The Vessel Class
The Vessel Class
The Vessel Class
The Vessel
A ragged young man fled down
an alley in a vain attempt to lose
the thugs that pursued him. As their
shadows grew longer, he realized that
he had no choice. As the ruffians pinned
him against the wall, he looked inward and
called upon the sinister entity bound to his
soul. When he finally regained his senses,
the smell of sulfur was overwhelming. He fled
the alleyway, leaving the charred remains of
the brigands behind. They were but the latest
victims of the dark presence he harbored within.
An austere elven woman stood on a raised dais at
the center of a crowded amphitheater. Members of
the church hierarchy and common folk alike had
come to witness her awesome transformation. She
did not know why she was chosen, but within her soul
was bound a fallen heavenly being, charged to perform one
hundred and one good deeds in order to regain its status in
the celestial courts. As the crowd gathered around, she said a
prayer and gave herself over to the overwhelming radiance.
The strange elderly halfling knew that he did not belong in
the tower he called home. The tower's keeper, a reclusive old
archmage, only kept him around as a reminder of what would
happen to any who dared cross him. At night, the halfling
could hear crying inside of his head, the sounds of a former Creating
student who had attempted to overthrow the great archmage, Your Vessel
now bound to the aging body and soul of the lowliest student.
All three people described above are Vessels, bearers of When creating a Vessel, the most important thing to consider
wondrous otherworldly power in the form of Spirits bound is how you came to be bound to the Spirit within you. Are you
within their body and soul. With training, these adventurers the Acolyte of a god, chosen to bear one of its angels that has
can learn to wield a fraction of their Spirit's amazing power. fallen from grace? Are you a prophetic child of a cult, forced
to bear the sinister power of their infernal lord? Or, are you
Otherworldly Power descended from a bloodline of Vessels, each parent passing
Within every Vessel is bound an extraplanar being of strange the Spirit on to their child when they have reached old age?
and wondrous power. No matter their origin, these immortal Secondly, consider the nature of your Sealed Spirit and its
Spirits cannot be killed by conventional means. Instead, they relationship to you. Does your Spirit communicate with you
are often bound to mortal flesh, forced to dwell within a body freely, hoping that your goals will align? Is your Spirit bound
on the material plane. While many such Spirits are bound to against its will and seeking your demise so it can once again
their Vessel against their will, some choose to dwell within a be free? Or, is the nature of your Sealed Spirit a mystery that
mortal, lending them power in causes that align with theirs. you have struck out into the world to uncover more about?
No matter the reason, these otherworldly beings are the
source of the power for the adventurers known as Vessels.
Multiclassing and the Vessel
Mortal Vessel If your group uses the optional multiclassing rule,
here's what you need to know if you choose to
A rare occurrence in most worlds, mortal Vessels will likely take your first level in the Vessel class.
never meet another of their kind unless they seek them out. Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character,
The binding of an otherworldly Spirit is a deadly task, and is you must have at least a Charisma score of 13 to
almost always done by a higher power or legendary mortal. take your first level as a Vessel, or to take a level in
Bearers of this extraplanar power can learn to channel the another class if you are already a Vessel.
wondrous abilities of the Spirit inside them. Through their Proficiencies. If Vessel isn't your initial class, here
force of will, they can allow small amounts of this power out, are the proficiencies you gain when you take your
channeling it to defend themselves, produce eldritch magic, first Vessel level: light armor and simple weapons
enhance their physical abilities, and influence friend and foe. Spellcasting. If you have a feature from another
However, the mark of a true Vessel is their ability to take on class that allows you to learn and cast spells, you
the appearance of the Spirit bound to their soul, known as an can use your Vessel Magic spell slots to cast the
spells you gained through that feature, and you can
Archon Form. Through this wondrous transformation, they use those spell slots to cast your Vessel spells.
are able to directly wield the power of the Spirit within, and
use its power to overcome obstacles and thwart foes.
