Frax 101
Frax 101
Frax 101
for Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer
Notice of copyright & proprietary rights 2005, Pax Diagnostics AB. All rights reserved. The contents of this manual are the property of Pax Diagnostics AB. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, except as permitted in written license agreement with Pax Diagnostics AB. Pax Diagnostics AB has made every reasonable attempt to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this document. However, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of Pax Diagnostics AB. Any attached hardware schematics and technical descriptions, or software listings that disclose source code, are for informational purposes only. Reproduction in whole or in part to create working hardware or software for other than Pax Diagnostics AB products is strictly prohibited, except as permitted by written license agreement with Pax Diagnostics AB. TRADEMARK NOTICES FRAX is a trademark of Pax Diagnostics AB. All other brand and product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Pax Diagnostics AB, Stockholmsvgen 116B plan 6, SE-187 30 TBY, Sweden Tel: +46 8 544 767 55, Fax: +46 8 644 767 59 E-mail: Internet:
Table of Contents
Part I FRAX-101 1
1 Safety First ................................................................................................................................... 1 2 FRAX-101 ................................................................................................................................... 2 and Accessories 3 FRAX-101 ................................................................................................................................... 2 Technical Specifications 4 Instrument panels ................................................................................................................................... 4 5 Bluetooth ................................................................................................................................... 5 communication 6 Sweep Frequency Response ................................................................................................................................... 6 7 Short circuit measurement - Test Leads Verification ................................................................................................................................... 6 8 Open circuit measurement ................................................................................................................................... 7 9 Calibration ................................................................................................................................... 8 10 Scrapping................................................................................................................................... 8 FRAX-101
1 Saftey First ................................................................................................................................... 9 2 Preparatory Procedures ................................................................................................................................... 9 3 Start Up FRAX and Establish Communication ................................................................................................................................... 10 4 Create a New File ................................................................................................................................... 11 5 Test Lead Connection ................................................................................................................................... 11 6 Start Measurement ................................................................................................................................... 12 7 View Data ................................................................................................................................... 13 8 Export Data ................................................................................................................................... 13
1 PC Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 14 2 Welcome................................................................................................................................... 14 Screen 3 License Agreement ................................................................................................................................... 14 4 Installation Location ................................................................................................................................... 14 5 Shortcuts Screen ................................................................................................................................... 15 6 Installation Progress ................................................................................................................................... 16 7 Installation Complete ................................................................................................................................... 16
1 FRAX Software File Structure ................................................................................................................................... 17 2 Data File ................................................................................................................................... 17 Structure 3 Data format ................................................................................................................................... 18
1 File menu ................................................................................................................................... 21 2 Edit Menu ................................................................................................................................... 30 3 Configuration Menu ................................................................................................................................... 31 4 Windows................................................................................................................................... 38 Menu 5 Action Buttons ................................................................................................................................... 39 6 Legend ................................................................................................................................... 42 7 Views ................................................................................................................................... 43
Part VI Appendix A
Congratulations to your choice of FRAX-101 Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer by Pax Diagnostics. We at Pax Diagnostic have done our best and will continue do our best to satisfy our customers. Please visit our home page at and do not hesitate to contact us directly. Most dielectric and mechanical failures in large power transformers are preceded by mechanical changes in the winding structure. These displacements in the winding structure may be the result of transportation damage, short circuit forces, or natural aging effects on the insulating structures used to support the windings. Detection of these displacements before dielectric failure reduces maintenance costs, and improves system reliability. FRAX-101 Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer (SFRA) is designed to detect winding displacements in power transformers or faults in the magnetic core. The system provides attenuation signature curves that easily can be compared for deviations that are indicators of: Core movements Winding deformations and displacements Faulty core grounds Partial winding collapse Hoop buckling Broken or loosened clamping structures Shorted turns and open windings Unique features of FRAX-101: High accuracy Small size and low weight Powerful analysis tools that are intuitive and easy to use Wireless, Bluetooth, communication between laptop an instruments allows flexibility in the field Galvanic isolated USB interface for personnel and equipment safety More safety and technical details are given in the following sections: Safety First FRAX-101 and Accessories FRAX-101 Technical Specifications Instrument panels: Front, Rear Sweep Frequency Response Short circuit measurement - Test Leads Verification Open circuit measurement Calibration Scrapping FRAX-101
Safety First
FRAX-101 is a Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer designed to be used for measurements of power transformers in the field and at manufacturing sites. Always follow local safety regulations. Make certain that all personnel who work with FRAX-101 instrument have been trained in its use and that all applicable safety precautions are taken. Always connect the instrument to protective earth/ground using the separate earth/ground cable. The earth/ground cable should be the first connection made and the last removed. Do not use any accessories that are not intended for use together with the FRAX-101. Refer all servicing to qualified personnel.
