CD PrintPlay Cards
CD PrintPlay Cards
CD PrintPlay Cards
© Fun to 11 2013
Tall Keep 4 Tall Keep 4 Tall Keep 4
6 6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6
Tall Keep costs 1 less of Tall Keep costs 1 less of Tall Keep costs 1 less of
each resource for each each resource for each each resource for each
6 6 6
Wall you have. Wall you have. Wall you have.
5 5 5
5 5 5
5 5 5
Strong Tower costs 1 less Strong Tower costs 1 less Strong Tower costs 1 less
2 Wood, Stone and Gold for 2 Wood, Stone and Gold for 2 Wood, Stone and Gold for
each wall you have each wall you have each wall you have
5 2 2
5 4 4
2 2
2 2 2
4 4 4
2 2 2
2 3 3
If you have 3 If you have 3
Farmers at the Merchants at the
end of the game, end of the game,
gain 1 Victory gain 1 Victory
Point. Point.
3 3 3
1 3 3
3 1 1
1 1
3 3 3
1 1 1
1 1 1
Pick one extra Choice Pick one extra Choice Pick one extra Choice
die to roll each turn die to roll each turn die to roll each turn
1 2 2
1 2 2
Once per turn, when you Once per turn, when you
Pick one extra Choice gather an Animal, you gather an Animal, you
die to roll each turn 2 may choose to get ONE of 2 may choose to get ONE of
that die’s resource instead. that die’s resource instead.
Deep Moat 2 Deep Moat 2 Great Hall 3
3 3
2 2 4
2 2 4
Once per turn, when you Once per turn, when you
gather an Animal, you gather an Animal, you
2 may choose to get ONE of 2 may choose to get ONE of 2
that die’s resource instead. that die’s resource instead.
4 4 4
4 4 4
2 2 2
2 2 2
Play instead of gathering. Play before your first gather. Play before your first gather.
Gain 1 of each resource where Gather one extra time for Gather one extra time for
you have a guard. each Wall you have. each Wall you have.
Play before you gather. Choose Play before you gather. Choose Play before you gather. Choose
one; either your gather this round one; either your gather this turn one; either your gather this turn
counts as a Pork Chop, or perform counts as a Pork Chop, or perform counts as a Pork Chop, or perform
the Villager Choice ability. the Villager Choice ability. the Villager Choice ability.
Play before you gather. Choose Play before you pick your Choice Play before you pick your Choice
one; either your gather this turn dice. Add 5 to the number of dice. Add 5 to the number of
counts as a Pork Chop, or perform Choice dice you get to pick this Choice dice you get to pick this
the Villager Choice ability. turn instead of rolling the fixed turn instead of rolling the fixed
dice on the Turn Tracker. dice on the Turn Tracker.
Loyal Brother Alchemist
Play before you pick your Choice Play during the Build phase. Roll one
dice. Add 5 to the number of of each die. Lower the cost of any one
Choice dice you get to pick this card you want to build this turn by
turn instead of rolling the fixed the results (Animals and Barbarians
dice on the Turn Tracker. you roll have no effect.)
Jester Jester Jester Bard 1 Bard 1 Bard 1
1st 1st 1st
Play before your gather. Play before your gather. Play before your gather.
All players re-roll their All players re-roll their All players re-roll their Reveal this card at the Reveal this card at the Reveal this card at the
Barbarians. You may give Barbarians. You may give Barbarians. You may give end of the game. It gives end of the game. It gives end of the game. It gives
any barbarians you roll any barbarians you roll any barbarians you roll you 1 Victory Point you 1 Victory Point you 1 Victory Point
to another player. to another player. to another player.
Maiden Maiden Maiden Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd
1st 1st 1st
Play before you gather. Play before you gather. Play before you gather. Play before your first gather. Play before your first gather. Play before your first gather.
Discard any number of Discard any number of Discard any number of Choose one type of Animal. Choose one type of Animal. Choose one type of Animal.
Castle and/or Village cards Castle and/or Village cards Castle and/or Village cards All other players give All other players give All other players give
to draw the same number to draw the same number to draw the same number you all of that Animal you all of that Animal you all of that Animal
from either deck(s). from either deck(s). from either deck(s). type they have. type they have. type they have.
Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Hungry Hungry Hungry
Barbarians Barbarians Barbarians
1st 1st 1st
Play during your Build phase. Play during your Build phase. Play during your Build phase.
This card stays in play and This card stays in play and This card stays in play and Play before your first gather. Play before your first gather. Play before your first gather.
counts as an extra Wall counts as an extra Wall counts as an extra Wall Choose two types of Animals. Choose two types of Animals. Choose two types of Animals.
when other cards reference the when other cards reference the when other cards reference the All players must discard all of All players must discard all of All players must discard all of
number of Walls you have. number of Walls you have. number of Walls you have. those two types of Animals. those two types of Animals. those two types of Animals.
Merchant Merchant Merchant
3 3 3
3 3 3
2 2
Guard Guard Guard
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
1 1 1
Farmer Farmer Farmer
2 2 2
1 1 1
Play before you gather. Reroll Play before you gather. Reroll Play before you gather. Reroll
all of your Barbarians into all of your Barbarians into all of your Barbarians into
the world, keeping any that the world, keeping any that the world, keeping any that
come up as Barbarians again. come up as Barbarians again. come up as Barbarians again.
Play before you gather. Reroll Play before you gather. Reroll Play before you gather. Reroll
all of your Barbarians into all of your Barbarians into all of your Barbarians into
the world, keeping any that the world, keeping any that the world, keeping any that
come up as Barbarians again. come up as Barbarians again. come up as Barbarians again.
Soldier Worker Worker
1 1
2 2
1 1 1
2 2 2
1 1 1
2 2 2
Wise Grandfather Wise Grandfather Wise Grandfather
Play before you gather. Gather one Play before you gather. Gather one Play before you gather. Gather one
extra time this round. After you’ve extra time this round. After you’ve extra time this round. After you’ve
collected resources from both of your collected resources from both of your collected resources from both of your
gatherings, roll those two dice back gatherings, roll those two dice back gatherings, roll those two dice back
into the world pool. into the world pool. into the world pool.
Play before you gather. Gather one Play instead of gathering. Play instead of gathering.
extra time this round. After you’ve The next player chooses a Villager The next player chooses a Villager
collected resources from both of your type that you have room for. type that you have room for.
gatherings, roll those two dice back
into the world pool. You get that one for free! You get that one for free!
© Fun to 11 2013 © Fun to 11 2013 © Fun to 11 2013