The Vessel
Spells Spell Slot Unsealed
Level PB Features Known Slots Level Aspects
1st +2 Sealed Spirit, Unsealed Aspects — — — 1
2nd +2 Vessel Magic 2 2 1st 2
3rd +2 Archon Form 3 2 1st 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 1st 2
5th +3 Extra Attack 5 2 2nd 2
6th +3 Sealed Spirit Feature 5 2 2nd 3
7th +3 Controlled Transformation 6 2 2nd 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 2 2nd 3
9th +4 ─ 7 2 3rd 4
10th +4 Twin Consciousness 7 2 3rd 4
11th +4 Unchained Power 8 2 3rd 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 8 2 3rd 5
13th +5 ─ 9 2 4th 5
14th +5 Sealed Spirit Feature 9 2 4th 5
15th +5 ─ 9 3 4th 6
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 3 4th 6
17th +6 ─ 10 3 5th 6
18th +6 Twin Soul 10 3 5th 7
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 3 5th 7
20th +6 Sealed Spirit Feature 10 3 5th 7
Ascended Archon
3rd-level Ascended Spirit feature
You take on the luminous form of the ancient spellcaster that
is bound to you. Your Archon Form uses the stat block below:
Ascended Archon
Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger)
Cataclysm Spells
Potent Magicks 2nd-level Cataclysm Spirit feature
6th-level Ascended Spirit feature You learn the spells at the Vessel levels noted in the table
The ambient magic of the Ascended being within your soul below. These don't count against your total number of Spells
empowers your magic with a fraction of its power. Once per Known and cannot be switched out when you gain a level.
turn when you damage a creature with a Vessel spell or an For each spell level, you learn a single affinity spell. This
Iridescent Strike, you can roll a d8 and add the result to the affinity spell should be chosen from spells that deal the same
damage roll of the Vessel spell or Iridescent Strike attack. damage type as your Elemental Affinity. Alternatively, you can
Ascended Arcanum talk with your DM and decide on an alternate thematic spell.
14th-level Ascended Spirit feature Vessel Level Spells
You are able to wrest even greater magics from the Ascended 2nd absorb elements, affinity spell
mage imprisoned within you. You gain a single 6th-level spell
slot which you can use to cast your Vessel spells. Unlike your 5th enlarge/reduce, affinity spell
other Vessel Magic spell slots, you only regain the use of this 9th fly, affinity spell
special Arcanum spell slot when you finish a long rest.
At 20th level, you gain a 7th-level Arcanum spell slot. 13th summon elemental TCoE, affinity spell
17th arcane hand, affinity spell
Archmage Reborn
20th-level Ascended Spirit feature
Your soul is able to channel the full power of the Ascended
Spirit bound to your mortal flesh, if only temporarily. When A Guide to Thematic Affinity Spells
you are in your Archon Form you gain the benefits below: While some spells may not deal the damage type
You assume the appearance The Ascended had in life. associated with your Elemental Affinity, they may
You gain resistance to all damage from spells. still be appropriate picks for an affinity spell.
For example, despite not dealing any damage, a
If you use your action to cast a Vessel spell of 1st-level spell like earthbind would be an excellent choice as
or higher you can make a single Iridescent Strike or an Earth affinity spell. Likewise, the tidal wave spell
use Arcane Blast as a bonus action on that turn. would be a good choice for a Water affinity spell.
You can use Astral Step to teleport up to 60 feet.
Cataclysm Archon
3rd-level Cataclysm Spirit feature
You can take on a form of pure elemental power, wreathed in storms, flames, stone, or waves. When you transform into your
Archon Form, you use the Cataclysm Archon stat block below that corresponds to the Elemental Affinity you chose at 1st level:
Armor Class 10 + your Charisma modifier Armor Class 11 + your Charisma modifier
Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) Speed 40 ft.
