel subtypes of influenza typically cause more severe illness and death in younger people. Second, pandemic illnesses sweep through communities in repeated waves over years. Third, pandemic viruses tend to be transmitted from person to person more easily than typical seasonal influenza viruses are. Lastly, the degree and severity of illness, death, and societal disruption in a pandemic may differ significantly from place to place. The methods for lessening a pandemics effect by deterring human to human spread and limiting illness include administering a vaccine, dispensing antiviral medications and using personal protective equipment.

I have chosen this journal because it is different from any other diseases in a way that it is new to most of us, and also I thought of choosing it so that I may explore more and understand more clearly of the disease, how to get rid of it more especially nowadays that many strains of this virus containing disease are attacking humans which is a threat to our health. There isnt much information yet available about the genetic and antigenic composition of the virus. Swine flu symptoms is similar to regular flu symptoms the only difference is that this type is more life threatening. AH1N1 is an illness caused by RNA containing virus that infect the respiratory tract of many animals, birds, and humans. It is highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract which commonly occurs in cold weather. There are many types of these disease, First, is the seasonal flu which is common during the cold or winter season. Second is the swine or the novel 2009 H1N1 and lastly, avian flu which is commonly affecting the avian birds. It was named H1N1 because, H1 for it contains hemaglotinin with 16 spicies and N1 for neuraminidase with 9 subtypes. Incurring this type of disease is not like any other diseases because it insidiously causes the body to deteriorate. In this case we need to be more vigilant regarding our health. a man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to busy to take care of his tool- Spanish proverb, with this quotation I got from a book given by my dad when I graduated in High School I can relate this to the journal that I have chosen because of all the different disease which are globally occurring now a days we dont know, some are unaware

how to get rid of them. Our health is very important in our day to day activities because how can we function well if our health is affected, so in order for us to function well we need to take care of ourselves let us not like be the mechanic who is too busy that he cannot take good care of his tools more so of his health. For us to do well we must first make the most to keep our health well because we cannot function if our body is not well. Health is our wealth not only the material thing because how can we be wealthy of the material things if we cannot be wealthy with our health so for you to be wealthier you need to keep yourself healthy. Health is wealth

Few global health decisions have created as much commotion as that April 29, when the World Health Organization (WHO) responds to the escalating spread of the H1N1 flu, which raised it pandemic alert, which was considered imminent. In my own opinion, the novel pandemic AH1N1 have caused a commotion most especially those countries who have been said to be affected to these pandemic swine flu and in that case there were many who have suffered because not all were given attention regarding the treatment because they do not agree on one thing, the government who is in charge of giving enough funds for health purposes did not give priority most especially to the health care team which should and must have most of it because they are to deal with people who have their immune system compromised and can easily pass these disease. It was a very big issue to them who must take the first vaccine to this novel pandemic AH1N1. No one else is to be blamed than their government because first and for most the should be the first to initiate the information dissemination, allotting of funds for health purposes and giving enough time and attention to those who at higher risk of acquiring the disease. Few global health decisions have created as much commotion as that April 29, when the World Health Organization (WHO) responds to the escalating spread of the H1N1 flu, which raised it pandemic alert, which was considered imminent. These study is very relevant and timely, these study will help me a lot as Im on my way pursuing the nursing course because I learn from the different situations,

different stories which will help me draw ideas and learning from this people and stories that supplements my learning as I go along the way. During this study I was able to be more conscious of my health and my environment most specially nowadays that there are lot of diseases are being discovered and this diseases gets worst also which causes threat to our lives. During this study that I have further realized that it was very true and I have proven that our health is our wealth because when you are not healthy how can you go to work how can you be productive when even the most simple thing to do which is taking care of yourself of your health you cannot perform you will not really be productive. In our profession as nurses before we take care of our patients who are ill we must need first to protect ourselves we must have full immunization and vaccines to keep us protected from having or acquiring diseases most especially in the clinical area. In our health situation today I can say that there are lot of people who are there lying in their own bed the whole day because of diseases because their immune system are compromised they did not take care of the only wealth they can have for the rest of their lives, because of unsanitary leaving and others, of poverty and lack of support we get from our own government the supposed to be allotted fund for our health should be given to us but no not even a half of it is given to us it is there inside their pocket, their luxurious cars and big houses here and abroad our government is very insensitive to the health situation of our country.

This study is very helpful to us nursing students and also in the field of nursing because we acquire knowledge of the pandemic disease AH1N1 virus and is very timely because recently there was new found stain of this virus which is known to be much deadly than those other stains of this disease. Furthermore we gain learning on how to manage this type of disease when we are to encounter such patients having such. For us students we are still in the process of learning and exploring more ideas and informations about the said disease which will be of great help to us in the near future. For the environment, we most especially in the medical field we must be one of the contributors of promoting health and preventing illness by practicing proper waste disposal, routine segregation of waste and being a concern citizen by being sensitive in ways to help our environment clean. More so Cleanliness should begin at home so that it will reflect as we explore the world where in having a healthy environment to live in for the more healthier tomorrow. For the government, they must recognize those at high risk in getting and obtaining the H1N1 virus. Vaccines must be always available anytime. They must be a role model, the government now will be the one who takes the information dissemination for its people to be informed so that they will be more alert the government should also be the one allotting enough funds for health because an ounce of prevention is more than a pound of cure.

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