Optional accessories
Internal battery pack Calibration box Custom made test leads Field proven Laptop computer GE-00010 GE-00020 Contact Pax Contact Pax
FRAX-101 Points spacing: Dynamic range/Noise floor: Accuracy: IF Bandwidth/integration time: Software: PC Communication: Recommended Calibration Interval: Logarithmic, linear or combination of both >120 dB 0.5 dB down to -100 dB User selectable FRAX for Windows 2000/XP Bluetooth and USB 3 years
Analog Output
Channels: Frequency Range: Voltage Output: Output Impedance: Protection: 1 1 Hz - 10 MHz 10 V peak-to-peak in 50 Ohms 50 Ohms Short-circuit protected
Analog Inputs
Channels: Sampling: Frequency Range: Input Impedance: Sampling Rate: 2 Simultaneously 1 Hz - 10 MHz 50 Ohms 100 MS/s
Instrument Weight Dimensions Input Voltage 1.4 kg/3.1 lbs 250 x 169 x 52 / 9.84 x 6.65 x 2.05 (mm/in.) 90-135VAC and 170-264VAC, 47-63 Hz
Operating Ambient Temperature: Operating Relative Humidity: Storage Ambient Temperature: Storage Relative Humidity: -20 to 50C < 90% non-condensing -20 to 70C < 90% non-condensing
PC requirements
Operating system Processor Memory Hard drive Drive Interface Windows 2000, Windows XP or later Pentium 500 MHz or higher 256 MB RAM or more Minimum 30 MB free CD-ROM Bluetooth and USB
Instrument panels
Front Panel
On/Off-switch, to turn the instrument On/Off, Switch labeled I (On) and 0 (Off). DC-input, to connect the AC/DC adapter or optional battery pack (center pin positive polarity) USB-connector type B, to connect a USB cable to PC Bluetooth module, enables Bluetooth communication
Right-hand side, top down: Generator output connected to Reference at Red Clip Generator (Yellow): Reference input connected to Generator at Red Clip Reference (Red): Measure input Connected to Black Clip Measure (Black): Always connect the instrument to station earth/ground using the Protective Earth/Ground symbol and Protective Earth/ separate earth/ground cable. The separate earth/ground wire shall be the first connection made and the last removed. Ground connector Refers to follow instructions stated in Users's Manual to ensure Caution, risk of danger safety. See Safety First. symbol
Rear Panel
Left-hand side, top down: Informative text Serial number Right-hand side, top down: DC Input DC-input, to connect the AC/DC adapter or optional battery pack.Caution, risk of danger symbol, DC symbol Polarity Symbol..
Calibration date
Bluetooth communication
Bluetooth is a standard for wireless serial communication. Simply speaking, Bluetooth replaces the serial cable between your laptop and the FRAX-101 instrument. Many laptops of today has built-in Bluetooth capability. Since the Bluetooth module used in FRAX101 has excellent receiving properties, a built-in Bluetooth device is suitable for most situations, also in the field. However, if you encounter problems, USB-modules with higher transmitting power and/or external antennas are available. Do not hesitate to contact us or our local representative for help. In the same manner as you need to connect a cable before communicating with the software, you need to establish your Bluetooth communication before attempting connect the FRAX Software to
FRAX-101 User's Manual the FRAX-101 instrument. The following steps shows how to add a connection between the FRAX-101 instrument and the computer. Please note that the procedure is managed by your operating system directly. Thus, the procedure necessary on your computer may differ from the following steps, and it should be regarded as an example. 1. Start the Application for your PC Bluetooth module. 2. Select Add Connection. 3. Search for nearby Bluetooth Devices. 4. Select the device called "PAX Diagnostics". 5. Enter the code "0000" (four zeroes) as a pass code if needed. You can now connect to the device from the FRAX software.