Skills Acrobatics +PB, Nature +PB Skills Nature +PB, Intimidation +PB
Damage Resistances thunder, lighting Damage Resistances fire, radiant
Languages Auran, and any languages you know Languages Ignan, and any languages you know
Air Form. The Archon can move through any space as Ignite. Once per turn when the Archon hits a target
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing, and it does with an Iridescent Strike, it can choose to light the
not provoke opportunity attacks while it is flying. target on fire, if it is flammable. The target must then
make a Dexterity saving throw at the start of each of
Bluster. Once per turn when the Archon hits a target its turns. On a failed save, it takes damage as if hit by
with an Iridescent Strike, it can force it to make a another Iridescent Strike. On a success, the flames
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it is pushed are extinguished and it takes no additional damage.
away from you in a straight line up to 15 feet. Any
creature that is more than one size larger than the Illumination. The Archon sheds bright light in a 30-
Archon has advantage on its Strength saving throw. foot radius and dim light in an additional 30 ft.
Armor Class 15 + your Charisma modifier Armor Class 11 + your Charisma modifier
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
Skills Nature +PB, Survival +PB Skills Medicine +PB, Nature +PB
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, poison Damage Resistances acid, cold
Senses Tremmorsense 10 ft. Senses darkvision 120 ft.
Languages Terran, and any languages you know Languages Aquan, and any languages you know
Rock Solid. Once per turn when the Archon hits a Aqueous. The Archon can breathe normally in air and
creature with an Iridescent Strike it can force it to water, and it can move through any space as narrow
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
its speed is halved until the start of your next turn.
Watery Resilience. When the Archon takes damage,
Siege Monster. The Archon's Iridescent Strikes deal it can use its reaction to reduce the damage by an
the maximum possible damage against nonmagical amount equal to your Charisma modifier and move
objects and structures instead of rolling. up to 15 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
Elder Power Malignant Aura
6th-level Cataclysm Spirit feature 1st-level Cursed Spirit feature
The natural elements present in the material plane are but The aura of the Cursed Spirit sealed within your soul bleeds
a pale imitation of your Spirit's primordial power. When you into your personality. You learn to speak Abyssal or Infernal.
cast a Vessel spell or use a feature that deals your Elemental You also gain proficiency in Deception or Intimidation, and
Affinity damage type, you can treat a roll of 1 or 2 on any of whenever you make an ability check with either skill you can
the damage dice you roll for that spell or feature as a 3. treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8.
Also, whenever you deal your Elemental Affinity damage Finally, your Iridescent Strikes deal fire damage on hit.
type to a creature, you can ignore resistance to that damage,
and you treat immunity to that damage type as resistance. Cursed Spells
2nd-level Cursed Spirit feature
Elemental Eruption You learn the spells at the Vessel levels noted in the table
14th-level Cataclysm Spirit feature below. These don't count against your total number of Spells
Raw primordial energies erupt from your Spirit. When you Known and cannot be switched out when you gain a level.
cast a Vessel spell or use a feature that deals your Elemental Vessel Level Spells
Affinity damage type, you can choose for that spell or effect to
deal the maximum possible damage, in place of rolling. 2nd cause fear XGtE, hellish rebuke
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long 5th flame whip V, scorching ray
rest before you can maximize damage in this way again.
9th fireball, vampiric touch
Cataclysm Reborn 13th dominate beast, wall of fire
20th-level Cataclysm Spirit feature
You wield the full power of a primordial elemental force, and 17th flame strike, insect plague
the raw elements of the planes bend to your will. When you
are in your Archon Form you gain the following benefits: Cursed Archon
You assume the true appearance of your Cataclysm. 3rd-level Cursed Spirit feature
The weather in a 1-mile radius surrounding you subtly You can take on a sinister form wreathed in the dark flame
changes to reflect your primordial elemental influence. and shadow of your Cursed Spirit. When you transform into
As an action, you can force targets of your choice within Archon Form, you use the Cursed Archon stat block below:
20 feet to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure,
targets take 6d6 damage of your Elemental Affinity type. Cursed Archon
Medium Fiend (Shapechanger)
The Cursed
Condemned by the heavens for transgressions at the dawn of Armor Class 13 + your Charisma modifier
time, Cursed Spirits were once wielders of an overwhelming Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
sinister power. Counted among these Spirits are the demons,
devils, and all other nefarious spirits of the lower planes. To Skills Religion +PB, Stealth +PB
be considered one of the Cursed, the Spirit posed Damage Resistances fire, poison
a direct threat to the order of the multiverse, Senses darkvision 120 ft.
