Newsletter Oct 11
Newsletter Oct 11
Newsletter Oct 11
The year is already in full swing!
One of our classroom jobs is Gardener. Room 12s Gardeners have done a wonderful job of keeping our potted plants happy this year.
Our Reading Jar has already been lled! I am extremely impressed with our avid readers. Lets see how long it takes to rell our jar!
We are beginning our rst research report of the year. The topic - states! This is a great way to get a better understanding of the states and capitals that students have been studying with Mrs. Hastings. Students will spend time learning and practicing proper paragraph format (ask them about those reds, yellows, and greens!). They will
also learn how to cite materials and will put this skill to use when they write their rst bibliographies. Soon they will type their reports on the fth grade wiki and receive feedback from other students. In this way, the resulting reports should be thoroughly edited and free of errors upon turn-in.
I have seen many wonderful comments between parents and students regarding projects, activities, and fun events. Remember, the goal of the Parent
Communication Folder is to foster discussion and awareness between parent and child. Thank you for participating. The students greatly benet from your supportive input!
THE SIGN OF THE BEAVER We have begun our rst class book - The Sign of the Beaver. This classic story focuses on the life of Matt, a thirteen-year-old boy holding down the fort in rural Maine in the late 1700s. While his father journeys to Massachussettes to get his mother and sisters, Matt encounters and interacts with the local Native Americans. To his surprise, he discovers that they are a wise and generous people, and has the opportunity to share some of his knowledge with them, as well. Your child should be taking home their book about three times a week for readings. They need to arrive at school prepared to discuss the readings and to share questions and insights. This has been a favorite class read in years past. I hope that this years students enjoy it as much as I do! STATES AND CAPITALS
BUDDY CLASS We are so lucky to have Mrs. Amarnaths third grade as our buddy class! Once a month we invite our third grade buddies to join us in Room 12 to complete an assignment together. Our rst assignment involved creating a venn diagram of the similarities and differences between ourselves and our buddies. It was amazing to see how many things 5th and 3rd graders share, as well as to appreciate the differences between them.
October Schedule
6-14 Parent-Teacher
Conferences (days end at 12:30pm) 19 Nicks B-day! 29 Samars B-day! 28 Halloween Parade 31 No School (Staff Learning Day)
E a c h y e a r, I a m
impressed by the maturity my students show as they present their 8-Intelligences, work samples and goals with their parents. This year was no exception. Students made insightful observations about their learning styles and areas needing improvement. Remember to look for your childs Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 goals in the December report card envelope, as well as the notes taken during the conference.
SPECTRA IS OFF TO A GREAT START T h a n k y o u to A z m e h Malik and Liz Bandermann f o r t e a c h i n g Ro o m 1 2 s SPECTRA Art. Students had a blast in their rst art session and really let their artistic juices ow. They started o the year with human proportion and movement. SPECTRA is truly a wo n d e r f u l t h i n g to l o o k forward to mid-week!
Students have moved into their 50 states and capitals unit in Social Studies! They are busy memorizing all 50 states, moving through them region by region (east to west) through songs, mnemonics, projects and ash cards. Quizzes will build upon each other, each new quiz including the states and capitals of the last. Visit the wiki to watch the Animaniacs musical clip for some sing-song memorization help!!