The dip using long earth/ground leads is caused by the added inductance in the earth/ground leads and will influence the measurement. Therefore the recommendation is to use as short earth/ ground leads as possible and let place the leads along the bushing surface. Also, using long ground leads, if you place them different you will get different results. Two different set up of same cables are shown (Black and Red) together with the almost straight from using a short lead (green).
FRAX-101 User's Manual higher. An open measurement with the the standard 60 feet / 18 m Test Leads looks like the measurement with short leads at the lowest frequencies. At higher frequencies, the influence of cables are clearly seen, however, up to 1 MHz the open response is still less than -90dB.
The instrument is calibrated when it leaves the factory. The recommended calibration interval is three (3) years. The instrument can be calibrated by Pax Diagnostics or by most calibration institutes following calibration instruction given in Appendix A, Calibration Instructions.
Scrapping FRAX-101
FRAX-101 and its accessories are all manufactured after August 12, 2005. Pax Diagnostics AB is responsible taking care of scraped units and you can send it back to us for scrapping at any time at no charge.
Saftey First
FRAX-101 is a Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer designed to be used for measurements of power transformers in the field and at manufacturing sites. Always follow local safety regulations. Make certain that all personnel who work with FRAX-101 instrument have been trained in its use and that all applicable safety precautions are taken. Always connect the instrument to protective earth/ground using the separate earth/ground cable. The earth/ground cable should be the first connection made and the last removed. Do not use any accessories that are not intended for use together with the FRAX-101. Refer all servicing to qualified personnel.
Preparatory Procedures
Always follow local safety regulations! The transformer must be disconnected from the net, which means that any connection to the transformer bushing's including neutral(s) must be disconnected. The transformer tank must be properly grounded (it usually is). If the transformer is equipped with a Load Tap Changer (LTC), the position of the LTC will influence the FRA measurement. The recommendation is to put the LTC in the position to include all tap windings in circuit ("Extreme Raise" position), and note that this LTC position is used. If making measurements at several tap positions, make sure note each tap position. If the transformer is equipped with a DeEnergized Tap Changer (DETC), the position of the DETC will influence the FRA measurement. The recommendation is the nominal tap position unless otherwise specified. Make sure note the DETC position. 1. Connect the FRAX-101 instrument to station earth/ground near the power transformer to be measured using the separate earth/ground wire (at bottom of transformer if instrument is operated beside the transformer, at another good connection to transformer at top of transformer inf instrument is used on top of transformer). The separate earth/ground wire shall be the first connection made and the last removed. 2. Connect the test lead BNC connectors to the FRAX instrument, Generator (yellow), Reference (red) and Measure (black). 3. Connect the AC/DC Adapter to the FRAX-101 and a power source that fulfils local safety
FRAX-101 User's Manual regulations AND the AC/DC Adapter specifications OR use optional in-built battery supply. 4. If not using Bluetooth communication, connect the USB cable to the FRAX-101 and your computer. 5. Turn on the FRAX-101. 6. Start FRAX-software on your PC and establish communication, see establish communication.
Start Measurement
Execute a measurement by select a measurement in the Legend at the left side, the blue color show that H2-H1 (Open) is selected in the picture below. Start the measurement by press the Start button, press F9-key or select Start under the File menu.
View Data
You can view data in the FRAX Software, for more details try it out and see FRAX Software
Export Data
If you want to use data in other software you can use the data files directly, see also Data Format and File Structure, or export the data of your choice, see Export... under FRAX Software, File menu.
PC Requirements
Pentium III or higher Operating system: Windows 2000/XP or later versions Internal memory: 256 MByte or more Free Hard Drive Space:44 MByte or more
Welcome Screen
Welcome to Pax Diagnostics Installer for FRAX. To install FRAX Software press Next witch will bring you to License Agreement
License Agreement
Read the license and check the "I accept the terms in the License Agreement" checkbox. This will enable the Next button. To continue the installation press Next. This will bring you to Installation Location.
Installation Location
Select the location to witch the FRAX Software will be installed. Make sure you have enough space available on your hard drive. To continue the installation press Next. This will take you to the Shortcuts Screen.
Shortcuts Screen
This is where you select the shortcuts to install. You are now ready to install the software. To install the application press Install. This will bring you to Installation Progress.
Installation Progress
This is where the application executables are being installed. When the files has been installed you will automatically transferred to Installation Complete.
Installation Complete
Congratulation! The installation is now complete. You can now start the FRAX Software.