and were sealed to prevent untold calamity. Languages Infernal, and any languages you know
Fallen Archon
Medium Celestial (Shapechanger)
6th-level Fallen Spirit feature
Your Spirit burns to mark foes for divine judgment. When
you deal radiant damage to a creature while in your Archon
Form, you can mark it as Condemned until the end of your The Formless
current transformation. A Condemned creature must expend Before the world was shaped, horrible things slithered about
two feet of movement for every foot it wishes to move away the darkness. Formless monsters with only one desire, to eat
from you, and your Blades of Judgment score a critical hit and consume anything they could. These shapeless creatures
against the Condemned on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20. of hunger are known as Formless, and even now, they gnaw
You can only mark a creature in this way once per Archon the roots of the world, trapped deep below the material plane.
Form transformation. It ends early if you or the creature die.
Amorphous Shape
Heavenly Warrior 1st-level Formless Spirit feature
14th-level Fallen Spirit feature The oozing Spirit bound to your soul allows you to bend and
Your Fallen Spirit compels you to slay all who stand against squeeze your body in unnatural ways. You can move through
you. If a Condemned creature dies, you can use your reaction gaps as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing, though you
to Condemn another creature that you can see within 30 feet. cannot bring objects with you unless they fit through the gap.
Also, your Blades of Judgment score a critical hit on a roll Also, your Iridescent Strikes deal acid damage on hit, and
of 18-20 on the d20 against Condemned creatures. you gain resistance to both acid and poison damage.
Divine Revelation Formless Spells
20th-level Fallen Spirit feature 2nd-level Formless Spirit feature
Your soul can fully channel the radiant light of the Fallen You learn the spells at the Vessel levels noted in the table
Spirit bound to your mortal flesh, if only temporarily. When below. These don't count against your total number of Spells
you are in your Archon Form you gain the following benefits: Known and cannot be switched out when you gain a level.
You assume the true appearance of your Fallen Spirit. Vessel Level Spells
Your Blades of Judgment gain a thrown range of 60 feet,
and instantly return to your hand after a thrown attack. 2nd caustic brew TCoE, entangle
Your Blades of Judgment score a critical hit on a roll of 5th ray of enfeeblement, web
17 through 20 on the d20 against all creatures. life transference XGtE, slow
When you hit a creature with your Blade of Judgment it 9th
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become 13th grasping vine, vitriolic sphere XGtE
blinded and deafened until the start of your next turn. A 17th contagion, hold monster
creature can only make this saving throw once per turn.
Formless Archon The Trickster
3rd-level Formless Spirit feature
You morph into a shapeless form of slime or an unspeakable The beings of the Feywild are known for their whimsical and
flowing mass of opaque ooze. When you transform into your ephemeral ways, often unpredictable to mortals. Most of the
Archon Form you use the Formless Archon stat block below: faerie are content to follow these self-imposed rules and only
interfere with mortals when they are approached. However,
the Fey known as Tricksters cannot help but spread discord
Formless Archon and need to be sealed away to limit the chaos they spread.
Medium Ooze (Shapechanger)
Seeds of Chaos
1st-level Trickster Spirit feature
Armor Class 13 + your Charisma modifier The Trickster bound to your soul infuses you with its chaotic
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. presence. You gain proficiency in Deception or Performance,
and whenever you make an ability check with either of these
Skills Deception +PB, Stealth +PB skills you can treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8. You
Damage Resistances acid, cold can also unerringly mimic any sounds or voices you hear.
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)
Languages Primordial, and any languages you know
Finally, your Iridescent Strikes deal psychic damage on hit.
Trickster Spells
Pseudopod. The Archon has a number of additional 2nd-level Trickster Spirit feature
pseudopods equal to your Constitution modifier. You learn the spells at the Vessel levels noted in the table
These pseudopods can only make Iridescent Strikes, below. These don't count against your total number of Spells
and have a reach of 10 feet. Attacks can target these
pseudopod limbs to attack the Archon directly.
Known and cannot be switched out when you gain a level.
Vessel Level Spells
Grasping Slime. When the Archon hits a creature with
an Iridescent Strike, it must succeed on a Dexterity 2nd charm person, disguise self
saving throw or be grappled by that limb. To escape 5th invisibility, misty step
this grapple, a creature must use its action to make
a Strength saving throw, escaping on a success. If a 9th hypnotic pattern, summon fey TCoE
pseudopod is grappling a creature it cannot attack. 13th charm monster XGtE, greater invisibility
17th dream, mislead
Consume Vitality
6th-level Formless Spirit feature Trickster Archon
You are driven by the endless hunger of your Spirit. When 3rd-level Trickster Spirit feature
you are in your Archon Form, you can use a bonus action to You take on a form that is elegant, whimsical, and terrifying,
force any creatures grappled by you to make a Constitution much like the powerful faerie. When you transform into your
saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d8 acid damage and Archon Form you use the Trickster Archon stat block below:
your current temporary hit points increase by an amount
equal to half of the acid damage dealt to all creatures.
This acid damage increases at certain Vessel levels: at Trickster Archon
9th (3d8), 13th (4d8), 17th (5d8), and 20th level (6d8). Medium Fey (Shapechanger)
Consume Strike
14th-level Formless Spirit feature Armor Class 11 + your Charisma modifier
Your Formless Spirit hungers for the power of your foes. Speed 30 ft.
When you are hit by an attack while you are in your Archon
Form, you can use your reaction to temporarily consume the Skills Deception +PB, Sleight of Hand +PB
memory of the attack. The first Iridescent Strike you make Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
before the end of your next turn morphs into a gelatinous Senses darkvision 60 ft.
mockery of the attack you consumed, and on hit, it deals the Languages Sylvan, and any languages you know
damage of the consumed attack along with any of its effects.
Disappearing Act. Once per turn when the Archon hits
Primordial Hunger a creature with an Iridescent Strike, it can force it to
20th-level Formless Spirit feature make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it cannot
You and the Formless Spirit bound to you have become one see, hear, smell, or sense the Archon in any way with
flesh, one spirit, and one unquenchable hunger. When you any of its senses until the start of your next turn.
are in your Archon Form you gain the following benefits: Juxtapose. As a bonus action, the Archon can force a
You assume the true appearance of your Formless Spirit. creature it can see within 60 feet to make a Charisma
You gain immunity to acid damage, and whenever you deal saving throw. On a failure, it instantly switches places
acid damage, you ignore resistance to acid damage and with the Archon. A creature can willingly fail the save.
you treat immunity to acid damage as resistance.
You gain the benefits of the freedom of movement spell.
Illusory Appearance
6th-level Trickster Spirit feature Unsealed Aspects
You can change your appearance to better sow chaos. You Below are the Unsealed Aspects available to a Vessel. If an
can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell slot. Aspect has a prerequisite you can learn it at the same time
This spell can change the appearance of your Archon Form. that you meet its prerequisites. Unsealed Aspects use your
Vessel spellcasting ability, attack modifier, and save DC.
Illusory Strikes
6th-level Trickster Spirit feature Disarming Voice
You can project potent illusions to attack your foes. Once per Your speech is enhanced by your Spirit. You gain proficiency
turn when you make an Iridescent Strike, you can create an in Deception or Persuasion, and you learn the friends spell.
illusory copy of yourself in an unoccupied space you can see Ethereal Tendril
within 30 feet. The illusory copy immediately makes a single As a bonus action, you can manifest an ethereal tendril from
Iridescent Strike against a target in range and disappears. any point on your body. It has a reach of 10 feet and it has a
Fey Retribution Strength score equal to your Charisma score. It cannot use
14th-level Trickster Spirit feature weapons or shields, but it can manipulate simple objects and
The power of the Trickster can reflect the magic of foes back be used to make Iridescent Strikes, shove, and grapple. You
onto them. If you succeed on a saving throw against a spell, can only have a single ethereal tendril manifested at a time,
you can use your reaction to force the spellcaster to make a and the tendril can be attacked as if it were part of you.