In the sub-directory AppData text files containing information such as colors in the graph and nameplate list are saved.
In the "_Files"-directory all sweeps are saved. Below the files in directory "Transformer on the Beach_Files" are shown. If you change a sweep name the name of corresponding file will also be changed. See also Data format.
Data format
The Data File Structure is described in the previous chapter. The main file (in this example named "Transformer on the Beach.txt") contain all nameplate data and notes. All parameter names in main file, e.g. "Company" and "Notes" are same in all language versions, however, the parameter names shown in the FRAX nameplate form are language dependent. The date format main file is according to International Standard ISO 8601, i.e. following the format YYYY-MM-DD, however, the date shown in FRAX follows regional settings of your computer.
The actual measurement sweep is saved in a txt-file in the sub-directory named after the main file, e.g. directory "Transformer on the Beach_Files". This sweep file name will be the same as the sweep name and in principle looks as below. Sweep files will look the same regardless of language used in FRAX Software or regional settings used. System Information (System Information): Instrument model: (FRAX-101); Serial number: (s/n=001); Calibration date: (Calibrated=20050501) FRAX Software Version: (PC-SW=R01A); FRAX internal software version: (Firmware-SW=R01A) Measurement Information (Meas Information): Sweep Name (SweepName='A1 - A2 (open)'); Measurement Settings used Start Frequency (StartFreq=20.000000) Stop Frequency (StopFreq=10000000 ) Measurements per decade (MeasPerDecade=200) Min Time (MinTime=0.100000) Min Cycles (MinCycles=12.000000) Min Skip Time (MinSkipTime=0.010000) Min Skip Cycles (MinSkipCycles=1.000000) Date and Time from your PC in (HostPCdate=2005-1127:23:14:22)
Data: A measurement point per row, start with frequency (Hz) and then the amplitude on Reference channel (-db(Ref)), amplitude on Measure channel (-db(Meas)) and then Measure channel amplitude divided by Reference channel amplitude (-db(Meas/Ref)). After that follows same for the Phase. Observe that Degrees (Meas/Ref) means the phase for the divided signals which equals Degrees(Meas)-Degrees(Ref).
FRAX Software
Below the FRAX Main Window is shown. In this section it is assumed that the FRAX software is installed and has started up properly, for issues regarding installation of FRAX Software, see section Installing FRAX Software. The FRAX Software Main Window is divided into three sections: The test browser to the left (empty in screen shot below) with four arrow buttons for selecting Measurement File or Measurement Sweep in the test browser. Also the buttons Add Seep and Delete Sweep are incuded in this section of the window. The data part in the middle having three tabs making it possible looking at the Nameplate, Magnutide versus frequency or Phase versus frequency The button section to the right. Note that all buttons in this section have allow use of keyboard command instead of mouse pointer, also that all buttons except Graph 1 ... Graph 4 have their equivalence in the File or Configuration menus.
FRAX Software
File menu
Menu Command New File... Load File... Close File Export... Import... Add Sweep... Delete Sweep Edit nameplate... Difference Connect Disconnect Start Measurement Stop Measurement Exit
(Ctrl+N) (Ctrl+L) (Ctrl+I) (Alt+E) (Alt+I) (Ctrl+A) (Ctrl+D) (Ctrl+E) (Alt+D) (F7) (F8) (F9) (F10) (Alt+F4)
Description Creates a new Measurement file structure to save data in Loads a previous performed Measurement file structure Close a Measurement file structure Export active sweeps to a *.csv or *.txt file Load files in other file formats. Adds an additional sweep into a Measurement file structure Deletes a sweep (performed or empty) from a Measurement file structure Opens the Measurements file structure Nameplate allow editing Calculates the difference between two sweeps active in the graph and plot results Software connect the FRAX software to the FRAX-101 instrument Disconnect the FRAX software from the FRAX-101 instrument Start measurement of selected sweep in test browser Stop active measurement Terminates the FRAX Software
The "Save As" dialog will suggest a file name of format "YYYY-MM-DD" based on the system time in your PC. You can change name to a name of your choice (not to an existing file name or a file name not accepted by Windows) and save the file in a directory of your choice. The file extension will always be ".txt". See also data format. Click the "Save" button or hit the "Enter" key.