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is charmed by Minor Magicks
you as if by the charm person or charm monster spell. You can draw out small amounts of your Spirit's power. You
Once a creature is charmed by you in this way, it cannot be learn two of the following cantrips of your choice: dancing
charmed by this feature again until the following dawn. lights, mage hand, message, minor illusion, or thaumaturgy,
Lord of Mischief and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these cantrips.
20th-level Trickster Spirit feature Spirit Sense
You have learned to wield the whimsical and terrifying power The Spirit bound to you allows you to sense similar beings.
of your Trickster Spirit and can bend it to your will. When you When you see a Celestial, Elemental, Fey, or Fiend with a CR
are in your Archon Form you gain the following benefits: equal to your Vessel level or lower, you learn its creature type,
You assume the true appearance of your Trickster Spirit. its spellcasting ability, and the level of its highest spell.
When you use Illusory Strikes the range becomes 60 feet,
you can create up to three illusory copies of yourself, with Uncanny Strength
each of these copies making a single Iridescent Strike. The spiritual power you harbor within your body grants you
When you hit a creature with an Iridescent Strike it has inordinate bodily strength. You gain proficiency in Athletics,
disadvantage on the next Wisdom saving throw it makes. and whenever you would make a Strength (Athletics) check
you can make a Charisma (Athletics) check instead.
Iridescent Shield
Prerequisites: 2nd level Vessel
You can draw out spiritual power to deflect attacks. When a
creature you can see targets you, or a creature within 5 feet
of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to project a
shield of spirit from an empty hand and add your Charisma
modifier to the target's Armor Class against that attack.
Opalescent Armor
Prerequisites: 2nd level Vessel
You draw on the fortitude of your Spirit to protect
you. When you have temporary hit points, you gain
resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical and non-silvered attacks.
Otherworldly Maw
Prerequisites: 2nd level Vessel
You can channel the hunger of your Spirit to fuel your
life force. Once per turn when you hit a creature with
a melee Iridescent Strike, you can force it to make a
Charisma saving throw in place of dealing damage. On a
failure, it takes 2d6 necrotic damage, and your temporary hit
points increase by an amount equal to half the damage dealt.
Shimmering Lance
Prerequisite: 2nd level Vessel
You learn to project your spiritual strikes at great distance.
Whenever you make an Iridescent Strike, you can choose for
it to become a ranged spell attack with a range of 30 feet.
Vexing Strike
Prerequisites: 2nd level Vessel Spirit Familiar
The overwhelming spiritual magnetism of your Spirit draws Tiny Creature (type of your Archon Form)
in your foes. When you hit a creature with a melee Iridescent
Strike, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets Armor Class 8 + your Charisma modifier
other than you until the beginning of your next turn. Hit Points 5 + your Vessel level
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft.
Dire Stature
Prerequisites: 6th level Vessel STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
You can tap into the primordial stature of your Spirit. When 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
you transform into your Archon Form, you can choose for it
to grow by one size category if there is room. For example, Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
the Archon Form might grow from Medium to Large. Languages any spoken by your Archon Form
For each size category it is above Medium, the reach of
its melee attacks grows by 5 feet, its melee attacks deal an Hit Dice. The Spirit Familiar has a number of d4 Hit
additional 1d4 damage, and its Armor Class increases by 1. Dice equal to your Vessel level. It also gains all the
normal benefits of both short and long rests.
Ethereal Grasp
Prerequisite: 6th level Vessel, Uncanny Strength Vessel Bond. You add your PB to any ability checks
You can seize the spirits of others with your own enhanced or saving throws that your Spirit Familiar makes.
spiritual power. When you initiate a grapple with a Charisma Magic Resistance. The Spirit Familiar has advantage
(Athletics) check, the creature must succeed on a Charisma on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
(Acrobatics) or a Charisma (Athletics) check against your
Charisma (Athletics) check to escape from the grapple. Actions
Invisibility. The Spirit Familiar magically turns invisible
Evoke Spirit until it attacks, or until its concentration ends (as if
Prerequisite: 6th level Vessel concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the Spirit
You can release a minor form of the Spirit sealed within you. Familiar is wearing or carrying is invisible with it.
You learn the find familiar spell, it counts as a Vessel spell for
you, but it does not count against your total Spells Known. Spirit Strike. Melee Spell Attack: Your Spell Attack
When you cast find familiar it resembles a tiny version of Modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 +3
your Sealed Spirit, shares the creature type of your Archon, damage of the same type as your Iridescent Strike.
can attack on its turn, and uses the Spirit Familiar stat block:
Piercing Gaze Primeval Thirst
Prerequisite: 6th level Vessel, Spirit Sense Prerequisite: 9th level Vessel, Otherworldly Maw
Your enhanced eyes can see the absolute truth of the world The ancient being within you can absorb magic to restore its
around you. You gain a bonus to any Wisdom (Perception) vitality. When you are in Archon Form and a creature that you
checks you make equal to your Charisma modifier. can see within 60 feet casts a spell, you can expend a Vessel
You can also see through magical darkness, and you can Magic spell slot as a reaction to attempt to absorb the spell.
instantly detect the presence of illusions and shapeshifters. The caster of the triggering spell must immediately make a
saving throw using its spellcasting ability. On a failed save, its
Vengeful Spirit spell is dispelled as if by counterspell, and if it was cast using
Prerequisite: 6th level Vessel, Iridescent Shield a spell slot of a level equal to your Vessel Magic spell slots or
The Spirit within you drives you to revenge. When you use higher, you regain one expended Vessel Magic spell slot.
Iridescent Shield and the triggering attack misses its target,
you can make a single Iridescent Strike against the attacker Sundering Strike
as part of the same reaction if the attacker is within range. Prerequisite: 9th level Vessel
Your strikes assault the body and soul of your foes. When you
Dazzling Burst hit a creature with two Iridescent Strikes in one turn, you can
Prerequisite: 9th level Vessel, Shimmering Lance force it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it
You can project immense power. When you turn an Iridescent cannot cast spells or use any other magical features, as if it
Strike into a ranged spell attack the range becomes 120 feet. were in an antimagic field until the start of your next turn.
Moreover, when you hit a target with a ranged Iridescent
Strike, you can expend a Vessel Magic spell slot to create an Aether Wings
explosion of spiritual power at the point of impact. Creatures Prerequisites: 15th level Vessel
within 30 feet of the point must make Dexterity saving throw. You can manifest spectral wings reminiscent of the Sealed
They take 6d6 damage of the type of your Iridescent Strike Spirit bound to your soul. Both you and your Archon Form
on a failed save, and half as much damage on a success. gain a 60-foot flying speed and can hover while flying.
As you gain Vessel levels the damage of the explosion on
impact increases: at 13th level (7d6) and 17th level (8d6) Primordial Bulwark
Prerequisites: 15th level Vessel, Opalescent Armor
Perilous Visage You draw forth the primordial defensive power of the ancient
Prerequisite: 9th level Vessel Spirit that dwells in you. Your Archon Form gains resistance
You can reveal a fraction of your Sealed Spirit's true power, to all damage except for force, psychic, and radiant damage.
horrifying all who behold it. When you transform into Archon
Form, you can force creatures of your choice that can see you Titanic Archon
within 60 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, Prerequisites: 15th level Vessel, Dire Stature
creatures are frightened of you for 1 minute. The appearance of your Archon Form inspires legends and
A creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each myths. When you transform into your Archon Form, it can
of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If the creature is become Huge in size if there is room for it to do so. It gains
still able to see you it has disadvantage on its saving throw. all the benefits to its reach, melee damage, and Armor Class
from Dire Stature when it transforms in this way.
Vessel Spell List Vessel Spells
Below are the spells available to a Vessel. They are organized The following spells are available for a Vessel to choose from.
by spell level and are from the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's The spells are presented in order of ascending spell level.