Measurement type After you have saved the location where data to be saved using the "save As" dialog the "Measurement type" window will appear. In "Measurement type" window, select tab of your choice: Quick Test Make a single sweep test with Sweep label of your choice Multiple Sweeps Make it possible use and design "Sweep groups" containing one or more sweeps of your choice Use Measurement as Template Make it possible us a earlier performed measurement as template for a new measurement
In the "Quick Test" tab, simply enter a "Sweep name" of your choice and hit "OK". Note that the default "Measurements Settings" used are the settings currently set in the FRAX software, see Measurement settings.... You can always change "Measurement settings" in the legend after this step but before performing the measurement sweep.
FRAX Software
In the "Multiple Seeps" tab, you can use predefined "Sweep groups" containing one or more sweeps. You simply modify the predefinitions by use of the buttons "Add" and "Delete" of "Sweep Groups" and "Sweep names" respectively. The names can be changed by mark a "Sweep group" or "Sweep name" and type in a new name. Select a "Sweep group" and select which Sweeps that should be included by toggle the cross in front of sweep names and then hit "OK" Note that the default "Measurements Settings" used are the settings currently set in the FRAX software, see Measurement settings.... You can always change "Measurement settings" in the legend after this step but before performing the measurement sweep.
In the "Use Measurement as Template" tab, you use earlier performed measurement as template for a new measurement. Hit the "Load File" button and load the Measurement file of your choice. The "Sweep names" from the template measurement will appear in the list, and the sweeps will be marked with a cross if measured and not marked if not measured. Mark sweeps you want to include and possibly add any additional sweeps of your choice. Press "OK". Note that the default "Measurements Settings" used are NOT the settings currently set in the FRAX software, see Measurement settings..., the "Measurement settings" used are the settings used in the template measurement. You can check and possibly change "Measurement settings" in the legend after the sweeps are generated (but before performing the measurement sweep.)
Namplate If used "Quick Test" or "Multiple Sweeps" in the "Measurement type" dialog an almost empty nameplate will appear. The "Test date:" is as default filled in with your PC system date according to regional setting of your computer. Please fill in the Namplate (no field is required). Press "OK". You will now have your measurements sweeps in the legend (Test Browser) Note that you can always add information to the "Nameplate" at a any later occasion. this feature makes it possible to add notes during measurement. If "Measurement type" "Use Measurement as Template" is used the Namplate contains the Template Nameplate as default. This means that the "Test date" field contains the template Nameplate "Test date", make sure that you change the test date. The actual date when a sweep is performed is always saved with the actual sweep.
FRAX Software
Export... (Alt+E)
Exports active sweeps to a *.csv or *.txt file. Make sure that only graphs that you want to export is visual in the Graph, activate the function by e.g. click the Export button. You will come to a "Save As" dialog and need to save the file. Next dialog is the one shown below. Select suitable export details and press OK
Import... (Alt+I)
It is possible to load files in various file formats. Among others, XML and CSV (Comma Separated Values) formatted files from several vendors are supported. The software tries to automatically detect the file format when "All supported files" is selected in the File type list. You can also manually select the file format you are about to import in this list.
FRAX Software
Difference (Alt+D)
The Difference function is only active when two measurement sweeps are shown in the graph, no more and no less.
Edit Menu
Description Copy the current view to the clipboard Copy the legend to the clipboard Copy the current view and the legend to the clipbord
Copy View
Copy the current view into the clipboard. The view can be the Nameplate (Alt+N), Magnitude (Alt +M) or Phase (Alt+P).
Copy Legend
Copy the Legend into the clipboard.
FRAX Software
Configuration Menu
Menu Command Change Language... Connection Settings... Measurement Settings... Graph Settings... Graph Views... Models... Default Filename Settings...
Description Change language in FRAX Software menus and more Set the COM-port for communicating FRAX-101 (Ctrl+M Set default measurement settings such as start frequency, ) integration time and more. (Ctrl+G Set axes and more in the FRAX Software graph ) Set graphs to use Set models to use with graphs Change the default filename format.
Change Language...
You change language in menus and more in FRAX software by select one of available languages. After you have changed language, you need to restart the application.
Connection Settings...
The PC uses a COM-port to communicate with the FRAX-101 instrument. It will use one COM-port when using USB connection and a different one using Bluetooth. The FRAX software will try to figure out which COM-port to use and also give you some hints if no FRAX-101 Instrument was found. COM-ports marked with green means a FRAX-101 Instrument was found on that COM-port. Read means no FRAX-101 Instrument was found.