Guide to Everything*, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything**. Ethereal Anchor
Any spells marked with a V are exclusive to the Vessel and 1st-level evocation
can be found at the end of the Vessel class description. Casting Time: 1 action
1st-Level 3rd-Level Range: 60 feet
absorb elements* bestow curse Components: V, S, M (a silver nail)
armor of agathys blink Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
arms of hadar clairvoyance You hurl a bolt of pure spirit at a creature within range. Make
bane dispel magic a ranged spell attack against your target. On hit, it takes 3d6
cause fear* fear radiant damage and for the duration, its speed is reduced to 0
charm person fly as it is pinned in place by the spiritual bolt. As an action on its
command gaseous form turn, the creature can make a Strength saving throw against
compelled duel haste your Spell save DC, ending the spell on a success.
detect evil & good hunger of hadar At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
detect magic intellect fortress** slot of 2nd level or higher, the radiant damage increases by
dissonant whispers life transference* 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
entangle nondetection
ethereal anchor V protection from energy Flame Whip
faerie fire slow 2nd-level evocation
false life speak with dead Casting Time: 1 attack
feather fall spectral passage V Range: Self
fog cloud spirit shroud** Components: V, S, M (a charred wooden hilt)
hellish rebuke thunder step* Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
inflict wounds vampiric touch In place of an attack, you can evoke a whip of pure flame in a
jump free hand, that lasts for the duration. If you let go of the whip,
longstrider 4th-Level
it disappears, but you can evoke this Flame Whip again in
protection from evil & good banishment place of another attack without expending a spell slot.
sanctuary black tentacles Whenever you could make an attack, you can instead make
sleep blight a melee spell attack with your Flame Whip against one target
thunderwave charm monster* within 10 feet that you can see. On hit, it takes fire damage
witch bolt confusion equal to 1d10 + your spellcasting modifier, and if the target is
death ward Large or smaller you can instantly grapple it with the Whip.
2nd-Level dimension door
alter self divination You cannot attack with the Whip while it is grappling a
augury elemental bane creature, but a grappled creature takes 1d10 fire damage at
blindness/deafness fire shield the start of its turn and can use its action to make a Strength
blur freedom of movement check against your spell save DC, escaping on a success.
crown of madness greater invisibility While in your hand, your Flame Whip sheds bright light in
darkness phantasmal killer a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
darkvision polymorph At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
detect thoughts shadow of moil* slot of 4th level or higher, both instances of fire damage dealt
enhance ability sickening radiance* increase by 1d10 for every two slot levels above 2nd.
enlarge/reduce Spectral Passage
enthrall 5th-Level
3rd-level transmutation
flame whip V arcane hand
hold person circle of power Casting Time: 1 action
invisibility cloudkill Range: Touch
magic aura contact other plane Components: V, S, M (an object a spirit has passed through)
mind spike* contagion Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
mind whip** destructive wave You touch a willing creature. Until the spell ends, it becomes
misty step dispel evil & good semi-incorporeal and can move through other creatures and
see invisibility enervation* objects as if they were difficult terrain. If the creature ends its
shadow blade* far step* movement inside another object or creature, it is immediately
silence geas shunted to the nearest unoccupied space, taking 1d10 force
spider climb hold monster damage for every 5 feet it was forced to travel.
suggestion scrying At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
warding wind* skill empowerment* slot of 4th-level or higher, you can target one additional
web wall of light* creature for each slot level above 3rd.
The Vessel
Channel the power of the otherworldly Spirit
bound to your soul with this new class for 5e!
Channel the ancient and overwhelming power of
six Sealed Spirits and their Unsealed Aspects:
Artist Credits:
Covers - Aaron Miller - Enlightened Tutor
Page 1 - Campbell White - Radiant Restraints
Page 3 - Stanton Feng - Vindictive Efreet
Page 4 - C. Sheppard - Prophetic Flamespeaker
Page 5 - Chris Dien - Halaster
Page 6 - Livia Prima - Force of Gale
Page 7 - Piotr Dura - Seismic Mountain
Page 8 - Grafit Studio - Havoc Devils
Page 9 - Josua Raphael - Angel of Unity
Page 10 - Jehan Choo - Sluurk, All Ingesting
Page 12 - Campbell White - Reduce to Memory
Page 13 - Jesper Ejsing - the Dawnwaker
Page 14 - Micah Epstein - Crackle with Power