FRAX Software
Graph Views...
In the Graph Views dialog, you can configure which graphs to be used. The default selections include Magnitude, Phase, and Magnitude / Phase, as shown below. To check or uncheck a graph to be used, click the box next to its name.
FRAX Software
To edit or delete a custom graph, select the graph in the list and then click the Delete or Edit buttons. To add a custom graph, click the Add button, and the following dialog is shown.
Type a name and a description in the boxes, and click the Add button to add a graph type.
Enter a description and a number in the Graph Type box. The number functions as a unique id for this particular graph. It is also possible to use some pre-defined types by clicking on the Get button.
In the Models dialog, you can select which models to use when a graph is plotted.
Selected models are shown beneath the graphs in the main window.
To create your own custom model, check Custom Model in the Models dialog as shown above and click OK to dismiss the dialog. Then, click the button named "..." in the Custom Model frame in the main window. This will bring up a window called Model Options.
FRAX Software
The screenshot above illustrates some of the possibilities with Custom Models. The buttons Units, Vars, Func, and Graph Types provide lists with available units, variables, mathematical functions, and graph types that can be used within formulas. Please note that a formula only affects one graph type. That is, a type must be unique for each formula, and two or more formulas can not share the same type. To save a model, click the Save button. The model will then be listed as "User defined" in the Models dialog for later use.
FRAX-101 User's Manual Data time format (YYYY-MM-DD Generate a file name of format "YYYY-MM-DD" based on the system time in your PC. Number format (Dxxxxxxx) Generate a file name starting with the number entered into the edit field. once a new file has been created the number will be incremented.
Windows Menu
FRAX Software
Action Buttons
Action buttons for faster access to common functions.
Graph Settings
Same as the menu item Graph settings... (Ctrl+G).
The Location bar on the buttons have different colors depending on settings. Location bar Color code Description Logarithmic frequency scale. Linear frequency scale. The gray area shows the viewing area of the entire graph.
Same as the menu item Difference (Alt+D). The button is only enabled when no more then 2 sweeps are visible.
New File
Same as the menu item New File ... (Ctrl+N).
Load File
Same as the menu item Load File ... (Ctrl+L).
FRAX Software
Same as the menu item Export... (Alt+E).
Edit Nameplate
Same as the menu item Edit Nameplate... (Ctrl+E). This button is only enabled when a file is selected in the Legend.
Same as the menu item Connect (F7).
The start button is a multi-functional button. You can get action suggestions by pressing the start button.
Button Icon
Description This icon means that you are not connected to the system. 1. No file is selected in the Legend. 2. No sweep is selected in the Legend. 3. The selected sweep is already measured. Measurement in progress. Ready to start measure.
You can press the button at anytime if you are unsure of what action to take. The application will then give you a action suggestion.
The legend is where you will spend most of your time. This is where you change the Measurement settings and control the Graph. Fore more information about the usage of the Legend please read the chapter Usage.
Usage overview You can navigate through the legend by either using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the legend. Or you can use the arrow keys Up and Down to navigate between sweeps or Page Up or Page Down to change File.
Legend Action Button Description Below is a typical measurement file. A file is just a container of sweeps.
FRAX Software File Description The file header contains 3 function buttons and the name of the file. File function button or Enable / Disable sweeps in the file. or Close the file. Description Hide / Show inactive sweeps in the file.
Sweep Description The sweep contains 2 function buttons and the name of the sweep. Below is a list of different sweeps with different attributes.
Description Enable / Disable the sweep. The red color depends on the color setting set for the sweep. You can change the color by right clicking on the icon. Measured / Empty sweep. Clicking on this icon will let you change the measurement settings for the sweep.
FRAX Software
Measurement Settings This window lets you change the settings for the sweep. You can only change the settings for "empty" sweeps (no measurement data). You can change the default measurement settings for new sweeps by pressing Ctrl+M.
Appendix A
Appendix A
Calibration Instruction
The calibration is performed automatically by the FRAX-101 system. The system utilizes an Agilent 34401A digital multimeter and a calibration adapter connected to the measuring channels. The initiation of the calibration procedure is made through the USB interface by issuing commands directly to the FRAX-101 system with the help of a terminal emulator.
when the calibration is done move the coax from reference to the measure input and issue the command:
To view the last calibration date stored in non volatile memory enter the command: